HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-5-16, Page 1t NO, .16 $1.30 Per A11111/111 ill 4 -farmer USSE LS. ONT4 RIO, TH SDA :11,4Y 16. 19 H HI 1 Farnici s— ari 11 Here Bu Just mail your cheques to us— we deposit them to your credit and send you a prompt acknow- ledgment. If you need cash we cash your cheques by mail, too, sending you the money in a registered letter. We understand the Farmer's problems and gladly assist him in every way possible. We will welcome your account. -TfIE Bank of Nova Scotia Paid-up Capital 8 0,500,000 P. 71. GILROY deserve Fund - 12,0(10,000 Manasc, Resources - 130,000,000 Deus,els Branch -..;41:7----11111111111111111111111e,t-it)hl'' •••• 'li 1111 0 • %JI ig aar. • 44" New Advertisements Seed Corn -A if. Seeker. Rouse to rent -Mrs. Robb. Pasturage -Gilbert Speir. To the farmere-D. Milne, Cash for eggs -Jacob Long. Intolerance -W. Cranston. Minstrel Show -Rad Cross. Bulls for sale -James Suelr. Seed Beans -Geo. Muldoon. Prince Kinnaird -Jas. Speir. Good Investments -F. S. Boat, Car of Salt -W. J. McCracken. .umberlandGeill-.1. J. MoGavin. To Contractors -Alex. Porterfield, Tyeswater Races -G. R. Linklater, Court of llevision-Brussels Council, Kii.strict iieths Belt -gore Miss Blanche Irwin spent a clay last week with Motivate friends, 'Robert Nichol, 17th Coe., win went through fen operation in Toronto butt week, died lest Sunday. Jos. al upl'ay has retell tied home after spending a week with hie daugh- ter, Mrs, D. Livingston, Moucrieff, Mrs. Jae, Douglas has retained home after her illness, Her many friends hope she will be able to be around soon. Auction Sale --OP-- _ Household Effects OP LATE J. LECKIE Saturday, May 25th AT 2 O'CLOCK Propel,' Ms end latiiele ill Brussels and leloreis will be 011%e ea at, the mune Lime subject. en it l eavi ve tP tint previously sold, • See bills foe tot ins end Itivetheilties. F. S. SCOTT, J, (4. LECKIE, Atte. Por estate. Suardian Angel lilvtftyliOdy liaS 11 811114 (1111.1N 1111XiMui In (11)14.01. ).nu 1.0 the. geed things that be in your way. The Spirit Pesch the acme of Inventions, enables yet) CO einnielintlint le. Operates the same as Lila wireless. Its it crime riot to embrace this (wpm, tunny. Particulare ['tee. O. G. Martin, tnyentne and 11111111.1raellirei., Ill West, Ferry St., Buffalo, N,Y, , S r ter June 3 I'llrSe900,00 Green Trot or Pace $100 00 2,20 7.'rot oe Pace 250 00 2.20 Trot or Piece 250 00 2,10 Teat or Poop 800 00 - eeTA11 proceede donated to Red Grose. Address all communications to 0, H. LINKLATER, Secretary, Rev. Mr. Sinclair attended the Synod or the Presbyterian church tat ',nuclei], Ile gave a very int erestittg report of the gathering on Sunday. The Women's Institute held their amulet meeting in the Hall on Selene day afternoon. A good attendance was present.. Miss .A. Bax and Lizzie eleKey wive very interesting papees. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. Ballagh, and One., when the District speaker from Toe - tett() will be present. _ ^ F Walton A goodldelegation is expd t este attend the W. M. S, Presbyterial in aVinghatti Tuesday of next week. Al. Rowland was a member of the clelegatioe to Ottawa to represent the case of the fartnere relative to the mill. ticey law mid taking the young men from the fame). Albert', Dundee wits elected reeve - sent alive feints the Walton Oircnit aleillociletrelint.(thes to District Meet - i tag. It will be held at Dungannon on the alet and 22nd halts. W. and Mrs. Kneelitel and family have eemoved from thole farm te) Sea- foi ill where they intend making their home, Mum Wit8 sold to Mr. flack -- well, Matty good wishes accompany the Kneclitel family, Mrs. IS. Johnson and clanghtee Miss Eva, of Kit elmitee, are visitors ae the Methodiet. Paesonagr. The former IA a sister or Rev. Mr. Oral k. Me. John- son is in the military service in Eng- land being in the Aenty postoffice at Buxton. teetered Lieut. Cecil af. Morrison, of the Flying thiette, (nephew of Mee. Nobel t Iret•gneon, Mrs, H. R. Moon, of rettideaduteo, and 3', W. Mort isoo, Niont veal) nettle n. elnwi visit, to the littler entente to New York Whence he expcets to leave inmiecli- ately raw overseas,. He spent, the Willi el it, the itvial inil schords of Tex - am, aftrrNvnds 1.'4'01111g leave fol, at final visit In hie limee in Wapella, Sask. fur Eg„.5 - Tile tendefSigned WM Day cash fter any eltiantity of Eg'g's received at Store re- cently Oeellpied by A J. Helm. Will stiS0 illestt a Wag011 On the toad for e,,,ceg gathering in Charge, of ClaStt Lrpn r, Jacob tug - Cradrook 'or of hit TO ARRIVE Speeial price off ear, le will be in barrels and bags, The Very Best Flour ALWAYS ON HAND. MANGOLD AND TURNIP SEED and all Icitula of Gorden Seeds. tto•Goodedelivered to all p (owe. art of the A Sunday School has been organized twee it) eonnentien with the eletlitelitie Chu) cb, I4 meets Sunday ineriiing antl hat, a good membership. °Mums are ,-Geo. Pundits, Superintendent ; Fred. Jackson, Aresociate • Jon. Mar - shalt Secretary ; Watson, Tiematiteee ; Miss Mabel Beuce, Organ- ist, A hearty invitetine was reeeived from Deese Mille Offinial Boma ask- ing Rev, F. W. Ceitik to become their petite', few tile coming Levee at a sal- ary of $1000. The reverend gentle- men has accepted se hjeat to the action of the Suctioning Committee. Wal- ton Circuit will be loath to let him go rie they hoped to retain hint foe the 4th yeti', He hes a fine record foe his ;teetotaler hove and AMU Mills will be fortninge indeed if they get, him and hie gnocl lady to boost the work, Oranbrook Miss I3eseey has gone to visit her sister but may be back to Ceanbrook ngai n. Next Sunday morning Rev. George (Darter, Guelph, Neill preach in Knox Olinrch. Rev, Mr, Boyle, Belgrave, was to have taken the service in Knox Church laet Sunday morning but on account of motor trouble be failed to get here. Monday of this week Rev. and Mee, hfcClut loch leftfor their new home at Oarlike, Ont. The induction took place Tneeday (afternoon. We %visit then) abmulant. success, Last Saturday the postoffice was moved ream Its old lactation to the Leitch store. A, Raymanit is the Postmaster but Mr. Leitch will attend to the duties as his Deputy. Last Stinday afternoon J. T, Wood, Brussels, took charge of the service in the Methodist clime!) here as the pastor was conducting the funeral ser- vice ol' the late George Henderson at, Winthrop. Jacob Long is going into the egg buying business. He will pay cash for them at store lately vacated by A. J. Helm. A wagon will also be but on the road and will be in charge of Mr. Long's sem Clare, so a hustling busi- ness will be chute no doubt. Bluevale Wm. McMichael, Guelph, was lunne on Sunday. Mrs. A., Holmes is visiting relatives at Toronto at present. Pte. Hugh Siunamon, of Petawawa ()amp, spent the week end here. Mrs, Jos. Robb 19 at present visiting relatives at Stratford. Mrs. Smith sr., has gone to Toronto Un visit her daughter. The Butter factory is now going and doing a rushing business. halre, McLeod has returned hotne after spending the Winter at Toronto. and Mrs. Brown, Canfield, aro visiting at Toronto at Win, Thom - ton's. Mrs. John Musgrove is seriously ill. Hee many friends hope she Will soon be well again. Several young men from here have gone to London this week to report for Military service. W. PI, TCet•e, Brussels, preached in the Methodist church Sunday evening owing. to Rev. Thomson's illness. David Patton had an fteeident last week meal received several broken ribs. Hope he will snort he (3, k. again. Rev. Mr. Thomson is making fav- oettble progress at Wingbean hospital but it will fikelyhe some time barite he is able to resume his regulitt duties, The exchange of properties of Mr. AlcOallat store for la IT On. fnrtn WaS mit completed and thinge are as they were. We are glad to retain the Mr:Can's in Bluevale. This week Rebell) and Mrs. Leath, mit were away to Bt•itneford on an anus trip notribining 11119ines9 and pleasure. Mr, Leathern sold his farm Turnherry township and may lo- cate itt 13ratit's eapital. so many old pleads here wish them geodspecel. PnesiteereTente.-Quite a number or Red (lt•oss \yolk eve met ut, the Hall Wednesday aftertione and g) rammed Sirs. (Rev.) Tete, their efficient See, Ti elle., with a bountiful cut glees Will er set, and hex nl' bon bons. Al - thong!) completely ticket) by surpt ise Mrs. Tate made a minable n eply thank- ing the ladles ror their kindness but heel she Ithown or it would lather they had seta the money le) our boys et Vergl'ag and that she hoped this mend War WUtild 90011 be. OV01' and peace.. once More tele over the world. Mee. Black read the fallowing ad- dress and Mrs. Jas. Robb and Mrs. itolph mule the peesentaLion, amen Mae TAT -Ie. -We, the crewm•k. ers with phi in oar' Red Ovoss Society in 8111911910, desire to sit 0 w Ito you OUP appreciation of your faithfril, untir- ing and e»et g etic service as Seereeary- Tt•eaent•er of our orgtiMiZalion. We tecognize that a large measure of oue siteeees hae been attained !Aweigh the inspiring influence of your cheerful TO THE Farmers of Grey AND OTHERS: If Walltitig to buy Implements ea near Cost Pelee aserossible call On MP personally, No need of pay- ing an agent anti head agent to drive the rotate soliciting melees, Which you do if buying from them. I sell the McCormick end of the International line of Imple- ments, and Oliver Plows, Oil Ens gives and Tritetoes. Cali on me and save big money, W. J. !McCracken aRoom Da vid Milne - Ethel oat Phones 43 and 27 ' • "Well Never let the 0111 flog fall" Among the illerrie bort who Mose I • , instrel. Show TOWN HALL BRITSSELS Friday and Saturday Evenings MAY 24th and 25th When a program fell or Song, Story, Recitations, Jokes, steps, Stump !Speeches, instrumental Music, &c., will be presented by 40 Ebony Artists. TIMM Will, Of course, 170 an Interloonter, roy- ally aapportea by FOC end ladies, who will Mg/ that everybody has a heaping- measure st ton, Three Pickanlonies will present tt unglue dee pertinent that will Mettle yone Pettey. 00fittIO11119 Will be elaborate and patterns eau be supplied to those who will not be satisfied without. Get the Program and don't fail to attend. Proceeds will go to Brussels Red Oross Treasury. Tickets 25c. ; Reserved SOELLS 35c. Plan of Hall at Fox's Drug Store. Fill the Town Halt to the Doors Pupils of Public:Schools in bath town and country admitted Sala relay evening at 15c each. opthnism. We admire and love you for your many excellent qualities of head and heart and you may rest as- set•ecl of the large place you °coney in the hearts of the community. We are glad to show one united loyalty and devotion to you through your ac- ceptance of the small gift, not for its intrinsic value but as an evidence of one appreciation of your splendid executive ability and efficiency. We pray that this cruel war nuty soon be past and that you may long be spared to go in and out among us. BLITRVALR GED CROSS. INSTITUTE'S GOOD WORK.—W0- men's Institute held their annual meeting in the Hall Thursday after- noon May OLit and report for the month, donation of 3 pairs pillows, Mrs, Geo. Gannet and quilt liniug and buttons, Mrs, Jos, Breckenridge. Shipped to Canadian Red Cross Soci- ety 90 suits pyjamas, 4 pair pinow,s and slips, 3 guilts and to our boys overseas 108 pairs socks and maple sugar. Pollovving is report for the year. -Shipped to Red Cross Society 786 suits pyjamas, 82 day shirts, 65 surgeon's gowns, 8 pair pillows and slips, 21 quilts, 168 pairs socks, 20 trench caps, also a, bale of clothing to Belgians valued at $00.00. Shipped overseas 776 pairs socks, 26 house- wives, 28 trench caps, 65 boxes cake and candy. etc. The following officers were elected for ensiling year: - President, Mrs. Jos. Breckenridge ; Vice President, Mrs. Geo, McDonald ; See.-Treasnrer, Mrs, 0, Tate ; Assist- ant Sec., Miss S. Oollie ; Press. Sec., Mrs, jos. Robb, Breech Directors, Mrs, R. Black, Mrs. 0. Gavniss, Mrs. J. P, McCracken ; Auditors, Mrs. C. Campbell, and Miss S. Collie. Wroxeter Mrs. T. G. Hemphill spent the week- end at Toronto. C. T. and Aire, McLean have return- ed from Toronto. Mee. R. Earls is visiting. with rein - ti yeti at Hamilton. Wm. Adatnsjr. has gone to report for military duty. Mrs. R. Black spent; a, few (Inys of this week in Harriette). Wroxeter Market Sealee has been purchased by D. C. Pope. Miss Cassie Baeris hoe taken a post. tion tine Batik of Hamilton. Ray Cape, Toronto, who lies been assisting his father on his farm near Ethel, called on ()Id ftheitie here lasts week. W, L, Pilate, teller in the Benk of Hamilton, has Meet transferred to a beano)) aG Southarnottitt, leaving on Tuesday, Mrs. A. W. Robinson and children left fot• their home al; Rau lefeed, Sask., Tnesday. 'nay ileCOM- panied by the foriner's sister, Miss Boatri co Bowe, Geo, Town has received `the ap- pointment nt Bailiff, succeeding Jno, Brethatter, lately deceased. Bo will no doubt give complete attention to the duties, At a special meeting' of Wroxeter Council, held Tneeday evening of teed; week, D. M. McTavish wa,s appointed Village Clerk as successot to the late Jno. Beethauer. Mr. McTavish should fill the bill all right. Morris Other Morris news on page 5, boo:toil meeting on Monday 27th ii)111stlet. Jamee Speiv 1,711.9 a ViElitOP ill Guelph and Toronto last, week, Township Council and Court of vision on Aseesetnent Roll will be held Monday, inst. Wm, Woodrow is away to the West to elose up nine business in connection with property he has tliDell'ter'ing the past few weeks Jas. Speir has made several sales of Short, limn stock but hae other good ones left yet, This week Reeve Fraser Went to Ottawa as it, member of the big' dele- gation that waited on the Govern- ment protesting against the preseet military system in calling so many Y met) front the farms. I'D, took a petition with hitt) backing up this Stand, bone and other,: will follow, We E. gone to Loudon to dem the ; ertalliffien 6 •1111111+, uniform are 1{111• Beadeltitw and lima. 1. i • i , • , leis tdelet . tinter; rut wish them a sale return home rater doing their clay. Tag Poser had en item some time ago retelling to profits made by Mee. Rohl. Scott and cletightee in cleating with a few pigs. Last week the sante parties sok] as 240 poundal• for alai). meta Lt 13enesele at $20 net ewl., bringing them the neat sum of $18.011, The ladies art+ ernisidel.itig 1.11E. Itrtiirr of "'"adenitigthe areal espeeittlly if the high pricy is main- tained, iVilfricl EckreEletehelials gone to the West to visit George Oxt Commit meeting and Court of Itr, vision ori Assesranent Motirl,ty, 27th inat. Alothent' Day was observed in the Sabbath Schools here last Sunday afternoon, Mrs, Slenernon ar., left this week on a holiday trip to the West. She will penbably be away for several remit he, The new office of A, H. alcDoneld, Township Clerk, is about completed and will make a first-class place for its intended nse. Quite ft number or the young men are being called to London this week to register. They appear to be called in alphabetical order. The Stenclay School and congrega- tion of the Presbyterian chum]) here recently contributed $70 to theAr- menian Fund. A good record. Owing to an accident to his auto- mobile Rev. Mr, Boyle, of Beigeave, did not get to Ethel last Sunday after- noon to conduct, the service in the Presbyterian church. Material is on the gentled now to complete basement or Me (el let church. When finished it will make one of the most up-to-date elmeeh property in any village in the e°uhlrerY. Twas quite a stir in town Trot week when it was reported there was a detective in town. He Wag shaclow- iendatznae.11 sides bast it turned nut to be only. a returned soldier selling a Owing to scarcity of hands Win. Cole has been obliged to close down his saw mill for the present. Pied. and Oen. Cole, Percy Stevenson and Geo. Pollard are likely to be railed M. S. A. Mitchell and Clarence Flood ace home also, Rev. George Carter, Guelph, will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church next Sunday afternoon. The sessious of Oranbrook and Ethel churches expect to confer with Rev. Mr, Matm, Moderator, on Friday in mai:king:out a plan in eonnection with the vacancy. The following talent will constitute the Wingham Quartette for the Con- cert io the Methodist church on the evening of May 24th :-Ilfrs. A. H. Vitilforcl, Mrs. A. j. Walker. W. H. Willis and F. J. Hill with Miss B. Reynolds as organist. "The call of the country" is the name of a Play in course of prepara- tion by the Olds' ChM of Ethel. It will be presented on a date in June. The girls are asked to fetch hoe and rake to Mrs. S. Chambees' garden Friday everting of this week. In- creased production is in the air as well as in the soil. STOCK. KILLED AND BUILDING TN- JultED.-Ditring the storm last Friday morning A, McKee had four caelle killed by lightnitta in the stable.. It seems rather difficult to understand the way the current travelled tes one was killed and another missed. The only explanation seems to be that the cattle whose chain came in contact with t he water pipe in front, weee the ones that weer?. killed. The barn was otly slightly damaged, It was imam - en. ilr Hawick Co. and the agents wen on the ground promptly and gave a satisfactory settlements BI,WORTYI LEAGUE. -Following are the newly elected officers of Ethel Epworth Letigue :-President, Ella PP(11,;011 1st Vine Pees., Miss Peat•I Bateman ; and Vice Pres, ;lack Sleet tuon ; 3rd Vice Pees., Rey litull ; 41.11 Vice Pees., Mrs, Jerk Simonson ; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Pearl Dobson ; Recotding Secretary, Miss Whitt McLelland ; Treasurer, Miss Margaret McDonald ; Organist, 'Mien; Pearl Love ; Assistants, Misses Pettel Dobson and Leila Walden ; Poe - ward Movement, Sec.-'17teas,, Harold Love. About $75 00 was raised foe the. Forward Movement during the past year, ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. -At the close of the Women's Missionary meeting, Tuesday, May 7, Mrs. (Rev.) McCulloch tvas made the recipient, of a cut glass sidedish and the following address 01.101, to her clepartut.e for her new home at Oarluke Doan Mits. MeOterelsocee.-We, the members of the Wouren'e Missionary Society, Ethel, retitle° With 1teP71eet eegree that our associations with von as co-worker Must soon be severed, Your kindly (mulls& and sympealiceic assistance will be gt:eatly missed by its in our work. We sincerely erust that the good work in which we all have been and will still be engaged, may go on and increttee in reenles, That the grace of our Lord and Saviour may ever continue to comfort and bless you is our ertt.ttest prayer. One very beet; wishes will attend you to your new home and we cherish the hope that you will retain some pleasant recollection of the hours spent with 119 in °UV Society, As an 11)(11004ot) of one sincerest good Wishee we ask you to accept this cut glints eicledish, Signed on behalf of the Society, W. Bultwatirnt, President. MRs, M, Fluent/Sole, Secretary, Mrs. A, H, McDonald read the address and Mts. Barr male the preeentation, Mrs, McCulloch thanked the indite and Teey estt- alt aa al t. e el,a, t • . 41+)(111.3: Friday evIg 3 2.4th ;:;:, j. „,th„ 1 .•.1. ,,,. it. tla fig :.1 it.- .111.. 11 • •t,•.• Nin ettit. • rr + + ie. t tie le •i ( ' , . • - • ,.. ••,•tow. + I Al./IN-,' A111 cf the Ethel Meeh -1, + , ,, + ... Church itlitirranee it til,t•eltima lill•, + stii• ••,1, , . .. a .1,1 ikittli, t. + lt•,.2/1111.1OPol On IllooVt• de, •I'll, ax,,,1 •.' ' I. ' , ' ' " -. • . . ,; that I 4. lent pi OFralit Will Li,. Yothw: 1 -, + bal.,. t.t, , I,- a, 11, -1% , a., '. 1; .- 111111. .A1 + 1.0,eialr. iiTh.. Eintitoy, ..f A•••dev..• i .• 1 • • : • •.. ' i i• . .* '• ' / +, mat '. by lielr I+ I". A t.tt.tri tr, I, i t + " " 1 " " "P`."''' ''' .". 1` '41" '• l' y Viinti/ln in., a i•'tet.,r Pt•-1...r.'s'yli I . ' i'.. ' + ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' ' . . ' ' . ' ' • f seemed ;incite,. V:.• et cetele-r.. 1•.: '‘',,• V.'. '...a:NI•%. ); 1: i i • '-.• 1 1 I A, , i i ‘: '.1 111:‘.011;111'..1! ; ' 'It IA1.1 ' Irg',..f,7t'..;', t,": .1: '. .1. 'I, 1014P t I , ,11 WtaL tam. Mr,. A ii. wa T T fl rd iii e'+ A. .1. Walla,,, V.'. ii W.11, ',V, T., atid l••• .1.11111, with Mtes 1: feyyte.1.1‘, to- ..1 rli"-i ittiriarJOglittif T. organist. 11).. T. Doutatert,,. yvh., .. 1 BAI tAlg I'l ili!;,+:11 blilitt + need: no introdur•tion, wit! e•Att 'net,. Methodist Churchl: v"" ",'"'' ;" `—;1;"7, rr l• • f , • tfa• W.111.11{, ,r. L.airriDsfi; ETHEL ,t111, • • Pub. 04)11 + readings. + Tickets 35 and 20 Cents + 1t7nLerlaiumenC et. 8.30 (Seleeit Keep the deem clear and be 9111.P and attoild. J. ++++4.4. hoped the gond wank hegliii it, I1) Soeiety Would continue and he fruit. A. verse of "God be with yo till we meet, again" was sung, ere tit ladies said good-bye. Go•c•re.,,rt lientterson-, zurnk 'Turtle and he that eltubtr DC1.1,44. .11 7.1s ,,; week + cee erg, • 'yittot !la& Grey Cheater and Mee, A marmite, lth Con„ spent the week esid with re atives at Exeter. What. about your entry foe th &ending Field crop S Sate the tele( I:oncoming it. ill Witt hemp. We toe pleased to hear that Jirt SMI of Oliphant dud Mrs. Smith, int Con., who was seriously ill %NW peemnottia, is improving likely int( we hope he will soot) n. k. MRS, J No. MeNeens Desege ego - Wednesday of this week Mrs, JI111 McNeil, of the 14th Com, passed away The funeral will take Owe Prides afternoon at 13eutesele cemetery Service ea 2 p. in. new time. Miss :lean Want, who iti,vit al tending Hamilton (lel legiate, passed the let, 'Part of the Faculty Bntranee and is 111/SIT i101110 Fttrnt lease, She will 'stint) in the Fall to Hamilton.co We cougeatulate her on her success. Pee. Ben. Sprung, who has seen service in France and bite bea:ti house on furlough was a eveleoute visite/ at the home of hie uncle and aunt, .lit and. Mrs. Armstrong, ilth Con. lie enlisted the West and is a mutely repveseetati V(4, ThOS• Alcock jr. went to Londe), this week in response to a military call. His going shears off the farm to a very close margin. Bettie Cardiff, son of Richard Oardiff, has gone tuid raviug to the ittfterat peer health leaves hint in an awkward situation in prosecuting the tilling of Itis net (43. On Saturday, May 4th, Mrs. D. R Ountlitightun, 18th Con., teceived wotd of the midden death from pneoneonin, of bee only sister, Mee, VV. R. Long, of Detroit. alt e alit/ Airs. Cunningham attended the fuze era), which took place Tuesday, May 7t11, to Woodmete cemetery. Her husband and daughter, ales, J. II. 141111er, survive, Mts. hong was only ill a WfWk. Her 111111(11"11 MUM' wne Agnes Wells and her home before her ritareirige Was at Goderich. She wile 62, years of age mid a fine meson, Utters From VV, R. Mooney iis A • " ; het i • 1e. eta:, • it ••• • .. r lid vitt. ZS.1.1•:••.a.,,, att.; Iht ;••, it t.. 111, ne .• ; ee. ,t. - eet ea: 1.1•11e11e lt'ate • , ,• , • at. , Witt I. ".:1 a 1- • ,•,1 '1,111 t)/ Atna- 'ttteee, e; e, alta tee, dela ;tee eat • v. it it !I• ',I•r11 1•11. •lest i !,, t •St. • 1. .1 " '74 i lull •oat t• hart-. taarAltat ail: R, •••, tee ea. eee, .„ I a, tia, " 114111:14..,a` r s,,i3 Ilittl t•,, /41,4 1'1+ 1.1.0 • •, hie etas ' mei ;, te.• the di iv. , ..,,f 111, (lista:sect the.. Lie es- t eetenlil. /).111/1,, t:ere .ft: hi • neck elown. ,.,..••• •,.. tne,tting ttlioat. ni.• • hAtuts • et: it rey,d tit h.anle,at'Phn,.41111 a inn -.. tell N. •,. lot, ' A pity,-.ie,tt.i letti t• ittett., te•-,1,,nee, S. Garter wee i'.1i1,x1,iHi`,11t ,1 t1 1 - IV,711111,11 i,(1 ' the. ciiiiclren 1121-, in - /nail h.110W I LIVIA! MIL/ 11.1tift hi, 'Will. 1r ritiay forettorm he lapsed tote entsciaites- Iletiti lle died nit: It to, n, weta lalin ill 11-1,1i.111i.14 youlg it4o ;;A:ti :1'. • , iiri•ity, her ntartiane. 'H. • L„,„• am( .tr,,,rm in aleliiiee, tael.t our the. ,ir, I :1+:7, 4- yams Ltgo ,• 1••••:, i now of IVinghtetil 1..•• •••,•• ", • le tiettst sttecce,f ',illy. 4::•:7 •i out-. ef 2 alee and ttect,,..11 i the str,et few werr, ri tesually beim; eneited wit it well:, he at• traded • iti•etritely esel in good style. Sur,41:ry t1 m 1110 11,111:L et a e.e. ewe, .Tames in Int 1{e 8-•: I ;••,. emicitleted. by Rev. Nirlr, inlay, Sea forth, tort,h. ;Wait- littulltalik e•-•ilielpr:1, IWO I' SettfOrth, 111,11R:a V th aligt• it, :•sottforth,, 1.; i'orth111:il .111111.,. and 4 eiette e G14401, Iticcliere, Wrieltt at.d Lemont.) 117e.. Aelitierit uanlu a,14 It gill:II Mr!..4 111.11(11,1•,11,11, 1,1 :a•111$1.,. 1.111E1 111/11 the allnakaaal attaal other ielativee e eeeele -e,"tieet 10,1'11 M. h. 1)11.ViialSa all. `a will, 111 1110 frnut ta•Fattl a'aaa'a taattiati ia;t11,a.lf It! the sa,a1 wiWil Hi' '01 a aaaala. ws, iti his ltand. Car a tt.,4 ecap,,t:t et. lily tit -•-•‘•.yet-q, ',Fe Trttlt ^,Y I, T. si i, Ltri to dit• i• Nits s 1:-•H ,•`• 1 Tees urn: •e, es, dNitgia,,rs tin 1,.11 w,eit end . Vitiitor ,••1 WW1, Following team W1LF received from \V. R. MOoney ly of this locality who haq been visiting relativ`es in Ohio Stale i -DEAR PDITolt.-JUAL a few Hoes to /et, reit know my beeves - sines or Thiele titan and the war. Weil here \ a" lire at. Lancaster, Ohio, living. rot a shot t time amthat the 8t11,1.8 !MCI St1.1111'13 and ant surprise,) and pleased at the catty the U. S. is in the wax as you might say the hotel of the Nation is sive to the war. I ein sellable. yen some of the papers that will ewe you tt better idea than can of the war sitnatioll here and every- where and every place, it is the talk al al, Ontup Sherman is at Chillicothe, 30 111110S from here where about 40.000 men are clamped. Have not visited the camp yet but expect to be- fore I ga bank to Ontario aiul will per. haps give yon a hotter idea of he a camp later. While in Toronto ereey- thi IT seemed to look wile with the I returned crippled teal d int s on tlie street, the sniffle's in training and the s war planes flying atounti the city, it stively looks as it all America is in the war. Columbus is a fine eity and Lallilas,. ter is quite an old place and bits some v voey fine buildings. Eitel nail light ate mostly In gas that is (mile w plentiful here. This is quite a place s for fine homes with their fireplaees of g natueal gas and Seelf lighted. ale/ uncle's Tonle has a fireplaces with s natural gate lids noun Ley is vet y much in (tamest it in regard to the War SA to MPH 11.1td it money, I have juet returned ['role a teen doWn the Southern part or 01110 ti to Parkeeelmeg, Met Virginia anal ja everywhere it is the same. Eve) y w place is doing their best to "go OVPI. 11 the top" and do their share. for the three billion Liberty Loan.. They tree I very busy with Real Cense work, We vi were pluming through McA.ttimr, Ohio T the other ditY. It is a plate about the An sire of Brussels and they hurl a Red w M;ss ..It'S. S. 1.W.-a•a..a* at'. 1 Su•••1 joint Detrol!, A 1,1,1,(1,11t, WW1 11111AI-31.Z h,,re last week. lIe• ii•cr riakee t. a ,ictitc In Lou--. lee, We are s• Try t, hear of !he poor waits of flees.: deice winthrop fie il•tN ”lie, it) Byttr,.- r1.6 Mall% tt it lt-11,,' to," eerie im. )seventent Pte. 1,..s Ewen, ev'm is with the trans - tort dep:Irtinent at the overeeee eoetini• • eta. •i; Tont oto, ri es home OU tittr,IN ttie nasi . . - W. Peters, or Itereie, hem this vac t• t tie Meese% tInnkw, john ' trect, and a,;..,:sting ett,tuting the Arden, tt hrettilcr-in-laW w 11,11;•1.1v, •,,,l,•••• way. visiting big islet.: tit last Week for or,tito to call on relaLves before go, ng to Ely 1),11Spaelg are 1111. (Will, ill the West. Miss )Nye t)„ l'etWeton, whaling been on le Central Telephone Waif, is not cm )frog her simnel tared health but we ish her ameedy inturovernma • Iter cart sett .11 !he trouble, mrs, ttrrivvel benne 'llut.sday of last week from at menth'is sitar ree ineee ad her son George, oro e it. He wait absent in the Weet SI Mrs, Keye wee company for hie ife,