HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-5-2, Page 3•
Town is Favorite Target—limnlis
Dropped Early and Often—Many,
Windows Broken.
"Mournful Mary" Is the soldier'e ,
nicluaciatt fur the municipal siren;
which warns the population of Caleb; '
that CM my aircraft are approaching,!
says a Pari; correspondent. The per -1
eititent :Ott Mimi which the Germane
Tray I.o this port is teetitied by the
fact that ce, sr a large area the town
entirely last: t glass, while almost '
every bee ce has its specially strength-
ened and eatellstessed dugout. A small
army of workmen is digging indus-
triously in several of the squares and.
small parks of the town construeting
public she Iters, which are absolutely ,
essential if the tev,ai is to continue in
existence at all.
Eaey Target For Hun.
The Germans can raid the town
comfortably between dinner and sup-
per and, if they (choose, can try again.
in the evening, As for night bomb-
ing, the town is so easily found that .
not CV011 a Innen is necessary—any
reasonably fine night will do.
On one night recently the town was, ,i,
raided for five hours continuously. On
the following night it received 100
bombs. An officer who spent twenty-
four hours there en route to England'
wrote to a friend:
"The hotel where I intended to stay
lost its last window last night, so I
put up at another hotel which still
boasts a few panes of glass. I ar-
rived in town a little before noon, and
at noon precisely Mournful Mary be-
gan her day's performance. We na-
turally looked up toward the heavens
and, sure enough, there were nine
enemy airplanes advancing in forma-
tion as if on parade. They dropped
their bombs around the town and were
then driven away by British machines.
"Things were quiet until toward the
end of the afternoon, when Mournful
' Mary suddenly interrupted our din-
ner. The man I was with took me
to his house, which he shared with a
Belgian colonel and his family. We Archbishop of York spent a short
groped nur way down two flights of A large part of the output of any
time at Wycliffe College, where the
cellar stairs into a small and airless coal mine is mere dust, or "slack,"
Founders' Chapel was the particular
chamber, strongly sandbagged and which formerly was thrown away as point of his interest, the larger part
protected with beams. We sat there worthless. But within the last very of the building being at the present
in the dark for an hour, when sod- few years it has been discovered that time used for military purposes
this dust, when mixed with a suitable Doctor O'Meara, the principal showed
dents, the electric lights went on, in -
"binder" and molded into briquettes, him the Roll of Honor which gives the
dicating that the danger was over, As
Little Chance for Sleep, of combatants, and the Memorial Rol
"I had just got back to my room dustries and for running locomotives. on which are. inscribed the names of
when Mournful Mary g 1„. The main difficulty was to find a two graduates and seven under
forth. I decided to stay aw-haeinre Ibrs°v-aes sticky substance that would hold the graduates who have paid the supreme
particles of coal dust together—some- price of self-sacrificing service. The
this time. Outside my window I could
thing cheap, that would not leak out tablet in memory of the Founders,
crating hum of aircraft propellers, and that would make briquettes proof and Axel Enders' famous picture of
plainly hear that ominous and pene-
and presently there came a `crash- against time d weather, resisting the Resurrection, were objects of his
me an
crash.' The windows rattled and the eels and temperature, high or low. special remark,
Before leaving, His Grace offered
walls shook. Then there were six To meet these requirements was Et
intercession for the College and its
more similar explosions, but not so matter of no little difficulty. Among Staff, its students and its graduates.
Arch -
near. Then silence, and presentlly the the many things tried Were refuse
, Ile was accompanied by the Arch -
molasses, quicklime, acid sludge (a bishop of Algoma, the Bishop of Tor -
lights went on again. waste of petroleum refineries) and onto, the Mayor of the city, Arch -
True Shaving Comfort
Every man who uses an
AutoStrop Safety Razor is
loud in its praise. le's
proud to own one because
it is his hest friend.
It matters not how ten•
der your face or how stiff
your beard, the AutoStrop
will give you a clean, com-
fortable shave in short
It is the only razor on
the market that sharpens
its own blades automati-
Guaranteed to Satisfy
Complete Outfit
AutoStrop Safety Razor
Co., Limited
83-S7 Delco St., Toronto, Ont.
A. a Soldier's Dog in the Trenches. A eas-se.ess ece•.ess s • ,ces for
Says Tommy.
Ford Cars, Sent for $22.60.
"We'll t doe; fir4 If we ean't AGENTS WANTED
get a clog we'll tette a gent, oe it ce,!., infr, MORGAN SALEI:a i Os
or a pig, a rabbit, a sheep, or, ys s 115 Yonge Street, Toronto
even a wildetst, We'll take :myth', ,
for a ,remit companion, but give ll 4,.. "...* „„.., .
laielitarlfint, u:tiph xy0),h, of ths . tl
a dog fiesta,
Gordon igillundor V.Ien speaking.
lie has las n at the front :ince tha
war started and Ilse K,‘,...11 f1,011:1111," if)
The Correct Time.
A certain plat ccen cencinaceler
esonewlecee in France" lesist.c.1 upon
oliedicnee. instant tool complete.
"Smith," he 8:,i,1 to his servant re-
,"sullY, "I wen: Ito 4i0V.11
rte.` ,s"sect
lisle "
Smith shuffled his feet and
with his funte,'"•
The CIL r • II man," roared the efficer.
ately. "why don't you 441, at you are
"I'IM S(4, ir," repli,s1 the e,r, v314,
"A watch ft V 1/t.L.Y.'of teal the
• • Vi hat 'I, f a watch — d
telly If you It .de tinit elversd be
roitt-y..d half or cal, third, rear se
enly ttlecet tfiird oz• it resister of the
secs.: s•ccoci ecteli for three -4,
fonr seaeons.
s .1.1.-44 r. rat
1J .IiY
114 ..”A 14,10 wing :).1
Pl.ry tialt.• pay, sent
; yercaraet tratureat °erect esusern. Eta saiscessc.. ecteseee 'ass s• cat c-te.scce ,:err
I,s,rticitio.s. Nlatiul'Lr.. ing
4 ‘,010.105., hoer1,.I
(leaning Cordarey. . .
9 nisekiv, "I I letven't wetell!"
all iia phases. Ile a.11.4. leers, in his
puttees of the dog al maa's romper:- t.
ion in lonely places. Ile merely echo-
ed what every other soldier thinks.
"People wile haven't been at -the
front don't hnow whet a hide com-
panionship maims to a inan on patrol
duly, are in it d,t!.!out, or ahat feisky
pup mettle, to a whole someeny. Dogs
were ,-esel, to be man's companion,
and Pin tile:vast if I don't think the
dogs know it 1w -tier than we do.
"It doesn't seem to matter vAutt
kind of dog it is. You'll find highly
t you'll
bred animals at the fron and
find dogs that wouldn't be admitted
to any self-respecting dog show when
it comes to looks, but for loyalty and
devotien the thoroughbreds don't out-
class the mongrels. They all seem
to have the sante spiril. The doge
'Mew the dangers of. tha trenches.
Some of the mascots have been there i lust the coat for the wee boy or
since the war started. They have seen, girl. McCall Pattern No. 7400, Child's
Coat and Cap. In 4 'fixes, 6 months
hundreds of men killed and have :weal
other dogs stretched out by shell tire., to 3 years. Price, 10 cents.
"The pups know when a barrage is
on where they can find safety, and
they go there, unless the man they
look to as master is going somewhere
elect. Trust the dog to stick hard by,
no matter whether it is in the danger
zone or not.
"They hang around till doomsday if
they are allowed to do so. And when
the master is killed the dog still sticks
around, and sometimes it is a long,
long time before he picky up with
some one else.
"Take it from one who knows, the
life of a soldier would be far more
lonely if it were not for the dogs. And
other animals are worth having, too.
Some of the boys train birds and
chickens and even rats. The 'addle
who's got a fine Airedale or a Scotch
terrier is the happiest soldier on the
line, though,"
The Archbishop of York at Wycliffe
On his recent visit to Toronto, the
Problem to Find a Substitute to 'fold
Particles Together.
I went back to my hotel distant firing becomes an even better fuel than lump names of thirty graduatesands seven
was plainly audible. coal. Already it is being largely used ty undergraduates who aervieg
with His Majesty's forces as Chaplains
in such shape by manufacturing
"I began to undress and was just
ready to jnmp into bed when there
came ten appalling crashes, mingled
with the smashing of glass. This
time Mournful Mary had been outwit-
ted, but site made up for lost time by
a series of blasts immediately after
resin. deacon Cody, And a number of
Coal -tar pitch and asphaltic pitch, clerical and lay friends.
I The new College flag was flown in
have proved satisfactory for the pur-
honor of his visit.
pose—the former being a by-product;
of the distillation of coal -tar, while If your orchard, or any part of it,
the latter is derived by similar pro- is old, neglected, and unprofitable and
cess from heavy asphaltic oils. 1,1u
- beyond successful renovation, get rid
the explosions were over. There was as yet the whole business of coal bri- of it root and branch as a eumberer
silence again; the lights went on; 1 quetting is in an experimental stage, of the land that may he put to more
got into bed. The crashes again; very the shapes into which the briquettes profitable use. Do the job now or
loud humming; then lights on again.
I decided there was little chance of
getting a night's sleep in this town,
so I got out a book and tried to read
in bed,
But I no more than got interested
in my book than out went the lights,
and there was another visitation, an
exact repetition of the previous one,
This time the Mournful Mary and
the bombs coincided exactly. There
were two more visits before daybreak
besides two false alarms by Mournful
It is in this town that a famous
group of statuary stands as a record
of the heroism of the city's bombers
in the fourteenth century. Beside this
group of statuary there now stands
the wreck of a captured Gotha, down-
ed by anti-aircraft fire while bomb-
ing the city. After the war the citi-
zens plan to erect a replica of it in
marble, dedicated to those who have
gone through the ordeals of the
past few 'months,
The Angel.
Way over there in Frame somewhere,
Somewhere beneath God's sky,
While bullets pour and cannons roar,
.And glorious banners fly,
Our brave boys fight there day and
And for their country die.
And over there in France somewhere
Where lies the road to fittne,
To glory, immortality,
Ono clay an angel came,
With soft words on her smiling lips,
And Kindness was her nein°.
And when our wounded soldiers felt
That angers gentle touch
Their hearts were filled with grati-
Their happinese was anal
They klased the very ground she trod,
And wept with joy and prayed to God,
And asked: "Are you an angel front
Another universe?"
Then with a sigh she made reply:
"No, I'm 'a Ibld °VOSS Nuree."
are molded being as various as the
binders employed in their manufac-
Vegetables are necessary for keep -
more cups than ordinary tea and, be -
ng the body in health.
sides, has that unique, delicious flavor.
Winning the War Depends on the Co-
operation of the Stay -at -Homes.
In a bus the other day I saw. a wea-
ther-beaten soldier who will have a
great deal to tell his children and
grandchildren some day if he comes
through the war, says a London writ-
er. Ho lumbered into the bus with
his steel helmet hanging over his
shoulder, his boots spattered with mud ary cold cream one can prepare a full
and clad in the full regalia of the quarter pint of the most wonderful
the rib- lemon skin softener and complexion
trenches. He was wearing
bona of the D.C.111., M.M., Mons Star, beautifier, by squeezing the juice of
French Croix de Guano, Russian St, two fresh lemons into a bottle con -
George's Cross, Sudan of 1898, South tabling three ounces of orchard white.
African (Queen's and King's) the Na- care should be taken to strain the
service juice through a fine cloth so no lemon
cal Rebellion and the long
pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep
iailhis left arm was the wound fresh for months. Every woman
stripe and upon the right ono red and knows that lemon juice is used to
three blue service chevrons. Nearly bleach and remove such blemishes as
every one in the bus arose as he step-
ped in, but he remained standing.
Everyone wanted to speak to him, but
he didn't encourage conversation. Fin-
ally an elderly Mall, in the most con-
descending way, said(
"I guess you've been where the
fighting has been pretty hot,"
"Yes," said the warrior, politely.
",You've been through other wars?"
"Yes." (Again politely.)
"We're going to win this war, -aren't
we?" (After a pause.)
' the people at home keep as stiff
an upper lip as the fellows over in
France do, we'll win."
That WWI abOUil all.
olse begin on its renovation.
One luxury that is actually an eco-
myis Salads. Tea. It yields many
teaches food
Magic Boking_Powder costa
no more than the ordinary
!Ong& .For eel:mon-1y) byy
the onelound tips.
'"R"'" e" <111.111,1, 11411,“
offitet. at •
fur? Just, v..rite it. down se: e bit
of paper!"
Give Back l erd a rhanice.
csn grow a srop just
will as the rural marled. geattitin.
St people ',tort Litat a poor
net produce a crop, l'his tw
m• ti, Pit! it Wvil fettitige
it with isiives are: street. s s om,)j)if,h.
I Change the chope el a tree g e
• 0.
Flow to loe nen a tender corn or
talkie so it Ufa; out
without pain.
Plunge up and down in warm
Let folks step on your feet here-
seapy water, liAllg u pure white :amp.
after; wear shoes R size emaller if you
Riese in several clear waters ab.I ilt,
like, fur corns Will never :14.,:a,n L end
not put through the wringer, but hang
electric sparks of pain thrnegh you, dripping to dry. Brush to smooths
according to this Chteinnati authority.
the nap, but do not iron.
Ile says that a few drops cie e drug
called freezone, applied directly upon
a tender, aching corn, insta, tly re-
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Heves soreness, mid goon the entire
all, lifts right out. Gentlemen,' had my leg badly
eorn, root and
This drug dries at (illf.0 and simply hurt, the Pain was very aver" slid
shrivels up the corn or callus without a large swelling came above the knee.
I expected it would be serious --I
even irritating the surrounding tissue.
rub} cd it with MINARD'S LIM-
A small bottle of frenetic olflairied
at any drug store will test very little MENT, whieh stopped the pain and
but will positively remove every hard reduced the swelling very quickly. I
cannot speak too highly of MINARD'S
or soft cern or callus from one's foot.
LINIMENT. If your druggist hasn't stocked this
new drug yet, tell him to get a small
bottle of freezone for you from his
wholesale drug. house.
Miniature Marvels,
Almost any commonplace object
magnified under a good lens will re-
veal astonishing and unsuspected'
forms, structures and life. For ex -
1 •
Inaects of various kinds may be
seen in the cavities of a grain of sand.
Mould is a forest of beautiful trees,
with branches, leaves and fruit.
Butterflies are fully feathered. I
Hairs are tribes filled with pith and,
ornamented on the outside with
Xtnare's Liniment -Cures Dandruff.
To Press Clothes.
Port Hood Island.
The Food Production Departmctnt of
Great Britain is urging the cultiva-
tion of sunflowers for the seed, which
is rich in oil and a valuable food for
poultry. The American Giant strain
is recommended and the crops systl be
purchased by the Food Controller.
Pay your out -of -town -accounts by
Dominion Express Money Orders.
Five Dollars costs three cents.
Fur tO gears
Hendrick's Comet Magnetos
hate been firing blg and small nueinen.
Writ,' for nal thiulorS
Etemirtcle Matt -note 35 Electric Co.
12g0 at. Paul St. Indianapolis,
After cleaning woollen garments -
such as men's clothing spread the gar-
ment right side up on an ironing
A simple little dress, full of charm. board, lay over a cotton cloth wrung
McCall Pattern No. 7260, Child's out of warm water containing about
one tablespoon of ammonia titthres
Dress. In 7 sizes, 6 months to 10
pints of water, and iron until both the
years. Price, 10 cents.
cloth and garment are dry. This
These patterns may be obtained
prevents the garment naving that:
from your local McCall dealer,
shiny appearance which is so objec-
from the McCall Co,, 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
Moon, moon, what have you seen
The other side of the sky?
A blasted land that once was green,
Where fields and forests die:
Naked hill and plains that shiver
Desperate with their mud:
A broken -valley and a river
Running deep with blood.
Moon, moon, what of the men
Where rivers thus ran red?
I saw them fall and fall again:
I could not count the dead,
I saw their souls like hosts of stars
Climb the sky's dark blue hill,
Oh, all in vain the other wars
Since men are fighting still!
Moon, moon, why is your look
So pitiful and white?
It is because of one who took
The lonely road to -night:
Ville fought like Valor's favorite child,
Who burned the foe like flame,
And went with Death, unreconciled,
Crying his country'a name?
• —
ake this beauty lotion cheaply for
your face, neck, arms and hands.
At the cost of a small jar of ordin-
nlinord,s Liniment for sole everywhere.
Carrot seed should be only lightly
covered and early thinning of the
young plants is of greatest import-
ance. Neither carrots nor parsnips
should be sown in soil containing,
fresh manure,
Rice boiled in milk unikett a good
breakfaat cereal.
Good dusters are washed often, dip-
ped in kerosene and dried in the open
freckles, sallowness and tan and is
the ideal skin softener, -whitener and
Just try it! Get three ounces of
orchard white at any drug store and
two lotions from the grocer and make
.up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra-
grant lemon lotion and massage it
daily into tile face, neck, arms and
hands. It is marvelous to smoothen
rough, red handl;,
Lord Rhondda Pleads for Production.
"Every ounce of energy thrown into
the work of stinnilating the work o/
food production and achievement of
food conservation, particularly at this
moment, is a vital service to the Al-
lied cense. There is need for all
Canada can give of cereals, meat,
bacon, butter and cheese."
Meows Wannest Relieves Setwahrls.
Promptly relieves rheumatism,
tallboy, neuralgia, sprains, lame
back, toothache and all similar
troubles.- Hirst's stops the pain!
Sold for 40 years. Should be in
every household.! All (kalifs—,
or write us.
HigsT Rem ED/ COMPANY, timelhon,Csn„
HIRST'S Family Salve, (500. ct
HIRST'S Pectoral Syrup of
Horehound and stemma., Me) pjarrip
Pau sn>al
V t, ,Suri a gOOd
14 .1, a nolo n tat
Ctrl 1:ox S2, WilvOn. PUWit,IttraN
'Onto, to•::':':° Si ffi)x%
Kgo fit $El1,atsai::00tx;0
, ,
I.,11.to-1,P,.i.r"' '.)r,Pii,'-1'
oat ''-'41.1'/Xli.,I;Il1
,ilIsl i'',.
. -.... ,,J,.....7,.....'"..''Y'''• '
How to Cure
Doctors warn against remedies
containing powerful drugs and
alcohol. "The Extract of Roots,
long known as Mather Selgel's
Curative Syrup, has no dopo or
strong ingredients; it cures
indigestion, biliousness and
constipation. Can be had at any
drug store," Get the genuine.
50c. end $1.00 Bottles. 3
Overcome the worst enemies
of leather—water and dirt --
by using
"Lengthens leather life"
Softens old harness, leaves it
pliable and waterproof, pre-
vents cracking and breaking
of stitches, doubles the life of
new harness.
"Use half as much as any oder"
Gives the effect of roller
bearings. The mica flakes
work into the pores and
crevices of the axle and the
grease4iolds them there. Mica
Grease prevents hot boxes,
locked wheels and screeching
axles. Saves wear and tear
on horses, harness and
wagons. " Best thing on
Wheels." •
Sold in standard sized packages by Ilva
dealers everywhere.
CAINre.Erntla TUMORS. LITM1 , r
out it
b_. en;Sed, MWIttpp
oitil.te41:, ;at.. T?r,trAilITTnt:
Cellinewuod, Medf aaA
Do not Worry
Will Quickly
Remove Them
On rising and retiring gently smear'
the face with Cutieura Ointment on end
of the finger. Wash off the Ointment
in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and
hot water. Continue bathing fur some
minutes using the Soap freely. Theo
easy', speedy way to clear the skin an4
keep it clear.
Sample Each Free by Mail. Address pmts
card: "Cuticurs, Dept. N, Boston, U. S. A.".
Sold throughout the world,
Relieves Stiff Neck
NVhen you wake up with a stiff
neck or sore muscles, strains or
sprains, use Sloan's Liniment. No
need to rub: it quickly penetrates to
the seat of pain and removes it.
Cleaner than mussy plasters or oint-
ments. It does not stain the skin or
clog the pores. Always have e. bottle
handy for rheumatic aches, neuralgia
soreness, bruises and lame back. In
fact, all asternal pain.
CenerouS sized bottles at your
druggist. 23c., 50c., $1.00.
ilStan's prices not increased 25c 50o $i
By taking Lydia E. Pinkhara's
Vegetable Compound, Otte
of Thousands of Sucheases.
Black River Falls, Wis.—"As Lydia
E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound
saved me from an
operation, I cannot
say enough in praise
of it. I suffered front
organic troubles and
my side hurt me so
I could hardly be up
from my bed, and I
was unable to do my
housework. I had
the best doctors bi
Eau Claire and they
wanted me to have
an operation, but
Lydia E. Pinkharate
Vegetable Compound cured me so I did
not need the operation, midi am tellinit
all my Primula about it A. Wk.,
BDIZER, Black River Falls, Wis.
It is just such experiences as that of
Mrs. herbt has made this famous
root and remedy a household word
from ocean to ocean. Any woman who
suffers from inflammation, ulceration,
displacements, backache, nervousness,
irregularities or "the blues" should
not rest until she has given It a trial,
and for epeciel advice write Lydia B.
kinicham Medicine Co., Lynn, Miu.s.
IS:WE No. 17--'1R