HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-4-25, Page 8••i>e•terde•iteeeeeeee>ba+4A•1,•4444100E 4.444414Oefelea4'•«4444•I0+404•4elei1•� +. •1• •04- 0+ ..p +3 i• 4 4 sd• O 0 0 edroom O • Papers a ♦ in Plain Dotted Designs or Stria with Fancy.Read Cut- out Borders, or Allver patterns .j which come at from me to sac 4 per roll, or Livino- Room and Dining Room • paws at front 200 to eoc per k •' New Wall Paper will brighten your home. Come in and see the New Spring Patterns. all Red ;r deli r eek Flay All over the country, both in Canada and the United States, this week -April 22nd to April, 27th -has been set apart as a Special Wali Paper Week. Right now while house-cleaning is on and the house is upset any way is the very best time to have those rooms repapered. Right at this time all our new Papers are in and our stock is at its best, so that there is the very best chance going to have new anggestions and to secure the Paper best suited to your room. C l to supply We are well prepare( upp v vour demands Wall Paper, whether it be from The Cheaper Papers which start at 9e and toe per roll or GC' Unt ni the b t! • 1 1 tiers known 11lien 1 u,., away Fitts or n•I,r lirenit l' Clothing be sane ate' err a package of Red Ced tt F akv, and sprinkle am •ng town This is a p:ep:oatioM Intel :• from the w.•od „i 3 ;•ulnae Red Cad a cN,.r neo with other best MAX IL des known. It has an seteeable 0:14 which is easily renn,v=d afterwards. Will not iniure clothiect or Imo and is sine in its . effects 'rry a package this season. A large package frosts e v Summer PICTORIAL REVIEW 49 Y Quarterly Style Books Here , Gives a correct forecast of the styles for the coming Summer, The Price is a;c. which m• t chides acnun i tad tot lie, , which can be applied on any pattern selected, bringing the real cost of the style book down to loo. We beep Pictorial Review Patterns Fs R. SRIIT GC4Y.tir .Snore Druggist :dill Stationer w (.. 'P De will hold their reguim' air 1.11,t4 Friilec afternoot, of this lees :n ;he. home of Mrs. Wrn Jewitt, 3111 • {♦ h 0 e 0 A 0 d O 4• O ♦ 0 0 0 ••I• • •r ♦ • P ••I• • • • •O •F +41+044644'4•♦•1••041.80. 0O40•00444.03.04-9+0+,00©H•43-143.0.1'A•I.4t4.O3•®•1.4 Pad i etas rt.enas "JERRY." Cita VTAlloyA. THE POST gives the news. Brit„ are busy nest building. TUESDAY was St. George's Day. No scareity of potatoes or onions. KRrP off the boulevards with rigs. Neter Wednesday will be the est of May. CLEAN tip and be ready for the In• specter. HAVE you paid your subscription to THE POST ? Eaos Fon IIATenrNG.-White Leghorn Eggs LAST week J T. Wood, of the Excel- for sale. bred from U. C. Pchumaker's hest lay- sior Knitting Factory received a car of jog strainT Fia NEenowe, k1 uu per set 311 m Soft coal I' MIMED tnantity of good poiatoes for sale. SEVERAL from this locality were et Enquireat•1lnEPosT. Clinton this week before the military 40 Rona Woven Wire Fpnring token flwfty in authorities relative to their standing as thefreshetomthe,7477nd, Wtlidduderkivnri• to further exemption, ly leave word at Tar PnsT. ALL who have not reported their 9 sucking Pies and a Spring Durham Calf collections in connection with the Gold- for Sale. WRs. SOMER., Lot 15, con. 5, Grey. en Clock plan are asked to do so as Phone 4317 early as possible to Mrs. B. S. Scott, PIANO TM:MI.-J. C. Btacitstone, piano Treasurer of the fund. tuner, is here Leave orders at S Carter's A travelling Show that visited Brus- atone. gels last week dud not have an audience TRono'n x.: inrlr. Plias Foe sale. 8 hogs all so called off the program, Possibl 2 flows 5 wreck. nod. ;fired fro, Grey T xr stook, p g Y deo. CRP.NAR. Lot 7, Icon. ti, Grey Township, some newspaper advertising would have Phone 8318 Brussels R. R. No, 3. caused a different result. Coot onTAnLE house and 16' aeres of land for Lars where Nell Milloy lived, on sale Will be sold at a bargain as owner is go - Alexander street and one opposite Mel -ins west. Located on Strettot street, just Ville church manse are available t0 reSouth of Pru+wels Creamerv. For further par- "tienlare anMlr to hies .len, (tousLEr, Brussels, sponsible persons who would care to use or Alex. Stewart. 42-8 them to grow gardeu produce. Early FOR SALE.-Qnsutity of good, silver hulled, application shouid be made. Constable seed Bn tewsbeat. Alec a ame11 quantity or Oliver is in charge of the former. good clean sand one GEtr. B.1TF,MAE g Penna 85]8 Ethel. NEW TIMETABLE SOON, -The G. T. R. FOR SALE -7 little pies between 8 and 4 Will probably issue a Spring timetable small, white field beans fs old. Rave site a inlrialeed. AutplvY good the end of this month. It is expected Phone 8518 CECIL BATEMAN. Ethel. that the regular trains will again be aeon and lot for sale in rrnssets. Well running and some other important located. Early uossestdon. For Farther par - changes are likely to be made, They ToRaTtiOal orrri8e.fo lir,' areRglilYr otneoN, cannot come any too soon to suit the Brneeeee public as far as passenger traffic and Ncunsa of young bans far soda. Apply mail matter is concerned, Mae. R, T HINosTON, ernseels. NEEDLE IN HER HAND -A few weeks 25 weaned pigs wanted. R TiIONNnONu, rsseta. g• r *t 'Putt hoose and lot of Mrs, T. R. Temuson, miller of Alexander a el Teornas streets, Bruesela ie offered lie- , sale. See the advt. in this Issue, t revirntieme Festival, Brussels Tow IHal S.uurday 27th, Monday 29th and Tniisil 30th. Afternorn and evening s ee ons, De n't miss ant of the 6 gate - nr 1 us t eble of W. ] McCracken hid n clue- veil from being destroyed by n fire ' eiare 1 11, shute children in dry letta,s It we; furlunwell( nipped in its incipient stage. Ttut Linwood correspontleut fof the Milverton Sun says of a well known Brusselite :-J, G Jones, Burssele, after asojourn around here of four weeks is leaving this week. During his short Way here his excellent talents as a singer were much in demand, He possesses a rich baritone voice and siugs with good i expreesion and feeling, His solos in the I Stet+entli-t church on the past several Sundivs were very much appreciated. H s x, -turn again to Linwood will be wet- cnmerl BRusseis Hort vulture' Society re- ceived their Spreig delivery of bulbe, shrubs, trees, &e., this week and passed them on to the members. The stock o arrived in good condition and should do well if carefully planted in the respec• tive garden, or lawns without delay A Fall distribution will also be merle to the members It is estimated that skint a3 on worth is received for each - $1 oo membership fee_ The tulips set nut last Fall in the town beds are put- ting on good developmeut considering the sex. on, A CRAZY TRICK, -Monday night of last weak when lames Armstrong, uninr nu mber of the Molson's Bank ' 5.-teff, Teeswater, was iu his ror;m over the bank, two of his friends &urn the 8th Con., James Walker and Cecil But - en went to call ou him, James Walker seeing the bank revolver lying on the table and not knowing it was loaded, to, it up mid snapped it in the direc- tion of his friend, Button. The bullet entered the betel's thigh about half way between the knee and the body. A doctor was summ med and dressed the wound. He was taken to his home, though suffering considerable pain. ADD REss AND PRESKNTATIExN -Last Fri,3ay afternoou in connection with Brussels Worneu's Institute, Mrs. D. B, .Moore, the highly esteemed Vice Presi- dent, who is leaving Brussels, was pre sensed with a silk umbrella as a kiudly remembrance of flays gone by anti ser- vices splendidly rendered. Mrs John Robb. Sea ret try, read the following ad- dress and Mrs. Wet. Rands presented the gift :- DEAR MRs. MOORE.-Eight years ago last tannery, Brussels Women's Institute was organized end you were elected then and have held the office ever since of its honored Vice•President, We are proud• er to day of our Institute than ever be fore and no small measure of its success belongs to you. What we have always admired in you is your characteristic stick -to ativeness, that unswerving loyal- ty you shote to any cause you rnay espcuse, for your chair has seldom been %%mane and your willingness to help in evetything that pertained to the good of our Institute has been an inspiratiou to its members. As a small token of our love rot you w.e ask you to please accept this silk umbrella, with our deep- est regards for Miss Jean and the other beloved members of your tamily. Our farewell word is "Mizpah," "Tlie Lord watch between thee and us when we are abseut one from the',other " 'Al- thougb absent from us we feel you have left your Impress on our Iustitute and this brings to our mind this fitting quotation from, Moore's "Sweet Re- membrances:" "Let fate do her worst, there are relics of joy, Bright dreams of the past, which she cannot destroy And whieh come in the night Mine of sorrow and care And bring back the features which joy aced to wear. Long, long be my heart with such memories Like the vase in which rosea have once been distilled, You may break, yeti may shatter the vase if you will, But the scent of the roseS will hang round it still." Mrs Moore replied in a few app-opriate sentences and wished the Institute great success. She would never forget the happy associations of Brussels. rum Red Cross Circle meeting, held Tuesday afternoon in the Audience room of the Public Library, bad an at- tendance of 3o. Scripture lesson was real by Miss Myrtle Wilson and Mrs (Rev,) Maio offered prayer. 32 pairs of socks and $3o iu cash were brought iu and in addition good supplies for the boxes to be sent overseas to the soldier belts were iu ev deuce. a boxes were filed as a start on the good work, but as the. a are 6o more to fill there is need of Mary donations. Maple sugar will be very acceptable. "'There's a girl in Her- on" Was well sung by Miss Isabel Sirachan, NEW KNITTING WRINKLE A new knitting wrinkle was presented at the meeting in which a pair of socks may be knit with one set of needles Use double yarn oue for each socio purling for the top of socks is kiitted separately. When one is finished take it off with a darning needle on Lem heavy cord When the other is finished slip the first one inside the second one, right sides together, and with the knitting needle take up from first one and then the other, alternating, beginning with the first stitch from the needle and ending with the last stitch from the one on the cord, Hold the sock toward you, purling the first stitch which is on the sock that wee on the needle, and knitting the secon 1 st tch from the one that was on the cord ;. proceed with the first purl and then knit, holding the threat' over the first Heger for purling and over the second linger for knitting, and you will soon acgeire the rhythm, When you ret to the heel, tate LO as in any sock, As you titre your heal always purl the one nest to you anti knit the other. To narrow take first and third stitch, Purl them and stip the needle out, tvhieh leaves oue sti eh from the opposite sack which slip on to year needle and narrow knittleg. There is tee slip and bind in In this sock, When finished slip the needles nut and take up your separete socks and bind off. In purling never pnt your thread over --always keep it towel Els you as if you are perling back on your heel, Goon catche.s of suckers are being made at the mill don. IT is said the house and lot belonging to N. S. McLanehlin has been purchased by Mrs. Hugh McKinnon, of Grey town- ship. Mr. McLauchlan has removed to the West. -o- WANTED.-A rook, eeneral, for small family. Good wages and good home, for Mrs. C. 8, Mc- Donald, Brampton. Atmly to 43.2 Mits. aim- a MANN, Brussels. Earle for hatching Prom heavy laving strains of N. O. White Leghorn.,, 76e per setting : 8. C. R. I. Reds. BIM per Adtnng, Jen, T. DrNoAN, Phone 7x, Brussels. 43.4 ago Miss Gaynor, Bruseels, while serub• 1ipTCRYNO F.gga from bredd.n•Iftp 8. CI, white h+pg isle floor ran a needle Into bar Tight Leghorne, events an egg. Any gnentity. hand at the ball of her thumb. It tvas 1t. TIIMISON, Brussels. Supposed to have been on the floor and 8cnnNKa of pigs!: months old and 8 young caught up in the cloth. Needle broke calves for tale DnNA Ln AloKisosON, and half is still in her hand, Poulticirg Phone 217 Gray Twn' etas been followed to drat. out the steel LIME, in petty form. clean and in good shape for sale, ,JAS. 4'PEIR. BM:W.314 P.O. Phone 160 without the necessity of using the lance, 18 linos, 4 months old, fel( gale. Apply to WELL DESERVED. -The ladies on Ono. BAKER, Orenbronk. Phone 524. William sheet, Brussels, met at the OOMPORTABLE Brick House and Lot for sale, home of Geo. and Mrs. 'Thomson, Thuts- Eligibly situated on Alexander street, BrW• seta, balatging to estate of the late George N. day evening of last week to spend a McLaren. PeSat•ssinn ran he given nt nice, social time and to be introduced to their Apply to p1. BLAnit, Bros+els. new neighbors, George and Mrs, Me-' SEE. oars• O. A. Ct. Nn. 72, fog'Ci Also a Call, A pleasant part of the evening 9, l!e_v of nAVia wflrrdnr a,d Exara Enrtr was the presentation of a Club Bag FutekaHaedPhtntoas, En,FnLPllone 285. to MYS. Moore and a box of handker- SEED OATS for sale. .Jas. PERRIS, chiefs to Miss Jean. Address was read Phone 2511, by Mrs, W. Gillespie and the gifts pre. SERir eVe Feti arALR.-rettmntity of seed ants O. A. (' Nn 7- anrt oleo smnil quantity of MPhane sped 8pr ng wheat n 1 r. ono, Plmnp4M5. GEO. tvntmerEl,n. rented by Miss Meurtes and Mrs. (Dr,) t i t B tt r McRae. A suitable reply was made. Mrs, Moore has given up housekeeping and intends visiting members of her family in the West to spend a well de- served holiday, WOUNDED fN Lac. -Pte. George atones For furthar pertienlers AS to pidoe, Wilbee, son of MYS, (no, Wilbee, Strat- terms, , apply to puss Osyson. Brnseele. ford, formerly of Brussels, pas admitted 2nixenbAWili wp11 two f r?l l nr rtAlso number of to the 13th Field Ambulanin on April netiar posts Per %air. Atli, suffering from a gunshot wound in S. N CoLE, Ethel. Phone 854. the right leg, according to an official Te you have an (Rohn needing cleaning or message received by his mother. Pie, repairs call Up pllnn,•87, IU'nw+t•1%. SEE.Oats erne %hen, ry A.C., No. 7d. e eeik- GViliree, better known as "Scrooge" en" MONmn, J.o617, Con. lu, Grpy, Phone 2x10, COMFORTAIitei dwelling for lain Or to rent, with acre hard, fruit trees, hard Mud soft r, water, stable, & ('r. T. .. Ili NAons. HOUSE for sale. Apply to Mise B, Borer es. Grand Trunk, Abrother of Pte. Wilbee ALL kindsnf leniRry wanted. Also meaty was wounded some time ago in the rightaralook2r fd2xwhich higheet pke3l� WFrtiemnry a. arm and is at present ata convalescent Munn :short horn Bulb( from 1.0 to 12 home at Ensom Both boys were born• months old for sale, ,Jim SrEru, Lot N. tion, in Brussels. They are nepbews Of 6, Morris. Phone tee Walter Wilbee and Mrs. P. Atnent, DIM:PAnxnit, OteseenthfePhvsirtan, visits town, and Jesse Wilbee, Grey township. Brueaels Mondry rrtl'i or rare week, I Old friends in this locality wish the Chronic and nervous dt%Ansel snr.openhxiiv treated, Visit%, rnsidenaca. (]onattltflttnn tit soldier teddies complete restoration. Queen's Hotel, BELT, Organ olid n Waabing Mnrlliue for sale at a bargain. Apply at TUE Po.r. COtIFOnTAntE house with stable and 1, acre of land for sal„, Rard and soft water, fruit trees and email fruits. Would give possesaion listed with the erst Battalion and was B" Com• stationed at Stratford with " parry. He had been two years in France and prior to that time worked in the w. .. a ,Bree• xtw tori t.,ty xrr Y je 7ltamm ti"`u��," viltat "e: i "dam" e c if,:l;tii=';ivi t'ffdamk THE STANDARDBANK CANADA -- CONDENSED STATEMENT 31ST JANUARY, 1918 LIABILITIES Notes in Circulation $ 8,484,383,00 si ,• _„_ 68,080,703,90 Due to Banks 2,181,893.73 Dividend, Payable 1st February, 1918 112,09e,I7 Acceptances Under Letters of Credit 70,038,80 Capital, Reserve Fund and P. & L• Account 5,081 795.82 Cash on Hand Gold Reserves and Govt. Deposits for Circulation Due by Banks Dominion Govt., British Govt, and other Bonds, etc, Call Loans and Current Discounts Bank Premises Letters of Credit Per Contra Other Assets ASSETS $73,990,907.442 $11,623,114.80 2,876,000.00 4,188,749,42 12,049,386.40 42,002,270.68 1,324,298.44 70,038,80 108,061.98 $73,990,907.42 16112.0.S�o� TIM :MOW rtnou 'Tuesday gave a rude jolt to the antieipeted arrival of gentle Spring. °oNC1Rieruietetnes are extended to W. F. and Mrs Coleman, St. 'Thomas, over the arrival of a son and heir. The proud mamma was formerly Miss Elsie Wilton, Ti ve caUse event puts Councillor Wilton, of Bruesels, in the Grandpa class but he appears to be wearing the boilers with his nsual modesty. MoxnAY, 'Tuesday and Wednesday of next week Prot, Richard Stevens will mike his Spriug call on the people of Brussels with his celebrated Clothes Cleaner It is the best on the market and money refunded if it does not do the work Dick says it will, GET YOUR' TICKETS, -'The Committee has been pusbiug the sale of the Course 'rickets for the coming x qu Chat tau a Festival, 6 entertainments, 2 each clay and the tickets are transferable to the members of the family of the purchaser. It's a great opportunity to hear the best at the ordinary price, if a Course ticket is secured. - HYMENEAL. -Miss Georgia Burgess, Wingbam, and William Case, Toronto, were united in marriage ou Wednesday April 17th, by Rev. Mr. Mayers, of St. George's church, 'Toronto. Mr. and Mrs Casa will make their horns in Guelph, 7e Brockville street. 'Their many Needs wish them happiness and success. QUEEN'S'UNIVERsITY.-In the list of successful grecleates in Arts from Queen's 'University, Kingston, this Spring, Tar. Post' is pleased to notice the names of Miss Pearl McPherson, Ving•harn, awl bliss Vila Davidson, Toronto, both formerly nu the staff of Brussels school and T. W. Armstrong, of his locality. We congrai elate these young folk on attainiug their objective and wish them centinned success DK BRYANS WILL GO OVIiRSEAS -Tile people of Brussels and locality were sur- prised when they learned that Dr. F, T. Brynns heal signed up with the Canadian Medical Cotps anti will leave town next Monday or Tuesday for London, pre- paratory to going overseas. He had been talking of going before but thinks it is his duty to lent' a hand at this criti- cal stage, The Dr, has been in Brussels for the past 5 years and has a large and growing practice which he will drop in the meantime. His papers call for ser- vice for duration of the war. We ad• mire his patriotism and l=ope he will be able to returu in due course to his many friends, In the rneautime THE POST will watch his course with Interest and hopes to occasionally have a letter from his pen. MRS.•JAS, SMITH, GALT, DECEASED, - As mentioned in last week's issue of THE Post, Mrs. James Smith passed away at the hospital, Galt, Wednesday, reth inst., at it a. m. She underwent an op- eration 4 weeks previous and was agreat sufferer who never complained, Her maiden name was Isabella Fox and her early home nenr W hitecburch, Ont. She was married 26 years ago to her now bereft husband and after living in Mont- real for a few years Mr. and Mrs, Smith Moved to Galt, where her busband was iu the envie). of Goldie & McCulloch for 3o or 4o years Mrs, Smith was in her 65th yea% She was a faithful member of the Prt srnyterien church and ready to do a good „turn ou every opportunity. Rev, Mr U ivld;ou, of the Central Pres- eyterian church, conducted a funeral service et Mr. Smith's home 'Thursday evening and at the funeral, held Friday atteruoon from the home of Alex, and Mrs. Stewart, (,ween street, Brussels, Rev. Mr, Mann assisted by Rev, Mr, Graham, Whitechurch, took 'charge. Pallbearers were, O. Smith. O. Turn• ball, E. Bryans, P. A. McArthur, Jno. Douglas snit P. Scott. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery. Andrew and George Fox, Whitechurch, are sur- viving brothers. ' Mr. Smith shares in the sympathy of a wide circle of friends, He was n former resident of this locality and is a brother to John Smith and Mrs, A. Stewart, Brussels, Thos. Smith, Wroxeter, anti Mrs A. Turnbull, Grey, About the Chautauqua Festival That Opens in Brussels Satan. day of this Week. FROM MITCHELL The Grand Chautauqua Festival was brought to a °Wee after a three days course There were good crowds during the three days and everyone who had the pleasure of attending it throughout were delighted. Balmer's wonderful singing Kaffir boys delight- ed the audience by singing both in their own language and in English. This company was brought here by the Patriotic Society of Mitchell who hart to guarantee a, large sum to get thein and it is understood that a good Mini over the guarantee will be cleared for Patriotic purposes, The company has been asked to return and have C0118011( ed to do so in elle Fall. Should they come back to Mitchell again the bowie will not be large enough to hold the crowd. FROM WI AltTON .. Chautauqua Festival here, Every- body highly delighted. Both enjoy- able and eciueetionnl, (treat Klause. REV, W. Pit entrAM, eletbodiet minister. Saturday morning the plan of Ile• served eeate foe the corning Festival here opened at 0 o'clock, at Fox's Drug store. Inside of one hour 125 reservations Were made, This was go- ing some, Get your seat at once. Notice to Creditors f the estate of lames M. In the mattero l Davis, late of the 'Towuship of Morris, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, Notice Is hereby given pursuant to "The Re. v}sed ,9tatntee of Ontario that all creditors estate of to against the s and others nes M. Davisa h the saidnty.se en av, who sere on A. .bout the require ae n or before of a March, Eleventh D. y of are required on or before the eppai day de- liver A. D.1918, to send by the prepaid or de - Test to the Executors dee of the heat it and Testament of enid ess enand, tech• Christian,he and particulars rnemar, addresses and claims, the state rho full eiaccount of d thnaurboo he sec nt securi- tiestheir accounts and the nature of the aeauri- ties (If any) bold by them, And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the snid Executors will pro. Beed to di.tribute the owlets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto,having re. Bard only tothe claims of which they shall then have notice, and the enid Executors will not be liable for the said aseets or any part there• of to any arson or persona of whose claim u r e[ ed U them at Parson not have been eo v notice me oil r o y the time of siohdiatnd. of Apr Dated this 20rd day of April, A. D, 1818. MRS. MARY A. DAVIS. 1 Executors. GEORGE M, DAVIS, S 48.8 Brussels R. R. No. 4. DIED CooanANE.-In Morris township on April 29th 1018. Ellen Shenrd, relict of the late Win. Cochrane, aged 78 years. „ onsPOOOtligepo tk18t9OWt/41,tO FPO il!bi+t20001Pals3 ytlY1116 OOISOoOol et00 st o es Formai � shy' 0 o•6 o o P may seem rathel' superlltnuR 4n say auytlting ttbmtr. the merits • • 'I of leis Woh knutytl gertuttnidc� and alnul hillrr. 1"ear nl'lor • year' ib 1148 beo0110 more powder for the t•eelmeet . uP all Miele of grain. Those who use it regulaliy speak the highest in ite • ♦o ▪ praise, Onr et0ek is of the very hi Uheel 'wittily ; tinarntt•ed to he Oo fully up to the etitudard 40 solution ; maul, in ;, pound and 1 A pound bottles with full direetdone as to use on each bottle. O 6 __ ... 0 eo • Wall Paper Remnants • e e 0 oo e 0 B o o o m 0 o .:,.,� ♦ ♦ e 0 ooussoos oomoossooee000tsoo©omoa000soec000s000meomolmoa Ia aro this week showing some particularly gond bargains in Remnants suitable for small rooms of all kinds, As we ouly have a limited number of these bundles any who have been wailing would do Well to secure them soon, Tm our window for the next few attys. STORE DRUG STORE BORN BRUSSELS N/ARKET tz 07 85 8 IIU I BO 05 15 25 10 as 150 BROWN. -At Ethel, on April 10th, 1018, to Mr. i „heat and Mrs. W. E Brown, a daughter. Cala BAnNARD,-Ill Mor, is totvnehip, on April 10th, Pena 1918, to Mr, and Mra. Ed. Barnard, a son. Barlay r r April 1 th 1018 T W. o A 18 ha t x. -At St. , cnLEMn p Butt eT . F. ' Coleman, w %o». Mr. and Mrs. w C to ERge STEVENSON.-In 18to1 Grey township, ell April 22nd, Ho a 1918, to Mn and Mrs. Wm. Stevansml, 9th g,rq Con , it sot. MARRIED BASER-OONNAN.-At the manse Brussels, on April 24th, 1818, by Rev. A. J. Mena, B. A., nett Niehot Colman, dauehterl tofpthe late Alex, and Mra. Column, Morris township. Potatoes per bag $2 se ti ite 1 50 40 30 10 25 10 00 1 50 ull for Salei Short Born Bull for sale. Dark roan year. ling, lit for service, Price WS 00. THOS. Ii EBB, Phone 850 I3enfryn P. O. •♦•••.••♦•••••••••♦••••au.040 0•••••0*GO 000?00.000000.0•••••••• •0 • s • s • 0 • • • • • 0 • • e 0 • 0 • • • e s O • a • 0 e 0 • • • • 0 • O 0 e 0 • 4 • • • e O '0 O s • 0 •• ♦ 0 A 0 e 0 • O • • • • O 0 0 • O s •• • ••♦ • •• •Y 8 A • O • • 0 O 9 0 4 0 • • • 0 0 ♦ •• 4 •• • ♦••4•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••♦•••••••••• y �..T e�_a,CH:-re Carswell's Cut -rat l s ore Evidence st Buyin %Imo �tC apt $12.00 Raincoats $3.95 20 only Ladies' Cravenette Raincoats, medium and light weight ; °Extras Grey or Sand ' suitable for Bain a or Dt'tit.ust Coats ; sizes 32 to 42. Regular $12.00, to 10 only Women's Silk Poplin and Paramatta Rain- coats in Greys, 'Tans and Nevys ; guaranteed water- proof ; sizes alto 44. Extra Special at . $4 95 12.50 Spring Coats 2.95 3 only Ladies' Spring Coats, made of best quality Navy Blue Serge ; old dyes ; not this season's styles but worth twice the price for making over. Out they go at $2 95 3.50 Childs' Coats 1.95 9 only Children's Velvet Cord Coats ; colons, Navy, Tan, ()open and White ; sizes 1 to 4 years. Clearing Price $1 95 $1.50 Waists 69c 20 only Women's White Voile Waists, low neck and long sleeves ; sizes 86 to 83 only ; regular $1,50. To clear at •••• 15 only White Voile and Repp Waiste, Blouse and Shirt Waist styles; sizes 86 to 42; regular $200, Extra Special .................... ......................... $1 45 12 only Ladies' Silk Waists ; colors, Navy, White, Black and Fancy ; low neck and long sleeves ; sizes 34 to 42, A splendid bargain. Itegula:r $3,50. Spec- ial to clear $2 39 Lace Curtain Bargains 15 pairs Nottingham Lace Oorteins, only 1 pair of a kind ; 219 to 3t yards long. Priced SPECIAL TO OLEAR THIS >VEleK. See thertt. 20c Dress Miasl-ins 12c 850 yards Dress Muslin, Floral designs in 6 differ- ent patterns ; feet colors ; suitable for Ladies' or Children's wear, Reg, 20c. Special this week 12ec 500 yards Dress Materials -Fancy Voiles, Organdy Muelins, Crepes, Spot and Bee Musihls ; fast coleys. Ic •o clear at 10c On Sale this wee. t Middy Cloth 39c yd 250 yards Middy °lath ; Cord weave ; soft and free from dressing ; with fine hair stripe of I31ue, Pink, Tan, Mauve oe Black ; colors fast. Regular 65c yd, Special Sale, yard 30e 100'yterds Ratite, colors Blue or Tan ; 40 inches wide ; gentian Wed fast dyes. Extra Special85c $2.00 Corsets $1.69 6 doz. Women's Corsets, macre of fine quality White Conte ; four hose supports ; low and tuedium busts. 3 different makes -D, & A., Crompton and Bias fill- ed. Sizes 13 to 81. Reg. $2.00, To clear alee $1 60 . Boys' biose 45c 10 doz, Boys' Heavy Ribbed Double Thread Hose ; extra sluiced heel and toe ; the strongest made boys' hose ; fast black ; sizes 7; to 9i. Extra Spec,.. 450 Hosiery and Underwear Bargains Ladies' Underwear 300 White Summer Vests, low neck, sleeveless, trim- med with lace, beading and draw tape. Reg. 25c. Special ..... ,..... 19e 10 doz, White Summer Vests, short sleeves incl sleeveless, low neck, nar- row bead .trimming, tape draw string, Regular 35e, for 20c 10 doz. Ladies' S=immer Vests, low neck, shott sleeves & sleeveless, fanny ribbknit, Reg. 40cae 33e 5 clove Women's Fine Lisle Pores Knit Vests, low week, sleeveless, beading trimmed and draw string, Regular 660, Sale,.. 45e Out -size Vests 45c 3 doz. Women's Out -size Vests, fine plain knit, made of good quality combed yarn, beading trimmed and draw string ; extra large. Sale Spectate. 4550 6 doz, Women's White Drawere, fine elastic knit, umbrella style, deep beat.' trimming, sizes 8 and 4. Sale Special 45e 3 doz. extra ont•eize Draw= ere, elastic knit, umbrella style, bead trimmed. Sale Special ,...,, 49e 20 doz. Children's Veste & Drawers, all sizes, priced special For this week from 15e to 80e Women's Hosiery 5 doz. Women's Sills Lisle Hose, white or blk., epliced heel and toe, double sole, garter top, 9eandees, sizes. 8e to 10, Reg, 75c, for 50e 25 doz, Women's Cotton Lisle Hose, high, spliced heel and toe, double thread sole, fast black, sizes 8} ttI 10, Reg. 50c. Special 80c 10 doz; Women's Silk Boot Hoee, colors white or bike lilies spliced heel and Coe, double sole, garter top, 81 to 10. Reg, 780 for 0210 4 doz. Worn, Nigger Brown Hose, velour finish, Finest lisle thread, reinforced toe, heel and sole, full fashion- ed, garter top, fast colors, Reg, $1,00, Special.,. 75e Men's Underwear 5 doz. Men's fine Balbrig- gan Utclerwear,long sleeve Shiite and ankle length Drawers. Special.... 39e 3 doz. Men's doable thread porous knit, Shirts and Drawers, long sleeve and ankle length, sizes 36 to 40. Reg. $125, Sale. 89c 10 doz. Men's fine natural wool Shirts and Drawers, unshr nkable, elastic ribb knit, scarce goods, sizes 34 to 42. Regular $2.50. Special ....................$1 69 8 doz, Men's spring needle elastic ribb, knit Shirts & Drawers, double thread, esti%stroeg wear. Reg. War $1.25, Speoial,., 05e Special $1,19 50 pairs Children's 'rid Boots, tan or black, sizes 1 to Reg.1,50, Spec. 1,19 Carswell Br The Store that Saves sl You Money �5 a ec SPil c 6 Children's Rain- coats, ages 6 to $, Regular $2.50 To clear at 99c, et O 2 o Q m 0 O • 0 O 0 4 e 4 0 A a O • 0• e • A 0 4 A 0 •• 0 • 4 4 Q v 0 • • a ♦ • • • 4 • O 0 • 0 ♦ • q • • 4 • • • •440•••••••••••0•••••••••0 b r ;E: