HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-6-13, Page 3GERMANS CRAB ALSACE PLANT RUTHLESS ACTION OF TEUTON GOVERNMENT. Systematic Strippdng of Industry Be fore the Day of Reckoning Deigns, German carpet -baggers are over- running Alsace to grab all property confiscated by the State, ruiner earl. ours pretexts, says a recent despatch. Indignation among the people is widespread, and even °Metals respon- sible to the Kaiser's Government are forced by public opinion to give voice to emphatic. protests. Alsace is It great industrial eeutre and one of its principal industries is the manufacture of textiles, Most of the textile factories in Alsace were taken over by tine State as a war measure. As te1110 of the stockhold- ers were Frenchmen, the mills, it was alleged, were partly enemy alien pro- perty. So the State took charge of the :Mlle, and prepared to liquidate them, This liquidation was carried out recently. Alsatian business men and capital- fete had formed a rorporation to buy the mills in an effort to keep them in Alsatian hands. Even city adminis- trations, sigh as the municipality of n uldhausen, where a number of fac- terics are situated, bought stock in title coring:Mon. The name of the. corporation -is the United Alsatian i Textile Fneto•ies, Forbidden by Berlin. ! Chief Executive of the United Thus it Ions decided in Berlin that', 1's a hard Worker. the Alsatians should not be allowed to Mr. Woodrow Wilson has, for many buy what was practically their own. months past, worked on the average Another concern, called the Pleich- 18 hours out of every 24, without the reviler group, was more successful,' least sign of exhaustion. Their bid for the property was ac-' Such a glutton ie he for work that, cepted by the Government, while the' just as nothing is too great for his Alsation offer was rejected, It wee, personal attention, .nothing is too announced the P,lelehrooder bid was small. He will turn from settling preferred because it accepted State the food control of 110,000,000 people, supervision us one of tho eoulitions or "placing an embargo on exports to of the sale. Baron von Stein, Undar neutrals, which _means the starvation secretary of State, in defending the of Germany, to typing a pretty little Government's action before the main note to a child in the Middle West committee of the Reichstag, said the who has asked him if he would advise Bleichroeder group had offered a mil- her to invest her small savings in the lien mnrks more than the Alsatian war loan. corm:ration, Beeides, the Alsatian;` He never dictates a letter, a speech, End refusal to snbecribe to the con- or an international Note. Ile types Clone, including State supervision of them all with his own hands on a mene gement. small typewriter, which he bought Coneternatien and indignation some years ago, when he was head of reigned at the meeting of the City Princeton University, and which has Council of Muhlhausen when the Gov- been hie constant companion ever e•nment's decision was made known since. by Mayor Zopfel. He said not only, It accompanies him on all his trips had the offer of the Alsatian corpora- (it has travelled considerably over tion, of which the city of Muhlhmusen 100,000 miles); and on it he has writ - itself was a component part, been re- ten every one of his historic mess- jected by the Government, but he apes, from his Note on the Lusitania aleo had been informed on good au-, tragedy to the more famous address thorit.y all the other Alsatian factor- of April and, 1917, when he threw ies to be liquidated would he sold to dowel the gauntlet to Germany. "old -German" concerns • beyond the Rhino. Ruthlessness Condemned. M OUR FOR auovx.00.0.e. ya � T ppurged ng.theThey used mild often and „v0,„ Tong. T but efficient purgatives like PURGATIVE WATER wldch finthee out the`lnteattnee and onsuree normal bowel action without coming collo, °minim or discomfort. On Bale everywhere: 26 cents the bottle. RIGA PURGATIVE WATER CO. MONTREAL, sr This is the message British papers were asked to flash daily on their pages during Britain's campaign. Now Canada's Food Board is asking those in the Dominion to do like- wise. PRESIDENT WILSON Slates, In Homeland. This attempt to Germanize Alsace There is a house in Homeland that I by ruthless industrial methods was may call mine own, condemned by several members of And I may sit within it beside the the City Council, Councillor Emmei warm hearthstone; denounced as a subterfuge the state- But if I dwelt in Flanders, or lived in merit of.,Under-secretary vol Stein, Picardy, who said the Bleichroeder offer had Think you I would be sitting beneath been accepted because it was the more i mine own roof tree? favorable one. The speaker saw in There is a Homeland garden in which the Government's action a system- i I may behold atic effort to mice Alsatian property The pansies I have planted, the gleaming marigold; But if I dwelt in Flanders, or lived in Picardy, Think, if I owned a garden, what would my garden be! away from Alsatians. The Bleichroeder group, the suc- cerefel bidder, is headed by the bank- ing bailee of Bleiehrneder in Berlin. The original Bleichroeder was Prince Bi rnarck's fimmneisl man and his heirs are et!Il in control of the bank- I have loved ones I cherish beyond all Mg house. Old Bleirahroeder was not things of earth; very scrupulous in his financial meth- They bring to me my solace; they ods, but thio slid not prevent Bismarck make for me my mirth; from conferring the title of nobility But if I dwelt in Flanders, or lived in upon his money-maker. This teas one Picnrdy1 of the greatest jokes perpetrated by Dear God, spare us in Homeland the Bismarck. speechless agony( However, Baron Bleichrneder's heirs ere still barons and their influ- ence in the highest circles is still,for- midable, It. seems they had little trouble in obtaining the Alentian pro- perties at favorable terms -favorable to themselves, for to then: State su- pervision moans supervision by friends. Worse Than Waged. That the preeperity earl exhorta- tion no less than the prosperity of a jest lies in the ear that hears it, seems to be atleated by a story that one of the friends of Dwight L. Moody recently told. One° when tho great; revivalist was in Loudon he went into an office in the city to insure his life. Hie friend accompanied him. Havinlg finished the business, Mr. Moody look- ed about, and then --for ho never neglected an opportunity of peeneh- ing•--he saki with impressive gravity and feeling: "I have insured my wretched body, but who is to insure my miserable soul?" A bustling but painfully natter -of - fact cleric :furnished the required in- formation. a "Our Mr, Thompson of time fire de- partment will spe after that, sir," he replied briskly. The decorum o.f the office wars CORP p1°tely brokon up, but as neither Mr, Moody nor his friend lacked a 801160 of humor they found it easy to join in the general laughter, Use pe ishable Canadian products; inn (Mort, tree vegetables; 1. 'l �y�eaL:r p�`at t�r6f�iW r4 tw 6'C�3G-�y � I b ®nee c�U' Post urn urn comes when gsng note better. healfh and all. round Not a thin ) harmful in sides, it saves was'"eta a ..1d fuel. r is ror your own sake fry I At. the Family Altar, Before Thee, Lorre of all, we bow Who trieth u> arothto day; And round this hallnved altar :now Our heal tft it thanks we pay. Ah! tonne did vigil tapers burn, Who but, fnr Thee were sore die - tremor]; !tut as to life we safe. return Gladness is stili our gun:at. We bless Thee for the tasks that wait For us at home, abroad, at school. These help us do, eager, elate And mind the golden rule. - - -' -° Guard and keep pure from every stain Both those who top and those who la he �'�''C"ekiy II Till eve un The us all again, And here we kneel to pray. -Alexander Louis Fraser, -- LEMON JUICE IS Fashions These are very good designs for. the separate waist and skirt, McCall Ptatern No. 7990, Ladies' Blpuse. In 0 sizes, 34 to 44 bust, No, 8101, Ladies' Six -Gored Skirt In 8 sizes, 22 to 30 waist. Price, 20 cents each. ;i This is a dress with a hint of the military in the braid and buttons. McCall Pattern No. 8009, Ladies' Semi -Fitted Dress, In 0 sizes, 34 to 44 bust. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or frail the McCall C,o„ 70 Bond St„ Tor- onto, Dept. W. Labor for the harvest. Mr. J. D. McGregor, Direetor of Labor, Canada Food Board, says that the seeding of the West has been managed very well by the co-opera- tion of the mon in the towns and cities, of the boys enlisted in the Soldiers of the Soil, and by men se- ethed from the United States. "I have the assurance of the Govern- ment," said Mr. McGregor, "that measures will be adopted to assure you the necessary supply of labor for harvesting the crop. The Anti -Loaf- ing Law has worked wonders and idle foreigners and sports have disappear- ed from the streets of the West, They are at work on the farm." Arrangement With the United States. Honorable G. C. Robertson, Labor representative in the Government, stated in the House of Commons that an arrangement had been completed by the United States Department of Labor and the Canadian Department of Immigeation and Colonization for the interchange of farm laborers. Several thousand have already en- tered the Canadian West ender this arrangement. When you have potatoes for a meal yeti meed less bread. WOMEN! IT I3 MAGIC 1 b LIFT OUT ANY OORN I Apply a few drope then lift corns oe calluses off with fingers -no pain. 0--.4-..o--e--•a_'.-a^_.-.n--.u......c .e....0--a--o Juet think! You can lift off any corn or cal- lus without pain or sorenese A Cincinnati man discovered this ether compound and mimed It freezone. Airy drug- gist will sell a tiny but- tle of freezone, like here shown, for very little oust, You apply K. a few drops directly Greater gifts than they, the Rise, upon a tender corn Unto Him you bring. or callus. Instantly the Soreness disap- pears, then shortly you will find the corn or callus so loose that you can lift it right off, FRBICKLE REMO'S,ER. Girls! Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your skin. Squeeze the juice of two lemone Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white, shale well, and you have a quarter pint of the best d freckle and tan lotion, and complexion corn or callus, but beautifier, at very, very small cost. shrivels it up without The middle verse of the Bible is Your grocer has the lemons and any even irritKttin the surrounding skin. the eighth verse -of the 118th Psalm. drug store n toilet counter will sup- en it soft or corns between the The twenty-first verse of fife seventh ply three ounces of orchard white for toe11;s, Its well er painful calluses, lift chapter of Ezra contains all the let a few tents. Massage this sweetly, ckg right off. There is no pain before or fere in the alphabet except the letter fragrant lotion into the face, neck,! afterwards. If your druggist ore or j• The longest verse is the ninth arms and hands each day and see how afterwarzone tell him to order a small unite of the eighth chapter of Esther. clear, soft and white the shin be bottle fnr you from his wholesale The shortest verse is the ninth verse comes. Yes! It is harmless, of the eleventh chapter of St. John. MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costa three cents, A Camouflage Grace. Little harry (after eating his mea- gre ration of bread and margarine) - Must I say grace, mllma? Mama -Of course, darling. Littl Ii Well id rod Onr Lads. Why so fnr from home, lads, So far, eo very far? Surely yon are not of those Who ,tourney toward a Star. There were Three, het they were Wise: and old and gray. Why ehrmid you when life is high Fare so far away? they, the Three, sa long ago, Gray and wise and odd, Sought a Sint, and brought Him gifts, Incense, myrrh and gold. So far away from home, lads, Fla far, so very far'. In your eyes I rend the truth - You, too, seek the. Star! Though yCAI come with hong, lads, You, too, seek the ung. 7.,1 He could not bide at home, lads, And like IIim now you roam So far, so far, oh, lads, dear lads, To make the whole world Home! Freezone is. wonder- v nom's Liniment used by Physician.. fol. It & ee instantly. It doesn't eat away the Do You Know Thus? Birds That Bring Good Luck. Tradition has it that a late swallow brings luck to the hostel he favors, and many country people still regard New out and spud around the world the bird as semi -consecrated and re" And travelled all its ways. fuse to allow its empty nest to be in- terfered with during winter months. The fool soon saw his sad mistake With the spring the birds return to And strove to help it then; their original eaves, and it is a sigh (loath he: "I'll keep an open mouth -- of impending misfortune if they neg- It may fly in again." lect their former nests. A swallow And so he spread the hinges wide at sea brings disaster in its train, but Shish never one he hinge a sand swallow is considered a alas- Alas, no foolish words came hack cot by the surrounding country -side. Litt only more flew out. Even the humble hedge sparrow may lay claim to some share of no- toriety, for illness attacks the occu- You will agree that a satisfying cup pant of the room into which it gains of tea is economical at five cups for a access. A deacl wren is another little cent, yet that is all the genuine treasure, and the superstitious Manx Salado costs. Low-priced teas actu- drug house. '.Baking Batters Worse. A fool once opened wide his mouth And straight a foolish phrase e airy- a you said s could read our thoughts, and if I say Actgsars WAl T£D I'm thankful He'll know ;folly well'_ what a 'bominable little liar I ami pc; P. T It A t T A.GENTB WANTING good prints: dnishlag a specialtYt . fin nes end see�rvthing a.t L�a'est rlcesl bah ror 9¢inara•s and take no other. nulck semi• -e. Mated Art Co., 4 .uruhs- Wiek Ace.. Toronto. flow Long They Live, A sheep lives ten years. A cat lives fifteen years. A lion live:: twenty years. A camel lives forty years. A bear lives twenty years. A dog lives fourteen years A squirrel lives eight years. A canary lives six years, A crow lives six years. An ox lives twenty-five years. A guinea pig lives seven years. A horse lives twenty-five years: A whale lives three hundred years. A tortoise lives one hundred years. An elephant lives four hundred years. P- parrot lives one hundred and twenty-five years. reinese's Llnbuont Lamberman,e Priand. Sailors' Rations Reduced. Representatives of the British Mer- cantile Marine in conference with Lord Rhondda have agreed to a re- dnethe, of 50 per cent. in their meat allornnee. World's Greatest Mine Field. According to the Lundon Telegraph the area of the North Sea recently announced by the British Government as prohibited as dangerous to ship fishermen would never set sail at one ally cost you more, for they yield far ping after May 15th is the greatest time without one. A live wren will less in the teapot and, of course, have mine field ever laid for the special not work the same result, but a dead not that delicious flavor. purpose of foiling submarines. It braces 121,782 square miles, the among sea superstitions. Criminals Make Good. base forming a 1 wren can vie with the renowned caul I - - - em MISCELl,ANZOITS FOR sALa 11 Q'T REEI.Y NEWSPAPER PC/A SALE 9 Y in New untariio. Owner going to Proses, Will sell $..,000. 94-orth double th•,t amount Amar" J. P ego liaison PublteUin_m !'o.. Li:lilted, Teretun, g'g�ELL OT3CTiPPED NEWSPAPER C i and ,lob nrinting plant in Enatorn C°nterio. Insurance Carried $1,601 bulli W for Publishing on ao. talo. sox 89. Wilson Yublishing Co.. Ltd.. Toronto. ins between Norway At the Yarmouth Y.M.C.A. Boys' Camp, held at Tusket Falls in August, I found MINARD'S LINIMENT most beneficial for sun burn, an immediate relief for colic and toothache. ALFRED STOKES, General Secy. Crime has decreased greatly since and Scotland and the peals extending `war broke out, the reason being northward into the Arctic Circle, the that a considerable proportion of men belonging to the professional criminal classes have been abeorbed into the Army. Many of them, too, have done well seeding was never so well advanced in it. One ex -convict, a Liverpool in the history of the Wert as it is Seeding Well Ahead. Mr. J. D•, McGregor, Director of La- bor, Canada Food Board, says that TADIES WANTED TO DO PLAIN 1 and light sewing at home, whole or spare time, good pay, work sent any distsr,ce. charges paid. Send stamp tot Particulars. National ManufanturinS Companv. Montreal. who_ CANCER, TUDSORB. LUMPs, ETC. e../ internal and esternai, cures w1Ch- out aetn by out home treatmean Wildq as .limited Callinewo de Dot n Medic Co.. man, witha score or more convictions this year. It is up to the men in mil - to his "credit," won the Victoria Cross essential industries now to plan to r for one of the most conspicuous acts help with the harvest. of gallantry on record, and has since -- died for his country, says an English If the lawn is inclined to be damp weekly, Others, promoted on the acid plenty of sand; if mossy, plenty field for bravery, have attained to of lime. A Remarkable Career. lion -commissioned rank. The past history of practically all One of the most remarkable officers men of this type is known to the of the British Army now fighting in heads of the Criminal Record Office France is Brigadier -General Adrien at Scotland Yard, but these never Carton de Wiart. Since the war be- pass on their information to the milu- gan he has been wounded eight times, tary authorities. To do so would be has lost an eye and an arm, and has manifestly unfair to men who, evhat- gained in succession the D.S.O. and ever their past faults may have been, V.C., and several Belgian decorations.! are now doing their best far their Gen. Carton de Wiart was born in country, and, incidentally, trying to Brussels 34 years ago, and is the son make good on. their own account. of the late Maitre Leon de Wiart, who One exception, however, there is, filled a high legal position in connec- and the rule in this connection is a tion with the Anglo-Egyptian Govern- hard and fast one. No man of ]mown ment, and is a nephew of the Belgian . criminal antecedents is allowed to Minlester of Justices serve in the Royal Army Medical Sought in the Boer War at the Corps, or, generally speaking, in any age of 17, and was thrice wounded of the other depaxtmentel corps, He while serving with Brabant's and the must be a combatant or nothing. Imperial Light Horse, so that alto- , ____. gether he has been wounded 11 tides. Small plantings every week of let - When the present war broke out he tuce and radishes will supply fresh, went to East Africa, where he was crisp plants for the table. severely wounded, The Anglo -Bel- gian general, in spite of. the loss of ' an arm and an eye, has proved him- Early -sown wheat was two inches self a brilliant and fearless' cavalry above ground in the West at the end' leader. menu Minara's Idnimont 1n the .once. Alberta's Sheep Ranches.. To -day no part of North America offers as excellent opportunities to the fiockmaster as Alberta, with only some 100,000 sheep within her borders and 72,000,000 acres of pasttite land practically lying idle. The present regulations are very fait, allowing a mon up to 12,000 acres for the no- minal sum of two cents per acre an- nually. Most of this land lies to the Nortel, in the great Peace River and Grand Prairie country, often- spoken of as the last great West, a Takee out the inflammation - trent burnt, Inflamed cots, scald', traitor, blitlery end su ben --plies end nbceettos. Works like imagist env a box -tit dealers, at wilts us. SikeT aeilBey COMPANY. ifnisllton„ Canada ED. 7. ISSUL 23---'18. of the fleet week in May and in , met. sections there has been plenty of, moisture to promote rapid growth. ! IfLEPY'i)uR SHOES NEAT 'Me Cause of i lac flB$ TrQilubel Faulty digestion canoes the generation of geese in the stomach which inflate and press down on the heart and interfere with its regular action, causing faintnees and pain. 15 to 30 drops of Mother Seigel qq Curette° Sirep after meals setadigeetion rrght,which allows tho heart to beat full and regular. 9 Convenieue The AuteStrep Safety Rr zor is al.- ways ready for sls� --the edge is uni- formly keen anti it is a simple tr.1a to to !toe]..) it so. It strops, shaves and is oleo d without tahzing This orpl.;as wog the AutoStr: p is uni- versally usad and lilted bytholnyoever- seas. Give your soldier an Au toStrop-- i t' a the gift he needs. AG@'t3StrfQg Sakti 1:@,w, ER' Ca. Limited 81-87 Mamal. Tarots, gat. i Tho S3zp to Clouse andunify The OinWielll to Soothe and lied These fragrant, super -creamy emol- lients stop itching, clear the skin of pimples, blotches, redness and rough. ness, the scalp of i tolling and dandruff, and the hands of clim es and sores. fit purity, delicate medication, refresh - mg fragrance, convenience and econ- omy, Cuticura Soap and Ointment meetwith the approval of the most discriminating. Lf cel for every -day toilet uses. e ad �g inutfc lis. vent N Eo9t ntnJ.e1tl .'•deal- Ertl tblos,tasi . too woI`m. n 'a � ,-� p rl ^•J.I 5 ttiY � < att Canton, Ohio -"I seared from a fem nle trouble which caused me much -..,.s.,..�.-.m,m.M.,_ sntl'erin;;, and tnvd doctor:; decided that I would have to go thretrth an operation before I could get well. My mother, who had boon helped by Lydian PInkham'a Vegetable Com- pounlil advised tem to tri* n t before sub- ra-ttingto an opera- tion. It relieved me from my troubles so I tan do my house work'Ftithont any di;lieult . I advise any woman who is afflicted with female troubles to _give, Lydia a Pinkhara's Vegetable Com- pound a trial and it will do as much for them." --Mrs. trials BOYD, lel Gth St N. ;., Canton, Ohio. Sometimes there are serious.eondi- tions where a hospital operation is the only alternative, but on the other hand so many women have been eurod by this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E, rinkham'e Vegetable Compound, after doctors have said that an operation was necessary -every woman who want8 to avoid an operation should give it a fair trial before submitting to such lA tr ing ordeal. if complications exist, write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass,. for advice. The result of many years experience is at your service.