HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-5-9, Page 5F bl)SINE tt +IARA8, JNO, SUTNERLA.NO & RDNR LIMITED dYA}ILTOI! LFt'tiyy+dc fir V' PF:•'i*e 01410 • IMM, SPE'NCE OONVEYANCEB AND ISSUER of MABRIAGE LICENSES moo it the dost 01Rae, Ethel. 6e-4 AUCTIONEERS. ��7 B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • SRA, will sell for bettor prices, to better mei in leas time cud less °Larges than any ether Auctioneer In East Huron or be won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at thisollloe or by personal application. LEGAL. AND CONVEYANCING. VM. SINCIrAIB— • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, em. oillee—Stewart's Blook 1 door North o! Central Hotel. Solicitor for Fire Metropolitan Sank, Business Cards JAS, ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON, Suooessor to M. I3, Moore. °Moe et Ander- ,ox 1....-tamrxmtmax.nremnrcucoerraier 6� Advertising mates (t' ,1.1.OWING are theAdverlislug RnleA iu 9 TIIN YnnT:- Y.• H n t I I, D t I lvnut l (, I'f awl In-, Ile el 1 n lvt-tm nth,.e,ton .11, -mi ere- 111 per tills lot Hast innnr- Isal i 1.11..al, 1•au nt 11tH Ilton 6e line, A 11 n,dnas of Enterounmentn where fee i9 ell urged or roll'rl ion taken, lite per print• ea hn1•, tone.n bilin aro isene.1 by GII Is or - tie.. for plants. Legal nd verti.7ng--1(k; and&+pee thin, (Poul. t 1 h ala+, rain W,.dditm aun"na rntrnte, rnr. Yeuphr t I 1 b nuts nt.truoth,ne will be beta resi,en-mit. tot 1.111, payment, B,i.4„11+1.:1,.1 11i.ari,.1..11.1„ .},+}„i^,h3,.1.,pi.i..1,• GAIO D �11J'%/�',FWX 6,ri.'ni zz irar BRUSSELS (YnrNU NonTlr UOIND No wen Porprasa........ 7:18 a m I Mail... ..........11 :ds a an Express 0:51 urn I Express ......., 0:17 p m Comm/ex Par WPM WALTON To Toronto To Goderlch itxpress 7:82 n m Express ...,.....12;10 pm Express 2:00 p m Express O;Od pm WROXETER (tonna Nest - 7:11 a. M. and. 0:01 p, rn. Going West - 12:00 and 0:65 p. m, All trains going East conneot with C. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elea and T te. B. statlol9. GEO. ALLAN, Local Agent. Ander- son Bros. Livery stable, Brnssols. 9'olephons rat Q�t,� A��a reins Na, 20. .bU,�h- b fd C�qi .41 DR. WARDLAW Boner graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Da and night. calls. Office opposite. Flour Mill, Ethel. T. T. M' RAE M. B., M. C. P., & S. O. ISI. O. H., Village of Brussels. Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur ORdee at residence, opieNitc Melville Church, William vtreet. MAUDE C. ,BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Opphthal- mology, McOormfrk 'Medical College, Chicago, 111., is prepared to test eyes and lit glasses at her office over Miss Inman's millinery afore. Office days—Wedne.day, Thursday, Friday end Hsturdny of every webk. Office hours -10 to 12 a, m. ; 1 to Op. in. Evenings by appoint- ment, Phone 1210. JAMES TAYLOR Llceueed Auctioneer for Huron Co, SatlelaetlOn asenrod ; Charges moderate. Write or Telephone if not convenient to call, Both Brussels and Neth Huron Phones. BELGRAVE P.O, PHOOOFOOT, MOHAN b COOHE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, &c. Office on the Square, 2nd floor from Hamilton Street, C-IODERICH, ONT. Private Punch; to loam at lowest rates. N. PROUDBOOT, K. C. ,t• L, KILLDNAN H. J. D. Conan Clubbing Hates For 1913 Following are. the Clubbing Ralvsthis PosT is making for next year to Canadian Posloffiees :— THItI POST acid Daily Glebe... ...... $ 5 00 ” Mail•L`mpitr......,. 5 00 it 'Nunn° \Vorld,... 5 (10 Toronto Star . 4.25 „ 'roe onto News .. 4 25 London Advertiser 5 00 London Free Press 5 00 " Mutiny ILnrahl,.. 2 75 \Veekly Witness. 2 80 Far. Advocate_..... 3 00 Nor. Messenger2 00 World \Vide... . 3 20 Presbyterian 2 75 Farm and Dail y,.. 2 30 „ Former's Sun 2 20 If papers 711 a to be sent to the Unit- ed Slates additional postage iv neces- sary. Gash must terrunup my all orders Rs Dm city papers give no credit. Send money by Express Order, Post- al Note or Registered Lepel'. dank Ohegnes must have commission added, Address V. il W. H. TZl,Rr rl B•sel9 ()Intl THE POS:[` Brussels, •••04.4441•099410-08,099•4•91.9•04o Sam Weinstein ♦ • Successor to M. Yolleck . eIs prepared to play '`, • highest price for O ;,SCrap Iran, se Rags, * Rubbers 4, 8Z,Cr 3` 'C • 0 0 1.Woli aka] Highest price paid. See • nae before you sell, I • . Write or Phone 02x 0 0 o o SAM WEINSTEIN • MILL STREl7T BRUSSELS Miro • ••••••N•••••••••••••••d••• f • d • O • e p 0 0 • • • •• . • 0 • O • O . READ the advertiseinents and profit thereby, Time a look at the label on your copy of THE POST. Ws beard of a chauffeur who was "pinched" for travelling taster than the law permits on the King's highway. Nu:murns commercial travellers are utilizing automobile locomotion to econumize time owing to unsatisfactory train service. TUB POST will he glad to see— Mflowers. Early rhubarb, 8 Restoration of sick folk. Lively business this season, The good old Summar time.. Hearty support of Red Cross efforts. Preservatiou of our soldier boys lives, At the request of the overseas military authorities, M. F. Fallon, Bishop of Lon- don, left to visit the Canadian arty in England and France. During his lord- ship's absence the affairs of the diocese will be iu charge of Rev. D. O'Conuor, V. G., administrator. PROHIBITION IN MtcxdcAN.—The Pro• hibitiou Law came into effect iu the State of Michigan on 6'1ay rst which menet closing rsoo saloons. By Mat- ting off the sale ut liquor in Detriot and Port Huron the Prohibition Law will haven better enforcement iu Western Ontario especially in Windsor and Sarnia. The program of the London Metho- dist Cott ference,• which convenes at Walkerville on Thursday, June eth, has been published, This will be the gsth annual session. Walkerville is an awk- weld point to get to from this Northerly zone aunt as the usual Conference c rail- way rtueS are cut off the attendance may be considerably reduced. Capt. Wm. Proud foot, M. C. has arriv- ed Mune to Uoderich, and at his own re- quest, received in advance of his arrival, uO civic reception was head He Non g montbs' furionglt from April gbh. In spit° of two yetln, of strc•utious hfe in the tear zone, [luring which period he was several times wounded, he SRys he -feels well, and he is enjoying the rest quiet of. home, Capt. Proudfoot is lite sou of Barrister Proudfoot M. P. P. A youth named Jack Anderson, of izlncardiee, is to be presented with a medal for practical heroism in rescuing Nurse Daniels, well known in Brussels, front a watery grave. While at a picnic party at Inverhuron last Summer, sev- eral ladies had gone bathing in the lake and getting into deep water came nearly losing their Imes if timely help had not arrived, Anderson who Is only 14 years of age, had to [live for Miss Daniels. It was a brave act and worthy of recognr t on: No MORE LIQUOR SHIPATENTA,— Any stocks of 1 Tier lett in the Express Office after May rat have been seized by the Inspectors anti It Is now illegal for any persons to seed, ship or bring, or cause to be sent, shipped or brought into elle Province of Canada, with the exception of Quebec, any I guar containing more l-ru two and one Ilaif per cent alcohol; the stocks en isand 111 the cellais of private homes in Huron County can only ba used, while he are underthe- Canada t he- Cra Temperance erauce Act, for persona, or family use, and people should be care fel not to jive It away or to treat theta fr.euds as the are liable t o >rose yCoto 1 u by so doing, After the celebration of high \lass at uesto•th, on Sabbath lath telt, -Rev. Father"Norrhgravea w.ls presented by the parishioners of St,. lames' church, with a purse coularning $17o 00 as a token of their affection and esteem Father Northgraves has beeu a resident of that town for a number of years and during that time has endeared him self to Catholic and Protestant alike by his Minable disposition and'quiet,' unos tentalious life. Ills scholarly attain- ments, too, accorded him ft Prominent Ohre among the clergy. After the death of: the late Itev. P, Corcoran, with whom he spent his declining days, North raves decided ed to make his g is in London where he hone removed anti will in future reside, ` The good wishes of ever class of Ilse corn accom- pany Y aged ries[ tan the ) 'l`ho rev, aunt°- 1 y g I g s knownnto the eau turnR. C. congrega- tion Rt Brussels, Perth County Eire of unknown origin completely destroyed Lire old Vietory Mille, On Wal erstreet. smith HI. Marys, Satur- day afternoon, with a large quantity of (lax, `l.'he loss will be 1430,0011, and is covered by ineurahce, The blaze broke o t about 3,30 in the engine ine h t ti room, and spread rapidly tin nigh Jho Whole building. The factory was own- ed by Weir (C Weir, but had been nc• eupied for aortae time by A, L. Ma Oread,v, as it flax mill, Large (lama. lie. et' flax, couch of it already maim. Earl ured, were boiled, Aa Ihere-were no bydettule neat• the factory the fire department took Hie fire engtiu• (Meru , and lewd it, Bei'd.'rav'e Privity elnneh report fur the post year ie one of which the emigregaton , and Finance Mhdetee, !Hebeid Proc. ter', may be deem welly proud, 111- cludieg the balance careled over, $1024.00 was eaieed anti alter paying all C1RDIN the tidy balauee of. $113 56 14e1114i/I ire the treasury, The rector is Rev. W. B. Hawkins, who Jabots as• sid0ously fort the welfare of the con- gregation. O1llciary consist of It. Procter, rector's Warden ; Archie Budges, People's Warden ; B. John- son, It. McMurray, Ohas. Johneton, Neil McClea, Jerry Biydgeeand Robt. Meth ea, Sidesulen; Jot). WOW anti W. ,i, McMoreay, Auditors ; B, Brad - Mum, Vestry Clerk, ]t, McMurray delegate to ,Synod with 13, Procter as alternate. Teiuity church rector and congregation are to be congratulated, Grey A letter recently eeceived from Pte, John Kielmonell, who has been in the hospitals in England suffering from 'shell shock and Trench fever, says he has returned to his Battallou and able to report for duty, iris went overseas with a battalion from Brandon, Man. Pte. Kirlccon0ell is a son of Jap. Kirk - Connell, 10th Con. Gley township. SCHOOL REPORT.—Following is the report of S. S. No, 2, Grey, for the month of April. Those names mark- ed thus * have obtained 75 % of the examinations. The names are arrang- ed in melee of merit. Sr, IlL—Earl Mills*, Isabel Bremner, Gertrude Eve- leigh, Howard Beirues. ;Jr, III—Beta Mills*, Florence Bremner*, Joe Arm- etrong•, Nellie Campbell, Umbelb Lucas. Sr. IL—Margaret Armstrong*, Aleck Alexander and Edna Eveleigh* (even) Myr Ile Carson, Vernet Carson, Myrtle Ward, Walter Ward, Ethel Ward, LUBA Thompson. Jr. Clarence Cleric,* Melvyn Hamilton*, Jessie Campbell, Norman Beitmee, Willits Lucas. Jr. 'l.—`.Pomeroy Lucas, Stanley Alexander. Pruner,—Iiugh. es At•mstrong, Lena Ward, Leslie, Carson. M. BURGESS, Teacher. Morris What about year entry for the Standing Fielcl Crop P Having sold his mercantile business at Henfryn Alex. and Mrs. Russell have returned to their farm on the 0th line. We welcome them back. Sonool REPORT.—Pollowing is the report of S.S. No. 8, Morris, for the month of April :—Honore 75; Pttss 00— Sr. IV.—Margaret McNeil 82, Eldred Miller 70, Everett Nichol 68, James Duocan 51*. Jr. 1V.—Vereua Clark 81. III Class—Miller McAeter 77, An- nie Clark 80, Allan Speir 0*. 11 Class —A nclery Miller 93, Edith Waghorn 51, Howard Clark 40. I Class—Laura Waghorn 87, Margaret Nichol 77, .lean Smith 75, Myrtle Cook 57, Evelyn Cook 55, Rollie Marks 10*, Jean Shedden, Sr. Pr. —Alvin Rut- ledge 02, Douglas Smith 75, iVlorris Leitch 05, Letta Hawkins 48, Vernon Rutledge 27*. Jr. Pr, -Rhea Rut- ledge, Stewart Shedden, Herbert Hawk' es, John Clark. The best spellers for the month were, Merger - et McNeii, Miller McArler,Edith 1Vnghorn, Myrtle Cook, Alvin Rut- ledge, Douglas Smith, 11A an NOBLE, Teacher, Wroxeter R CROSS — Chin tri tuitions for month ending April 25th for the Wtoxeler Rets Cross :— G. Allen $4 00 Mrs. G. Allen $2:00 .1. Allen 200 M, Anger 2.00 R. Black 200 Miss Climhj 2.00 1. Douglas 1 00 Jas. Douglas 50 F. Davey 1,00 J. Griffith 50 \V. Gibson 50 miss 50 R. Hupfer 1,00 W. iJmzlewood 2 00 W. Hayes 5.00 J. Higgins 1.00 J. Halliday 50 T. Hemphill 0.00 W. Knox 1.00 Sf'King 50 Miss Lovell 5,00 0. Malcolm 1.00 W. Mines 1 UO J. 14/1/.1118011 25 Mrs. Mnitro 1.00 G. Muir 50 F Musgeove 1.00 F. McIntosh 200 T. AlcKercher1 00 D. A1CTrtvish 200 It, MoMichat-1100 A. hit:Michael 200 W. 11eLem t 1 00 P. AI wen 500 Mrs McL'wen 5 UO files. McLeod 1.00 N. Plant 25 E. Palmer 21)0 W. Hohinson 75 R..1. RRnn 200 Its Ratio— 2110 i\liss ktitchie 50 H. Rolston 1,00 Mrs. Richardson \li,. 8.11u1.1Nell 25 (100) nl oat, 1•un IIID miss Shipley 50 ll, s Hinson 3 00 II, Timm 1.00 S T it i• 50 It Taylor 1.110 \.\ „\elvoIlll\ e11111g 100 ti . f .• \1'n•uuul 1 00 Mrd. r l n \\ s n 50 J. Wilke 00 1 White 1 00 I 1 S u11.'g 1 00ntal Sn 00. \pnlSlim uary - 41Onncebnonghtfo f - vnt WIIS OS Comet bution �8S 00 t"omitY urnot (Turnheeiy), 250.00, Total, 825308 Peid for materiels, $172 83 ; balance rat tied forward, $8115. Total, $25808. Goods ship pent—iDS pyjama suits, I8 flannel shirts, 00 pair.snx, 00 towels, 30 411 -teller caps, 12 face cloths, 24 hand ketch lore. Wtn¢hans W. A, Wahl and Itoy McLellan, Listowel, arrested on a charge of eeck- less motoring and violation of the liquor laws, were fined $50 and costs esel by Police Magistrate Morton. eieLellen did not have the money and [vent to ,jail in the meantime. 8 sealed bottles td 1411.101t. were confiscated by young Id the authorities. itis, oun tthor l s. The. en created a scene on Alain street by llrl , their t'eOl t.99 thivin g "hu effect of extra shipments of 1 I liquor into the Province during the early mouths of the year by 'those who were piepit ing for the "long dry spell" will he seen for many weeks to conte, and Huron County is no exception its this respect, Inspect- oe Mitchell, assisted by officers of the /Invert Tenmerance Alliance, !wide it few unexpected calls hove, and as a re- sult, two business men, A. M. Knox and W. C, Patterson, 'appeared before Police Magistrate Morton to answer ebonies of being intoxicated, mid both pleaded guilty, and paid $10 and );20, reepectively, in fines in addition to costs. .Albert Loutitt, a local Dutcher, n't Work and—Wish ow ani t 1-1„, � When drastic regulations for the ratirtv.ro;;: of food come into effect (and such Order in Council may be ni p.dt: ver), next Fall) you will wish then, ilia { < ll had a crop of nice vegetables t't.ot1', t:', take off your garden or nearby pkve vacant land that you could have cultivated if you had really wanted to. Well, all we say is— n' t� J rr sit and— If #.i ca. If you have not yet decided to plant a vegetable garden matte up your 11-A tO do so now. You will not regret it. There is still lots of time. Potatoes and bea::s may be planted up to June 1st and these are the best substitutes for wheat and inent. For gond, practical advice upon how to lay out and cultivate a Vel.:q:°?°ale Garden, write for a free copy of the booklet entitled: "A Vegetable= Carlen for Every home.” This has been prepared by the Ontario Department of AgTic;e.nz /w for the guidance of citizens who will respond to this call for increased production. - Mail This Coupon NOW szr Organization of Resources Committee, Parliament Buildings, Toronto Dear Sirs : Please send me a copy of your booklet "A Vegetable Gamlen f',; Every Home." Name...._..._ 5 Address ORGANIZATION OF RESOURCES COMMITTEE In Co -Operation with Canada Food Board ..®SMOC ..+ITIO, who figured in a court ease a few weeks ago for being intoxicated, ack- nowledged that he was guilty of a vi- olation of the Canada Temperance Act by causing a shipment to be brought in illegally, and fined g y, $50 and enste; and J. D. Metcalfe, a farmer of Torn berry Township, also pleaded guilty in con- nection with the same shipment, and paid $50 and costs into the county treasury. Ethel LADIES' AID.—Pew organizations are more zealous and practical in their work than the Ladies' Aid of the Met.hndist church. Last year they raieed $670.00 from dues and entertain- ments, $800,00 were paid to the church Building Punta and $101 00 for the new organ in addition to other minor expenditures. A balance of about $75 is in hand. Officiary eon - diets of Airs. C. ()leaver. President ; Mrs. W. Slemmon, Vice President ; Secretary, Mrs. S. S. Orale ; Tree:ewer, Mrs. Gen. Addy ; Assistant Treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Cole. IS THERE FOUL SIR Iii THE SCHOOL Dr, William Brady Writes in the Brooklyn Eagle on "Tete Foul Air Schoolroom." He says that the child- ren of New York who Were lucky to be sick en ou h to gainalt»SSIOn tb the open air schoolroom last 'tet winter showed 1 noticeable improvement in scholarship, p, K gain in weight and gen- eral unprovement in health, Most Twentieth ett Century communities now have open air schoolrooms at least for the delicate and physically back-. ward children, Dr. Brady says that a schoolroom heated up to or above 70 degrees Fahrenheit in any part of the school session may be called a foul air schoolroom, according to our present conception of What constitutes foul air; It matters not at ail what method of so -culled ;ventilation is employed if the warmth be such that its effect is depressing, and when the temperature is artifically raised above 68 degrees the warmth does begin to be depress- ing. It is a great comfort to an intelli- gent mind to observe e the steadily ilY Se - creasing prevalence of alleged "colds" and of the alleged "children's dis eases" in schools with open a rooms.ons. 1t must discouraging the molly- coddles. to e g 5 Y coddles, For generations School chil- dren have been kept good and warns, and thus ripened for adenoid opera- tions. Leven the doctors, until recent years, have Just advised and per- formed these operations without a thought or a word about the condi- tions which made theta necessary. The times change. i•iere and there you will find a board whose members" do not unanimously feel that they know more than the doctors know about sanitation,, ventilation and personal hygiene. The constantly increasing. standard of health among school chil- dren in enlightened cornmunities is attributable to this belated capitula- tion of school boards. How about it? Do YOUR children still languish in a foul air school- ) tit ro I ) o s YOUR school conducted act ed upon Ninteenth Century principles? Are the windows hermetically sealed ? Have a look at the school room ther- mometer at 2 o'clock of an afternoon. If you find conditions unsatisfactory, send the teacher a set of cloth screens such as have proved so satisfactory in other schools where foul air had im- paired everybody's efficiency. THE LATEST AUTO JOKE Three motorists reached the gates of Heaven, where St. Peter stood with the keys. The first drove up in an expensive limousine. Peter unlocked the gate. "Come in," said he. "You belong to the aristocrats." The second arrived in a light six. "Back Entrance," said Peter, "with the tradespeople." The third toddled up in a Ford. "Anel" said Peter,"second gate on the the left, and you'll see a signpost, 'To Il--,' You're one of the Christian Sience bunch; you only think ,you have a ear." **•O* ...... 0••••••••••O. OA • ? • C . • e • �I @�i . Tr e s I 4 9 d m a B� m - r • d �I a c. a ,. I . 9 e ��_ - a a • �, e �� 0 Spring Time is e ••0 Kodak Time 9 . • • • Thera is u0 time of the Scor' 4 when conditions are better • for Photography 111411 the • ••S Spring, as the Might, clear a clays make it ideal flee sun )- • s Y 1 g • shote. The mere thought of e • nn -dOnr U Ctivities suggest• .• •the Itodak • • The pelves of the Eastman • e 41lino of Mumma are such as * • to meet uirerne:nts or 2 • all po°ketethe 1`eq. We e4rry 4 complete etockofthese Cam- i eras, also ell Fihns, Paper, j Powders, ante, • @ • • We invite you to call and s • see our complete line. • I o, g • a . Jld R. 1Menclt • o Jeweler and Optician, Wroxeter •••N•••••••••••••••••••••• Where worne 98 intereStS are supreme— Under the heading, "Por and About Women," the interests and activities of the modern wo- man are taken Care of daily in wt. it (til. nti pire. There the feminine reader sees tho diversified concerns of her sex reflected in brief, Informative articles of timely interest. Children mid Wttr Savings, Domestic Service reform, An Interest - int; Now Wardrobe, Central Kitchens,. and An Independent. Pamily, are a few of the topics discussed in recent issues. Part of m e p b a •e is "l e Int." in which current social st roris are e, , n(ti•led. Vin,, e• s ,�, n:om n who tv i h to keep Informed •1 r i au what i going on n her tiFu par- ticular >* i O , :inhere may do so by reading n lett; daily error n.nd Ahem \ r ri Wnor " "O ) .' ( n and n I tt ' n DonnSatur- days "-Woman's 's \ . i.in , ' rd0m' is an n l,tational fea- ture especially interesting to women readers. 5,1,00 per annum. by mail—$5.00 delivered. Order through dealer, local paper or direct, farAWL mi10 te'3IUp1;11e. C.Iftcrt- ••\TION DEPAR'rxttms, Tottowa . 900.0000.0444.9004.041644•41'11,40,ON••00.0•00•-•••••A••RaN• • The o�aGood School e• Z i Ie lint lVlntt it promises, hut what it dors, Our gr td1lttlee BHT and HOLD the hest, positions, The employer of a recent grad- uate says t "She is the lila gii1 1 have had to a long time whose work I could depend un, and forthwith he raised her Pay Straltford, Ont. • • •• • • • • • • r v i .' P/�' " • • and ii4/ingI'Ba.mg pr>rt• Z • ••••••••••••••••••••••••9• ••6•••A•.0•.•••••••••••••••