HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-4-18, Page 2GR .,--., . T MEMORIAL across the unclaimed species. An en- emy raiding party attacks, le held up A� O�u OF THE t can be no gnestton that he will be still MEMORIAL HE further weakened, In these elreum- by one of our posts, is repulsed, The r�-y PRESS stances, not evert the intervention of OFSTONE raid has fallen before coaching our IIVI 1871 Arne,, ea oast avert F,ngland's spsa 1• 1J 1 V wire, but ttvo mon of tho poet aro tuaular dErfeat if our U•boata continue wuunded and the third will not return, their activities As hitherto, A party of pioneers is working fin a certain part of the line. An enemy C'RIE+ •`ON\\'ARI)" IF OUTLOOK. ous work that the U-boat is nevem- berrage sweeps that trench with shell,IN BRIGHT. plishing. We trust that the fact may The daily report gives it as an incl- now be thoroughly grasped by the dent. The pioneere know the cost.-- doubters. If they fail to see it they The Progress of \Y'Ar• elhinee Mhen Outlook Bleckens-- the madhouse IN COMMEMORATION OF VIMY RIDGE HEROES. Cross -Crowned Column, Girdled by "This le the tremendous and glorie 'BRUTALITY F I�pI N ARMY OFFICERS DESCRIBED BY ONE-T1MB GER- MAN SOLDIER. The Cost of ,peed. ure and safety of others who used the are likely candidates for tc. nuc ottsa The driver who persists in operate road, Cringes Will Darken the 11:slor of nr the idiot asylum-" ing his motor cru• at ]sigh speeds stay The majority of mocicrn motor cars Y the franlosehe Tagespost, of elude constanbles and police, but he develop their maximum Nfficiency Kaiserism forever, Declares Mannheim (one of the cities bombed cannot escape from the penalties with lowest expense at speeds rani, - a Deserter. by the Allies), appears this somewhat which natural mechanical laws levy ing from 15 to `d5 miles an hour, de-' different sentiment: upon his ear, here are ten reasons pending on the make of car and con -i Curt Redlich, a young (german me- The ti road Wdthdn this •,h 1 t ' 11. whine shop in The cry of "gas" disturbs the night Many till Pin Hopes of Victory Spent German Shells, Lasting and the faces of men are hidden P Tribute to Canadians, cruder protecting. helmets that. tarn On rite I' -Boats. thane who line t}re tranrh into l t o - When France smashed forward' testate figures of Foote mediaeval The German newspapers vacillate •in dittos o to tante carp oy o, m u a xinst the Loretto Ridge, the little. 1 ve• the to wge their attitude toward the war they are "The people are rousing themselves, why it is expensive, dangerous, and range of speed rttr accident that may g horror. .Inn go u 1 p Ohio town, one-time aviator in t.1tN ouchez literally ran red with blood, t1 whining wound them aver„;waging against civilization. A study For nearly four years they have been iuconsideraate of others to speed. g Yy German army, soldier of foriuue and S bullets ]tu g s g occur is not likely to be serious; it is Now the river is clean again, but runs whelm in enemy oat and stealing of them rascals an heroic but come- the mute sufferers, they have sacci- Fires last about t.tvice as ion ort a fast enough not to be ` poky.” and the finally an American citizen, not my through a wilderness, and Suuchez:through o ] p p in y wire are into hostile what unsuccessful determination to de• !iced blood and treasure, they have car that is driven at 1u miles en hour car will wive tin service over tt Ions trenches: 11 e . g s v ruins. p monstrate to their readers that Ger- been subjected to privations untold, as ttpun cttra driven at all miles ttu 6 g believes the stories eo of German t t church is a tumbled moa P trenches a a.d bombe and rade . r the nameless -, � many is lighting against an outraged they have been all but fuutislted; and hour. Speeding generates heat, tvhich.Period of time, Itality that have c•anta actu's netts but Under its shadow are cars, rifle, opal bomb; and grenades .. he thinks when the whole story leas graves of France, sage a correspond- ' for tern minutee of hell. Then they ' world. Some of the newspapers main- now they have had enough of suffer - Driving an enemy to rubbor, ficin+ of Our , tato persistently that ill the tigers in ing. They demand in a voice of cam- Gasoline hconomy. I been told crimes that will darken the ent on Mareh 15th. The shrine come back with their prisoners and P Y g Driving n car around n sharp cornet I ridge no •, the universe have derided to prowl in mendom, longer of tmtreAty--peace, at 25 miles an hour dues more damage � SiEtr°e the high cost of living has ba- pages of the history of ]:ai.+eri m fur - Lady of Lorette upon the g rs casualties"—or with their prison_ be ieaeeful and godlike valleys of freedom, bread! to the tires than 20 miles of straight gun writhe h to include vinthe price of ever will come to the people of the. longer knows the worship of the pee- ens they firing hack their awn wound- t I g for what were viI „ Germany, but others make reluctant "Away with all official subterfuge! road work. Excessive side pressure gasoline, I have bean seeking to cls-, world. They will be told nut only by Ole of little villages, tel and their dead. A patrol goes out o and acknowledgment that it h3 difficult to The speeches of the government's men on tiros may pinch the tubes, and it vise ways and means by which a victims but by the very soldiers of the lager are mounds of broken stone t and returns with prisoners—or it n:R� g h when the satisfy one's self all the rest of the ring with phrases conrertting the ri. ; always strains the side walls of thN greater mileage can be obtained. A kaiser himself, Redlich thinks. waste. Tradition says that not rerun. A battery positiat:—shell church came first under heavy bom- i ed intermittently all day—is shelled world can be wrong ami only Germany of self-determinetion of the peoples, easings. few of my experiments have proved He is a deserter Erni the (german Well, then, the German people are Iso successful that 1 will give them for • army because of treatment he could barc}ment the French polios, toiling again at night. The daily c•tmmn- tight, Hight speedo are likely to cause in their trenches, made another, an nique tells little to the uninitiated. Many of the newspapers fluctuate , ready to show what they understand' skidding and breakage of springs and the benefit of other motorists. :not stand. His father is rt life cripple earthly shrine, for Our Lady. under The wnr le too bit; for incidents, :with the news from the fronts. When .by these wards. steerin If one t ofill therm of to leave. the from the indignities oven of peace their own parapet—and so worshipped r 'thio •s v ball there are guarded 1 "If in the hi h places the. voice of g gear, any of which are don- • cut-out open when coasting along un- times, p p pI o the days and nights pass, B_- b- g y people g 1 serous when speeciingr, g country "Tire German soldier is treated like until they diad in their thousands to hind the ridge are the graves o£ outbursts against annexations and in -'the eople is hooded all will be well; proportion dulatin count roads the engine, rid is won but Beyond denmities; when the war god seems to if not, machines will be stopped, In ro portion to the mileageobtain- may be cut off completely without' a dumb animal," says Iladlich. "Ile win a ridge. That ridge Prance and Umpire. B nd the ridge if not, eci, high speeds require more gasp- g he g. 1 under its protection lie many cengeter- ,the men of Canada fight with that nulla on the Central Empires theta ora ps and factories will l,e de line and oil than a moderate rate of fear o£ buratto the muffler, The' must grin and bear ite there. is no a p ies. In one, row follows upon row of'sure gallantry which countless gentle vigorous 'demands that the "war of de - 'se• ed once age'), and the hum of la- traveling, slight •exertion of energy f throw t peal. little earthen mounds—upon each 'men have made the tradition of the fence" be prosecuted till England ani' hoc shall not be heard until the peo- � switch oil and on will, in a day's rune;Ilarll}sir's story perhaps is thr, more her allies have baso crushed. plc's lung overdue rights to peace, to Driving a ear at excessive speech, Hing, •save a considerable amount of interesting because he has travelled Ger- mound across—over each cross the Dominion. The heart of France heats , mention wax made of the of -,freedom and to bread he conceded." I especially over rough roads subjects Scant n n , J .fuel, IenousTh, seen enough and learned rosette of the Republic—upon each high, America moves mightily iv the the bearings to enormous strains, Driving on pavement and city' enough outside the tontines of Ger- eross only the words "Un bemuse i firing line. The guns as they mutter fensive which was the live topic of die- ; cousin them to wear much more • an unknown). The men of Canada— and growl have that in their tong cession in the newspapers in allied' g streets one can also be economical by many to appreciate candetiunE. that c•x- coming from overseas coil speaking a' which tells of inquiry as if they were countries, Occasional references to it "I2;\TS" UP VARIOUS DEGREES. rapidly than if the soma mileage had shutting ori the engine half a block ist there. p q been covered at moderate speed. or more before the stopping Placa psi Father Crippled for Life. foreign tongue --have helped in build- asking what the year would bring were based on the belief drenchingon: • 4ysiwn of Promotion in rogue in High speed may cause crystallize-' reached. It is quite unnecessary,' "Aly father is a living example of ing that cemetery to the glaricus wt- forth, but the undertone is one of con- could not afford another g tion of rapidly moving metal parts and harmful as well to tax the motor; knu%^n dead of theRepublic. tidence For here in the battle line blood, and that the fate of Germany Germany. ) 1 t jam on the brakes' the "e''^^+c ^F German muia,u•;s,u-" h:, that a subject to strain and these Vimy Ridge i4Ir.mortal. 1 p y One of the mast Y may break at any time without w r t , at the curb n moment late .tit rico anticipate victory. Their mess- should Le intrusted to Von Tirpitz and are with gas, only o said. "After the war, i f he still is liv • successful was of a •t -' r. The nae . All over this area from Lorette age to those behind them is one of the submarine. disciplining the German people, says tura] impetus of the oar will carry ,t g, I expect to have him cocoa to Lhi.s disci r Ridge and on to Arras are French and ,hone. They tcild do their work. It'. "Dastardly Attacks." i former United States Ambassador ing g , i much tnr:etu than one realizes. country to live as God intended peo- A high rate of travel over earth g will he clone well. They ask that those British and Canadian cemeteries. Can-'. Angry Protest., apycared in most of Gerard in 14Iy Four Years in GermanY, gravel, or macadam roads results in! A strong aporia may be employ to' Ole should live. He too can tell .static:; addan soldiers lie side by side with the at home slneeld fight with them; he of iho newspapers against the bwubing is by the Rat system, Rat means excessive dust and in injuries to the strengthen the motive power of the of how brutal Gc•rntan alit• er; atrc to dead of Britain aucl France. Here is their spirit; share their courage; hack of German cities by the French and councillor, and is n title of honor give roach. the soldiers under than, them up. gasoline. Inexperienced drivers too, "Like all young Germane he enter- s little cross of stone. Its writing tells I;ugli•It. Bombandmettts of raihvaY en to anyone who has attained A ecce' high speed interfere with the accu- often leave their spark lever below that it was erected to one of the sons - " —` stations and barracks, which have been, twin measure of success or standing in racy of steering, as is shown b the l its point of highest efficiency, thereby, ed military service when he was of the Dominion by his chums from l)C)CrOIt'3VISIT CC)fiT5 DISiE. the vuly targets of tine allied airmen,his chosen business or profession, For i y twenty. One clay his company ane St. Catherinos Ont." Standingout • -- veru li ;n+? + P number of reckless driver who .have overheating the motor and retitle - ,practising scaling, Ile lad been ill 1 as dastardly a:tsake example, a business man is made. a I• g t gone over banks and into ditches, es- in the speed value of the open throe and was unable to get ov;•r n fence at upon the Vimy Ridge is a memorial of The Ordinary Charge of Sledicel Slee upon tits civil pup+alafon• ;commerce Rat; a lawyer, a justice pedally an curves. 'tlo. i whi<h practice was being held. :1n nf- store, enclosed with German armor', in China. With the utter collapse of Russia Rett a doctor, R sanitary Rat; an r It lana strain on the eyes and the': Through these and similar simple piercing shells and crowned with a I cul the sei,.nn e by C.crmuuy of Rus : architect or builder, a building Rat; a .nerves of the driver and also of other; devices I am getting an average of 16 fiver struck him with a sword. He The cyst of a doctor's visit in China g• 'keeper of the Archives, an archive Rat; ! fell and his arm was brolu+n. Ik was great cross. Only a few days ago the ranges from 5 to 10 cents. One would tan territory the press gathered newpassengers in the car. i miles to rho gallon from my "Big commander of the Canadian Corps hope a:trl optimiaui. The newspapers, ; and so on. They are created in this „— •trot properly eared for, and that arm P think thatGeneral Be -ng another well beloved h, inasmuch as they are so Finally it is a menace to the pleats Six. A.B. has been useless since nobody would be without dao-. to one who reads them carefully, are !wag: first, a man becomes a plain "While I was stationed at the Each leader, and many men of Canada and tor'stvisits in Chita, but, es a fact, a true mirror of the (german tempera- Rat; later, he becomes a secret Rat, the Empire, stood here while Canon the Chinese get along with •ts few of meat as it is under. -,food by the aver- or privy councillor; still later, a secret Scott read a simple service, and the age citizen. \i lien the outlook is INTRODUCING TU1IIlIY ATIiINS, p them as possible. The reason is said court Rat, and later still, a wirklieher, flag of the Dominion draping -the me - 'to be that the Mongolian doctors use blight the Getman says ••Onward.",or really and truly a secret court Rat, Some of His Characteristics Describ- morial was lifted that men might read such abominable medicines. Extracts When the outlook blackens he whines. to which may be added the title of by Famous Writer, Ian Hay. what was vcrittan on the bronze tablet of all sorts of creeping things enter !Nowhere is there to be found among i •'excellency;' which puts the man at *ht p g At the present moment we are rig underneath. !into the Chinese drug list, and people the editorial comments anything which i th head f the Rat ladder, b 1 t t d bet Erected in Memory of !are averse to takingthem, except in smelts of the altruiert shown by the p labor of the civilized world for the °Ve: r: , Non-commissioned Officers • case of extreme necessity. people of the Central Empires. An and Alen of the Canadian ' It is possible that doctors have par- f tt of trench and alt underneath it. At at Metz and Strassburg I :.e.w thing) any rate, it keeps the rain ori, and happen myself that would make tut that is all that his instincts demand of American soldier think that the dig- that An ounce of comfort is worth ; tepline he sometimes complains about a pound of security. is heaven in comparison. 'rhe soldiers He looks about hint, The parapet •• get Sunday off at a rtaiu periods :lad e sae o e a ac t a res once more, an are ng ' look forward to them because, they eau The system works insidiously. By here requires fresh sandbags; there German custom, the woman always treated with a consideration amount- the trench needs pumping out. Does 1 visit home. carries the husband's title. The wife ing almost to indulgence, which con- lie fill sandbags or pump of his own "I have seen it happen lime. ami 1 b 'ld • 1- • titres us that we are being fattened 1't' ? Not nt all lTnless re-' time again that nffiecrs kept some of dre GNrman pre Corps Artillery, posely provided themselves with these eprtvme o to est ss, of a successru ut er is .sown a� vo I ton `li''ho Fell During the Vimy Operations offensive re - as read and studied by the officials of Mrs. Really -Truly -Secret -Court -Build- up"—to employ the gruesome but ex- morsely supervised, he will devote the'the mon in hnrracics, apparenliymete•- 4 y p offens medics as a means of self • Great Britain, and by civilians es s pressive phraseology ing Rat, and her octal precedence 1 p raseolo y of the moment— rest of the marring to inventing and ly nursing a slight gi•anlge of a per - April, 1817. Canadian field Artillery Royal Field Artillery, Canadian Garrieon Artillery, Royal Garrison Artillery, protection. It would 6e very weary_ well, is, "Continue the war as long as for some particularly strenuous enter- g_ sonal nature—perhaps merely to have ing to be a popular phyhedan at 5 over the other women depends entire- chalking up A title fur his new du ] , there is hope of •crushing England and ly upon her husband's position •in the Prise in the near future, writes Ian out—"Jack's Lodge," or "Burns' Cot a bit of sport tit the g r ]t rate's ex- tents a visit; he might run his legs Hay Eton France before the great „ tense. These sante olilcrr avould off d t sleep, H accordingly the other Allies' Rat class. Titles of nobility alone do Cage' or Cyclists Rest" --supple•! I civ . l 1 f f an ge no cep a actor c mg y p oat count when they come to contact d e mented by A cautionary notice, such !think up a1 rinds o punishments or makes himself tmpopular through the The newspapers .how death also South African Field Artillery. medium of medicines decocted of g g victory i the W a om that the business people of Germany with a high government position. Now, \\ ell, we are ready, And, above all, as—"No adngittauce. This gleans j their men, often putting a fellow at The whole land tells of death and beetles and grasshoppers and such are growing concerned about the tom- if a lawyer gets to be about forty nttoour nest fl Igtawith ne v -born con- you• hwnlredI some 9k onotl ertis day sc,ldrersfiwctc+while several idle a:nl heroism and stern endurance to the things. He prefers simple poverty to merctal future of Germany, partite- years old and is not some sort of Rat, g I Thereafter, with shells whistling larly in view of the hatred engendered his wife begins to nag him and his fia nce in the powers behind us; and over his head he will decorate the : could have clone the same wort:. great end that freedom may triumph poverty complicated with running in the United States and Creat Brl f ' 1 d 1 t 1 1 t 1 im with it is this very faculty—philosophic parapet in his immediate vicinity with; "I have seen officers order men to and civilization endure. There are about, t Articles bl fi d h t ship- besides the guns and near the b thi friends an relatives, rues oo i s t p i cin. pu i.+ c a You hp suspicion. There must a some ng trust nwhich makesd with totheclBritf (picture -postcards and cigarette photo- tion, carry water sometttosom the t three or fle our gums, gunners are tilling the land for wards end faetoriee indicate the Ger- in his life that prevents his obtaining R graphs Then he leans back with a • Song of Faith. P the coveted dist happy vegetable gardens, avid farmers have , in the world. The Frenchman is m- task, After they had emptied rite bar - many expect an end of the war before inetimr and if there ish soldier the most invincible person ha sigh. Itis work is done, IIis stories high, merely to give them a ploughed the soil for the crop that I planted my seed ui my garden to- a great while and Are figuring on an is anything m a man's past, if he has s fired to lordous deeds b his great 'home from home is furnished. He tis vela the would be forced tc, entry the day, immediate resumption of world trad- shown at any time any spirit of oppo-' p, g y now at leisure to think about they Y the fall will bring. The gnus are in The will, to judge from the re- spirt and passionate love of his own water back up and fill them again. growling louder every dap for the; And I turned my face to the sun, y silion to the government, as disclosed sacred soil. The German fights, as he Gairmans again. That may sound like I have seen privates tut. in work spirit of the living is not less than' With a steadfast hope that a rose Porta, have more ships than they in- by the police registers, which aro' P an exaggeration, blit "comfort first' 1 1 of the dead, and it is in the minds would repay tend to leave for the rest of the world kept written up-to-date about every thinks, like a machine. But the Brit- is the motto of that lovable but impu- I on Sunday morning with a bucket of of those who fight that whenever the The work my faith had begun, and count on steaming out upon the German citizen, thou he has no chance ish Tommy wins through owing to his cleat grasshopper, Thomas Atkins, till water and a tootle brush :e+ul ordered seven •se'A with the fittest merchant'of obtaining any of the distinctions entire indifference to the pros and cons the tune. to scrub the floors. end be written, it will not came until 'I buried my love in a grave one day fleet. afloat the moment the banner of that make up so much of the social of the tactical situation. �; I "If a private does not shoot or victory is wan. Three and a half • And I hid mg of y face from the sun, peace is unfurled. life of Germany. It is a means by' Put the average Tommy into a march as well as the oIIicer thinks he years heart, aBiwar ttain head oPnd ttEmpire,ce leads And I shrouded myself in mourning Glorious" t\'orlc of LT -Boat. which tttc government steeps afar Trench under fire. How does he. come Cabbage coni cauliflower plants I should, he is certain to be punished. tighter hold on the intellectual part Hort himself? Does ]to begin by •should be set out as earl 11 as possible !One favorite treatment then was to striking an attitude and hurling de- C 1 t d T t 'require a private to stanch erect, then it yet. Canada, stronger on the And felt that all joy was gone. The U-boat campaign is the chief re- rpt rue oputatton roan It could tP It and onzon se s pane , oma oes battlefront than ever before, gives lance of the Germans. An article on p fiance at the foe? No. He begins by'kneel to the ground, repeating the per.. the enemy little rest. On tits other 0 soul, that can plant, with faith, a this topic recently appeared in the used threats of torture and the stake. inquiring, in no uncertain voice, where egg plants And peppers ATC not to he'.formance tor an hour or mere, I've The Social Democrats who of course set out until the ground and weather; side ai Vimy, in Lens and Avian and seed, Ilanover I{urger. It reads: his --dinner is? He then examines seen officers beat and kick soldiers have declared themselves Against the are warm. along a white line that cannot be cls- And trust it will grow and bloom We aro entirely at A loss to un- his new quarters. Before him stands who became exhausted from this task. fined, the captains and the subalterns s existing system of government and in q "We stood in a circle around the ad - P Why mourn in despair, that God had der, rand the •mentality of so many favor of a republic, can receive no din- a Parapet, buttressed mayhnp with III; frequently happens that rt three and the men under veteran leaders ; need Germane who are still unconvinced re- hurdles or balks of timber, the whole venturous dead. I have rarely attend- days' strenuous drill an bread and wa- keep worrying the enemy n' ht And: " o tinctions from the government, be. ed so moving a scene—this brave tom - Y g g Of thy love? Why hide do gloom . ; gardmg the decieivc efficacy of the U- cause they dared to lift their voices' going designed to preserved hit life g ter diet follows.' slay. It is routine trench warfare. boat war. from hostile projectiles. How does he rade, so beloved by all, one of the first I --se—a-- There se—M^_ There is little to report that stands . 1f the seed thou hast sawn will bring +'These unreasoning people forget anti pens in criticism oP the existing treat this bulwark? Unless closely to go, a sacrifice to this experiment out amidst the commonplaces of the a rose, t order, For them there Is the fear of of bombardment by night." p p g With fragrance and beauty so rare, that the very fist that it is the Con- the law. Convictions of the •crime of for firewood, he will begin to chop it un ectad. But night after night, under teal Powers which have now become Por firewood, Give me the man who can hold on cloudless skies and bright moon- \nil the Risen Lord, who thy heart- th a h 1 th E t 1 majesty f almost daily I His text t fro eechn s to construct when others let go who pushes g € Putting Moth Peet In lt. In the course of an evening; recap - forces ma , y sue o a mos oc- ; tion a woman who had none tuo good o aga,res. ars, w i e e n este u x proceeding g i, o ', g light, or in blinding storms and : Head knows, currence, At the opening of the vvar farces have been pushed back on the ; for himself A place of shelter. This ahead when others turn back, who a voice snag for the guests. One of darkness, our reconnoitring and battle I Care less for thy love laid there? defensive, is in no small measure due Ian amnesty was granted in many oP sounds a sensible proceeding, but here stiffens up when others weaken, who the guests, turned to n neck -honking patrols axe out in No Alan's band,' to the U-boats. thorn eases, the ministry of war with-' again it is a case of "safety second," knows no such word as "can't" or little man who sat at his side and Maces Ile en the lantsett a for a a (drawing many prosecutions against „ ,, 6 P I Ground cloves are excellent in cu More than that, however the sub- A British Tommy regards himself as give up"; and I will show you a man said: moment and go out, adding night to' boards inhere ants are found. The marine campaign has greatly weaken- {citirens who were waiting thou tidal' completely protected from the assaults who will win in the enc], no matter "How awful! Who can sire be?" night. Snipers' bullets whine through',, insects will not cross a circle of ed tart chief enemy in view of the coin- `in Jail because they had dared to of his enemies if he ran lay n sheet of what obstacles confront blur—blare "Thai," replied the men addressed, the darkness. Machine guns chatter g decisive land battles, and there i speak disrespectfully g of the army. I corrugated iron roofing across his bit den. "is my wife." C10afa. ITh g g 43 otii 000 1.3"1. E � 1511 -Loa ..� t "Oh, I b -b -beg your pardon!" stat- tered the other. "She's really a --I know she'd sing benutifuliy if she made a better selection of her music. Who do you suppose wrote that song?" "I did," replied the meek looking little man. Air Raid Signs. Londoners can tell by leo' ing at lite night sky whether to expect Gotha raids or whether to go comfortably to bed. If tho moon shines tend the night is clear he studies the clouds Should they be at some height racing from the east it to safe to assume that the Gothas will not come, for they cannot make progress against a. west wind, which holds them back from the Brit- ish shero. I't, however, the rloude are flying from the west the Londoner prepares for a lively evening. The New Arrival. Major—Are you It poet or an artist or anything like that? hecruit--No, sir. Major•• -•Then go and have your hair cut immnediately, i t�, i} , �� tf[ ^ Do `SOUR SNoPPINs Nota! AT PRBSENTli WN1i-E CoND1'ItOµs AR'. So PLEASANT. Do. Vt. NOW AND Do • `. � rf tARi`I a ./r4 % •,.-�' 1 /o 7 / ,.• r ///�j -�l _ ^✓/ ufl' , 1 r, r %Q ?tj', ., ,' x4..,1a lei I ,�•nro"kl! ,,�I��” ;'t N',J�f ��.�.�: '..,af ?� - ,-,-f I u -:.� �— �`� ,•. s :Si 11 ��t� �,�Y� f• S:7C �0'r:G `, ..- 'DO NoUR5410PPiNG 1 Vtow! AT PRestNT. } i t , r• 'p �J / �. D ` t) Kl F../4 �0 yOUR ��j WFlIL� mm p(� I ii % :) 4 ..,E S41oPPING 1 P10:PIN G o. COOKIONS so PL ASAN•: tt Now AND Dp If EAR) -iii E--) GA US AV61D `f11 �UR1-y"0UR1••, %�'" , '�::. Arai, a',. •, r. e. i; r+ 11N)v •`:, �� �e .yn;•4 o••�'tp. r, ) � q ,�t .tr � M y� �% j Aril' !� a • �� tiQ. .. - ?�' 9 't'' y � `,t■���+7 \\R�". \• I v' tr.r t?t �'/ .eta. \...r. 7F ! r , 4.: st I � e (,+f/'a .e. Do`IoUR tdovl4 AT WNIf.4r• ARE ' �i / �>/ /li E �rxr,� J 771', ..; Sv1oPPING PResewrn CONDI'SIONS So P1.EASAN ,�:.- pd �,;:,`` r. ;� �� ���� ,� ./ E � �.�a:7s + } &r.:•. ,a�� — r . �..- ( �•.1'ir . r M (; V7 y a ,� d � , �� yip; f '� -"�,i t�r^' (4• , �• (. ,� 1 gar t��ri: t; 3. it tt r, � // '% s��� r� �% ��, �.� / r ' l r/� ( %; %' r P S //iii • r e:(// +;wa•a-: ;l ,t„,.. c s� i '! 3!4 k a� \ .i�.'.' 1"sGG"1 { . i'1 `'��' f�� �. \\". ���,• F . � ni�J•111t.�;'� A . r, ,. C k. ' l "Oh, I b -b -beg your pardon!" stat- tered the other. "She's really a --I know she'd sing benutifuliy if she made a better selection of her music. Who do you suppose wrote that song?" "I did," replied the meek looking little man. Air Raid Signs. Londoners can tell by leo' ing at lite night sky whether to expect Gotha raids or whether to go comfortably to bed. If tho moon shines tend the night is clear he studies the clouds Should they be at some height racing from the east it to safe to assume that the Gothas will not come, for they cannot make progress against a. west wind, which holds them back from the Brit- ish shero. I't, however, the rloude are flying from the west the Londoner prepares for a lively evening. The New Arrival. Major—Are you It poet or an artist or anything like that? hecruit--No, sir. Major•• -•Then go and have your hair cut immnediately,