HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-5-23, Page 3RHEIMS ACT COST INDIA TO GERMANY FAR. AGHAST AT RUIN OF Rlrl- t ieBED PLACES. Kaiser Shattered His Hope of liely War of AU Mohanneednns Against C'hristinns. Bombarding Rheline Cathedral Ly the Ciermaus slid more than destroy this sacred old trtetieure house of wor- ship and beauty. MOre than anyth!ng else, it shattered the pt„sibility of a holy war of all Mohnurmodans, united under Germany's ally, Turkey, against ,L_. the Christians, upon which the Kaiser had pinned him hopes, elle Warne, who has been a 'Mee shammy in 'India for thirty years, says that India in common with till the civilized woted, stood aghast when she lteurd of the bombardment of Rheims Cathedral. "What kind of people are th Germans?" asked the native Indi 1eThey have no respect even for plat of worship --ane reverence for C Ilhitself, If they came down h they would destroy our mosques a violate our sanctuaries, too. By t wanton deeet•ration, Germany etas fled herself in India as a barbarian Tremendous Blunder. "Aside from every other conside tin;" said :lir, 1Varne, "it was a t mendous blunder on Germany's pa If the kaiser had succeeder] in organ ing the holy war he dreamed aligning 07,000,0o0 in India with Mohammedans of Turkey against t Allies, he you'd have annihilated large number of English and oth CONSTIPATIO d 1 la the mask common ailment of the 7aVWf sue, one responeibie far many serious and often fatal diseases. PURGATIVE WATER is the safest, surest and most econundeal remedy for its mire. It Rushes the intestines and rem* vee •the arcumulated nests matter width under• milieu health axle endangers life, On Sale everywhere: 25 cents the bottle. RIGA PURGATIVE WATER CO. MONTREAL. r UIQ -to- Date Models vs° an. ees lod ere nd his si- t^a- re- rt, iz- of, the he ear white people scattered through Indi and he would have had the Meath able advantage of a friendly eleme in India, "But if the. Kaiser had any sense Indian psychology, lie would ha realized that this was a fatal mietfik "Ari incident in Cawnpor•e a f years ago might have given hi warning. It was decided to straigh en out some of the important scree of the city. One of these streets ra past a Mohammedan mosque, and ra LIMBS the extreme corner of a grea prayer platform which stptehes ou in front of the mosque. It w^a agreed that. it would be out of th question to crit off the corner of thi platform to make way for the street But the Governor of the United Pro vineG shudrld ruled that chi, street mus he made straight. As a compromise it was decided to tunnel under tit corner of this platform, and let th street dip under it, and conte out on the other side. The uproar and pro- teet that this occasioned might well have occasioned a revolution, if, after considerable disturbance, the Viceroy himself had not come to the city, and reversed the ruling of the Governor. 'The fact that the Viceroy did stake this concession, and was willing to give this recognition to the sacred- ness of their holy place, accomplish- ed a great deal in winning the Vine pathy of the Mohammedan world, and putting them In the frame of mind which had meant such loyal support to Britain• in the war. Remained Loyal to Britain, J These is something very attractive about this smart little suit, The trousers and suspenders can be made a'r of blue, and the little blouse of white 1 + McCall Pattern No. 8168, Boy' nt Tommy Tucker Suit. In 8 sizes; of to 6 years. Price, 15 cents. ve e, eNY m t- ts n n t t a e s t r e! e "The Mohammedan is tremendously intelligent. They were quite shrewd enough to put these two cases side by side, and appreciate the contrast. It may be imagined that tremendously deep influences were at worst to cause the Mohammedan people not only to differ in their sympathies in this war, but to be willing to take up arms against each other. After this bom- barding of Rheims Cathedral, so strong was the feeling in India against joining the Gelman side in the war, that an Indian: Mohammedan National League was formed in Luck - now, where I was living, and these Indian I4fohammedans sent many cable messages to the Turks, urging them to keep out. "When finally it was announced that Turkey had joined Germany, Mohammedans in India said, 'Well, this is a political war, it is in no way a religious war, and we will not bo drew]] in.' "It is an interesting proof of their loyalty to England that they not only failed to join their brother co -reli- gionists in war, but that they have turned out so enthusiastically under the British flag to fight against them, It is an irony of fate that it should be a Mohammedan army under Brit- ish officers which is to -day winning the Holy Land away ,from the Turkish Iffohammedane," The Corn and the Lilies, Said the eorn,to the lilies: "Come not :rear my feet— You are Only ]riles, Neither corn nor reheat; Can one earn a living Just by being sweet?" Answered the lilies Neither yea nor nay, But they looped the fairer Ali the livelong day, And at length the Master Chanced to pass that way, While tine tired disciples Waited at His feet, And the proud corn rustled, Bidding them to eat, "Children," said the Master, "'Che life is more than meat." Good %brads eau Yrs made of potatoes and Walt mackerels. a Smart, indeed, is tunic dress of satin. The front has a vest effect, which is most becoming. iVIcCall Pat- tern No. 8139, Ladies' Dress. In 0 sizes, 34 to 44 bust. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept, W. When you take a load of produce to town, haul a load of fertilizer or lime on the return trip. suns I 1 a; ECONOMY - TALK Ara all right -- ECill �+P7,Y is betterazt ST r4Itti f ;OSTUM is an economy drink •—absolutellj no:waste. Bei�' ries, it is conveniffnt, saves fuel and sudan and leaves noth,ilnd to be desired. in the way of flavor . TOYA. CUP! THE MAKING OF AN AIRPLANE THOUSANDS Or OPERATIONS ARE NF,C'ESS Its-. Some Details of the Intricate Factors Teetering Into the 1Tanufacture of Warplanes. The time, labor and material which go into the making of a warplane are thus set forth by Lieutenant Colonel Hiram Bingham, Signal Corps, U.S.A. Let me try to depict by a rough pic- ture a plane in the staking, Suppose,, for instaece, you were set to driving 4320 nails and 3877 screws. Undoubt- edly that would be quite a task --a to- tal of 7703 separate operations. Well, when you had reached the 6000 mark you could truthfully be told that you had done less than two-thirds of the work of this sort required for a single airplane. ('These figures are for a training plane; for a French battle - plane 23,000 screws are said to be needed.) Somehow a plane loolcs so simple and floats so gracefully the nree esary length and strength for J a --w- *-o-* - -o--- o .. ,o .. a- o a--• o- o ailerons; 2„'i per cant, it, fit for the meg beanie; 4.6 per cent, for the long' struts and the same for the I:incliner. gear, The balanee ran only be used' for ribs, Turd the smaller fitting.,. 1ES! MAGICALLY) CORNS LIFT OUR fhr .e figures show why America's! Sl`!'Il I Iia(ah;Its+ J va. t lumbar resource% are being I ;trained to the limit to build our stir , _o .n., o u n.. .o tied, '1'Hy vxptain also why it has been nee,•vstu•y for the• United ht at ;' Y"u '4m.y teQ the dru •;t ,re nit.n to take over• the whsle ::Truro output „(tree mr; u ernnll bu+tlr it ,tdGron a', agent for th,• connbint l Allied Tru• 'i'hiS will rust very 1 tilt but tnlll grant and eliminate the t luurlit cum Positively removo everyhart or soft War and Population. Theories ea to the underlying r arises, of the great. war are as nu- t znrroui as guesses regarding the: time' when the earl pixy conte, and hardly i rt t+ -eit l:s,se •� that. some person whose 1 port'tun t of s his words more or I loss .'.erg!rt dims Aust offer ex-pia/ta- t lion. on the. e'uh,leet. titre of the latest ia from Dr. C. Killitk Millard, Medi- ” cal e Rimer for Leire Aer, England, who tv "'throughout the world's history o• tr rllnt'r . rr ;so/relations. g,lass br• t r cn a fruilftil cau,e of political unrest. and tzar. Gert, ray's nuei dream of world stspremaey was fostered and eneour- agred by her tapid inerea,e of popula- tion ,luring. the last fifty yours. If the. fall it the birth rate. had set in earlier latest returns show +'scat it is only 1 tigrhtly° greater than in England { ii,eser t war might have been avoided, petil ion which haul pretail..11 among'`'urn "r callus from na...w feet. the Jenglish, I'r .s,h .u.+l it I; to Got A few drops of this new ether rorty ernments" pettish applied directly upon a tender, nchbrg corms relieves the simette,s in - Yrs, Who? : tinily, and soon the entire corn or The tvnuttdY Tummy a.i:r riteinlr ''erfln.�, root and all, dries op and rein blifted „dr with the finger:. up in hers when the nur: e br� eelti: lion This new way to rid one's feet. of his tea. lie stared at his plat•, and rorrr'• was intro/laced by a, Cintunmati moment, sntd siml:,'y .shrivels up for Iw.t as the rinrse wit., leaving }int, be min, tt910 says thr-t firrzun.dries in "Oh, I say! Who ever put the but -corn ar c Illus without a t' the n -- Canada-Should C'an Sardines r, tan 3t uniports Annually, ranued ., Aar u e : a1.atAi at t.ee r $100,000. The t. major portion of these impol•ta are - from the United States, Norway, the e United Kingdom and Portugal, in the r, order named. Oddly enough, oily 20 „ irritating' ter ,n ti ,rr ut "1Vhy, l did" returned the nurse, Don't 't i t f 1 tl , t ? surrounding skin. tr _ at ur die of infection o lockjaw from whittling at hie corn but clip this out and malts him try i If your druggist hasn't any free none tell him to order a moat! Lottl Ifrons his wholesale drug hoeee le indignantly, Tommy vent rather reel, and et 'tiered. ul--- Oh, pardon, nonce, but - well, who scraped it off again?„ I rim - LEMONS MAKE SKIN I WHITE, son% CLEAR. few f What girl or woman hasn't heard of i lemon juice to remove complexion' blemishes; to whiten the skin and to bring out the roses, the freshness and the hidden beauty? But lemon juice alone is acid, therefore irritating, and ehould be mixed with orchard white this way: Strain through a fine cloth the juice of two fresh lemons into a' bottle containing about three ounces of orchard white, then shake well and you have a whole quarter pint of s skin and complexion lotion at abo through the air that we lose all the cost one usually pays for a sm thought of. the shill that goes into its jar of ordinary cold cream. Be sure making, to strain the "lemon juice so no put Must 1Tse Little Metol. gets into the battle, then this Iota Just recently we have received sunue will remain pure and fresh far t figures of the material wltidt is re- quired for one of rite simpler training' face, neck, arms and hands it should n planes. Por instance, 921 steel ;help to bleach, clear, smoothen and b stampings must be cut out, 798 Torg- beautify the skin. ! s Zings met and 276 tut•n-buckles, all for Any druggist will supply three .'t a single machine, ounces of orchard white at very little s 'Think, then, of the hundreds of Yost and the grocer Imes the lemons. thousands of such pieces needed for •;•_._�_.- Ift the thousands of planes in the Ameri- To a Butterfly. o can program and of hate utterly bops- I've watched you now a lull half -hon less for us the situation would be if Self -poised upon that yellow flower those parts were not standardized,! And little Butterfly! indeed I know turned out h machinery ow not if you s mn un.• lc r c et in ens f e orfeed. t o Y Y Y n thousands, and usable in scores of How motionless! not frozen seas different factories on any 'incl of; More motionless! and theta plane. The reduction of aircraft What joy awaits you, when the breez manufacture Has found you t e to ill n out among cirrior simpleet, Y the sstand- ardized ( tree quantity prodiecti n basis has 1 And calls you forth again! been one of America's great triumphs --1VT1}!ant Wordsworth• in the air and an achievement which' very soon will be malting itself felt. ldittara'e Liniment Lumberman's Prlend But metal must be used in an air- 31akr this beauty lotion for a cents and see for yourself. yon. HEAVY DI,STROC'TION BY RAT8 Austraiia suffers --- Australia Habits of the Animals. , On no nccasion have the destructiv, powere of mice been more strikingly demonstrated than during the pas year in Australia. Owing to the lack of ocean tranimortation, vast quanti Hee of grain destined for export have accumulated in New South Wales and Victotia, A plague of mice developed and the destruction to the stored grain has been enormous. In some places, the ravages of the mire were o great that huge stacks of groin tit: were reduced to what resembled 1 heaps all of debris in a few months. The Wheat Board in New South Weles or- s ganized a eantpaign of destruction. In on one place, the catch for two nights to - aped seven tons of mice. In another lace 50,000 mice were caught in four ights. This was an exceptional out - reek, but it serves to show the de- tructive power of these small erea- ures in the mass. Everywhere de- traction is proceeding and every- where there is greater need than ever; rr the conservation of every bushel' f grain and every pound of food. per cent- of the New lirunnr:ek catch i? eiuin..1 in this country. The ee- maining k0 per merit. is shipped to • Blaine to be canned by American can- ' ners. The Canada Food Board is at e, present taking active steps to have 'these fieh earned to lanada. If this , is done it will be, obviously, a distinct ailniirtave to Canadian consumers. ti I MONEY ORDERS. I Buy your nut -of -town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders. Five Dollars costs three cents. Easy Enough. Dien own, with modesty becoming, i That they've no knack for law or plumbing Or adding figures, art or preaching Or banking, mayoring or teaching; But I have never yet seen one j 1Vho didn't think that he could run A farm ntueh better- though a bad ; one -- Than most melt who have ever had one. • Mlnard'e Liniment need by Phyuiolans. 1 Apples will form the basis of most any jelly. I The average depth of the English ; r,, When the prolific habits of rats are Channel is 110 feet, - i itaken etc account the extent a the. menace they constitute will be made Any banana cum lie nl<ed for mak-, a14 . 111 mal'l1'l ., de. still do g f sits. The brown rat begins LIQUIDS end PASTES to breed when about three or four months olde they breed from six to a, ten times a year and produce on the average ten young un in . i • g 1 litter. tVC s If imagine _a pair of rats breeding at I this rate for three years without any , deaths among their progeny at the encs of that short period the number. would be increased to over 350,000,- 000 rats. Kernel Wheat to Front. Little buns of barley, Little rolls of rye Send wheat across the ocean To every good ally. aeeD snaard's rdannent in the hones. Celery and peas are not recommend - err fur email gardens, but rennet beans will produce well for the space they occupy. Lid you ever top to think that. a farmer is a laborer and a capitalist'! If he is to continue in that double ca- pacity he needs a proper return from both work and money. In other worde he should have "a good living and 10 per cent." POE SALE W1 ffV NE W'SF inclit iN WEST - ii ern th of o. Uoipl a good baste Hess. Death of owner places fC on the ash ptAppiv fox 82, Wilson Publishiwith g Co. Limiters, Toronto. WELLWELL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER Job printing plant In Eastern Ontario. Insurance carried $1.600. Will Eo for $1.200 on quick sale. Box 69, Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd., Toronto. naxBaELLelamavtt in EANITE 017TTERS AND I.ET- A' 'erers wanted. 14 rite Geo. M. Paul, 196 ilrtorla Sr.. Sarnia. (1,tNCER, TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC., ��IIJJ internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment Write es before too late. Dr. Hellman Medical Oo„ Limited. Colllnzwood. Ont 1 ECsClei ;X'3allagLe3Rilfel3Eitstafrg A Cure for Bad Breath 'Bad breath is a sign of decayed teeth, foul stomach or unclean ' bowel." If your teeth are good, R Ilook to your digestive organa at onco. Get Seigel's Curative Syrup at druggists. 15 to 30 drops P after meals, 1 an u f Y sod passage and clean Pour atop the bad breath odor. SOc. and $1.00 Bottles. Do not buy substitutes. Get e the genuine. 6 kf.3eE:3ev3�it3Y3=3424E?Il plane as little as possible. It is alto -h Worse Than He Realized. gether too heavy, especially when a It is told lawyer, Rufus Choate, the fain few extra pounds make all the mar-' cos U,S. ed ithat i n one if of oI gin in speed between victory and de-' certain appeared et court nith o behalf of feat. An engine of 800 horsepower; atoek i itrade Thad beensseizedsbyatna is in itself enormously heavy to rise creditor. nto the air; so that the rest of titer So powerfully did the great wive- nachine must attain the very acme of rate depict the wrong that he con- ightness' I tended had been done to his client and The Strain Exerted. Iso vivid was his description of the ex - That very lightness, however,en-, tent to which the forge had been ails enormous strength and perfectstripped, that the blacksmith, who sat djustment. Think of the strain near by, was observed to burst into which is exerted on every wire and tears. nut, every inch of linen and every bit' "Why, Tom," said a sympathetic f wood as this 300-borsepowerebech-ifriend, "what's the matter with you? nism rushes through the air at 150 What are you crying about?" iles an hour! Cyclones often do noel "Oh," replied the blacl;steith be - o as fast, and the can easily picture, tveeen his sobs, "until hire Choate what happens to a strongly built spoke I had no idea I had been so ouse when the air strikes it at that abominably t -t -treated!" peed. But if the strain is great simply be- aus° of high speed, what must it be hen a plane suddenly careens down- ward, taking a tremendous pressure CHRISTOPHER SAUNU) RS. ofd' one part and hurling it upon an -I Dalhousie. ther. It, is that kind of sharp, suci- I I cured a horse, badly torn by a en, unevenly hudistributedtasheen which pitch fork, with MINARD'S LINI- lows the slightest tap of a knife to � MENT. rack an egg or the explosion of a St. Peter's, C,B. EDW, LINLIEP. pth bomb to crush in the unpre-I I cured a horse of a bad swelling aced side of a submarine. Obviously; by MINARD'S LINIMENT.phare must be built so skillfully and !Bathurst, N.B. THOS. W. PAYN)a. such perfect material as to with - end not only the pressure of the clone speed, but also the added ocks of its sudden evolutions. Airplane Spruce. The one material which gives this uble characteristic of strength with ]ntness is spruce; not the ordinary race, but a superselecead spruce one the giant trees of the Pacific Italy's neutrality for 'war prepare- a.st, Pew would heiress that this tions as well as the money spent dur- tlld present much of a problem with inng the thirty-three months of tear erica's vast resources, but when alp to the end of last February are e considers that only a small frac- taken into account. The estimate is on of the very bast spruce is usably only approximate, because besides the alt, and that the war has vastly•money actually spent for war expend - eased the demand for that, the dig-money payments macre by the War -W- IRT will beghr to appear. Let me fire and the Admiralty for extraord- lain this he detail: inary expenditure due to the war are The ideal trees for airplane spruce included in the calculation. the fine old patriarchs, scarce ough at best, whieh have a girth of - spat for minartre airs take no other. ut £eastern feet and ruts up 160 Chicken houses should be thorou h t without a branch. Now, when g a splendid wood le cut, 52 per cent ]y elenncti and spraYe<l and an effort thrown out at once—the part in macro to got rid of all mites and lice, heart where rho grain is too sir- These posts affect the vitality of the ar and the part at the circurefer_ flock, cause hems to leave their nests, e wham the grain is too coarse, ;tint hill young chicks. Breeding other 10 per cent. is culled out for stock should be carefully selected and ious ood t. beettoreasonsand shrinkagether . This This hatcheer well nsttan strongsed and dto chicksrsur Ample es uv less than one-third of our nests should be provided for the 1ay- htal wand for further selection. ere, Chicks should be protee ed from f this third, hnwmi,,, only a Antall getting wet or becoming chilled, portion is fit for the more delicate Guam ar must rate. k, Los, than 1 per cent, of it has ED, 7, Iw5g1 20 '18. n' Try browned bread crumbs and cream for a breakfast food. I i m 1 t a 0 a m g h a c w e d al c de n a of st cy sh do lig sp fr co Wo Am on ti at ince fie exp are en abo fee thi is the eu1 one An var con leav orig O pea wor r I cured a horse of the Mange with MINARD'S LINIMENT, Ital Spends S Y p od1 ave Millions Unity. The war is costing Italy $149,000,- 000 a month or, in round numbers, about $6,000,000 a day, says a recent despatch from Rome. In estimating the cost of the war the expenditure incurred during the ten months of 7 J •, tv! ty'ta Y= KEEP YOUR SCIOES NEAT SHOE iY'+OUSHES for BLACK, WHITE,TAN, DARK BROWN OR OX -BLOOD SHOES PRESERVEtheIEAfRER .., Tar fr of taAMMnen5 e .. '.•iW 4440 Ininte inflamed, swollen Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft Bunches; Heals Boils, Poll seri, Quittor, Fistula and infected sores quickly as it is a positive antiseptic and germicide. Pleasant to Wm does not blister or remove the halt, and you CO work the horses RAO pet Pottle, delivered, Book 7 R free, ADSORBINE. }R.,the among liniment mor mankind; eminent Painful, Swollen veins. Wens, strain !Madams palm and inflammation. Price $425 pet bottle el dealers or delivered. Will tell yam matt H you write„ Libtral Thal Bottle foe 10e In loops. W. F. t MING, P. 0. F..61SOmans sldg„ Montreal, eau. tlbsorbte and Absorbint Tr.. sra tido is Can & YJ N 1� A Quick, Clean, ConzferiaMe Shave tS:tarant' ad Evely soldier alwirms undeY di:acuities-- cold water, chilliag atmocohare and 1; trine allowance of about throe minutes for the whole: f ole. The AnteStrop Safet Razor overcomes rig shelving clilaictlltiee^- it is theonly razor that is always ree.cly for are--sket always rims a k eu edge because it char p ns r s own bladee amoinst. ley. ^trens--• OaaVC:i t..dt70 SVr'urGr"nt removing blade. Give Lint an Auteetrep---tiro gift of the hour. A nta,Strep Safety Razor Co, Dolled 05.67 Doha Oh, Toronto, t`ur7 4,44k"), rte, 51.1.1o. 1 IRISN, PAIN Edentior Don't Suffer Pain Buy Hirst's and be prepared nettle( attacks of then. matism, lumbago, neutaluia, mamas and aff Staniar painful aliment• Por over 40 arms u family idtud- Don't ennettmrnr— ay Dimes at dealms, of nifty os. HIRST REMEDY COMPANY Ham,lton, Cancra. BIM'S Family Satre, MO, 350 MST'S reuoral syrup wHore-- bound and Eleeampane. (3s,, aoT'I"LE CUECURA LAU ITCHING CI ECZEMA So Bad Could Not Sleep. Red With Water Misters and Burning. "I had eczemaso had I could sot sleep. It first started on my arm, then I had it on my body so that I could hardly wear my clothes, and I had to stay in bed. My flesh was dark red with water blisters, and burning and itching. "Everything I tried seemed to make me worse, and I bad the trouble for nearly two years. I read about Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment, and I got them. They did me good right .away, and sow I am entirely healed." {Signed] Mrs. Peter McIntosh, French River, Ont., Apri110, 1917. Flow often such distressing, disfig- uring skin troubles might be prevented by every -day use of Cuticura Soap and Ointment for all toilet purposes. For Free Sample Each by Mail ad- dress post -mrd: ''Cuticura, Dept. A. Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere. NERVOi S PROSTRATION May be Overcome by Lydia E. Pin'1an:a $ Vegetable Compound --Thins Letter Proves It. West Philadelp tla, Pa.—"During the thirty years I bat a been married, I have been in bad health and had eeveral at- tacks of nervous prostration until it seemed as if the organs in my whole body were worn out. I was finally persuaded to try LydiaE. Pinkham'e Vegetable Com• pound and it made a well woman of ate. I can now do all my housework and advise all a. ling women to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Corn - pound and I will guarantee they will derive great beneht front it."—Mrs. FRANK FITZGERALD 26 N. 41st Street, West Philadelphia, lea. `there are thousands of women every- where in Mrs. Fitzgerald's contrition, suffering from nervousness, backache, headaches, and other symptoms of a functional derangement. It was a grateful spirit for health restored which led her to write this letter so that other women inaybenefit from her experience and find health as elle has done. For suggestions in regard to your con- dition write Lydia E. Pinkbam Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass, The result of their 90 years experience is et yaulr service.