HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-5-30, Page 80+4)4,0te e
F. S I H •
L12 0 for
,.,.. '75 a ,'::. tit
÷ 8 ii) re El T hr 0 8 pail° ;
The new Kodait lime 1
. Talcum 1 ••••!',11 Flt," i,, --
that has / • ' l' A . ffi---
made such
a hit. 1 • 1•''il ': :1.12,itt;:, . ---
,...:1,1c(4;'1,4,:,;,.:: .... .7. 4.
Straw Hat
• • The Tal-
cum with
4- the rare
• Perfume
÷ Price 35c
I I at.S.
2F,L: Buts,
For other
Straw hats
use Rexall
Straw Hat
toe & .25e
- -
r'4'74 ,,1‘9';,._-_,„..1.,:jSrg
caet the story of tile season with All outditors is alive with
invitations o take Pictures,
Buy Your Kodak blow
errioy the beautiful Sentinel' Sent on 7.;:ttm iter orov nitwit veal times
are enjyyed they are soon fs rgolten ss 'smite Snap Shots act as a re-
inieder. Keep a Picture story of pleasant outiorts with Kodak
From $8.00 Lap From $2.50 up
Soap Dyes
Cleans and col.
on the good:,
at sante tint v.
Pio trouble to
use it. All the
popular colors.
15c eakes,
rte .,It supply ot Eistman's
Pt ening Papers, Clietnisals, Ceo,
Films Developed
and Printed
Prompt Service
Red Cedar
1, -se it when
pitting away "4
Furs or Will- +
Large pkg. 20e *
j 0
Druggist and Stationer
2 -he l'tsPt Store
G444.04,440+040+ -0+0+9+0.1.0÷04,)+04•04.0+0+04.0÷4.1.0÷0+0
T.scat '41-1 elm Zterns
. .
LleiHT frost Thursday night.
TUNE -the month of brides -will be
ushered in next Saturday.
SIMI:MEE 11011r5 Will begl11 at
Library next week, continuing until Sep-
tember 1st.
VEGETATION IRIS been 17.0ateti At A
vreat rate be the sunshine anti show2rs
altring the p.itt week.
COOttitTe meeting next Monday even•
ing. Court of 1.•:evision an tile As
Roll will precede the ut nal rolit:ne
business of tare et:AU:cit.
GOderieh Corttleil will cstend an in-
vitation tie Sir Adam Beck to address a
public meeting there while the Coenty
Council is ir. session in Tune,
J110. THOMosoN, who is learning the
blacksmith trade at Palmeratou, Las
been home on enforced he slays, owl t
to injury to one of ills hands while piac-
i/3g hase ball.
THE PosT returns thank; to
number who have squarer" up past due
subscriptions. There are many others
to be heard from yet. Some people ap-
pear to forget that rate is till F., from
Jan. rst, tete..
.Atitetrat Greyhound Excursion from
Goderich to Detroit will take place Tu
day, June rah, good returning on fol-
lowing Thursday. $a oo for round trip.
Boat leaves Goderich at so a. m, and
Detroit at i p m.
PIIM.p.1 LISRARY Stit,iNitta lior ks.-
Comituencing with pane. Summer seetal-
ule will come into effect at Brussels
Public Library continuing until Sep-
tember rst. Library wi!i .. ()non Tees.
day, Wednesday and Saturda, atter.
tloOnS at the r.: ;u hours and Wednes-
day and Saturdat: eve:einesilv elipp
iug out this notice you may he saved ir-
convenience perhaps in the exchange of
TI;i'Rs1 ny HAt i H-1.11,Av.-Thurs,1.1v.
afternoon of next we, I,: will be the fiat
of a series of weekly half holiday.; dur-
ing month; cd. tune, and Auemst
in Bruasels. Plaeos of business will
close at noon to re the: following
morning. A' me tion to vonr purchasing
will be Ile,01,,,0111 ,,11 the forest:ions of
Thursdat., This is the ttetiitul sermon of
the 'weekly halt helidey in itrussek :y
It 00111111tmens a Month etrher t:1; is .'e as.
on, Lawns, gerilene end lath:him:4mi;
farms should benefit by Ile obi...Teat-Tee
LTANAEV R,atr.o--liondav eveninif
the Public Library Board met in the
Board fount With F. II. Gilroy, F. S
Scott, Ret.t. W. Still:Teal, A. C. ,
Dames, and 3V, 11 Kerr present, I
Wes of last tneetin,„: rend and adopted
Summer home %Vele arranged for the !
Library during lie, e,e11,11p; •1 1110011e4
Magazines aro to le Ci,,,i1,1ere,i fer Si p-
tember next. Chairman wits inetructed
to enc1
uira. about i.-7( *1"1:04.1ror pee- !
sented statement and 3 ‘vete
passed for books Reader's ieuris '01,1
bindings hooks Board than telfserned.
PAssren AWAY I,„tsrr :41.1611tAY -About
7 a. Ill. 1115t Sunil ly Misi. Clara Mt:C1 ack..
en died at the family liontet. AMori street
after a severe illy( extend mg over sett -
end months. Ey tinting possible vtas
done to preserv," her rife but despite it
all she omitted away. She was the sec
and daughter of tbrs late W. ff. !Mil
MOCraOkell abet Was born 1111 Bre,
eels, For several veer:: shit has made
her Ififille in Canadian tout American
Yitiiithit It they old home ;annual.
Miss Clare watt a bright, light Ilcuit.
ea young Woninti and wast.fio-itiv
lotted. The funeral took place 'Fuer:day
aftertMon to Brussels eetu.:tery Rev.
W.. hi, Stafford conducted the service.
Pallbearers were T G Lecke:. Thor:
Armstrong, R. Perguson, O. ITabltirk
anti G. and 11, Menzies. aviid
share in the sympathy of Bic
The floral tributes were beautiful,
Council convene u
T11•_-,1 ,II-ertlee+11 at Goderich.
Tee poisoner has been abroad
anti lumber of canines have departed.
! So .::: of the swimmos. into disport
:vcs at the mill -dam, appear 4.
ler,,,e" that the law demands the donning
of a 4.1"lling suit. The constable mar
mqko a 1.•.,11 .ote cloy to enquire why it
• i; • and ash you h, settle with Mt.
' e tr
i• P. Better get the ""duds' on and
Hitte w1 v1, Eli Tun Coach -All per-
sons lies;ing monies in concoction tvith
. the !",itlden Clock plan are asked to
hard trete in torthwith to NI B S.
Scan, Treasurer, so that the account
nary 1.-•e closed rtn and the funds passed
over to the Women's Institute and Retil
, (..ross Treasurer; Year early eompli-
aneew l ob'lge the promoters
• Itiotioill BAER THE BessINEsS -1), B.
McDonald, Iletisall, Was in Brussels
this weiik, accompanied ho his wife.
Mac..:,'.:, out bis meat business some
: it,. to I. Block, Zurleh, but has
, re-imrchaaed and will take charge
on the tst of lime. Hen -sail folk
he 3'.11:1 to welcome Mr. McDonald
: back as with his lorg experience, alibi
bust tic,is Methods And good etpipment,
r til meet the wants of the public
He WI Brussels bov and conse-
i.quemle POST is always interested in
him “1/en" is an right and the Hensall
: people characterize. him properly.
W001, heating stove and ..toveplpes, n new
Perfection coal oil .qove and a few cords of
stove w..,w1 for ,1_ P. McKay, corner of
PrilleeF.4 and Queen streets. Phone alx
15Ni-is for sale, :land wesks
Phone 3.111 Wm. HeLLINGER,
I GoLoRing lost hu Drussels on Saturday. It
was in a email box wropped in Ismer. Win
tinder kindly leave it at Trio Post.
T1711N010,,P011 SALE -Order early no there is
only a limited onontity. ;Ai a Intal. Cash
orders delivered first. P. ANIENT,
TO Lerr,-.1,(1111fortal.10 room., above
steres. Soft water, Sm. I. el. ittetemetec.
PPR Sato -A sow end 11 rat!,
Phon,:tisas Hs 0 city Donsrix, Ethel.
• Si.10.TAc rws and 1,11fie 1114 1/1 Brussels. Will
finderplease leave tit Tun Peso,
- QT./et:2dr' of Gyetni Alquidnin seed potatoes
, fur eel.. Prices right. LOt111, Can. N.
Phone 3113 D. W. iletalA R.
Pareter 544in for a Outlaw'. of cattle. Apply
• to ISAAC CLARK, Lot 30, Con 5, Grey,
Phone 4124.
'11:!11 UtrW Tt",:i!X showing rr'srils"'f'P
G 1 soli!
t fry nriem. e., et tuctunt era (4 rano Inted sugar
; pare lard pound nail S.1.60 ; Sunlight,
- Gold or surorto• Snap. 7 fur Soo kivery • ne
• ent,rott, meit wanted every,wh, I.:Vim
pie raise free, CoNsute0101 A9,011,1AVON•
47.0 Windsor, Ontario
SIIPOSEAss.•-20 handl nioktal seed
Miens ler Rale. Pritt.e sitOti per bushel.
Ph n! 41. Gin. DautunoN, Bruseele.
(400.1/ IN1,INTNIENT8.--Parliefl having fund.,
that they Want invested should end on the
Ililefor,i„11141 as he can place your funds In
tined form mortgages, Tlrov.inelill11.11mletpol
Imam, Victory I iron all'movinfive
awl ttoc-loilf per emit or better. No other
weal tithes are 111111;.1.11 MO lel ethers are to lP
,10 11
110,,1 tOt110,1 • W .11 .ieenrily is 10:M41112d
1,1• iuliv wheel war times 10.e thought Of .,e0111
,115 ele toll Willi will happen to others after
the wisest', Vet limi 1100, 11101111111il.
F. S. SCOTT, 1311015401P,
S110111. F1,112Nt fOl. 4iitc, several reedy for
set.ttiet• e h 1. ,1,l,d stock ,TAs. Sem, Lot,
20. c r n. 0, aetitfis l'hont. 1511
tolot, with plentyitf. water.
A mtly me .it Sloan, 5th line, ris.
Phone 5110.
PhO snirl ec n bargain, Ivo sets Of Nea011(1
111111(1 siNtle, hart/Pee in good ttonelition.
tEninAnno &Co.
Murry rap ante A tatty at Tris Poeta
brows mowers sherprovisl nod adjuaterl,
Now 04 the Clan 10 bet then( rondo.
- rico. PIMA lilts, Mill stroot.
iletTell m' 11 for side u firamels Well
loes, ed. Fatly losaos 1+111 1. r forth par•
steal:r-to prise, terms, hie, 81,1,1V to Mils
T. It Toclustiti, sea:forth, or .140111., TII0M14014,
lar it, Organ owl a Wattling Mitaltina for- 41110
111 Argon,. Amity ut Tun PONT.
• Ittimell for sale. Apply to :MIAs It, norm Pa,
PAtignie, Ostorimithin Physician, visits
Brasseis Monday n11,1110.'11 of each week.
• .04 uoryous sunnotedlilly
trtated Visits reseitioneme. Contioltation et
410(0111';1 Betel.
• 7
11100liINVV . 1' H segoossesoeveeecooatesoseetwOeeosousepeeeeceoveeveasesa et
P t wilt be letil tnitlav ternoen et
this e,t'k b 1 I uv A111,111.11e0 100111.
I at. r Ott so to NExT WEEK
to pmssure of church reports, the M.n.
sttel Show write up am.1 the it me
ate 01.1,Wilell 0001 111 ial.X1 W, Pk,
1 110, le,1:11 I rera` the ••110W Wel•r.
11,e,...7 I 1111,1 it 1,.r It smolt:etc: 111 tier, y
It: too Nt 1171. 1.11co COM-. - .Tlit. Mein -
b h of file ettlit1le ea Ile
1,• t ae ,1,1{,11 10 1110.01 Friday
evetiine ei ;II I at the. Br/t1111 1.1 Salit
Is ary to attend to :( few
busitless• Mcei
N. Tall II Ciente 1,15PRAI.8
bets 01 Ult. North Huron Liberal Associ•
ation wdt hoal 1,b it annual meeting in
the Town I Wingham, Tneeday.
Jane 18' h. Be ides the election of
atlicerti it will be finally decided whethet
ta• not to nominate a t.,tuditlate to oppose
Dr. Case in the siding.
tar coon not tou te.t,tetcl on the
..otet ..at dielat to, mug (Pitt 0 Mahal
argument Is:tea-en tat Wets of this 10E -
v. W110,10 Friends are ellleil t o Military
Sot vim. end I one, Bowman, M. P. who
has recently rocilt . .. beano front ()ttnent,
who was ch.:{ed with not keeping p.rom-
isos. moo., (1 loco; the last -Damittion
elev.:1,a contest concerning ext-mptions.
ANoTHER. STOCK Belle:III -Carswell
Bros have lament another sot)
Steck, It consists of Mens' Furnish•
ngs, Mess' and Boy's clothing.
' Serges and tweed suitings.
Will move it to Oleir store in liras -
SOS. This will make ..$25,, -am stocks Pilr-
elms- by them during reit we. k and
one of the largest stocks ever catrind in
tide section. These goods are fine vralue
eni.1 well be phickel on sale on arrival.
Gr. -at bargains may be expected,
Watch Ira new advt.
Church Chimes
!smuts( Methodist Conterenee mums
in Walks vine Tlitirsday of next week.
Nvx, the General At,e,ectiaily of
tilts 1 resholetia11 chlrch e011Voilei; iu
Mts. de la l'enotiere, of Kim:audit:le,
sang a choice solo at the evening service
in Melville (lunch.
Rev. W E. Stafford, S Carter and
W. H. Kerr attended Wingliam District
rneetiug held last week iu Kineardlne.
Rev and Mrs.• Smith aunt daughter,
MISS Myrtle Wilson and Miss Lizzie
Cardiff motored to Exeter Tuesday of
last week and attended the Anglican
Communion service will be held in
Melville church next Sunday morning,
coedneted by the pastor Preparatory
seta e, FT idav afternoon at 3 o'clock,
when Rev. Mt. Boyle, Belgrave, will
pt each.
Anniversary services in Melville
inich on Juno 23rd and 2.ttli. Rev.
iCapt 1 Threlow! Fraser, D. D„ Owen
Sauna, wail preach on Sunday and Mon-
stav will deliver his popular
Lecture entitled, "With the Canadians
at the Somme "
Rev A. J Mann will Coodilet services
in Duff's Church. Walton, each Sunday
afternoon for the next two months,
owing to the abseuce of Rev. Mr. Lun-
dy in the West. in connection with
work in hltssion fields.
Rev. 1 A McKelvey was chosen to
rept eiient Goderich District on the
Statiooing Committee of London /dent-
odist Conference. Rev. George Tewitt
goes from St. Thomas District, Rev. J.
E. Millvard f, om Stratford District and
Rev E F. Armstrong from Wingbam.
Rev. James Resale ot Exeter, met with
a painful accident on Sunday, He was
leading a calf a short distance to drink
when the calf playlully scampered a-
round at the end of the chain by which
it was held, anal winding mound Mr.
-pestle's legs he was throwu down with
the result that twee( the hones in his
ankle was le okt n
People We Talk About tt
W. S. Scent visited at Minot] for a few
Charlie Leckie was here from Torom
to for a few dm s.
Miss Jardine spent the week end at
her Mime in Milton,
Bert Jessup, Toronto, is visiting Ilia
Fred. Wood
O. anal Ma Habkirk visited Wing•
halt ralatIves on May 24111
Mrs J01111 'Theinmoll is back 10 WWII
after an extended visit nt Galt
Mrs. P. Perris. Toronto, is a visitor
WI111 Mrs_ font] Lott, Albert street,
Lieut. so.wart and Mrs. Scott were
Milne for a feW froul hoodoo.
111 /I Mte, Gilisty and son spent
the 24,11 with Mount Forest relatives.
Mies Carrie McCracken, Toronto. was
home attending- the funeral of her taster.
13. el, and Mrs Scott motored to Co:-
lin:mood for the week end and visited
Miss Daniels, nut se, Palmerston, is re-
newing old acqoaintauces in Brussels
and localby
14.• (Cap:.) iLmre spent Sunday with
rein -hies in town, returning to London
ou 'Mond ty
Miss Gertrude Deadman wag home
for the leuidav ftom her school at
Brond tie g-gi n
DE 't 'P. hlcitan is at Hamilton for a
few days attending the CL,tario Medical
He elth
Mrs 11 Schrader, of Hanover, was
here at ending the funeral of the late
Miss Clam MeCreeken
Miss 11(13,1 Burgess Is home from Tut -
onto for a short vitealion with her par-
etics, las and Mrs Burgess.
J T. and hire Wood and family
motored to Guelph, Millou and other
p iintn lea week returning on Monday.
Mrs. John Long end Miss Winnie
were at 'Toronto during past week.
Will Long has volt:Bed with the Oe b
Battery and is It:tieing at Itetewawa
Mev. Donn'il McIntosh, of liallnah,
North I).11.rnit, la n visitor nt the
home of Role and Mrs, Oliver. Mr,
Melon's!' le a sister to MIS. 1), Me -
(Mantle ind Aire MeInfosli, er Biaq•
and her ha,ha ed. way a former resi•
dent of Grey township, who has mosper.
ed r the tants mid snipes,
Gilpin arrived home on 1Pridoy
from tt visit of 6 weeks at Chicago and
Mil wan keit 1110 has thrown away 111$
crut rias unit Hell.: about quite et.in reit•
ably with his artificial foot to replatai tic
one allIpitt a t el. 21 90111111a was added
to his ay:M.(1111)01s while away and he
had an A ; good time in visiting at the
horao of, his sou, Dr, Gilpin, lvtliwatikoo,
EtIVITt 1573
Our Savings Department gives you
a; guarantee of absolute security and
interest at current rate. 239
G. H. SAMIS, r In in Manager.
inT361WaRtne=tanlgaft- .=AWM=ESI
) LS
"Gone but Not Forgotten"
HIS sentiment is beauti-
fully expressed in the
Memorial erected by the.
Brussels Granite & Marble Works
A. E. HERSEY, Prop.
Mrs. j Birton and S Barton, Don,
cal, spent Tuesday at the home or Wm
Mrs Neil McPhail, Southampton, is
a guest at the home of Wm, and Mrs.
Ross Boyd, Seaforth, is holidaying
with his grandpereue4 A, end Mrs.
Ross, Princess street, Brussels.
Miss Olive Henderson, Khmer:line,
was a visitor with her sister Nurse 'defl-
ate son, Brussels, for a few days
A cousin of Mrs. R. Leatherdale,
whose home was at Galt died last week
and was buried on Saturday. Mr Lea-
therdele attended the funeral,
hIrs W. L idel<elvey, Montreal, paid
R short visit at the home of Wm. Itle-
Kelvey, Princess Street, arriving Thurs-
day night from Hamilton, after attend-
ing the fenersl of her father, the tete f•
Morley. She left Saturday for her
110111e in Montreal.
AfiR4 Nellie Elliott is visiting in
Conneillor Eraser made a, business
trip to Hamilton.
Mrs, Jim Sangster and John and
Mrs Sangster were in Toronto a few
oinerds fiistitrite meeting :Thurs-
day June 0th, at Mrs. D. F. Stewart's,
Everybody welcome,
George Heibein wont to London
Tuesday to report tinder the 1M, S. A.
Others expect tn gn afloll•
The Women'e Institute and Red
Ot lois Society held theitt annual meet-
ing at the brinlo Of Mott R. Sephaver,
Thursday, May 21111. A review of the
work done during the past year was
given by the Secretary and the fol-
lowing repni lH road ic-- Rereipts.
Cash on hand May 31st, 1017, $110.70 ;
Members' fees $4 75 ; Government
grant, $3 no; cirov Council, $161.00 ;
Cmincil, $75.00 ; Perth Coun-
cil, $10213 ; made through coneerts,
Hr. for Rod Cross. $44S 00. Total.
receipts, $8977i1 'Expenditure -Red
Cross ealnplies, $014.70 ; Red Gross
cash, $100 00 ; Y.DT, D. A, cash, $50,00 ;
prisoners of war, $8216 ; Flowers,
SO no: Honor Roll, $2.60 ; advertising,
$1 60 ; postage. $87 20 ; Reny's salary,
$5 00 Tntal, $848.10, Cash on hand,
$10.6J. The Parking emninittee re-
potted haying Whipped the following
articles :-367 flannel shirte, 380 pair
sorke, 12 suits underwear, 1 pair pil-
lows 0110 cases, 12 towels,113 bars soap,
2 wash clothes, 9 body shirts, 2 hand-
kerchiels, 11 pant shoe laces. ()heist -
mac, boxes, Following °Myers were
elected for the muting year :-Presi-
dent, Miss Lentil Mitehell ; let Vice
President, Mrs. it., Seehaveli ; 2nd
Vbet-President, Mrs, 11, Grainger;
WM fur Some
51525 A. T. R. 2295 C. N. R.
Form A I, Enrolmore't No. 4881
RACE R11111ORD 2.011,14
Tim Grand t'ireuit Ilium and Show Borst., 1,01
prime winner at Stinforth and Clint17
Spring Shows. Tho only alablo In file, flaunty
or Hurmi tient ever offered the Hervioem Of a
stallion with a reettal of 210 or better.
Elmer Dickson will shoal nt his own stable,
tiotemoreitil Hotel Berns, Myth, with eenep•
Hon of tho following route
6106MAY--W111 Move his own stable end
pewees] to Auburn for noon; Guinea by way of
Nile to G. McNeil's for night.
TUESDAY -Will pronerd to Collatirno Boum+,
Goderteh, ser noon, nen manilla there unfit
W 10131210ST proceed by wny oP Bole
miller to lily th where he will remain the
following Atonally morning.
51522 A. T. re', 1070 0. al, R.
Form Ai. Enrolment No. 2930
The Stionlard Bred Show Buil Trott Stab
lion troll hrothor to Dusty n 2 1.11.4 noel limo M.
Was shown 15 times -14 time first 111111
011et• Ree0/111.
IIte At 0C1111111 Will 4111111 for the improyenthat
of stook t1111.1Sell8011 g,1 frillowol
THIntaDAY Will leave his own otable,
Myth, 111111protmol North to lialgreive for mono;
then to the. Partner& flame, Winghant, for
YUMAN"- Will proceed to Bluevale to Ball's,
for noon; theme, to Gm don McDonald's Hotel,
Brusnils, for night
SA TITE.1)A W ill proceed to his own stable,
Myth, whop:, ha will remain until Mut follow.
ing Thursday morning.
Por further oar:Maulers and toms or these
woll testa horses ow( lalla or enquire of
Semetar y-Teettertrer, 'Mime Elia Fraier. ;
Distriet IThectoe, Miss A. 111e(4eotige
Gireetois, Mrs. (4. 'McDonald and
Mrs. D. F, Stewart ; Auditors, lelisses
A, Elliott and A. 111eIntosh. Anyone
wishing yarn or sewing to help the
Society with their work can alwaye
obtain it by calling at Mrs. Seehaver's.
PERSONALS. --T. and hies. thammings
spent the. week end with Pinkerton
friends, -Miss Florence McDonald
and Miss Grace' Deltanlant. Toronto,
were holiday visitors at T, AleDon-
aidei.-,-Frank Robertson, Toronto, is
spending a week with his uncle, Geo.
Robertson and other friends, -R.
Davis, Toronto, called on frienda here
on Friday.-Robt. and Mrs. Dolg and
Geo, and Mrs. Rotairtson motored to
Durham and visited friends over the
week encl.-11114e Florence Seehaver is
visiting her Mother Harry at Trow-
bridge.- Geo. and Mrs, McDonald,
Bluevale, spent Sunday at 9'. McDon-
ald's. ---Doss Grace Elliott, Fordwiellt
is visiting her gni:toilful her, 'P. Hilina.
• -Ali% A. Alitchell is in Toronto.
Pitif.siaNTATuntr.-Aftel preparatory ,
service in eit. Andrew's (March,'
Thursday evening May 23rd, the con-
gregation took the opportunity of
presenting Rev. and Mrs. Telford
with an address and a purse of $184,
on the eye of Mr, Telford's departure
for the West. Some time ago the
liome Mission Board sent out a call
for ministers to MTN' their services for
a few months in the Western Mission
fields. Mr. Telford heard the call and
offered himself, the congregation hav-
ing unanimously given their consent,
The address was read by 0, K. Taylor,
chairman of the Finance Committee
and R. Somers, Clerk of Session,
made the presentation. Mr. '1'elfote1
replied in e. few well chosen words,
'banking the enngregation for their
bell wishes and their generosity, as-
suring them that he would always
have the best interests of the congre-
gation at heat t.
Canotcrat-Ist Toronto, on MAY 1001, 19182
Sophia, rellet of the tato John Vrooltor,
need 70 years.
MCGRAoREN.c-In Br111440111, on May 23th, 1918,
Olara May, senoad (laughter of the late W.
R. and Mrs Malritekaii.
8111.1anna.-In Morris, on May 20th, 1018, Joseph
Sellero, aged 81 years, 4 months end id days
0 0
e3 0' (
4 After the Strain of Winter the System CriiVeS a Spring ionic ,
. •
O qi
a 6
O Peroslar Palatable „
. .
O 0
la 6
6 Cod Liver Extract tts
0 0
O 0
O 0
11/ is good ill till 'home 1,111 luil labially 011 /4 HI,l'illg Specially.
CP .
OP 0
O Ts ? hese are Important Question0
o c
Aro you run-ilown mid weak l,
n 10
a Aln yon subject to (loughs mid Dolls ? 6
O Atte you subteet. to sleepless:less ii
O 0
Are you nervous and fidgety' 0
If you 11,1.0 IL shows your maid of this elerlitig and reliable preparation. cg
O Very Pleasant to Take 0
O Do not imagine that this Preparation is! IfilfilettentIll In take, that it 0
G Con taitiS 00ti LIV01. ()it, for such is uot the case. The Exit ant of Cod 8
O Li t'01 ti is lql I itPly free Nom the Oil. Pew ilar Palatahle Cod Liver Ex- ie
O itaiit is exceedingly pleas:oil to take, (tumult upset the most delicate 0
6 0
6 stomach and is very acceptable to young children.
9 Build up Your Strength 6
m'rho strain and stress Of (tally work is often yeti), great. '.Phe 11011f40- S
O witaie cares and endless; dui i051: the workinginaniti arduous] toil ; the (i)
O fret and worry of business life so exhausting to both men and women, gi,
✓ All these sap the strength to such an extent that, it neglected the too ',C)
O frequent itistilt is it serious break -flown of the system. 0
O We IGLOO ROM ta great, quantity of Lids eplemlid preparation (luring g
9 the past Dale years with the most getatifying remits, a
i ' -- F CI) .H.I'''.
• 6000000000iseczoc•GG0**ocioecomoceoccocecortooc000soo
Put up in Two sizes -50c and $1.00
9 0
TnIIlaN71A Y, ,7 US Ie 11.141. -Dr. 3. P. Kennelly
of Wingliain, is holding a sale et his farm. bot
2.1, lioneession 1, Morris. ailuevale Bomb, on
Thursdny, anisu nth, n t 1 p. IL flaying sold
hid Porti!! het is hold, ngelearing Hale of all his
Stook, Form Implements and eerlain House-
hold Furniture. Sm. Sale Hills.
TI110,1/AY, JUNIC 111'11 - 10111411 /40111, n1, 1.0t
BS Owl. Is, Grey towneleip Sale itt 1 p
eorge Sn ellkng, Prop. ; .S. Sem tt. Alio.
Notice to Creditors
Tu the matter of the estate of John
Haines, late of the Township of
Grey, in the County of Huron,
farrner, deceased,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re-
n a
• Statutes of Ontario," that all creditors
and others having claims anima the <sante of
the said John Raines, who died 011 or abont
the Twanty.ninth day or April, A. D. 1015,
;ire required on or before the Pivot dny of
July A. D.1918, to send by post prepaid or di,
liver to George Bray,10,-(1, Listowol, Ontario.
Solicitor for the Evieutors of the lest Will and
Testament of said deceased, their Christine
and Surma:ilea, firkin's:tea need desciriptions, tho
full portieniars of their claims, the snit(meet
of their 40001111k null the nature of the securi-
ties (if any, held by Mein.
And further take motive that after site.h last
mentioned date the said Excentors will pro•
reed to cli.tribute the motets of the eletreasted
among the parties (tattled thereto, having 1,
gard only to the chains of whieh they shall then
have notice, and the saki Executors will not
lie liable for the said assets or any start the' e -
of to any portion or persons of W110.0 0110111
notice shall not have been received by them at
the Hine of 411011 distribution.
Dated at Islotowel this 80th day of May, A.
D. 1918. 38.4
WILMA 511 GOOD, Ja. Listowel, Ont.,
Executors. Their Sone !tor,
Lot 35, thm. 18, Grey TOW11.,11111, Oil 211:1?•'.
thly..111110 11111, etilli111101011112 at 10.0101!111, the
1'01110011V :-1 10.1117 draft 111111.0 5 'Para old, 5
newly valved vows. 4 springers, 1 Shorthorn
bull I year old, 1 mire toad Ayrshire bull 2
Yette8 old, 1 grade hull 2 years old, 3.yeer-olil
gressors. 103-yearol(10, yearlings, a tow
Sprites ealvec, In good 111'11011 10)0,4 101.110,00,0 111
liig, one el -L(0 limo of sale, I purebred Berkshire
ng a moon:s old, a number of wooled pig
Everything will 1,r, sold Wit110111, reilerVe.
Te1.110,-$1111111,1 Under cash ; oval' that amount
montla credit given on nporoved Joint notes.
3 per rent off for oimli oo credit 1111101111ta.
P.M. sou re, 0480.
Meat $2 UT $2 117
Oats 85 1,5
Peas 3 110 3 CO
Barley 160 155
Butter 40 40
Bilge 35 85
Roes 10 60 10 50
HAT 10 OS 10 DO
Potatoes por heit, 1 50 1 50
Strayed Sow
York Sow strayed from Lot 15, Con.11, Grey,
nu or about May 22nd, Any information lend•
ing to her recovery will lie thankfully lovely.
ed. .10.1167 Illi LTH ICH,
Phone 27,10 entahrook.
Strayed Sow
Strayed on the premises of the undersigned
Lot 4, Pon 13, Grey, n York Sow. Owner is
reque,teel to prove property, pay expenses and
take her away, OAS. CAMERON.
Phone 4217
2000000000040611•000044..44,4v 041,00004041,004)000.009.001100
t re
49c 69c
0 only Silk Etri- arS"Jell it rog
5 only Silk Flinheoicl- 4.:
broidet (.(1 Cushion mod Cushion Tops.
Tops. Reg, 7511 Reg. 000, Olean-np •
Glean -up mice-- The Store that Saves You Money price-
ii,064A066•4,6669,41t.00-44-0-..-**0*9.6660606A06,69006#.#446§t .44.4640666",664469.40.6-.6.61
, v
ale of Odd
0 pales tinily Women's
Meseta, flue quality nom
n, 4 hos.. supports, med-
um and low busts, sizes
8, JD and 20 only, Rego-
n.r to $2.00. Olean-im
95c pair
20 only Women's and
Misseeiklithly Waiels made
of best qual. Middy Cloths
in plain while and stripes,
large sailor collars with
neat trimmings, sizes 32 to
12. Reg. $1,60. Olcan-up
0 only Ladies' While Shirt
Waiste, embroidered and
twitted fronts, long sleeves,
a waist that will lamuler
and wear extremely Well,
sizes 32 to ill). Reg. $2 50,
Olsten -up price ---I
10 only NVoinents House
Drelinnwl 1111L(10 or twit, ou04.
ity English Prints & Ging-
hams, guaranteed fast col -
Ora, perfect. fitting gar-
went.% 0i11,0ki 3,1, 30 & 38 (tit-
ly, Reg. $1,75, Oleamnp
• 39c
00 pairs only Wornen,s
-.Leavy Lisle finished Clot-
,on Hose, double heel, sole
too, fast dyes, sizes
),1 to 10. Regulati 50e.
Mean -up prise-
39C pair
10 pairs NOLI ing1114111 LIM!
duel abut, Iti yds. long, 8(3
tr. wide, Mint bound, 2 dif-
'event designs. Iteg, $1,
.11eati.up piece lifh.h
15 pallet Nottinglittin Lace
:11114..ttillit, li Othi. long, 45in.
Nide, free front Di easing.
leg. 01.50. Olean -tip price
$ I .19
$1.19 •
12 only Wenten's elittwoicl-
mind Stilt Net Wit ists,white
or black, long sleeves, one
of the best, bargains we've
ever offeved, sizes Bit to 10,
Reg, $8.50, Oleamnp pile?
$1..19 •
500 yards wash Goods-
Peints,Gingimate, Muslitts,
Voiles, Rippe, elm large
elming or patterns, all eol-
ore, guaranteed fest. Reg,
to 40c, Olean -tip price-
19c yard
8 only Paltry White Table
Otwees 30x3e in. Reg. 755.
Clean -op price Mc.
3 only (Melillo Table Clov.
els, 3000 in, lteg, $1.00.
Oleamnp price Ofic,
4 may Silk Emit, Table
Covers., fringe I violating,
30x30 in, Regular $2,00,
Oleatemp mice-
5 doe. Women's Sutuniet
Vests, made of good gnat
ity eaten yarns, sleeveless,
beading Dimmed wit it tap
draw strings. Regular 25e.
Cleamup price -
2 for 25c
130 only Japtamteit II and
Ovochet Doylies, linen nen-
tains, 8 different designs,
Itee,.. 25c, Olean -up price
2 for 25c, .
10 only Ottehion Ontela, 3
yds. long, 118001 Led colors,
tassel ends. Regelhae 35e.
Olnitiritip mice--
ii only Silk Emb. Piratic
I./rapes, 3 yds, long, 27 in,
wide. finished with deer
silk reinge. Regular $3.00,
Oletuntip mice $1.75.
5 pre. End), Batt Millilitl
Pillow Shams, scalloped
f30hall0 in, Regular $1,75
Olean -up price-
$1.19 pair
Straw Hats at Special Sale Prices this week