HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-5-16, Page 4albe Smuts tost
THURSDAY, MAY 16. et t8
lilt an 'Orr!iteisT.
'Tea Rap TRIANat.a e:tntpaiga le; knitte.
With a good sweep, Anything that -tile
the bays overseen or rutile, to their tom -
forts should not be allowed to lag.
SUCCESSION duties totalled the large
sum of $3.000,000 last year in Ontario.
The old story about "robbing the grave-
yard" appears to have lost its ghostly ap-
-LLOYD Gxolt,Gx is still ill the stirrups
although au attempt was made to oust
him from the Premier's saddle. The
little Welehmau can Mauch the most of
the bucking brunettes in the British
"A Nativn can be transformed in 14
yearstr the young anti growing children
are trained for the desired etre " What
et the perentnee and div and Sunday
School teaci:ers doing for the better-
ment of Cannel ?
Ite the passing away of "Tent" j ck-
son, a weft known resident of Clinton,
no better eulogy can be p:eid his memory
than that he was a true friend to the
boys and girls. Fits name and kindly
spirit will be lone remembered. Who
will wear Ws mantle ?
Britaiu's raver is doing a "corking''
business Ostend was the last port to
"get it in tete neck." Tint's where the
cork is usneey put. We doubt if Ger-
man sub, directors admire this manner
of "cementing" differences.
KING GEORGE did the Canadian sold-
iery honor by visiting one of their camp,
last week. The Canueks will show their
appreciation by continuing to prove
their loyalty to tine British Empire dur-
ing the continuance of the war.
BY way of adding interest to the "Ie -
creased Production" campaign the King
has sent Srsmo to W. end hers. Tozer.
Toronto, to mark his appreciation of the
arrival of triplet babies to their home.
The kiddies are 5 mooths old now. A
letter of thanks wes forwarded to His
Gracious Majesty by the parents.
"IT's a long. long way to Paree"—
although only 30 or eo miles from the
German trenches — says the Kaiser.
Ally guns and bayonets make it slow
going and the chances are the French
capital will never be any nearer the
grasp of the Hao.
Exeter picked a lemon when they
loaned Sgmoo to a now defunct Manu-
facturing Company. Last week it was
sold to W. H. Westman, Chathatn, for
B4,0oo cash, The plant may be moved
to Kent's capital, Shareholders in the
concern did not even get a vote of
thanks. You Exeterites are not orphans
however as many a municipality has a
similar graveyard.
Ouse of many samples of the rigors of
last Winter and the costs incurred there-
by was a bill for See,eo for thawing out
water pipes at Listowel Public School
last January. While such Winters may
prove a gold mine for the plumbers tbev
are a freeze -out for the average citizen,
especially when there's a long felt want
in your coal bin and the fence rail fnel
has gone up the flue. If folk had their
way it would be along period before a
similar frigid spell like tet8 would be
put on the program.
PHYSICIANS say there is more benefit
derived from a good hearty laugh (not a
giggle nor a titter) than all the bot water
remedies, cold water, electric and other
new tangled treatments in the world,
The beauty of it is the laughing tonic
does not oost anything and you can ap-
ply it yourself. Say Good-bye to the
wrinkles ready to form around your
eyes and mouth and take 3 doses every
24 hours, to start witb, or good, merry
laughter, to be increased as you get used
to. it, Perhaps it will be safer to com-
mence double piano and gradually at-
tain to double forte, 3o days treatments
are expected to produce wonderful re-
sults. It is infectious but not danger-
ous, If you are ready just try the first
teaspoonful now. 'There, that was
DON'T let the good old habit of Oak-
ing hands die out, People are on so•
much of a harry a nod of the bead, a
wave of the hand or a tilt of the bat is
often made suffice is lieu of friendly old
practice in greeting and meeting friends,
E.et us inaugurate a erusede, even if
there is no election on, and pat hand'
slaking back on the map. We will be a
long time dead, so get busy by taking
the initiative, if your friends are back-
ward at coating forward. What practice
do you follow at your church ? Would
a stranger feel the warmth of a friendly
hearty hand -clasp from you or would
you freer thane with a set Sunday
smfie? Help thaw the old world out by
a flood of sunshine and the reflex will do
es good as we scatter smiles and hand.
Shekel: Dou't grouoh,
Discussop "The Reign oeteo common
People" at Brussels. Chnutau•
qua Festival.
Another strong attraction for the
evening !wog). flit, two a one,1 ulretuent
Valid patnuile Whit Liss by Capt. Wild-
Iev, m 'rhe Reign of the Commie'
People, iti tt hi h ti• , trotted the al•
vane tucut whult the W411 lilts pte(lue-
etl iu the inle rets ed Uoe mermen'
people amongst the hetltg;etent tares.
lndieme:iug the Ittieeianeit tett ion,
Ile severely eleuenneed thellulehevi-
ki movement, whteh appctus to have
decimated the Perces of progress in
that uultappy country, Leapt. Hindley
predicted that the Ilag of liberty, will
stili be unfurled fu Witt portion of
hetstern Europe and after the war
would be supported aunt maintained
by the tilted efforts el Great Brltttin,
France and the United States,
After showing that 17 millions of
Russians had sprang Ul Ow eulots at
the first .sounding of the blast or war,
and referring to the two Millions of
them who had slept the sleep of death,
with another two willione wounded
and the saute number as prisoners of
war, Capt, Hindley drew attention to
the conditions which obtaietd prior to
the war.
Referring to the reign of the Coln -
mon people in Prance the speaket rap-
idly sketched tate first few (lava of the
war, and then said that Fiance Thad
found her soul in till days, lollewing
the famvtte battle of the Marne, which
will rank in histees with the SpAllish
Arnhada and Gettysburg, Fratme had
contributed to the great tight to make
the world safe for denreuoey at. the
rate of one upon for every seven of her
"If—H. 0. Wells' prediction coulee
true that monarehy will be abolished
in England as a direct re tilt of the
ware said Capt. IIindley, *qt. will be
said of Bing George that during tett•
last three and a half years he has been
England's greatest eotoptnner,"
Capt. Hiuilley then paid line trittttte
to the work of the United States in
the present contlier and deprecated
the claims that the Amerieau nation
should have entered the tear at the
time of the loss of the LO;itania, At
that tittle the Country, Ile said, was
not united and moreover, as they were
shipping to the allies all the munitions
which their factories could turn out,
the loss of these supplies would have
proved a calamity to the allied forces
along the Belgfuto frontier. Capt.
Hindley then btiefiy related the facts
which have since become so well
known, that about the time the sink-
ing of the Lusitania many of the tee'.
ments wet ewithin 21 hours of being
without shells mud fn some cases their
supplies were entirely exhausted,
The cutting off of the supplies at that
time would have made it impussibla
for the allies to hold the lines.
An eloquent and earnest appeal for
national service was made for some
time on the great need, especially in
the United Satee, to smoke out the
insidious influences, which are making
the war operations there very difficult,
Amidst tremendous enthusiestn Capt.
Hindley made the demand that in
both Canada and the U. S. A. a war
order should be passed eliminating
from the pulpits and press of these
countries all utterances in foreign lan-
guages. He was equally applauded in
making the demand that all munition
workers and aliens, benelitting
by the wan`, should be compelled to
contribute te percentage of their earn-
ings for the carrying on of the war,
"'Phe principle is absolutely uuas•
sellable," said Capt. elliulley, 'Chat if
the goverinent has the right to draft
a man, putt him in khaki and tell hire
to go to fight, it has the sato tight to
draft another Hiatt, put Mile in overalls
and tell him to go work."
Capt, Hindley also demanded that
farmers who are receiving tf2 nr more
for their wheat ehmuld be rt e{meed to
pay a portion of the difixrene between
present prices and 75 cents per hushed,
with which they wove formerly SKI is -
tied, as their contribution to the allies
on the field of Flanders, where when
are giving their lives for the !truce -
tion of those at hone.
A Rett ty vote of thanks wee pea -
posed to the elegneut speaker On
motion of J, D. Ronald and B. S, Scott,
2.30 --SATURDAY 9.30 TO 12—
The local banks have been notified
through their head offices of new
banking flours adopted by the Cana-
dian Bankers' Assuelation, which com-
prises all the chartered banks.
The new hours go into effect Jame
1st and are from 9,30 a,m, till 2,30 pm
daily except Saturday, on which day
the hours are from 9.30 tent to 12
noon, This means that the banks will
open for business a half hour earlier
than at present and will close a half
e hour earlier except on Saturday Nvheii
the doors will close at 12 Instead of t
The reason for the change is ,tut ef-
fort to get more time alter closing; eaeh
day for the large amount of detail work
necessary to keep the recants up to
date. This has presented a special dif-
t eethe of Late in view til the large uunr-
ber of comparatively inexperieneed
elerks on the stair, owing to enlist-
In the debate on the Quebec riots
several French members trade in-
sulting reference.: to the Orange Or-
der, to which Il, B. Morphy, AIM, for
North Perth, Deputy Granit Alaster of
British America, replied as follows.—
"I have listened to all the unpleas-
ant things that could be said about
the Orangemen of Oetario. 1 happen
to be a member of the Orange Order,
and i am very proud elf it, because, l
want to tell the holt, gentlemen, in
the Dominion of Canada, nay, in the
world, there is no Order that has
gone to the trout as loyally and pa-
triotically as the members of the
Orange Order in Canada from the At-
lantic to the Pacific. The Orange Or-
der in Canada needs no apology. Its
motto is a splendid une: "Pear God.
love the Brotherhood and honor the
King. They are not the fanatics they
are painted; the constitution of the
Orange Order assures the same
liberty to hon. gentlemen from the
Province of Quebec as they claim for
themselves. 1 wish the hon. gentle-
men to understand that we are not
the "Orangiste fanatiques" that we
hear so much about; we are merely
men of flesh and blood and kindly
instincts. That sort of remark thrown
across the floor of the house is done,
to my mind, for a purpose, and what
good purpose can be served by it is
very difficult to say, but it ill be-
hooves men sitting upon the other
side of the House, who preach against
fanaticism in such a way as to ae-
taganize, while at the seine time
praying for a consensus of opinion
and for union, to throw these taunts
across the floor.
"There have been something like 75-
000 Orangemen who have gone to this
war, not a mean number. Are they
to be condemned because they are
C`�IlPailp 1}�k1xZ t`3tO Ompirt..
RT Io aoam„-n eu amp
Ow las sum a
tuessaa ameralf
$111O14111 01
Readers of The Mail and Empire occupy front seats
at the world's GREATEST DRAMA.
All the events on the far-flung battle lines are visual-
ized in a vitalizing manner.
The Associated Press and four additional notable
In The Mail and Empire the news is edited and pre-
sented by experts in love with their work.
All the chaff is eliminated and the golden wheat re-
NESS make The Mail and Empire indispensable to those
who desire to be well informed on world-wide and home
$4 per annum, by email. $5 delivered.
Order through dealer, local paper • or direct.
The Mail and Empire, Toronto
Lighting for our liberties and yours?
What is there about the Order that it
should be made the butt of and sub-
jected to such attacks? It would be
better for hon• gentlemen to look at
home for the reasons for the trouble.”
Now Illegal to Collect Buds' Eggs
—Close Seasons Fixed
Ottawa, Aiay 6. — The old and
often cruel sport of boys in robbing
birds' nests and making rival collect -
lens of birds' eggs is now officially
put on the list of national crimes.
The sport is banned, according to an
to der in Council just passed. The or-
der is passed under the provisions of
the migatory birds cgnvention, passed
last session.
The new regulations provide for
the protection of migratory game
birds, migratory insectiveorous and
migratory non -game birds, which in-
habit Canada during the whole or any
part of the year. New close sea-
sons are established for ducks. geese,
brant or quails, and other edible wild
fowl, from December 15 to August
3 t, both days inclusive. The kiiliteg,
capturing, injuring or molesting of in-
sectivorous birds, their eggs or nests,
is prohibited throughout the year, ex-
cept where special permits are granted
to recognized museums or for scienti-
fic purposes. These insectivorous
birds include robins, woodpeckers,
whips, m -will larks, hummingsabirds G
whip -pour -wills, thrushes, and "all 9H
outer perching birds which feed en
tirely or chiefly on insects," A close
season for len years is proclaimed for
cranes, swims aim nearly
all shore
birds, and a close eeasun for five years
011 wood duck and elder -duct..
s .e •
Chieago livening Post. •
Trust the battle line of Eng-
land, the indomitable l Of all
the peoples of history none
more than the English have
shown the strength that comes
In the fight with back to the
wall,. The last (Melt is where
England fights best , and there
she will fight best today if
forced to It by the most tre-
mendous military pressure the
world has ever known. Thank
God our boys are fighting at
her side, even If it be but a few
of theist. May they carry to
her the assurance of our faith
and glor)% in her, May they
sweep aside the ancient preju-
dices that have made us grudge
England her fair need of trot
and honor.
to o o .. * ;f e x• m
Nineteen -Year -Old Class Affected
by Proclamation Just Issued.
—No actual Call Before July
1st—District Registrar Will Is•
sue Actual Call to Colors at
Later Date.
OTTAWA, Alay 4.—(Can, Press.) --
'Che proclamation was issued to -day
calling upon 19 year old men to regis-
ter but will not be called to colors Ile.
tore Juy first. The previous mini-
mum age was twenty.
Register At Post Office
The men will be required to register
through the post office as was the case
when unmarried men and widowers be-
tween 20 and 34 years of age were
called up on Oct, 13 last. The men will
simply give their names and addresses
and such details as will permit full reg-
istration to be effected,
Actual Call Later On
The actual call to the colors will be
received by registerd post from the
District Registrar. Ail unmarried men
and widowers without children of the
age specified will be effected by the
Until She Tried "Fruit -a -lives
--Bade From Fruit Juices
112 (Antrum tit., ST. Jams, Y.R,
"L feel I must tell you of the great
benefit I have received from your
wonderful medicine, elereit-a•tivese
I have been a sufferer for many
years from Nkat headaches, and
could get no permanent retire
A friend advised Pao to take 'Fruit.
alive and i diel so with great
suerces; and now I am entirely free
of If0:Wadies, thanks to your
splendid medicine'
�lllti. AI.EXANDIslt SI1:AW,
50c. a leix, 6 for $2,50, fetal size 25c.
At alt dealers or sent on receipt of
price, postpaid, by Fruit -a -fives
Limited, ()Wawa.
The Court of ltevhion on the An<xssmxnt
Bull of the Tuwnshlp of Morrie, will he held at
tho Town fall, in sola Townshlp, on timidity,
the 27th day of tiny, next. et 11 o'oloolc n, in.
All patties latoented will please make not iso
end govern themselves neeardinff..ly
A SIAvalWEN, Clerk.
Bluevale, May 2nd, 1416.
Court of Revision
Township of Croy
The Collet of It 011•4011 011 the Assessment
Moll of rho Tmwn.hie or (grey will be hold in
tlts Towndtip I'xll. Ethel, en Menday, the tat
stay or tiny, next, at luau Wein,*o m. All
parties interieted will please yytake notice and
govern themselves
I-Ic,MACDONAL11, Clerk.
Lrthel, Clay st11, ]pts.
Mcitiilop Assessment Boll
The Assxswnxnt Roll of 1110 Township of Ale.
ICUlop for MIS as new in the Clerk's ofaco 1111d
'lay lee erne by ratepayers of the lthmtiolpality
during tllt•e hours. court of Revision et Sea -
forth on May Sint, xt lu teoloek n. in.
M. DIURDIE, Cleric.
BB/411 for Service -
The undersigned a ill keno for sxrviex, on 8Y
Lot an, Con. 2, Morris township, the thorn •hred
!•hock 1101.11 RUM (40h1Y1.1,1 of salon, No,
tu•71a Siren by Ctntniurd )lu only tluetlnm ;
Dant Mi'dred VII by Wyo.) snnor ;18115tu. Pea -
may be ;won on oppbontion Tornts—
$3.60 for grades and Ste leo for thorochreds.
THOS. PI151.1015,
For Sale - Good Value
A boat tyro netr3 of loin with ewnfeytnble
Prime house, stable nnrl hen hoose; good well ;
good eviler and woodshed; also bearing fruit
trees. About •1 minutes' wall: Prom povtonire.
The obnee }}property Ir siluated on deuces .st.,
Brossels Yardenlars may he had on enquiry
from the owner on the premises,
call, - a-1MON GRANT.
Are you giving aid and
comfort to the enemy?
Any householder in your neighborhood
who has a garden plot, or who ovens a piece
of suitable vacant land that is not Being
,put under cultivation in order to increase
food production, is (though he or she may
not believe it) giving aid and comfort to
the enemy in restraining food production,
as really as is the Submarine Commander'
who sinks an Allied ship laden with food.
The difference is only one of degree, not
of kind,.
Look around you! ,Look around you!
If you have not yet decided to plant a vegetable garden make up your mind to
do so now. You will not regret it. There is still lots of time. Potatoes and beans may
be planted up to ,rune 1st and these are the best substitutes for wheat and meat.
For good, practical advice upon how to lay out and cultivate a Vegetable
Garden,, write for a free copy of the booklet entitled: "A Vegetable Garden for
Every Horne." This has been prepared by the Ontario Department of Agriculture for
the guidance of citizens who will respond to this call for increased production.
rsaw •••• sm. ara mow now won ow mak Nom MO Nun IMEN NNW Omar Isla. panto pmal. INOmm lion••• wasm• mama ow..mk ammo. mom =or mvo.
I Mail
jThis Coupon
' NOW yr
Organization of Resources Committee, Parliament Buildings, Toronto
Dear Sirs :
Please send me a copy of your booklet "A Vegetable Garden for
Every Home."
Name, ..... _.....» ..._._..-......_
Address.__......_._...... '
In Co"Operation with Canada Food Board
Farm for Sale
oontain in g 200 acres, VW,. Lot SU, Con. ll,
Morris township, and Lot I, Con, a, (vrey town-
ship. well watered, nom Portable house, bank
barn and manure shed, driving house, wind
mill, orchard, Co. -(a miles North of Brassels
Olt gravel road. Rural mail and rural 'phone.
II; mile to sellout, Will sell either or both
txrups, .liar further particulars apply to
MAX. FORSYTH, Proprietor, Brussels, or
P. S. SCOTT, Brussels. 1)-4
Spring `rime •is •
!Kodak r e
• 0
et There is no time of the year •
• when nontlitions are better O
• for Photography than the
Spritig, as the bright, clear. •
e days (make it ideal for snap-
• elicits. The mere thought of
e out -door activities suggest •
♦ the Kodak, •
e The prices of the EaStInan 0
♦ line of Cameras are such as
• to tenet the requirements of •
tell pockets. We carry m
♦ complete stock of these Cant- b
0 eras, also all Films, Paper,
e Powders, etc.
• We invite yon to call and e
see our complete lino,•
• ®gyp
J. n Wendt
• Jeweler and Optician, Wroxeter ;t
®000.0•40etee 0.00 •eee e.••••O
Steady Wait and Good Wages
Girds and omen
Apply at
Excelsior Knitting
Mills Brussels
Call Phones 20e, or 86,