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The Brussels Post, 1918-6-13, Page 5
h t e, ('. •1z.�a.3 ,fin `:kd j., JNO, SUTHERLAND & SOBS 7A b7, ( LIMITED ti AS AN )s RSON Vf, rF:RINARY URGEON, Nnee1.4•ot CO M. 11. Moore. thane nt Aider• MM Erna, l.lvory stable, nenxs,.i, 'lee Puma No, 4r, OR, WAROLAW. lionur graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Jany and night anile, t •Itlat opponite Mut Mill, Ethel. T. T. M' RAE M. B., iw. O. P., ee S, o. M, 0, 11., Village of brussels, Phydoinn, Hart, ,.n, Arennrhr•ur ulna. al roaldenna, ant ,aito aiolvina Citureh, mitts in street. MAUDE O. BRYAlt & OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of O ahtllal- mologY, alaCormitifm.,,n,nt cotter% Oldcngo. Ill„ is prepared to IMO, ,yes and Ft gla sl ot. her °Moo over slits ?ennui's millet r v store. Offi •e n dopweltne+dupe, Thursday. Friday and p habnrdny of very week. Oflice hours -1.9 to 12 a, u,. ; 1 to tip. in. Evenings l y appaina meat, Phone 1 19. - JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co. Natlsfaotion assort -411 ; Cluugcn moderate. Write or Telephmie il' not convenient to call, Both Brussels and North Huron Phones. tikCLG1tAVIC P.O. POOUOfOOT, MIILOOAO & COOIE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &a, Office on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton Street, (401MBRIOR, ONT. Private funds to local at lowc9t rates, W. Paouur=oom, K. r'. J. 1,, Iii rd.011AN R. J. D. (loos 44t,a'aj‘ eratwlt To THE . L 2 o AND OTHERS : If wanting 1,0 buy Implements as near Coat Price as pnaelide call on 01P personally. No need cif pay- ing' an agent and head agent to drive the toads solieititrg alders, which you do il' buying from there, I sell the McCormick end of Ike international line of imple- ments, and Oliver Plows, Oil En- gines and 'Praetors, Call on me and save big tummy. David Milne - Ethel, Oat, OP 0 TO ARRIVE siwinl price off ear. It will be in Inti eels and bags, The Very Best Flour ALWAYS ON HAND, MANIGOLD AND TURNIP SEED and all kinds or Garden Seed*. to 1' ooda d G e rvered to any pa t• of, lite town. W. J. iVIceracken Plumes 43 and 27 GROCER 44♦000♦008044eOe04 000000e a Sam Weinstein Successor to 6R, Yolieck e O A O Is prepared to pay the: • highest price for Scraps Iron, Rags, Rubbers, &c. Wool anted Highest price paid, See Me betOre you sell. • Write of Phone 02x SAM t' EINSTEIN O 8 0 A. i ea 4 4 • 0 a 0 ••P 0 ,of e 4 ♦ A 8 A 0 e Attu S'1 R ElET 13RUSS1ELS A 0 O♦88804004 •Sr80d•848400• aaaaea Steady Work and Good Wages Girlsand amen A poly at. Excelsior Knitting Mills w Brussels Call Phones 20x or 85, i4-,11,1-',1. , .,F , HRUSS€l.s. P urn riu Homm� ““INC /Intern b Expri-in ...... 7:13n in I Mail 11 :Is a in •. !Upton 1.1:17.1u In Expreas 9:17 p in •F 4. LivA,lyr.^ilar;64V Z 1910 Fore h pnue of the toruust men in the Ana. War_TON y, GARAGE a can Chureil 1n Canada, bul also hay Ln ,,,,I1t10 TO (41leich •ice been interested in edueational w ere Ic aeesi a trMini... 1 •la pan ole + 'pace the time wino. he completed .t 1Cxprr�ev ...-,. ,.aa 1. un I ICxpre.e !HiI pm or+N brilliant course lu the Ilalf,•C°df. ul •6 4. Toronto. ,,., ,Y„i.. ;,., ;. "e i..0 r.,e,l N L Vi UN l AH IU MINIS”! E OF EDUCATION hevrolet d, H Archtfeacon Cody the mea' minister 0 of educatien torr ()nutria r is nut only rz •t• WRoxeTeNOW OPEN UNDER, NEW H Ile was born in Umbria ffcl„rd f u, Belau ts,., 7;11 A. n. Mill 9.;n 1' u,• 4, MANAGEMENT 0 December 6, 1868, tilh sun tet post- cram vole for Owen Sound, RIorn and 't' tet Wit Coll Irl i Going wont - 12:119 and 91EGp. m. •¢ ;p master 1:, J. Cody, Ile matriculated ekl It tralu Bohn; /Gnat cc/linnet with r I'it nt +,• U. H. .atardonn. GIGO. AbLAN, Leant Agent, We Repair I •i ALL MAKES OP CARS at acct *tans tc115 OHNVItowas3 A SPECIIALTY t. TIta Po 'r Oyes tba news: 110w does the label on your pa read 7 CANomae on the Maitland la as en- 3 joyable. pastime, •l• Per Saaolioe, Oal� ✓r +r Wilfrid Lott, who belongs to the Accessories -- +r British service Air fleet, is now doing ;a d• fluty in Spain A letter from Pte, Orran Willie° said 0 �l �' hetv:tslaid up In au English hospital •h / �aaiQ��a�® •� 011 ael'Utrn(nf :l l),qd cold. tele ®®�d�gy r 1 ha. d Ft aa EI GW ii®nnyYY �at7l tRidls �9t1 hat d• h B1iUSSELS, ONT. ,, •'r a' i•d•-1”1,+a••r•.p•l•a..i•a•+r-:•a•3• 4-•I..1..;.le.i•+++ Ill AiteitIR TMna11, ON haS )ttl'e Se eral vacant lots near the G. T, R. t will 1m very convenient to him. A C tevxof.lir louring car has be purchased by Cunduetor Alf, liana G. T. R, conductor, His home is limctrrdura. IiRi.nc I—When it comes to "holding the line" a couple of women engaged in a telephone conversation can beat Gen- eral Haig, handl down. Capt, (Rev ) C. la. Jeakins Brantford, and formerly of Whigham, was re-elect- ed President of the Provincial Great War Veteran's Association. A caaiENT kitchen and wood shed will replace the flame; structure at rear of I. J. Gdpiu'saeacfence, Church street. The wurlc ie new in progress, Mei. D. B. Moore anti Mess Jetta are now visiting Mrs, la A talaQuarrie, at. lemur River, and ehiuyiug themselves, Mrv, lilac. is the former's daughter, Mrs. I. tie Veuatter, wife ofh l e edit- o•u t I the `liar' • G ick Star, in coming down - emirs had the misfortune to slip and brewk her wrist and otherwise bruise herself. Pour IEt.e1tN passed a Curfew Dy. late, All girls and boys tinder 14 years must be off the street at 9 p m. That is the time the average youugster wants to get out, Rev. C. R DURRANT, Teeswater, was chosen D. D, G. M of the I. O. O. F. .odges of this District at a meeting held at Wiugham, He will fill the bill in gout ahnpe, no doubt, Rev. George amends, who was a junior pastor of Brussels Methodist church go odd years ago, has asked for superannuation tram the Hamilton Con- ference which has been iu session at Guelph, Dr. A, Raekus, of Aylmer, who h been appointed medical inspector of th schools of Perth County, left to assum her duties. She is well known on a c' counl t f valuable work otic Clone for th Women's Institutes, A tablet to the memory of Rev. D Ileudersuu has been placed iu Norfol Street Methodist Church, -Guelph, b the members of the Home Departmen over which he had oversight for to years, He (lied Sept, loth, 1917, J. L. Cavanagh sou of Mrs. (Dv.) Cav anagh, now in Brussels, has gone to th West where lie will do ag'eucy wor cim'iug the vacation. He has just com pleted his tat year in medicine at Torou to, His left arm is still practically useles and is a etmstant reminder of the terribi battle of the Somme. Miss Mary 1. Tom in the tbird-yea examinations in medicine at Triulty Col lege stood second la iter class in first-clas honors and won the Dickson scholar ship in science, This clever young lad is a daughter of luspeetor and Mts Tom, of Goderich, We congratulat her on her attainlnent. Farrier Sergt. Met vin Lambert, form- erly of Brussels, who has beeu doing duty in Egypt with the soldiers of the ifiug, has gone to Australia where his home is, Ile still retains membership in Brussels Masonic Lodge and keeps in touch with deluge here through the medium of Jno. Wright, as e Stand ftp for it. e Think well of it c- Speak in its favor. it e Patronize S merchants. 1r1 S. EncouraSge its industries. r, Cheer every live eeterprise. k Hurrah for the enthusiastic y See all that is beautiful in it. t, Chant praises to the good it posses - n SeS. Sing of its wonders, you'll find it has • some. e Welcome improvements, stagnation's k a sin, Love it, stick to it—the town yott • live in, s e Wood Going to Waste ilarriston Review—It has been seg. r gested that the Fuel Controller give - power to municipalities to have bush s or vacant farm lands near towns sold • to the highest bidder, to be cut into Y firewood. There is a farm within two miles where there is said to be a 1000 e cords of wood in fallen or leaning trees, and nothing is to be done to prevent it from rotting and becoming useless, It seems a shame that such waste should be allowed to go on when the fuel supply has become such a pro- blem. This is only one instance and many cords of good wood are going to waste in the country. A Tragic Event Must Carry Papers. Stringent enforcement of the a- mendment to the Military Service Act will be carried out, providing for dras- tic penalities for men failing to carry military papers. Peat Production In July The Ontario Government expects that by the beginning of July ma- chines will be at work preparing peat for commercial purposes, If the machines prove satisfactory, pro- duction on a more elaborate scale will be left for private corporations. Quit Whining, Start Smiling People, who complain because they cannot get some of the little luxuries that they thought they enjoyed before the war commenced, are asked to re- member that their forefathers lived without sugar until the t3th century,, without coal until the fourteenth cen- tury, with out butter on their bread un- til the fifteenth, without tobacco and potatoes until the sixteenh, withou tea, coffee and soap until the seventeenth, without umbrellas and humps until the eighteenth and without trains, tele- phones, gas and matches till the nine- teenth and some of us even at the present day have not got an automo- bile. The Town you Live in Gur, Leslie Lamont, sou of Hugh and Mrs, Lamont Bruise's, who enlisted with the 07th Toronto University Bab tefy, is now training at Petawnwa camp; Mr, Lamout has put in his tat year at Medicine, We hope he will be able to resume his studies after he hes clone his duty for the Empire. DeWrir Hotaeies, Wingharn, formerly of Brussels, has decided to close up his shoe repairing beakless and will later move his family to Loudon, Mr, Holmes purposes helping iu the Mama; - ed production work and Mrs, helmet. and children will leave WInghluu abate Oct, est. fle is a sou of Rev John end Mrs, Holies, uow of Lambeth near London, Beverley Oat en, Toronto W110has been unable to qualify for military service, has beeu appointecl by the Y. M. C. A. to Battlefield Militant, Camp where he will have charge of religious and social clepa tments ut the Military Y. M. C. A. work, Beverley took and class honors la his first Year University work, Miss Beryl Ogee was awarded and Chas. Honors in her secoud Year University work, where she is pursuing Household Science Coarse. Both are former Brits: elites, sou aud daughter of Rev, Dr, and Mrs, Oaten. WHW E1rN UHtvesst'pv,—The Couvo eaten exercises of tete Westeru Univer- sity whet) were held a fete clays ago show a Successful year in spite of. the tremen• dous drain upon the attendanee made by the war, The degree of B, A. was conferred on xo anti that of M. D, on it graduates, every. one of the latter appear- ing iu a Lieutenant's uniform, which is probably without a parallel 10 the history of any of our universities, Addresses wore delivered by Hou Dr. Roche, Ot tawa, Chairman of the Civil Service Commission, and by President Braith- waite of the University, The Summer School, which will be held by Western University for the first time this year, promises to have a good enrolment, mpuy inquiries being received from leaches throughout Western Ontario. It will be iu seawiou from July 2 to Aug- ust 9, It was a town girl—and the sante sad story that, alas, has often been told, and checkered many a young life which had its beginning in sunshine, surrounded by luxury and the wealth of the world, ]ler eyes were now wild and staring, her face was flushed and her hands were nervousely working. She was deeply troubled and injured woman, and we hear her saying: "Oh cruel one, you have injured the very foundation of my being! Day by day you have tortured me, and yet 1 could mit bear to give you up, When we first met, hots your ease and polish at- tracted mel When you became my own, how illy friends envied ane, But your understttndillg is too small for my large soul. You are opposed to my advancing myself. You have injured my standing in society. If we had never met I might have walked in peace. So now begone' We part foreverl" There was a moment's convulsive breathing, a gritting of teethand a sharp sigh. It was all over, By a supreme effort she had pulled oft' her new shoe. Cash for Eggs The undersigned will pay cash for any quantity of Eggs received at store re- cently occupied by !1, J. Helm. Will also Have 'a wagon on the road for egg gathering in charge of Clare Long, Jacob long Embroil( ' atste tate, anti from the Universlty of T. ,tante, nbtAlined the degree of B.A., M.A., and LI D. Later he received the degree of doctor of divinity from Queen's University, and the University of Manitoba awarded hits the honorary degree of doctor of laws. For a time he taught in Ridley College, St. Catharines, afterward tak- ing a professorship in Wycliffe. College, Toronto, and becoming rector of St. Paul's 'Church, which was enlarged twice and rebuilt during his ministry. His catholicity and Its sermons, full of thought and practcal in their appli- cation, brought out large congregations whenever he preached. He has been at St. Paul's for zt ,years, Dr. Co x Cody's extensive interest in church and educational matters is shown in the number of offices which he has occupied at one time, among them the following:—Member of the council of Wycliffe college, member of the senate of the University of Toronto, vice-president of the Upper Canada Text Society, vice-pres., of the Pocket Tes- tament League, honorary president of the Waldensitn Church Aid Society, director of the Orthopedic Hospital, member of the executive committee of the diocese of Toronto, member of the executive of the pray -book revis- ion committee of the Anglican Church. Ile was also a member of the royal commission for reorganization of the University of Toronto and a colonel chaplain of the Queen's Own Rifles. Belgrave WOMEN'ti INB'CI'rI4TFe,—TI1P animal meeting of the Woneu's Institute was held on May 2011. Following officers were elected : President, Miss Edith Procter ; Vire Pres., M s, Chits. Wilkinson ; See, Tress., Mrs. `V, J. Procter; Orgainist, aingaie Procter; Asst„ Nora Vnni7anep; District Director, ales. J. VitnCl+uup ; Ile )reseutativea, Mrs. W, .1. Procter and Mrs. J. T. Bell ; Auditors, Atha, Chas. Neater and Mrs, Ohne, 'Wheel- er. Program Committer, Mrs, ,las. Taylor Mrs. Van0nnlp alts. (Idytan ?teeter. afeetings the 31 d Tuesday of each wonth. Grey The fallowing is the report. of S. S. No.8, Grey, for months of April and slay :—These )narked * have: missed examination* Lxamb)ecl in Weitkeg, Arith., Comp., Histny, Spelling, Grammar and Geography, Jr, IV,— Margaret McNair 00, Gro, alend t• 8i1, *Marjory Pal tun 71. Jr. III. —Annie McTaggart 07, *Gordon Alr Taargarl 45. Eastonihed in ZVe., AI ir.h , (lamp , memory Work, Spelling and Geog- raphy. St. II.—Fergus McTaggar1.70, *Howahcl alitehell46, Jr. Ii.—Stnart McNair70, Clifford Brown 70, ist.— Ethel Ward 78. Se. Pr,—Jitek Fulton, good. Jr. Pr.—Excellent-0latlys Ward, Bred. Mitchell. A at(1. J. For rta:ea, Teacher, Sottoms RrrOlt.t —The renewing 19 the report of S, 5, NO. 5 (trey for month of May. Tlioee white maims aro marked thus * have obinilied 76% of the total number of marks dun ing the month, The mimes are ner•n.ngod in older of merit. 8e lir.- Paul atilt,* Howard 13elenes, Geetrode hlvelekgh, Iushel Heeniner. Jr. IIi--NellIt• (7ampbell, lee Armstrong, Meta -ewe Bremnor, Rel it 1Clizabrlh Lucas. Sr. IL—Aleck Alexruedor*, Verna Carson, Myrtle Wald, Moi hitt. Atm- atrong, Jr. IL --liana I'veleigh*, Myrtle Catt•son Wlat9rt Warta Ethel Ward, Laura Thompson. Jr. iI, B -- Melvyn Hamilton*, Clarence Chink, Willie Lucas, Jessie Catnpheil, Nor - noun Heinle% Jr, I, --Stanley Alex- ander, Tommy Lucas, Plainer— Hugh Armstrong, Lent Ward, Lnelie Qaeson. M. 13131101MS, Teacher. WHAT ABOUT CONSCRIPTION OF LABOR As Ie ns already been ew announced, the Dominion registration will be Blade on the 2'hid of June next. When the had the last affair of the kind It was treated to a large extent, with contempt because. there was no "punch' in it, On this occasion there will be no such levity. Should a man or woman over the age of 16 not register during the week prior to, or on registration day, he or she will be subject among others, to the folowing penalities: 1. Fine of $10 per day for every clay of default. 2. Debarred from hotel lodging and from meals in' an hotel or restaurant under penalty to the property as well. 3. Cannot rifle on a public convey- ance. 4. Cannot receive mail, 5, Is debarred from employment. 6. Non -registrants will forfeit theid franchise. i tle ECZEIll • A Perfect Treatment For o- ttiq Cistrsssing Gump/ain't mp/aint t If Ab'.1: tl.l. "1 had ltil e11 a•rk Gl' "1 ,i.; hrer•nnu so bad that my Mullion world he ,tet through at ltrnr�, Ferfuurmonihs,isutt,v, lieuriL.'r. I c r.(I,1 get no relief emit I triNi 1 ,tit -.t eat -s and 'Sown t Seises The Mat treatment gave nr t[ Ili 1 illr_tther, I hats ttw I 1ht.•r h, el o.dl*a Atha' al1nilat tivesaiti* lam rutin I G. \1', 11.11.1., Itoth these sterling reinedlea are aol,f by dealers ut ;aka a boa, G aer lea..ao, or sant on receipt. of print by. 1•reiteette s Limited, f )data, " I,iit.niite S"!- alsiaput, la, Ilia lir ai..e which Fells a, With such penalties a pretty ac- curate ,•emus would .rein to be aa- sured, but of 'what use, will thea in- formation thus .secured be without censaription of labor? This is one of the things the aver:tee man who is Uc,t in the secrets of the government can- not easily understand. DATES OF SEEDING AND HARVESTING IN ALBERTA An Alberta man supplies a statement of the dates of seeding and harvesting spree 19u7: -- Seeding Started Harvesting Started May ia, too; Serf. 2i Apri t A t • I 1 , 1vUh Alii 17 m:t' ) May , 1c,e, Aug. u 1.. t Apri 15, 491(1 Sept. 9 Apri 1911 Sept. 11 Apri 2o, 1942 Sept, 9 Apri 9, 1913 AUK. 26 Apri tuth, 4214 Aug, 7 Apri 17, 1915 Aug. 27 Apri 10, 1916 Aug. 2 Apri 28, 1917 Aug, 15 Apri 12, 1918• QUICK REPAIRS AFTER BATTLE According to the leading technical journals, within ten days after the Jut- land battle the most seriously damaged of the British ships was ready to fake its place in the line, The great major- ity of the ships were repaired, lead refilled their magazines, and replenish- ed their stores within twenty four hours after returning to port. This is explained largely 1v the fact that at before the ships reached their base there was full knowledge at the ad- miralty as to the extent of damage V%hy You Should Invest Your Funds in Mortgage Corpora- tion Jnr per cent. ueoentures 41. SeaLdord I(rl•,„sre Murtt-t t'-,nieflim la tegtat.:i+,sa under tLu 1.,,,ef* i..:n,),.uli•-,' Aat of ()taint., fired *oaken a yearly teturtt lit On+lr ,e hurts in the ("Yet011ieat, by wawa their e..oats lire 6ubhsfted lu[ {he lot litmei ti,YJ3 of tree puLite caul, year, Mongol:0 Oorporatiunu •eta one of the olawes at a.*anrhl i nrtrtutlmte, selected by lite Coma:sew M Omagie in which the uninsured Nada of Pm- vine,lal ln, urarite Conionnies nifty he deposited. 1'be rhnOi are the Puer Office Sash" bank tent the Savings Department of Gihirten lid Banks of Canada. Sroelcs and lianas thletente in value with the skate of the money market and other causes. 'thousands of people Lave invested their savings In shene deben- tures without the lots of one dollar Invested. The debentures are hem 1 in amounts. of 8109 and upwind.. Inthrest aat Fp in paid in rush em the dwy rt Sn due•. Write for our Isinhlef shout "PRpyl7:R MGM &WINGS, It explains what. *bene Debentures are and vihy they are so gaed a security, Pard up Capital and S ado rande - SS 364378.0 41104.0A9 AELIANCE,r R ..AGi SMP M' n" � "a,' . "'v1� yyy AYR ELMIRA Branch Offices : eROCKVILte CHATHAM NEW HAMBURG WOODSTOCK 111111111111111111 M -i. L. JACKSON, 11.0.11111l11 ' li..I X--1' Agent, Brussels done and ecact detail:* as to plate to be renewed ,lad the new parts lit machin - cry h+ 1 repLe d. A HOPPING TEST London, En p,rlaild —Il' you can hop twenty times on each fent with out •he ulir t tate L'tih li army : t, a Id•rt; sem c to Itaahh 4d tl a ,! • h , ,It tet general service, ac- cording to ;a new book of olstructie ns issued to the examining medical hoards. The test reconunended is 1. follows: "The rate of pulse is taLeit, and then the recruit is directed to hop 20 tune, .m Cath toot, raising the other foot nine iuchea, At the cad of this Aerie rncun e. iu health, there - should be u„ noi,•,e.orthr breathlessness and m, pall,,A anxiety ety et xptesston. two nnndieS Wel' thep OISe sh.auld be not an.re than ht bats nitre frequent than it was bet -re the: exercise, .0008 AO* 000000008000e 80604?0♦4400.0000.098004,0 +G 004• .b,2 4 0.• Always Room ,t the T a ♦ 0 a 'That is where yaw always find our Graduates. It o you w lttt at till -top pusili •._._ training, a the• kind you get in the 4 a m C e e a ••a s. • • o Stratford, Ont. and W inghalm, ©rat.• 0 e e 3 84444?4.4-0040Ar40 0646400604, 40.01•044.080♦44008004404000 Write for Free Catalogue, TME:10»$01001nln ¢0 Every 5 steer :'` eeds a. Ford THE Motor Car is a greater convenience to the average farmer than the telephone, the rural snail or even the grain binder, The binder which is considered as a very useful implement is rarely used more than a few days during the entire year. The rest of the time it stands idle, taking up space, while the automobile is available for use throughout all seasons, and both day and night. It is ever ready to run down the lane to the back field or the pasture with a parcel or a message, or take you and your family to town for shopping purposes -,or on an errand to the neighbors. The motor car is called upon whenever anything is wanted in a hurry. It is the most useful implement or convenience for the farm. It helps you conserve your energies and time for productive work and enables you and your family°to accomplish more with less energy. You surely feel the need of a Ford. Why not order one today? 421 prices guided to war tam Merge &except ireeks and er:2 fs e tku THE UNIVERSAL CAR Chassis • . . $536 Runabout . . 678 Touring . - 686 Coupe . . . 770 Sedan . .. 970 One -Tam Truck 750 P. O. B. Ford*, (hat. er�'11fi rmsols i ,..w•. 711' � tom.-•�:.r.eese +d.. � .r^•'�.... a- Omen, nn ...eunn 4 .n1 r.