The Brussels Post, 1918-6-6, Page 5•..t
OMNI* !IMMO 41,141.4�A'."'N�''
(WINO Souln (}nlN0 Nowell
Exl•rens .. ,1an to Ilhul . II .asn an
Exp ren//,,s��..��ff ttoa ,,.a3J 59 l!I/, /II�,II I Il:xi,14,FIH cT eU�ry1i p!n'/,t'O MV.M le,�D,.y C4r.l.'i a'
To 'roman) To Di/Jerb9l
1+xpross i.J: u m rapers., t i l l pm
Ilxpresa..,...... p nr I ICXp1.1.4 '.l'oo't I. Ito
wROX E rest
'f 11 II til nod 3'31 p. m.
Going West - and
All train. kol.ig gait coon. t with t'. H !l. at
Vrlmgavillo for Owen Mound, Elora and T
(i. B. stations.
Li MO. ALLA N. Local A gent.
Business Carols
Nulntanor to M.11. )luol r1111r„ at Ander
• In Bron. Livery stable, $a un+,�l., �Telem
:No. as.
Honor gradttato of the Ontario V-terinrry
Cortege, Dov nod slight call% /111,•e ripple,te
Nlour At,ll Ethel.
T. T. M' RAE
M. B.. M. O. P., 6 S, O.
M. O. H Village of Itite.els.
Phyeirian,. ml;,,on, A, ePuehe'ur
011loeatrrnidnnee, /4,pie, r 1l el eine t'hurrh,
Wilburn sweet.
Para mill gradual , p..rtment of Ophthnl•
mologv, McCormick } da .l (.,li.•ga t dicagn,
All is prepared to t, tit' eyes a and ilt glosses at
her citiee over Ali tuuuan s mdlipery store.
Oill eu darn -W .111e,day Thursday, Friday
end Saturday of every week. Office hours" lU
to 12 n, w. ; I to U p, m, Evenings by appuioe .
ment, Phone DIV,
Licensed Auctioaaor for Huron Ca,
satlsfaellon nnsnrr, ; Charge+mod.onte,
Write or Telephone Ir not eenvenieot to ion.
Bu41t Brussels and worth Huron Phones,
BE1sGic.A Vt6 H. o,
narristers, solicitors, Notaries Public,
(Mice on the Sgnare, 2nd door from Ilandlten
Private fund, to Inns nt leivest rn4es,
W. Paurut'uu'r, It, C, .r, 1,, KII.I.ORAN
fl. d. O. Conan
farmers of ire
If wanting to hay implemenle ars
nem Co•4 1'rlee as poasilde Call ran
min pei 1•11311). Nil acrd of pay-
ing our agent, and }mitt] amen to
drive the lollds soHeiling (inlets,
which you du if buying from
I heat. i evil the +Alt•Coi nib+ end
of the International linealimpie.
menu:, and ()three Plow'e, (oil leer
gin`s raid 'I1.1telMS. Citll on nue
and sawe big money,
M Ine
Ethel, D� �
Sperfol prier nil' rte•. It will
tw in lnu'reis:tint Wings.
The Very Best Flour
and all kinds ur Carden Heeds,
kreBoods delivered to any mot of the
W. J. McCracken
Phones 413 and 37 U 1'00.x13.
Cis &stein
Successor to
M. Yolleck
44" ,,r i Is prepared to pity
�+�✓ • highest price for
o Scrap iron,
2 Rags,
a Rubbers,
♦ V.4' .Ci.
Wool Ranted
o Highest price prod, See
me before you sell,
s ♦
o ♦
re '•
Write or Phone 62x •
m, N11.1, S:VREiIIT 1311U8SE1,8 •
4 et
s l0'
11111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111IIIII111111III1111e0**.;.rc'0tie
51% 'instead of 3%
If you B tree 5.'100 every Nix menthe for
t0 yeaze sic 3 'L you wvoold receive $347-03
in rlitarcar. if yeti irtoceited the shone
tiAlOtllrt for the s.trne ti ole tot' .512% you
nAuuld rceeive fu Intereet $091.714, 'Arron
r lit at1:"„ Would be $344,73 Or over'
i.t ens rs of the 3';, rate.
Thy Loee the Difference
heave! n i'.', ort 1 Kr -;, or sacrifice over 994', of the profits
sou sh mid devise from your capital. Standard
Rellnnt a 514'1, Mortgage Corporation Debentures nra
iseucd fu tiwounts o[ SIMI and upwards. The in-
terest (5' f!';) is payable Mut-yearly by the local honk
in cash oto the Jay it Is due, The principal Is repayable.
at a fire, psalm, to stilt your convenience. Abso-
lutely cafe. No worry or inconvenience.
Thousands of people Nava invented In these deben-
rOTea wlthnut alto loss of ono dollar Invested.
:Lro you n savor er an lnventer? Write to -day for
in r errsilnil booklet entitled 'PROPITS PROM
5AVINGH,' which elves sorno very valuable advise.
Paid up Copilot and Swaim Funds • - $3.362,378,63
Illlllllllla I II
.• E
`s_- d 14+0' , .!i' :.�Ponfa
Branch Offices:
11 ' IIII 1111111111111111111111 IIIi1111111111111119111111e•elfiFtigiNg: W
prat i elms ' tensa
F I. .:,, a i r C1nne•II h•e: peered n
repilntnn .,Trot Thr• town's ak elsilleilt 11111
hr pnblisht d iil pcnuph'el to tit.
Mount Fore.` 51r[hurli,ls unl increase
the salary of their oaslor, key. Davit!
Wren, h,rnlerly of Billssels, to $;ogee per
Crewe, who tapped maple trees We
Sprite; won neglected to plug the holes
are warned that unless this is clout; the
trees will (lie,
~oats cities are trying potato bread
(25% potatoes) anti report it delicious.
The lowly tuber will soon gain an exalt-
ed position,
Tee boys who work on farms this
Smuttier will learn one thing that the old
table of :quare measure omitted the
number of aches III all acre.
'Petr.—A woman eau mark up a kitch-
en calendar anti know more about -the
household finances than a man would if
he kept a set of books on them.
rim training cutup seems to be a
more deully place for British and Am-
erican :Wiituts than actual service at the
front. One hundred and two have met
death sieve April eel), 1gr7.
BRICK 1111,1 Bute ter repairs are;diflicult.
to obtain locally. It somebody kept a
glumly on hand during building eearwu
tt `nod business might be clone if the
public, was made Aware of the tact.
'rite Seeret ly of the Union Suaclny
School hxcursion wrote the G. T. R.
relative to the annual Excursion to Kin-
cardine this Summer int they ;decline to
supply the necessary accommodation
during tele.
Kietetemee leerteerxe nap,. of a for
stet lilusse,ite:—••Mrs. H. J. whitely
w to his :pent the Winter in Owen
Sound, returned on Saturday lost," Mrs.
Whitely is n sister to hors, las. Joues, of
131 u.esels and a fernier resident of town,
DoN'T let your counter check hooks
run bun low, We are agents for the
Appleford Counter Cheque Book Co„ of
Hamilton, lieu largest concern of this
kind lu C.t td'
u . Ion can hay as cheap
from us tts you can from the firm. 'Pur
IltraoN public :011001 PI.OMOU00 ex•
aulinatioae will Le held mn June 24, 25
and 20. Papers are beteg prepared for
junior and senior second and third chass-
is null for junior fourth classes, '!`each•
tom should uotify the Public before June
1st giving the number of papers needed
for each clsss.
aucl `ors. McKay, who moved to Brussels
eatly last Spring having sold their farm
in Grey township, propose temoviug to
Brantford. Ont„ where they have pur-
chased a home, While sorry to lose
them from town we wish them success
iu locating in Butt! ford,
The l;pworth League of the Methodist
Church well not holt) their weekly set,
vice: during the coming three months,
resuuriug in September, Miss Florence
BUehanan has resumed the Presidency
as Chester Armstrong found it impos•
Bible to accept the (-Mee during Um
Summer mouths,
Rev, J, George Miller, for the inlet 7
yea's pastor of the }+eirsl Prevhyeerinel
Church St, Marys, at the Plesbvtery of
Stratford accepted the, call which come
tohitn from St, Paal'e Church, Brendon.
He hes been one of the most popular
ministers who ever filled a pulpit in Ht.
Marys not duly with his own people,
but with all classes of citizens, who sin-
cerely regret his departtlre,
Coumeucing with June, Summer sched-
ule has come into effect at Brussels
Public Library continuing ,}until Sep-
tember est. Library will be open Tues•
day, We:Intraday and Saturday ,;ther-
eomis at the regular hears and Wetlues•
day and 5atuttlay evenings,
Goon News,—A subscriber at Pen-
nant, Seek„ in remitting ele.00 for `raw
losradds ;—In1 always a ;oars at el i
to t
f get the
vows i'rolu home.—An old friend atNee-
tram, Mats„ remits $5 oo mud says ap-
ply it on my Subscription wino!) pays
Tee Powe to September Term,— ad,
Osborne, of Conquest, Sask„ encloses
4111,5o asci SaYS :--"We are always glad
to hear from old Ontario, We ere well
and hope you are enjoying the same
J, A, Stewart, Uoiolist of Perth, was
elected by acclamation as member of the
Hoose of Commone foe Leua•ck, in suc-
cession to the irate Dr. Hama; Limit, -
Col, J. M, Balderson, who WAS nominat-
ed as en Independent Conservative,
withdrew from the conteet. Mr, Stew-
art, who is n barrister by profession, has
for some years beet Chief Ranger of the
Candine Order ol: Foresters. He is a
cousin to Miss Stewart, milliner at WINS
Mary Ross' store, Brussels,
Appointed Trustee
Messrs. Lane, of Goderich, and Bry-
done, of Clinton, have been appointed
trustees to take care of the belongings
of the tots! Battalion, band instru-
ment:, etc., which will be sent back.
to Goclerich.
Huron County W. C. T. U.
The annual convention of Huron Co,
W. C. T. U. will be held in Blyth on
,lulu 9th and 10th and it is expected
that the contest for the Diamond Medal
in elocution will be held on July 9th.
'there will also be a contest in singing,
Boys For Flax -Pulling •
The Trades and Labor branch of
the province will recruit two thousand
boys front 15 to 19 years old to har-
vest the flax crop in Western Ontario.
Over 10,000 Bank Men in the Cause.. ,
About 1,200 bank employes are af-
fected by the recent amendments to
the A'1. S. A, making the [ola! Bunt -
r o
l e f enlisted
and drafted bunk man
in the Dominion over t0,000.
No Change in Limit.
Though some local motorists hold
opinions to the contrary, no amend-
ment ;was passed at the last session
el the legislature whereby motorists
would be allowed to travel at a
greater rate of speed than 15 miles
per hour in the town and 20 miles in
the country.
Bananas by the Pound
Alai] and Umpire—Bananas, which
have always sold in the wholesale mar-
ket by the bunch, are now being offered
by alessl'g
McWlllilun and P.verist at
six and a half cents a Ib, it is upon
a basis of weight that bananas are pur-
chased by the wholesalers, and, so scar-
ce, are they becoming, that others may
shortly follow in the wake of the firm
When Will It Be ?
Electrification of the London, Huron
St Bruce Railway would produce
changes in the prosperous counties of
Middlesex, Huron and Bruce, through
which the railroad operates, that would
revolutionize present conditions, Pic-
ture, if you will, so important a dis-
trict, one of the finest farming and
fruit sections in the world, served tvith
two trains each way every 24 !tours.
The producers necessarily receive an
utterly inadequate service. The mer-
chants in the several important towns
and villages on the line are under a
hmulleen, and consumers are co -equal
sufferers.—London Free Press,
• Brussels Studio
9• All Photographs, Frames, Stock, •1
9• eze., will he soul at reduce;! 4,
44 pieces, �p4.
•S, Studio open each week nL
nu Closing June 28th .}.
/Vy! is Lbs 1/!1110 LO )lave your 4,
Phn(o, taken at. PRiCKS LOW- ,r
W A it. 4•
G. S. FREE 4.
ash for Eggs
The undersigned will pay
cash for any quantity of
Eggs received at store re-
cently occupied by A, J.
Helps Will also have a
wagon on the road for
egg gathering in charge
of Clare Long _
Jacob tong - Cranbrook
.biwitage of tort
A banter in lin and tin plate Is
prophesied by Thumb, maeufaeturers
who urge launching a campailin for
salvaging old lin to conserve the sup-
County Constables
(Ter Increase in Pay
A recent provincial order -in -Council
iq:teasel the tis, tit COpaty
ehe order ptovtdes that count; row
stables will receive Seel(' a day for
attending high and comity court ses-
sions and $2 a day for attendance
at County magistrate's emote. This
e is an increase of 50 cents a day for
each court. ht future the fee for
serving summons will he 50 cents
for the service of each document in-
stead of 25 cents, the present charge
Horde by the county constables,
\V ol. and Mrs. Irwin visited friende
at Monerieff.
Quite a imitator rrout these pal is are
registering at. London [hie week.
(Mite a number flint) here iltt.endtd
the W, P. Al. Smeiely in \Vimghoin.
The funeral of the late ]loll. Nietol
was lergely attended from his peed-
Athlete.; Myrtle and Mary Oallmwny
left for MI extended visit with rrkende
in the \Vest.
Mrs, Philip Baker and daughters,
Annie and Corn, \Vinghtam, spent the
24th of Aker at the home of C. Bolter,
Mrs. T.:Ielahan, who went through
lel operation in the NVinghiun hospi-
tal, ie getting /thong as well as ran he
The Methodist Sunday Seliu01 hits
organized for the corning year. Holi-
day School started last Sunday at
10.10" a. m.
Mrs, A, Bremner has returned home
after spending the Winter with her
daughter Mts. R. Meennnell, Grail
Rapids, Allele
Pte. Gen, Inglie, of the Nest [furores
returned home last week from France.
George looks hale and hearty although
hP was eeverely wounded.
The monthly tweeting of the Wo-
men's Institute was held at the
home of AIM Rohr, Ballagh, 2ncl con„
Culross, on June 5th. Distrite, speak-
er ;vas preRent to addreRR the ladies.
inn. Brawn, Toronto, was a visitor
here last week.
Airs. 131•11ce Fowler, Buffalo, is a
guest of Mrs. Jun. Morrison.
Lieut. Stewart A1cKercher, Toronto,
spent the holiday at his home here.
Plias Debbie, Chesley, is the guest
of friends and relatives in the village.
Miss Grace Stoeks ie holidaying
with her patents, P. and \ts, Stocks,
Ahe. and Mrs, Singer, Toronto, were
guests of R. and Mrs. Black recently,
Ales. H, A. Nixon, Winnipeg, is the
guest of her mother, Mrs, Jun, Mc-
Mee. W. J. Mitchell received word
that her eldest son, Pte. Freda \Vesl-
lake, had been wont -tiled in the ankle,
Rev, and Mrs. Stride were at Sin-
Caullne Iasi week where the former
attender! Wingham District meeting
of the Methodist Clint ch.
J, R. Wendt was called to Mildmay
owing to the illness and subsequent
death or his father, Chas. IVendr,
which occurred Saturday, May 211111,
Bort lrreetlLY MAUSOLEUM.— The
remains of the late Dr, \V. Roe, who
died in Philadelphia on. Nov. `Lith,
1015, were brought to Winghatn, on
Thursday and along with the embalm-
ed bodies of his parents were placed
in a beautiful large mausolem which
the family had ererted in the Wing.
ham cemetery. The late Mrs. John
Ilse died November 70h, 1014, aril her
husband passed away May 24th 1915.
'Vilely bodies were emhttinterl and
placed in a temporary vault awaiting
the erection of the family mausoleum.
A short service was condnrted nu
Thuescday evening by Rev. If., F. Arm-
strong. Among those who were pres-
ent from a diaLalce were Dr. Wreeley
R. Roe and Ates. Jos. A. Eckley, Phil-
adelphiaa, John and Mrs. Patterson,
0111110ll, KnnSaa, and relatives from
liowick, Brussels Clinton, Gorrie and
Morrie 1'0wnship. Air, and Airs. Roe
were old and highly este( ire d resi-
dents of the 31,d line,
highly respected pioneer of Morris
township, passed array of :Hominy,
May 20, when Jos, Sellers entered into
rest, l3e Wan born in i'mkshh'e,
England, on January 44t1t, 1536, and
when a young matin of 21 set nut for
Canada. 45 years ago he came to
Morris township where he resided -up
to his decease, with the exeptdon nr n
few years when he lived in Bluevale,
His wife predceased him about 3 years
ago. 7 Children survive viz; Mee.
John Bosman, Brandon, Man., Tel-
ford in Grey : Joel Henry, William,
hies. George Purvey and Mee. Ohas,
'Purvey and Milvert all of Mnrris,
Deceased was a member of the Metho-
dist church and Was esteemed by all
who knew him. Owing to the illness
of his pastor, Rev, D, D. Thomson,
Rev, E. P. Armstrong conducted the
services Thursday afternoon. Intev-
ment wale matte in Blnevale nemetery.
Pal]beaaere J. Telford, Alit -
vett and ltoy Sellers and Roy Terve y.
There Was a large attendance as de-
ceased were well known. PRIV of the
old settlers reutaill in this locally,
t, —r,
H�l[O(1T ]roar o •
lar. I noon nn 's the
w a lid
School Rt''xu'C of 9 S. No le Mortis,
ell, 1V )71vn Ramsay, Christie Foe -
rest, Sperling Johneton, Gunge Fell,*
Jr, IV,—G1 vette Robertson, Glace ]Zee•
nagham Gordon Moffatt. Sr. III.—
Robin Campbell, hlnrgmret hIcDongall,
Mable Johnston, Louise Fraser, natty
Rabb, Jessie Meese`, Lanett J0111181011*,
Doris Allan*, Greta Elekrnier*, Jitter
Allan*, Duncan McDougall* Sr, H.—
Bessie Campbell, Flo•enre Eckiniery
Harold Thomas, Vora gellers,;Dunelda
McDonald,* Mary Beeckenridge, Jean
Meseer, Campbell ltobertson, Ernest
Larges, Clarence Jotnaterti*, Willie
Peaoock, Stanley Moffatt, Jr. IL—
Ethel Johnston, Lizzie Robertson.
Sr. I,—Oharlie Alien, John McDoug,ali,
Fletcher Fell, Velma Ecknifer, Olilford
iLevnaghan, Peart Johnston. Jr, I,—
George PeacockCarl Jolteston,
Stuart Campbell, 13ettberb Campbell,
Felt That He Would NgvcrWaik h:geir,
"FRU1T,A,TIVE9" Brought Relief.
3 Ottawa St., Hull, P.Q.
"fruit-a-tives" is certainlyawonder.
For a year, I suffered with Rheuma-
tism; being forced. to stay In bell
At- five months. I tried all kinds of
medicine but without getting better;
and thought I would never be able
to wall[ again.
"One `.lay while lying in bed, T read
about `Fruit -a -tires' the great fruit
medicine; and it seemed just what I
needed, so I decided to try it.
The _first box helped me, andI took
the tablets regularly until every trace
of the Rheumatism left me.
1 lave every confidence in'Fratt-«.-
Laves' and strongly recommend them
to every sufferer from Rheumatism".
50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trialsize 25e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid on
receipt of price by Fruit•a-tives
Limited, Ottawa, Ont,
Irene Allen. Primer, ---Gertrude
vey, Doren Enkmier, Jobe 1<ernegloul.
Thnsr marked with an asterisk abe••ut
front all or part of teets.
Vral.A M.l hreoler,
Woxeter Council
Regular meeting of Woxeter C'•em-
efl met in Council Chamber at s l
o'clock , u1. I 9 s
May �1. t Members
p y m rs
present, Jim. Admire, D. C. Pone, F.
Davey and 'floe, Hnperofl with Reeve
Douglas in the chair. Moved by D.
S. Pepe, seconded by Fred, DIvey, '
that minutes of lord meeting he ad-
opted Caslead. Cart led.
Accounts were pre:eenled as rollnws :
R. Black, water pewee, Apiel...$ 10 (10
Hydro Eleet lie PowerCo. brume 20 4-4
L. Brown, Aseessor 30 u0
A. Ii. Moffitt, 'tinning ISlectic
Light plant ;37 50 .
School funds. 350 (ill
Flowers for J. Brethitnter's fun-
eral 7 tl0
In •-1.871p4 •
Moved by Jam, Aflame, seconded by
D. S. Pope, that accounts be poli;! and !
orders drawn for same. Carried.
Moved by treed. Davey, seernided by
.. _'.'�.
0000'0000♦♦♦♦ •OCD♦♦♦♦♦0000♦a06N••-•••Dps0000000000itis01 •
TheHeal Test of a Good School
li ..
i, mel what it pronliar!. Lett. 0hat it rl+s'•', Cur„radnalee
auto fi 014) the 1 ,t p ,eiti:aus. Tie employer + of P. recent grul.
[.lake Rays . "she iR the• fires }till i Nae" had fee n long tills•.
whiten write 1 walla depend mu," alai forthwith he reieell hie
t� �/ e♦•
�' tfriCit;'•
d Stratford, Ont. and Wingharn, Ont.
Martitand Presbytery
Jori. Alone., that It•eece, Time lona.
errin Mad C. Pnpr, he a 111114!11 Lee iu
deal with complaint til' Mrs. Mar.
r nrei Zinn is, Curried.
Moved by Thos. !rope off, seconded
lie Jim. Adams, Thal lenders bP 1P-
11m 'I ,\•
'1:tl\1:15. erue,ilg 1.e1S11111P'e cornet. •a
Swill, side r f Hmwiek street and from
11. 1'ul Cosmo'
1,4 meel hart rd walk ou
Nei •i le of 11 1(1 street. (ramie;!.
Moted Ily Fred. Davey, sew/oiled by
,Inn_ \dates thrtt 1D'•e1her adjnnru Teeedtty, \lav 24 It. Corns',.
1). M. Ai Ar l'Avo,li, Clellc.
Cent of fi••vision on lite Assess-
Inel,t Roll Wet in Couriril Ch,onber at
fl o'e•lock p. m., Hay 2ta,h. 1lelnhi•rs
pree,•nt, .Ino, Adruu,, 1). C, Pope, le.
1),avmy. RrPve Douglas ill the ell air•,
After sebeeribiog to the usual lath
ulProbers look their spats.
l'hr•rP bring nn appeals it teas rnaw-
e,l ht Prmd. Davey, +w oltded by D. ('.
Pope. ilial Ice eon Ht to Its, .1 „-Throat
Cat tier!,
Moved by D. C. PIMP, Ft•enhllel
Adnme, that Omit of lied -,ion
be Anand. Carried,
Speeial meeting of Council held at
close nl' Court of Iterislon. Wattle],
Jno. Adnur,,, I). C. Pope•, Prmd. lrltvev,
with Reeve Douglas in the ehttite
Hy -haw to appoint village Cometable,
Moved by Davey—Pope, that By-law
No. 7, now tread three times appoint
ing It win Duvet, village Constable be
passed its read. Carried.
By Law re cars standing on the
street. Moved by Pope—Adams, that
By-law Nu. 8 now read three timer, .
re rare ,taming on the street be past. .
ed its tread. Carried.
No tenders being received for gravel-
ling for sidewalks, matter was left fn
Immix of Street Committee. Moved
by Pope—Davey, meeting adjourn j
until third Tuesday in June or on call
of Reeve. Cacti .ed.
1'UP Preshyle rn r r Alaitbted mei in
\Vilighiuu, on leuteliay, 14ty 21,1.
There t was a largo i, �+•
al la hdu1 o u•m
f both
ministers Ilnr Elders.
Ileo. (t, Title, Blitevale, was
eluted :IoriertUnr for the ensuing d
The Home Missions aad Augmen-
tation }report «leered that all (Melees
in the Presbytery Intl I.wo hat rimae
tip to the required min Mom salary r,f
nnii NI INI and t.}teee Ino• will ree,vve
•av,ixteum•r• fl•.nll Ihr Aur;wwthaliou
fund to bring them up le that,
Report on Statistiee showed no in.
crenae all along the line, lel iucrrEase
in families, unpile in torr Sunday
Sebum, and ofIlem a and teraehere, a.n
iocreaee in haw innl,, death adult and
infant : inerrase in ruresnione In the
ehurrh With by Metres ioi, 1(' fah
and eeltbrate ,1 re:et in ;tIi•:,.ie.l
eery and I euev.elet t elvinge, ny k.ri....'
end all renes e the Midget he
::1,10.;, tit fir pt ..V411V, yrau.
(`all trona KW/ Choreh Flurardine,
W Iter, Overtime "Ihvielock, sindahnel
and forwarded to 1'lesbytery of Strut.
lord oi' which bio. Cvevend in a mem-
ber. Proviaionial arrangements were
made for his inductioIl in case he an-
cepts the call,
Dr. R. Davidson, Professor of Knox
enllege, Toronto was present and gave
a etroeg addrees on need of recruits
for the 'Mutsu y.
Notices were read from many Pree-
byte•ies of their intention to apply to
General Assernbly for leave to receive
into the Presbyterian Church of Can-
ada ministers seeking JAWiesit•n
from other churctee. There ;were 26
in all, 1U trout other 1'reebyterian
Churches, 4 from Bapti,t. ehurch, 4
from Methodist
Uhurch toud 4 lune
Congregational Church,
111 Cir
:;'��. , Special features every day, including: "For and
•+�� Abent Women," "On Die" and the famous
1.:,'.'�' "Fourth Column," a full -column magazine article
l,�'S= dealing with some topic suggested by the news of
5.p,'' the day. Many other extra features every Saturday
$4.00 A YEAR BY MAIL. $5.00 DEllavi,RED
A comprehensive chronicle of all important hap-
penings in Canada and abroad—
Cut Jrli itanrithepirr.,
The Mail and Empire
Circulation Department, Toronto.
illk` wt'ze.:4 " ^
� tnl
Canada's Reis ra ion
Its Purpose and Application
CANADA faces the gravest crisis in her history. Four years of war have taken from
the Dominion a heavy toll in talent and labor, yet despite the shortage of man
power, our Allies still depend on Canada to maintain her own fighting forces at full
strength and to increase her exports of food• and war materials, so vital to them, and to
the successful prosecution of the war.
Every ounce by which Canada can increase her food production and every ounce Canada
can save in her food consumption is needed for export to th» Allies.
Should the war continue for another yeart food cards and a rationing system may have to
be instituted. It is the duty of Canada to be prepared for whatever situation circumstances
may force upon her.
It is.
probable that before the
war is won our
may have to
upon the occupations oc lens In tic men and
which women
may en
P engage. lit such h n
event t r
he Government isles to be in a position to
w render
all possible
p ble assiskance in
keeping our ,population usefully and profitably employed.
R i- gistrahon Day, .Tuan 22nd
These conditions point to the necessity of Canada
knowing the exalt capabilities of her men and
women at home.
All persons residing in Canada, male or female,
British or alien of le years and over, will be required
to register on June 22nd and truthfully answer the
questions set forth upon the registration card.
It is not the Government's intention to conscript
labour in any form, but to aseist in directing it wisely,
so that every available unit of human energy m7tybe
utilized to the best advantage.
The information procured throe* registration will
belt/tad—as an aid to the Military Authorities in pro-
curing the men necessary to maintain "Canada's
First Line of Defence" ---to mobilize all units of avail-
able labor in the Dominion and direct them from less
essential to more essential occupations—to establish
and intelligently administer a system of food rationing
should that become necessary.
Issued by authority of Canada Registration Board