HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-5-30, Page 4t, t 9 AI a f post iC 1 1 l'lfURl31?AY, 31:1V ei lets G, S, to Send Three Million Bushels Wheat to Belgians Etat shipments to the civilian pop. illations in allied eountriee will be I s e:peaded for ten days to move "three millem Mahele of ,;,raid to the Hei- nlus, wb , are declared to he in ties- ., rate eletatte. k pat•, of the wheat will go to the ie the Getman occupied trite:), of Northern Flamm. The ,eneeekii t - emitentrate on the ship t mei let flee great ryas made following tie . t +: ipt 1 t nal gent raldegrame from ,he B lariat Relief C mruieeion's rep et entetive ua lieu -.le. One of the eelee entd "Pforided all shipments tiow en vo.11.4 ric., :tntl putided an equal .list alt tion between all parts of the iteutitey Belgium and Northern ,,. rte'. t,F“. vY:".,1. Thursda Half Holiday l I' • DURING E June, July and August 0, z I . inn .• w ll :o without bread from ei i. grains fat' 20 days," E'rr.eelaa'aeitiv, Nee e;d.tialeerear s:.+ tai u') la, lite untie r eigned business pew ple of litneeele, agiee lu close t rt• respeetive plates of Med. .less al 1.1 o'clock, noon, each '1'111114 duty during the menthe of June, Jely and A:ngted, rommeneing on 'Thurs- day, June till. Other days stores will ' close at the usual time :— S. T. mom Baal( of Neva Scotia • I (, Iiir•hatile W. J. Sletaateken 111. ie. Noss Getty eF A\ Allier i. 11, limvat Carswell lith. H. 1:. Jaeke nt \Villeu t (iillrvpie Downing ll'nr. S!aFelel11i•1 k Geo.'Thomeen Nee \I. Siuelut j NI is. J.Thnmpsuu,l, D. lluhkilk I A. 1t.:lrKay la. Immo) R. S. Hamilton 1V, A. theewer P Seott Welker l 131341( I PROGRAM OF i THE LONDON I CONFERENCE ` ;, When o melted i lenulott we R,t . •t••t•'. ", , , ~, � r Itiand out, leattalit n hail moved Dom :Satudlitrd0+ to \Virley ,•taupe sn it took :F. ua 1'l • a d a •rt n o r t- 1 t n I n' tukel hat •i, t, K 1.d. 1}lila is +t tieih1e stolt told veuie like soldieriu; in a 1u 11 I .hint( 'I' thane wh” selPcD•d Damp }iuldru �. floss this dump. I hope 11e wont be + here lung, lied n letter, frena Frank a few dnye + ago, Ile um; well, also one front Viola. A box at rived while I was a11'ay se u ❑ a•, • 1'l adtll•ese."41 full here •1• hu1 hltso'1 reaeled ole yet. I hope it + comer: soon, Alstl hod a letter ISOM n ,lean s)tie wanting ole to come + up liters as won as I could get leave. '1• They went like it when they learn I ,fit, ,vent to Ireland instead, Had I ,t. known where the ,thaws lire over : + there 1 might Lace hail a chance to b see theta. I d. + + + + �•ellt'e as ever, HA MM. + + i VV. H. Kerr (. C. INIttlipor:s + i F. Sperling 11. C. Hose i .q. It I c t gusmt aas. Fox I + 1 R. Smith S. C. \\'it.enu + ,Jas. Ballantyne Jas. T. l,,e_s + Alfred liaeker Il. 'Thomsen former Brussels Boy to France .1 ,linLfen�tt W. F. Stvetoer Win. Oakley 1IV, P. Fraser .he Editor all Tea HOST: y Torun FRI6:ti1) --ft is many seasons 'ince an item trout rev pen line ap peered in the columns of the old home paper. Mee many since the days when I I used. to -play the devil" among the eaeee. etc, of the old oiiiee of THE Poser and le the now neatly 20 years whish here elepeted since the clay when I :teal tae•well to the friends awl pie:team meteeiatinns of 131 n,."Is, the lawn twllt.lt I am always tumid to neknewleage es the place of my hit th, It has been mine to visit trimly scenes far retrieved from old Huron, and to encounter many experiences, pleasant end otherwise, not a few ne the least interesting of these have been the Ones Inst with sine. jeering the Can- adian forces in the latter part of 1910. After a petted of ttaining spent in England, land to Dec nth, 191d I ifound self in company with several wi 0f the to boys of the --th Battalion to wlteh I enlisted, tossing about in a tumultu- ous passage of the English channel, en route for the firing line in France and a few days later, after an arduous trip, under full marching order, through miles of trenches, in many places over knee deep in mod, received my initiation into the mysteries of the world -war of an outpost t30 yards from the Burr: forward line. Many things may pees from the memory of thoee of us who me spared to return to the homeland, but the experiences of any who endured the Winter cam- paign of 1918-17 in France, will, I think, he too indellibly stamped upon the mind ever to be erased. During the period of 9 months spent in the line, before I received my "Blighty one," it was within my lot to play a minor part in the Canadian advance at V•itny Ridge and later, a more important and to rue, more memorable,one, in the taking of Avion. SEertly after the latter event by meking a rather ton intimate acquaintance with a bomb, I was relegated Lu the ranks of the 'neap. abler and oil Aug, Seth, found myself c.emfottably placed in a cosy sot in the ird Southern General Hospital in the historic city of Oxford, on the Thames. To the treatment here all. corded to the casualties and the kind- ness of the people I would like to pay a full compliment, but I know I can- not claim your front page, so I will only say that too much cannot be said in praise of the excellence of both, After a pleasant furlough, in which I visited London, Edinboro' and other places of interest, I returned to the 1st O. C. D. and thence after a period of trebling to the Reserve, from withal place, on Good Friday, I again started on the rennet trip to France. In at small French town I enjoyed a splendid Easter chimer, consisting of eggs, chips, coffee, etc., which cost um about 40 cents, but not- witheuttuding its excellence; it could not compere with the same fare in the good 0141 land, Shortly atter arrival I was transfer- red to the 3rd Canadian .Machine Gun Battalion in a eeetion of which I came across Roy ktnigh, a former Brussels boy. Te add to the pleasure on the same evening I received a parcel of papers front Dire. C, E. Stone, of Oanuingtan, Ont., enntaining a rumple of copies of Tele Peal' and the local columns were like a letter from home. Needle's to Say, no items were left un- read. Conspicuous among them was the marriage of my eonein, Harold Spelt' and Miss Pelle 1lendeteon. My hest wishes are ttecerded to toy cousin and her "Ieseer halt," I re- member them as children, which 1 rt - minds Ate that I atln net ALN yntllig aW -. I used to he, 'Tie pat:+sing years have brought many ',the es but whatever I may have loot oa furl erten, I still carry with lee the blessitige of the in- fluence of the days spent in the fellow- ships of the sonday School, League and othee use.,eitl•:as of the Metho- dist chord, in the - d }tome tnwn, the memory ,,f which ,ver fresh. I have lou aerosv :,a to ral Societies I of the Band of Hope .11/11 though it is over 80 yearn same I signed my thst l card in the Id Rr eels Public school, I am still at Peet adherent to ail its principles, The poi Deli ; 1 lm Shaw in Tis PosT recalled 1 pleasant mem- °SIBS Of Sniper) 11, V4 Went itrultm the efficient tttetereti tt of the veteratni teacher, We etre new hl Whitt, is perhaps the Most crucial etageof the War and un one can forme. the future, but when the boys rattan, I ire:imply 1101441 to be able to pay a visit to the good Old town and reneW afresh the pleasant friendships of bygone days. In the tneanttme, while doing rely bit for old Canada, i will remember the years of pleateaut t'elationahip rrn Tem POeT staff and wish woo, the venerable editor and yours, ennlfnmed suecess and all the old friends In liens - eels tend vicinity Godspeed on the hap• • py journey of life. With all good muckiest, rernaining sirteerely yte�rs, an old Brussels boy, PTR, XI, D, aIeiCetnte Customers, and the puhlie genetttlly, are asked to kindly do their buying Sa as to aid the eat eying out of the half holiday pr‘ gram. 41-4 [Note by Editor.- •Pte. Harty Me- tal, we, oil 'Tut: Your -tart fee Set•PP- el years :111,1 tan .L floe lad. Ile is a Impbew of Jas. and :Ire. Speir and ,f. H. and ;tits, Kerney, of this tomti- t's. We hope to have t1. shame of welcoming hitt hack j Pte. Ralph Shaw Writes His Mother from England 'The following interesting letter was received by Mrs. Anson Shaw, Sud line 'loxia tewnstrip, from her son, Pte. Ralph :— DEAR MOTHt>R,—Brfoe this my cards from Irelaml will have retched you. Were you surprised to hear of one being over there: T certeinly was surprised to be there. When I ap- plied for a pass I never for a moment expected to get, for it ie scarcely 4 months since I had leave and thie time I got free ttauspo Lathe). I em- tainly enjoyed myself. We gnt a real Irish welcome in Belfast aril it lasted all the time We Wert. there, The city is the nearest to a Cenail but city of arty I have seen. The people have a warm spot in their hearts for Canadians and do all they ran to glee you a gond time. Then ton every- thing is cheai'p. We paid more far supper to -night than it post there for board end room fete a day, Stayed nt a Club that until recently was a first - eines hotel and it is still 111.$1, eines, Thele are no old buildings of import - afire hot Wiens of the new ones are real up-to-date. Never hefnre did T see ten many large churches in a city anti nearly all Pruteshult. Sunday morning we went to a Presbyterian eburch, the first in a year. It was quite old fashioned. There VMS IL good choir but no organ, Saturday we were ut at little seaside town neat by, to it picnic and had a ,jelly time. Wit left early -Monday, so as to have all day Tuesday in Luudan bur in that We wen a disappointed. There was nn beast for us so we had to stay in Dublin a riether day. Dublin is quite opposite to Belfast and it weS a cool welcome we got. There are tt few grind loyal people, but many are not. In Dublin, are many interesting spots and everything is Duly bish, Particularly gond is their Park, Muse- um and Are flatlet y, Ws hu ed a jaunting cat and drove through the whole park. 21 miles in all. The trip between London and Dub- lin is far from pleasanl x44 both train and heat Were crowded and as we travelled at night it was a long weari. Some inurney, From Dttblin to Bel- fast it was quite different as tellies ore better and more comfortable and the e eenery is grand. Some of these old Trish hnmesteade ate interestime and I would like to have had a chance of visiting ntiP of them, Farrus au a very small, divided into tiny fields with stonefences tepleeing the iledgesnf this country. There is nn fond shortage over there and no restrictions except on sugar. They served as much 'neat for 1111P meal at a shilling as we get here in 4 clays. In place of margarine we gut real butter and it was gond and instead illbread we ate seonee. There were plenty of puddings but like the Engliell they hiaven't maetered the art of pie making. Belfast people call therneelves Ulsteeltes, not Irish, for they a1 a loy• al. Still there are thousands of fit Melt still out of the army. VVhPn this Camseription Act is main ced they will be nailed tap as they should be. While there we visited slip -building elude, also a linen factory, wh Pve we saw the whelp process Neon raw ilex to at fine table cloth. It surely is wonder -I'M the wary the machinery does the work. Guardian Angel A lt,vetyhndy lies a Spirit. Gnide, anxinus [u direct you to the putt things that be in your way. The Spirit Pencil the acme of irtvetntfnns, rnahh'a yon to ronitmtnitgtlte. 0punt1,te the Warne ns tine wireless, fiit a Pritfte ana to embrace this omen. - trinity, Particulars free, O. G. Martin, Inv"ntoe and 1alanufaclneer, 111 West Ferry Ste Buffalo, N.Y. The thirty-tifth annual session of the London Conference of the Methodist . Church will assemble in London Road :Methodist Church, Walkerville, Ont- ario on Thursday, June lith, 1915, at 2 P. m. Monday, Juane 3rd 3 p, m.—fleeting of the Probation- ers' Record Committee, consisting of the clieirmen of districts, secretary of the examining beard, and secretary of Conference, to review the record and standing of each probationer ; also the recommendations re candidates for the ministry and to bring in a report in answer to questions 15, 16, !7 18, in Ministerial Session. Meeting will be held in Class Room No. t. 8 p• 111—.',Meeting of the Probation- er's Record Lonunittee, Tuesday, June 4th n o in., .. nn. :tad 8 nt.—,41ee - a. t P. P ing of the Stationing Commitee. Wednesday, June Sth q a, m.—Stationing Commitee. 50,30 a an.—The Conference Trea- surers will meet the Financial Secre- taries, Ministerial Session 2 p, m,—Worship. Roll Call, Re- port of the Transfer 'Committee .A; - pointment of Cenunittee an Confer- ence Relatiens. Letter writers, etc. Disciplinary questions and report of Prebatiener's Record Committee, 3 p• in.—Educational Anniversary. Watchword: "The Kingdom and the Scheel." Addresses will be delivered by Mr T. B. Dundas, Wallaceburg, and Rev. Captain W. B. Caswell, B, A., Assistant Secretary of Education, Thursday, June 6th Ministerial Session 5.45 a, m.—Worship and Pastoral ad- dress, the President, Rev. S. W, Mux -- worthy, 9,3o a, m.—Disciplinary questions. Report of the Committee on Con- ference Relations, General Session. 2 p. in.—Sermon by Rev. Dr, George Elliott, Mt. Clemens, Mich., Subject, "The Vision and the Feast," Exodus 24 : 1 t. The Administration of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, con- ducted by the President, Rev. S, W. ,'1'luxworthy. 3:30 p, nt.—Roll Call, Elections. Confirmation of Committees, Appoint- ment of Business Committee, and Com- mittee on Resolutions of Thanks and Appreciation. Report of the Mints- tertal Session. General Business, First Draft of Stations. Reference of all resolutions passed by District Meet- ing and other resolutions from Thor of Conference. i 5.20 p, in.—All Committees meet fur organization, 8 p ne—Meeting under the aus- pices of the Laymen's Association (see programme.) Friday, June 7th 8,45 n. tm—Worship. Rev. Dr. George Elliott, Series of addresses, "The Tempations of our Lord." Sub- ject: "Bread -making ; Right and Wrong," 9.30 a. ne—First ballot for Board of Examiners, Report of decisions on questions of law. Report of Confer- ence Special Committee. 10,45 a, m.—First ballot for General Conference Delegates, 11 a, 11).—All committees meet. Cir- cuit Boundaries Commission meets. 2 p. ne—Worship, Jubilee service. Rev, W. J, Ford, L. L, B. Rev, B. L, Hutton, Rev. W. M. Pomeroy, Rev, W. Rigsby, 3 p. m.—Report No t, Board of Ex- aminers. Report of Finance and other Committees. 4 p, m.—General Conference ques- tions, 5 p, in.—All Committees meet, 8 p, m.—Reception Service—Watch- word:—"The Kingdom of the Minis- try." Address, Rev, J. C. Reid, B, A., 13, D. Saturday, June 8th 8.45 a. tee—Worship, 'rheological lecture—"The Elements of the Teach- ing of Jesus Applied to the Modern Situation re Capital and Labor," Rev. A. E Doan, M. A„ B, D. 9.311 a, n1 ---Memorial service, 10:30 a, in,—Second ballot for Gen- eral Conference delegates. Second ballott for Board of Examiners, Re ports of Committees, 5.30 p, m.—Meeting of the Station o receive da atations. 111 Committee t va P g Stmday, June 9th—Conference Church 9 a, m.—Love Feast and Fellowship Service, conducted by Rev. R. J. Gar- butt, L. L, 1a a ne---Ordination Sermon, Rev S. W. Muxworthy, retiring president, followed by Ordination Service, con- ducted by the President-elect. 3 p, tn. Sunday -school session, Addresses by. Rev, J, le Knight, Mt. ale + +•1•++++'b+++++++++++++++++++ NOW HP let GARAGE OPEN remelt moo :I ANAG Nal ENT e Repair A I.I. \Ila la CALLS Dasoll , nej Oils D and Accessories Ewan's B BRUSSELS, ON'T. B. D., and Rev, W. C, Graham, M. A., B; D. _ 7.30 p. m --Rev, F. Louis Barber, M, A„ Ph. D. Pulpit Supply Methodist 'Central, 11a. m.—Rev. W. E, Pes- cote B, A, 3 p, ne—Rev. B. H. Robin- son, al, A, t 3o p. ne—Rev, Dr, Manning. Landon Se, 11 a, ne—Rev. S. J. Allis. 3 le in.—Rev. A, E. Doan, M. A., B. D. 7.30 p, m.—Rev S, L. Toll, B. A., B, D, Howard Ave., 11 a. nt.—Rey. T, A. Allen. 3 le m.—Rev, L' J, Roulstun, o p. 111.—Hov. Geo. Dewey Presbyterian First (Walkerville) 1 t a, ne Rev. J. W I'ledley, M. A, B, D. 7.30 p, m.— J, F. Reycraft, St. Andrews, 11 a, m,—R.ev. Dr. W. L. Rutledge, 7.30 p, m.— Rev A. E. M. Thomson, Nl, A., B, D. Baptist Bruce Ave., 1 tae m.—Rev, James E. Hunter, 7..30 p, m.—Rev, D. W. Walkerville, 11 a, m.—Rev. James E. Hunter. 7.30 le ne—Rev, D, W. Will- iams, Walkerville, 11 a, m.—Rev, W. A. Finlay. 7.30 p, ne—Rev, H, J. Arm- strong, Monday, Jutta '1Oth 0.45 tt ni —Worship, Rev. Dr. Geo, t, ti -t"Kingdoms, - 1 II t ub tt.true and t 1 l tier „ u e ttn.—Reports ut t nuunl t lu u. 15 a ill—Thud ballot for Gen- eral Conttrxnee Delegates. t l a In Meeting ut etnnmiltees, 2 p. nl. Worship. General busi- ness, p, m.—Reports of Connexianal officers. 8 p. tn.—Meeting of the Stationing Committee. 8 1', ne—The Sabbath -School and Eit worth League. Rally. Watchword "The Kingdom and the Leaders of To- morrow." Addresses byMr, George Stanley, Luau, and Rev. Dr, A. C. Crews, Editor of Sunday School puttee cations, Tuesday, June 11th 5.45 a, m.—Worship, Rev. George Elliott, Subject: "Spiritual Power, holy and Unholy." 9.30 a. m.—General business, Re- port of Committee on Resolutions. Laymen's report, o P, Com- mittees m nhti. Reportort 0f Cct - miltees and general business. of the, Stationing S p. m,—Meeting ( l a(S 1, Committee. 8 p.m.—Missionary anniversary. Watchword: "The Kingdom That is to Be." Addresses by Rev, L. W Hill, B. A., Mrs, W, E. Pescult, President of London Conference Branch of W, ht. S., Rev. W, J. Mortimore, B, A., Miss- ionary to China. Wednesday, June 12th 8.45 a• m.—Worship, 9 a, m,—General business. Fixing date of next Conference. Ministers re- sponsible for new charges. 'Copies of Year Book. Report of Committee on Resolutions of Appreciation, 10 a, m.—Report of the Stationing Committee. Election of Chairmen. Permission to employ young men. Appointment of Conference Special Committee, Appointment of Confer - •+•••••e•••••••••••••••••• • • • ♦ e • •• • O • • • • • ♦ • • 0 e • • • • 0 WANTED ! Steady, reliable Men to world on 6 in, H.E. Shells. Experience not necessary. Phone or apply personal- ly to The Roht. Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd. Seaforth, Ont. • • • s •• • • • • •• • •i ••• • •••••••••••••••••••N••••• tact, i1rh11'tauIr rommil too tic 1' ' u.1' 'e5 hill rt ale - The DIsk1'icl SeeCretarl lv on the rise of the Aunu'tl tri>n'ict h1t(lin � a•111 tl 'l e s,.nt1 dui h ,rte g 1 t:( ins nl all resuluhnns I l t t+llr lu t unlerultt, uu un sol+iLtt tehdtsn. ever, to the Seeretary ill Conference, who will arranee them ler presenta- ltou to the sever:d ronuniltees. Also seed tills lt:unes of all members of cumnllltees. No speci:il rate's are to be granted to Delegates by the railways tills veer. S. W. MIIXWnflllll', I'residenl lizeler T. E, SAWYER, Secretary, Ilderton. Program of Laymen's Associatior. Thursday, June 6th 9 a. m.—Heeling of the Executive. 10 a, In—Devotional Exercises, e „1 . 1 0,11 a. in.—Condensed 'eort i clistrfets. 'I'lle Forward Alnveanent for Evmlgellsnt. to a. ne—The Fruits of Modern Evangelista. Mr. John C. West, Ifs - sex. i t a, ne—The llelhielist ',Intern and Democracy. Rev, W. K. Ilagar, le A., of Alt mer • 11.•15 a nn.—:'ills, vote ler General Conference Delegates, 8 p, m.—Public meeting in the Con- ference Church. Address by Rev Dr. Al, S. Rice, North Woodward Ave, Methodist Church Detroit. Friday, June 7th 5 p. m,—Second ballot fur General Conference Delegates, .5.30 p, m.—Laymen's banquet, Ad- dress by Rev. Dr. J. Hanley. Saturday, June 8th 9.3o a, m.—Election of officers• to a. ut.—Third ballot for General Conference delegates. 10.3o a, m.—In view of the ap- proaching General Conference, what changes are considered necessary in Church Government ? Mr. C. E. Nay- lor, Essex. R. It, PICKARD, President F, B. HULTEY, Secretary To Contractors raCtOQ S Tenders will be reeteved by the undersigned ue to a o'clock p. nt., nn Monday, May 271 h, fur the construction of abutments and eonerete work for Patterson's Bridge, Con. 2, East Wow. ati the.Olerk a office. A and nnrked chigoe ay he fen per cent of amount to accompany each tender, The lowest or any tender not necessarily eo• °opted, ALIM. POBTERFIELD, Mny 111th, 1918. Twp. (Berk, Meeting of Huron Co. Council The Council of the Corporation of the Comi- ty of Huron will meet in the Connell Chamber, Ooderioh, Tneedny, the 4th day of .lune, lila, at B o'clock in the afternoon. GEO, W. HOLMAN, co. clerk. Goderiah, May 17th, 1018. e CANADA MILITARY SERVICE ACT 1917 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that, by the effect of the regulations of the Gover- nor General of Canada in Council of the 20th of April, 1918, and the Proclamation of 4th May, 1918, recently published, every male British subject resident in Canada, born on or since the 13th of October, 1897, who has attained or shall attain the age of 19 years and who is unmarried or a widower without children must, (unless he is within one of the classes of persons mentioned in the schedule of Excep- tions to the Military Service Act) report as hereinafter directed on or before the 1st day of June, 1918, or within ten days after his 19th birthday, whichever date shall be the latter. Such report must be in writing and must give his name in full, the elate of his birth and his place of resi- dence and also his usual post office address. =The report must be addressed to the Registrar or Deputy Registrar under the Military Service Act of the Registration District in which he resides (see below) and shall be sent by registered post, for which no Canada postage is required. Young men so reporting will not be placed on active service till further notice. They must, however, notify the appropriate Registrar or Deputy Registrar of any change of residence or address. On receipt of the report an identification card will be forwarded by the Registrar which will protect the bearer from arrest. Punctual compliance with these requirements is of great importance to those affected. Failure to report within the time limited will expose the delinquent to severe penalties and will in addition render him liable to immediate apprehension for Military Service. ISSUED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH, this 15th day of May, 1918. NOT The men required to report should address their reports as follows: ONTARIO—To the Deputy Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, London, if they reside in the County of Essex, Kent, Lambton, Elgin, Middlesex, Oxford, Waterloo, Wellington, Perth, Huron, or Bruce. To the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Toronto, if they reside in the County of Lincoln, Weiland, Haldimand, Norfolk, Brant, Wentworth, Halton, Peel; York, Ontario, Grey, Dufferin, Simcoe, or in the Districts of Muskoka, Parry Sound, Algoma and Nipiasing north of the Mattawa and French rivers (including the Town- ships of Ferris and Bonfield.) To the Deputy Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Kingston, if they reside in the County of Durham, Northumberland, Victoria, Peterborough, Hastings, Prince Edward, Lennox, Addington, Frontenac, Haliburton, Carleton, Dun- das, Glengarry, Renfrew, Russell, Stormont, Gren- ville, Lanark, Leeds, Prescott, or the District of Nipissing south of Mattawa river (exclusive of the Townships of Ferris and Bonfield•) To the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Winnipeg, if they reside in the Districts of Kenora, Rainy River, or Thunder Bay. QUEBEC To the Registrar rall under the Military tory Service Act, 1917, Montreal, if they reside in the County of Jacques Cartier, Hochelaga, Laval, Vaudreuil, Soulanges, Napiervijle, Beauharnois, Chateauguay, Huntington, Laprairie, Argenteuil, Terrebonne, TWo Mountains, Moutcalm, L'Assomption, Joliette, Ber- thler, Maskinonge, St, Maurice, Three Rivers, St. Johns, Iberville, Miseisquol, Brom, Shefford, Rou- Ville, Chambly, Vercheres, St. Hyacinthe, Bagot, Drummond, Richelieu, Yamaake, Nieolet, Artha- baeke, Sherbrooke, and Stanstead. To the Deputy Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Quebec, if they reside in the County of Wolfe, Richmond, Compton, Beauce, Bellechasse, Bonaventure, Dorchester, Gaspe, Kamouraska, Levis, L'Islet, Champlain, Charlevoix, Chicoutimi, Mont- morency, Quebec, Portneuf, Saguenay, Lotbiniere, Montmagny, Matane, Megantic, Rimouski and Temiscouata. To the Deputy Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Hull, if they reside in the County of Timiskaming, Pontiac, Ottawa and Labelle. NOVA SCOTIA—To the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Halifax, if they reside in the Province of Nova SCO2ia. NEW BRUNSWICK --To the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, St. John, if they reside in the Province of New Brunswick. PRINCE KDWARD ISLAND—To the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Charlottetown, if they reside in the Province of Prince Edward Island. BRITISH COLUMBIA—To the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Vancouver, if they reside in the Province of British Columbia. SASKATCHEWAN—To the Registrar under the Military Service Act 1917, Regina, if they reside in the Province of Saskatchewan, ALBERTA—To the Registrar under the Mllitary Service Act, 1917, Calgary, if they reside in the Province of Alberta. MANITOBA --To the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Winnipeg, if they reside in the Province of Manitoba. YUKON—To the Registrar under the Military Service Act, 1917, Dawson, if they reside in the Yukon Territory, asesseeseeet area. At'.Efii'd'Ut SUfFii11NG Prevented ay ,(Fruit-a-tives'1 The Wonderful on erful Fruit Medicine 8:1 i711smr: r.cvt: Sr., 111'1.1, 42rli, "Ill illy upiuioL, PO °tilt•,' n1,11..1110 IS w rued 1144 `Frail -it lives' for Beth:Yellen and lbnslip:ation. For pore, I suffered with these dreaded dieieteee, hying all kinds of treatint ill.; until I was toil I was incurable. one tl ey a friend told toe to try Tritit•a•lnre'. To my surprise, I found the; medicine gave immediate reliefau el in a short time I was all right. gain". DGNAT LALONDE ro,n 1.1; t; fol' j .•dl,ilial aizo"5c. At all dealers er Pram :'ruin -:,•lives Limited, I atatcu. Horses for Service PURE BEND CLYDESDALE STALLION PRINCE KINNAIRD 1.1955'?; Enrolment. No. 511ff,1, Form I Foaled slay 211, 11115; bred by holies `neer. Sire, firm tout ('hirf,.iu,u l 'Vets] Ilo:idi sire of vire, Britisle (thief 41111 ,l4500i Den, of .vire, Ente kite, 2l; dant, nnl11o I,tm A ea n retie; i,n•e of dam, Royal Park null,) i Wf9:,1 t11020i. Dam of dam. Queen by Lind of the Manor (imp) ) 111551 .(11:11. Will alum' for. se•rviee daring tlae reason et tris wren ewb.e. Lot 30. Con. a, MernN, or ootid. Ly appuinteleut, meet 1'u -tumors. .Ian STEW, Proprietor Ct1M13El: LANh I L{a7x ' 169x,11 Enrolment Na. 1:117 In -puled and Approved Form I. Will eland for the loonier, 1111 ut a Nleolc aro 111 .tel n d. 5lette •• I u ,i'„snit stn 9 t n • iter t. I xt nb1eN u :: Lre,llnt. Lot , Con. ld, 5h•Ii11. u ` 'obis IrehrttttrV Imp. '1'rrmN .T12 t insure, payable a 1st, 11119. .1 J. Mc(iAV1N, Proprietor. Bull for Service The nieler•siuurd tt 111 keep fon' Nervltay on Sii Lot aO, Con. 2, Morris Township, the thoro'•bred short Horn null (loin Pard of Saleol, Na. --1nt111i - $11,11 by Gointord Met gips Q9a8{IU, ; Dem Mildred VII by Royal Saflne• delete, Ped• igree omy be seen on apnlientton. Terme-- .$11,50 fur grade+ and Sin p0 for thoro'-brods. THOS. PI ERIE, Proprietor. For Sale - Good Value About two nen, aP lend ,with ronerl,rtnble rrenm 11.111-r, antllr and hen heusr; go"d writ; good cellar and woodshed ; rrto bearing fruit trees. About 4 toluol ex want from puNtodic, The. above proprrty Is situated on James at„ lirussels Partien lure roily lei bud ml enquiry ;rule I lie owing• on the preautaes, ;•I NUN GAUNT. Farm for Sale Containing 250 acres, viz , S' hot 20, Cot a, itlorris tow uship, and Lot I, Cul, 5, Grey town. ship. W0/I watered, comfortable house, bank barn and manure shed, driving 111111110, wind ndll, nrrhard, to 211 miles North of lirnsaela on grnvrl rued. 1111.11111 1111111 and Furst 'phone, ., pole to seheel,will nidi either or both form 1 r further /emit apply to ALE\ 10RS]fH Proprietor, r, B lirnaa0la, or F. 8, 441,017, Rruseeln. 9d •444.0•♦ POO•••••00•••••••••• 0 e • • • ♦ • • • • 0 O e 0 er • 0 • e P • • • a e 0 u • • e 0 0 • • e • Spring Time is • • Kodak Time 'Huge is no time of the yepr ,when conditions nee heifer Toll Phologealphy titan the Spring, ns the bright, clean• days HIP it ideal for smtp- Shag. The nlrrP thouglit of out -don' nclivities sllggeet m the iCodalt. 'rhe 1»•ices or nee Emil man • line Of 011ttlto its are Stell to meet the aegniretnente or all imeltets, We Barry rt • (tom plot stoek of these Olatn- • Print, e, else Ali }Pilose Paper, p , Powders, el r„ 0 We invite yen In rail and see nor complete line • Y I e J. R. Weridt e O e 0 e • • O e e • 0 1Jeweler and Opticitw, Wroxe.te'r 44.4040•0•4.4,047,0••• ®9004 • s ••0 Steady Work and Good Wages Girls and Women Apply at Excelsior Knitting Mills - Brussels Call Pleuras lox or 85, I