HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-6-20, Page 4...,....�. - -- 1
THURSDAY. ffaNE z0 tote
tellers from Overseas
Daatt are tura there -O.rce doh. 1
wish. In ., c l y,+ u fete i1ue,, telling
you for haunt is Med-Mass. I and
also enjoy lr, my raf immeneely. The
Military ,v: lea te- ealue altos, with
a Pew hay the and of course they
;levet. have 1't offer (h .1111• pass twice.
That i+ one thing the .soldiers nevet
hick ab,nrt, my when trying to get
leave. The weal het hat, be:ell real
Title Willi to day .01(1 wr have had it
real Leavy Seaten inlet, Much the
.same a+, a. rain. However it is Bat' to
he here told tea in camp when it is
wet. Have meeed atom shoruetitte,
"-there we were. but int to a better
place The nest ur rte will be hack to
home )lit some e trenches. a, t I n
too. Ihping this finds you and yours
in the hest of health and with good
wishest•' 1.`:l elle tn•nnhers of the I. O.
O. F. Lodge, I remain,
Fraternally yr. urs,
PTE. J. Ktaxtfta-NELL,
' Cit, I1th Cart. Reserve,
Srerth Camp, Seaford,
Sussex, hug.
I:T' 1.)R .1.1s t. F1;COREB
' a -•
Edwin Mark It ou non t i poen) 111 fot,
a meetlag of the I it eltuitional Confer-
eatee "t 11"„tiree \Vat kers in which
these lines Crout' ] - ^^"'^�
Flelpl4cel In Sed 'With Rheumatism
"O MI-!thals, wit veer 1'o!s,;r-1 c;+c� 4, :a
Until He Took "FRUIT•A-TIVES".
TO feed the awful lid/agar of the guns
Khat is the motth of ail these battle
If front the field the laved matt' never
eo titer
What all hose p iii 10 sat,aar t„ the
If an y'nly at. a{•, ,tato• for; lien
gI ave r"
"nth. TRs'LY l NS 1.1 `,l! alt+Te EE',
A> n vac
i In
' (tet 171 1e.t.a
! 1
• t 4e m S
"God gave 3
Christ died far him, and lie sec+'uta be
A. lean for C hriet. lir is his own,
And God s and Matt ; not mine alum-,
He was not whir tit love." Ile gave
Himself that he might Itelp to save
All that a Christian should revere,
311 that enlightened men hold dear,
"To feed the gutta" -Oil : torpid soul
Awake and see fife as a whole,
When fleeting), honor. justice, right,
Were threatened by the despot's
Brussels Soldier Writes might.
With heart aflame and soul alight,
He brave}y went for C=od to fi-ht,
From France, Agafust base savages. Ivhose pride
The laws of God acid man defied ; •
The following letter has been receiv-
ed Ly 'tars• Fletcher Roe, front her son
Whitfield, now serving in France
Ds.:tR MDTHER t --Just a few lines to
»c you knots- how I am. Dill you re-
•-e,1yE the 4,110 ft Lan that fellow in
Sramshot, t abnnt ale : I scent
to France an Mlarch 5th, hat did not
let you know as I thought it would
worry you, bat after I got "scratched
up" it little I thonght 1t was best to
write you and let you know I am in
France. Howeveravet1
'm all right C
it didn't hurt me much and will soott
be better, I don't want you to worry
hg) 1 am (ening my bit what a good
many are not (Irma and the war won't
last much longer I think. I sent my
letters to Bramehot and got Corp.
White to send them on to you from
there so you would not know I was
here, but wnnld think I was in Eng-
land know you can't et me
and vet. u g
7 y
out now and more than that I don't
want to get out till the infernal Hun
is completely crushed and that won't
be long now. How is papa getting
along with the work. Try and stick
it ont for I are fighting for that land,
Now if you don't receive any letters
for probably a week don't worry for
that won't do any good and I'm all
right here.
Yours truly,
Brussels School Board
Regular meeting of Brussels School
Board WAS held last Friday evening.
All members present, D. C, Ross in
the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and
Miss Jardine tendered her resigna-
tion as assistant teacher in the Con-
tinuation School, to take effect at
close of term. On motion of R.
Leatherdale and J, Fox the same was
Moved by Jno. Cunningham, sec-
onded by Jno. Logan that B. S. Scott,
Principal, be granted an increase of
$100 on salary, commencing Sept. 1st,
which will make salary $1400 per year.
and Miss Flo. Buohanates salary be
increased to$650.00. Carried. Moved
by R. Leatherdale, seconded by Jas..
Fox that we advertise for a successor
to MIiss Jardine, nffering a salary of
$750.00. Carried.
Board then adjourned.
Typewriting Honors
The degree of "Order of Artistic
Typists" has been conferred by the
Gregg Publishing Co. of New York
city upon the following students of
the Spotton Business College of Wing -
ham ;-MIisses Hilda Cowell, Wing -
ham ; Katie Sutherland, Ripley ;
Kathleen Wilkinson, Wingham ;
Mabel Harrington, Ripley; Viola
Hartman, Listowel ; Sadie McDonald,
Lttcknow • Wilda Oehorne, Ripley ;
Alba Walker, Winghean t Elizabeth
Currie, Winghatn ; Luella McCool,
Wingham ; Margaret Gillies, Luck -
now ; Molly Lyon, Shelburne.
The Spottml Business College stu-
dents have this year been able to
carry off honors in practically every
test in Shorthand, Typewriting and
Penmanship that has been given in
Canada and United States. We wish
these young people continued success,
Morris Council
Council tract in the Township
Hail Monday, May 27th. Minutes of
last meeting read and approved. J. J.
McCaughey reported that the Mc-
Caughey Drain was in need of repair.
Motion by Fear-•-•Yuill, that Clerk be
instructed to write to the Military
uathnritiee at Lmulan, and find out
if faimere sons' with exemptions are
6110Wed to work on Mlunicfpal Drains
for the township when the coutract
was awarded before the Military Ser-
viee Aot came into force. The Math-
er's Drain report was read and on
motion of Elston -Fear, was provision.
ally adopted,
Bryant Drain report was read and
on motion by Procter-Yuill was pro-
visionally adopted. The report on
the Mille Drain was read and owing
to some changes in construction being
aeked report was left over until next
Court of Revision on A.seessment
Roll was adjourned until next meet-
1pI tesponee to t1. request from 0,
Campbell, the Council met at the
Stone school bridge to see conditions
eaused by Spring freshets and decided
that the damage caused was se small,
in colnphriaon to the cast of setnedy
Who slew the Mother and her Child,
••1Vhn maidens sweet and pore defiled.
Tie did not go "to feed the guns,"
Tae went to gave from ruthless Huns
His haute and country, and to he
A gnardtart of democracy.
What if he does not come" you sty ;
Alt, well t MIs airy would bemeee grey.
But through the clouds the sun Wnullt
And vital metnnries be aline.
Gaul's test of manhood, is i know,
1 he d-n1e but will he g(+'
. t will
My son knew well that he might (lie,
And yet he went with pot pose high,
Tn fight fre peeve, cold nverthtmv
The plans foe Christ's relentless foe.
He dreaded not the battle Beall ;
He went to make fierce vandals yield.
If he entries not again to me
I shall be sad, but not that he
Went like a roan -a hero true -
His art ur
1 to do.
My heart will feel exultant pride
That for humanity he died.
"Forgotten grave I" This selfish plea
Awakes no deep response in me.
For though his grave i may not see,
My boy will ne'erfnrgotten be.
My real son can never die ;
'Tis but his body that may lie
In foreign land, and I shall keep
Rememberanae fond forever, deep,
Within my heart of my true son,
Because of triumphs that he won.
It matters not where anyone
May lie and sleep when work is done.
"It matters not where some men live,
If my dear son his life must give, •
Hosannas I will sing fnr him, I •
E'en thnugh my eyes with tears be ! Y
dire, ( •
R.R. No. 1, Lorne, Ont,
"For over three years, I was
confined to bed with Rheumatism.
During that time, I had treatment
from a number of doctors, and tried
nearly everything I saw advertised to
cure Rheumatism, without receiving
any benefit,
Finally, I decided to try (Fruit-a-
tives". Before I had used half a box,
I noticed an 'improvement ; the pain
was not so severe, and the swelling
started to go down.
T eoatiqued taking /hi:Irate rlo•r
digins, improving all the time, and
now I can walk about two miles and
do light chores about the place".
O o -
for ... trial size .roe.
50c, a box, 6 $ 50,
At all dealers or sent postpaid on
receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives
Limited, Ottawa,
Basil Wallace spent a few days at
home in .Morris, prior to reporting for
military duty ut thee States
on July
at. He expects
to go 1tite camp
Okla. -There passed away at her
home, 7th line Morris, Saturday, Slh
inst., Jane B. O.ttbelt, beloved wife of
J. T, McCaughey, after a serious ill-
ness of 2 months duration. The late
Mars. McCaughey was a daughter' of the
hate Thos. and Alva Carbeet, Hullett,
•et•• •• AO.i60 ••••O••••••••0.9
Sam Weinstein
And when the war is over, when
This gallant comrades come again.
I'll cheer them as they're marching
Rejoicing that they slid not die.
And his vacant place T see,
My heart will bound with joy that he
Was mine so long, my fair young son -
And cheer for hint, whose woek is
Greater significance is given to
these lines by Dr. Hughes by the fact
that his own son was killed in action
some time ago and now lies buried in
that the matter should be left over,
Following accounts were paid. -
Municipal World, supplies $6.79 ; P.
Rutlege, putting in culvert and tak-
ing out logs $7.00: R. H, Garniss,
drawing, putting in the and work
$155.50. T. McCallum refund on road,
work, Lot 20 Con. 8, $600.
Council then ad;1 onrned to meet on
Monday, June WI, 1919.
Lead b u Ty
4 LEGS -A freak chicken was hatch-
ed at W. S. Forbes' that had 4 legs.
It lived a week. The extra pedttls
were behind the usual legs. In walk-
ing the surplus legs moved but were
not long enough to teach tetra firma.
The chicken was white Leghorn bleed.
If 4 legged chickens are to he raised
garden owners will have to wire fence
their pints as even a 2legged old hen
can carry on great destruction when
so inclined.
THE POST gives the news, 75 cents
gets it up to January 1st 101.9.
Oliver and Norman Omuta, London,
were holidaying at A, Proctor's, 4th,
line, last week, and put in agood Brite.
kinson, eldest son of late Chas, Wil•
kineon,4lh line, left F'titlay for the mil•
ltary camp at London, Iiefo'e leaving
he was presented with a safety razor
accompanied by the following ad -
(trees ;-
FRIEND. -We, your. neighbors and
friends, knowing of your departure
front the neighborhood to the Militat•y
Service, and knowing the esteem in
which you are held by IA ask ynu to
accept this Safety Razor as a small
token of our appreeiation towards you,
Our prayer is that you will be long
spared to uee it, and that one Heaven-
ly Father will keep an ever guiding
eye on you in this terrible struggle
for freedom, and that you will return
safe and mend. Signed on behalf of
your neighbour.
We sincerely trust he may be spared
to nice rnore become a reeident of
Morris after doin his duty ea a loyal
sort of Canada, Good Irick to you El -
Successor to e
M. Yolleck •
Is prepared to pay the
highest price for
Scrap iron,
Wool Wanted
Highest price paid. See
me before you sell.
Write or Phone 62z
•4*it ••••••oa•••s•• e0•+P®@A
�ylWFe•5l•.,,...__.sees o'l(,ttt .
ttf ret.,art+er r++m.4!r:.k
anl.,,:ie 1..:i %Ittt•.wn ill tig tr.
also. 1piii 22ial, 1901, alit ttttrnunTied
to J T. Mrl'am.liey, awl :duet. aisle
hrl h uu' in Mot i,. Nhe WAS much
e -tee turd iu the ue;ghbot hued iu whieh
she litea fur atony yetis. 13eaitmshet
llusb,Lid, ,be leases to mourn het lose,
:i la, [Lett, m.12 sistrts, ualnl It .
hew t ett 'a'1' 1•tlltt..
MI»kap 91 t .ltllrtt, 11.] ,
and Jelin, t'lintan ; Mts. I,. ,1, ale
ti `'t tto a'1. ll :cued llls..1„1.
C'engbmy, til +•t ahem have deep syn,
paths !it thele t.ermavinlellt. FIE Bel 81
took latce oh Monday, the utuaios
being takes tet 4t. 11 WIMP', l'iwrel',
Blyth, wlot.- H„h Mas utas gait) by
Rev. Pr. Hogan, after aWell inlet-
mentvas )oath• i++ t11 l{. C eetueteey,
Mortis. Pall heel •,s1.he,m--,1nlorCat •
beet, Clinton : auk- .saaatrle-, Strata
Brussels Studio
All Photographs, b'rrtmes,Stnrk, ,t-
ke., will be sold at reduced +
prices. +
Studio open each week
Closing June 29th r
Now i, the time to helve your +
Photo taken at PRiCES LC W. +
+ •M
tard t a :1. MaCa ehey, Peter Rea; v,
Pat. Kelly and W. C trnninghahl, alma
t is,
1`on•!odd p Couuril Wiil nick next
moolinv 24th hist, Court of Revision
will be held no sante date Oil the
„s • •1
111th ) t Drain 1 lit••Idety,
d )J1 1 Mrs. Alta I{ Aloe,' , til 1 uul ll R.
1 1{ t
T. alttedonald, of 131igdeu, wet wel-
come visitots tor A short Willie with
their permits, Henry and Mrs. Jack•
sou, lord other relaliPes and ftieudr, _
11'm ale pleased to see (le,t1.14.•
Proctor, StL lien•, able to get tthoot
nater his extended illness, and it list
lot nun• resin be its well its ever. lits
eyesight lent hers hint yet considerably,
l,tsrnoe•l. Mts. %fate 13i yam; weal
!" Tillsmuhurg to attend the funeral
of Lel loolbel, 1CIu, Pennein, who
died Thurstley, aged 65 years. lie
WA.; in failing health for the past fete
mouths, rrotti causer, 111 rs, firttlu•is,
a eon and 3 ditughlers survive. Fun•
era'tank place Saturday aftertroon,
Rev. Dr, Benson, Conducting the ser -
vier' 1 err sed nos fine
R a
tll whose demise IS deeply re Iel(e1
JOINED THE Coamts.-Anrong the
atm vis township boys who have gone
to train al London is J. 0, Procter, suit
of Chas. Procter, 4th line. By way of
giving visual peonf of being remember-
ed a floe gold wrist watch was present-
ed to him, together with this explanta
tory, add l ess •r-
EN -We, you], nneles, E(Unts, and
roushcs, Irish to show in some way
their deep interest in you on your de-
parture to the :Military Service from
amongst us and ask you to accept this
Wrist \Vetchtts a small token of the
kindly feeling that has existed among
the Procter lelationship, Our hope
and prayer• is that you will be long
spared to enjoy it and that our
fleavelt. Father „toy nt•ide east
gaunt] you in that you gill Lo : pat ell
to return anlongsi ns again and enjoy
the union !hitt talies plata, at list test
and l'wisUnas tittle. Sigma on be-
half of your relat ante,
AN!, Apr; l'uot roa.
Carl will iin his duty we feel sine
wherever he tufty be rota !nice, with
111111 the ffmod Wl'lhry of Ilie ur
After a period of two yeers without c1.
rector for St, Alban's church, Atwood.
Rev, j. IL McLeod, Chatsworth, hos
been appointed by Bishop Williams.
He commenced his duties Sunday. At
one time tier. McLeod was rector of Mlil-
vertou and Triuity church, alma,
Farmerst.f •. � Grey
If wanting to buy Impletnenls its
mei Cost Price as possible call uu
me personally, No need of pay-
ing all agent. and head agent to
drive the toads snlieiting oldere,
which you do it buying front
thein I sell the M1ceormick end
of the international limenf Imple-
ments, and Oliver Plows, Oil En.
ginesand Tritiums. Call on me
and save Lig money.
David Milne - Ethel But,
aTit k .'
JL./ 1'-•�
N June 22nd, Saturday, every man and
woman resident dent in a Ca od
n who is 16
years and over, must attend at one of the
places provided for registration, between the hours of 7 a.m. and
10 p.m., and there truthfully answer all the questions set forth upon the registration card.
Upon signing the card, vouching for the accuracy of the answers, the man or woman
will receive a Registration Certificate, as shown below, which must be carried upon the
person thereafter.
Why the Certificate is so Important
For failure to regititer a maximum fine of $100 and
one month's imprisonment is provided, also an added
penalty of $10 for each day the person remains
unregistered after June 22nd.
Persons remaining unregistered cannot lawfully be
employed, and cannot draw wages for work done
after June 22nd. Employers who keep unregistered
persons in their employ will be liable for fines equal
in amount to those recoverable from the unregistered
Unregistered persons cannot lawfully purchase
transportation tickets, and may find themselves
Don't Fail to Register.
This Certificate is
YOUR Protection.
Get it and Carry tto
barred from travelling on railroads, steamboats, etc.
Similarly they may be denied board and lodging at
any hotel, restaurant, public house or boardinghouse.
In a word -All persons remaining unregistered, and
all persons having dealings with unregistered
persons, knowing them to be such, incur heavy
penalties under the law.
anon 'goara ,t
int= i 1 a
pada ReSiatr NUMoae ;1
Ca {{
lhn .;a e t t a Th 1
uP :,tfl d p=
r�,•;,"��'' IS`r O° of A CE •fiFY Ttl T
r R
- ..............................
6p� 5141 reCtstar°dtor the nattonalT 1918
"n "5141"tit.................... •
wasdulY "•'��
Aay p4 ..........
sees. ..........
..... Y Re$s{'ar
et Canada tbta.....•..•.•. • sees. Deptet ._
Issued by authority of
Canada Registration Board
The Clydesdale Stallion - Meaburn 2nd (1706 9)
MEABURN 2ND [r7o69] ;
MEABURN 2Nn 0.70091,
Enrolment No. 4704. Form
black, with face and both hind legs white ;
Brussels, Ontario.
Meaburn im 13710
DAM]• -•-
`Ruby (Impa 128788)
foaled June 3oth, 1914 ; bred by Henry Bone,
Prince Thomas [4026]
Fyvie'e Pricle [0647)
Lady Douglas [12067]
Ardlethen [4048] (11246)
Princess Alexanclea
Karoo Ruby [1.0045]
Queen of Quality 1229181
Jaaggie (18207)
Barml's Pride [8067]
( 122)
Ruby of Ohapell on
11.0181] (13850)
Prince of Quality (LU[21731
!Carina [6658] (12818) ea.
(8it''l+hnmae (imp.) [0821. (Castlereagh [8040] (10324)
1 (91381) (7 Iashwood 12000Lawrence 4(30048780)
(Comely [6711] (10704)„a Vitiate [5712) 161 ) ( )
(Baron's ]'ride [8087] Stir Everard [80661085M
1 (01.22) 1.'Forest Queen 142081(7288)
(Rosie ere COmptitnetld Macgregor [4486] (1457)
00o enol Lovely and '10058](1600)
(Geld Nfine [[404] (osss) (Gold find er [2907] (6807) rr
'j Ml,of Lei then hall {'210081(13587)
(Quenu of Hearts [0514] Darttley's liven [70071 (5007)
13269) Il rincess [0515] (6365)
(Prince Alexander (imp) {'Prince of whales [46001 (073)
[08de (8599) Temie Black [31 641 ova
(Darling EtarlHyndfm+d [0628] (7676)
aSusie, by .Earl Grange (860)
(Sir Rverard [8006] (6868) (Tt'pgallant (1S6Uj
Rosie of IZilllel'larr [8210) (71137)
(PerestQueen [•12581. JSpringhill Dlon'y [7002] (2120)
7283 1Forest Movie [4254] (4.711'0)
rlylash vooci's Best 8634; aFlashwnnd [2909] 9604)
(981I) `Y' F. of Bng.house[88801(6808)
�JPI'1119e I'tObel't [2891 (71116)
(R,nbina (0901) (12182),.,. ]Heroine [4A48] (862)
Cedric (imp,.12262](1087)j Prince of .Wales [4609] (678)
ir 1Tinockclntr Ma gin .[4076] (8U8)
(Jeanie TT,ey (imp,) [23011 Darnley [449i�(222)
(11798; LFly of L nngehnt 286181 (2912)
OPLti011m0t'e Darn ep Darnley (56911 (222)
(tarp) [21 271(68071 � irinra (134661 (893)
(Mabel of elendrte [66601 Glendri (863)
(0036)Olendre Comely 105601(2880)
..._.._..__.__._.. __.�.__.....--_.�..........__.__-....._.._...� sees.__
This well bled Stallion will stated for service during the season at his own stable, Lot 20, Con, 3, Morris.
HENRY BONE, Proprietor
sl. al i l 1ENIO l ;ebb s.d to the Post"
r ter , ()flown
hr 1 11 1 al 1 H
t 1 I
men , t t
antil o' n n 1,1 elay the `I 1.1 elf th day of July,
]tOs,lm the rencov ince til Nw seal+lslr's snow,,
on it, propu-ed Contvert tar four veers, sex
titer, per aeett on the lit winds No 1 Rural
lion.•, frees the 1 e tn,ash.r tFeui•1tie.
Fruit rdee.tu•e.v..011111111 ,.tulther men limy
tall e1+1...•011111t11/114korli pl•nl,,,.e I 11111,tr 1. may
11 ser o ar+l 1 1'04 Pmvnr ul 1,1111 t•r lacy lit0 01,
tnrnrdntthnFo•,f 011lees..F itrnss,ls, t'•rau�
hoed( and r'; cot, awl at the (Aar u of the Post
ulilcu lioneetur, Lnbdnu.
(111AS It. it rtslilat,
Yu+1 011ire Inapuctur.
Post (Thee Danlrtlu,ut, t coeds, alai! Ser.'
rice, nreiwit, ul tawo,;llat 111' Many, 10)H. 43
Notice to Creditors
cel• a ti lttl
:+ Tec• (.t the at l
thin m t [
Hines, late of Ube Township of
tiles', in the County of Huron,
farmer, de(esstd
Notice Is hereby given pursuant to •' The Re.'
vised statutes of Coral tit,'• that all ertedltors
and of hers slaving elnims against the estate of
the soot John Helnee, who died on or abont
the Twenty.ninth day of April, A D. 1018,
are required on
tn or before
poet prepaid tlest da def
July A. D. UM,. �1r,1'
liver to (dr)rre Rr,1c, Ni•tt , I tattave , Ontario
Solicitor for the tSstrntort+of the IcnG Will and
Testanetir or send d, 1•11.d, their obrisfisn
and sermon., toldre..ea and d.terlpti°ua, the
roll pa•neulnrs of their olefins, the etetenont
of their arennota 111111. the nature of the ',wort•
tier or any held by them.
And further take notice that after "-unit hast
tar°nnned dote the sant F♦,entnrs will aro.
coed to dt dante the nett -r the deceased
aeons, the lowlier ntitled 111,1 Pte. haying re-
gard Only 01011110 ni whish they 14111111 then
1111v,e nal ie.+. tut 1 the Sed hxe( Mors will not
b • table for ill Itl i a..actr el' 1111y part 111e1•e•
of to talc person or persons or WII0s11 claim
notice -hull not have been received by them at
the lime of rush dist ritalt ion.
Tinted tit lei -towel this Jeth day of May, A.
D loll /1134
tad's 11A1*r6s ity ( Nltltt;F B1dAY,
WILLIAM 11M 1100D, •Tu, fisc wel,
Bxtcutnrs. Their Sobettor,
Notice to Creditors
In the mallet' a Il a estate of E z•beth
Asktu,'at l of IheTownship pt Grey,
111 the County of Har(n, willow, de-
Notice ie hereby Rivett pursuant to the T1711.
tee Art, 1t S. O , 1e14, Clain 121, thnt all per-
sons hnving alai Tim or demands against the es•
tate of the .said Elizabeth Askin, dlserased, who
died on or about the sixth day of MAY, A. D.
1U1%, are re,lclred to send by post pt•eptud, or
,The t+ the f nd 1.r: nal It•tr iter of idle
deity*, 4
MUD estate he o mimes
the First t tin' of July.
pa D. til la thele thew
cMne, addressestt•nl frill
parttealais of 1.h a Intl s a statement of their
nenottnts and thr nature of the rrrnrlty Watts/
held by them they verified.
Further take oldie,. that after the Inst men -
tinned date the Executor of the sett estate
will proeerd to distril tte the nrack of the said
deceased amongst the parties 01111111.11 thereto,
having regard only to the claims or which he
shall then have notice as aforesaid, and Pahl
Hxenuttr wilt not he liabl, for saps assets or
any part thereof In any person or persons of
whose claim notice shall not have been recoil"•
ed at the time of such distribution.
Paled at :Stratford this his day of ,Tine, 1018.
5U•U d Nile Street, Stratford, Ont.
Nurses tar Service
61626 A, T. R. 2296 C. N. R.
Form I. Enrolment No. 4881
The Grand. Clrrnit Rare 1111[1Shots Horse, art
prize winnernt Seaforth and Clinton 1017
$prang Showa, 'The only Stehle bl the County
of Homo that ever offered the services of n
stallion with a reeor] of 2 I or better.
Elmer Dielison will stand at his own stable,
Commercial hotel Barns, Blyth, with excep-
tion of the following route ;-
stUNDAY-w ill his 1.t stn leave n •
u 1110 and
procelal t n! ern
1 G.
A a for 1100111 thonoa by any of
Nile to [}. alaNnll'g for night,
TIIESDh -•W 11 i•<r.- ern
Y ( 11) r d to !burns Houao.
Goderiell, for mum, axe remain (hero until
Wednesday Haan.
WRDNESDAY-Will proceed by way of Sen.
miller to lily th where he will Militia until the
t'ollowing Monday morning.
61622 A. T. R. to70 C. N. R.
Form A I. Enrolment No. 2996
The Standard lined show and Trotting Stab
lion. 10111 brother to Dtrvtyn 2 idly noel Inez M.
w 173:1• Was shown 10 t'hints-1t) time first and
onoe second..
Ike Medium will stand for the improvement
of stock this Henson as follows:
THURSDAY -Will leave hie own stable,
Blyth, and proceed North to Rolgrav a for noon ;
then to the Farmers' Homo, Wuighnnt, for
Ii•1tIDAY-Wali prooeed to RInevnle to Hall's,
for noon; thence to liordon DloDotmld's Hotel,
Brussels, for night.
SATUN.DA Y -will proceed to his own stable,
Blyth, where he will remain M til the follow-
ing'1'hursdny morning,
lest' farther imrtioulu's and forme of thetle
well bred horses Sue bills or enquire of
Enrolment No. 4704, Poem I.
W111 sham for the Improvement of stook dur-
ing the present Henson at Hoary Sor'e's stable,
Let 20, Con, U, Morris township.
N. BONE, Proprietor.
[105521 Enrolment Nn. 6058, Vann I. .Ponied
May 211 1015; !red by Janos Hook. Sire, Iiio-
nnird (thief, (imp,) M700](1112117); Sire or sire,
British Oldofl 11101) 112500). Dant of eh•a, Itato
(10;17'2); dam, Roman dealt Aguilt RUM'
of clam, Royal Plink (imp.) 186051 111020). Dam
of dame truoon Ity Lord of the ivinnor (imp.)
Mere WYO. Will Maltnl ter nervine during the
Sennett tit his own stalls, Lo1.80, Cot, 0, Morrie,
Or wouta, by nppeinteient, moot onstomera.
.TAS. SPElit, Proprietor
(1x1178) :10118(11
Enrolment No. 1007-•insenotod end Approved
1001.111 I.
Will Stand t'o' the improvement of stook
during the present apogee at d01t1I d, 11100h1t.
bt's stables, Imndbury, Lot 21, con, 1 e, WEN.
lop, 10Terms, $12 to Insure, peptide Pobruary
d J. M OCTA VIN, Proprietor,
Bull for Service
Tisa nedereigned ant eerie for corvine, of Bt,,S5
Lot 80, cots. 2, Morris township, thethoroMired
Short horn Bull, Gitinford of Relent, No,
--00418--, Sired U, Gainford Marquis (101111110) ;
:Dam Mildred VII by Royal Sailor USW), lied•
i roe mny be aeon oo appllaatiol..m•ata -
MN for grades and 5100 LP OP.1100016
es• r�