HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-4-18, Page 8gi'r+ ''•t'v t # .. ,.;�..?:i•g?aF;•{eR,',^r''" e?r.!s.vd. M4,4 ctiT-i, R. T Store Formaldehyde Kills Smut Seeding tune is at hand and during the uext fete weeks there will be nanny bottles of Formaldehyde sold for treating Seed Grains before solving. Formaldehyde is recognized by the Governtnent Department of Agriculture as the Preven- tative of smut on grain. It has given quell good satisfaction in this connection that its use has been steadily on the increase for some years, until now its employment is almost general, Our Formaldehyde is the best tbat can be obtained and is put up in two sizes— e lb. Bottles sufficient for from 8o to too bushels 60c tit lb. Bottles sufficient for from 4o to so bushels 35c Full directions for use are on each bottle, You will be well repaid for the small outlay and time spent if you use Formal- dehyde, Sunni' Weather epn-.� ..Yb-AFM••M�1rfA}M4a naakF'ft�aliiM-,v+F,MMn�>' '''' 4 t!."0 i..;eis. 'It4I "a:' it lit)uHit 1st 1 i ,,.et7 A intitiber Are LU.int, adventage • tit the otter. •]- Tule %week Geo Hendet Olt wile d*lint. 0 i his .fraying with S. Carter. Fuld %trick ▪ ns his two teams were busy, • Tliu motley advertised as found hast • week wag restored to the owner as 9 was the shuttle and slippers. It pate to + :River! ige in THE Po.sT si A10.2. NieL.iatra., ,:Il the Corinne, eta] sty hotel `teal two ii, fnrutetly of firus.eb 11 Is purchased the bits nue and marl cote net tO the di pot front 'runtime & it c l r 0'.11 ell n[,Festival, 1U4 1 11 til Saterd ry 27111, Monday cgth end Tuesday 30th. Afternoon and evening sessions, Don't miss ally of the 6 Rath- eriugs, SPECIAL bargaine are offered by Cars- well Bros, in Lace curtains, probably e the very thing you want. Read their .l advertisement and see how von may 4 save money. Calls for brightening up the llonse indoors auil ninny good suggestions will he found in or i Wail Paper Stock If your taste runs £or l'{ain Papers, we have many to choose from in the New Plain Weaves and also from the ever popular Oatmeals. These have beautiful Borders and Base 'Trimmers in bright new colorings and when complet- ed will furnish a pleaeing dec- oratieu. If you would like something with more pattern a choice • will be found in the Tapestries and Chintzes These can very often be com- biued with a Plain Paper. If you have Papering to do it will be to your advantage to see our samples, E R. S 91TH The TcpX.C42.04 Store Druggist and 5tatiollee 9@•4.44.•Eb•Fealere•44•i•0•i•.•N•o•b.•Fs+0+0444-410&03•4140•I.03.3.1•**4)+40+4)•1.44-4) gorai beds gterns CHAUTAUQUA. Aram more than half gone. GET your lawn mower ready. INCREASED Production is the slogan. SPLENDID roads for this season of the year. GIve THE POST the names of your visitors. House cleaning campaign has com- menced. S. O. S.—Sons of the Soil, are prepar- ing fora busy season. DON'T be in too big a hurry getting out your straw hat and linen (luster. 2 CARS of soft coal came to hand for the Electric Light power house last week. THE watering cart has gone on duty as the dust on Turnberry street was fierce. A FEW runaway teams livened up things last week and did some damage. Nobody hurt. Kssr off the boulevards. A fellow who deliberately drives over them should have his head examined. THE house on John street, owned by Walter Breckenridge, has been sold to Mrs. R. T, Hingston, who gets posses- sion at once. BRUssme Public Library is now back to the regular hours followed before the fuel shortage otlast Winter necessitated a Curtailment. THE daily War Bulletins are read with interest as they come to had, especially since the mail service is so meagre with the abbreviated train accommoda- tion at present. RED Cross Circle will meet next Tues- day afternoon in the Public Library audience room. All the members will be welcome. Don't forget the cakes for the boys overseas TETE stsble on the premises of Alex. Smite, John street, was sold to Roy Mc- Kay and last week was moved to the latter's lot, Alexander street, by the aid of several teams and rollers. SPLENDID Oppori11 ty is offered peo- ple who enjoy erst•class music or high class literary ability to have these tastes gratified by the coming of the Chautart- 4 ua Festival toBrussels at a very moder- ate figura. Get a course ticket and take in the 6 entertainments. SATrfRDAY afternoon of this week Mrs. D. B, Moore will hold an Auction Sale of Household effects at her home, William street, at 1,3o o'clock, At 3 p. m, the same day George Thomson will dispose of Furniture, &c, at his resi- dence. Property sales Is the cause of the sales. CLOCKS TURNED Otis—Last Sunday the new Daylight increase law came into effect and will hold good until the end of October when we will drop back an hour for the next 6 months of shorter days. The new order means a livelier scurrying in the mornings to catch the hour advanced but leaves good long daylight hours after 6 p, in, for work or recreation as people may see lit, DIED IN HIS YOUTH.—J, T. and Mrs. Wood abd tamely were called to New Hamburg to attend the funeral of Pte. Wilfrid Laschinger, a nephew, who died Thursday of last week at the early age of 2t years, Deceased had gone overseas and at Vimy Ridge while doing duty as a despatch bearer he was caught by shrapnet and tost his lett leg, the index finger of his right hand and suffered other painful injuries, He was making a fair way to regaining his health When he had to undergo an operation from which he did not re- cover. Wilfrid was a floe tope of young tuanhood, most exemplary in life and his demise is deeply regretted by a wide circle of friends. His father flied dur- log the past year. BLACKBIRDS and robins are here in great numbers. Doe"r forget to tight that tail lamp on your ear at nights. It may save you trouble and expense. Meese people have been used up by a prevalent cold accompanied in most cages by hoarsenees and sore throat. W. L. BAEKER has purchased the brick residence he has been the tenaut of for some months on Turnberry street, South, from Miss B. Walker. It will make a very comfortable hnme. —0 -- CentPenrseenhouse rind 1? acres of land for sale Will be sold at a bargain as owner is go- ing West. Located on Stretton Sti. et, just South of Brussels Creamery. For further par - Maulers apply to Mas. JNO. COUNL°Y, BrusBels, or A. Stewart. 42.2 FOR SALE.—About 100 bushels of turnips and some hay. G. A. HEADMAN. "Tan WHIP .."—Absolutely the greatest Mot- ion Picture in the world, will he shown In aid of the Red Croce, in Cardno's Opera House, Senforth, on Friday and Saturday, at 8 80 p. m. Reserved seats 60e ; Rush seats 85c. Reserved seats on sale at Aberhart's Drug Stare, Phone 111. Music by Orchestra, Fon SALE.—Quantity of good, silver hulled, seed Buckwheat. Also a small gnantity of good clean seed Oats. Quo. BATEMAN, Phone 8518 Ethel. Fon SALE —7 little page between 8 and 4 weeks old. Have also a small quantity of good small, white field beans for seed. Apply Phone 8513 CECIL BATEMAN, Ethel. Num off wagon axle lest between Brussels and Wm. Bryans' farm, 4th line Morris. Find- er kindly leave at Tan POST. HOUSE and lot for sale in 'Brussels. Well located. Early possession. For further par- ticulars as to price, terms, &e., apply to Mite. T. R. THOMSON, Seeforth, or Bonr. THOMSON. Brussels. NpMnERof amR.T $i\(BTON Bruusgels. 25 weaned pigs wanted. R. Toro isoa.Brusels, HATCHING Eggs from bred -to -lay S. C. White Leghorns, 5 cents on egg_ Any quantity. R. THOmSON, Brussels. 8 01TUNRe of pigs 2 months old and 8 young calves for sale. DoniALD McKivNoN, Phone 217 Grey Twp. LIME, in putty form, clean and In gond shape for sale, Jas. Spina, Brussels P.O. Phone 100. 18 Boos, 4 months old, for sale, Apply to Guo. BAUER, Cranbrook. Phone 524, Fort 51ALE,—Red Clover No.72 Improved Rem ner Seed Oats ; No, 21 Seed Barley and 1 Mc- Cormick Binder, at Partners' prises. Durham calves wanted JNO. A. SPernAN, Phone MO Cloverdale Farm, Carey. COtIFORTABLE Brick House and Lot for sale, Eligibly situatedon Alexander street, Brus- sel, belonging to estate of the ]ate George N. McLaren. Possession to he given MAGIC, Brussels. Butler for sale, Mikado style. Apr to SERn OAT:. O. A, C. No. 72, for sale. Also n quantity of Davis Warrior and Extra Ealy Eureka Seed Potatoes. ED, lrntivos,Phole 285. SERD Oers for sale, JAs, PERPI One 2511. SRnn GRAIN Pea BALE—Quantity of seed oats, O, A. O No. 72 and also small quantity of Marquis seed Spring wheat. Both clean. Phone 4916. CEO, WHIrro'rnLn, SEED BARLEY for sale. ArinlrEty LAMONT.. Bg Phone 2014, Grey Twp, BMA, Orrnn and. d. ly Washing Perm for sale COMVORTA111.n Melee Wall stable and 35 acre of land for sale, hard and soft water, fruit trees and small fruits. Would give. possession at once For further particulars AR to pries, terms, Sac., apply to Mfas Gamut, Brussels. FOR SALE.--4-horeopower and'barrel clement mixer. Will sell two for $16. Also number of cedar posts for sale, S. S. COLE, Ethel. Phone 864. IF on have an organ needing clearing or repairs call up phone 87, Bruasele. BRED Oats at for sale. le I, 30'0 .C. I e. 72,0 M Z8I0 N CitraRTAnLE dwtlBng Por solo m• to rent, with acre land, fruit trace hard and soft water, etable, &c. I. C. aTORARD9, ROMs for sale. Apply to Mies R. HOLMes, ALL kinds of notary wanted. Alse empty sacks for which highest prices 'win be paid Phone 02x. SAM. WETNsrEte. rliltr fihort Horn Braila from 10 to 12 months Old far sale. JAs. ;•1VRTN, Lot 20, Cmn, 0, Morris. Phone 100. • W.J. RYAN, ailed. ata g pp M GET ready for the Sanitary Inspector's visit. May isth is the (1 ate set for the completion of the cleauing up Dump ground will be at the gravel pit owued by the town, Turnberry street North, LIVELY 'TRADE —Alf, Baeker shipped Oso eggs for hatching this week. He received orders for 4.6so eggs in 2 days, It looks as if Increased Production is going to be a reality in the poultry yard this season, Ancems SALE of Royal Hotel, stable and household effects, Seaf„rth, ou Wed- nesday forenoon of next week, at to o'clock. See advt. iu another eolumn of this lssue. Proprietor Weir is removing from Seaforth, hence the sale, NEXT Red Cross Circle meeting will be held 'Tuesday, 23rd inst , in the Public Library Audience Room. All who are willing to contribute fruit cake or drop cakes are asked to bring them that day so that boxes may be packed for the boys overseas. Everybody's help is invited. SOME THINGS ON THE WAY.— Flies. Fishing. Swimming. Rhubarb pie. Lawn mowers, Coatless males, Hatless females. GET YOUR TICEE9.5.—The Committee has been pushing the sale of the Course 'Tickets for the coming Chautauqua Festival, 6 entertainments, 2 each clay and the tickets are transferable to the members of the family of the purchaser. It's a great opportunity to hear the best at the ordinary price, if a Course ticket is secured. DR. T. T, McRae has disposed of his fancy driving mare, Elsie Cemphell, to Win. Murray, Walton, at a good figure The equine is only 4 fears old but is a good one, with promise of con- siderable speed if developed. Mr, Mur- ray does not object to this. Dr. Mc. Rae uses a car during the Summer hence does not require a horse or there would have been no sale. A LETTER from John le Petch from Edmonton, written on March 3oth Saye: —We are moving this week to Swain. Sask., so want THE POST changed to tbat address• Have had some beautiful weather in March but a very cold Win- ter, Don't think it could come up to Ontario yet. We had lots of coal and plenty of good bread and butter so the slid not suffer any ill. The former Brussels people here are well as far as I know. A NUMBER ARE REseONDING.-^In COt- nectfou with THE POST Subscription Collecting Campaign daring April a number are responding and we hope to hear from the hundreds on our lists who are in arrears. We have seat out some statements and others will follow but no need of waiting for these as the address label gives the same information. To those who have squared up the return hearty thanks and to thore who pimp ire dolug so the urge Do re Now. A news- paper cannot be run on good wishes alone as those expecting cash from us are not willing to accept them in lieu of the coin. — HALF HOLIDAY BEGINS JUNE The agreement by the business people of Brussels to observe Thursday afti moon of each week as a half holidev during the months of Juue, July and Aueust has been almost unanimously sigued and at a meeting of the Business Men's Aesociation, window cards and an adver- tisetneut iu THE POST announciug the same, were ordered. Last Summet's experience regardiug the holiday le very pleasantly remembered and with au extra month this year no doubt a large amount of work will be clone in addition to the opportunity of enjodpg recreation and occasional Measuee trips Places of business will close at r2 o'clock neon each Thursday, same as last year. Kin- cardiue, Luekuow, Wingham and other towns are following the same practice. PRACTICAL ADDRESSES.—T111.1raday of last week Rev. Mr. 'Tebbs, Anglican clergyman of Hamilton, came to Brus- sels, at the request of the government the g to lir u interest in t authorities s P Greater Production compaign. He spoke to the pupils of Brussels school iu the afteruoou and showed the part the youth eau play in helping in this Cana diau-tvide movement. In the evening Rev, Mr. Tebbe addresser] a public meeting in the Town Hall, the audience beiug isms than half the size it should have been if the public were as ready to receive helpful pointers as they are to talk about the "great necessity.” B. S Scott inttodeced the speaker in an ap- propriate manner after dealing with some Horticultural Society comments regarding this season's work in flower, shrub and vegetable culture Mr, Tebbe is a good speaker, ready, well posted, with wide experience Enid willing to answer queries. Rev, Mr. Manu took charge of the lantern and exhibited a large number of exoellent views largely from the lecturer's garden which splen - airily illustrated the subject, "How to get the most out of your garden." The soils, seeds, culture, care, &c., were practically dealt with and timely hints as to vegetables, Rowers, &a, were given. At the close the reverend gentleman was thanked as were Misses Jones and Fox for a fine piano solo and Rev. Mr, Mann for the use of his lan- tern. Rev. NIr. Tebbe has beeu Presi- dent of the °uteric Horticultural Sods. ty and is thoroughly qualified for the public attdrest es he is called upon to give. .PAax aR, Oataoputhfo Physician, visits He is a son of the Emerald Isle, as Monday afternoon of each week. might be ascertained by the humor Bremen Those diseases aucosasfult � 'n u through (Ifs talks, Chronic) and nervous y bubbling p g lM•w�hwMl.tSAun,rR'IeMM�^:YRITMTNIM.M„teal'1wrYW1M1MIFYWrxM�wiMbFVFIM.5eF'M.N :�.�Y1 STANDARD Fa.ANIC 'G1. r 4'MitCw CONDENSED S`1'ATiEMENT 31ST JANUARY, 1018 f.tiottirtEs Notea in Circulation $68,080,709 00 DepDue to 2181,899.73 Due to Banks n Dividend, Payable 1st February, ins 112,094,17 Acceptances Tender Lettere of Credit 70,038,80 Capital, deserve Fund and P, & le Account 8,081,706,82 Cash on hand Gold Reserves and Govt. Deposits for Circulation De Y Due b Banks nth ir on Dominion Govt., British Govt, and e Bonder, etc... Call Loans and Current Discounts Bank Premises Letters of Credit Per Contra Other Assets ASSETS $11,028,114.80 2,076,000,00 4,198,749,42 12,049,986.40 42,002,270.68 1,924,298.44 70,096,80 108,081,98 $79,990,907.42 LAsr week W, A Lowry shipped a I ee $$ $$ car Of hersee to Cobalt. A special span of draft tquinos was in the lot, ordered by a dray mg Company. Wold wile received Wednesday of this week br Mre Styles, that her son, Pte. W H. Styles, who weut overseas with the ililst was wounded by a gunshot in the cheek. MRs JNn Consuty is offering her home and i, acres of laud for sale as she purposes removing to the West shortly, The property is located immediately South of lirnesels Butter Factory. REV D B. McRae, of Kincardine, has purchased Miss Lizzie Denning's restdeuce on Lambton street. in that town. We wish the reverend gentle- man and family many years of comfort in it, PLAN RN- HALL. — tiairlla Y of this week, at q a. m , the plan of the Town Hall for the Chautauqua Festival will open at Fox's Drug Store. The same seats are held for the 3 days, lienee the advisability of making an early choice, This Festtval will be the treat of the sea- son treated. 'Vitaslresidenees. Clousultatiou'at gaeen'a $alai. who were absent missed a treat, SOME thacgs ou the program :— Spring rush. April showers, Fishing taekle. Geueral clean up Chautauqua Festival. The Sanitary luspeclor. IN a letter received by the home folks from Mrs. fames Hoggard, of Sask., she speaks of a Box Social field last week ie their neighborhood where the proceeds amounted to $S2o.00. Two-thirds of this goes to the Red Cross and one-third to a thud for tile improvement of the farms in France. Here's an example worthy of following. BRUSSELS Women's Institute will con- vene in the Audience Room of the Pub- lic Library, Friday, April :nth, at 3 p, nt. Mrs. W. W. Harris will introdree the subject "Bad Habits formed in good health not easily corrected." There will also be Roll Call answered by Home Problems. This will afford an °ppm, Nutty to thresh out the new "Daylight Saving Law." A large attendance is d epi red, THE motor vehicles act is to be amend- ed by adding this section :—No person shall throw or deposit on a highway any glass. nails, tacks, scraps of metal or other material which may be injurious to the tires of motor vehicles, Evident- ly this would apply to alleys, so that householders and others should be care- ful in depositing refuse in alleys as well as streets. A LETTER from NI. Nlekeuzle, of An - eta, North Dakota, says:—Weather is graud here, never sate a finer March. Some are seediog and suppose it will be general next week, Automobiles have been running about a month. Am seed - rug the local paper so you may see our folk are trying to do their bit for the Red Cross. THE sum of $42 25 has been collect[ d from members and friends of the W. C. 1`. U. for the Miedonary and Patriotic department. Money goes to help pay the win kilt; expenses of two Y, M. C. A- tom Cup nine Archibald and Sharpe, who are well the Canadians in France, nod it we; nem yelp provide nourishing drinks fn: air hays Money Is sent to Mrs He,ea D:dor, Missiouary Treasur- er, Nee h Bay Many thanks for the geuerousresponse. NIRS, WM RANns, Supt. Miss'v anal Patriotic Dept. Brussels W, C. T. U. PRAL;ED EVERYWHERE,—The reports from cities and towns where the Chau- taugtla Festival has been given speak of the excellence of the talent. Chatham p.Rpers say nothing better has appeared iu their city. The Wallaceburg News says; —The audiences with each perfor- mance grew larger and more enthursias- tic and nothing and the highest praise was head for the Chautauqua artists and that by those best qualified to judge the people lin generall were mightily pleased and benefited be the Festival. As a result Dr. Rowland found that many business men were really to sign a contract for the returu of the Cbanreu- qua iu the Fall anti now there are 26 signatures of local people ou the con - that slap 1 the Ur, states %left and y more could be obtained if desired. The Wallaceburg people have come to realize that the Chautauqua is a great educative anti eutertainiug rector that cannot be passed by. MierRIMomess.—A quiet though pret- ty wedding was solemuized at the hone of Rnbet t and Mrs. Den - bow, Rapid City, (formerly of Brusselse on Wednesday, March loth, at 8 a m„ when their eldest daughter, Mlms Elsie Irene, became the wife of Reuben Grummett, of Peltapieee, The bride Was becomingly attired in point d'esprit with shadow lace anti carried a beautiful bi quet of Faster iiilies, Miss Ellen S. Grummett, sister of the groom acted ae bridesmaid and Wore a dress of marque. Bette with georgette crepe, wbile Robert C. Denbow, brother of tate bride, sup- ported the groom, Ouly the immediate relatives were present at the ceremony, which was performed uuder a spacious etch of evergreens, Rev, 'T. E, Taylor, tit Rivers, officiating The groom's gift W the bride was n pearl ereseent, to the bridesmaid a pearl brooch and to the groometneu cuff links with monogram engraved. Notable among the bride's presents Wag a wrist watch, the gift of the groom's fattier, After a dainty wedding breakfast the young couple took the morning train for Brandon, Souris and other ppoints West, and upou returpiug will tneke their home at Pettit - piece, The bride's travelling costume WAS of Russian green serge with hat to Match, 1 people dVe Talk About I Miss Eva Bryaus is having a holiday at Toronto, Barrister Sinclair was at Toronto this week ou legal business, Bert Lott was combining business and pleasure in a trip to Hamilton. Mrs Kennedy, Toronto, leas been vis- itiug files. John Lott, Albert street, Miss Marguerite Wilton spent the week end at Atwood with relatives, Miss Elsie Good, Kitchener, was the guest of Miss Mae Wood, for a few days. Mrs. Roy McKay is enjoying a holiday with relatives and old friends In Toron- to. Mrs Walter Wilbee was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mee, at Stratford for a few days. Mrs. S. Y. 'Taylor, Calgary, is visiting her parents, Geo, and Mrs. Crooks, Albert street. Mrs. Campbell, of Buffalo, N.,Y„ is here on a visit with her mother, Mrs. Kelly, john street, Mrs. Frank McFarland, London, has been visiting her sister, Mrs, J. T, Wood, Brussels. Miss Mulvey, Wingham, has been spending a few days visiting old friends in Brussels and locality. Wm. and Mrs. Ellis have been enjoy- ing a holiday visit at the home of their daughter at Ingersoll. Mrs, Jas Fox is visiting at Toronto. Her another, Mrs. Stewart accompanied her to the Queen city, R. Leatherdale had a wrestle with an attack of lumbago last week but is able to be about sauce more. Dr. Fred. 'P. Bryans, Brussels, has been appointed Medical examiner for volunteers in this District. Herb. and Mrs. Cunningham and children, Palmerston, were calling on relatives in Brussels and locality. J. Leckie has been bothered with au attack of muscular rheumatism but we hope the good weather will chase it away. W. R. Stretton, Port Arthur, who was combining business and pleasure in a visit here returned to his home last Monday. Pte. Fred, Bailey, son of S. and Mrs. Bailey, Brussels, has returned frotn overseas to his home at Calgary. He was injured in an air raid in England, We hope he will soon be o. k. H. B. and Mrs. Churchill and daugh- ter, of Megaw ; F. and Mrs. Longfoot, Stratford, and Wm. and Mrs. and Miss Baillie were week -end visitors at the home of George and Mrs, Edwards G. A. Deadmau is home from a enjoy able trip to Bermuda He draws the line on the ocean trip, however, and would prefer to get to this spot of de- light by some other method than aboard ship. Mrs de la Peuetore, Kincardine, re- sponded very kindly to an invitation to come to Brussels last Friday and met the young folk who are interesting themselves in the preparation of a Minstrel Entertaiument. She is an adept at the work and the rehearsal proved quite encouraging. The visitor from the lakesidecomplunenled Brussels talent for the ability displayed, Date for the entertainment is held in abeyance owing to the Chautauqua Festival ou April 27, 29 and 30 bat practices will be continued so as to perfect the work. A big time may be expected. Proceeds will go to Red Cross work. The per- formance will be an Adamless Eden. 1p a Church Chimes Rev, W. E Stafford will preach at Teeswater next Sunday, takiug the Educational Fund animal service. Last Sunday morning I2ev, Mr, Staf- ford spoke on "Comfort for Canada," from Isaiah 4mi 2 The evening sub- ject was "Luther," Rev, Mr, Malan spoke Sunday morn- ing last on "Faith and united effort," dealing with the takiug of Jericho. "Tho Wonderful Christ" was the even- ing subject Rev, David A, Moir, of Therold, be- comes paetter of St. James' Methodist Church, Simcoe, in succession to Rev I. eBaiu whoKitchener goes oe5 to Methodist Chinch. Both aro known to Brusselites, Capt. Rev. Thurlow Fraser, D, D„ Owen Sound, will conduct Anniversary Services iu Melville church on June 16th and 170. He will speak Monday even- ing on "With the Canadians at the Somme." He WAS a Chaplain for i} years. The °Iterates conformed to the new Daylight law on Sunday •and services were held an hour earlier than usual, the town bell ringing at q instead of to a, in AS aforetime and giving the neces• Bary reminder, A tew who had over. looked the new order were slightly late but all will understand by next Sunday "Belaain" was the topic of Rev, H. Smith's evening discourse lest Sunday. He showed that it was impossible to live the life of the world and die the death of the righteous, Morning text was "Is not the life more than meat and the body more titan raiment 7" from which a clear cut line was snown between the soul life and our�pphysical being. Rev. G. M. Holmes, B. A , B 'Ph , of Goderich, has received and accepted a unnnimon, call to Ossiugtoo Avenue Baptist church, Toronto, Mr. Holmes is Moderator of Walkerton ]3aptist Associatiou and he has held pastorates in Georgetown and Goderich, He Opens his ministry in , Toronto ou the first Sunday ie May. Mrs. Holmes ie a daughter of Thos. McGillicuddy,of Toronto, formerly of Brussels and Goderioh, e 6 • • e e e e c2 • STORE e '8 4l'F' 41':. _; (3174 aerCP06PS64,) e'leeNileteeleYetetteeeeeeeQxleS Formai e 'bra' IT may seem tallier:lapel honey+ to sat anything ehorn I lie !Deli; of this Weil known Rr 1111,0 de told toad killer. Veer rifler Year it Iola boeeew lucre lepo e for the Urutiue'lit of all kinds of girths Those i+ho use it iegulaaly semrk the Hirsh,. at in its praise. r n he ' •r ,t tl i I r l+N quality iii ll Illi 1. ' ,� e1V 11 h 1 . Our stork is r 1 the v 11, 0 1 folly up to the slaudltrd 40,' anluliou ; poi. up in 1111 pound ttnd 1 pnturd Mottles with full directions its to awl' ml enell balHe, Ill Paper Remnants E are this week showing male pat tieularly good httegities iu Remnants suittthle for email rooms of all kinds, As wo oily have a limited number of those bundles any who have been waiting would do well to secure them soon. In our window for the next few days, DRUG STORE e to is • W et a e • • ot e as e • e M Q en WANTED To Work. on Munitions, A steady job for good reliable men, The Bobt, Bell Engine & Thresher Co., ltd, SEAFORTH, ON'T, 42.3 The Male Quartette of Brussels Methodist church will sing at Sunshine anniversary services next Sunday after- noon and evening. W. M. S,—Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Durrant, Teeswater, will preach the anniversary sermons of the Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist church, Brussels, at Lt a m and 7 p. m, A choir selected from the Society will lead the praises in the evening, Mon- day evening Rev. Mr. Derma will de- liver his interesting illustrated Lecture on "Newfoundland and its fisher folk " It is highly spoken of and deals with a laud comparatively unknown to many people. The annual Vestry Meeting of St, John's Church was held Monday, April let. Minister's Warden elected was Geo. Colvin and the People's Wardeu, Ben. Walker. Mr. Colvin was also chnse0 t0 sttend the Synod, fia'auce nu hand was Ste 84• There was a good attendance of Mies and a moderate turn -out of men. This was the first opportuolte Of the women folk to record their vole The rector is Rev H, Smith who is diligew- ly and satisfactorily discharging his duty in the various departments of his work, Recommend for Capt. Ridley, who comes to Brussels with the Chautauqua Festival Following is taken from last week's Lncknow Sentinel and is tt guarantee of the excellency of the talent coming in connection with the Ohautrtuqua Festival in Brussels on Saturday, u•day, Monday and Tuesday, 270), 29th and 30th Captain W. J. Handley is one of the speakers who will visit Lueknow in connection with the Chan tauqua Festival, and by the merest acuident we are able to give snme information from a Luck now "boy" as to his abili- ty. After reading last week'a Sentin- el, Cameron GeIdes, now at London, wrote to J. Garnet Armstrong as fol- lows I noticed W, • 3. Hindley'e name as one of the party. I know him very well and am going to give you his rep, so if my opinion of this distinguished gentleman will help in the sale of seats or advettising, I won't have written this for unthing, Rev. W. 7. Hindley is an Oxfnrd County man—just to show yon that he is a real Oanadiate Ile was 4 years Mayor of Spokane, Wash., and was sea become t several times asked t0 CU n0 candi- date for °nngregs, but t refused. Later he was minister of Central Oongrega- tional chnroh, Winnipeg anti had the largest oongregation in Winnipeg, He got special permission from the city Council to put chairs in the aisles and fill the church to capacity, though °outran? to the City lay -law, He was considered the gteateet orator in the West and his servicea were in cons- tant demand on both sides of the line from Winnipeg to Vancouver, which anggests-his ability to hold an office. He is a real live one, and mixes the "straighefrom the shoulder" line of talk with humor which frequently "bringa down the house," in a mariner all his own, I attended his church in Winnipeg and was out with him on a tour of Manitoba a year' ago hast Winter—he doing the spelling, of coarse. Lnrknow never heard a %arta lilte him, I am going to take in than aeries of shows iP I have to walk home, I wouldn't miss it for any. thing, 'Yours, etc., CAM, G'EDDi6S, MARRIED HOLTANGER—LAMONr. — At Melville Church Manse, Brussele, on A pril 10tH 1018, by RSV. A, J. Manu, B. A., Mr, Wm, Bollinger, to Rua Lizzie, daughter of'thelateAngusand Mrs. Lamont, ofGroy townshjp . Ktakoomi thr.—BLAIit—At the Manse, Thins - eels, by Rev. A. J. hiantt, B. A., on April 10th,1018, Mr, Thos, Klrkoonnell, or Grey township, to Miss Bertha, (Wielder of Mr, mid Mrs, Relit. Blair, of Dinsmore, Seek„ formerly of Grey township, DIED LEROIL—In Toronto, on Aoril lath, 1018, Rev Georg. Leech, in his 84th year. SMIe91. In Galt, on April 19111, 1018, Isabella Pox, beloved wife or James Smith. F'unec- al will take place from the home or Alex. Steuart, Quern Street West, Brussels, on Friday, 10th inst., at 2,80 p, in, Service at 2 o'clock. IN MEMORIAM Iu loving memory of Alexander Stewart, who departed this life on April 10th, 1915, Husband, Feather, tender true, Wo pny this tribute unto you; If In your life on earth below, We failed In aught our love to show, May Ho, who %mows the human breast, Forgive and grant us thin request That when heath tolls our parting knell We may with thee in Beaveu dwell. wire AND osuoe emi merge% BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat se ne $2 07 Oats 85 80 Peas ao 8 OP Barley 150 155 Butter 40 40 1988n 66 86 Hogs 1026 19 25 Potatoes per bag Hay11 50 ]0 060 For Sale or to Rent Ethel Pillage Property, consisting of a 7 - room house, good stable and I,4 acre lot, for sale or to rent. Possession ut once. 41.2 MRS. O. HANSULD, Ethel Still for Sale Shot. Horn Bull for stile. Darla roan year- ling, flt for service. Price $85 00 THOS. KERB, Phone 059 Hoary n P, O, .auction Sale. ____sat• ._ �° i h Household unit ore cr �l�e� �' 1t li j At the home Of Geo, Thomson, \Villiaw St„ fit meets, SATURDAY, APR. 20th, at 3 p.m. Consisting of :- 3 Parlor Snibes, I Oak Dining Ronna Suite 1 Oak Bedroom Suite, 1 Cherry Bedroom Saito, Bedstead:. Umbrella Stend, Tables, Chairs, pictures and nnineroita other articles, Sale unman ved as owner has disposed of his honse GEO. TR()MsON, F. S. SCOTT, Proprietor. Auctioneer, Auction Sale of Royal Hotel, Seaforth and Contents, also Royal Hotel Stables 7%011111S Brown Ilea been instruntad to sell by Pnblia Auction of the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, or WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24E1n, 1018, at 10 0'01001c n. in., the following ; THE HOTEL, 'Phe hotel is n three storey white brick building situated on corner of Mahn and Goderioh Streets, Seafurth, contain- ingg 24 rooms; the whole in excellent condition. 1'he atabtee ere Creme, in good condition, and will stable about 50 horses. HouseholdEffoets, also in first-elnee condi- tion, oonsisting, of tables, dining chairs, ldtahen chairs, bed donde. springs nmttrnsses and bed clothing, dressers, stands, cupboards, bath- room egnlpnaeute, outlery, glasstvev stoves, mange), oroulrery, eonehos, easyot. Sire bar $:tures, one large furnace newlinstalled one horse sound, not afraid of autos, also goad baggy and harness ; olrtains, blinds, pictures, and every kind oe equipment to be found in n first-class Hotel • neo BO loads of ice. An in- spection of the 'dotal and contents will beat - lowed two days previous to the data of sale. The whole will positively be sold ns the pro- prietor is closing the Hotel and leaving town, TERMS --All sums of $10.00 and under cash ; over that amount 8 months' credit will be giv- en on furnishing bankable paper. A discount of 0 per emit per annum off for cash. T. BROWN, L, G. WEIR, Anebrineer. Proprietor, Notices to Creditors In the matter of the estate of William Willis, late of lbe 'Township of Grey, in the eouuty of Huron, farmer, 'dere:aced Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re- vised WMlitre of Ontario, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said William Willis, who died bit or about the Nineteenth day January, A, 1), 1818, are required on or before the Eighteenth dny of May, A, D, 1818, to send by post prepaid or deller to the undersigned Execrators of the Inst Will and Testament of mild diastase& at Wroxoter P. 0., their Christian and Surnames, nddroseee and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, tho statement of their necounts and the niter° of the seeuritlea (if any) held by them, And further take notiee tint after such last mentioned date the Executors will p1r000ed to distribute the needs of. the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard on- ly to the Molina of which they shall then have eatems and tho said Hamilton will not be MI. bit for the Said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notiee shall not have bean received by them at the time of stud) distribution. Dated at Wroxeter, A r111701.1918, yW7Y n, WRIGHT ER, tl6xaautora, i' �a