HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-5-9, Page 8w.a..wr.r.v.1i%4?w+Wu nfi .Veil „a,e,,.•..•..+,,,rt,n•r,•unw+s,rwr.-m,m. 'rl'a,nbrn.nw^.+„ ,ova. n. .,'vrn,n.-.b 1,.n. 101.. .wyr.r InvemsM r:,.±vrsee^nmw•.m:•ewxnn+4'••.mm.M.mfmr x+m ra .ron,i+,•.[w.rt,x'„t+.rvr., +.,4,,,,Mu„ .v...w.lunw„rw'v4T+.anwnr'A.::r+M. 0+40+•+0+0.ete+0d+•4•v+•+•+0+•+ 0+1+0+1+0+Fehe 0+4+0+0+•4•4 •b O d+0+•+ 4 • 0 •0 •N 0 In Finishing qiom adoh r 6 > o 11,,,,,,, are many things ie our Stock which will n) torr cr n„• ' n bringing tills tedious work to satisfactory e o.... Among ta, ,, ,i, - _..____._ i_._.. Polishi ag Oils, &c. 11,,,,,,,For Cleaning •k Magic Furniture Po{ieh—.25c bots: 3 Powdered Ammo/lie—roe 16.1,3 I Crystal Floor Oil—In bulk enc pint 3 Household Anun aIle—tot & 15 3. lieu Antl. t t c ( '1' se Ideal Silver Polish— • Caustic Soda t.,( mpcing a ••-• 4. 0 In paste form 25c pkge. ( '`e in. d + _- -- - — — . -- + • +1• Moth Proof ( Decorated Cre a Tissue Sloth am p Are ell's Yin 6`t+re .]o It Bag A O Acl 0 good place ter putting Furs— Mary new designe, jtt.a the thing 3oc and Sec each to use .1s dime, for bi e ets anti 4 • Moth Balls-3oc lb. shelves, and .,:so fot limp 11I1e4 + Red Ctdar Compound—toe a fold Pantry Shelf Paper --doe a tell. • osisinfeCtant5 whisks t ♦ Chiorde of Lime— • 'I' toe & 2ou pegs A Whisk at !fee + e. Zennlenm-25c bots, Other, come et-- • y'r FOrmaldt:hyde-350 bots. .5c & 35e ease; •0 - ' -- -- • Sunset Soa•p Dyes Colnrita • .p Th. i, a Dye that both + cleans and colors geode i The popular Hat Dye ea at the same time. They 3 Besides the vetoes we '1' are proviug satisfactory ; have it in Glossy +•1+ and come in the popular Black— • shades -15c cakes, I 25c bottles ae 6 4.• Oil Finished Wail Paper Cheap Patterns in Wall Paper • ' 4 For Kitchens, Pantries and Wash We still heave a good variety to '' ,1•, Rooms. choose from where tante a cheap + .g. Can be wiped off Paper is wanted— + a 18c and Zoe per roll. 9e, toe & 122 per roll .r. - - _. _._._._.._. r 4 • + • + Druggist and Stationer -•• 0 + v.{-4,.I.••1.♦+0+0+♦+40+0+0+e+0+0+6+0+♦+6+♦+♦+0+0+0+0+C++4+4+♦ Nail Scrubs I n e {iintiJec W, II Itl:(!ie at fee viten t>th t. st— y,• aLd 1 se Saxaii Soap • a + • s Very special value at the present time. A large transparent cake nicety perfumed -- e Cakes for 25e r • The Chore + • + F. R. SMITH gaud. A l etosterm GET your lawn mower ready. Sumo'. Boord Friday evening of this week. GARDENING is proceeding with a good swing. THE POST gives the news. Do you still borrow. h THE gentle showers are boosting vegetation. "JERRY” is the name of the new con- tinued story iu THR PosT. Read it, A couple of cars of nut coal and a car of furnace coal came to heed last !seek and were parcelled out among the townsfolk. A Magistrate's case was before Reeve Plum, T. P., last Saturday in which some Howick towuship people were the par tieipants teoo and costs was the pen alty,. Goon Reaps COMMITTEE,— Warden Elliott and Reeves Hardy, Goveulock and Brock and Co, Engineer Patterson, were here on Thursday, They were making a tour of the Northern part of the County and visited the neighboring townships of Morris, Grey and McKll• lop. They were travelling by the Ward- en's car. The Good Roads movement will be put into operation and these pre- paratory tours is giving the Committee first-hand information as to localities and necessities, SATURDAY Police Magistrate Andrews held court in COW11, Mr, Shearer of At - Wood locality, being charged with a vi- olation of the Canada 'Temperance Act. Trial lasted for several burrs and the Magistrate reserved judgment. Croton Attoruev Seager, Gorlerich, conducted the case and information was laid by In- spector Mitchell, Wingham. Offence was sael to hsve been committed in Brussels the week previous, A number of wituesses were heard. DID SPLENDIDLY—We are glad to state that Masa Muriel Brothers, of Brussels, not Ouly received the degree of B. A, at McMaeter University, TOT. OD to, but took special standing in Eng- lish and History and Moderns She has been engaged to teach in the High Park Forest school, io the Queen city. Miss Brothers has proven herself an admiral student and well deserves her honors, Her many old friends wish her contin• tied success, At the closing exercises held in Weimer Road Baptist church, Rev, John McNeil, just home from the front, was the chief speaker. NIR. LECKIE'9 FUNERAL.—There was a large attendance Tburklay afternoon at the funeral of the late ex -Reeve Tnhu Leckie Service was conducted by Rev, j A._LIVIann, pastor of deceased and iu- --"teimeut was made in the family plot iu Brussels cemetery, Pallbearers were F. S and P. Scott, W. Gillespie, Is% Fox, A, Strechan and Geo, Robb, The floral tributes were beautiful. In the number WRS one from the 'Town Council and one from the Masonic Lodge, Bi us- sels. Among people who were here from a distance were the three sons, Jack, Bob and Charlie, Toronto ; Mrs, S. Siemmou, London and Mrs, E, Gar. row, Cobalt, (sisters of Mr, Leckie) ; H. L and Mrs Stewart ( tephew and neice) and soil, Toronto; T. H. and MIs Cameron, London, the latter beiug H time ; W. Hamilton, 'Toronto ; and L. and Mrs. Hamilton, Listowel ; O G. and Mre. Marlin, Buffalo, N, Y. ; Major Shaw, I eeve Ford and S B. Stothers, Clinton ; Warden Elliott, ex Warden ! Gnvenlock, Reeves Hardy and Brock and Co. Engineer Patterson ; T. F. MO. Crae, Toronto ; George Robb, St. Catharines ; Jno. and Mrs Walker, Sea - forth. Many tributes were paid to the deceased by these old friends. Mr. I.eekie was a most popular member of Huron Co, Council, THERE is quite au agitation for the Curfew Bell In Brussels. The diecus- sfon lnay take more concrete form in the near future. THE North portion of Turrherry street, that was macadamized a couple of years ago, rt quires early attention or the work done is gofug to be hugely heavily discounted, IRv1N COBB says the Allies must knock the mania out of Germania and the Cleveland Plaindealer sugges,s that to make a clean job of it they might as well knock the "germ" cut also. A handkerchief shower was given at the home of Miss :Myrtle Wilson, to Miss Cora Alcock, wile was lenving ter train for a curse a' Stratford A gond time was niv (1 Miss Helen Notion, on a cou-in ofice 'tI Afreck accompanied her I and n 1 11 take the same course. We wish the young ladies the success they desire, Am. school teachers must now take I the oath of allegiance. No teacher will be Irereatler granted a permanent cer- tificate, un'essa British subjset by birth or naturalization. This older passed ; the House of Commons. (71.70 pin, oval shape, lost between bridge and se leave at Sunday evening, Will finder f please tease at THE Pr1Rr. I FOR Sean. -2 cows, one with mit at font; 0 young cattle and 4e' young pigs 9 weeks old. (lemma MCDONALD. 14 Yens; pigs, 4 and 2 weeks old for sale. Apply to Wv. ALDERSON. 45.2, LAWN mower., sharpened and ndjimted. Now is the tone to get them ready. Geo. EDwARns, ;slid street. HOUSRKF.F.PRR wanted for small fancily; Rood wages and permanent situetlon. Apply at TRH POST. LEATHER Halter lost Sunday between Lot 10, Con, 18, Grey tewnehip, and Walter Pen. nington's. `MARE HARI:Her, Phone 428 Cows for sale. Phone 425. T. ALrnCK 80 Telma pigs for sale, Phone Ills ROY TARIM?. PAsrnRn to let. T,ot tri, Con 7, Morris. Apply to Wm. MrithcirAms Phone 4612.• CAnn,—Persons owing acnounts may pny the same at my Milne up to the IUth of Mav and i receive receipte for the same ' F T. BnyANs, M. D. PAIR of spectacles found. Owner uuw have them by proving property and paying for this notice ab THn PONT. 10 linen -grass cattle for sale. Plum., 2515 Wm. RWren IKON, Eaee for hatohing from heavy laving straits ; 1 of S. O. White Leghorns, lar, per setting ; S 0, R. I. Reds, Shen per Netting. JNo. T. DC Nn AN, Phone 7x, Brussele. 48.4 Lonna) quantity of good potatoes fir Bale, Enquire at. Tim POST. 40 Rona Woven Wire Finning taken away in the freshet on the6ieltland, Will (tinder kind- ly leave word at, Tr( a POST. 0 Sucking Pigs and a Spring Durham Calf for sale tubs Novi:RS, Letts, Con, 6, Grey. Phone 9117. TnnllO'BROD Forlc. Pigs for sale, 8 hogs and l 2 sows 6 weeks old. Reed frim T3rethnur stone, rho. CenaAR, T.nt7, (ton, 9, Grey Township, Phone 8079. "Int 7 18 !deg Nn, 11 Horaa and int for aria in tarussels. Well boated, Ea, inossr•ssite For further par- tinulars as to price, forth;, Fre.RNA apple to hl its. T. R.7hurtrsoN,Nanforkh, or Iinnr. tlnxenN, • Heirorneo Eggs from brn'rl•tteinv N. U. White Leghorna Goents an egg Any quantity. R. T11l1\IRnN, Brueeele. 18 anus, 4 months old, for sale. Apply to G1(0.11AKRrt,Cranbrook. Phew, 521. flemenrerARLa Brick Nouse and Lot for sale, Eligibly situated on Alexander street, Bros. Psis, belonging to 0. 11114, of the Into George N. McLaren, Possession can he given at °nee. Apply. to 41 BLACK, BrueselP BELLorgan and e W nehh,g Machina for sale et a bargain. Apply at TIM POST. 0031PORTADLI4 houso with stnble and (.1 acre of land fm• Rale, nerd and sett water, fruit termite and small fruits. Would give poesessinn at once. For further pertieulare its to price, terms, &a., apply to MIre, GAYNO11, Brussele• CONFORTAnLta dwelling for tale or to rent, with.%acre lend, fruit treee, hard and soft water, stable, Fen I, (J. RtnttArtaa. HOttsn for sale. Apply to MISS R, elonune, TnRntb Rhcrt ldnrn Rn)is 1;7,11 rom 19 to 12 monthP old fir, sale'. /As, :splint, Imt 29, Con, 8, Morrie. Phone 106 De.PAnternt, OsteopethinPhysinien, vis{ts Brussele Monday nfternooa of eneh week., (,lhronic enad nerevsouencdeisonaCnsluiilt;nsenig Queet'ii Hotel. Standing field Crap Mud 11 iron Agraultural So- (((t offel 'er;.tllltiei e( its n loft -1 an $15, $In, '$til, $8, $ti AIM $1 fit the U( l field of V lute l)tis the thiturio Deutmont of A +r ivoiture will lura I the ,1 inheres Nature Of Competition—Field mitered for Competition tenet esemiet r'f not iesH 1111411 flveRcres Will not win e 1.10.11 twenty, Coto 1 t t m -- Competition Will h,. liMil,e1 to mem here of Kest Huron Aglicultnted Suaie- ty, C?owl/0jtors can only enter in one Soviet and but one entry run be made by each 0inup0mm., u vi( id enn make entry Arty it It lu u n 'e competitionb• beeom- I 1 kilt lug a member of the SoCiety and, pitying an entrance fee of $1, + All eompetf ors must be with- +-in16mBeeofBrussels. Applica- tions must be iu by the 13th day k of May. Entry forms and further par- tiettlars may be had by applying 4, to M. BLACK, + Secretary, Brussels, + .t +02.1•+a++a•++++++++++ + +t'•;•+a++ ;,1•,;. Bet,,sets Farmers' Club will in Fri - da; ev.•ning (it next week- Special sp,+alrer See adv+, in this issue. HELLO !—Mark down Friday evening, May 241h, as the state of rhe Lady Min- strel Entertainment in the Town Hall, Brussels. Proceeds go to Red Cross tree-ury. If you miss everything else tun trust snake sure to hear the Min- strel,, GEORGE POLLARD DEAD,—Tuesday of last week, after being bedfast for poet two %seeks Gorge Pollard answered the call at the tip- age of Sq years and 4 nlontlte, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J F. Wasman Clinton. Deceased was born in Ireland on January lsth, 1829 came to Canada, in his youth and liv=d in Logan township, Perth County. In 1862 he married Urena Statton, of the s une township Rod in September 1012 they celebrated the loth anniver- sary of their w• riding, only to be follow- ed a year later be , he death of his part- n.rin life, In rSe6 Mr, Pollard and wife moved to Morris township and re- sided there emit lgr4 when they came c. Brnssels to reside. A family of 9 children survive ; Henry, Colma, Mich ; Timms, in Manitoba ; George, Weston, Ont. ; Jteeph, Tort Townsend, Wash. ; J ones, Canadian Seo ; Charles, on the hetnestead in Morris township ; and Mts T. F, Wasman, Clinton ; Mrs. H. A. Swirzer. Brigelen ; and Mrs. Samuel McGee, Port 'Townsend, Deceased was a member of the Church of England, a Conservative and a member of the L O. fe Funeral was held Thursday morning from Mr. Wasmew's home, a short ser- mon being conducted. by Rev. J. A Aguety, of the Ontario Sr. Church, and the hotly was brought to the old home- stead where serviee was held Thursday afternoon followed by interement at Brussels cemetery by Rev. W, E Star• ford, in the absence of Rev. H. Smith who was attending the Synod at Lon• don. Pallbearers were Chas and Geo, Pollard, j, F. Wasmau aed Thomas, Henryud Richard Alcock Mr. POI - lard was a wnuderfUlly active than for a person of his great age, He had spent 4 or 5 years in Cliu'on, He was the last of his generation and was a brother of the late Mrs. Wm. Alcock of Grey town- ship, and the late Wm. Pollard of Ethel. 6oTts WEDDING ANNP•ERaARY.—Balur- day, elsy 4t11, was the both annivers ary of the e e(ddrog of a highly respecter] couple of Brusselites, in the persons of Geo and Mrs Crooks, William street. Very few people are privileged to travel hEe': journey so many years together, particularly enj vying as good health and spirits as Mr, and Mrs Crooks, tuba ate fu the n 34^11 and 82n1 tem -s, respective - Iv. They were united in marrtage by Rev, Christopher Currie, of Wmgham locality. Thepospective groom welt- ed Mont r5 miles through the hush to engage his services aud the parson travel- led the Same way to perforin the cere- mony, The late Rich, S. Armstrong, brother of the bride nod Miss Maria In- gram, who afterward became Mrs Arms.roug, were groomsman and bridesmaid to children grew to manhood and womanhood in the home, of whom 9 are still living. They are, Albert, Morris tnwnship ; George and Ivan, Caveat- ; Han y, Paris ; Rod Mrs, dames Wm. 'Turnbull, Brussels ; Albert Ger, r, I rd.an Heart ; Se. Y. Taylor, CAI - g -sty; D, McKeuze, Clinton ; and R. W. Matheson, Edmonton Wm diad 20 years ago illy. Crooks was bore near Ave Ont , and moved to McKillop township with his wants, when 16 years of age, 62 years Rgo the family bought what ie now the Will, Ireland too acres, 3•d line Morris township, theu a bush lot, which Mr Ctnolts sold to James Ireland, Lot 4, Sth Con . Grey town- ship, was purehased on which about IS nares were cleered and here the family hared unit 23 vegans ago, ('he property being transformed to first•class premises) when Jno Cunningham secured it and the Crooks' took tip resideuce in Erns sets, where the "old folk” have continu- ed, They spent 18 veers on the proper- ty Dow owned be Robert Thomson, Queeu street West Mrs,- Crooks is a native of the Emerald Isle, crossing the Atlantic with her parents whew a baby The Armstrong family lived at Caledonia before miming Westward to Morris township 63 years ago and pioneered it on the 3rd line on the homestead now belonging to Louts Armstrong, it nephew of Mrs . Crooks, Her maiden name was Harriet Armstrong, Mr, acid Mrs, Crooks have been the recipients of hearty congraluletions end tokens of love And good fenewship over the anti versaoy They are faithful membersol the Presbyterian church and enjoy the esteem of a wide circle of friends, al- though few of the companions of their youth remain. 'Pira POST hopes this worthy couple MAO be spereel to one auother, their family and friends for a number of years to come. Mr. Crooks WAS a thrifty end industrious farmer in his day and wes Ride seconded bV his partner in life from the clays in the bur up to the present. STANDATI1 BANK OF CANADA HEAL? oFFIGE a TORONTO This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. H.BT+D 1072 SAVINGS DEPARTMENT at every Branch. 235 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, ® ® ® Manager. Some fine specimeus of the finny tam• it have been e;,u ht at the Mill clam. v g 1NTN LERANCE, the much talked of exhibition, will be presented in the Town Hail, Brussels, Friday evening of next week 1)x M H, Moon, Listowel, formerly of Bress,ls, has moved his livery barn mud votuin:ire office from the building one door li cit of the public library to the R Woods h ern on Mill street, lately vacated by R. A Fuser. CARD OF THANKS.—We are deeply rip - p. ee,at(ve of the mauy thoughtful kind- nesse-: and real sympathy thowu previous to and subsequent to the demise of our father, They will &Ware be remember- ed LECKIE BROTHERS. FLOWER', 1•' R MOTHERS' DAY.—Tbe Girl Gutds would be pleased if people who will donate flowers, to be sold by said Guides, would send them to the Guide rooms at t p. m, Friday of this week. Proceeds to go to Red Cross Next Sunday will be Mothers' Day. EcLIrix, car THE S;N, — A partial eclipse of the sun will be visible in Can- ada on Jnue 4th. It will be a total eclipse in many of the States of the Union but Only partial in any part of Canada. If the day is clear it will be an interesting sight eo keep the date in mind. The shadow begins to appear at t re p, in , and goes off at about 3 5o, The last solar eclipse appeared in Canada r9'lo and the next will be in 1923 so do trot fail to see this one, Rep Cross Circle met 'Tuesday after- noon in Audieuce room of Public Library. House cleaning is in full swiog judging by the number ebseut Only 0138 oo has beau reported for the mouth of April from the town collectors. Will contributors in town and couutry kindly pay up for last month by 3oth so a good supply of yarn may be kept can hand for the kuitters. Yarn can be had at Mrs J. 'Thoinson's store any morn- ing for out of town Knitters, tbut local people will please go to the Public Library for yarn or sewing. The Circle ordered t,000 lapels with "Red Cross Circle, Brussels, Ont." woven on them to sew OD all the socks, &c, made by our Red Cross workers. Tuesday May rust will be the next meeting. DI,TRICT REPRESENTATIVE'S OFFICE AT CLINTON —S. B, Stothers, Co. Rep- resentative, was iu town Thursday of last week and gave THE Powr a call, He is a very busy man and getting about as fast its possible, utilizing a Ford car. Clinton is fixed by the Co. Council, as his headquarters and an office is being fitted up there at corner of Albert and Rattenbury streets, recently occupied by Bradshaw's variety store. A new Window hasut b e e n in North P side, where a private office is situated, town water is being installed, it will be newly decorated and when the place is finished will be an office worthy of the representative of so important a County as Huron, Mr. Stothers is au old Hur- on County boy, his boyhood home being near Lucknow. He has had a practical experience on the farm, is a graduate from Ontario Agricultural College, Guelpit, and has served some time as assistant D'Orict Representative, If he comes to poor community get acquaint- ed with him end Clive him a good boost In his week Iie has a big job in a County as ;area as Huron, where there is room for the( a such officers, but he is e, filing and ready to aid every depart- ment of Agricull ure as far as his time will permit, Mr, Stothers comes of good stock and will matte good, People. We Talk About I Miss Laura Bryans is home from Tor- onto for a visit,. James Bowman, M. P„ Was a week encl visitor from 0lawa. G C. anti Mrs. Manners took a motor trip to Loudon and Detroit. Nliss Matgm•et Downing spent a few class in Stretford visiting relatives. Cardiff Best is home from the Stratford Collegia a having completed his exams for this term. Ray and Mrs, Fear and daughters, Mortis'Towuship, were vis tors at Mrs G. Sparliug'e, Mrs, Fear's mother. Pte. Russell Moore, Clarke Moore and Miss Ada, of Listowel, were calling on old friends fn Brnssels last Sunday. Robert and Mrs Work and daughter, Jean, Toronto, have been renetving old friendships in Brussels and locality. Mrs, R. W, Matheson and MISS Har- riet, of Edmonton, are here on it visit With the former's parents, George and Mrs Crooks Mrs. Alfred Baeker underwent an op- eration lest week et her home, Brussels, and is 11101(111g Rs favorable progress ss could be expected, Mrs De La Peuetore, Kincardine, WAS a vishor in town £ora clay last week, directing the reparation of the pro - firmed Minstrel Entertainment. A cablegram was received from Pte, Fred. Huuter stating safe arrival in Eng- land, 1'tes, O. Wilhee and A Oakley were with the same contingent. MIs L. Stark and Miss Ruth, who visited for several weeks with Mrs, Marsden Smith and Miss Martha, re- turned to their home in Toronto last week. Roy, eldest soh of Peter anti Mrs, Stewart, Brussels, has enlisted with an aviation cords and will (trill Flt Toronto, He has been ettendiug Stratford Col - legate. A, Leetherdale, Orillia, was a wet• come visitor at tho home of his uncle mud aunt, R, and Mrs, Leatherdate, Brussels, last week. This was his first visit to Brussels, which be much enjoy-. ed, Mrs. Jno, Carter is visiting relatives at Owen Sound. Although ' ou In her 86th g Year she mule the trip from Brussels by auto without any particular fatigue. Mrs. Arthur Smith, Norman and Don- ald, and Miss Olive Bailey, of Edmonton, are here on a holiday visit, The Ladies are daughters of S. and Mrs. Bailey, John street. Bob Leckie has gone to Moose Jaw in connectiou with the service of the C. P, R. Company, being transferred from Toronto. We wish him promotion as the years go by, Mrs. Doll and Mrs. Van Norman went to St. Thomas to have a short visit with Pte. Oliver Doll, son and brother respect- ively, before he goes overseas. He was with the troops who went to Quebec to quell the riot. Clarke Moore, sou of M. H and Mrs. Moore, Listowel, formerly of Brussels, has taken a position in a munition plant at Guelph. The Moore connection is well represented in the Military line. No slackers about them, THE PosT congratulates Jack Leckie, B. A., ou the completion of his late course. He was in the Honor class each Year, a most creditable showing. Mr. Leckie will be called to the Bar next Fall. His plans as to the future are being coestdered, Many old friends wish him A t success. Pte, Allingham, who saw strenuous duty in France, being wounded quite seriously, was a visitor in town duriug the past week and is slowly regaining his health. He was a former teller in the Standard Bank Brussels and will re- sume work on the staff at Regina soon. His old friends were glad to greet him and wish complete restoration. Last week Mrs. Jno. Coustey, an old resident of Brussels, left for the West, She was accompanied by the Misses Mc- Lauchlan, her grand daughters, who go to join their parents and other members of the family at Provost, Alberta. Many old friends wish them au enjoyable and prosperous time in their new home, The Listowel Stendard of last week said :—"C. A, Zilliaxspent the week end at his hotne iu Toronto+ having been called there by the illness of his father, Chris Z+Iliax, Mr, Zilliax's many friends here will regret 'to learn that he is seriously ill at his home in Toronto, but hope his recovery will be as rapid as possible." Mr. Zilliax was a former resident of Brussels and o'd friends here trust he will soon be fully restored. t ,w•,+me,.......r,e..+,..,..wn„Aaw•,.,,,rwrro.,..,u...,„,o.ne....n.m.r .,-.,, n..,.:,,, m,,-....r,,.a. ,,..yrwm."`r_,T_I 9191999099969414 6145960 al.11159 959a090000000a0**®raet*00-00060 m O titrcl o o Aft•er the Strain of Winter the System Craves a Spring Tonic la • e n°° taPalatable a e • 4.2 a 00dLiver Extract H • to • • a is good aL all times but par timulttely iia a Spring owbelly. y et 'These are Important Questions ? eAre you run-down and welds f' O 0 Are you subject to Coughs and Colds tel _ I p Are yon subject; to sle(plesenees y N Are you nervone and fidgety p r U 0 If you are it shows your need of this eterling and reliable preparation. V •• Very Pleasant to Take o 0 Do not Imagine that this Preparation is uuplcanant to take, that it; a• • contains Cod Liver Cil, fir Runk is not the Case. The Extract of Ood M • Livers ie entirely free from the Oil.Penslar Palatable Cod Liver Ex- p tract is exceedingly peasant to take eaur•rot upset the most delicate t set tl r t• gYi I n 'R veil, acceptable tole O young children. O st mmali and i tt t t 0 3 1 y g• ® Build up Your Strength W 0 The strain and stress of daily work is often very great. The house- 0 ) 0 wife's cares and endlese duties; the workingmen's arduous toil ; the e g fret and worry of business life so exhansfiug to beth men and women, f1 Ail these cap the strength to such an extent that if neglected the too 0 • f•requent result is a serious break•clown •of the syetem, s e • We have sold a great quantity of Chia splendid preparation during w ® the past three years with I he most gratifying results. e 19 Put up in Two sizes -50e and $1.00 • { (p• O f 1 ..T .. „ • • ) iarrts i, , t • d o STORE DRUG STORE N ® a 0 enst9r,0*rB®slant****U364ie'0003etew000•0Gl6Gt:JGtQr®C>••••••••••••©9 7 James McMurchie, of Blyth is moving his family to Clinton where they tvill re- side for the future. Mr. McMurchie will continue his business ill the private. banking and agency work in Blvth. Miss Edith Derain= is home I•om Mcidester Uoiversity, Toronto,' having completed 2 years of her Arts Course. Site will Heeompans, het father shortly to Merlin for the Summer. W. F. Vanstone Wingllam, received a cable stating that bis son, Capt C. G Vanstone, adjutant of the 161st Bat- talion, had been wounded in France; Capt, Vanstooe !vent into the firing line on April 4111 and was wounded on the 24th, 'Tire PosT ie pleased to hear the wounds are not dangerous. Capt. Van• stone was born in Brussels and the like to 'keep tab on former town taddies. MARRIED M(1DONAL0 — JACKSON.— In tltn Metlmdiet church, Blyth, on Biny 1st, 1018, by Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Lambeth, 5Ir. Robert McDonald, of Brigdeg, Ont., to Miss Mend Yieboria, (laughter of Mr, and Mrs, Berry Jackson, of Morris township. SRUSSEELS MARKET -- Wheat - #2 U7 #2 07 Oats 85 86 Barley i600 0 8 65 Butter 40 40 Bogs 10 26 10 26 Hay 10 00 10 00 Potatoes per bng 1 60 1 60 Notice The Court of Revision on the Assessment _ . _ ....... _._ Roll of the Township of Morris, wilt be held at BORN esern.—In Atwood on April 26th, 1918, to Dlr. and Mrs, 13ert Blair, a daughter. HAnnoty.—In Elmtion April2ist, 1918, to Mr. mud airs, John Morrie t oto, a township, on April HASTINGS 111 11,to Dlr. Morris township, s ng,a on 1018, to Dir. and Mrs, Elmer Hustings, n sou. PAWRON.—III Brussels, on May 2nd, 1918, to Mr and Mrs. W. Pawson, a son. OLEO ARxiN —In Gray Township on May 0th, 1918, Elisabeth Nelson, relict of the late John Askin, in her 88th year, PAWSON: In Brussels, on May 4611, 1818, George Norman, infant son of Wm, and Mrs Pawson, aged 2 days. Por,mor,Anr.uths.—In Ulinton, on April 10th, 1018, George Pollard, aged 80 years and d the Town Hell, in raid Township, on Monday, the 27th any of May, next. at 11 o'clocic a. m. All partiee intereeted will please take notice' and govern themselvesaccordluely. A, MAOEWEN, Clerk, Bluevale, )bray 2nd, 1918. Court of Revision Township of Grey The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll of the Tonmsllin of Grey will be held in the Township Hall, Ethel, on Monday, the 27th day of May, next, at 10 80 o'clock a. in. All parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly, R. MACDONAL.D, Clerk. .Ethel, May 8th, 1018. +•••••••00••••00.0.000•• 00404.00000660e,b 6o4A412-Ir oiRosr Sao*♦♦•®60000®woOA'O•s•s♦•1♦ ♦ Meg0 • A ♦ 0 ♦ 6 0 • 4 • • 9 O a ♦ • • ♦ 0 • Carswell's Cut -rat ash a leanniu Lots for this Week's Selling s al 960 20 pairs only Women's Corsets, fine quality cou- til, 4 hose supporta, reed- Rum and low busts, sizes 18, 10 and 20 only, Regu- lar to $2,00. Olean -tip price— • 95c pair $1.19 20 only Women's and Misses'Middy Waists made of best goal, Middy Cloths itt plain white and stripes, large sailor oases with neat trimmings, sizes 32 to 42. Reg. $1.60. Olean -up $1.19 95c. 0 only Ladies' White Shirt Waists, embroidered and tucked ferrite, long sleeves, a waist that will launder anti wear extremely well, sizes 32 to 40. Reg, $2 50, Olean -up price—, 95c $1.19 10 only Women's HOUSE Dresses trade of best goal. ity.English Prints & Ging. halos, guaranteed fast col. ors, perfect fitting gar• merits, sizee 34, 30 & 88 on. ly, Reg, $1,75. Olean -up $1,19 ' 390 100 pairs only Women,s Heavy Lisle finished Oot- ton Hose, double heel, sole send toe, fast dyes, sizes 3/1 to 10. Regular 50e. Olean -up price— 390 pair $1.19 12 only Women's embroid- aced Silk Net Waists,white or black, long sleeves, one of the best bargains we've ever offered, sizes 84 to 40, Reg, $8.60. Olean -up price $1.19 " 19c 600 yards Wash Goods— Peints,Ginghams, Mualins, Voiles, Repps, etc, large choice of patterns, all ool- ors, guaranteed fast. Reg, to 40c. Olean -up price— 19c yard 19c 5 doe, Women's Summer Vests, 'nada of good tputt ity even yarns, sleeveless, beading alinmed with tape draw strings. Regular 25o. Clean -tip price - 19c 69c 10 pairs Nottingham Lace Onetains, 2i yds, long, 30 In. wile, tape bound, 2dif- Perent designs. Reg, :$1. Olean -up price 00c, ' 16 pairs Nottingham Lace Durtains, 8yds, long, 45 in, wide, free from Diessing, Reg. $1,60, Cleanup price $1,19 2 for. 25c 80 only Japanese Band OrochetDnylies, linen con- tree, 8 different designs, Reg, 26c. Clean-up price 2 for 25c. 1.0 only Cushion fiords, 8 yds, long, assorted °Hint's, tassel ends. Regular me, Olean -up price— 25c 49c 8 only Fancy White Table Oovees 30x80 iu, Reg. 75e. Olean -rip mice 40c, 3 only Oheuile 'Table Onv- ars, 30x30 in, Reg. $;1,00, Olean -up price 000. 4 only Sills Huila. Table Covers. fringe trimming, 80x80 in. Angular $2.00, Olean -up price— $r.49 $1.'75 5 only Silk Ruth, Piano Drapes, 3 yds, long, 27 in. !vide, finished with deep silk fringe. Regular $8,00, Olean -up twice $11,75, 5 pre. Bulb. Bar Muslin Pillow Sharps, scalloped 301E80 in, Regular ;$1,76, Oleanatp price— $11.19 pair • O • 0 • • • • O • • • • •• • ♦ • • • 0 • • 2r 0 O + <t• •e tl 0 • •O • • 6 Straw Hats at Special Sale Prices this week m 49e 0 only Silk Ent- broidered Cushion !Taps, Reg, 75c, Otean-up price•--• 49c Carswell The Store that Saves You Money • 4 69c• • ii only Sill( I lnbrold- • ered Cushion Tops, Reg, ;$1,00. Oleamup • price— • 680 ••••t•••••*Oboe •••• *IP •••••••0•••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••1••N•••••••••••* 1