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VOL,. 46 NO, 43 JIsI.jO l'er Annum, in Advance BRUSSELS. ONTARIO. TIIURSDAY. .1 Pla I, 25, 1918
IV. 11. KEA R, .1.roto,-tor
New Advertisements
woe-- wee. 81111101.8.
Monk wonted-iers. Ahem.
Piss for soils- .1ohit
P01;11t00.1 for solo -Tile PONT.
Morn eviasnee-corswell tiros,
Woll Neer week -e. It, PnilOn
A utmeobils hood hist -Tits Poss.,
Begs for hotehine--Johii moodows,
Begs for hotelitoe-John frimenn.
he Reid Test -control easiness (toilette,
Notice to Lireditors-Jonies M. Davis estate.
Btztact t t ta5
Wes. Yea has SOld his Foist car and
intends purchani lig a new Chevrolet.
Pte. Geo. McCallum left Monday
morning for London aftet spending
the week -end at his home (boundary
Moleewneth Presbyterian church
will 110W hold morning SerVie01.1 from
12 to 1, evening 8 p. tn. to 0 p. in„ Sun•
day echool front 11 tit 12 a. tn.
The many felends of Willie Sander-
son will be enrol to bear that lie is
still in a very epithet] condition, Alias
Smith, of Stratford General Hospital
is attending him.
Complaints having been made in
George Rennie, collector of Inland
Revenue in Stratford. that S. S.
Cooper, ownei. of the Normandy hotel
at Clinton had been contravening the
law as to the sale of cigars, he seta
the deputy collector, Mr. Tobin, to
Olinton on March 20111 with instruc-
tions to purchase some cigars from
Cooper. Mr. Tobin accordingly bought
a box of cigars which proved to be not
of brand marked on the outside of the
box but of an inferior quality, which
were sold at 10 cents each, A com-
plaint was laid and the ease was heard
at Clinton. At the conclusion of the
evidence the magietrate reserved his
decision for a week,
Cyrus Campbell visited with friends
at Willowgrove on Sunday,
Mrs, Draper Battin has returned
from a, business telt) to Milverton. •
We are glad to state that Mrs.
Alex, Campbell is recovering from
her recent Hitless.
Robert Campbell has the contract
for battling cream to Willowgrove
factory for the Summer months,
Harrison Bros. tree rebuilding the
chopping mill that was destroyed by
five recently and will soon have it
Word has been received that Rob-
ert Harvey and family have arrived
safely at Portage la Prairie,
We (visit them every ellefleSS.
We are sorry to state that Mrs.
John Robertson, who is at her sister's
in Clinton, is not recovering as
quickly as her many friends would
Harry MeNatight, who has finished
his course in Guelph College, spent
Sunday at his home here on his way
to Seaforth where he is to run a Gov-
ernment tractor.
Miss Alberta McNaught has resum-
ed her duties as teacher of S. S. No.7
Logan after her illness in Stratford
hospital, We hope to see her re-
stored to her femme vigor.
nYo r Meat
The present prices at our
Meat Market are cash (Or
30 days' credit if arrang-
ed.) Customers allowing
their accounts to run long-
er will be charged 2. cents
a pound over cash prices.
This system took effect
January Ioth, T918,
0+ Baeker Bros. .4
Heul.esLlll•is 1.11 II1P IncjVi. in this
Vi1.111i1 s. 1'10111/ li)11.1.411141Y 1114N
1.111V1.11 It. tee l' .1111 11...011 IY purchased
It(11.11. I/ trees, I, 1 width he mad
$7,300. Ves 04)01,0. Hold hie fifty
nitres lo Alt.. hielitneyee for $5000 and
has ptivelomed D. lila tin's 80 serve foe
$6000. lie gets poseession in No-
vember. iVe have not teamed where
Mt., "Latin will locate. We wish tall
(snappiest 8110(THS,
Harold, con of Rev. D, D. mad Mre,
Thomson, has (bedded to join the
l'oreve in defence of the Empire.
We like his pluck and wish etceteras,
A. McCall Mrs axellangeti his gen-
oral store bueinese l'oe a fatten in
lialtoti County ILI1t1 gives up posses-
sion on May let, Ale. AlcOall and
family will he removing from Blue -
vale we are sorry to state.
We are sorry to notice in the casu-
alties of the woe this week the name
(il' G. Stewart, eon of James Stewart,
of Geason, Sask„ formetly of Blue -
vale, lIti was only 23 years of ago,
Deceased has a number cif relatives
Woman's Institute met at the
Orange Hall on Wedneeday after-
noon of Met week to pack boxes of
"eats" for our 01411 1.).)3,1.1 OVOUSeti£1, 33
boxes were packed with cake, candiee,
nutple segar and other good things
with a cake of soap and towel for
each boy, The boys sure appreciate
our effin la in their behalf as will be
seen by their letters received by 01111
lieelTIttry i1lrs. (I. Tate. We desire
to thank all these who so nobly re-
sponded to one appeal. Let us not
weary in well doing.
A telephone has been installed by
Jas. VanCamp an the farm he has
leased l't inn Leonard Ruttan on the
1st line of Morris township.
Mtg. J McKenzie and daughter,
Misslautra, of Prince Albert, are bete
on a holiday vieit Mar 1 elati yes and
old friends. It is about, 30 years since
the emitter went West. She was It
NliSS Miller before hoe marriage.
They ate welcome k` iSi MIS.
Wm. Holt is back from an extend-
ed beaver hunt in the locality of,
Algomptin Park, New Ontario, meet-
ing with good success. He may re-
ceival 100 mires of land front the Gov-
ernment neat. Hearst as E partial
'Twat d for doing duty as soldier of
the King.
The North half 50 soles of the late
R, Millet. farm, Morris boundary,
has been purchased by Peter Scott,
who bas 150 acres amines the road.
Price wits said to be $1500, Ale. Scott
will move to lite newly acquired ferns
and his son, Robert will continue on
the homestead. W. H. Wright
hough,' the South 50 ItereS of the Mil-
ler farm, which adjoins his home
!dime. F. F. Wright wee the owner
ir the property sold, The barn on
the fano was burned a few years ago.
Ohne tangos Festival at Brussels,
Apr. 27, 20 and 30 will attract a num-
ber of not mush. levees.
Tills thastr YET.—Don't miss hearing
the Oranbrook thematic Club in the
A. O. U. W, Ihtll Welkin, Friday ev-
ening, April 2601, at, 8 30, The Olub
has given the play twice tat delighted
andienees and come highly recom-
mended They appear under the aus-
pices of the Walton Women's Instit-
tute. Proceeds go to Red Cease,
A. Bazaar will be held under the
auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the
Methodist' chinch, on the afternoon
and evening of Friday, May 3rd, in
the Large and choler, stock of
Miley goods, aprons, quilts, home-
made baking and candy, ice cream,
&e., will be on sale, connueneing ab
230 o'clock. No admission fee, 15
cents elterged for lunch. Short; pito-
glum at 8 p, in, 'Mrs. Hugh Fulton is
President and ales, J. N. Ottinpbell,
Secretary. Aleph down the date.
or Sale
Government Standard Timothy
and Clover Heed at low latices.
Also Garden and Yield
Caro Floor and feed
to arrive 1111011.1y.
DV -[Imre added ,BILNAD t (itrov-
ery business, First-clitss make.
•1 The He Test of a Good
is not what it womises, but; what it (lees, Out. graduates GET
and HOLD the beet positions. The employee of a recent geed -
nate says : "bile is the filet girl I have had for a long titne
whose wet It I weld depend oti," and forthwith he raised Lev
• ,
4 Stratforo ,Ont. and Wingharn, Ont. .•
• ••eeeeeeeeeeeeee•eeeeee*******•0#44••••••eoeeeeo0
1V, a4nd Mrs. 81101(11(10 and SOBS Who
Ii‘O` II IBM'S NO1111 of here, are taking
tk alp to the Gloat NN'eet, to visit reta-
ils/re rind la lentle, A. tool Mee. Alt.-
Oilaig and fondly will look tater the
Sholdice latent in their absence, 1Ve
wish the travellers a good time ancl
trust It will be pertain:live of good ee-
sults to A11.11. Sholdive'e health.
Some of our ladies are doing the
twin Nock knitting eel, and making a
good job of it,
Mrs. Hairy Smalldon is not very
well we are sorry to slate but hope she
will soon he 1.11111(Ot
RPV. Mr, Dureant, Tasswater, ocen-
pied the pulpit Of the Methodist
church here Sunday afternoon.
A number Ilona Cretan oak and lo-
cality will take in the Chautauqua
Festival next Saturday, Monday and
The Cranbrook Dramatic Club will
present "Willowdale" at. Walton Fri-
day evening of this week, for Red
Last Sunday morning RPV. Me.
Mann preaehed in Knox church here,
Rev, Mr. McCulloch taking the ser-
vice in Melville church, Brussels.
The citation of the congregation of
Knox Church last Sunday in reference
to a call extended to Rev, AL, McCul-
Inch to (arriuke, near Hamilton, came
as (mite a surprise to many in the com-
munity. He and Mrs. McCulloch
will be much miesed if they decide to
remove from Cranbrook.
A. .7. and Mrs. Ilehn will leave
for 'London, theit. new home this
week followed by the good wishes of
this community. They have purchas-
ed a comfortable home in the Forest
city and Mr. Helm will take a position
with Reymann Bros., formerly of
Oranbrook, who do a big business in
awnings and tents. The Methodist
church heee will miss Mr. and Ales.
„ Grey
Chautauqua Festival Saturday,
Monday and Tuesday, April 27, 20 and
30. Town Hall, Brussels. Don't miss
Seeding has been going on with a
good swing and EL large acreage will
be under crop. Fall wheat does not
amount to much in some sections.
Rev. E. G. and Mrs. Powell and
children, London, were visitors; with
Chester and Mrs. Armstrong, 101.11
Con„ the ladies being sisters. The
rev, gentleman went to Oollingwood
for Sunday to conduct services,
We are sorry to state that; Levi
Whitfield, 12th Con., is not enjoying
good health, Hie brother, T. E., of
Brnssele, is lentliug a hand in getting
in the Spring crop. Mr. Whitfield's
many friends wish bin) a return of his
old time vigor in the near future.
Thos. Kirkconnell will move from
the Archie Hislop house, 15th Con., to
the vacant Intim on Geo. Muldoon's,
8th litte Morris, as Walter Broaclfoot,
who has bought the Hislop farm, will
be taking possession. Mr. Kirkcon-
!tell lost the residence on his fatru by
flee last year and has not rebuilt yet.
On April 160) John A. Stewart, 1501
Con., underwent a successful oper-
ation for hernia. He is progressing
MA favorable as can be expected.
His many friends wish him a speedy
recovery, Tie is being taken care of
at the home of his cousins, David G.
and Mrs. Clark, 16th Con.
Thursday of this week Thos. and
Ares, Brown and daughter left for the
West, visiting at Toronto for a
day en route. They will make
their headquarters at Aliami,
where Mr. BlIOWIl'Fi brother, Wm,
owns a big farm and Tom will likely
take hold ofwork on this property,
We wish the family the best of uticcess
and hope the change will be produc-
tive of the best results as it relates to
the asthma that has bothered Mr.
Brown for the past few years.
MISS ISM° Mitchell is visiting with
het. grandparents, G. and Mrs, Colvin,
Ethel and entntnunity will be rep-
isseets d et theChautauqua, Festival
oil farneseis.
Mr. IC. ess, Moneta elf, has bought
t•lit+ IMlurlthrsnu property at G. 'P. R.
stilt het ft nn Grover Gill and will re -
,v.• I It re /41 1111CP
trod eon, Tornnto, have
pitted the Pityson house at G. T. R.
stittlitt turd 111.1' HOW engaged buying
old him tool other goods belonging Lo
OW. class.
Thom Vociden and Wm. Gill have
berm 1 tilling property. Ms. Gill takes
possessine of the hotel May 1st and
Vodden will be found after that
date on the Woods feign,
A1111. 3/10. LOOttit, 601 Con, received
word that Pim, Jno. Williamson, who
went overseas wit•It the 161st, had
been gassed. IL is to be hoped the
injury will not prove serious.
Geo. It, and Mee, McCall and fatnily
moved to Brussels, their new home,
this week. They tette with them the
best wishes of the community who
heavily commend them to the Brus-
sel' tee.
The Chautauqua Festival at 131'118.
sets, on Apt til '27, 20 and 30, is at
leg the attention of the people here,
A number of 'Course tickets will be
secured by folk in this locality for the
6 entertainments.
J. McLelland attended the funeral
of his niece, Anna May Hughes, who
died very suddenly in Toronto. In-
terment was made in Hepworth cetne-
they from the home of her parents,
Shallow Lake on Monday, April 151,11.
Rev, Mr. Matiml Brussels, preached
in the Peesbyteruth church very ac-
ceptably last Sunday. He read a
letter stating Rev. Mr. McCulloch heti
received a call from Clarluke. Repro-
eentatives A, H. McDonald and Rol*
Barr were appointed to attend meet-
ing of Presbytery in Wingharn next
Friday to deal with the matter,
Train Service Increased,
Commencing Heel. ,Monday the
nun Meg and evening passenger
trains will be restored of, the NV,
CI, & B. and will run on the fin In.
er eeltedule. These may he
slight change iti the time table of
the other trains which will he
given next week.
Ethel cheese factory will open for
Eielt..1011 of 1918 on Monday, Alay Ilt
Bert Vodclen is under the doctor's
care et presentHllffeeing fermi viatica,t
We to e sorry to hear of the 11111PHS
of Miss Della McKee but Impel:he will
soon be smarmed,
Miss M. Henry, Toronto, is visiting
her Maher, I. Al. Henry, mem. Mee,
(Dv.) Wardlaw and other old bottle.
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
Church secured the services of Hey. It.
F. Aemsteong, B. D„ Wingluun, for a.
Lecture for May 24th. A good musical
program will also be given.
These IA being shipped this week to
the O. R, fi, by the Woinert's Institute
a box containing 5 day flannel shirts,
44 suits of pyjamas, 70 personal prn-
petty bags, 44 wash cloths, 82 hand-
kerchiefs and 2 convalescent robes,
Ladies wishing to do sewing for the
Red Cross may get MA41109 all rattily
cut by calling on Mrs. R. Dilworth,
There will be a Concert in the
Foresters' Hall on Friday evening,
May 3rd given by Mr. Redmond, his
pupils and local talent. Theeprogram
will consist of solos, choruses. drill,
readings and violin selections,
This concert has been given al. West-
field mud Auburn, to a full house
each time, Proceeds for patriotic
[imposes. Doors open al; 7, program
to continence at 8.
Thos. Inglis, Belmore called on old
friends in the village on Tuesday,
Miss Hazel Van Velsor has taken
a position with Gann Bros, filieriston.
A stable on the property of the
late Chas. Simmons was desthoyed
by five Thursday afternoon. Origin
of fire unkowit.
Merton Howe and family arrived
from Dunnville this week, The form.
er will take charge of the woollen mill
of his father, the late Geo. Howe.
Chautauqua Festival, Brussels,
April 27. 29 and 30.
The contract for the Bone Drain
has been let by the Council to Jas.
Keenaghan at $231.00, Council to se-
cure tile.
Mrs. Win. Cochrane, an old resident
of the 3rd line, died on Wednesday
forenoon of this week, aged 73 years.
Funeral will take place from her late
home Friday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock.
Service at 3 o'clock, Interment in
Brussels cemetet.y.
We are glad to hear that
Doris, little daughter of Chris, and
Mrs, Rogerson, Morris, is improving
after her serious illness. "Nits, Roger-
son and Doris have spent the past few
weeks in Brussels with J. and Mrs,
AxxoIINCE and Mrs.
Jackson announce the engagement of
their daughter, Maud Victotia, to
Robert Taylor McDonald, of Btigden,
Ont. The wedding will take place
Wednesday, May let in the Methodist
church, Blyth.
Gordon, son of O. and Mrs. Rintoul,
5th line, was home last week before
enlisting iu an Aviation Corps. lie
is a divinity student of the Presbytee-
ian rhumb and a clever young man
whom we hope will be able to setae')
to his many feiende, when the 'MEV IS
The ftIlIliVPrsary
HerViet1S in connection with Sunshine
Church were held last Sunday and
were largely attended by appreeiative
audiences. Rev. Mr. Chalk, oil' Wal-
ton wits the preacher. At Lltaileck and
7 the rev. gentlemen pi earthed
strong and forceful sermons hI
drove home to the hearts of his hear-
ers on the peactieal truths of life.
'Otte inualc was ootiducted by (lie Male
Quartette of Brussels Methodist
church, MFSSI.S. Mithackeit, Wheeler
threcliff and Jordon leading the sing, -
big through the seevices. 'Math. opera-
nt munbets were well chosen and add.
ed much to the interest anal impress
of the services. Miss Jeesie Menzies
was the gifted organist. The past-
or, Mr. Davison assisted in the set vic-
es, Monday night weather was all
that could he desired and a full house
greeted the artists. Rev, Me. Davison
invited Rev. Mr. Craik to take the
°hails when in a few well chosen re-
marks introduced the program
giving a short spiny address and filled
in between the various munhers with
wit and humour which hada elleevitig
effect. Bay. Iv1r. Boyle gave an ex-
cellent address taking for his subjetit
Patriotism and Denincracy. Miss 0.
Armstrong tendered all excellent von -
al number, "Laddie in IChalci" in good
voice which was effective. Rev, and
ales. Davison made large eon tribetions
to the progam of seattinge, songs, and
duet, a, full evening's coneert in
itself and thoroughly appreciated
by all. Financial proceeds of mud ver -
eery were $40,00. Muth credit is due
the Male Quartette for thole con-
tribution, and to pitator SARI his gift-
ed wife for thole efficient asistance
and to all who took an interest by
thole peesence for the eeriness of the
services'Misses Edna Sandrett and
Martha Armstrong were the efficient
accompanists Monday evening,
,T, C. and Mrs. Flood, of Mankton,
were appointed caretaker and molten)
of the House of Refuge by the board of
management, at a salary of $715.
Their dutiee Commoner) on May 1st.
Results of Easter Test Exams,
Porn' III.,-1,ixamitted in all 9iti.,1.•els
for Normal Itint MUM., --V. Me1,,,,,,1 89,
O. Hemingway 81, O. Sellers 74, II.
Stewart, 711, Al. Itqvs 70. 11. Our! I,. SS,
J. Kramer 03, 0, At rung, ti0, I I.
14( (111/41141, 00 (Chemist ry I, 4. 1111,,1,1.
57, V. liaiste (heel.) 52, NI .11.
derson (rig. Wets), 15, Of the above
those reetinimentled for
U. Iletningvay, C. Heflin -4, H. (',1,1 -ie
and V. Melovsl, On tom rielii,t1
/4111.1,,II.1111‘.1.011(1Whig is 11/1,
Sula'sets in brackete indirafe failin
V. alciseal 70, O. Hemingway 67. II
Stews( t 05, C. Sellers e3, Al Voss
Ib'rNi 59. I Kittoter (total, 56. II.
Alegnarrie (Phew , (sone ) ss, O.
AI mstrong (lat., emit)) )55. V. II ,isle
(alg., ..lien., lat., ciimp , 13, It emu -
mended for nurtrienituiel) on 1..atin
leave—V. McLeod, liemingsvay, C.
Sellers. A. Baum, Pterenutay trortri...,
avetage 51 (lat., (temp.), M. Skelton
wrote MI part of exam. oply.)
Froin If, Lower Sehriol filni ranee
Ion Nortnal—ti Yuill 7S, Ai. Mcfrinell.
lin 68, EL Spalding 67, L. l3alcer 06,
Baker 65, I. Wilkinson 85, A. Johns-
ton 64, A. Tined' 03, AL Hall 63, M.
Arnistroug 02 C. Baternitu 132, NV.
MoUnteheon 62 (spell.), J. Armstrotig
61, 17. King 01 (hist.), J, Pox 61, M.
Ryan 50 (hist, ), M. Dunfind mrith.
art) 55, R. Hunter (spell,-) 52, V, Hall
52„1. IVatiwiek (history and gramma')
52, D. Stafford, forint. art) 51. MP.
eommended foe farm leave—S. Yuill,
M. INIcLauchlin, E. Spalding, 1. NVil-
kinson, A. Johnston, A. Time% O.
Bateman, J. Armstenng, To be Nit -
sidered by the Dept.—B, King, W.
Chautauqua festival Program
Saturday afternoon of this week at
3 o'clock in Brussels Town 1 -fall, the
celebrated Hampton Court Singers, 5
artists will give the opening program
and they will also sisig at 8 30 p. to.
Don't miss the opening day and these
geeat, entertainers who put on a
unique bill of fare worth coming miles
to hear,
Monday afternoon and evening the
Lyeium Act Club of 0 talented artists,
will present chartning orchestral
music—the finest an the land. An
elocutionist and vocalist of note will
contribute choice numbere and Samuel
Gratham will deliver his dramatic tool
!nunneries Lecteire "Getting by your
Hoodoo." The Hall should be packed.
It will be a treat.
Wednesday at 8 and 8 30 p, tri. a
company of 7 Kaffir boys will be the
enteetainers, accompanied by Alr,
Balmer and Aliss Elsie Clark. Capt.
Hindley, a well known orator will
discuss "The reign of the common
people," This closing clay will: be
among the best of the Festival and the
varied and entertaining progratns will
thrill the audiences. Perhaps' only
once in a lifetime is such a. chance
afforded. Don't; miss the Kat& boys
and Capt. Hindley.
As Cie stone reserved seat is held
for the 6 entertainments care should
be Laken that the stub of the res(.) veil
seat ticket is preserved as it will be
the passport in entering the Hall and
peoof of your right to the seta yoe
ma.upy. Hang on to the Sall),
Topeewit the towhees and the
pupils who also may wish to trI tend,
the Trustee Boatel lose granted per-
mission to close the various depart-
ments of the sehnol at 3 instead of 4
on Monday and 'ruesilay, the time to
be made up again.
The Festival talent come to Brussels
mil lamknow tool go from lime to
Palm,' etsm,
Did yon yonr seat foe the
Festival F Plan at Fox'e Drug store,
Do it now,
Complying with the law of the bold
Wm. Tax will bra collected on all I iek-
ets. Rate 10c for (mutate tickets and 5
cents on single acinit tickets.
Course ticket; for Hie ti splendid en-
tertainments only VOSIS $2.00 for
seat, Leans -Nimble among
nnemnhttvs or the etunily, making a very
low fee for such high-class talent.
Oetlitoreily a single ticket would cost.
from $1.00 up. Get a Coarse ticket
and give the family a chance,
Wroxeter Council
Council met. in the °leek's office on
the 111th inst., members present Reeve
Douglas and Councillors Hopevart,
Davey and Pope• al inutes of last.
111PPling read and adopted on motion
of Hopceaft—l/avey,
Communication ee vireant lands not
producing read trod laid over.,
Accounts were peesented as fol-
lows :-
A, II, Moffitt, running plant
81 ;tights .„... ..... ....... .$ 40 75
R. Black, vent; and water pow -
015 00
'I', 0, Hemphill, coal for Hall5 25
Municipal World, supplies 74.
R. J, Bann, school purpoees300 00
$301 74
On motion of Davey — Hommel,
aoecitm is were ordered to be paid.
By-law No. 5 was read 8 titnee and
passed what moved by Pope—Davey,
Question of seeding down part or
cemetery was discussed and left to
Cemetery Committee.
Clerk west:18(.41101,mi to order lamps.
Council atijonetted to meet, 3rd
Tuesday of May or on call of Reeve.
J, IttareRALISR, (Berk.
from frank Gerry
"The Post,
Detsse 1Lt Keata -.lust a few lines
this efterneon, as iti my dug out
door (not leinib ;tee' either.) but
nevertheless is quite mimeo; Inble,
alter otie has had a session up the
line. It's Mee to get away and get
a good HilaVV, Wal.111 anti 11.190 a Muse-
um The sun is vt-ty bright, twee to-
day and its "Sunny 14`1.1411CP" all right,
lust the kind of a day one would like
to (Huh all khaki and fumy gifts and
ise free again. The war still goes on
and although there is plenty or 104 tl.
aliipq to go through onr Canadian lade
eveevtaing with a smile and per-
haps an Odd groneh, There Me plenty
or large rats in the trenches. I was
speaking to an imperial Tommy the
()thee night and he was telling me
how he )(hot a few lets, while looking
over the top, Be said he saved a
piece of hie cheese ration (which I
guess was small; and tied it to the end
of hie hayotiet on his rifle and waited
for a lumpy rat to °tune along.
Then when Mr. Rol went for the
cheese the trigger was pressed and
gmel•bye ratty, .Tust a new way of
killing rats, Well yott will be getting
tired of heating about lice and rats
and so are we, sr) I will carry no. I
always get the Beassreas Poss. all o.
k, and they are always welcome.
We all like to hear the doinge of the
old town anti how everybody is get-
ting OIL Norman McGuire and my-
self ate in the same Battalion. Pte.
F. Gerry, 727004 A. Coy., 4th C. M. R.
Batt, Wanes. Some time ago I re.
ceivecl boxes froin the girls of Mus-
sels, the Red Cross and the Oddeellosys
all of which WTI'S fine and dandy and
many thatt)cs to all foe same. A box
sure is a.ppreciated.1) ere. The I', M.
O. A's are pretty good to the boys
here and give free coeoa and it un-
doubtedly goes good on a (hilly night.
They certainly do a good arm lc here
to entertain us, when we are out, on
rest. You SUPS have been having
quite a rough Winter of it in Canada.
Now I think this is all for this time.
Once more thanking the girls of Bens-
sels, the Red Cross and the Odd -
fellows for the lovely boxes and may
the war soon be over, Best regards
to all. Good-bye. Sincerely,
No Reduced Railway Fares
It was announced by Toronto rail-
way officials that all convention certi-
ficate plan arrangements with respect
to reduced fares on the railway this
Summer had been cancelled by the
Eastern Canadian Passenger Assonia-
tion. While this will have a matked
effect upon convention traffic! and
means a large loss of revenue to rail-
ways and hotels, the railway officials
pointed out that the action of the as-
sociation WU necessary to conserve
labor and fuel and incidentally place at
the disposal of the railway additional
motive power for the movements of
foodstuffs and munitions to the sea-
I People We Talk About tit
W. A L,osery is beck from a brieluess
trip to Cobalt.
Walter Breckenridge hes moved to
Wingliam having sold his home on John
Tom Armstrong is home from Queen's
University, Kingston, which he attended
dories chemist term He was taking an
Arts cant :Se
August and Mrs. Guhr, formerly of
Brussels, who have been residents of Sea
forth, have moved to Godrieh where they
purpose making their home,
George Brown, Teronto, was here for
a short visit last week, combining busi-
ness and pleasure, Mrs Brown accom
ponied him to Ciinion to visit her claugh.
tea:Mrs. 1.*Les!ie Kerr, We hope the
change ve Mrs Brown's
whieb hos not beet) very robust
fort he pest Near
J 1) Roo ) 1, of Windsor, is a wet•
come visitor at the home of Barrister
.0)(1 11ns. S11111111114, the letter being his
ditighier He is in his S4th year but
ltatiser Tuns deals wi h him so kindly
he is growing old s'inost without realiz-
ing. thefact, Mr. R meld will spend a
few weeks ranewit.g oat friendships
TRP. POST extends a cot Ifil welcome
io Mrs George Sperling and faintly, of
Cranhro k, on becoming residents of
Brussels They moved last week to the
hotne recently purchaser] from Harry
Keys, Clench stteet. Mrs Snarling
sold her farm to Harry Keys, who is
now in possr won,
G. E and Mrs. McCall. and daughter,
of bel, localey, taik possesiion of the
com.nodintis home reeeniv purchased
from Geo Ttioinroll, WI liam street, We
1) 1 them v eleirmeM
. Mrs c, ail is R
s•ster to Mrs T. It Whi•6..td, Queen
sit eet Sir ann Thomson have•
inoveti to apartments ovrr their store
An c facial Icier:emu Wag received
Thurstlas of last week by Angus Camp -
hen apprising him of the fact Met his
son, Pte Ha' old, hall been wounded in
t le arm while fighting in France
'There are three of Mr. and Mrs Camp-
bell's sons veering the colors, We hope
Harold's Injories Are not serious
Font/Wing telegram was received
from (MAWS:—"Sincerely regret to in,
from you that resssti Lieut. Harold
Campbell, infantry, officially reported
admitted to Southwark Militery Besot.
ini, Kist Dolwick Grove, London, S ,
April ts.1), totS Gunshot wound itt
left arm. Will send further pertieulere
when received. Director of Records'(
Harold enlisted with the stst Bata -Idiots
in October Tors and was promoted to
Lieut. He has been in the trenches
over a years,
Nits W. M. Simian was va t r
•••••ter, Mir (Rev.) W. I Pinta 01
i)trai ford,
A cre)'e),ra ry set (evert Item tite,
WVinan Spatting, only Noe Fletcher
and Mrs. Sp:40111g. 1(111314111c.
.t)1: his sa Fe arrival 111
Prt. Edgar Lewrv, sot, st Hawses(
and Mrs. Lawry. WIOXhIlor, formerly of
Brussels, es ou the sick Itst in an English
hospital Hope re wiil soon be k.
lames and MIs Bailout% re. and Archie
who lived in apartments /ever the ((tore
during the Winter, tiniest] to their home,
Queen Street. Keit, last week.
Fled. Hunter, Orton Wilbee, Alvin
Oakley awl Oliver Doll are amoug the
Brussels boys who went atittiss with the
last contiugent :and Are now in England.
Duncan and Mrs Stewart, Sit -saint,.
have arrived home from on extended els.
it at Los Angeles, California. The form-
er is a leather to Mrs, lames Aletlaks•
William Street, Brussels,
Ino. Livingston was home for a short
visit tvah his mother and sister, Mrs. A.
Yuill He has been le years in one au•
tornobile factory in Ostsoit, -Jack" acts
gone on a trip to relatives in the West,
We expected it %vas a wedding trier.
Mrs. Marsden Smith and ;Sits, Martha
accompanied by Mrs Is Stark and
daughter, Torouto. attend,d the lenetal
of the late Wm. J. Killougli, at Dungan.
nou, Tuesday of last week. Ms Kil-
lough and Mrs. Smith are sisters. The
trip was made by motor
George Anderson. who Was in tete ear-
loy of Wilton & Turubull, Brussels, for
or 5 stems, was buried at Atwood
Thursday of last week. He died in the
West. His health had not been good for
s (me time. George was a very decent
uead and had many frieuds,
Church Chimes
Maitland Presbytery will meet in
Wingham on Friday to deal with the
call to Rev- I, Is McCulloch, Cyan-
Rev. J. Ts, McCulloch, Cranbrook,
preached good sermons in Sletville
church last Sabbath. Heana Rev. Mr.
Mann exchanged pulpits.
On Wednesday, May seth, Rev.
les e Gibson, Secretary of the Upper
Canada Bible Society; Will deliver an 11.
hastrated Lecture in the interests of this
well known organization, the subject of
which will be "Bible on the Battle field."
He is a good speaker,
At the Easter Vestry meeting of St.
James church, Stratford, Rev. W. T.
Chaff, formerly Rector sf St, lolin's
cithrch, Brussels, was granted an
increase of $200 to his salary. Sr000
will he spent in improvements to the
Bishop Fallon, London, has appointed
Rev. Father Goetz parish priest of St.
James' church, Sesforth, to succeed the
late Rev. P,Corcoran Rev. Father Gt etz
assumed his new charge and has created
an excellent impression among his con-
gregation. He is an 'hie speaker and a
young, energetic man, He formerly bad
charge of the parishes of Tilistinburg and
It is stated Rev. E. G. Powell now in
London, who nu Ste: et ary of the
Temperance forces iu 'Buren and Perth
counties for several rats and did his
work with masked suic s., will re-enter
the pastorate of the Methodist church at
next Conference. Iasi( Alt'. Powell was
a former pastor of Brea -els Methodist
church fur; years and will serve any
congregation as preacher and pastor
with ability, activity and agreebility.
He's a live wire.
examinations for pi obatiouers of London
Methodist Conference has been eouclud-
ed at London, the following candidates
beiug successful in gaining cettifieates:
Bruce Learn, Coao•worth ; I ) Wool -
lets for
don•I Pettey. Fullerton ;
E •Eaford, Iona ; S. N F. Chant, St.
Thom Is ; Delman Guest, Kincardine.
Duncan Guest also was successful in the
firstyear examination. I). Mac. Tay,-
Ish, of Kincardine received his certificate
for the first year's work. S Sanderson
Lambeth was suceesstul iu the second
veal's work Pte, 1 Morley Coiling who
has been in ?sauce for 2,11 rears was grant.
ed second year stem, in, ny the examin-
ing buret without taking the marline-
Sunday lest W/Is observed as anniversary
day of the ,N1 M S. of the INIethodist
church The pi earlier was Rev. C. R.
Durrant, of T,eswatet , who gave a very
practical discourse ou Prayer, that
(multi not help tirovits beneficial at the
morning set vice. In the evening a sjr-
ring serum] WRS preached on the great
war. The( - xi was "King of Righteous-
ness and Klug' of Peace " The choir
was composed entirely of female voices,
members of the Society joining the
regular chow. "Make me a power" and
"He loves me so" were well sung. Mrs.
O. Walker rendered '•13eatatiful land nn
high." itt good voice, The floral decent -
tions were pleasieg. Monday evening
Rev, me Durrant gave his instructive
and interesting Lecture on "Sails.
Skates Rua Snowshoes," relating to the
island of Newfoundland. Accompanied
by a large number of flee lantern views
the facts anti figures of the lecture were
forcibly impreesed Mr. Durrant speut
a number of years as a missionary on the
island mad consequently has his informa-
tion first bawl. Judging by the presen-
tatioe of the use the Dominion of
Canada should more actively seek the
entrance of Newfoundland into the Coe -
federation for more thee one reason.
The lecturer related numerous personal
exp :fleeces that were both Ilemoroue
and proved the speaker to be "good
stuff," Rev. Mr, ti efford introduced
speaker and in belmr of the audience
returned thanks for the fine time enjoy-
ed The lantern ems capably heudled
by F. H. Gilroy. Atter singing -Praise
God from whom all blessings flow"
Rev, Mr. Menti pronounced the Bene-
diction. Between the offering Sunday
evening and the proceeds of the lecture
about $0,no was added to the treasury.
Rev. Mr Dogma le a ready, pleasing
speaker and will be welcome back to