HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-4-18, Page 7• arm r u. ries �: ^.rf �y+.aS+ nw-eve..n.,e'c�..f-5��'a`*✓7y7�+•i; P 7 1 r f n r r� Y r P, 4 t r ii!�••••• C'(rndueted by ProfesSor Henry G. Bell The object of this department le to place at the sere vice of our farm readers the advice of an acknowledged authority on ail subjects pertaining to soils and crops. Addrees all questions to Professor Henry G, Bell, in, care of The Wilson Publishing Company, Limited, Toronto,' and answers will appear in this column In the order In which they are received. As space is limited it Is advis. able where Immediate reply is necessary that a stamped and addressed envelope be enclosed with the question, when the answer will be mailed direct. W, tin ---What results might I ex -1 Answer: --In preparing your seed pect front -mixing flax with my oat seed when sowing it in the spring? Can I put the flax seed in the drill with the oats or will it have to be sow- to 6 incheps deep in various parts of ed broadcast after the oats has been the field t1'iile the soil is clamp. Bury drilled? Alen, will it mature with the a small piece of blue litmus paper in oats or not? Any advice concerning each hole and leave it there for the benefit of sowing this seed will twenty minutes to half an hour. When be gladly received, you dig it up if the paper has turned Answer: --.Speaking generally, mix- pink this indicates sourness of soil. I£ ing Mix with oats has not been found you find such to be the case, apply at to be highly satisfactory. Professor least a ton of ground limestone or Zavitz found that by mixing oats and half a ton of air-alaked burnt lime to barley in proportions of approxim- the acre. This could be scattered ately a bushel of each and by adding evenly on the plowed ground or work - 28 pounds of flax to the acre he Ow ed into the soil by harrowing, a cone', tainted 2511 pounds of grain per acre'ple of weeks before you are ready to in comparison of 2609 pounds per acre' seed the crop, from the oats and barley without the! When it conies to seedin the algal - flax. Flax straw can be fed to cat -I fa precede the sowing of It by manor-. tie without injurious results, but it is' ing the land with 4 to 6 lona of well not highly nutritious and its use rotted manure to the acre. This should should be delayed until supplies of be distributed as evenly as possible oat, barley and wheat straw have been and worked into the soil by harrowing exhausted. Flax seed should mature and disking. If you do not have n approximately with only oats. In sufficient supply of manure excellent, sowing flax the seed is small and results can be obtained I apply comparatively heavy. If sown in a ing 200 to 300 pounds of fertilizer, mixture with barley and oats it will tend to run through the seed tubes carrying from r to 4 per cont, aid too quickly. For best results then, monis, 0 to a per oent, phosphoric acid the seed will have to be sown separ- acrd 1 per cent. potash. This ferthe ately ..fter the oats have been drilled. zee should be distributed ninth the soma as lime and worked into the As a rule when 1r alfnita I would at you to test the soil for acidity or sourness. You can do this by digging a hole 4 grown for lead per. seed bed in similar way. Do not put poses ten or force pecks of seed it on at the same time as should he used per acre. When grown you apply. for fibre it is sown thicker, 0110 and a bine, since fresh lime will tend to mak half to two bushels of seed should be e sum e of the plantfoo of the sown to rbc ace.. fertilizer unavailable. Following the J. C.:-1th have five acres which have above preparation of soil, drill in the alfalfa seed carefully, with a bushel been sod land for twelve to fifteen years. flus held has Ueen plowed. to n bushel and a half of barley to the Two crops of good corn have been acre as nurse crop. having the bar-' groin, then summer followed end ley mut gives the alfalfa good chance' sown to wheat. The piece was top-' to make growth in preparation for the, coming winter, unless it has made a dressed with manure, 200 pounds of i phosphate put on per acre wdth the very heavy top -growth by autumn; w•heate: A fine piece of wheat was liar do not cut it. The extra thprotection' will do of a medium heavy top -growth will do' CARE OF HORSES DURING BUSY SEASON fly T. j, tigthews, tin eve, y rat m alter e Loren e fler,h le the motive power, there ie one proin i hem that econea once. a year, etanely„ trim preparation of the teams :" ihet they cap stand the hard work of spring and summer without a hlemish resulting., t•ueh that the value of the. holm. is not. greatly rlerreased and the ease of waking it greatly in- cre ttsed, One, of the first teams I ever drove bad in it an ugly horse and his disposition had been thug re -ar- ranged because snmehody had some- time erred in not having him properly hardened when he started In with the spring work. This horse was a big fallow, abundantly able to work, but the moment the least break in the skin came on either one of his ihoul- der:•s, the only way he could be put into the collar was to buckle it and slip it on over his head. Even at that he would do considerable jolting about when the harness was put on him and of all the unpleasant beasts to work, this horse heat everything I ever tried. Ile never would take hold until the other horse started the load, and all this might have been averted by a little judicious care in handling. I know this to be a fact be- cause neighbors who knew the condi- tions said so. Then there are hundreds of horses that have shoulders that will never be fit to work until there has been an op- eration performed and part of the sear tissue cut away. Every time a shoulder is sore, in healing up there is bound to be some sear tissue formed and the more the shoulder is affected, the more scar tissue is formed and in the end we have a great ill-shapen portion of flesh and hide that it is practically impossible for the horse to use in handling and a sore shoo!. der is pretty likely to cause one or the other; a poor hauler or a poor disposi- tion. This condition can, in most cures, be greatly relieved by hardening a horse into the work. Usually one of first 1 the t jobs the team is t put at is the J p t of hauling manure and if there is any heavier job than hauling a manure spreader in the early spring, I have it yet to see. The fact that -the heavy hauling lasts for only a short while does not particularly alter the ques- tion. Blisters may be put on tender hands in ten minutes while if the same work was spread over two hours it would have no affect whatever, so in hardening the horses into work it is better t7 t ii'o tlirnl Bight w„r{i 1'or }ung periwig ratherthan severe work • for short periods. Liglit oww91' suet,•hed ver a week or ten clays will usually put the teams in good rendition for their spring's work. If this duces not seem to harden the mite- /dee rapidly eteattrit the ehouldery may be bathed every night in tan bark ten when: hemlock bark ma be had. Cuoti strong table tea wil also do the same thing, or an alum water solution le often of value. The collar that fits a horee is ti most. imperative of all. No amount of washing or hardening will make a misfltting collar fit. The collar should he of. the right size and adjusted sn that the point of draft will be. just. a little above the ehoulder point. Pada en collars usually do but little good When a rough plow handle blister our hands we do not usually put on canvas gloves. Rather, we get out the draw shave and some sandpaper 'and make the handles smoother, In this connection I have used the solid stove blacking to rub onto the wear- ing surfaces of the collars every morning to make them smoother. Seldom as it is done, harnesses are made so. they can be adjusted to the horse. It is easy to adjust the har- ness to the horse, but it is much more difficult to adjust the horse to the harness as is so often tried. There is no excuse for the top of the head be- coming sore through too tight a bridle. This often leads to poll evil. Neither is there any excuse. for the cropper being so tight as to cause the horse to rise up behind in righteous indignation. The hames should also be adjusted so that the part where the hauling is done should be at or a trifle above the shoulder point. Not only does it conduce to the pleasure of driving a team to have them free from sores and blemishes, but it also keeps them more valuable in case a sale is to be made. If the harnese is gone over carefully each spring to make sure that it. fits the particular horse on which it will be used all summer, there is but little ex- cuse for sore shoulders and sore necks. Harden off the shoulders by light "I have such a peculiar feelings' work for a time asci if this ds not sof- sighed Patty in a somewhat peculiar Relent, bathe them once a day with tone some good muscle toughener. In addi- That was queer, for you see she was tion to this, careful driving and close tucked snugly in bed, as she always watching will keep the team in A-1 was at nighC, and had nothing to du condition, to the mutual profit of but to sleep. If she had been everybody concerned. scramblin alon the foot rail our e 712 Mothers and daughters of all ape are cordially Invited to write to this department, initials only will be published with each question and its answer as a means of Identification, but full name and addrees must be given in each letter. Write on one side of paper only. Answers will be mailed direct If stamped and addressed envelope Is enclosed. Address all correspondence for this department to Mrs. Helen Law, 236 Woodbine Ave., Toronto, aft: ^:e: lit i•'e'ia:8l ik.I'n a•tt �lE r at' ova allttta COMPENSATIONS rel It must. be terribly depressing ti, reach middle life and never to }rave. done any of the things you planned to do. when you started out fre the why, just yesterday, wasn't it? I imagine It gives one a terrible sinking ensu- then to awake with a start on sone birthday with the thought, 1 "Why, here I'm half through, and I 1 Itiicther of I'vur: ....A carrel»andent the barn where there, is nothing Co haven't yet oven got nicely started on the work I meant. to do.” sends in the following wtte, may' break. When we play Blind hell in' Wet. I believe that's the experience e help to solve, your problem: the living room the pleyers have to of an but a very small per sent, of Ipromise to do their part to rearrange folks, basing my belief on actual I have taught my f,nu liths pec• the furniture which is pushed out of ple to play the simple game of Roost- conversat.iona with men and women , th way. er, who have pawed the half-wa pest • Mrs. Brown: --In reply to your' 3 If we ran play out of doors, and query the following :male may acme- For no matter eras. our friends may that le mueh better for them, the draw y think of our seeress, we measure it a circle shout ten fret in cliameter,;what surprise you. It shows that ourseh°s by the things we means: to despite Canadahi natural advantages' ,i,,. And who of us, eveu the one who s ring Roosters oowitterse players step mtt,t•the;of soil, Gorman farmers harvest be- 'seem; most trifling, but started out kept folded wile the are in the ring,, tween one-half and two-thirds more; with the highest amhrtiens? Tr, mo p y bushels per erre than do the C'nuuidiuti it is one of the best attributes of Int- IF is child grows excited asci unfolds farmer.. Int - his arms then he is '"out." The ob `man nature, that we keep right on Germany C:aneda jest of the game is for these Roosters Bushels per Itushels per to shove each other out of the ring,f acre acre hopping only on one foot and not us- Wheat ..,... ee,1 21.04 ing their arms. I always give a prize, 1 Rye 3(1 4 19,28 We have a silver cup that belonged to; Barley 41.3 L0.9r, the first baby in the family and we' Oats 01.1 8$.78 call that the Trophy Cup. If we de -!potatoes .235.8 1ti5.88 tide to have a week's Rooster rousse- I would have sworn never had an idea meat the cup belongs for twenty-four I Farmers Wife: --The boys of in her life bigger than seeing a movie, Canada are responding magltificently or a desire that couldn't be satisfied , and rhe usually s to the winner it to tohdrinkt out of t gameto flies call from the farms. The S,O• with a box of chocolates or a pair of at meals and taunt the losers! S has nut been in vam. They era lin- silk hose. Yet she had. I found that ing up in all the Provinces and it is out when she showed me her greatest I kava a way of slipping out games expected that the original estimate treasure one day, an old violin, of un - which I find described in magazines of 25,000 will. be far surpassed. In questioned worth, on which she plays and now and then when the children i several towns and cities in Ontario a few wimple melodies. All her life begin to get fussy among themselves 100 per cent. of the eligible students see has wanted to study violin. Iles • because they are tired of the old in the high se oels and collegiate in- father might have paid for lessons, games, I spring a new one on them.' stitutes are reported as having en- . but he didn't believe in "nn such tom - Blind Bell is simple. Wo all blnd-'rolled. The farmer and his wife foolery fur girls." In fact, he didn't , fold except one who has a little bell' need no fear of lacking help se, long believe much in girls, anyway, and ' and it is our job to catch her if we as all those eager young boys with when ehe was thirteen he•decidod ehe can. We do this in our big living, their vitality and their enthusiasm rues old enough to earn her own liv- room sometimes but have more fun in are on hand. ing. She married at. twenty, a man smilingly and hopefully, even after we know of a surety that, our shames for realizing our Fondest ambitiene have vaniehed. I am continually stumbling upon these little human life tragedies. There's one woman, in particular, that I` edlig SionfLos who, while he'd like to give her her. seven Letters. "You left out C, who's chance, has never been able. There always been in the family. And you are two children who take all the let in this fellow Q in his place." money whiclt might have gone for t "But isn't that right?" asked Patty. music.. So the violin Inas stood un - With that, Q pushed C backward off used until this winter when her boy the foot rail and settled himself in the began to study. New she is watch- ,' andte. twisted toseven get aw�ayters wriggled from the ing to see if her ambition will be in- truder with the little curly font. until the row looked like this: P Q L It E U IA The next minute C' came climbing back. He caught Q by his beautiful or!curly foot and pulled him out of the :row. d I "Oh, I wish you wouldn't gaarrnl!" °t said Patty. "Everybody seems to pre- of destinies, and will not be content to g ger C so if Q would stay cut, per- give up and accept what life offers ic- e haps—" stead of what they crate. They aro As she spoke, the seven Letters the one Who try to force sons and t, straightened themselves, with C in daughters into careers against their the space. And the row looked like nature, because that is the thing the t this: father or the mother wanted to do. PECULIAR Happy indeed is the parent, whose "How do we kink. now?" cried the child follows out the thwarted desire - eight Letters. of the older life. But wise is the "Not any particular xray," said parent who, if the child's nature " " points otherwise, lets the younger life develop true to form. It's a sad thing to reach middle life with unrealized ambitions. But after all, middle age has its compensa- tions. If you have lost your en• thusiasms and illusions, at least you have learned your limitations, which " is a consummation devoutly to be de- sired. Doubtless the things you wanted to do, you couldn't have done anyway, even if fate had vouchsafed you a chance to try. Just because you have a sweet parlor voice, is no reason to think you might have be- come a prima donna if. you'd had the money to cultivate your voice. And when you get to be forty and your voice breaks, you begin to see that. You may be ahle to write a good paper for the club, too, but that's no reason to think you might become a second George Eliot if someone also would wash the dishes and do the - cooking and leave you free to write. I've always had a feeling that very, "chance" very few of us miss our real enhance in life. That what we consider our vo- cation is usually only a dream, and that we are actually engaged in do- ing is the thing for which we are best fitted, or at least the thing which is most needed by the world. We may feel that we should be waiting learned magazine articles, or thrilling audi- ences evith our velem, or taking the part of great tragedy queens, or heading important committees, but if we are, instead, in the kitchen or bringing up children, that is because the world needs more cooks and moth- ers and fewer public characters. Middle life usually brings us this clearer vision. So if our physical eyes fail us the thing is balanced by our brighter spiritual, sight.-•-D.H, Patty Spells "Peculiar" realized do him. For herself, it is simply a dream, a thing she planned tondo, back there in youth, but now has given up forever. She has talcen it in good part, as one of the things that had to be, and must not be allowed to spoil her life. But there are others who take their disappointments differently. Women, and men, too, who rail at. the arbiter vested this past summer. I plowed a great deal to help it through the I balancin on the bedposts, , the stubble in the fall. Now, I wish g P sts, it wool to seed this ground to alfalfa. V1'ill ,first winter, you direct me to the proper manner of I do not know the "Worthy" oat, seeding? Also had I best test the soil hence cannot pass any: intelligent inion on i for acid condition? Can I take the op t. There are so many ex- cellent varieties recommended that I house and get a satisfactory test? In would hesitate to use any but those regard to the oats, I am anticipating which have been established as good sowing the Worthy brand of oats as; varieties both through experience at they have been recommended to me. Guelph and tests throughout the pro - Would you recommend them for my vine. Professor Zavitz at the 1917 ground which. is of the moderate clay • meeting of Experimental Union re- ported the following varieties as most loam soil, which is very fertile? Also the proper place to get them. I have I productive in tests throughout On- a neighbor who has the same which On - Aerie: O.A.C. No. 72, and O. A. C. yielded only 30 bushels per acre this l No. B. These are specially selected past season. Would it be wise to oats of superior merit developed on use his seed? the College Experimental ground. INTERNATIONAL LESSON APRIL 21. Lesson Ill. Jesus Transfigured -- Mark J. 2-10. Golden Text, Mark 9. 7. Verse 2• After six days—Luke says "about eight days after," Peter, and James, and John --The same inner cir- cle of friends who accompanied him into the death chamber in the house of Iairus, and who at the last went with him into Gethsemane. The deepest secrets of his person and his work he will share with them. A high moun- tain—Some have said the Mount of Olives, others have concluded that Mount Tabor in Galilee is the place. The best scholars now conclude in favor of Mount Hermon, which rises nine thousand feet, a few hours from Caesarea Philippi. Transfigured -- Luke tells us that the change came over him when he was praying. It is described in Matthew and Mark as a transformation. Luke says the fas- hion of his countenance was altered. All of which tells that upon his face was an unusual "glory", an indication of supreme exaltation of spirit. .. 8. His garments became glistering "Dazzling" says Luke. Exceeding white•• -"As snow" says the King James Version. Nothing can exceed. the dazzling brilliancy of, the snow on Hermon in the sunlight. 4. There appeared unto them Elijah with Moses—Rapresenting the pro- phets and the law. The two earlier dispensations bearhig witness to tho Messiah. Talking with Jesus•—Lake states that they tallied with him "of his decease which he was about to ac• complish at Jerusalem." Jesus had only recently begun to speak about his euiferinge and death. 5. Peter alsweroth--Always the first. to speak, Peter proposes that they remain, just when Moses and Elijah are withdrawing,*, Rabbi, it good for us to be here ---Peter uses the Arnmate word for teacher. Ho is filled with n sense of the eon/Wien of the moment and is willing to abide there, `Phree, tabernacles --Booths Marie by the intertwining of branches, eueh me the natives of Caesarea Philippi or Banias construct to -day on the tops of their flat -roofed houses, in the warmest weather. 0. He knew not what to answer— Here was something entirely outside of his experience. He was dazed with the unusual glory and mystery. 7. There carne a cloud—Even while he was speaking (Matthew) the cloud'; overshadowed them all. "They fear -I ed as they entered the cloud" (Luke)., We recall that the cloud in the Old Testament appears in connection with I special manifestations of God, as in the Wilderness (Exod. 10. 10; 19. 9, 16; 24. 15) and at the dedication of the temple (1 Kings 8. 10), A voice out of the cloud—At the baptism of Jesus there was heard also a voice. All throe of the synoptists report the same, with the "hear ye him." As much as to say, ye have heard Moses and the prophets, their dispensations have passed, now has come the new dispensation, that of the Christ, who is the inaugurator of the new era of the kingdom of God. According to Matthew, when they heard the voice the three disciples fell w1 their faces through fear, and Jesus touched them them and said, "Arise, and be not afraid." 8. Suddenly looking round about, they, saw no one any more save Jesus only—The manifestation vanished as suddenly as it had appeared and now they were alone, as before, with Jesus. Attempts have been made to ex- plain away this account as a fraud, as an imaginative version of merely natural phenomena, as a myth, but here we have the united testimony of three accounts, each of which has its own marks of independence, and one of them is the recollection of an eye- witness (Peter). Blessings. Well -blest is he who counts among his store Health, and the condor': of a steadfast friend, A cheerful home, rr heart of deep con- tent, A sunny garden spat to dig and tend. Moro blest. is he who adds to those the Joy Of work t.het, trade him to his Heart's Desire, A little child to prattle at his gate, A dear gray head to crown hits even- ing tire. The shnpleet. nay to prevent the ac- cumulation of dirt is to make it easier to be clean than to be silty, To get the maximum number o .eggs the hens are capable of laying not only requiree good judgment, bu • careful observation of the reaults of feeding, The flock must be stale and rho feeds varied, Variety in th laying rations will invariably twin • out better resulte than any single ra on fed constantly. Even a hen th its not laying requires a certah amount of food to maintain her phy sical condition properly. The layin hen must have this much and mor mash. Each supply needed food nu- trients required in the production of eggs. Unlimited quantities of sour f milk should always be available for the poultry, but if sour milk is not to be had, then commercial beef scrap t. may be substituted. However, just • because the hens have access to sour milk, is no good reason for depriving ° them of adequate fresh water drink - g ing facilities. Her drinking trough - should be kept clean, and in freezing G winter weather the chill should be t, taken off the water, Icy water furnished laying hens in the winter g time not only chills their bodies and o wastes their energy in providing suf- ficient body warmth to overcome such tloss, but discourages the consumption t of adequate quantities of water to supply the body needs. The supply of grit and oyster shell should always be kept replenished. Efficient feeding not only means ample feeding, but the supplying of the various nutritive elements in the ration to bring out the maximum egg producing' results. To skimp in the rations, brings a loss in the produc- tion of eggs. The laying hen must not only have the nutritive elements required to keep her body in first-class physical trim, but she requires a coni- petent surplus for the purpose of producing eggs. Good feeding, keen 'observation and the exercise of com- petent judgment solves the egg -laying I problem and unloeks the secret of I succors. too, if she rs to p of eggs, Her appetite should be Ice. and eating encouraged. Rations tha whet her appetite induce her to ge I into the scratching litter earlier in the morning and rustle for feed until late m the evening with the result that she feed which ehe utilizes in the produc- consumes an increased qutntity of tion of eggs. This can best be accom- plished by giving her such a mixture of feeds as will keep her digestive tract in good order and appeal to her appetite, The element of green feed in the hen's ration should never be left out. This can be provided in numerous ways. Roots, ensilage, sprouted oats, cabbage, vegetable scraps, alfalfa and clover leaves all supply a valuable ele- ment that aids efficient digestion, Some whole grain should be fed in the idtter, as well as ground grain in the Every farmer and breeder should keep a record of the date on which each sow was bred to boar and make a correct calculation that sixteen weeks from the day a litter of pigs may be expected, At least a week or ten days before the day when the pigs are expected the sow should be supplied with a pen by herself that is not very large, but is warm and free from cold draughts of air. The reason we say beforehand is because it will take at least a week for the sow to become wonted to her new quarters and feel at home, a matter of comicl- erablo • importance, as the home -like feeling will prevent restlessuese, which is a dangerous difficulty at this critical time. Bo sure and attend to giving the ane the proper feed to put her system in the right condition. Do not feed her heavily, but give just what may be termed a moderato amount of feed made up of a variety of food m"c-' serials. The feed should not be entire- ly of heavy feed, like corn, but should' (-ottani some light feed like wheat bran and middlings, which will put the. bowele in a laxative condition. A small amount of vegetable., like' mange') beets or small potatoee, say two nr three pornde nett day, will he of great benefit in several ways, Ii; will cool the system and encourage the secretion of milk at the right time. The bedding should not be too plen- tiful or coarse, as little pigs soon after they arrive are liable to get en- tangled with coarse litter and get dis- couraged about getting to the udder. if the bedding is abundant the pigs often work under it and gel; laid. on, While the sow should have a moder- ate amount of feed before farrowing, all feeds should be kept away "from her at this time. Remember that she is eick and her system is not in condi- tion to digest food. Do not feed her any heavy feeds at this time and do not feed lightly for at least twelve hours after farrowing, After her sickness has disappeared.a little slop- py drink can be given. When she gets up and manifests a desire for food begin by giving a small quantity of light feed, largely sloppy feed, and increase gradually as ehe seems to de- sire. Do not atempt to get her on to full feed antler a week's time, Bad results are sure to follow if heavy feeds are given soon after the arrival of the pigs, If the Fluty is not seem- ingly injured by heavy feeds at this time tiro pigs will be. I have known cases where sows were fed n full neral of heavy feeds, of their dying inside of twelve hours. It is sure to produce. a fevered condition if it does not kill them, and the pigs partake of the sane cud do not thrive for some time. li is not safe to take any chances in this respect. have been different. There cans be anything peculiar about just bein in bed. The room was very still. Only th Street Lamp peeped in at the window to see if Patty were not asleep ye And nothing moved—except— I thought I heard a sound, didn' you? Goodness! Something was scrambl ing along the foot rail, and more Somethings were balancing on the bedposts, Such queer sorts of Some- things! No wonder that Patty felt peculiar! What is it?" cried Patty, and pulled up the covers, all ready to hide her head. The Somethings kept right on scrambling and balancing, and paid no attention to Patty. "They—they aren't mice?" Patty asked the Street Lamp. The Street Lamp was much amused. He threw a strong light over the Somethings, so that Patty might see for herself. "Not mice," said Patty. "But they're so little—and stiff—Why, I do believe they're Letters!" The Letters stopped serambimg along the foot rail. You see, they had come to the middle of it. And they arranged themselves in a row. That is, seven of them did. Two more were shoving each other and quarreling, so that there was a row with a hole in it. No, it was not a doughnut straightened out, as per- haps you might think, for it looked like this; P E U L I A R "What axe you?" cried Patty. "We used to be a word," the seven Letters said sternly. "And now look at us!" "You look," said Patty, "you look sort of—peeuliar." "Only `sort of'!" cried the seven Letters indignantly. "And it's all your fault, Miss Patty," "Mine?" cried Patty. She saw now that the other two Letters were a C and a Q. Both wanted to get into the space left in the row, And each was trying to keep the other out. "X wish you wouldn't quarrel," said Patty, "There's plenty of room for both of you." As she spoke, the two Letters crowded together into the space, just as close an they could sterns, so that the row looked like this: PE CQL?LIAR "Nitwit you know about it!" shouted the seven Lettere. "We're n word of eight Letters, not nine, And we were always happy till to -day." "What happened to -day Patty asked. "Tire t caber told you to spell us," :aid the smelt Letter... "hid you spelled us wrong." Patty fell dreadfully ashamed, elle tinned so red that (Welt the :street Lamp noticed it, "T didn't de it on purpo,w," she slnnimered. "What's that to us?" said the Patty. Just peculiar. "Right!" said the eight Letters, with satisfaction. "But what about me?" cried Q. "Can't I be in Peculiar tory more?" "I'm afraid not," said Patty. "But they'd love to have you in Queer." "How do they spell it?" asked Q. "You come first," Patty told him, "with a U and two E's and an R." Sure enough, more Letters came scrambling up the bedposts. Q ran to join them as they settled upon the foot rail. So now the ruw looked like this: PECULIAR QUEER "You're different," Patty said thoughtfully. "Yet some way you seem alike." "How peculiar!" seid the eight Let- ters. "How queer!" said the five Letters. "Don't mix us up again," said all the Letters together. "Now mind, Patty!" "I shall mind my C's and Q's," said Patty. A Knitting .long. Over and under, up and through, Stitch upon stick in the lengthen- ing rows, Yarn of khaki or yarn of blue, Day after clay the knitting grows. Who is the one shall wear my work? Lad of Canada, Iad of France? Pray he be young with eyes of blue And the eagle's look in his stonily glance, Into the stitches I will weave Prayers of a 'woman's tenderness, Whispers of hope and high desire, Holy thoughts that shall guard and bless Till they shall :fold hien and shield Trim from harms Like the loving clasp of a mother's Buttermilk a Good Spring Toile. arms, Over and under, hopes and :fears, We weave our hearts with the yarn of gray. 1 Love and sacrifice, triumph and tears, Row upon row the livelong day. Who is the one shall wear tiny work? i Soldier of Englund or Italy's strand ? Pray he be steady tend strong of soul, i Lost in the mists of no man's land. fray he he gentle with ntaiclens all For the sake of her who i t knitting here. Bill as he must, but nut in hate, Battling• with prong till the right Buttermilk is a dairy by-product the food valine of which is often un- der -estimated. Buttermilk produced ,y the manufacture of good butter from a good quality of well -ripened cream is one of the most healthful Foods obtainnble. Its healthfulness s derived from the lactic acid present. This is formed when ft certain type of meteria, called the "bacterium lactic midi," converts the mills sugar into lactic. acid. 'Phew bacteria are al- ways present in normal milk and cream, and this process of forming lactie acid is the natural souring of milk, and is known as cream ripening. Buttermilk is an excellent hog feed, and probably most of it is being used fur this purpose; but it should be more nniversalty used as a human appear. Stiiches of mine, weave holy charms To guard hien body and soul from harms! —Grace Atherton Dennon food,