HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-5-23, Page 804"1441464.14+*-1"0"11,i'l.':41.1.'4'tiStI.IeSelS-04.1'Ssi...1441,44.14+, Ma..i weir- ai stotk makers: reititsom Merits itt the Telephone Rues itt town ti erre of wood have closed up the eraelce in the board sidewalk immediate. ly North of the bridge, 'etiratice ty street, to the beeefit of baby buggy safe' y • PREctimeD To linvs, lamb • diode! lid, •heading in Tuesday's daily paper the O name of \V. '1'. Pot lies ripp..ars, we are 4, sorra to state, bet we hope hirer wool • un'', laving hatter news. _,.. . - . ---"--"- 4• Pq..1^4 of Mill 11 ile Pov'e lb iv.; shire + for tb.• Mina.' ;•1 tlliow It Xt Prn1.4Y and 'Spring rime pamo : ,,,„,,,,, ..„,,,„„„,,.,,, ,. iget y, to l. 0 r st et 0 salved:re ,,epoipit,1 It t; gems; ea IS + t a my mid boost Red eines finale titi i ist ea et be Straw Hat itors'y rules seeing and hearing the Kodak Time Cleaner I ebony artiste in Brussels Town Hall, Friday and same clay evenings of this week Prost ;en will be very entertatr- i - .11..7,its. 3, ''''''-''S i)analti a lletins I ing, Abaut 4,, rheighters or Eve will + take part Tell your neighbor niniut I., ..-...- .,.. . ce TuEspAy ef last week Mie Dads at - 4. e ter, I I Ilt$ 1•,i. '?; f':;.:'' 11'. 2.5C BO tS. • W. C T U , arranging program for the ... tended a meeting, at Blyth, of the te,t.'"'77--K1'. ' ..S For other cmivention to lie held there early iu fitly A Diamond Medal Competition re S ' r't'i.; ist StraW hats mei y conetitute part of the program, I Use ReXall FARM tate CLUB, -Last ?many evening, c f.'' - ''.„ ',,-„7.;..I.T..'zi.i......-...--... meeting of Brussels tt' au iuteresting It. -*I'..2'. -sr, a i ..1 tc'S's-St.t.-s; ...." Stro.W H at Partner's Club was held irt the Audience t W. s .-sa - t - Ciequier I Room of the Public Library, Pointed practical aildresses were given by Rob- ert McMillan. Seaforth, one of the • • • • • • • P.R. SMITH rhe opxcleees, Store Judd The rteW TaiCUM that has Made Spa a hit. The Tal- cum With the rare PCrilime Price 35"C • + I t'aSsaltes.eatt 10C & 25C ..,* ssss.Ssivelg.4 , ; officer.; of the Centr,1 organization, and lta saaewzwess., , s....., sss 4, , R. L Taylor, a young Grev lownehip -------seasisssa, - -,tess•...es. + . farmer, who is developing into quite a • (let the story of the season with a Kodak. All oettlistrs is alive with +s, nvitatious to take Pictures, 4- • + 4 Buy Your Kodak Now 4 • + • and enjoy the beautiful Summer season. No matter how much gasil times I. 4, are enjoyed they are soon forgotten unless some Snap Shots act as a re- .T. O minder. Keep a Picture story of pleasant rioting:: with vier Kodak • + ; KODAKS BROWNIE CAMERAS • From 68.00 up From $2.50 up • • :1'. Sunset Z Soap Dyes Fresh supply of Eastman's Films, ..s.,, Cleans and col- Printing Papers, Chemicals, Sec, s' ore the goods 4. . a, at same time. Films Developed + No trouble to use it. All the and Printed • polestar colors. + 15e cakes. Prompt Service * 4. ______ ea + 1 F. R . S NI 1 T H 4' 2-heSto ar2.44Cad .re + Druggist and Stationer + • ;Pazninenalinlesen p • ÷ *••••••••••••••÷•÷•••44+.44 +4,+•+•+•+++++4.+0+0+.+0+0+0 ASK TO SEE THEM q. Red Cedar 4, Flakes 4. PREVEN rs MOTHS ISte it when 1 petting away 4 Furs or Win- + ter things. es es Large pkg, 20C • • • 4. Taal 31 etas A car of soft coal was received last tarts week for the Electric Light plant. CLEAN tap. afiesTREL Show. THE Posy gives the uesve. QurrE a rivalry in the cream business. Emmy swimming in the Maitland is on the program. TONsITATIS has been bothering a num- ber p . FROsT pinched some of the tender garden "gess" last week, ConleT of Revision on Brussels Assess- ment roll Monday evening, June 3rd. THUReDAY of this week is Empire Day. Programs are in order at many public schools. Aarstirm, meeting of the Centre Huron Liberal Association is called for Tues- day, May 28th, in Cardno's hall, Sea - forth. Holt:mum -Get your route cards in shape and have them printed at THE Pose. Publishing House, Do not forget to have the animal enrolled.. FRIDAY will be a Public Holiday and the Banks and other business places will he closed, The old 24th of May is green in the memory of the Canadian people. Ass invitation has been extended to Brussels Minstrel Show talent to go to Teeswater on Monday evening Tune 3rd and present their program. There is a Celebration on at Teeswater and funds go to Red Cross. WARNING; -Several complaints have been made of profane and foul language used by some of the boys while playing on Victoria Park, We would recom- mend a strong soap suds application to their mouths and a call before the Reeve to remind them of the trouble ahead if such talk is not out -out at once. This is a hint to the offenders. SOMEBODY BLUNDERED. -The other day Sam, Carter received a summons to appear in Toronto for a violatiou of the speed limit in automobile running. Fun of it was Mr. Carter bed not been in the territory at all nor within miles of York County. It is well to be vigilant but the officer was barking up the wrong tree that time. IsnetovEsrearrs.-1 T, Ross has had lattice fences built separting the lawn from the garden at his home, John Street. -A fine range of rose bushes hes been set out by Alfred Baekert-Many comptireenary remarks are made over the town's tulip beds. -Tile paint brush has brightened up the home of A R, and Mrs. Currie John street, -Noticeable inaprovetnents have been made by Mrs. nud Miss Iiingston on their newly ac- quired property on John street. -This Spring energetic efforts on the part of J. H. Kerney has added to the appear - fusee of his eligible lots on Turnberry street, In the days of F. C. Rogers' ownership this was one of the bowers of beauty in flruesels.-W. F, Stretton is getting the grist:m(1e in shape gt Ins bun - gale, William street. e 03 35 von RED CROSS, -The Corn- inittee in charge of the Chautauqua Festival recently held ie Brussels met Friday afternoon to close up the account. A statement of finances was presented by Treasurer Gilroy showing local ex- penses to be $26 58 and the tidy surplus of $73.35. On motion report War adopt- ed and surplus tinned over to kcal Red Cross treasury. Appreciative wards were spoken of the splendid work done be the various Comtnittees and Offieere and along with the press were thanked for their diligence, P. H. Gilroy was appointed Secretary -Treasurer pro tem wail the new Committee is called to plan for the next Festival. Very pleas• gut memories are held of the various seesious of the Chautauqua and the A HURON County Council will convene at Goderich on Tuesday, June 4th at 3 THE Farmers' Club received a car of coal this week It was distributed among the members. Ancyrox sale of the property of the late T. Leckie takes place Saturday afteruoon of this week. Real estate, household effects, arc., will be offered See the bills SATURDAV afternoon John Harkness had one of his knee ceps displaced while stacking up bundles of wool tat the Excelsior Knitting Factory. He is able to be ahem again. Timms have been selling freely for the Minstrel Show Friday and Saturday evenings of this week in the town Hall. Proceeds for Red Cross. About 4o per- formers. Don't miss it. CARP OF TRAXX.s.-1 wish to thank many friends for words of kindness and sympathy in connection with nw recent bereavement in the death ,,f my hos- band, They will live long in my mem• ory, Yours truly, Mks, GERTRUDE HENDERSON. TO LET.-Comfortahle dwelling rooms above stores. Soft water, &o. I. C. HICai.anna, Fon SALE . -A sow and 11 pigs Phone 3515 HAnviay pongoN. Ethel. HeitCy.4.er.ES and nacre lost itt Brussels. Will finder please leave at Trim Pont. Q1TANytyy of Greta, Mountain ataid potatoes for sale. Prices right Lot 19, Con. 8. Phone 8418. D, W. DIINBAR. PAsmultAint for a number of cattle, Apply to IsAAc Mann, Lot 30. Con 5, Grey. Phone 4124. .$2000 WEEKLY, showing simples for large Grocery Corporation All goods sold at tee - tory prices to consumers. Granulated sugar al,fe 1 pure lard 5 pound pail $1.00 •, Sunlight, Geld or Surprise Soap, 7 for 25c. Everything at out -rates. Men wanted everywhere. Sam, ple ansa free. Trig CovagrnigeoAnstanrigorAPION, Sean BeArre.-20 bushels hand picked Reed beans for sale, Price $8.00 per linehel. Phone 41, Geo. MuLtmens, Brussels. Goon INVEammENTs.-Parlias baying funds that they want invested Amid call on the undersigned as he can place your funds in Rood farm mortgages, Provincial or Wittekind Debentures or Victory Bonds, all bearing five and one-half perrent or dietter. No other securities are handled and no others are to be compared to theme when security is nonsidered especially when war times are thonglit of ttNo one oan tell what will happen to others after the war so get the hest available, a, M. Scloym, Brussels, Slionm HORN Bulls for Rale, Reve7ral ready em, service. Choice bred stook JAS. titortit, Lot 25, COIL 0, Morris. Phone Mil. 100 bushels of good Seed Corn for gale A Lr. BAExEN, 13reasels. Holum to rent. Apply to Mits. 0, Boats PAsmintAtin to let, with plenty of water. Apply to GITarater S'eraln, 5th line, Morris. Phone 6110, Fon na saleat bargain, two sets f Pc"' handataeleharnasgoodoonditlo17. RictiAtins & CO. 1317001, for male, Apply at Tun Poem, LAWis mowers ellarpened and iv -Basta Now le the time to get them ready. GEO, ROWA ram, ;41111 street, HonsincaaPrin wetted ror email fondly: gond s wages n, and permanent situation, Apply at Tea Pop House and lot for sale in 'Wessels. Well located. Early possession. Por further par• Meiners AY to price, tarma, amity_ to MRS. T, TtioMNON, titafortli, or MDT. THOMSON, Brusaels. HATOFITNO erfrom bred -today S. C. White Legherns. 5 netts on vg. Any CompoirrAntri Brick House and Lot for ante. Eligibly satiated on ' A toxemia!, street, Brae• eels, belonging, to estate of the Into George N. McLaren. Posseseion 0414 be elven at once, Apply to M. HUM Brussels. Bum., Organ and a Washing Manikin for Hale at e bargain. Apply at Tim Posy. COMPonTAltioc hewn! with stable and more Of land for ante. Hard and Nat water, fruit rireOiala"e'.""Isn'onr1 if ijnittai tWeirVolilireit7trenPo"p"te", toms, &n y apply to Miss GAYNOR. 111.11,4401/3. Houma for sale. .Apply to 11,1 tab R. HoLM Da. PARKER, Osteopathic. Physician, visits Bressels Monday afternoon of each week. speaker. Both speeches were well re- ceived. Presdieut Hoover t ceepied the SVERY13oLY Elan, -B, tassels Fl orti- cultural Scetres purpose to,rivin;2 oo, in a more extended Way, the beau:dying of Brussels, inaugurated last season. A Committee, consisting of los, Fox. A. Strachan, H. L, Jackson aucl W. H. Kerr, took a survey mid decided, itt addition to flower beets of last yeer to plaut 2 at coruere of Turnberry and Queen streets, a bed at the Telephone iseutral office corner, Mill street, and 2 at corner of I. C. Richards' and A. E, Hersey's residences. These will be in charge or various townsfolk living ad• joining, after the beds are ready, Scarlet Geraniums will be followed with Tulips bulbs preparatory to mte bloom- ing in the Spring. The townspeople are not only asked to juin the Horti- cultural Saciety and show thereby ap- preciation for the good work being done, taut urged to tidy tap and keep in severe their respective properties greatly aid. ing in a sery desirable community per- manent improvement. One badly look- ed after property is a black eve to town betterment, Take a look at your real estate and if it requires sprucing up will you be the "sprecer ?" INTOLERANCE. -Last Friday evening this attach talked of tnoviug picture show was presented iu the Town Flail :tad attracted quite a crowd. It is a gorgeous spectacle with mauy magnifi- cent scenes, presented with much vivid- ness, illustrative of the peat history of intolerent eveuts in the world, While it is about as dtfficult to keep track of in its rapid kaleidoscopic Menges as a 3 ring circus, Love's struggle through the ages is portrayed in the parallel stories of the world's progress in the long ago, There are two particulars that occur to the writer's judgment, that could easy be eliminated to the moral improvement of Intolerance, viz, a rap,they give at the Prohibition of the Itquor traffic and suggestive pictures of .slackness in mor- als, lu this loth century too much care caunot be taken in piecing these two most important issues on a high plane and encouraging young folk, particular- ly to aspire to the highest ideals ha de- veloping impeachable character, The moving picture film may have much to answer for uuless the eye -gate is sed- uously guarded and anything that would tend to belittle great principles, that have been battled for during many years is most carefully censored, The absence or the promised orchestra Fri- day evening was a disappolotmeut, MRS. GEu CRoolt CALLED AWAY. - With startliug suddenness came the news of the demise of Harriett Arm- strong, beloved wife of George Crooke, who passed away to her reward Thurs. day morning of last week, -about 7 o'clock at their home, Albert street, Brussels, in her 82nd year. She WM about es usual on Weduesday and took ill that night, suffering from oppression Around the heart, A pitysiciau was collet about rt p, m, and relief was afforded but another spasm next morning proved fatal and she passed away in the arms of her daughter, Mrs Matheson, almost in a moment's notice, Mrs. Crooks was born in Ireland, coning to Canada when a child, with her parents. The family Mlle to Morris over Go years ago, when her parents bought laud On the Std line. Over fio years ago the subject of this notice was united in marriage to her now bei eft partner and on Mey 4th, they celebrated the 60th auniveisaly of this event, possibly with little thought that separation tees so near at hand The children are :-Albert, Morris town- ship ; George and Ivan mei Mrs. S. Y. Taylor, Calgary; Harry, Paris; Mrs. Wm. Turnbull, Brussels ; Mrs. Albert Gerry, 1mb:in Head; Mrs D, McKenzie, Clinton ; and R W. Matheson, Edmonton, One son, William, who died 20 years ago, was the only member of the to children gone from the eartbly circle, rather a remarkable feet with so large a family. Mr. and Mies Crooks after a sojourn in Morris, moved to Grey township and on selling their fine homestead took up residenee in lams- sels about 23 years ago, Mrs. Cronke Was a hearty, iutleetrious woinces Min did her shore Splendidly from the early clays iu the bush up to the time of her translation. She WaS esteemed by a wide circle of relatives and friends for her many good qualities of heed and heart and the bereaved are large sharers in the sympathy of Many, The funeral service tock place Sunday afternoon, Rev. A J Mann, pastor, conducted an appropriate service at the home There Wae, large attendance as many clesirtd to pay this tribute of respeot to one of the pioneers of this community who worthily did her part, Pallbearers Were, W. I Kyle. lag Cardiff, Geo M.c. Feriae% Wm Work, George Turnbull and Robert Currie, Among relatives at the funeral were, Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs Tnylor and Mrs. Manes on, Harry end Albert. Mrs Harty Crooks stul Mise Matheson Were also present. The floral tributes were benutifol. Mr. Crooks will remain in his own home for the present at least, Mrs, Matheson program that were preeentect it wee continuing with him for 3 or 4 months, Cbronlo and neryona diseases snoonastun • . Will he welcome heels. Queen Betel, Man for his years. 'D isea STANDARD BANK OF CANADA 115A0 orrICE ToRoNTO I-ARIVIERS Advances to farmers are made a special feature by this Bank. 238 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, E 15 Manager, 1)0E4 REAell YOU ? -Men Of 16 years of age and those who attained 20 years on or since the 13th October. Jere, will register on or before June 1st. mrS, Uutil the date of Registration, such men may bet reated Oil etalistanent as Video teers, 13s saline. 17ReitAsieD,-Thu rade}, of lost week William Grins, of Elora lo- cality and elder brut her of Mos Leather - dale, Bruen , passed trWity, 111 lila 7701 year. Wort tumble was the Cense of !eke. Funeral took place Tueticlay dierHoon to Elora cemetery. Deceased was unmarried, Mrs. Leatherdale and al les Laura attended the funerals Arwouu MEN FINED. -Police Magis- trate Audrecy, of Clinton, has given his devise the tiMe. agaiuet Win. Sheara and David Bell, of Atwood, who were charged with being intoxicated On the public streets in Brussels, The town coustable had been called during the early hours of the moruiug by local citizens, who complained of the disorder that was being created by a visiting automobile party and the county tem. perattee alliance followed up the pros. ecutiou, The magistrate imposed a flue of ieromo and costs in each case. CARSWELL BROS. PURCHASED $15000,00 STeMt.-The itisoomoo stock of staple dry goods, formerly °wind by Macklin's of Stratford, has been parch:mil by Carswell Bros., the progressive mer- chants of this place, We understand the stock will be inOVCd to Brussels at once rola soou be placed on sale. If you waut old quality goods at low prices this will be your opportunity for the stock is filled with the old quality goods that canuot be purchased Loi•day, They will have stacks of the old quality cashmere, woolleu and cotton hosiery, underwear, dress goods, linens and woollen and cotton goods of all kinds, The people of this locality should con- sider themselves kicky to have the chance to purcbase frotn a higlmerade stock such as this one is. GRANDSON DIES. -CO. Secretary, G. M. Elliott, Goderich, was at London at- tending the funeral of his little grand- son. After a short Mines William Lewis Elliott, 6 year old son of Sergt. W. E, Elliott, former Western Ontario editor of the Free Press, London, died from meningitis, His death brought sorrow to a large circle of the family's friends, more particularly as his father is over- seas with the 1St Battalion and was net aware of the serious illness which result- ed in the death of bis little son. The boy who was particularly popular with his playmates, was the eldest child. A brother and sister survive hint, In addi- tion to his parents, The funeral took place on hinuilay afternoon from the family residence, 26 Askin street, to Woodland cemetery. The services were cot ducted by Rev, Dr. Houton, of the Askin street Methodist church. Church Chimes Wiugham Distriet Meeting WES held in Kincardine Methodist church Tues- day and Wednesday of this week. A ire delegation from Melville church lit sets, attended the Maitland W. S. Presbyterial at Wiugharn on. Tuesday of th,s week. Mai lend Presbytery met in Wingbam on Tuesday, Rev. A, j, Menu and G. A, Deadman, attending from Brussels, 'The call fft$111 Kincardine to Rev, Mr, Overeutl, of Hickson, was dealt with and sustathod. Bine Smeltery IvImertare.-Wednesday eventug of next week, Ell 8 o'clock Rev, Jesse Gibeou, Secretary or the Upper Canada Bible Society will give an Instrated Lecture in the School room of Ss lohn's Church on '"The Bible on the Eiattlefielcl." Fie is good speaker and the subject is one of deep interest. No admission fee but an offering will be taken for the good of the cause. Make an effort to be present Land invite some- body elm to attend. Wednesday even - lag of next week is the date, A Convention of church workers of Ute Deanery of Huron, will be held Thursday of this week, May 23rd in the Trivitt Nietnorlal church, Exeter. A very iuteresting program has been 51, rouged contains such vital topics 'Modern probleme in the Rural Parish" fled "Present opportunity and the pressing need in China," These SUbjeelS will be discussed by speakers who ore giving of their best in a solation of the problems. Luncheon and tea will be provided by the ladies of the congregat101.1. suctess in every particular and talent !ViSite residennes. nentailtnid0/1 3f He is in his 840 year but is hearty ' Jt G, Lecicie made a business trip to Terouto last week. Harold Lowry, Ratriston, was a visi- tor in town on Tuesday. Miss Amanda McCracken was away on a holiday with relatives and (Heads at Loudon, F. S. Scott, Walter cruel Stella and MrS. Semis and son Finley Motored to Ingersoll for the week end and visited with relatives, Mrs. Alex, Bryans, Saiteee street, was III with toneilitts duriug the pest week but is well on to convalescence now we are pleased to state. Mrs. Angus Campbell went to T4013 - don on Tuesday to visit her daughter who underwent all operation. We hope site will soon be 0, k. Mr. Hayes Lucknow, Mrs. Robt. Turnbull, Stratford, aucl Wm. Turnbull, Listowel, were here at the funeral of !VIM George Crooks last Sunday. An old resideut of this community, in the person of Hugh Lamont, Queen street, is not having his usual good health. Mr. Lamont is up in the SO'S. G. A, Deadman is home from Merlin, Ont., where he was looking after his ap- iary. He says the bees Wintered well and prospects are good for a honey crop. Miss Clara McCracken is not making as favorable progress as her many friends would wish but we hope she will soon regain her lost healtlt, Her cage is peculiar one. At the annual congregational tneeting of the Wiugham Methodist Church, J. A. Morton, who has beau for years the reithful Treasurer, was presented by the board with a purse of gold, ar, a token of appreciation of his services, THE POST cougratulates Roy C. Kings- wood on passing his 3rd year's exam in Medicine, at Western University, Lon- don. He is a grandson of James Sharpe, of Brussels, and is a clever yonug man who should do well. Mrs. R. Dark was at Monkton to visit her mother, Mrs. Wm. Shine, Thursday of last week. The old lady has been in bed for the past 8 mouths but is fairly well. She is 84 years of age and was a pioneer resident of Grey township. We are sorry to hear that James Turnbull has been laid up at his home iu London from a re -occurrence of trouble with one of his limbs. He had got along fine for years before this back - set, His Many old friends in and around Brussels hope he will soon be as hearty as ever. tit. People We Talk About tit Miss Forrest is visiting at Monet For. est Miss Isabel Taylor, WitiglIaln, was a visitor with her sister, Nurse Taylor, to 1..°Prs.ofetch,ITntweckLislowel, was a vis- itor with Mre (Rev ) Stafford, nt the Peraonnee, last week. Mrs. It McAlpine, Sf. Marys, was visitor for the weelt end with het mother, Mrs. Wm ROSA, Wihianm street, Mrs James Hendetsoo and daughter, McKillop, were vishorb with Mrs, Geo, Henderson, Market street, Brunets. Mrs. Harry Churchill and daughter or moGfley, were here for hi visit at the parentalamme dining the past week, Mrs, (Rev ) Paul and Miss Gordon were visitors Int the home ot W. P. and Mrs. Bray, Oranbrook, last Monday. Will Lowry and daughter, Miss Reta, of London, wale calling mi relatives and friends in Brnasels over the week end. Mrs, do In Penotiere, Bob and Barb - are, of Kincardine, are spending a few days in town, 'rho former is assisting in the Minstrel Show. s -e-, • - 6' C4.60i2etWillf321Q000:42eitiiiat.401364000110`401021/eotttmototrofttieememeo s • • • • • • • SO 9 SO • 3 O ro • •yroy• • • • 9 a • After the Strain of Winter the System Craves a Spring Tonic O Pa Pensiar .datable Cod Liver Extract et is gond at all time,: but pitilienloi ly ii, it tile ow, titni, HI! y. a : These are important Questions ? a e yti Aru a 11 ii-iltity li and weak 1, e 7 11 A.1":iet' yY'o)i'll Ptittiti.i)jvetfi'llst.onogakvill...1gli.t.7,;":7 ? • • • If you aee it shows your need or ihis sterling and reihthie preparation. • e Very Pleasant to Take ® Un not imagine that this Preparation is unpleasant to take, that it 6 contains Ood Liver Oil, for such is not the ease. The Hall net of 00,1 • • Livers is entirely free from the 011. Pensiur Palatable Coil layer Ex- ▪ tract is exceedingly pleasant to take, cannot, tweet. the !nod delicate O stomach and is very acceptable to young Children. 0 * Build up Your Strength : The strain and stress of daily work is often very greet. The house- * wife's cares and endless duties t the workingman's eadiume toil ; the • fret mid worry of bushiest; lire an exhatieting to both Men and wolnell. iljAll these sap the strength to such an extent that if neglected the too • frequent testa is a aerions break -clown of the system. Are yin' suh,ieal In OlalICIP.4 Mill 001(1'4 • • We have Hold a great quantity of title eplendid prepaention during 01 the mutt three years with the most gratifying vesults. • Put up in Two sizes -50c and $1.00 I ._49.474-Aw STORE OO9 esiseseemeemmellasegte sts bee' seseaceetveovecteseeeeceomeen 41214U16*. 5n. -1! DRUG STORE S Miss Mae Wood, Fred. and Mentor enjoyed the week end with Loudon re- latives. The trip was made by motor. Miss Jessie Halliday was visiting her brother tohn, of London, who is quite ilh We hope to hear better newa tram him. Mrs, McFadden, wife of Dr, /v1 Mc- Fadden, died at her home Mt. Forest after a abort illness, Aged 56 years, SI) o was an old resident of Mount Forest, but ERUSSELS MARKET -- Wheat $2 07 Oats 85 PIMA :I GO 150 Better 40 Bags ,, 115 HOWL ......... ....... ...... 19 El $2 07 3 00 t sr. 40 10 Li To Contractors wan..b°rn in , ,Kincardine.,.S1.,1e letw.,e8t Tenders will be received by the 1111aHrrilfIll141 besides her nutroanci, 5 children, lb.. ne to 3 o'clock it. ni , on stonday, May 37th, r,,I. Archie, now overseas ; Rohert, rethrutel tsheopospiegt.4.,. i,', 41:1,1,igt.,!..81;1,.sItAnsAn&ta's,ive From overseas ; Murray of 'Trireme ; workattests Plans and speediest Bons may he town Pte. Ivau, overseas ; and one danghter, la the Clerk's oilloe. A marked cheque for ten Vera, at home. Deceased was a former mom an mob tender, resident of Brussels when her husband 0 0 r J.kli'atr.3:ift iniii,"'t tniNar II Ot nY YAtLICX. PORTER:PIMA), eressarily un- practiced his profession over 3o yeare'ewe. Clerk. tiny Itith,191s, ago. They were ueighbors of THE Pose. hence we got well acquainted with them and rotted them au A I couple. We sympathise with Dr. McFaddenand family in the loss of wire and !nether. Court of Revision vilintre of Brussels The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll or the Village of Brussels will be held in BORN the Commit Chamber, Brocade, on MondaY. FoRarla.-A t Frobisher, Sask., on May 2nel, the 8rd day of June, next, at 8 o'clock pan, All 1918, to Mr. and alra. Hugh Forsyth, a Bop. parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves accordiegly. P. S. SCOTT, Clerk. Brussel., May 18tH, 1918. DIED Citootts.-in Bruasels, mE May 16th, 1018, liar. Matt Armstrong, beloved wire of George Creoles, in her 82in1 year. Gium.s.-At Elora, on May 10E1,1013, William Grills, in his 77th year. Kingny.-In Stratford, on May 10th, lii18, Mar, Math 'Kirkby, a ged. 81 years. MolisuL.-In Grey township, on May 15t11,1018, Mery Jane Wood, relict of the late John Meeting of Huron Co. Council The Council of the Corporation of the Conn. ty of Heron will meet in the Commit Chninbei,, Goderieh, Tuesday, the 4th day of Jane, Ms, McNeil, in her Oilth year. at 11 oteloolc in the afternoon. Hallett township, on May GEO. W. 13061,1AN, Co. Clerk. 10th, 1018, Win, Sanderson, aged 88 years. Goderich, May 17th, 1018, • ••••••••••••••••••••••••*• 0•0•40000.04404,0*0v00•••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • 121117Z11110••••••••••"•••. • • • • • • • ••0 • ♦• * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• • * • •• • • • • • * • • • • • • • 49c • 0 only Silk Pan. • broidered Onshion Tops, Rog, 750. • Olsitn.no49e The Store that Saves YOU Money • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••044.4.0•••••••••••••••••++ ••••••••••••••••04).400.0•••• ; Carswell's Cut -rat Clea.nimu Lots for this Week's ale of ti ftir"..1 11P e•• • • •• O • .0 • 0 O 4, • •• •• • • O. • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• •0 • •• •• • • • •• •• 0 • 0 0 • •• •• • •• •• • • • • 950 .0 pairs only Women's lorsets, line quality C011- i!,4 hose supports, med- inn and low busts, sisal S, 19 and 20 only, Regn- at. to $2,00. Olean -up erim- Q.5C pair .. $1.19 20 only, Women'a and MISSIa9Willlly WIIIIAS 1111.1(10 of beat qua'. Middy Cloths in Plain White and stripes, large sailor collars With neat trimmings, sizes 32 to 42, Iteg. $1.50. Olean -up $ I. 19 95c. 0 only Ladies' White Shia \Valets, eintirnitle.red and tucked r ron ta, tong aleocos, a waist that will launder and %vette extremely well, siees 32 to .10, Reg, $2.50. Clean -op prine-.: 95c $1.10 10 only Women's House Dresses made of beat (Mal - it:37 English Pyle Ls ,Ss G i lig- hams, gitaranteed fast INA - ors, poleaxe; fitting gear - men ts'sizes 31, 30 Sr 38 int- ly, Reg, $1.75., Oleamilp $1.19 390 100 pairs only. Womeme Heavy Lisle Mashed Oot- ron Hose, double heel, sole raid toe, fast dyes, sines 3i to 10. Regular 50cn ;)lean -tap price- . 39c pair $1.19 I2 only Women's embeultl- eyed SilkNet Waists white or black, long sleeves, one of the best bargains we've ever offered, eizeic34 to 40. Reg. $3 50, Olean -up mice $9 19c 500 yards Wash (fonds--- Pvin ta,Gingliams, Muslitis, Voiles, Hepps, eta, large• choice of patterns, all col- Oen, Sttitankileed fast, Reg, to 40u. Clean-up price- 19c yard 19c 5 dox, Witinen's Sumner VOSIH, Made of good (mat- ily °Veil yams, sleeveless, beading dimmed with tape draw strings, Regultcp25o. Clean-up price- 19c 690 10 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, 211 yds, tong, 36 Ili, wide, tape bound, tam lament; designs. Reg. $1. Olean -up twice NM. 15 pairs NoLtingloan Lace Curtains, 3 yds, long, 451n. wide, filPlf from Messing, Reg. $1,50, Olean -up price $ C.19 ___r,1 _ 2 for 250 80 only Japanese _Rand crochet Doylies, linen (len- tree, 3 diffeenitt designs, Reg, 25o. C)Isamup price 2 fur 250. 10 only Cushion Cords, 3 yds, long, abbot beil enlists, tassel ends. Replier 250, Olean -alp p price- 25c - 490 8 only Pitney White Table Covers 80x3C1 in. Reg, 75.., Olean -lip price .10o. ii only (Menne Table Coy- nrs, 30x30 in, Reg, SUM. Oleatimp price 00e, 4 only Silk ltimb, Table Covers, flange I el iinni ng, 30x80 in. ili,,4og,illitti $2,00, (dean -alp price- Ol s _ $1.75 5 only Silk Milli, Piano Drapes, 8 yds, long, 27 in, wide, finished with deep silk fninge, Hemline $3.00, Olean -up pilot, $1.75, 5 ars, Binh, liar Muslin l'illore Shams, scalloped fithelifi in. Regular $1.75, Olearetip plea- $1,19 pair Straw Hats at Special Sale Prices this • eek Carswell Bros. 690 5 only Silk lihnbrohl- m ed Cushion Tops. Reg, $1.00. Olean -up price - 69c