HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-6-13, Page 4-E e ' zttitlfithi
THURSDAY, JT7NE ts, peal(
STAND by the RED ('Russ,
'Nene eheers for the Red, white aed
SHAace hands and keep old memories
warm and true,
Is it not about time sotne of the titles
were donated to Western Ontario ?
Flow we do suffer.
THERE is little doubt if a General Elec
tion for the Dominion took place in the
near future a different result would be
recorded than the polls told at the last
casting of the ballot.
Ir is about time somebody put the
kibosh on the Kaiser, Bombing the
hospitals and killing the nurses, doctors
and wounded soldiers is one of the black-
est deeds in a long cetegoly of impish
and unprecedented barbarities.
Ate old poem has a verse that would
apply to the squabble among the Con-
servative brethren of North Huron,
(sere it is :-
"But children you should never let
You're angry passions rise,
You're little hands were never made
To tear each other's eyes."
GOD bless the Florence nightingales
who have done so much in the great
world -war to alleviate suffering and
nurse back to health many a brave sol-
dier boy. These angels of Mercy should
be royally treated and recompensed for
their loyalty to the best traditions of
sisterly kindness, self•forgetfulness and
UNCLE SAM appears to be thoroughly
aroused over the war and is putting a
great army in France who, before long,
will show they are lineal descendants of
John Buil. The Anglo-Saxon race will
have a big share iu bringing in a reign
of Peace. Autocracy must bow the
knee to Democracy and the false doc-
trine that Might is Right be banished
from the beads and hearts of the human
BETWEEN the Good Roads movemeut,
the proposed coming of Hydro and the
financing of war and Red Cross bonds
and debentures the average Municipal
commandant has his bands well filled.
Practicing economy is a most desirable
art yet the wheels of progress have to be
kept moving and there is such a thiug as
a penny wise and pound foolish way of
cheeseparing that is very false in its ec-
onomic results.
THE Public School Nurse is a some-
what new acquisition, particularly to
the schools in the village and rural
municipalities but it looks as if such an
official is coming to stay. Medical ex•
aminations go to prove that many achild
is in need of medical attention who does
not receive it, in the matter of eyesight,
throat troubles, teeth and skin diseases
but, with the amended School Lam,
parents who are direlict to their duty
will have their children given the neces-
sary examination and treatment profes-
sionally. This new department may
look like an innovation but good will
come of it as the years roll bv.
Perth, had his righteous indignation
worked up sky-high because the Deputy
Minister of Agriculture appointed James
Donaldson, an Inspector of Dairying,
without consulting him, Mr. Donald-
son is a resident of Mr. Morphy's con-
stituency and well qualified for the posi-
tion but he is a Grit while the honorable
M. P. is an out and out Tory. Most
people laugh at Morphy's babyish har-
angue in the House over the incident
and think the Deputy showed better
sense than the big headed representa-
ive. .For a Unionist, who swore he
had buried politics moo fathoms deep,
H. B, was not long in getting out his
little book and line.
le every parent did his and her duty
there would be no necessity for the
Curfew bell but when many apparently
exercise little control over the members
of their dock such a regulation, kindly
but rigidly enforced, cannot fail to cor-
rect failure in home discipline. Some
youngsters, who should be at home and
in bed hours before, are on the street at
to and e1' o'clock at night unaccompani-
ed by adult members of the family.
Sometimes criticism is offered concern-
ing the parental authority of father and
another years ago but where it may oc-
casionally have been overdoes iu the
bygones it is underdone in this day and
generation, Is that song "Wbere is my
wandering boy (or girl) tonight?" your
query as the shades of evening gather
round your home ? Would your kiddies
bane the chance of interrogating you on
the street with "Father, dear father,
come home with me now the clock in the
steeple strikes re?" Perhaps a Curfew
far 'father and mother might be a
valuable acquisition also, along the line
of teaching by example,
•fil�,i s�.,.i ,1, ti',l ,! h'x';�� �.,. A'�.a �
totters. gom tiyyr.seu$
ti Thursda Ault Nolada
> Y t Y
r, June, Y July and August
t h
E., the m:dereigne•d i•usiuees fao-
tle of 131 ussel•1 agree to eioee
l !;
our respective pinres of busi-
ness at 12 ti elorlt, mein, eaeh Thurs-
day duel lig the mouths of Jutte, 1 y
and Atoned., eniudeneing on Times -
day, Jute atl], Other daye stores will
close at life 11.40,1 time :----
8, T. Plum Rank of Neva Scotia
I. Cl. Richards W..I Meetitrken
M. E, Russ limey & Walker
J. H. Head tt earswell thine.
H. L. Jet:ke n' Will on & Gillespie
Downing Bros. Standard Bank
Geo. Thomson W. NI. Sinelitie
Ml's, J. Thompson J. O. Ilabltirk
A. R. 1feKay la. Inman
R. S. Hamilton W, A. elre\vat'
P. Sem i Welke/. G Black
IV. H, Klere lis C. Manners
F. Spading D. 0. Ross
R. Ferguson Jas. Fox
F. R. Smith S. C. Wilton)
Jas. Ballantyne Jas. T. ]toss
A. Sheehan Alfred Haeker
John Long It. Thomann
W. F, Straiten \Vit, Oakley
W. P. Fraser
Customers, and the public: generally,
are asked to kindly do their buying so
as to aid the carrying out of the half
holiday program. 47-4
too MILES an hour is the speed record
of some of the Canadian Aviators. It is
a lively clip all right but of course there's
no dutt to annoy.
THE general tegistration of all Wren and
women of 1e years and over, to he held
on June 220;1, has for its main pur-
pose the ascertainlug of tie number of
people in tentacle uecessary to provide
food for. when this registration is com-
pleted a sufficient amount can be set
aside for home euusumption, and the bal-
ance shipped to the allied nations. It is
said that atter registration no one will
be able to receive even a loaf of hand e r
buy a train ticket without producing
their certificate of registration,
wHo would revert to the edit days of
booze ? rhe long list of [promised evils
that would befall Canada if she tut out
the licensed liquor traffic have proven
to be vagaries and the test is proven by
thousands of testimnnits, molly e f them
from men who kuew someth ug of -the
scorpion's bite" that the highway to sue•
cess, an heed and happiness is Sobriety.
If you think so don: he slaw in showing
your color;, as certain ;tee, eeted re auu-
facturers are very rearly to wig:wage
violations of the law, pot (11.1.4 of stories
of disaffection ever the Statute curd
falsely :nine:et:0g the advantages uf be.
tog a friend of John Barleycorn. It is
up to the officials to enforce the Act,
without fear, favor or effectien and also
iucumbent or prohibitionists to steed by
them and 110011 the majesty of the late
and thereby safeguard the youth of Can-
THE Pose is pleased to notice am
algamations of dfffereut denomivatious
in various places and the der:Wing un
of congregations, showing a Tactical
exemplification of Church Uaien
People have got heartily lr.t l of heating
diecussiona, addresses and sermons on
the necessity of con=etving men and 1
money, where thele is no reed, sense
not room for cowp-tition, yet alien it jI
tames down to taking action in many I
cases, the ptoposed plan is harked he
some bigot or sectarian kicking against
what would probably have proven ax
happy consummation. A person does i
not require to be much of a prophet to
forecast probable events in a good many
congrega'fons and communities in the i
next ro years. With depleted audiences
shortage of help and dptiiculty in financ-
ing it will not be many years before
very marked changes will be compulsory
and it might be a good policy to meet
these emergencies by a brotherly, yIEABUI'iN
Christian spirit that would concentrate
effort and strengthen the cords in both
the material and spiritual wellbeing of .
those interested,
pi e. Pe res' •1 aryls writes to his moth
er til Bruesele ;Le follows :'--
Aly Dmeet ,ager tilla..-Just: a few
i linee to let yon kliow I carne safely
over yestmciavand arrived it
1oa ital ahem. cl -
very thank-
ful to he hete. I've got hit pretty
badly thie time I had 2 opmatiume iu
Peitnee they v -e •a wlt soest'
I've got flit on the other side of my
jaw tide time, also a fenetnred right
sltouhlet hot AM doing as well as matt
be expected. This is a very nice place
and a splendid hospital, 1 lieve not
had n letter ft nut you tot' a lung
tithe tool hope I shall sono hear, I
was in hospital iu leeratlee, about 5
minutes walk from Aunt Savable Low,
but vette ton bad to go and see her,
I tried hard to get to Nottingliun but
think I've dome better in getting
where I ata. Should I get twee tins
I think 1 have finished with the arnies
Now I Will draw to a close for to -day
duping to hear from you 80011, 1Vith
rove. I ttoutit], your loving stn],
Ipswi ill Hospital. Suffolk, May 5th.
J, J.envis,
Nott.inghnnt, Eng, :
-Di•teit Sl R.- 1 Was today (nl a visit
to my son, who has retanvrrd ft rem
France wounded and next to his bid I
found your Mealier in a terry painful
oondhtion. I sat with him for a while
and in I'esponse to my Wiest ion
Whether I could do anything f.,l him
he asked roe to let you know that he
is in this country. I promised him
that I would do so, hence I stn writ-
ing to you. Your brother is at East
Suffolk, Ipswich hospital at Tpswieh,
Suffolk in Northgate ward, Although
he has not asked me to write the fol-
lowing, perhaps you would like to
know his condition, etc., meet of
which I gathered partly from my son
and partly on observation. He was
brought from France last Satirday,
shot by an explosive bullet in the
right shoulder, jaw damaged, snffet-
Mg much pain. He is out of clanger,
speaks well of the treatment eeeeived
in the hospital and thinks that he will
be tette-wed to one, where they deal
with ",jaw" eases. I and my fetlnily
will be often visiting the hospital and
if I can do anything for your brother
plettse let me know. With sympathy.
Yonrs truly
R, It. bllNVALES.
DEAR Forex as. -A fete lines in
answer to your kindness in sending
it lovely pilfered, of which the contente
clone in very handy as we were doing
a terrible lot of marching at the time
I received Same, and the sox retie its
very Inef111. At the time of
writing thin letter I tun spending a
few days in hospital since the 23rd of
Apt il, from the effects of gas, but
I nut ituproviog fine and expect to be
hark to my Batt. in a few weeke Gime
of so to early on as usual unless I take
a set back again which is not very
likely, Hoping this will reach you
safely and tlu;ding to helve a reply,
tvhirh ie very welcome. My address
ieStp.14, Ii 0 rituold by 1102425, No.4
Gement IIee pitel, ward A 8, B. E. F.,
Frautre. 11 y heat wishes go out to the
people of Re u;sris for the future, As
I am a Iit•ussels born boy I am always
anxious to hear holy all my old tie-
gnaintannes are getting %long and
also the progress of the town. I re-
main, yours truly,
Registration next month, we are
told, is expected to cost less than a
million, The Provincial or District
Superintendents are to be paid $S a
day for the time actually engaged in
the work, The Registrars for each
constituency will be entitled to receive
$6 per day, The Registrar will be em-
powered to appoint Deputy Registrars
who will be entitled to $4 per day
Deputy Registrars have been invited
to give their services free, to which
many have already agreed. In a large
number of eases there will be women
who have volunteered for this work.
The paying of some and asking others
to do the work without compensation
is not without its objectionable fea-
tures, but if registration is to be of
use in determining where tate man and
woman power of Canada can hest be
m•1.,•we• M^.Y,1MrpP�"iH,K� .s�m�"i,+.ya'".1'M'.
] ;.:•.,1. '1-.•.. a. the aelt:e to tile -A
t .•Putt Reglettate io !;ate little for
the service of Owl! eountl;y and thus
do their share in winning the war,
The toll\ thing }'poem ;written by Floe-
eeee Page rots published in the last
1 ale of 'Ott rhumb Animals" with
an ill s
u tratien tet "Rover" standing at
the gate: --
When you make up a box for Samntle
Who's fighting "somewhere in
Trance" ;
When you've packed the sucks front
And the smokes from Uncle Lance;
Add one thing more for your soldier,
Before you nail up the crate --
Send him t snap -shut of Rover,
Waiting for him at the gate.
The comfort kit will please hint.
The candy bring hint cheer;
The roll of local papers
Will bring the home folks near.
But let him see you miss nim,_
That one watches early and late, -
Send him a snap -shut of Rover,
Waiting for hits at the gate.
When you make up a box for Sammie,
Who's lighting 'somewhere in France'
Gifts to warm his .body,
Sucks and wristlets, perchance;
Warm the heart of him also, -
'Tis cold work waiting on Fate:
Send him a snapshot of Rover,
Waiting for him at th gate.
�*'^M,KHFiYvrwann.�#,! NXR°IR+CN':` YW -•
"d.41m•.. rlrh MlR..iMV!'Mr:Cww.
4i4ttHt i J fit; srl*,k;t•
Navel Oranges will be !Novelty Before
Navel oranges its features of the av-
erage breakfast table, are rapidly doing
the at Rep pearin)f act, say wholesale
fruit men, who predict that this lusc-
lour end wholesome fruit will probably
be u„ptocurable. Until June, say the
(teasel 1;liod oranges of any kind are
liable to be searce. Belay in that month
a further supply will be in. A large
percentage of the oranges used here
are grown in California, where 81%
of the crop was destroyed; consequent-
ly prices have increased enormously,
and still keep going up.
If soMeone had told us twenty years
ago that Canada would now he serious-
ly considering the value of wood as
fuel '
u 11n cider to save conk we would
have smiled at his folly. And yet this
is just what has happened ; and in the
last issue of the Forestry Journal Mr.
W. B, Campbell gives us authoritative
figures as to the fuel value of the
different woods now available in Can-
ada, lie tells us that a pound of one
weld lgive off almost exactly the
e a mount of hes as a pound of
another wood, but a cord of one kind
of wood may weigh twice as much as
a cord of another kind, even if both
are equally dry. A cord of air dried
had d b 1 hi
P -0'00 , eec t, rc 1, or maple is
just about equivalent in heating value
Between the great things that we to a ton of good hard coal. But if we
cannot clo and the small things we will take t cord of hardwood as the ]mit
not do, the danger is that we shall do measurement, then we find that it is
nothing- just about equal to 1.1 cords of ash,
(„ ui hd'.r i1 '7n1. t I.] IL I 1':,,1 ltd
,!.'j tet iviillf uAlt, 1,ti5 ,d polder, l..to
of Cedar, 1.2 of boughls tin Le of hem-
lock, 1.5 of Jack pine, 1.6 of spruce
and 1.15 of temente, It is well to re-
member that these figures apply only
to the amount of heat given out, and
have lto reference to the lasting quality
of the tire. Most of us who have halt
experience would much prefer, for in-
stance, one cord of good hard maple
to 1.5 cords of pine or 1.15 cords td
lamarae in really cold weather,
BRUSSELS looks very "spifi'" tide
Spring with its many well kept lawns,
flower bells and shade trees, Help nuke
it deserve the name, -"Brussels, the
.i,.j,.j,.h,{..g,[ p g.[..,.,.,.(••h.q.,F.,o.(,q„g,q,9„F„
▪ Brussels Studio
All Photographs, Prattles, Steric-, t,
eke„ will be sold al leant:orl ,•
..p0. prices, .•I.
+, Studio open each week 1
e. Closing June 29th '
tNuts is the Lime to lot tee your-'
+ Photo. taken at PRICES 1,00- l'
•1. Eli, TlaAN 1i1e POItla '1'HT.
+,• SVA R. •F
* G. S. FREE
+ 4.
$'•F't••!«h3,;•,P•g•d„t ++rd•++4':••F:••F!T••bd•d•-N
'BOARD aen,ee NUM deR
I CARD R f� wy Cp�u cW�ar
®• ^• ems" • O o
i. Name In full surname last)?
' Address (permanent) ?
._..__.._.._._-._ N___.___sTeEYT
I .__-_..__......_._
2. Ago? Date of Birth? Country of Birth 7
3. Raoe? Speak English (E) or French Cr) 7
4. British aubjeot? By birth? By Naturalization?
If naturalized, %loll year? What place?
S. If not a British subject, to what
country do you owe allegiance?
6. Single (8), Married (M), Widower (W), or divorood (D)?
y How many children under 78 years?
e. Physical disagitleco, If any?
9. It regtatered under Milttary Service
Act what le your aerial number?
10. (e) Present°mention (If any)?
1(b) What la your regular occupation?
o What
h hover
( t r k oat tl
Pt 0 you o well
Length fI (b)
4 _.-__. oxparlenoa in
ii. If an employee, state employera name
Nature of bualness�.__._
tosome other for tvhioh
Awnyfrom home?
12 Do your ole t timpes parmit you to serve in rho ppr eri3npdoral a1' e, by ohanorni yourprasentocoupaMn
you ora quallFlad, it the oonditlona pfferad qa egtlefgo�ory7 (a) Where you oat return home daily 7 (b)
17. (a) Were you brought up on a farm? Until what age? (b) Have you worked on farm? How long?
(o) Are you retired farmer? (d) Can you handle horses? Drive tractors? Use farm maohinory?
(e) Aro you willing to do farm work? Wham? Durino what porlode 7
I a•ffirmthat l Lave vet&I the above answers awl that they aro true
-� _»Sigttatturo of Regirtrant�-
Procedure of Registration
On June 22nd everyperson residing in Carted a, male or female, British or alien, of sixteen years or over, must attend
one of the registration booths located in his or her district, and there observe the procedure explained below.
Where to Register How to Register
Every person required to register has the privilege of The procedure of registration it simple. The
registering at any of the public places provided for that questions upon the registration card can be answered
purpose. The location of all such places will be very easily, but they must be answered truthfully
specified in proclamations posted conspicuously, and fully.
The card shown in the illustration is a facsimile of the registration card for males. An advertisement
showing the card for females appears in another paper.
Study the questions carefully so that you will be able to answer them promptly when registering.. If you have
any special qualification, or feel that your services would be more beneficial to the country in some other line
of .work, say so.
`While all are compelled to register on Registration Day, it is not contemplated by the Government
to force the sick, feeble and aged to turn out. If such persons will notify the Registrar prior to June
22nd of their inability to attend at a place of regletration, an effort will be made to regi Iter them at
home, provided the request is reasonable and justified.
Remember theDay-Juae22nd-Remember tho Houra-7 a.m.to 10 p.m. Regleter earlyand gotyourCartificate fervour own protection.
24M issued oy authority of Canada Registration Board
The Clydesdale Stallion - Meaburn
Enrolment No. 4704. Form I.
2ND [17o69] ; black, with face and both hind legs white ; foaled June 3oth,
Brussels, Ontario.
The tractor on the farm arose
Before the ,dawn, at four :
It drove the cows and washed the,
And finished every chore ;
Then forth it went into the fields,
.Just at the break of day -
it reaped and threshed the golden ISIBABURN 2ND [170601.
And hauled it all away,
It plowed the field that afternoon,
And when the job was through
It hummed a pleasant, little tune,
And churned the butter, too ;
Then pumped the water for the
And ground a crib of corn,
And hauled the baby round the
To still its cries forlorn.
Thus ran the busy hours away
By many a labor blest,
And yet when fell the twilight grey
The tractor had no rest ;
Por while the farmer, peaceful -eyed,
Read by the tungsten's glow,
The patient tractor stood outside
And ran the dynamo.
lUeaburn (Imre) 1137101
`Ruby (imp,) [28788]
Prince Thomas [40281
[Fyvia's Pride [9047)
Lady Douglas [12067]
fArdlethen [4948] (11240)
Princess Alexandra
Maggie (18207)
2nd (17069)
(Ste :Phomas (imp,) [9321
10o1110i [5711j (10704)....
!Baron's Pride [3007]
(,Rosie of Cont patnned(9122)n
(Gold Mine [2904:] (9540)
(Queen of Heatts [0514]
(Peitice Alexand'er(imp.)
1 19375] (8899)
( Darling
(Sir Everard [3000](5353)
Bat'on's Pride [3007]
(9:122) (Forest Queen [4258]
Baron Ruby [10045 (7`?33
(1208) Flashwood's Best 3534.
�Rtlb of L`ha all:on
Ruby [19181] (18850) (Robins [0901] (12182) 11)
' 'Prince of Quality [21731
Queen of Quality [220181
,Oaring [05581 (12318) .,...
(Oedtic (imp.) [22021(1087)
(Jeanie Roy (hrtp,) [2,304]
(Oraichnlore Darnley
(imp ) [2727] (50071
(Mabel of Oleudrie 05591
bred by Henry
I'IiN1HW•\ addL' 'l to L110 Pwrl•
1 m tR
11111114r- a 't 1,11,1.1.y : tl f 11th ,fat ur,l ttlY,
n!m1_,,i,l'!h 11)atr,ll.. f 111 -IN] asAIRlIH,
(,!! 14 ri'ni: 1 I.t`f- I t y, I
ttmr•tu week I nn h r..ls.11,1 1 UMgl
Ra11Wy el•elil 111,•.'u+t ltllr, a •lou, :U ttl+aa-
,i,,1 t lurluer InParnub
lion uN lore nditiva illi 1 ('putrmrG uuny
ut d bhudt I're'nr: pf r rode r uwy ba elle.
hun.d n!the Post Dille., of liras:00N, 1741111'
brook tm,1Ethel, -rind at therdil•e of the Poet
Unhn• Inspotor, London,
Cil" E H F1sH LR,
k ❑st 011iap hlNpOrtoc.
Post-Otllee Department, (Moeda, Nall Ser-
vice lirnueh, Ottawn,8lst of 0101',1(118, 403
Notice to Creditors
In ]he mutter el the estate el 101111
Haines, late of tin Township nl
nte•v, in the - County -of Huron,
Farmer, dereast (1.
Notior is hereby given pnrsunot to "The Re-
vised statutes of Ontario," that all creditors
and others having claims against the ramie of
the said John Ilehtes, who Med on or about
the Twenty•aloth day of April, A D. 11118,
1'r„ regni red on or before the First day of
Idly A. D. lulh', to vend bylpont pre nlld or de-
iver ro fieorve Bras% Esq , Listowel, outarin,
Solicitor for the ItIsceutnrs of the lost will and
Te4atomit of said doe.msed, Choir ehristinn
nod Su rennuw, ,uta res+es and eleseripttons, the
full porthole•. of their maims, the stattmene
of their aeenhnts and the nature of 1.110 accarl-
ttos tir nail held by them.
And further mire notice that after such last
mentioned d tta tho 10senutm'a will pro•
reed to chi tribute the as etv of thu decrnsed
nnum,, Iso parties ern died thereto. having re-
gurd only to 6111+eltdma or winch they shrill then
have not ie.., wed the mild Executors will not
be liilblrfor the said assets or any cart there•
of to nus ut•raon n1' erraewle of a•baw• plain
nutirn .I oat baro barn rrrelved by thmn'at
lite dupe or of suohdiatributan.
Dated nt• Listowel this Seth day of May, A.
D IInlB. 88•4
JOHN I-IAINNS, By 013013 1.1 BRAY,
WILI.TAm GOOD, dee. I,latowel, Ont..
Exrcutm•s. Their Solid tor,
Horses fur Service
Enrolment No.1280 Form 2
A. F. EMBURY & SON, Props.
DIONDAY-W ill Ic ire itis own stable, Lot 21,
8rd Lute, Morris, and gn Nast to Oliphant
Smith's for noon : then south 14:i wil0x, um,
Wsat vin gravel real to lhussels, then to Robt.
Niehoter for night.
Tl1E+DAY-11:1..4. to grown road, thou South
to 8th Lina, Borrie, to (iso. Kelly's for Mimi
Cheat math ter bnluulnt'y.- Wret fly tap, and
South to Moloch lino, the n Sweat to Hort AI•-
ha1'a for nigb t.
w mote eetiee /leoh to boundary, phot 1
vntle, then North to Win. lay l.Ir's Fn• noon ;
them North to fill] kine. Ahvri+, then West to
Wm Bled's for night.
PEI UItSDAY--North t1 0th Line, Atnrrls,
then West Qn John Wightnnla'+for Weill •then
North via Helerave to god Lino, ASorr)s, to
John Cooltes' for eight
FRIDAY-13ns, to Agar Bros.' for noon ; then
North to INE Line, Morris, to Jae. Peacock's for
SATLr1t.DAY--WIll prnrpc-d 1101I10 whore Ito
will remain until the following Monday.
81626 A. T. R. 2296 C. N. R.
Form A I. Enrolment No. 4981
The (arab d t']reuit Rano !old shuw Horse, lot
SIrian oar ar nt :Tenfold nod Olntun 1017
uring Shows. The finis amble It Ihs t'oanty
of Huron that ever ,•11'.-„d the serrlc`es of a
entitle,' with a le prod of 4 10 or better.
NI filet• Dieksna will ale, d at his own sl nide,
ttonunorohd Thud Darns, nay lh, with exam.
Mott of the following runts : --
MONDAIT-1Yi11 leave Ilia own stable rood
proceed to Auburn for noon; thence by way of
Nilo to (i. McNR I1's for night.
TU1gSDAY-Will proem -d to Dolhm•tio-Haunt,
G"deriell, for noon, and remain there! until
Wednesday neon.
weaogesDAY-Will proceed by way of Hen•
Miller to Myth where Ito will remain until the
following Alauany tlm•n111g,
51522 A, T. R. 107o O. N. R.
Form A I. Enrolment No. 2986
Tho standard igvd show and Trotting Stnt•
jinn Full brulb,•r t„dusty],2 MI, andInca M.
2.171..1 Was rhomn 10 tlntes-14 tune grit and
01100 /400.nd.
Ike Aicdlull wi l tenet for (740 improt•m90nt
of stock thin a nson as follows:
011(.713SDAY-will )rave Itis owti stable,
1313,1h, and oroar0l North to Bolgrnve for noon ;
than to the Forntere'hoots, WInghnnn, for
rill -DAY -Will promud t" 131110:111• to i•Inll's,
for noon; thence to (Tot don McDwudd's Hotel,
Hrtmeols. for night.
SATURDAY -Will propped Folds. own stable,
Hlytit, whore he -will remain until the follow.
ing Thom -toy morning,
E'er farther particulars and terms of these
well bred hursrn see bills or p loalro of
1111062/ Enrolrnont No: 0068, Form ). ]vended
Ditty 20,1015; bred by JR11101,1 811011'• SIN), ID le
neird Chief, thee.) 1127081 (10807); ahem of sire,
Rrittah (Thief 181011 (12600). Diol or etre, Kate
tiento1 ante, Hannlo ,lean Again [811(4981. Sire
of limo, Royal Part (imp ) [301101 (111120). Dont
nk tum yhon!n, by Lord of the Manor limn.)
Bone, season nt his owIL n etable,I,ut B0v(hnt 0, Mortis
or would, by appointment, meet matonier•a.
JAB, SPEItt, Proprietor
(Castlereagh 13040 (103211)
Lathy Lawrence 4417] (3780)
Flashwood [2999] (3004)
1Kade [571.2] le18)
(Sir Everard €3000](5353)
1Foeest Queen [4258] (7283)
J Macgregor [4480] (1487)
1Lovely 2nc1 20058] (1500)
SG oldfinder [2907] (0807)
(M.of Leithenhall [21008](13587)
Unenley's Bern [7097](5007)
Princess [0515] (0305)
JJPrince of Walee [4509] (073)
1JeaVe m8d1k [31x4] (8100)
'(l;ar113yndforcl jj0132S] (70"1'0)
Susie, by Ertel (range (4350)
Topgallant. (1850)
Rosie of Killellan [82.10] (7437)
Y l J
y tut hill 11''
,� p [, Da 1 y 7002 (2429)
(Forest• 141a11ie [4254] (4740)
Fl ash [2909] (3001)
1Y F, of Beghoust 188301(5308)
JPrinae Robert2801 (7185)
(Heroine [4448][ 8522)
JjPrinca of. WOOF; [4500] (073)
1Knockdnn Maggie [4075] (308)
f Darnley [4491] (222)
(Lily of Longsltnt [8513] (2012)
J Darnley 4491.] (222)
Ifalora [18455] (843)
Glenlee (803)
Olendvie Comely [05001(2880)
This well bred Stallion Will stand for service during the season at his own stable Lot 20 Con. Morris
p r 31' .
HENRY BONE, proprietor
;18978)- fano]
Ntirohnent No, 11107-Inspoeted. and Approved
Porn, I.
Will mend for the Improvement or stook
during the present Henson nt J01111 J, Megnv
i tt'A stables, Lendu:try, Lot 22, Con. 18, Mon.
lop, Terms, 3t2 to insure, payable February
1st, 1010.
J J. MOGAVIN, Proprietor,
Full fOr Service
The undersigned will keep ror servioe on 9A
Lot 18, Don, 0, Morris, the splendid homebred
Shorthorn T3u11 IRnyal Gem --110041 Ped•
i8ree may be 00011 an application, Terms -
:P.00 with privilege of returning if neeesem'y,
JOHN P. KEIai,Y, Proprietor,
Bull for Service
The undersigned will keep for servioe, on Br
Let 80 Uon 2, Morrie township, thethoroe•hred
Fhnt t Nora Bull, Gainford of Salmn, No,
DOHS= Sired by Gainford Marquis 1.011800) ;
Ig+ee smay tbo N0011 on up licatio(189521,
Bgri lAt l?este
&AO for gradas end $.10 09ep thera-breds.
For Sale ® Good Value
About two acres of land with omnfortable
frame 11011RO, stable and hen hmiso; goods well;
1 rnmliaoAh'e 6d niUiutOAr'awitlliiPtoin pot tolllobt
PimehnvRAropertty le aituntod on Jamessto*retards. Partioulara may he had oft enquiry
tram the owner on the prendees.
BIMON ti RA14'Y5