HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-5-30, Page 1'
VOL. 46 NO. 48 151,50 Per An in Advance 1.; A' LISS ONTA k10. URSA-1Y , 31z1Y 30, 190
A.P, R, l'ropietor
When the
War F.,,n
there will be many opportunities
during the reconstruction
But they will need a. little ready
money to "swing them."
The question is—are you willing
to save money now to grasp the
opportunity then ?
Decide, now,to let us help you to
save. Interest paid every six
Bank ®f Nova Scotia
Paid-up Coolta1 - 3 6,500,000
Reserve Ruud 1.2,000,000
Resources 130,000,000
P. 11. (111,RCY
Brussels Branch
New Advertisements
; Turners—P. Ament.
Ring lost—Tee Poser.
For P. McKay.
Strayed—Jo°, kluether.
Strayed—Jos. Cameron.
Monuments—A. B Hersey.
Auction snle—pro. Snelling,
Bleat delivery—Bneker Bros.
Pigs for Hale—Win. Hollinger,
ROVAS for service—Henry Bone.
Horses for service—Thos. Coulter.
Notlee to Creditors—George Bray,
.Ctstrtct Retus
Prank Harrison was away to
Toronto this week on a bueiness trip.
Ales. Hugh McKey was visiting
with friends in Stratford this last
Prank Harrison has erected a, line
large cement chopping mill, and will
moon be ready fou business.
'Miss Ill:melte Irwin spent a few ditye
at the home of I). K, Livingston last
week.. She is a niece of Ales. Living-
Mrs. Geo. McTaggart, Mrs. G. I),
Me(Stiarrie, Ales. Inglis and Miss Into
attended the W. M. S. Convention
held in ,Wingliam on Tuesday of last
On Tuesday June lith, an Auction
Sale of farm stock will he held at.
George Snelling's, Let, 35, Oon. 18,
(-Ivey. P. 8. Scott will be the Auc-
Moncrielt Berl Moss Circle intend
having a Metric in D. IC. Livingston's
hush, 151.11 Com Grey, Friday after-
noon, June 14411, A welcome will be
extended to all.
Knox church observed the Lned's
Supper on Sunday last when a very
large congregation was peesent.
new members came into membership.
The Sunday School and church is
prospering greatly. They gave their
pastor a warm, hearty St>tai off 1'0 his
Mission Held at Edam, Saskatchewan,
for the Summer. Rev. Mr. Bell,
afoleswortli, will simply the pulpit
Nee for June. Rev. Padden, Milver-
ton and Rev. Thomson, Monk too,
rovpuly and Rev, Johnston, Varna, for
Mrs. Bort Watson and children are
visitinglat the home of S. Snell.
(leo. and Mrs, leek miee and Miss
Fern spent the week end in Stratford.
A Brussels, Grey & Morris telephone
has been installed by S. Burke in the
lionse he has moved to, No, is 200,
Me, McFarlane, and Mr. McAllistee
and sisters, Dungannon, and Mr, Arm-
strong, Lucknow, spent Sunday at the
home of 1), McDonald,
Roy, Alex, and John MoDonald and
Gordon Bolt ate tUnotig those Who
lidVe been asked, it, ie said, to appeal,
before the Military Board.
We ate all glad to see Pte. Andrew
Miller at home once more allot. tan ab -
Benet? of ly years itt Ettglatiel, NVe are
softy that Pie, Miller is not enjoying
good health hut trnst he will impeove
speedily and regain his old time \ogee.
Anneal meeting or JaillestoWn
WOnleit's lnstitnLe Mid lied Cross
workers wits held in Victoria Hall,
Wednesday, May 150. Offinets for
.1018 wovn re-elected viz :—President,
Mrs. Wm. Holt •, 1st Vice Pres, Mrs,
atm, blehlwasi ; 2fid Viee Pres., Mrs,
If'rEttik Balfour ; Secy..Tveas., Mrs, D.
McDonald ; Audit:ore, Mee. Jim, ihste-
er end Miss M. Johnston • Directors,
Mrs, Geo. McDonald and Mee. J. D.
Miller. During the yea'the following
shipments were made to the Red
Cross VOOM in TorillitO l-00 pillow
!dips, 5 (Milts, 11 night shirts, 88 py.
PAWL Stilts, 05 stretcher caps, 80 wash
(flails. 'Besides these there is a &tip-
ntent of quilts and pyjamas about
ready, Diming the year 478 pales Or
SOX were sent to onr own boys also 17 -
flannel shirts, 17 peirs of khaki mitte
and a box of Christmas eats to each
boy, The Society wish to thank all
who have so kindly assieteci in the
wont both by sewing and knitting,
Special mention should he made of
Mrs, Jas, Wright, who since one an-
nual meeting last 'May has Ina 102
pairs of Hex foe Jamestown and 5
pities for \Vroxetee, also the boys and
girls of S. 8, No. I. St vey who knit both
sox and wash cloths.
Report of Test exams for 3rd Form,
Wroxeter Continuation class :— G.
Fealick 80, E. Tut•nee 80, J. Rae 85, I.
Storks 85, J. Weikel. 82, O. Turner 81,
AL Walker 80, H. McLean 70, .1, Hut-
chinson 08, K. Ashton 07.
M, WYMAN, Frilly pal,
A. Sirsost,HY, Assistant.
East Lynne, pi esen tea by the Fo•d-
wich ChM, sullen the aus-
pices of the Wroxeter Y. L. R. L., on
May 22ml, was a decided success.
The Ford wich people playing in their
usual A 1 style, Proceeds which
were foe Patriotic purpeses, amount-
ed to $08.80,
A Ford touring ear has been pur-
chased by Lewis Annettong, 3rd line,
front S. Cartels agent, Biussete.
Pte. Roy gluten was home for a
holiday. He has been at London of
late taking treatment and is slowly'
Russel Bone and Garry Wilson
were among the Motels township boye
to go to drill this week. We wish
them a sate rettten bye and bye.
Wallace Reeked', Pte. Stewart. Me-
nial», Misses Liszie McBlai it and
blaty Millets of elakelettia, were Wei -
C01111' ViSiLovg at, the home of Mts. Q,
Anderson for the 21 ill, making the
trip in the fortneiee ear,
Last Sunday 00. Seeretto y A, T.
Cooper, Clinton, gave an address on
the Prohibit ion question at jolt iiston's
end Browntown churches. liti is an
entlitteittetic '1'emperance wnelter and
deservee hen ty support.
Garry Wilson, 3rd line, enlisted last
week in the 12,13+,11 Plying Om pre, Tot,
onto, lila was Vej,'VLVII 011 Itet`011111 Or
his eyesight. lie then signed with
the 71st lietteey of the thuottlian Pield
Artillery and left Toronto ott Abitiday
with the Battery going to Pet etveava
Camp roe training. He wile 1101110 an
May 24th hereto teporting fee ditty.
We Wish hint success and a safe ',i-
t'll -1h
Miss Itupie Tnte is home fol. a few
Mise'„Istura Holmes was home few n
few clays.
Bits, Ed. Johnston visited relatives
at St. Marys.
Rohl:, Musgrove spent 11, reIV
this week at Guelph.
Ilo wet (1 Stewart, Bowling 01 een,
was home ()vet the week end.
Jas, Masters is having a hot watee
Nun:tee installed in hie house.
John antl Mrs. Hall visited with
relatives at, Cern() on Sunday.
1i. A. and Mitt, McCall !Tent
Sunday with theie daughter, Ales.
Oliver and ,MiS. Ottdot le and sem or
Toronto, ate epenclitig a few weeks
with sedatives here,
Hamlet Thoneum, W11(111118 1/P011 0,C -
(Tilted in the Royal Ale Fovce, has
been given two monille leave.
NIV„114CICS011, fr011.1 Teeswater
has purchased 1)r. Kennedy's farm
and will get potteessiott talent June let.
Miss Rate, 'Purvey is in lrergus hosp-
ital whose she uncleetvent an operation
foe appentlicit le, She le getting along
nicely we nee glad to say.
Tun,N MOUSY Coustom,— Replier
!fleeting or the Tnenberry Council was
holcl in 131uovale on May 5111. Mem-
bers were in attendance. On motion
of Moffatt—Scott minutes or last segu-
lar meeting Were adopted, Moved
by 8cott—Moffatt that, a Illy-Issiv he
passed for nottimidation or Statute
.Lithor al; $1.25 a day when paid Lo the
pathmastere and $1,50 per day when
placed on Oollector'e Roil and that
Ity,lenv No. 8, 1891 lie
Cart i,i(1. Pellowing ateioutite were
paid J, L, Lennox, $2.0e repelling
culvert \Vol. Elliott., $1,10 the ; P.
WHIR, $5,13, work on boutelary ;
13reckeneldge, $2.50 roe work on
boundary ; Mrs. A. johneton, $50,00
Red Cross ; NINA McKee, $25.00
Iced Cross ; lobs Morrison, $35.00
sheep we:riled by clogs ; J. A., Kell
$00.00 sheep worried by doge ; 1V: .1.
Adair, $3.00 Insp. elieep worried.
Moved by Whirler --Adair that the
next Oottneil meeting be held in Blue -
vale bloodity May 27th al,10 a, tn. and
a Court of .Revision or the Assessment
Roll at 2 13, 10, P. Powell, °leek
!Wise Ada Felton WS.14 11011111 ,over
Sunday from Stratford Mensual
Mrs. F. Freeman, Toronto, is a vis-
itor with her sister, Ales. li. Attwood,
10th Con.
W. J, and Mrs, Jacklin left Tuesday
or this week for an extended visit to
the Great West. We wish them an
enjoyable time and a safe return
A keener reeident is renewing ohl
rriendships in this locality in the per-
son of John Petrie, of Edmonton. He
is Deputy Minister of Municipalities
for Alberta and is a very busy man,
Mr. Penile is here for Et holiday and
the building up or big health. Ile is
a, brother to Pervie brothers and Mts.
Jas. Grant of GIN Mouldy.
Iteo Cnosti flb ROHN 1?.1WI",',-- On
the evening or m.d.m.day, Jure. 121.11,
a (tartlet) Puny will be held at the
home of John Pearson, Lot 22, Con. 4,
to which all are invited. Talent will
consist of Listowel trio, Miss Hermiet-
ou Listowel, bliss Verne Walker, Brus-
sels, I), Suet:ham Jamestown, bliss
Deane, Molestvorth, Mee. Dougherty,
Henfryn, Earl Lowe, Piper, Drill and
other selections. Insteuniental music
by the Bowes Family, Teowbridge,
Major A, E, McKeever, Listowel
"Bial -titan," will give an address.
Booth on ground. Proceeds of Gar-
den Party go to Red Cross.
Haery MeOlennigan and Alex,
Ponerlield have putchased new cars.
Mrs. W. Scott moved to Winghtun
last week where elte has purchased
Rev. Mr, Davison attended the
Witighsin District, meeting last week
at, IChicarcline,
Rev. Mr. 130y1e will preach at the
prepEttialory service in Brussels Fri-
day afternoon of this week.
The work of grading the gravel
road is progressing nicely it lowing
been completed feoni SVitigbarn to Lhe
Ladies' Aid of Knox °Misch intend
having 21, Garden Party on the church
grounds on the evening of June 20,
Keep this date in mind.
Geo. Jordan has purchased the
house and lob owned by Miss Ben-
gcmgh and will get immediate „posses-
sion, Mr, Cook, Westfield, having
purchased tho chopping mill.
A large delegation from the Mission -
y Society of Knox church also reoni
the Mission Brtml attended the Mait-
land Presbyterial, which 'net et
Whighain Tnestlay Of Iasi week.
S. 0. anti 'Mrs. Carter, Auburn,
have got comfoutahly SeiLled in thole
tonne here, recently puschaseer front
Mrs, (I. AlcOren, who purposes with
her :laughter, making her home in
Airs. Munroe, sr., who is at present
making hoe home with hey son here,
is in very poor health at ',peseta..
She came to the village a few weeks
ago from Kingston whore she was to
resident for a number of years.
Patriolie Society is very grateful
foe the following (tonal:Iona "—An-
drew Jamieson, $5 00 ; Mrs, R. Mc-
Guire, $2 00 ; Ales. Nun roe, $1.00;
Hester Johnston, $1.00. Regular..
meeting, or Soviet y will be held at the
hone of Mrs. OIMS. Prorner, Tuesday
evening, j tine 4, at 8 °S leek.
The nett showers have ;minim:v(1 v.
great growthfull of promise or a most
bountiful year.
The amino] meeting or tam Moto',
Rod cro+.4 win he lima next ,I.,ustitvy
'thermion in I In• A, 0 U. W. flail.
;yews church \statism, held the
June U0111011111i011 011 Sunday when 20
new inetubees came into full menthe',
ihuumn Metiallum, an old resident
or wititofl, peened away a week ago
at en advanced ego. He Armed his
love toe his home church by leaving
Duff's eliciech, 'Walton, a legacy of
TittA following persons attended the
Anglican Convention at Exeter
Tuesday or last, week :—IVIesdantem
Beery, Anderson, Reny, 'I'. and J.
Bolger, \V. Sheldiee, bliss Alma Stud-
dien, llowited Beige', and Joseph thtin-
i I ton and S011. 000(1 Wine reported.
Deco ,N trnla \vo.4,1,._wr,,,d tubs
lynched here el' the death of' Al rs. joint
Irvine, itswhich ()teetered at, Coro-
nation, Alberta, on May 9th. notions -
ed, whose maiden name was Mary
Jane Moore, was born neat. George-
town. She resided in McKillop for a
number of years, moving to 'Western
Canada 8 or 0 years ago, She was a
sister or Mrs. S. J. 13e11, McKillop.
Men:motile was the cause of lieu death,
Rev, R. A, and Mrs. Lundy len) on
Monday for hldarri, Saskatchewan, bn
supply a )11iSSi0/1 field for June, July,
August, and September at, the call of
Home Mission tion,ra, and the Great
Weet, Walton givee them a very
Ileat.ty send off, and 1.1. WI41111 welcome
home awaits them fn the coining Fall.
I:Lev. A. 3'. Mann, .13, A, Enamels,
will supply Welton for June and July,
at 3p. tn, Sunday School at 21.1. tn.
His eeeponse and wee saceifiee is much
otme Tu Totto,ssro, Rev. A, McNabb,
who hes been pastor ut Umbels:est
and North Bruce fop the past 0 years,
has unwed to Tomtit o, Prior to
lettvieg he WilS I encleted a ttIVVVVell tab
UllderIVO0C1 linll, W11811 he Wahl pre -
Stinted with all address of appreciation
to both himself and Sirs. McNabb, A.
well filled puree of gold by the Con-
gregation was anodise 'nark of their
esteem, The reverend gentleman WIIS
a highly esteemed ;teethe of Duff',
Church for a unmoor of yeltee prim to
going to Underwood.
Miss Alice Barr is vieiting Mrs,
(Rev.) MeCtilimill at Cell like.
Mts. John \Vatson, Belgt aye, visit-
ed Mts. Jae, Pesreon sr, last WePIC.
Miss Muriel Little, Elute, visited
with Mrs. G. W. ,Addy last Week.
11, and Mee, Love and Harold
motored to Hamilton to visit their
sen, Russell.
Roy and Mrs. Cunningham were
vieitontat Drayton and Hollin ()yeti
Victoria Day.
Roy Dunbar has enlisted in the
Signal Section and expects to reach
St. John, Quebec, this week. •'
M. .1, 1111(1 Mees. Sle111111011 ILSRIAt011 ill
the program of the Minstrel Show at
Brussels last; Saturday evening.
Willie Campbell, eldest son of Ivy
Campbell, lute enlisted in an artillery
lniglule,'Toronto, and is now it) mil-
Antioncenient is made or the ell.
j),1tfit'llle111. of Istwis Whil.elield of tide
locality, to MIRA (lora Tuelc, or cm-
owing to how: being cancelled to
;Rote let, Capt. (Raw.) Peareon is at
home again and !needled in Listowel
last. Sunday.
A number of sports from Ethel
motored to Mitchell on the 21th.
They report a good time, good races
and a tinge crowd.
Rev. Mr, Johnson was chosen alter-
nate member of the Stationing Com-
mittee of London Methodist Confer-
ence, at the District meeting held at
Kineardine last week.
Telegram fent» Fred. Cole, AIonday
last said he had enlisted in the Me-
chanical part of Aviation Corps and
expected to go overseas this weelz.
He enlisted last Tnesday.
Rev. Mr. Fair, who has served the
Methodist Church faithfully and well
for a, good many yeses, and is now at
Atwood, has asked for supevan-
rotation, at least for a. year or so.
Mrs. (Rev.) Johnson. Ethel, is his
A large crowd attended the Metho-
dist church to hear the fine Lecture
by Rev, E. F. Armstrong, Witighant,
last Friday evening. Music by the
Winghatu Quartette, solos his Rev.
VV.A.. Walden, Ftirdwich and read-
ings by Mrs. Dougherty, Henfryn,
gave without any doubt one of the
hest entertainments Ethelites have en-
joyed for some time. \Vhole progrem
would stand encore. Receipts $08 00,
CIOLDEN WEPT:HZ:Ct.—The home of
D. and Mrs. Milne was the scene of a
happy gather ing Tuesday, May 21st,
it being the 50th anniversary or their
marriage. Mr. Milne who is 72 years
()I' age, was been near Elora and when
0 years old came with his parents to
live near Foedwich, the jontiney being
made by foot, Mts. Milne, whose
maiden name was Jane Glees, wee
born hem. Belleville 00 years ;Igo and
when quite young canto with her
brother to live near Gerrie. Mr.
Milne learned the lileclesmilliing end
settled in Ethel in 1807, blinding the
shop now owned by G. W. Pollard,
The following Spring he was married
to Miss Giese, in Wroxeter, by Rev.
Me. Brown and came to Ethel the
evening of their marriage and this
worthy couple has resided here con-
tinuously since that time. 'Atm: lee
built the nest; sawmill at Ethel and
also the grist, mill, which %YRS dest rny-
ea by live a few years ago mid ova. 10
yeaes ago bought the farm on wit ic
he !IOW resides. The family consisted
a a pan and 4 thoightese, vie, Mrs. A.
MeKee, Ethel ; Sirs, Y.„ McKee, de-
ceased ; ISIrs. J. W. 13cipl, Atwood ;
Noble, thsigney ; and Mee. F. Sleight -
holm on the homestead. All went
preitent for the glad occasion, except
Noble, who spall 11 telegram of nottgra-
itilation arming the day, Mr, and
1\11.S. Milne have 17 grandchildren and
5 groat grand children, 2 grand-
sons donned the ItingSt eolovs, ono
NE114ing active se'rvic'e. and %VMS NV(111tal-
ed in the battle of the Sonnue. Artm..
sapper Robt. McKay, an old Mend of
the family, in his usual pletteing style,
made a short speech, congratulating
Mt. and Ales. blilne and recalling
pleasing memories or old times. Fol-
lowing a few other shots, Speeches,
David and Jennie McKee, namesakes
of their grandparents came forward
and presented each with a muse of
gold. Me. Milne thanked the friends
for their good wishes end the ehildrett
and grandchildren for their gifts.
Among those peosent was Ales, Spence
who is the only remaining resident, of
50 years ago and Nebo recalled the
homeconilms of the bride and groom
and her friendship with them since
that time and presented them with a
suitable gilt in memory of old times,
Theee was also present, Mee. Lamont,
Lhe oldest) daughter of Mee, Milne's
fleet gild friend in Ethel, (the late Mes.
i. Dunbav,) who in honor or her
mother, presented Mrs. Milne with a
handsome fern pot and briquet of her
'no thei0Et favorite flowers, orettna tulips
and tittrejSellS, The evening Wee
spent in social chat, games and music,
after which the departnig guests ex.
pressed the hope that Me, and blue.
AI fine would have the pleasure or
celebrating Gude diamond amtivers-
lieftety, congentstiations are ex-
tended by a wide chicle of old friends
in the community, for many happy
yeatisyel) to the bride and groom of
50 years ago, They are standing the
passing years well we ere glad to
North Huron Conservatives
Chairmen tvere elected for the I
polling sub divisions ill the riding of
Need) Huron, the following Fxeemive
being appointed :—
Ashfield—'T. G. Allen and Mrs. Thos.
Strotheve. Deng:Nu:mu.
West \Vetwanosh—AVoi. AIcQu)llin
Luteknow and Mts. Sant twl 'rbotepstet,
Belts' ave.
Emit \Vetwatioslis j. E. leJlie, Myth
and MIN. P. W. Seon, 13tilgrave.
Morris— Itieliatrd Peouter, 13elgtinte
and etre. ff:(1. Johnston, 13Ietivale,
Turnberry It. ill ttegtiove, Blutivalti
and Mrs. Jrilin
I lowiek -1V, H. Gregg, ct.s.eie shit
Mee, Fred. Taylor, Wroxeter.
Myth.— 1)r. 131:telcall, and Mts. John
AVingliant--1)e. Irwin and Mrs. %V.
J. tlpeer,
Wroxeter—J. G. Hemphill and Al re.
Geo. Leckie.
Dr. Case, the Coneet waive standard
bearer, was born in Usborne township
Huron Co„ 60 yenrs ago, was edneat-
al at McGill and Toronto Universities
and taught school for 4 years, I -1e has
for the past 88 years practised
eine in the village of Dungannost, he
is highly esteemed by all who have
the pleaenre of his acquaintance. The
doetor is or a retiring disposition and
R. Was the position seeking the num
eallier than the 11111,11 seeking the pei.i«
Hon, Ile has Leone at the, remit.
Annual meeting or Maitland Pres-
byterial was held. in St. Andrew's
church, Winghant, Tuesday of last
week, May 21st, It was largely at-
tended and the most representative of
any meeting held during the 30 years
of the Presbyterial organization.
1\1014111w session opened at 11 n'eltiek
President Mrs. (Rev.) Mann, Brussels.
presiding. After a short devotional
period the reports of the 4 Vice -Presi-
dents were given by Mrs, (Rev.) Bell,
Molesworth ; Mrs, (Rev.) Betulley,
Teeswatee ; Mrs, (Rev.) Hardie, Ash-
field '• Mrs. (Rev.) Boyle, Belgrave,
substituting for Mrs. 0onitn, Dun-
gannon, each bearing testimony of the
personal help derived from this
branch of the work.
Conference on Mission Band work
was led by Iffes. (Rev.) Lundy. Wal-
ton, who is the energetic Mission
Bend Secretary. Narked impression
Was made, as the large delegation or
blission Band workers, each wearing
a, Maple Leaf, took their places as a
body in the centre front pews at
which the entire audience, with one.
accord arose and joined in singing the
Doxology. A number of praedial
ideas by successful workers were
thrown out, including the importance
of holding meetings throughout the
year, as long as Lhe weather is not
severe enough to paralyze business.
Fuel shortage was adjusted in places
by meeting Sunday after Sunday
School. Iniportnatee of Junior teem-
berehip was to ged. Ati9einil Ballet
Conferenee resumed at 1.30 o'clock.
Afternoon session primer opened at
2 o'clock. Mrs. Jas. Rae, Wroxeter,
read the Scripture mid Mrs. (Rev.)
Penh), Witightun, led in prayer.
Addeess of welcome, given in a few
well chosen weeds, by Mrs, L.
nedy, Winglinatt, wits responded to by
MPS. (Rev ) 5inrlair, Belmove, touch-
ing un her expeeiences in Nriethern
On tat io, espeeially 11111011g the lire
suffenive. She told or extreme cases of
privation and hardship that wete tee
lieved by contribution or clothing and
dried apples from Western Ontario.
Minutes of previous annual meeting
were lead by Mrs. Coombs, of Kin-
cardine. President's annual address
which is always looked fotevard to as
one or the bright spots of the meeting
was not disappointing but lull or good
things, which wept) pervaded by a
sweet, devotional atmosphere. \\We
Red Cross Wink was important yet
dropping out of Missionary work on
aC0(11111l. Or it was sacrilege. Ir all had
given itt the past for Alissionat•y pur-
poses what, we aim now giving for \Val•
purposes we would not now have this
war. A Chaplain paid a high tribute
to: the work Our Men Were doing
at the ('cont, yet he said it had been
scientifically Waled that lode q
men to equal. One wninan in Mission-
ary world: With .all our advantages
we :mist not forget the main thing,
but like Mary sit, at the feet of Jesus,
there. teats: the value or prevailing
prayer and abiding with him. lf we
are faithful the reflex influence of nue
lives will be felt. At tine time in the
history of France, when she was in
gtent extremity, Napoleon was asked
What, V711.13 the greatest need of Femme?
He replied, good mothers, We hear a
geemt. deal about "keeping the home
flees binning" but one or the peat
needs is to keep the fives burning on
the family altar.
Mem, Fox, .Brussels, Ooreesponding.
Secretary, reported a stiroessful year,
and increase iu every department,
both as to attendance and compiler.
Gone. There are 31. Auxiliaries nets
one added last year., Calvin
liktet Wawanneh. Total membership
758. Ho to Helpers NO. 8 new life
members. 227 members not taking
Meesenger. Several skuxiliaries were
indebted for stirring Missionary ad-
avosses which always give a clear con.
neptinn of the work. Secretary in
closing her report laded the impost•
ante of Anxiliavy Serretaeies malting
[helr animal reports interesting., in
circler that she might make her Pelmet
full and interesting also,
Mrs. (Rev.) Lundy, Walton, Mission
Bend Secretary, who has been SUMMAR+
ful in working op this bratieli of tho
work to an efficient stencilled, report-
ed 21 Bands and 770 members with
average attendance of 442, Con teibu.
Mott $504. She deeW attention to a
13. *4-s Heine ',iota field!) et' :opal West,
tvlsith brought the work 'hes in being
dime there very near to us. Alien
Currie rendered solos at both after-
noon and 'Writing Meetings. Itev.
Mr. Gilmore on behalf or Knox and
fiesta' chin:thee, ItIpley and Pine
Inver, extended att invilttlion title
.Piesbyterial to iir,e1 at Ripley next
ordcrs rm:eive,c1 for *
Me;tls afli9.r 9 ft. Ill.
• Will 1101 be dolivctred tin -
• til tht.t following. clay,
+ •
• . This will be,TRICT-
kindly see that orders are. +
•+ (riven in proper time,
Baeker Bio
44• .+444+4+4.+0+4144+*+*+*+*+
!imp of the Presbyterial, wMelt teem.
pied a conspicuous peeltion in the
front of the church. Each place hav-
ing an Auxiliary NV,LS marked and
those having a Mission Baud haft a
red star. 11 new slats had been added
during year dud -she hoped every place
would be marked with a star ere an-
other year.
Mts. Linklater, Teeswater, SD an-
get•s' Secretary, said no depar•titent t
the wink was as lintel' neglected,
when there Were so many lonely
Iminee through the W111. Heels! Aux -
Maly was urged to appoint an active
Stratigees' Seeretary.
The relent of Supply Sete...I:try.
Alts. Leslie Young, Winghani, showed
Gott a large supply of warm, vortifet t-
able clothing had been sent to File
liills Boarding School during past
Mrs, (Rev,) Little, St. Helens, in
giving her report, as I.itetature Secre-
tary, said though report was limited
yet considerable geod Literature had
been exchanged,
Ahs. Troland, Teeewittet, Home
Helpers Secretary, tepoeteci marked
increase in Home Helpers, emphasized
when so much was done, how much
more eould be if all the WOOP.11 lit the
clitiveh were members with their
shoulders to the wotk. It W1LS grati-
fying to hear the TIPINS1111.1, Mrs. J. T..
Geddes, Witightun, report. $4014
was sent to Provincial Treasurer, an
increase of $218 over previous yea'.
Ales. ;McCallum, Lucknow, then led in
the dedicatory prayer.
bliss Campbell, who this Presbyteri-
al has the honor of claiming and
whose home is at Molesworth, but
who has spent a !leather of years in
India, was present and gave a vivid
account of what is being accomplish-
ed by the mediettl staff, some or the
work taking the nature of lst, Aid and
how it gives the Missionary the op-
pertunity of living (Moist in the pres-
ence or the natives.
Hey. Me. Sinclair, Bottom EN, gave the
greetings front ille Presbytery, urging
the women in their homes to do all
that they could to create an atmos -
;Mete which would bet productive of
raising up leaders of which there was
a great shortage throughout the
church. Miss Bond, of St. Andr'ew's
church, gave an appreciated exercise
in song and story, setting forth the
inIntleleptl'seret 'lir, t iNeotml
t4nlinaltig Oolutnittee
by Mrs. Boyle, Belgtave, Nous present-.
officees being ;--Ilott. President,
Mrs. (Rev.) Petrie, Winglaun ; Presi-
dent., bits. (Rey.) Bell, Molestvoith;
1st Vice President, Mrs, (Rev.) Mann,
Brussels ; 2m1 Vice Pres., Mrs. (Rev.)
itvd 1'''IIwa
e Vice
rti.Bt alley,
• Mrs. (13.0V.) Held, lalek1101V 5111
Ville Plea, Mrs. (Rev.) Tate, Bine-
vale ; dilt Vice Pees , Mee, (Rev.) Mc-
Kenzie, Kinlose ; Cotrespending.see.
vet ary, blvs. Fox, littissele : Recording
Seri etaey, A rs. Coombs, Kincardine
Mission Band Secretary, Mee, (Rev.)
Lundy, Walton : Strangers Sec., $Ins,
Linklatee, Teestvater ; Supply See.,
Nies. Young, Witigliato ; Messenger
See., Mist, NI unite, Lunknow ; Home
Helpers' Sea, Mrs. 'Ireland, Tees.
water; Literathre SOC.. Mrs. (Rev.)
Little, St. I I eletis ; 'Prom:item, Mrs. J.
L. Geddes, Witighani, Executive
feeling the importance of publicity in
the work tweeted a new Miles, ps,,,,
Secretary, and elected Mrs. W.
Ferguson, Belglave, to fill it.
Home Helpers' Confeience was (mur
dueled by;e1 es. Ireland, Teeewater, nut
which many helpful euggeet ions were
thrown nuts sOwing to the lateness flr
the hone the cloeing words by Mee.
(Rev.) Gilmore, Ripley, and closing
peeve!: of Mrs, (Rev.) Hardie, Ash-
field, were dispeneed with.
In closing the Presiden raged Presi-
dent, Secretary and Treasurer to meet
and fill nut annual reports, also that
every Auxiliary have their annual
meeting in December in order to get
books closet] in time, She emphasized
the importunes of sectional meetings
throughout the Presbyterial,
Evening meeting opened at 7 o'clock
Rev, D, Pol,rie presided, Miss Camp•
bell spoke at sone length, on the op•
pression or the Bells by the other
classes in India. Miss Campbell „al•
ways has a fresh message for her
hearers and speaks from her heart
right to the. heart, Miss McLaren
gave: description of the extelisiVe
tow ittair mon) ler Helpers
teed.' be well •stiett.
livery member a subscriber to "The
Me,seng.g next yl ar.
The inoindizing of the Mission Band
drlegnte wa, a bright idea,
(Me minute thought from Auxiliary
its to help received !roto Vice Presi-
dent's visit.
111e regi el the removal front the
ii0110tir, 01. 011V Pl'iNNI,ylvrial one of ottr
faithful Vire Presidents, Nis, (Rev.)
The aur, -There ttllti interest
throughoitt was ,,ne st' the most con-
and inspiring in the history of
the Soeiet
Too mush ral.‘ eente.t. i,e given
Witiglnim ladies of St. .1.telresv'e
chureit for the generoue spirit of hos•
pitality exhibited in catering to such
a huge Pinning, of delegrt
The antime. meeting of the Mello).
dist churches el \Vingletto Distriet
was held in Kineardine Tue,alay and
Wt dneeday fir last week. First day
way (IFVOttql io ministerial work ami
'Wednesday was a general meeting of
Ministers and laymen, All circuits
were well repro -seined, Tuesday
evening- a public: meeting was held in
the (Austell which was largely attend-
ed. The speaker or the evening was
Capt. .Rev,) Caswell, who has been
overseas for over 2 gats. HIS lecture
WaS 011 '.1111W Britain fights." He
gave first hand knowledge of condi-
tions as they exiet in the Motherland,
said his beaters now h.tec some idea of
grim conditions which stinourel the
131 it ish people whit are "carrying on"
without a mut WM. Capt. Caswell is
a pleasing and fluent speaker and
charmed hie audience With the man-
ner in willed' be presented Britain's
dogged and determined attitude.
Rey. Di, oaten. T01111110, gave a splen-
did address on 17iitoperanee. The
elmir rendered anthem. in excellent
Ma1111P1., ROV. John Henderson sang a
solo and tc tmartette was given by
Revs. Messrs, CI ViPtitillle, D111111,11b,
Walden and McTavish. Rev. Mr.
Diterant also recited “The Hymn of
The Inieittess was well handled With
RPV, H. J. 1.71'ell as Chairman, Rev, R.
J. Garbutt, Financial Secretary and
Revile. Sidney Davison, F. Stride, D.
W, Minute and Statistical
Secretaries; Olysdale, Sunday
School Secretary and W. A. Walden
Social SVI.Vit.e and Evangelism Sec.
From utany interesting reports the
following figures were selected :—
Epworth Leagues for Al legions, $1.102;
Sunday Sehntile for Missions, $537 ;
General Missionary contributions,
$8,040 ; paid for aid to Calgary church
debt, $217.50 ; $27 50 short of allot-
ment to District. increase in church
membership for year in District 47.
Pledged abstainers in Sunday School,
1238 ; Sunday School scholtue, 3,390:
Officers atol tit:tellers, 453 :1800 pupils
all. members of th.e
Following is the list. of Missionary
contributions for pasvtinyfienattly—inerease
Wingliatn . $ 1.3),2730
002 71
Ki neat dine
BLatiett'sksne7sw. ..... ......... 585 ss
Teeswater 2
Ethel 416 42
5 20
(11\oitlitirietvich ...... 512 43
$1213•3 :2721
weexeter 141
Blnecale . 238184
Ashfield . 512 tib
408Bethel ..... 31.5
718 117
Tiverton 140 57
\nits-editincnhg' _212412.2(_3 _21
Rev. le. le, Artnette8:4, UIVin8775 g11as,
wax ehosen tts representative to the
Stationing Committer with Rev.
W. Johnson, Ethel. Its alternste.
ing 17 laymen WPM, notni-
nated to attend Clonfelence ; —A. D.
NVingliam ; l Colwell, Kin-
caidine Juni, Joynt, Emeknow ; S.
Carter and W. II. Kerr, Brussels ;
Oen. Yeti, Teeswater; Jas. Downey,
FordWiell ; R. H. James, Gerrie
Gallaher, \Woe,' er ; Arthur Slimes,
lilnevale ; ICU patriek, Ashfield ;
D. A, Andrew)! anti Thos. Henry,
Salem ; J. 13. Lindley, Bethel ; Jut).
Collins, Ripley ; H. Hopper, Beigrave.
}teem Yes, Bert Laird and D. E. Stat.
UeAr8inialittments were also made to
the variims Conference and Disteiss
Commit t Wee,
Proposal to raise large Endowment
Fund foe Victoria University WAS
presented by Rev. E. F. Annetrong in
the absence of Rev, Mr. Caswell,
Itesolvitione of sympathy were pass-
ed to relatives of the late Frank Bu-
eliar,an, Jno. Brethatter and J. Logan
and also to Ilev. D. D. Thomson,
Bluevale, who was unable to be pets:,
mat owing to illness.
Next District meeting will be held
at Witighain.
ICineardine pastor and people were
thanked for their hospitality to the
The ladies served a finestett in the
church 8C11001 room Wednesday even-