HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-4-25, Page 7Coastipaffen Cure acfi GERMAN HA- RMER CAUGHT ESCAPLD FROM NEW ZEALAND INTERNMENT CAMP, Count Von Leaner Is Re -Interned After Stealing Launch In Which He Fled. If you cannot pity Gash Buy your Investment Securities oa our PARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN 'Cinder this system the risks inoiden. tat to "Buying ou Margin" are virtual- ly eliminated. Only a ernall sure is neeeestery to make an initial Invest,. meat, and as a few dollars have to be paid regularly each month until the purchase has been completed, the in- vestor is constantly prodded into sav- ing instead of squandering these a monthly inetainionts. Write for Book• let and the same time ask for ex- pianatory details as Willow to invest s $950 to yield over $120 within 1? • months, or at the rate of over gee % per Annum, The security fe a 24 e Carat Investment Jewel. Count Felix von Luckner, formerly commander of the daring German se raider &Padler, who for seven month roamed the Atlantic. and Pacifi Oceans sinking, according to his ow claim, twenty-five Entente merchant men, has been recaptured and rein terned at Wellington, after an auda dims escape from an internment cam at Auckland, New Zealand, In thei flight the Count and eleven other Ger man prisoners commandeered launch, captured the selling scow Mo and forced the scow's captain, William Bourke, and his crew of five men to help sail her to the Kermadec group of islands 600 miles north of New Zeal- and. There they helped themeelves to stores placed there for the use of ship- wrecked crews, put to sea again, init were overhauled by an armed New Zealand steamship sent in pureuit of them and were obliged to surrender. Von Luckner and some of the mem- bers of the crew of the Seeadler had been interned in the Motuihi Island in- ternment camp in Auckland harbor. Two of the German sailors got pos- session of the launch Pearl early in December and took on board Von Luckner and the other Germans. They had been making plans for the escape for three weelcs and had provided themselves with a rough chart and a crude but workable sextant. They has also improvised bombs and Von Luck nee had $1100 in English money and a hand -painted German flag. Held Up the "Moa." Hewing escaped from Aucklapd har- bor the Germans ran the launch to Mercury Bay, where thoy held up the Mon, The launch was flying the New Zealand flag and when a man in uni- form waved his hand Captain Bourke had the scow stopped without the slightest suspicion that his vessel was about to be captured by the German fugitives. The Germans evicted the New Zea- landers from their quartere and com- pelled them to aid in navigating the Mote to the Kermadec Islands and in the subsequent cruise until they were recaptured. Captain Bourke describes Count von Luckner as "a good sport." When the Mott was seized by the Germane, Cap- tain Bourke remarked that it was "darned herd luck," and four days la- ter, when the Count was again made a prisoner, he turned to Bourke and smilingly observed, "Hard hick, eh?" :PRYANTN DUNN & CO. BROKERS ✓ Canadian Pacific Building, Toronto a Direct Private Wires to our a Montreal and New York 011Ices A FArruruL GUARDIAN. Mounted -Police Scout's Horse Refused to Desert His elaeter. A contributor to the Canadian tinge ezine tells the story of a mounted - police scout who was sent with a die. patch to one of the smaller ovapoote at the foot of the Canadian Reales. It was towards sewing, when the midday elm thaws the surface of the snow and the night frosts harden the melted crusts to a glare of ice as dazzlingly bright as the blinding flash of sun- light from polished steel. The thaw had crusted the trail, and the scout had to keep a sharp eye on the way to prevent himself from losing the path altogether. Suddenly the midday sun developed extraordinary hues. Ma- genta, purple and black patches began to dance on the snow, alternated with wheels and rockets of fire. Then the world became black altogether, al- though the man knew, of course, that it was broad day. He had become snow-blind. The only thing to do was to give the horse the bit. The horse stood stock still, and by that the scout knew that he had lost the trail altogether, for the bronchia would have followed any visible path, He wheeled, the horse about, but it still refused to mgee; and the man inferred that the crusCof ice had been so hard in passing over it they had left no visible trail. That night the trooper slept under saddle blankets with tho faithful horse stand- ing sentry. For fivo days the policeman wander- ed blindly over the prairie, losing all count of time, eating snow to quench his thirst and sleeping in the holes that the horse had pawed through the Ice crust to the grass underneath, Thal man was now too weak to mount and to keep the saddle. As a last hope the thought Mau& him that if he unsad- dled his horse and turned it loose it might find its way back to the fort and so notify his friends that he was lost, fib removed the saddle, but the faithful creature refused to leave the man lying on the snow, and stood over him in spite of all his efforts to drive it away, The pathetic scone enacted by these two, the half -load man and the affectionate horse, was witnessed on the sixth day by a mail carrier who found the pair, The trooper was se- verely frozen, but both he and his horse lived to follow many another brit% -- Leeteovor vegetables are best pscd for vegetable soup, Add a pinch of baking soda to rhu- barb and mulberries rend you may dive:ale with half the Usual amount of Ogee, ti eee, ae • e t• 38„._ : otra ty1 THE DEBUT OF THE TANKS DESCRIBED BY NOTED WRITER,' IAN HAY. An Engine of Warfare Which Assure ediy Did not Win the Approval of the Hun. , An Observation Post -or 0 Pip, in the mysterious patois of the Buzzers -is not exactly the spot that ono would select either for spaciousness or accessibility. It may be situated up a chimney, or up a tree, or down a tunnel bored through e. hill, But it el certainly enables you to see some- thing of your enemy; and that, in mod- ern warfare, is a very rare and valu- able privilege. II Camouflage Again! 1 Of late the scene -painter's art-- o I technically known as camouflage -has s raised the concealment of batteries f and their observation posts to the e realm of the uncanny. AccorciMg to Major Wagstaffe, you can 110tY dis- a guise anybody as anything. For in- g stance, you can make up a battery of I six-inch guns to look like a flock of I sheep, and herd them into action I. browsing. Or you can despatch a s scouting party across No Man's Land p dressed up as pillar -boxes, so that the 9 deluded Hun, instead of opening fire with a machine gun, will merely post i letters in them -valuable letters, con- taining military secrets. Lastly, and more important still, you can disguise yourself to look like nothing at all, m and in these cloys of intensified artil- 'cry fire ft Is vow seldom that noth- aa The Settlers. ing at all hi hit, If you peep over the shoulder of urses Wantecil Hoer green the earth, how blue the Captain Leslie, the gunner observin officer, eta he direct; the Are of h batteew, situated some thousands yards in rear, through the medium p, e c glass, an telephone, y will obtain an excellent view of t morrow's field of battle. Present the 0 Pip are Colonel Kemp, Wu stage, Bobby Little and Ang M'Lachlan. The latter had been i eluded in the party because, to quo his commanding officer, "he wou have burst into tears if he had been left out," 1 The Curtain Gots Hp. g CUT* at probationers beginning May sky, Hoer pleasant all the daye that pass, Here where the British settlers lie Beneath their 'leak of grass! Hard 1.0 the plow their hands they put, And wheresoe'er the eel' heel need The furrow drove, and underfoot They sow'd themselves for 'seed. 0 willing hearts, turned quite to clay, Glad lovers holding death in scorn, Out of the lives ye cast away The reining raee is born. --Lawrence Housman. " is !g,'i-.:;"1::::,!,77,1:4P:tZeil,' Weatgrn and throe years' of other general hospitals: probationers of rolusniXitrifig°1 laundry, with ani" OU TORONTO HOSPITAL, FOR INSANE 0-1 TRAINING SCHOOL in ' 999 Queen Street West . Toronto uslApply Miss Y. West Dead Nurse. n - Le and ehildren, and the emission of chlo- lci 4.1/38 gee. But Tanks -nor One raust draw the line eamewherel" But the ill-bred Creme -do -Menthe took no notice. Overhead roared British shells of every kind and degree of unpleasant- ness, for the ground in front was be- ing "prepared" for the coming The undulating landscape, running up to a low ridge four miles away, was spouting smoke in all directions - sometimes black, sometimes green, and sometimes where bursting shell and brick dust intermingled, blood -red. Be- yond the ridge all -conquering British aeroplanes occupied the firmament, observing for "mother" and "granny," and signalling encouragement or re- proof to these ponderous but sprightly relatives as their shells hit or missed the target, That evening a select party of sight- seers were driven to a secluded spot behind the battle line, Here they were met by Mager Osborne, obviously in- flated with some important matter, "I've got leave from my C.0, to thew you the sights, sir," he an- nounced to Colonel Kemp. "If you will all stand here and watch that wood on the opposite side of that clear - Inge you may see something. We don't show ourselves much, except in late evening, so this is our parade hour." The little group took up its ap- pointed stand and waited in the gath- ering duels. In the east the sky Was already twinkling with intermittent Verey lights, All around the British guns were thundering forth their hymns of hate -full-throated now, for the hour of the next great assault was approaching. Wagstafre's thoughts went back to a certain soft September night last year, when he and Blaikie had stood On the eastern outskirts of Bethune listening to a similar overture -the prelude to the battle of Loos. But this overture was ten times more aw- ful, and, from a material British point of view, ten times more inspir- ing. It would have thrilled old Blaik- ie's fighting spirit, thought Wag- staffe. But Loos had taken his friend from him, and he, Wagstaffe, only was left. What did fate hold in store for him to -morrow? he wondered. And Bobby? They had both escaped mar- vellously so far. Well, better men had gone before them. Perhaps— Fingers of steel bit into his biceps muscle, and the excited whinney of Angus MiLaehlan besought him to ook. The Show Begins, Down in the forest something stir- red, But it was not the note of a iird, as the song would have us be - 'eve. From the depths of the wood pposite came a crackling, crunching ounrl, as of some prehistoric beast ming its ,way through tropical un- dergrowth. And then suddenly, out from the thinning edge there loomed monster --a monstrosity. It did not lide, it did not walk. It wallowed. It urched, with naw and then a laborious heave of its shoulders. It fumbled its way over a low bank matted with crub. It crossed a ditch by the sim- le expedient of rolling the ditch out at, and waddled forward. In its path stood a young tree, The monster waived at the tree, and laid its chin lovingly against the stem. The tree leaned back, crackled, and as- sumed a horizontal position. In the fiddle of the clearing, twenty wards arther on, gaped an enormous shell crater, a present from the kaiser. Into his the creature plunged blindly, to merge, panting and puffing, on the arther side. Then it stopped. A ma- ic opening appeared in Its stomach, front which emerged, grinning, a ritish subaltern and his grimy asso- iatee, Thanks to the Taulss. When Te Or Coffee Disagrees There's always a safe and pleasant cup to take its place INSTANT POSTUivi is n w used regularly by thousands who live better and feel better because of the change. "There's a Reason" And that was our friends' first en- counter with a "Tank," The secret -- unlike most secrets in this publicity - ridden war -had been faithfully kept; so far the Hushl Hush! Brigade had been little more than a legend even to men high up. Certainly the om- niscient Hun received the surprise of his life when, in the early mist of a September morning some weeks later, a line of ' these selfsame tanks burst for the first time upon his incredulous vision, waddling grotesquely up the hill to the ridge which had defied the 13ritieh Infantry so long and so blood- ily -there to squat complacently down on the top of the enemy's' machine guns, or spout destruction from her own up and down the beautiful trenches Flitch had never been in- tended for capture. In fact, Brother Bothe was quite plaintive about the matter, Ho de- scribed the employment of such en. gines as 'wicked and brutal, and op- posed to the recognized usages of war- fare. When ono of these low -comedy vehicles (named the Creme -de - Menthe) ambled dawn the main street of the hitherto herpregnable village of, Flees with hysterical British Tom- mies slapping her on the back, he ap- pealed to the civilized world to step in and forbid the combination of yule pelmet and barbarity. "Let us at least fight lilso gentle- men," said the Henn With simple dig- nity. "Let us Weis to 141;1/nate mili- tary devices --the murder of women our Spr ]tIg• Clothes o - WOMEN! IT 18 MAGIC I b LIFT OUT ANY CORN Apply a few drops then Ilft corns or calluses off with fIngers-no pain. e we* Suitable for the real boy is this model. McCall Pattern No. 7608, Boy's Suit. In 4 sizes, 2 to 8 years. Price, 15 cents. Attractively simple is this pretty little dress. McCall Pattern No. 8199, Ladies' Dress. In, 0 sizes, 84 to 44 bust. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Tor- onto, Dept. W. menetrive Liniment l'or sale everywhere. The Seers. (On loolsing at the Roll of Honor Page.) Too young for love, with all its joys and fears, Too young to know the thrill that little feet Bring to a father's heart through long ghat years Of care and sorrow sweet, When came the call, they rushed from desk and field, To fields of blood with Freedom as the goal; In pain from which no mother's hand could shield, They lost -to find -their soul. No gamblers they, Who threw away their right Of life, of love, of children yet to be; But seers ail, who saw beyond the night The Morn of tiberty. -Elizabeth IL SWIM°. SHOE °LIMES LIQUIDS&KIPASTES ATRAell,WHITE ,TAN, DARK BROWN OR 0X-131.000 SHOES PRESERVE7540LEATHER Jura think! You can lift off any corn or cal- lus without pain or sore. meas. A Cincinnati man dice covered this ether cora• pound and named it freezone. Any drug- gist will Emil a tiny bot- tle of freezone, Like here shown, for very little coat. You apply a few drops directly upon a tender corn or caUus. Instantly the soreness disappears, then short. ly you will find the corn or minus so loose that you can lift it right off. Freezone is wonder- ful. It dries instantly. It doesn't eat away the corn or callus, but shrivels it up without even irritating the surrounding skin. , Hard, soft or corns between the toes, as well as painful calluses, lift right off. There is no pain before or after- I wards. If your druggist hasn't, freezone, tell him to order a smell bete ' tle for you from his wholesale drug house. Waste of Food Illegal. The wilful waste of any food or food products where ouch waste re- sults from carelessnes or manner of storage or is due to any avoidable cause, fa now penalized by the law of Canada, and it is the duty of each municipality to enforce the regula- tion, The managers of storage ware-, houses, private residences, railway I cars and other conveyances containing food stored or in transit, may be call- ed upon to seell food or food products when there is danger of loss from deterioration. ei ivy egg' I, e -I 111119f""•' HAS NO e,o,u,./119110,11$1117', ,, ,Ip it not only softens the / II Water but doubles the cleans- ing power of seep, end makes everything eanitery and REFtitiweh7slue:s°Tnirret'$ irsa. 1 , )011$ 'll Fto LL.L.4"tuvre. — rt Garbage as Hog Feed, Saekateon, Sask., feeds 500 to 800 hogs on garbage, mixed with a small nentmett of grain. The city of Wor- cester, Mass., feeds 8,000 hogs on gar- bage. Springfield, Mass., sells $50,000 worth of municipal fed hogs; Grand Rapider, Mich„ feeds 300 cattle, 400 sheep and 700 pigs on garbage and certain amount of hay. Arlington, Masa., Lowell, Mass., Feel River, Mass., and Providence, R.I., all distri- bute their garbage to private com- panies who feed it to livestook. Dominion Statistics Up-toeoate A valuable feature of the 48th au. mid report of the Royal Hank of Ca- nada is a compilativu of statistics for the Dominion brought up to date, Meat) cover population by prelim:we public debar, revenue and expendi- tures, field crops, trade euranauw, mineral production, insurance, eons- mercial failures, food and fuel prices, immigration, ete. The publication also lists the names of those of the staff overseas and brings out the oreditutde fact that 1,000 employees of thee ins,titution are on the Honour Roll. • Greater Production Plans. Ontario will plant 1,000,000 acres more in cereals and cultivated crops this spring; Quebec, 600,000 and the Maritime Provinces, 400,000 acres ex- tra. The farmers in Eastern Canada ars called upon to plant five acres per terra extra. 400,000 farmers in Eastern Canada can save the situa- tion. consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the BEST Liniment in use. got my foot badly jammed lately. I bathed it well with MINAILD'S LINI- MENT, and it was as well us ever next day. Venire very truly, T. Q. liticedieLLEN. Pigs. and Potatoes. GIRLSi LEMOIsK N UJUICEINWHITENSH Grow potatoes and vegetables in every vacant lot and feed pigs on kitchen refuse -there are two ways of HoW to make a 0—ream); beauty lotion doing surnethiug to help the prevent for a few cents• food crisis. MONEY ORDERS Remit by Dominion Express 'Money Ordeie If lost or stolen you get your motley buck. The Juice of two fresh lemons straiued Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of; Lite moet re- merkatle lernoa skin beautifier at about the cost one must pay LOT a email Jar of the ordinary cold creams., Care should be taken to strain the lemon Juice through a. fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon Juice ie Used to bleach a,nd remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and Ls the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifier. Just try Itl Get three minces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra- grant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the fee°, neck, arms and hands. Queen Mary's Sliver Wedding Shower The Queen Mary's Needlework Guild in Ontario earnestly asks the people of this Province to contribute to a shower of Soldiers' Comforts., Supplies for Ilespitals and Trenches, or money with which to buy them. Donations may be sent in until the last week in May and should be addressed to Mrs. Arthur VanRoughnet, 80 Ring St. West, Toronto, during which week a meeting will be held in the Parla- ment Buildings, when the shower will I be on view and reports made of the contributions reeeived. Immediately after, shipment will be made to EllfP land, Ace arrive In time for her Majesty's Silver Wedding Day, on July 6th, 1918. A Suitable Rebuke. Innumerable are the stories. many of them "chestnuts"- -of the ready wit of Mr. Justice Duff. Here is one fleet iv new to me, at all evente. It appears that ono day while try- ing a cage he was dieturbed by a young man who kept moving about in the voter of the court, lifting chairs and prying under seats. "Young man," exclaimed the learn- od judge at last, "you are making a good deal of unnecessary noise. What are you doing 7" "M'lord," replied the offender, "I have lost my overcoat and tun trying to find it." "Well," came the witty reply, "peo- ple often lose whole :mite in here with- out making all that fuee." • -- Metal that is wrapped in waxed paper will not trust. Ventures attenuant therms Xianetrate. Bulbs and all plante that have been covered for winter protection may now be nneovcred and, the beds fork.. ed over. Pi.1narire Lialniont envie suras. Sato. ....— Herb seeds can be sown early, veva thyme, etc, ledrelaeneeelnierearaeeinterilearea A druggist says s "For nearly thirty years I have commended the Extract of Roots, known as Mother Scigers Curative Syrup, for the radical core of constipation and indigestion. It is an old reliable remedy that never fella to do the work." 30 drape thrice daily. Get the Genuine, at droplets. a fiNEINM81.0 SNES/ • Reduces Strained, Puffy Ankles,' Lymphangitis, Poll Evil, Vistula, Boils, Sweilleyst Stops Lamenese and allays pain. Heels Sores, Cuts, /cruises, ;teat Chafes. It is SAM AilliSEPTIO ABB KailCIDE Does not linger or remove the Snare en el horse can be wetted Pleasant to use 2.50 a bottle, delivered. Pcscrlbo your case or special lostmotiona and /look S R free, A nSORIlthl B. 31t.weeps, sc.hr.tat or mita Ind..e. deer, Strain, Painful. 'Knotted, aaJoatti Prior. (Imam ttated,--ontr a taw drops tcatdred moo ettaNtotioni rdo 60.25 per bottle at dealeto or delivered, W. F. YOUNG. P.O.E., 516 Lassos 81,4„itlanteeni,Cath absorb:nu And AbSurblabr Jr.. ars wale la Csiesti,, The Magi° 'Healing Ointment-. abbIltea Ina toll ell Iniliminstissi. and ere bump *was, bogu', elite, bolls, plies and asseeeset-e old ler eyet IS yews. Ali denten, et write O. UMW PP/ANDY COMPANY, Ilamliten, r, road4 Dogs are domestic animals and should be kept at home. If they run ut large they are a menace to Aeon .. and also carry infection from -net ferret to another. _ istinare.s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Not "Bit" but "Ilamost"-the etel i is worth our "All." 1 POIS gAZia WBILY P/IIWSFAPIOR wEiri•- Irene. eLesaintatOwne.'r(nrcifecaosulTdonbrit/s. market .4. great chance for a man whit rash, Apply Dog 82, Wilson PUbilshlrair CO., Limited, Toronto. AV /I'LL BQUXPV.ED .11/ilWall'431.1fla TY and Job printing plant in Bantersq : 0:tiAlro, tilratoirtretzfcied 111.&011. W1.11 ; 'N'illsoti PUblishing Co., Ltd., 6+ o r 2470, 43. erretazir.e.,. Lem- o'nee- 1 CANingrrilai s'isTeimceTtli;nettrbei171 vita' , , nut pato by our boats treatineuntea WS.r14t; 1 nin .befilttt Collin wood, Medical CUIPAIRA HEALS ITCHING BURNING Rash On This Little Baby Over Face and Head. Quite Disfigured. "When my baby was four months old she had a rash all over her face and head, and was quite dis- figured. Her skin was in• flamed and sore, and itched and burned and the rash later developed into large red eruptions, making her cross and fretful. The ha. \ by could not get any sleep. "My husband bought a box of Cuticura Ointment and a cake of Soap and I used two tins, if Ointmentwith two cakes of Soap and she was healed.° [Signed) Mrs. A. Down, 1040 Gertrecier St. , Verdun, Montreal, Que., March 2. Cuticura Soap and Ointrnent often prevent pimples or tither eruptions. For Free Sample Each by Mail ad- dress pc.t-eard: "Cutieura, Dept. A, Boston, U.S. A." Sold everywhere. • i, ........7 -1,4---.757-7,57,------ . .,!----' i/�"tt e ,7 ,fir //' ' '-0^. ;'.,'' ." ''';';', ..'..' 9/ 71V ?4;.',):;', - - -'-' '',Ot .. 416. -,,t.. 1 I. ,e,-• ,,.--,.,:_k.-.-v'-:-1,'Iz.;),(..,,;.'4::,:. p; • - -,,,:!'... Ouc:cloor rke ref, aro subject ....v..... to all kirele of wcather, andstrouareto 0111,1, workl,rincs the rlyzi1,7t ach.:In can't afford to be said up so fast Mingo of rheumatism. Sloan's Liniment. Clean and am. venient, no need to rub, no seatr,, no clumsy plasters and your p in disappears. Spralnit, strain, reAroli4n ani dote menden are all relieved by the appit- cation of SioreeeLiniment. Ceneroun sine herd= at tn anemias. 25e.„ 50... $1.00. "Te P,N.,y, Sloarrs prIcee not Increesed 25c 50c $ KM TO AVOID DAME AD NERVOIMESS, Told by rttirs. Lynch morn Own Experience. _ Providemeo, was all rtrs' down in benith, ass nervous, hnd head.' aches my hacki , n., ambition fee. eye thine.. I had taidin lee, e a number of reeeie 11 I eines which did me le el I no good. One clay 11E1111 ' i road about , I F'.. I in:dam vrte. t4idlc3c'ompamd...td , what it had dono for ' wymon, so It tied ' it. My nervousness and haekache and headaehes disappeared. I gained in weight atai fed tine, se I eat irnee4 recommend Lydia :1). Ptah= s Vegv. table Compound to any woman who is suffering as T Annum: B. L'iwon, 100 Plain St., Providence, It. L Backache and tervonsness are symp.$ toms or nature's warnings, which ing clicate a functional disturbance or cla unhealthy condition which often deve..1 ops into a more serious ailment, Women it this condition should not continue to drag along Without help, but profit by Mrs. Lynch's experience, awl try this faroots root and herb remedy, Lydia g, Pinithatt's Vegetable Com. pound -and for special advice write fun Lydia E. Pinith am hied. Co., Lynt, Mass, FO. 7. 1S8VE le- •'184