HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-5-30, Page 7TALE OF THE AIR 1
FE("fall) BY RAIDS.
Soldiers and Young Women Sing in
Streets While 'Mothers and Chil-
dten Seek b cit r.
vh . e i
L'oche airplane raids on Paris, de-
signed to supplement the frightful-
ness whiedt German armies use in the
field, are graphically described by Di-
rector Kcans, of the Columbia Ser-
vice, Bureau. Recently he vvas dining
with William G. Fitts, in Paris, when
enemy* :deplanes succeeded in pone-
treting the outer defences.
"The lights in the restaurant were
turned out and we had to leave," re-
lates Dr. Kitimat "Restaurants now
close at nine, We walked down the
Avenue de !'Opera and Mr, Fitts took
the metro (subway). I walked clown
the ar•enue toward the Place du
Theatre Francais, where the Union is
located. When I was In the middle
of the avenue I heard the anti-air-
craft guns begin to boom on all sides.
This explained the early closing of
the restaurant; they had heard the
"A play was going on at the
Theatre Frannie, entitled'IA Marche
Nuptitile.' In tho entr-acte the crowd
was increased by the people who
came out of the theatre. The ladies
and all ran out into the street and
scanned the ally. Soon we saw a light
moving horizontally across the heav-
ens. It looked like a star among the
many bright stars shining upon this
clear evening. There was no doubt,
however, that this was one of the
French airplanes. The guns contin-
Jed firing until twelve o'clock."
Scenes During Raids.
Several days later another raid
was matte upon Paris, and Director
Krans narrates scenes accompanying
this: "While in my office I heard the
sirens shrieking through the streets
on all sides and knew that we were to
experience another air raid. Itrwas
impossible to sit quiet in the house
during this excitement, and I matte
'r• with view t0
ley way town stairs � th a
going out and seeing what was to be
seen, When I reached the ground
in he Union had
v � he lights t
flsou all t
even extinguished.
"Soon came a French soldier with
his girl on his arm and a flashlight to
find his way. I spoke to them and
vvas invited to join them, which I
did, they also seeking the Rue do la
Nix, as it chanced. Meanwhile a
great booming of guns. With the
help of a searchlight we finally pick-
ed out the Mirabeau Rotel, There I
found a fri eld dining, reclining com-
fortably on a sofa, yawning, smoking
and in his slippers.
"And every little while we could
hear the explosion of bombs very near
us. When things quieted I left my
friend and proceeded back to the
Opera, At the Opera metro (sub-
way) station a crows] had taken re-
"Guns were still booming. Air-
planes were still visible sailing
through the skies. The Parisians are
variously affected lay such raids. Wo-
men and children usually seek shel-
ter in the metro stations, Others ap-
pear quite unconcerned. Soldiers and
their girls go singing gayly along the
Situation as Stated by Hon. W. G.
In many respects the forest wealth
of Australia is unique. In bygone
years, before the settlers' axes broke
the stillness of the )nighty bush, the
number of our trees and the variety
of their species placed this island
continent in the front rank of the
timber -producing countries of the
world, but those who had the order-
ing of things did not know—certain-
ly olid not appreciate—the immense
waste that was being caused by the
indiscriminate inroads that were made
in order that people might clear the
land for the grazing of herds and
flocks, or for glowing crops. Only in
recent years has there been recogni-
tion of the importance to Australia
of a systematic and stable policy oft
forest conservation, improvement and
utilization; but even now few people
take any interest in the subject of
.forestry ae a national concern, and
fewer still have troubled themselves
to think why Governments reserve
large areas of land for the sake of
the trees that grow and may be
grown upon it.
In other words, forestry in Austra-
lia is, so far as the public, who own
the forests, are concerned', a subject
of no interest, The labor .expended
upon them is not understood; the
Ariel; rules made for their protection
are often misunderstood, sometimes
ridiculed, and not infrequently wil-
fully ignored, That is not as it should
be; but the reason is not difficult to
find. The people did not understand
their locate; they do not know the
great commercial value they are to
the °wintry; they havo not been
taught to loot] upon trees as much
more than a :mune of supply for fuel
and fencing material; and they have
been satisfied that; the great countries
overseas should send us the timber
netted for eve,ydity retmiremcnts
and take in return our good AUSIZII.
1,an bold,
t r� -
;�� or general (quailing out
Now the lasnll P a i oral loa:tag ii aT the iut�ttlnea 1t
' i r you wish to avoid: cun,eltlrtiti<rn f,111uutnewM,
pimples and other troubles so frequent et thle seaaon et the year. (tea
the Ideal salt to purgative wide)] flushee out the intestines, removes
offenelve waste matter, insuree normal bowel eaten, pure blood and
freedom from illness.
On Sala everywhere; 26 cents the bottle,
Coed -looking blouses are always to
be desired and this is particularly
smart. McCall Pattern No. 7754,
Ladies' Blouse. In 6 sizes, 34 to 44
bust. Price, 20 cents.,
here is a dress that really conserves
material, for only 2% yards of 54 -inch
material is necessery to make it!
McCall Pattern No. 5091, Ladies'
Waist. In 0 sizes; 34 to 44 bust. No.
$311, Ladies' Skirt. In 7 sizes; 22 to
34 waist. Price, 20 cents each.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
Ashes, if allowed to accumulate in
the fireplace, will eventually burn the
feet orf the and'irone.
Before the war Great Britain was
dependent for two-thirds of its food
upon imports, or four loaves of bread
out of five,
ti V
,' Ie
Use of other
�,Y u�t
Saving Saving oaf Sugar,
Saving of Fuel,
Grains with -Wheat
--leo Waste.
6ra e uts
answer's every
demand. Its an
economical, noun
ishing and deli-
cious food, a build-
er and maintainer
of vigor and i%altli.
Try it.
"TherAt Rt3e'I..`s-'on"
A Navy Officer Tells Ilow a Mattered.
Cruiser NYas Made hale and
Well Again.
The great cruiser was indeed in a
pitiable state; she looked the epitome
of desolation and misery as the fussy
little tugs hauled her gently past the
chequered forts at Spithead, and
headed her tenderly towards that
home of healing for such battered
hullos as she --Portsmouth Royal
Her foremast was snapped off
short, and her fire control top bad
completely disappeared; the fore fun-
nel looked like a battered tin -can or a
squashed concertina, and her bridge
was a mass of twisted steel and splin-
tered woodwork, The great fore tur-
ret looked as though attacked with a
gigantic tin-opener; the colossal right
twelve -inch gun was snapped off
short, the daw edges of the steel
showing Iike the teeth of a beast of
prey, The midship funnel had CM-
pletely disappeared with its casing,
but the after one, strangely enough,
had not received so much as a scratch
on its paintwork.
"Bearing Her Blushing Ilonors."
The armored hull bore evidence to
the straight shooting indulged in by
the enemy. Circular holes indicated
where the monster shells had passed
clean through; deep dents showed
where the resisting plates hadtua
them off. One projectile had carried
a high-pressure turbine completely
off its bed in the port engine room.
Others had ruined boilers, so that
eight out of a score could only be
trusted to raise steam. But, damaged
as she was, the great cruiser was
triumphant also—a sixteen -foot
square collision mat spread over her
bows covered a gaping hole made
when she, in her last extremity, lift-
ed her ram and jammed it clean
through the side of her insolent foe.
After that, what did it matter if the
foremost compartments filled with
water, if the deck did slant down-
wards till every ripple sent a film of
water streaming over the wrecked
and shell -torn forecastle?
Her captain, unhurt by the fight,
had gone almost grey-haired over the
getting of the ship to the place where
the three magnificent tugs met and
took her in charge. And now, with a
pilot on the bridge, with a tug ahead
to haul her along, and one on each
side to steer her, he was sleeping the
sleep of utter exhaustion in a wreck-
ed fore cabin.
Right up harbor went the bettered
ship, saluting as she passed the Vic-
tory, and seeming to receive a wel-
coming "Well done!" from that battle
worn craft. Trim cruisers, patrol
boats, destroyers, and submarines ex-
tended their sympathy and silent
praise as she sheered by then], until
at last she came to the great dry-
dock designed for her reception. The,
foremost tug cast off and dropped be-
hind, placing her nose gently against
the cruiser's stern, and clewing her;
into position for entering the dock.
In the Dry Dock.
Mettle ,. , `
nt.aft the tithe r e ( rivets;
11 1 {r 1 li 1 (
{ 1
drills , hopped through ul'h til mewed bolt s
like helves tie eugh ,heeete moss zeds
away battered plating as though it
had been them, paper, The work
Went. nn day and eight as if lusher u
magiebte'Y wand.
And when at the end of their three
weeks' heave they had well earned
the rest -the cruiser's eonnplrement
returned to their eldp, they tamed
that not only had her wounds been
repaired, not only was she fully
equipped et. all ',pieta and ready for
immediate ;ellen if needs be, but the
dockyardmen had hauled her out of
dock and planed her head towards the
channel, had filled her honkers with
oval and las magazines with ammu-
nit.ion.-in !moth, they had healed liar
and convalesced her, and passed her
"Fit for General Service.„
Palatable Article Can Be Manufactur-
ed for Ten Cents a Pound.
Potato butter is rerommended by
the Britieh ministry of food as a
cheap substitute for butter, being
made in England at a cost of lees
than ten cents per potted, as follows;
"Peel the potatoes and boil until
they fall to pieces and become floury.
Then run through a line sieve into
a warmed basin fourteen ounces of
potatoes and acid two ounces of but-
ter or margarine and one teaspoon-
ful of salt. Stir until smooth and
then mold into rolls and keep in a
cool place. 7o make the appearance
approvable use butter coloring, and
if intended to keep beyond a few
clays a butter preservative shnuld he
added," -
How to make a creamy beauty lotion
for a few cents.
The juice of two fresh lemons
strained into a bottle containing three;
ounces of orchard white makes a whole
quarter pint of the most remarkable
lemon skin beautifier at about the cost
one must pay for a email jar of the'
ordinary cold creams. Care should be!
taken to strain the lemon juice'
through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp
gets in, then this lotion will keep,'
fresh for months. Every woman:
knows that lemon juice is used to
bleach and remove such blemishes as
freckles, sallowness and tan and is
the ideal skin softener, whitener and
Just try it! Get three minces of
orchard white at any drug store and
two lemons from the grower and make
up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra-
grant lemon lotion and massage it
daily into the face, nevi:, arms and'
YE a.
Qinc:innati man tells how to dry
up a corn or callus so it lifts
off with fingers.
1'heI .ivin Line.
1, 1
ee. pew:: s• faith and freedom lust,
Awl earth goes round the sun,
Tide _.r nds the British line hell
:aril se the fight Kay woll.
1"hr I e;aura tight that: ever yet.
•'o -•o Brought all the world to dearth;
You writ-peatered Wen and women A fight or two great nations set
herd ratisae no lortgc•r. Wolir the shoes Te battle for the earth.
that nearly lcillt"I yuu before, •aysthis
C ineirtnati authority, be c ru e a few
!reps of freerone applied do °e•ily on a
tender, aching corn or rales, stalls
sorters.+s ut once and ensu the corn or
hardened callus looltehs so it ran be
lifted efr, root and all, without. pa'n.
A small bottle of freezone costs
very little at any drug :.tete, lett will
positively talie otf every hard lir soft
corn or callus. !hi mhould he tried,
as it is iuexpeneive and is.skirlnot,
t That flee lira line, that falling relive,
'Ihat wildura ebbing wave,
Th,et striae of suffering human ease,
Shuddered, but never gave.
') h nog line of human flesh,
It glnrered like a brain;
Swarm after swarm came on afresh
And crashed, but eraalaed in vain.
The world .hall tell hove they r;tnod
to irritate the surrounding . kinAad haw the tight w•is wan,
As long as faith and freedom to is
If your druggist hasn't any frenene And earth goers round the sout
tell him to get a small huttic for you
from his wholesale drug house. It is
fine stuff' and acts like a charm every
t ime.
This is the sharpest pang; to hear:
How I do not forget,
But wake to see her waiting there,
As if she loved me ,yet.
Oh, for an end of idle dreams
That stir a sleeping heart!
So far :the is, so near the Beenes. •
So near, so faz• apart!
The epring• comes in; the lilacs bloom;
I hear the rcibin eall.
,But in this memory -haunted room
I miss her most of all.
After these many months of pain
Her face I shall not see;
I shall not hear her voice again--
- She comes not back to mei
The safe wax to send money by mail
{s by Dominion Express Money Order.
The Wings of the Aeroplane.
War conditions have afforded an'
excellent opportunity for farmers in
$certain sections of Canada to engage'
extensively in the production of fibre;
flax, They will thereby- not only add'.
to their sources of income, but will'.
also be of direct and vital aid in the
war efforts of the Allies, The mas-
tery of the air is proving a great, I
Perhaps the determining factor, in the !
struggle now going on. Aeroplanes
are being built in vast numbers as I
rapidly as possible. As a covering
' for the wings of these, linen is the
only material found satisfactory.!
Large quantities are also needed for
" machine gun webbing, ambulance and :
truck covers, thread for sewing uni-1
forms, and a number of other uses.'
Were the supply of fibre flax for these'
purposes to fall short, as is threaten-
' ed, it would directly and profoundly
affect the suttees of the Allied;
13efore the war, flax was imported I
into the United Kingdom mainly trona
Belgium, Frmnee, Germany, the
Netherlands and Russia, The Ger-'
man supply is, of course, now cut off,1
while in 1916 France produced no
fiax for export, Belgium a mere frac-
tion of its former supply, and the
Netherlands about half its formers
quantity. Owing to ennditions in ,
Russia no exports of fibre flax can be
depended on this year; Ireland, the!
great flax -producing country in the!
United Kingdom itself, cannot with'
the best of seasons and with then
largest possible acreage under flax, '
commence to meet the demand for i
The foregoing htforthation is con- •
tained in a circular on flax growing
b the Federal Department
issued y a of
Agriculture and that can be had free i
by addressing the Publications
Branch of that Department, Ottawa.
Ask for Minard'a dna take no other. b
Then came dirty men in fussy
little steamboats, and cast lines,
which, when hauled upon, brought:
wire hawsers to the cruiser. These
were made fast to bollards, and the I
other ends taken to hydraulic cap-
stans ashore. Then .slowly, care-
fully, these were hove round, and the
battered vessel slipped inch by inch
into her side bed. The caisson at the'.
end of the dock slid into place nstern
of her, the great pumps clanked, and
the water became louver gradually,
but quite perceptibly.
Hordes of grimy dockyardmen
swarmed into her as the gangways
were flung to the jetty; fussy little I
orgies slatnmed into the dock huge, i
square baulks of timber, sized and
marked to fit each in a certain poli-'
tion and no other. They took these'
batlike, the `rmateys," and they. ad-
justed them so that, when at last the
eruiser's keel rested on the chocks in
the bottom of the dock, the baulks
u orted her on both sides pre-
b ,led p
vented her canting over to one side
or the other. And as the water reced-
ed and exposed more of her under-
water hull, the mateys put in other
rows of shores, till at last she was
dry and high, ready for the healing
hands of the strip doctors,
New Ships for Old.
Tide done, came a small army of
other grimy men—fitters, turners,
nrt.iticcrs of all hinds --with their,
small tool,boxcsa Followed thein a'
host of small and evtlb dirtier boys. I
Then senate the most awful din con-:
ceivable. Hemmers racketted away
Sugar Sating Per Per Cent.
The recent sugar restrietions pass-
ed by the Canada Food Board will
have the effect of saving about 100,-
000 tons, approximately 25 per cent.
of our normal consumption. These
restrictions are rendered absolutely
necessary by the shipping and rail
transportation situation. There is
sugar in Cuba but we cannot get. it
into Canada. What we can get vve
must. conserve for preserving time.
Iteep =nerd's Liniment in the house.
Eat More Fish.
Efforts have been made throughout
Canada to produce and market more
fish. This country bas„fush resources,
which have been exploited commer-
cially for the export trade, but only
in the big cities have fresh fish been I
available regularly to private eon-:
sumers, On the Pacific ]:oast and the i
Atlantic Coast, on the lakes of the
West, on the likes of Northern On-
tario and the Great Lakes, fishermen
will procure fish if the demand for it
becomes regular and constant. Eat
more fish and save meat for the men
at the front.
Obligation to Save Food.
Every pound of food saved by each$
Canadian citizen is a pound given to
the support of our army and the Al-
lies. Every pound wasted or eaten!
]unnecessarily is a pound withheld'
from them. It is a direct personal j
obligation on the part of each of us!
to someone in Europe whole we are
bound to help,
1 g properly digest the food by
Itaking 151 to 30 drops of Extract
If of Roots, sold as Mother Seigel's
Curative Syrup, and your kidney.
disorder will promptly dis-
ci appear. Get the genuine. '7 se
e3 �.+Y e w mxma ea a7m: o u moss a. re
flSluard'e Liniment used by PbYaletana.
Pigeon's Death 'Wound in Flanders.
An example of the homing faculty
mid ',ewer of enduran:e of eertain
breeds of pigeons tinder adverse eon-
ditiona ie given in the Field. The
pigeon in question has been given the
name of "V.C." and preserved by a
London firm. In the action which
vas fought in the region of the Be-
nin Road on October ?,rd, 017, this
bird was dispatched with a message
froth the front line to divisional
headquarters at 1.30 p.m. Daring its
pas -age it was struck by a German
bullet whirl] broke one of its legs, de-
nuding the home (the tibia", of all
flesh and drove the metal cylinder
rentaining the message into the side
of its body .the bullet. passing out of
ft.s back. Irl spite of alt the wounds
and being out in the wet all night the
bird struggled home to its loft, a dis-
tance of nine miles, and -delivered its
message. at 10.63 a.m. the following
day, Oct, 4th, dying hortly after its
arrival. -..__-
Share British Wheat.
We have shipped much of our pre -
vitals wheat to the French and Ital-
iana and we must fare the fact that ,
this has changed conditions so that
they conceivably may become acute
in the United Kingdom. Unless the
people of Canada and the Milted
States speed up their production of
food supplies, the allied peoples mac•
find it very difficult to carry this war
on to that conclusion which will mean
a permanent peace.
Sugaring the Tea Pot.
The silver tea put can be prevented
from getting musty while not in use.
by dropping a lump of sugar in it.
after it has been ettned and dried.
=nerd's Liniment Lumberman's Friend.
W,,rlcdng the farm more and ibe
mai less is the ideal !'arming.
The hey who along ahout. this time
of the year has not a fishing -line in
his pueket is net quite human.
1.031 seta
Cr ern Ontario. Doing a rood bust-
rees. Death of owner placea it on the
aoarket. A great chance, for a man with
cnsh Apply Box e2. Wilson Publishing'
Gn, Limited. Toren to,
T'► and lob printing plant In Eastern
Ontario. Insurance carried. $1.500. Will
go for $1.200 on gulch sale. Box e8.
Wilson Publishing Co.. Ltd.. Toronto.
')r terere wonted. Write, Geo. M. haul,
15C Ylrtorla St., Sarnia.
internal and external. cured with-
out pals by our home treatment Writs
lie before too lata. Dr. BeIlman Medicai
Co.. Limited. Collingwood, Out
JU and light sewing at home, whole ar
snare tinge, gond pay. work sent any
distance. charges paid. Bend eta,un roc
gart.lcuinrt, battens) ManafacYuring
eernpenfy. \for.treal.
�aeeemnwras¢^sm101=01 �nm.oaoecrosaasg
�g6q 9
caused by badly digested food
which overtakes these organs to
eliminate the irritant acids
Help our stomach to
Formed. H
A Kidney Remedy
Kidney troubles are frequently
Ks n Y
Had ship's anchor fall on my knee l
and leg, and knee swelled up and for
six days I could not move. it or get.'
help. I then started to use bIEN-,
ARD'S LINIMENT and two bottles'
cured me.
Wheat Importation Insufficient,
Tlae British Ministry of food has
cabled to the Canada Food Board:;
'Wheat importations are not arriving
n quantities sufficient to meet our"
weekly requirements. Every effort
that ran be exerted in Canada to in-:
crease shipments of wheat and meat I
will be invaluable." The British
t ' is has prepared to provide
am ,try ) p
ships to move all the wheat that Can-
ada will spare. Only 34,000,000 bush-
ls remain on the continent that can
e possibly available for export nn
less consumption in the United :states!
Never move a cake in the oven until i
the centre is set.
#kat v'3 f,
e very substantially reduced.
!'our ft El each way is the proper'
r tee �iuv,-
' •u , , in planting m i
da t, ttt
p k 1
Heidi ilk -C. Magic s'e
brume cuts, eliciting, blisters, piles,"ah%
seeases, tanbwm, boils, braises and othey
Inflammation. a At dealers, or write its'. t
ilI Bet.„aIItfaQ72';,Cdr�n'd $lye,-Tfiientiron. Caecdr�
Keep yours pees new'
The world is short of horses.
To get the most out of your
team use
"Use half as much as any other”
The plica flakes fall the mores
and crevices in the axle and
the grease keeps them there.
Mica Crease means fresher
horses at the Incl of the
day and lunger life for your
harness and wagons.
"Lengthens leather life"
Overcomes leather's worst
enemies—water - d dirt. It
r al 1
makes harness pliable and
waterproof, prevents break-
ing of stitches and imparts
that rich blank lustre to all
dal, dressed leather,
b tIs Eland lid is •d P.vkaaesby lice
&Akre etetyw•hete.
tlttatactItLs IN
att. came
ryPC. 0 4
11111.11 ill
Let Cuticura Care
for 13ab3r's Skin
It's really wonderful how gsickly a
hot bath with Cuticura Soap followed
by a gentle anointing with Cuticura
Ointment relieves skin irritations
which keep baby wakeful and rest-
less, permits sleep for infant and rest
for mother, and points to healmcnt in
most cases when It seems nothing
would help.
Sands Eseh free by Moil. Address post,
card: Cutieura, Dept Ne Boston, U.S.A.'.
Sold by dealers throughout the world.
Mrs. Godden Tells How It
iViay be Passed in Safety
and Comfort.
Fremont, 0.---"I was passing through
the critical period of life, being forty-
six years of age and
had all the symp-
toms Incidentto that
change—heat flash-
es, nervousness, and
was in ageneral run
down condition, so
it was hard for me
to do my work.
I.,ydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com-
pound was recom-
mended to me as the
best remedy for my
troubles, which it
surely proved to be. I feel better and
stronger in every way since takingit;)
end the annoying ayrn�ntoms have dins e
peered."—Ml's. M. cfoDDEN, 92$ Iola -1
poison St., Fremont, O io.
Such annoying symptons as hest'
flashes, nervousnese, backache, head.
]eche, irritability and "tile blues," may
be speedily overcome and the system
restored to normal conditions by this
famous root and herb remedy Lydia E.
Pinkltam'a Vegetable Compound.
If any complications present them•
selves write the ?Inkhorn Medicine Co.,'
Lynn, Mass., for suggestions how to
overcome them. The result of forty
years experience is at your seryl ,+ loci
your letter held in strict eonfide,,,cc-.