HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-4-18, Page 3GROWTH OF AIR- CRAFT FIGHTING PROGRESS SINGE BEGZNNING OF THE B'Alt, Captain de Remota, of Drench Army, Describes Power Developed By Airplane. In an interesting communication to the National Geographical Society at Washington, Captain Andre de Ber- ror-ta, of the French Aviation Service, new on duty with the French Military Mission to America, traces the devel- opment of the airman's duties since the beginning of the world war. A part of Captain de Berroeta's com- munication is issued by the society as the following bulletin of its war geo- graphy series: "The preparation, conduct and ro- eults of: an offensive military opera- tion in Europe bear but a faint resem- blunce to those of a battle at the open- ing of hostilities. "'There are at the present time three branches of aviation which differ in the duties performed, in the machines used and in the :imminent provided. These are: "The Divisional or Reconnoissance Aviation, a valuable ally of the stats it serves, of the batteries whose firing it directs, of the infantry it assists in leaning during the battle. "The Aviation of Combat, younger sister of the first, and the most faith- fully ally she has for her protection from the aggressions of hostile air- planes. 'Attack the boche, clown him, or compel hip] to flee,' is its clearly offensive motto. "The Aviation of Bombardment, hitherto chiefly 'employed in reprisals for the aerial raids of the enemy, but now called to a much greater and per- haps a decisive role, Weapon of the Future. "Although essentially distinct, these three branches of aviation can only be effectively employed by the constant co-ordination of their efforts. Let us consider the conditions and influences uttending their birth ana development and the roles they are to play in the battles of to -morrow. "When war was declared the chief strength of the French and German armies lay in the masses of their in- fantry, in the power of their artillery and in the skill of their cavalry. How- ever, it seemed the part of wisdom to put the few hundred airplanes we pos- sessed at the service of the fighting forces, in order to facilitate the suc- cess of their undertakings. The of- fensive strength of both the French and German squadrons was very small in comparison with the millions of combatante ready to clash with each other, supperrted by the fire of several thousand cannon. t DANGER SEASON IS AT HAND. Rangers Ask Public to Help Them Keep Fire Out of the Broods. The danger season for forest fires is near at hand. Rapidly drying soil has left the old grass, brush, leaves, etc., in most perilous condition for starting fires. An effort is being made by the are rangers in this province to keep flown the forest losses this year to a Minimum. They will succeed only if every camper carefully extinguishes his camp -fire before leaving it, if every smoker refrains from tossing away burnt matches or tobacco in or near a wood, and if settlers in the 71'iLslAIlons PARIS SHEI LED BY HUN GUNS. Church, Dating From Middle Ages, Struck on Good Friday. There was from the first a mystery regarding the purpose, the military necessity, of the big gun which the Germans have been tiring on Paris,. the gun which hue added "a new page to the fame and history of Krupp," and which was "an aehievement of German science and labor," for which the Keiser has expressed his imperial thanks, From its position in the forest of St. Gobaln, ft had intermittently drop- ped shells into the French capital, But Paris was depopulated of eoldiers ex- cept the wounded and the invalid after the beginning of the offensive on the western front. The shells had not fallen upon the defences of the city; they had wrecked small buildings in the outskirts or dug holes in the pave- ments, causing less damage than the usual aerial bombardments. Persistence and practice that could profit from failure improved the marksmanship of the gunners. Good Friday one of their shells was drop- ped on a Paris church, demolishing the building, killing seventy-five persons and wounding ninety: "The shell struck the north side of the church, bringing clown part of the f'' roof and opening a breach twelve feet out 1 v high and tweet feet wide. Nearly they loosen and come rtgtlt out, It is 'nrge5tmeals, giving tilt: ntemnr•h time ` is Hat gill „l wum:tn i, a .u't heard at l This is a very good suit for the al the debris fell inward upon the tin huulhugi 1t works like a chane, , Durin the eeond year the follow-', lemon juke to r, move "1"1exinn "" boy. 'heads of. the worshippers sixty feet ba- For a few cents you eau get rid of it fr,ucL nuts 1 e safely introduced: blemishes: x, whiten else skin and t Bo Suit. McCall sizes, to 8 years. low. Pp every hard corn, soft cora or corn hu- g y britlg out the rose: the freshness at.d ice, Ili cents "The edifice is now n heartrending tween the toes as well as painful Broths, beef, mutton 'incl chicken• the milk from et i PAIN? NOT A RIT1 LIFT YOUR CORNS OR CALLUSES OFF No humbug! Apply a few dropa then Just lift them :away with fingers, ° This new drug is an ether eons- Pouud discovered by u C'ineinnnti n for it, zao an lut,sk chvtraiet. It is ciillc,l Nilson Publishing Co_. Ltd.. Toronto.-- freezolle, and Can now XtZBCY'X,Lb1PE0'C8 he obtained in tiny bot. CANCER. TUMORS, LUMPS, ETC ties its Isere shown at. out. Internal n ern and ence external. cured Witt. very little cost from any ue pefara too ]ata: Dr. Iiellmaa ldedlcaj drug store. Just ask for freezone. Apply a drop or two directly upon a tender corn or minus and Instantly the VOX 20.Z.71 INDIAN lti'N'Vh'll !WOK Hippo, 4160 per eel It $, Order '""1" i-. 4t'. bTurr,,v. Har„,w, r.aut. _ WICEKLY IQj0WSPAPIdit IN WIOt:T• ern °Wail°. Poing a ,good bust. pass. Death or owner Plitoes It on the market, A great chance for a. man with cash, Apply Box 82, Wilson Pi:Wishing' Co.. Ltmlte , Toronto '(,Xi ALE, E(JUIPPAID PIEWSPAPP.it and sob printing plant in leaetern Ontario. Insurance carried SLSOO. ri'li5 t, Diet For The Second Year. In feeding young children no cud Id I ma,l" in the BEN/.Iril• til'uVE POLISH. Its rye Ilan Led to Minty Serious, AN -ideals. In the last eight. years, aecortling to the I1 S. Bureau of Standurds, these have been in that country more than 400 serious accidents clue to the niac Of perazine shrive pelieh. A number of women have been burned to death. Many brands of stove polish con- Itain benzine, It has the advantage of e'en leg the polish to div quickly -- i a point that strongly 1 emininends it, to ho•IsrW'ives. The danger is so I g,leal-, however, that, say the U.S. !I f r cernide,ut es otitis, it should be ban - {i bed. II The duec•tiun accomp,ulying u ben- zine polish usually state that it should den changes shots m uut ne used ou at bot stove. l3ui this soreness dtettPpears. diet tiniest; ordered by a physician.: vvarnicig i likely to b„ ii snored; and Shortly you will find New fonds should be introduced one at even if isle stove bu a e ,i there rand the corn or callus so a tune and only a little fed for the h 1 Int oil can first"' few feedings t be along er from an open light in the baso tl y 11[t f t f 1 o that the effect loutn- the. permute vaporizing and it off, root and all, with may be watched. During the eeetind.causing an explosion. the fingers. year the number of meals should be' a Only fireproof polishes ciu;uld be reduced, i ),ss' , e. , i Not a twinge :;f Pain, e el k r y ! I not even the sllt,ht t Ir g du i f } r li ] • from ace to retic uye,3, even thouR'h it ma; talc a few soreness er irritation; per day, the last to be given at six minutes longer to tin the work, 0'' oc• and the bol; thea, out. to bed.1 __ _ smarting, either when A healthy child will usually make LEMONS MAKE SKIN applyingfreei.ono or chanfre for himself. Its the. a. WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR afterwards. delicate infants it is sometimes better; Thie drug doe -ii t eat. to give a small amount of food at Make this beauty settop for a few' up the corn or :mills, more frequent intervals, but the ave -'i cents and sec for yourself. •1 rl -eft ellen ea area child does better with fewer anti! sm B Pr • r'•_ sight. The enormous mass a£ stone, calluses on bottom of your feet. It Tat ° oy e ilea) is arid, thea•vfore irritating, and l 1t never disappoints and never burns, vegetable soups with stale bread, should be mixed with orchard white crumbled into all shapes olid sires, bites or inflames. If Your druggist toast on tracker;; baked potatoes, hit, this way. Strain through a fine cloth lies In the middle of the nave and piled hasn't any freeznne of well shredded meat if there are to about the same height as the high Yet, tell him to (lent a the juice nP two fresh lemons into a altar, which was not damaged. The get a little bottle for you from his plenty f teeth; creamed earrols' )turtle containing about three onnees side aisles are tittered with less cum- bersome wreckage and the pavement is covered with gray dust. All the stained glass windows, some of which were of historical interest, are shat- In order to give some recognition to Never give tea or coffee to nn tered. The church, although begun in men who have clone so much to build child at any age. The do not need strain fire lemon juice so no pulp gets the Middle Ages, was remodelled in an its tine record of efficiency, the y into the battle, then this lotion will the epoch of the Renaissance. The Canadian Pacific has decided on a new stimulants, and the effect on the per remain mire and fresh for months. beauty of its musical services, which Policy which aboard attract wide in- vous system is very bad. The proper When applied daily to the face, neck, clew en creamed the hidden beauty? But lemon juiee wholesale house. HEROES OF THE ROAD mashed fine; baked apples, Prune pu P, of orchard white, then shake well and tapioca pudding, the juice from roasts yen have a whole quarter pint of skin or stook on bread or potato; chopped and complexion lotion at about. the spinach, and always eggs and plenty, cost one usually pays for a small jar of milk, i of ordinary cold cream. Be sure to were sung unaccompanied, attracted many music lovers." Another victory that will have a place in the catalogue of Kultur's terest. Hitherto on this continent drink is milk, or water, A quart o arms and hands it should help to railway locomotives have been idents milk a day in additton to solid foods bleach, clear, smoothen and beautify fled by numbers only—a practise is not too much. the skin. hick has revailed elsewhere except Give plenty of well cooked cereals, Any dmgAl. will eupply three v price, oat meal and wheat cereals. The achievements with the aerial raids on on certain English railways. For the ounces of orchard white at very little London, the burning of the university I Future it has been decided to name double boiler at least one hour; the and library of Louvain, the bombard- certain of the Canadian Pacific loco- oat meal two hours. meat of the Venetian churches and aft motives after the engineers, who by treaaures, the wrecking of Il Sante of l meritorious conduct or by acts of `-'- Padua, the destruction of the Rheims special bravery have, in the opinion =mares: ointment anrea Zlandrtatt. Cathedral and the sinking of the of the management, earned the right Baking Powder biscuit tela be made he holds his services in trust for the Lusitanial to special dist(neiion, with half flour and half corn meal. Preservation of Democracy on which et Some of " oven that government rests. Although he . m.e^esse,s o e e e a e.e^g s e e+ e e o may have to endure aching limbs and o 0 sore muscles in field and factory, he Lk Dyspepsia Cure i) M. D. advises : "Persons who 0 61 la suffer from severe indigestion e) and constipation can cure them - 0 selves by taking fifteen to 0 thirty drops of Extract of Roots to wheat cereals should be cooked in the cost and the grocer has the lemons:. Every boy should realize that, hav- ing received untold benefits from the freest and best government on earth, FAMOUS MEN WHO LOVED CATS. taken from the 92 engineers who are on the pension that, whose names And Declared That Their Company breathe of long, meritorious, faithful and in some cases markedly dis- Was Conducive to 1Vork. Had you any idea that some of our greatest men liked to have cats about them, and even declared that they A simple dress, requiring very lit; could work better in their company. tle material indeed! McCall Pattern Very often George Washington is No. 8227, Ladies' One -Piece Dress. In said to have met visitors with a kit - 0 sizes, 84 to 44 bust. Price. 20 ten perched upon his shoulder, and cents. Daniel Webster adopted ever stray is one whichshould appeal to every These patterns may be obtained y man who knows the value of person - cat he met. Old Dr. Johnson rescued half -drown- ed kittens and took them home to his tinguished service. Over two thousand locomotives run in the Canadian Pacific service, with over two thousand engineers. It is not the intention to name every loco- motive at once, but only those in pas- senger service, and to keop each name as a privilege and a reward. The idea from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St„ Toronto, Dept. W. C Why He Was Solicitous. ality in good railroading. It appeals to the C,P.R. because it will make for efficiency and encourage that esprit study, where they were stuffed with. de corps which is the keynote of the good things till they looked lilee little whole Canadian Pacific System. The barrels, engineer does not think of his loco. Canon Clacton was to preach at the Sir Walter Scott had a warlike cat motive merely as a machine. It is Abbey on a certain saint's day when called Hinse, who lorded it over both something almost human to him. the boys of Westminster School at.. dogs and cats. One day she made the "She's a good engine," you hear one tented service and afterwards had the author's great stagilound weep aloud call to a passing conductor, "but full rest of the day as a holiday. Mr, because she would not let him go up of hard luck." It takes an engineer Cureton was looking over his sermon the stairs to his master's study. With months to master iiia peculiarities of when his sot asked anxiously. "Fath - and back she dated him to come on a new locomotive, and for that reason er, is your sermon long?" "No; and be scratched. ho is not much in ]ova with guy pool-. Jimmy, not very." "But how long?" •Doan Swift is the man who had two tug system, preferring to have one "Well, about twenty minutes, I should hales cut in his study door, so that the engine at any rate "assigned" to him say. But why?" "Because the boys cats might go in and out as they —itti engine that he can almost call said they would thrash me if you are Pleased. He said that the large hole his own. Were he to itnow that his more than half an hour." was for the big cats and the small favorite engine would eventually bear hole for the kittens, his own name, surely he would take Devise schemes to make the sow The story is told of Mohammed that greater pride than ever In work well newly -opened districts guard theirtake exerciseKeep the. -sew grow - being constantly followed by cats, . land -clearing fires with the utmost which were attached to him, he one care. Settlers' fires continue to be ing thriftily, but do not fatten. day eat away the sleeve of a hand - the very worst source of forest eon- some robe so that he might not dis- flagration, although campers and turb a sleeping cat that had taken re - careless smokers are close competit- fuge there. 1.'�ii pr lv l:nl . e:. b l i.. 1 1 IT_,.., t 14) 1 I 1 1 +, ' r s'; ' .lV ?i e ti ?• t 9, `i ,r, I , ors. F "The fire rangers," says the Cana- dian Forestry Association, "want o regard every good citizent cg d himself as a deputy ranger from now until November et fit8 t. ve "A Cant4an .forest was ]'lever worth so much as to -day, never gave so many jobs as to -clay, never put money into circulation as it does this year." "Hush 'Hush." Cruisers. The idea that England is secretly constructing tremendous n8 cruisers, car- rying batteries of fifteen -inch g ln s and travelling mach faster than any naval shills now afloat] has become al- most an obsession with the German press, whose naval exports recognize that these ships present a problem that cannot be ]net with submarines, The neve British cruisers are termed "hush, hush" cruisers because of the supposed secrecy with which they are being constructed. Captain von Kuhlwetter, a famous German naval authority, believes them to be 860 feet in length and probably more ef- fective naval units than any yet con- structed. No doubt the prime cause of interest in their building Is the realization that a complete fleet of fast cruisers could annihilate a whole squadron of slow antl ponderous Ger- man dreadnoughts if tho German fleet ever again aspires to the open sea. In the Jutland and other fights such a emit of fast and Heavily armed ships might have out off their retreat. That Pugland is constructing a number of large battle cruisers of a new Type is nut denied by the admiralty, `these Days,ta }�- g ., )�!;, rA .. a e 1 a `I 44 �kt Y AWIled Sager A Sugar Saver A Mk Saver This"ready-to-eat" food also saves g time and fuel. 53 Ideal forWartime 0 BOMB OWN LEGATION. t for Dam- ageAsk FnFrancea Pay age to Paris Buildings. During the recent Getman aerial at - tact: on Paris one of the enemy avia- tors dropped a bomb which struck and damaged the embassy building of one of the Centrdl Powers. Two days la- ter the caretaker of the building re- quested the legation of the neutral Power representing the enemy coun- try to -present a hill to the French ' for damages done to the Government r � C .a building. France is asked to pay $900 for de- struction by the enemy of his own property. Silver -Plating FaIce. The street faker rands ready sale for bottles of so-called "liquid sil- vorplate." TO show bow beautifully it works he takes a spoon or fork, much worn or perhaps of base metal, and dips it into the solution. Then, takhng it out, ha wipes it with a rag and lol it is bright and silvery. Such solutions are sometimes ad- vertised for "restoring silverware" in the home. Housewives buy them and the first results are pleasing. Unfortunately, however, the bright- ness quickly disappears and the "plating" weal's off. The stuff is not silver at all, but mercury sluts. Prune and tie up the roses and syr- inge with tobaceo to prevent insect attacks later, done. Very Slow. For two years the most deeorous courtship of Sandy and 'Lisheth has slowly progressed. One Sabbath night, after a silence of an hour, I isheth murmured:— "A penny for your thochte, Sandy." "Wool," replied Sandy, with hold. ness, "I w•as jiPt thiukin' how 1l110 it wad be ii ye were tau gig me a tree bit ktssie." 'Lisbeiln kissed hint. Theu twenty- seven minutes of silence, "An' what are ye thinkin' eland tilt),I noo, Sandy-- anither?" "Nae, nue, lassie; it's mair serious; the noel," i "Is it, laddie?" asked 'Li.,heth, .soft 1y her heart Rein pit: a -p et "Al what 'nicht 1t ' h be?" I was jiet thinkin'," auswesed Sandy,"that it was about time ye were paying me that -penny for mg thochts." I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Bay of Islands. J. M. CAMPBELL I was cured of Valeta Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT. sgpriughill, N.S. WM. DANIELS. I was cured of Chronic, Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Albert Co., N.B. GEO. TINGLEY - The mann who grows more hied adds to the wealth of the world; the man who grows dollars may be add- ing only to his own wealth. tainnee'a Zninnent nolievoe eseuralgil. a o) e e u after each meal and at bedtime. This remedy is known as Mother 0 1 o Seigtl's Curative Syrup in the drug ti. Add a little cornstarch to salt when '� the canine. SOc, filling salt -cellars. This prevents the • trade. Get s hardening. Only half a teaspoon- of()) halde n g y p and $1.00 Bottles.: ful of cornstarch to two tablespoon- (droe eiikV o^oee^oee^vr.W fuls of salt is needed. will be happy in the consciousness that he has had a real part in win- ning the war. MONEY ORDERS Dominion Express Money Orders are on safe in sive thousand otlice.s throughout Canada. Minara+s Liniment Cures Euros, MM. A teaspoonful of sugar saved every day makes five pounds in a year. Takes out the inflammat'on— tem burns, Inflamed cuts, scalds, brai.es. bb,tera, and snyhorn—piles and abscesses. Worsts like magic! Buy a ba:-wr dealers, or write us. NNW REMEDY COMPANY, namitton. Canada, ANA WiliV A PIZONOC+11APH let Prize. and Prize ix Phonog aph tr [ l \ 5'l' Camera Bad Frdacti sl' \ r , so Prises of • , 1 1- t'i1Lu� wrist itsI 1\leaf r 'wr:14Gh i'Ut 11 a �• i or n,^pens tu=rretts r£ °tient rtitca what Wno Zu a lin rw's Pocket? lino iN " ilei Or t 1 tan,, + ur. k r 14 4r 11 to 1 tn-]a 1 F *. tet >t i ! r n v vu you ti In 1, t warrrite of 4h •.+74•41•14.1 i 1 t Is o, plr.N.p, tit, ,1 e tor- t. u r,t li. - ti ii rchat e r In J rout .. )o ic,. t, "rot Pahl ,na .,.1111113 el, .1 r There Aro Pro 'ant onto Dees Faire 7 r D N. P. !NIA to l -rt rtt F ,1,141. t I l e t .1 11 1.111.0 it rt. s• r .i tl•c l - r . n t i, t e n ne tt n. 1 uIr vrut or ;tulip pipprLy. VI t t i ti ill I- Int! l , R , Li rirrni,1 the net pili 1 a , t, ,l , :.,1ft t. )r,v11t '� •Hu till h n 1,•r - ed t,• j nn r a f t 1♦ „n'P N) 8r.L1"Aill. rsess,rsszsTx ces Pont. S{ 'crave m. tet. Stat, P Try. ,N'SO... S IOE POLISHES, MUMS and PAST��� It" tfaCK, WHiIE ,TAN. OARK'OROWN OR OX Ut001? SIIOES PRESERVE the LEATHER e¢rroauev cm1r, nmisusn,.,earutns.uxnw Catlin; the Most t f your Team Make their work easier. They are faithful friends and de- serve the: best treatment. ,L MIC L AXLEGREASE �� `�v�a�ls:�.0 "Else half as much as any other" i Lightens t}ne load. The mica V t festa_ 1 not nth hard surface 1 on the ; lnndlcs ,and ti e grease ase ketpsit their. Mkt Grease ,gives the effect of roller bear- ings and 1,,.,thees unnecessary strain- on g 7 yo ur 7trearm.p ..y 11..}x( '�a �j�,'IE ,. e .a 9.1�A a.t V d'J1�i 4+a �✓1�'� "Least i s !cagier life' Is the best harness life insur- ance on the tnarket. It over- comes the worst enemies of leather -- water and dirt. Leaves your harness soft, pli- able and waterproof. A: pure mineral oil free from acids and cannot injure the leather. Sold in standard sized mirages by live dealers everywhere. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED BRANCHES IN ALL CITICS h t t 'Int amain 0 MICA CaE,4ii mnesaM1nrap 1e 5ies �i. 1wGll if f 1 COMPN!I lltt� MADE IN CANADA ishing home not expenmen just as good. EW.GILLETT CO, LTD TORONTO, ONT. WINNIPEG MONTREAL fiat been Caneda's favorite yeast for more than forty years. Enough for 5e. to produce 50 large leaves of fins, wholesome none Made bread, Do t, there is nothing Lime a garden line In sowing peas so the rows may be petfeet.1y straight. Crooked rows are annoying to the eye. of an aceurete person. Peas should have all =inured ground and if ease- fully sown will not need thinnings. Plant in double rows, staking tail varieties with brush between the rove as soon as the plants are up. =Mardis Llaimentor sale everywhere, - ff In planning' ornamental plant.irgs for home grounds rememl,er that both the picture you see front the hemp and the picture the passerby eves from the street must. be considered, BEFORE and AFTER, Lasing Cuticura. The first thin,; to do in restoring dry, thin and falling hair is to get rid of the cause, viz.: dandruff, itching and irrita- tion of the scalp. Rub Cuticura Oint- ment into the scalp skin, especially spots of dandruff and itching. Follow at once with hot Cuticura Soap shampoo if a man, next morning if a woman. Rinse with tepid water, Mance Cuticura your every -day toilet preparations. Sample Each Free by Mull. Address posbeard• '•fticura, Dapt, N Boston, U.S.A," Sold by dealers throughout lbe world. 1 Rheumatic Aches Drive them out with Sloan's Liniment, the quick -acting: soothing liniment that penetrates without rubbing and relieves the pain. So much cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments: it does not stain the skin or clog the pores. Always have a bottle in the house for the aches and pains of rheumatism, gout, lum- bago, strains, sprains, stiff joints and all muscle soreness. Generous size bottles at all drnatriatei 25e., 50c. $1.00, , +s3 t c Sloan's prices not increased 25c 50c $1 F; a WOMAN WORKS E 5 MB A MY Marvelous Boeing of Womaretz tx P from LS Weakness ut�.92s::,S to Streztgth by Taking (�'. tli3�fin .. Druggist's Advice. Pero, Ind.—" I suffered from a dis- placement with backache and dragging down pains so a " 1 badly that at times -WI could not bean nY feet f a.md it did ntsz , ism it) aril sstV. t0 ee st:,11i1 n`.. Ali '' tried dif"aren't .'.smedieinPs without: ' any benefit a n d ,,several doctors -„told me nothing but an operation would do me any good. My drug- , mot told mo of ? Lydia E. Pin le- i/ ham's Vegetable Compound. I took; hatlI amnowwell "^( and strong. I get up in tho morning at Pour o'clock, do my housework,then go toafeetory and work all day, come home and get supper and feel good. ' I don't know how many of my friends I have told what Lydia E1, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me. "--Mrs. ANNA M1:TERIANo, 86 West 10th St., Peru, Ind. Women who suffer from any such nit- ments should not fail to try this famous root and herb remedy, Lydia ]a. Pinks ham's Vegetable Compoupd. MALE No 13---'I8.