The Brussels Post, 1918-4-11, Page 2l Between o rbs q OR, A DECLARATION OF WAR. CREAM ANTED Sweet or chnrelug e•reant Highest market helves paid. We supply cons, ray ~tgr a meryt Coil}`. Mutual Dairy di G 143.5 King St, Wast, • Toronto _ BRITISH RECRUITING MISSION. me 'DRS CHAPTER XXVI:—(Cont'd.) t Frey by contrast with its surround- To Secure 20.000 Men From U. S, To -day's revelation was as unex-i thesusualywhirrilandlsland flutt rt overhead, to Three Months. peeted as it was mortifying. Bute as the white birds, and the black For brae week euding 4ltnlch 2nd the though the tears of spite had actually birds, the gulls and tale Crows, rose British tend Canadian Recruiting MIR- solutely crushed started to her eyes, they were re- screaming into the air from the avow- :ton dispatches to Canada 1,0ia tolun- between her eye- laden trees. Bilge - lashes, Common-sense had already real wonderful how the minis- teems for the British incl Canadian Pointed out that to betray this morti terlkee u A and him loving him stiles, Duthie the absence of Bilge- fi t lik would olishriot sineel theeminis same as a brother," whispered one dler-General W. A. White, t'Mee., ier'shdaur'htern was no longer to be man to another during the wait that Colonel J. S. Dennis of the Canadian f •fired. daughter a reset she saw her followed; for the tide was at its low- Expeditionary 1', rte Is in command of '''''-' chance. For what was it that at est, and to hoist a coffin containing the recruiting program in the hutted this moment Ronald most urgentlyman of Adam's size up a face of States. Brigadier -General White is required? A confidante and eym-' roc, eight feet high, required both making a tour through the South in >Iv should have both. Be- musele and ingenuity. . By merely an effort to stimulate ]merest 1n re - TO MA.hi. ,A MAGIC BOAT. i An Interesting Experiment for the n Small Iioy to slake. The surfnee of all Water i, cOvercd by a film of the water ,t,elf, whielt in' Rs taction is nett unlike that of a thin sheat of htdia ruttier. To comprehend this one must imagine the rubber to be transparent, The surface of the water itself is so elastie and under ten- sion, eo that a needle, though heavier than the wetter, may be floated on the surface, Several interesting experiments may be made with the elasticity of this , film. One of tite hest is to place two slender splinters of wood side by side on the water. Now drop a little Mee- hol between the splinters, This alto- l hol will immediately break the surface film between the splinters, and the pulling force of the remaining film,' Once there is nothing between to hold them, Will cause the splinters instant - patsy. rounding the neatest pont, where rho fore he had clone stammering out his. shore dipped abruptly, a much easier. (gulling. Arigaclierfieneral 1I'hite bens mud() ly tc, 1ty apart. story sit had recovered her pelf -roe-, pp p The pictures ace campaign t this the point that if a Britleher or Cana- Another interesting experiment is trot and chosen her part. His last. landing was to be effected; hut, chilly article illustrate the campaign that is ditto desires to aid the .111tet he eau to whittle a thin, slender splinter, words found her hand ste:aliitg Into, work though it was to sit still in a opine carried nu in New York try the do so by promptly volunteering, lie• pointed at one enol somewhat like a his, in the shelter of the feather -fan: haat with the .nc,wflakes creeping ,Mission. Brigadieneleueral White and "Poor Ronnie! Now I understand, A down the hack of your neck, and stick- cause the machinery of the llrlttsh boat, Place a tiny bit of gum cam- ' really had not before a. reciated Ing in your eyelashes, the idea of such Colonel Donde have started a whirl- , and Canadlan armies for training men plum on, the rear of this splinter and I teal , an expedient did not. so much as enter wind campaign for recruiting British• has been so well developed by three the gum will destroy the surface film the depth of your sentiment. You into the heads u£ the nus:t shivery of ere pull < uadians in the trusted and a hall' years of experience that, it • le that there will be no pull in the must forgive me to: those stupid the mourners. Had not this in- States covering the ur•xl two mouths. can train n man, put him in the flring' . „krs. What a bad time you've had hospitable ruck been the 4I'Donnell tear. As there is a pull a the front of it! But you're not the man to cry Their ambition is to secure 29,000 men I line, and have hien Invalided home in not balanced by one in the rear, the out your eyes for the moon, are you?, landing -place for generations past? from the United States, if possible, !six months, This has actually been tiny boat will ran forward as rapidly u t 3 To bare made use of the Robson or And she's quite as unattainable to you • the Stuarts' e,se oflly time-honored before the terms of the draft concen- dune in quite a number of Cases. as the camphor can dissolve the film as the moon, you know; though it's tga ger would here so gravely offend - Creat between the United States and i rho other hand, the United States f in the rear. rather a reversal of the positions real Great Britain become effective, Dula ; U'uverutnent, starting much later, has , ed Ardloch tradition as to endanger I Some interesting little "magic lye Just fancy preferring a great, a ore of Adam ht his grays. Such ing the eight months tete Mission etas ked its hands fall in training the first r tricks might be developed from these hulking quarryman to real the repose been et wont in the United States it contingent of the draft numbering i experiments whieh would surprise and The glance which went to illustrate a breach of Island etiquette could not has secured 2 ,n00 vo]unt.eers for the' about SO(t;)00 men, and the second.,, the words carried a balm equally ap- even be contemplated. Ardloch, instrvcl friends. 1 tussles with the British and C'anadlau armies, and has ' draft will follow close upon the ]feels plicable #u a .wounded heart as to: used to those little ass es wounded vanity, and laid it on pretty fortress of Death, waited patiently, examined about. 16,000 more. ,of the Arse thick too, for this ,was not a case in a silence broken only by the shouts which called for any far-fetched of the men hauling et the topes, and, subtlety of treatment, as her intimate the grinding of the boats against each knowledge of the patient told her. other. The bank straight opposite "Thank you, Arab—thank you!" And lay there barely visible, and as still as he pressed the fingers within his with the Island itself; for all hands had a vigor which made the smile she turned out in honor of the dead come sent him seem heroic even to herself.', rade,• That familiar "chip, chip" "It's good to have you on my gide, I which seemed like the voice of the may talk to you about it sometimes,' place. waw to -day hushed under the mayn't I?" !deserted ehetle. "As mueh as you like. -A song Presently, muscle having triumph Delighted, Lady Anne, I'm sure!"---; ed, the dusky procession wound away the last sentence being pi:cited con mune the white billows, scarcely re siderably higher. and addressed to the cognisable as the usually so familiar hostess, who, across the room, had. mounds—the perfect carpet of snow. been pleading for come music. 1 trampled to tatters beneath the many A minute later -Mabel sett at the • feet. It was a new place to them all' piano, with her cousin turning over to -day, dimly seen through the cease-, the pages for her; and an hour after, less snow -dance. The raised horizontal that, having di -missed her maid, her :dabs had become store than ever like dressing -gown wrapped about her, her tables, by virtue of the white cloths place was at her bedroom fire --that. spread upon them; or, with snowy sput. and that attire, and likewise that cushions piled and thiekening every. hour which witnesses su many teff-; moment, seemed to be inviting to a communings. chilly repose. Even the upright' "Six months," she raueed, as she. stories bore rims of white, which soon looked the coals. "I'll give him that; would trickle over the worts names of , —I think six months will do it. But., the dead in showers of cold tears.; -- -- r Manure should be thoroughly incor- porated with the fine ploughed section stance was given up as Wet. If he had of the soil. The more porous and better chained the soil the deeper ma- nure can be ploughed under. bs— Articles Wanted for Gash Qld Sew0l,oryl Rlntaf anvart Oarioai Ol °Ul as Out 16061 awor a onto; Old Olalnn; Out Crtnaa� Orn9meatai TYnioboal ltbiost Table into. Write or pond by Exprong to $. 74, fs 7e. JENtt1Na, Littitod Aryl ;41.'171 ,i ♦t.r,f'irili:n m0 t►nd a0 Oollowo Strout, Toronto, Ont. War Limits German Frocks. More silk dresses nee living; worn by the women of Germany than dur- ing the first two years of the war. This le not because of growing pro- sperity, but results from the fact that no more wool or cotton Call be obtain- ed for women's elothes, ,Silk else is becoming exceedingly scarce, as it is being extensively used in malting airplanes and observation, the war. A year ago a London "silly balloons. Italian smugglers who take received word from the military au - the risk of being, shot in getting past thorities that their only son, au avia- the frontier are earning enormous re- for °Meer, was "missing," That was wards by bringing stilt Into Germany all. Ills mnchine had ,;one up,- had crossed the German line, lied not come back, nye :rat English correspondent of Feb. 25th- Perhaps the youth, a fine, strapping chap of 23, had been Olken prieone, and was in a german peieon camp. Perhaps his machine had been shot down, possibly it lutd come clown in flumes and he had been burned. to death There was nu way for his family to learn the truth. The Germane matte it a policy to give out no information concerning the fate of Pritih flying men who are killed or captured, In this they follow exactly the same policy that the British cls regarding the crews of submarines that dis- 41111111111111111f11111111111111111111111111111111. !air - The youthful aviator in this in. AVIATOR FOUND THROUGH PICTURE LONG BELIEVED DEAD BY ITIS PA ItI:N'I;y. gad Given ilp hope Until They Saw Likeness in Cut Reproduced From German Newspaper. Here to a little story that is in its way typical of thousands of ()there that deal with the misadventures of all the same, it's just as well that Among all this whiteness the new -1 r 1 to produce more hogs. The European ' Control � tlt� will have to Be t smiled n the flakes flying about f ' tl future. Things would, ers will have to grow the coarser h' figure after all, vvorlt oat to that so setts right amici the restless whirl. The ! Those who are crying to the Gov- rra:ns and depend less upon mill offal.. factory arrangement witch she hal; speaker of a few• minutes back had not ernment to provide feed for hogs, and American corn will be coming more had in her eye all along. For those been the only one who hall felt a bitterly criticising officials for failure - freely into Canada as the fine weather allw$o knew' Mabel }test knew that, for vague astonishment at the minister's to supply sufficient bran and shorts, develops and transportation diffdcul- 'ne her random chatter and ent Bess tearing. One and all, they knew of should tante a look at the facts• ties les en, livery farmer should 'nearing, 1 had t slant bus which had united these ff' ' t that are at w'ar, that Duncan M'Danneli is not lying at the dug grace alone yawned dark, ��(( ' situation depends on it. The difficul- bottom of the loch." i side • it stood Sohn AI`Dunnell, with �''®®3P ontro Corner be overcome. Farm- ' Sh> 't d into the embers ---a smile' t •' a b his white un • r er o trustin ,e u ure. in s w , covered head, is narrow gate up -i v Fo #gid In a time needing food economy many people are not getting all the nourish- ment they might from their food. It is not how much you eat, but how much you assim- ilate, that does you good. The addition of a small teaspoonful of Bovril to the diet as a peptogenie before reseals leads to more thorough digest- ion and assimilation and thus saves food, for you need less. 5•lS.d rig, , re a otos excellent s- the affection vv uc t to um e s C nada does not produce sufficient testae t la w e hhould• far two men since boyhood; one and all b rad torts to feed horns in nor- ;allied Europe is hard pressers, ai- and me- ss head upon er sers—a a better ousrnese head than, for in- Christian resignation notwithstand-•.mal times and recourse to other feeds' determine to do the best he can, under t th t t Iv as go Crows It 1 1 t 1 to see hen soca, a sac , - Ingo—they roc espec ex i ryas not front the casual daughter, d . deeply bowed under this loss—for has always been necessary. In the, his own circumstances. was far more likely from the precise. they knew to be of tender heart. effort, however, to aid farmers, an mother that any act or sentimental. ne fall might be looped for. i Some had wondered whether he export embargo wag placed on mill y i would have the strength to conduct offal and the price of bran and shorts And yet there was something ten the ceremony. 311 had expected to was fixed in fair propoaiun to the der too about. that 1. it a trust and hear his voice falter, and to see his price of wheat and several dollars a triumph, After all e eves not only head droop over the heavy task. And ton lower than in the. United' States. because he had a fine estate of ids. now that the moment was come. that This of course, was eatiefattory as' own, and because he would mak() nu excellent and useful mwhite head seemed poised a little aster for Bal•: white than usual; and his orogen far tis it ,vent but the trouble wase ladrochit, and a most comfortable,: pyo` write n espy not those eyes of Che that it could not poa,ihiy go 'far en - to marry Ronald, that she meant' clove which they knew so well, but ough. Not enough bran, and shorts to marry Ronald, it was also alit- those of the eagle, which also they are produced in Canada to go around.', tle because. he was jut hdm:elf. `knew, for having, at rare moments. Canadian mills from September 1st, CHAPTER XXVII.l trembled beneath this glance, and 1915 to February 1st, 1918, ground at hining frum them a light which they the rate of 15,000,000 bushels of To Maggie telaclish the reappear-! did not know. Nor was it the voice wheat a -month, which was a very; *nee in the flesh of Duncan -1PDim- of a broken man whieh spoke the. high proportion us Compared to Well, had been as annoying as it had words of the Burial bmelee. been gratifying; ot- Lame Liz. Had' That something sustained him while else not all along maintained that he stood upright on the edge of the Maggie's corpse lights were a fraud? open grave, they all indistinctly felt, But presently the triumph was temp- without suspecting the real nature of ered by Adam's demise, which, taking the invisible prop. and when --the place within the fortnight, seemed to last words spoken ---the minister justify Maggie in her declaration that • stooped suddenly, and, gathering up a she had mentioned no names, and that' handful of earth, threw rather than the "lights" would do fur the father dropped it on to the lowered coffin, quite as well as for the son. Her there was not one man present who occult reputation, though having sus- A came near to guessing at what the tained a narrow shave, still survived; ' act meant to thu doer of it, and at the thought, that the omen had That evening Albert sought out his not been wasted, all Ardloch breathed elder sister. It was his last chance more freely. I of a private conversation, since his It was on a still, white day with the i box was parked, and in order to meet air full of noiseless snowflakes, be-, the boat at Bonnet Ferry he would hind whose moving curtain the hills have to be gone next morning {e befor normal, From this amount of wheat, however, raider the new standard flour I regulations, about two per cent more of the wheat herr is retained; in the flout. Only 1:'30,-: 000,000 bushels of feed can be proti duced in a month, or 21,000,0u0 pounds a clay, There are 17,328,000 odd l horses, milch cows, cattle, sheep and swine in Canada, not taking poultry' into consideration at Mi. The bran! - and shorts produced in Canada would, thus give each animal one meal in two' or three weeks. A. cow would con- sume five pounds a clay; a hog, accord-{ ing to its age, from one-half pound to three pounds—though little shorts, Shopp g y �,, ,A ? been a common soldier his name non- „..y� ,y er or later would have appeared in a '1"• 4etett i, 8 list of prisoners held in Germany and i.2i a - .t��;�al forwarded to the British authorities A is F through some of the neutral ag•eneies that provide means of communication itl for tach purposes, But as a flying man his fate was concealed. • A Wonderful Discovery. The other day hie father picked up Pe ee a London illustrated newspaper and =a quite necidentalh hie eye fell on the reproduction of a photograph showing e Scarcely anything pleases a woman = a group of Etiglisp airmen Reid in a le more than to conte to the city to Getman prison. camp. Timm!, looking it shop. There are so many big stores = out at him from the page, was the e with such endless variety and � face of his boy! There could be no n choice of everything. question of it. Under a magnifying • Still there is just that little draw- . glees the fit. ss Cups indubitable.agny ti back about where to stay. The C Paterfamilias ran round to the of - It is a House solves that problem. ^ fico t the illee aper and learned that F. Itis a home for you while in the -the f the had ape rep+ learned from rrt city, and you can kava all your par- t ,. chases sent direct there, where a German illustrated ptener. Ile eva8 • there ere special facilities for look- :� permitted to et:oldi ! the German ti • ing after your parcels. copy, and nut until tt is pit=()lute ns- et Como to the city to shop and stay at a surance had barn ! a.cr iverl dtd he in - i3 form his wife: and dattelattee of lits P. € The Walker House ^ vrmiduful discovery. That night the fatted calf was sae- 711 ae- TheHouse , plenty ,� eiticed in that home• e bottle of chane- - TORONTO, ONT. - None ---it's easier to het, these times, E P.S.--Special attention given to than wIdelcey-wit opened, and :here C ladiee and children travelling with- � wap a celebration that. would amply tat out gentlemen escorts. have justified the Food Controller and G t sflddlnllillilli111111111111111iii111111i111111110•, pretty newly a}1 ti;,• ath:•r enntr•ollers, big and little, in evading the entire etet household to jell. me--.�n^., _..'F�„etteesagewelo'i+'ree="t •7�"m"nr-rL,-r-rR.•• ::i:MtWex'..r'."'c^ti+'�' end it to Parke gs OU will be astonished at the results we get by our modern system of dyeing and cleaning, Fabrics that are shabby, dirty or spotted are mads like - new. We can restore the most delicate articles. Send one article or a parcel of goods by post or express. We will pay carriage one way, and our charges are most reasonable, When you think of CLEANING AND DYEING, think of PARKER'S Let us mail you our booklet of household helps we can render. PARKER'S DYE WORKS, LIMITED CLEANERS AND DYERS 791 Yonge Street Toronto amusinssrasasmismasaissz-aamur zszrs;,r ,•atoetstameres settled in No Man's Land, quite tut- �, concerned at the rifle fire, Tho 'Meek - hinds give a lovely concert every morn- ing and evening; you can just eatch a snatch of it in temporary lulls of the firing" This comes in a letter from the west- ern front: "On the. river Ancre, about six 'hundred yards from the trenches, there are numbers of coots and moor hens that ere apparently entirely ob- notate of the tremendous battle all round them. Before the `push' they wore about four hundred yards from our front-line trenches opposite Thiep- val, end in front of our field guns. And this from the neighborhood of Letts: "All through the night the battle of the guns went on, and the sky was fill- ed with the rush of the shells; and the moon veiled her face from this horror which made a hell en earth, But in a little wood a nightingale sang through - it all, in a little wood in the curve of a eresecnt of guns, which every shell flash lit up with white light, so that the delicate tracery of the boughs and brat-101mwas ruffled and the tiny green leaves wore tremulotts. In the heart of that thicket a nightingale ming with trills and flutters of: song, crying to reach higher notes, to rise higher in its ecstatic outpouring, then warbling little snatches of melody" Similarly, birds on' the Macedonian front are said to return mainly to their! risual haunts Cts soon as the firing eeases, little disturbed by the tremond- nns ertilleryr diseharges that deluge their homes with shot and shell. BIRD, IN No MAN'S LAND. Their Sweet Melotlt is Heard along the Prattle Front. Several tinter mention ha; been mads of the preeenee of birds along the battle front in prance. The fol- lowing references to the same subject from various eections of the line have lately appeared in Current Items of Interest. The first is quoted from a letter written by a member of the Can - Mian Expeditionary Foree who Was, on the Firing Line in Belgium: "It is very strange how the birds stay round right up in the front line. After a terrific bombardment the other morn- ing, which wap the worst we have ex- perienced for six months, a skylark Feared up from No Man's Lance and gave us e lovely song, almost as soon tis the firing ceased. A partridge flew over our parapet one evening and had vanished Away as though they the house was well aster. of course, is fed to the more mature had never been, that Adam set sail: conclusion of his own particular job hogs. There were, approximately, for the Island, Atnong those who' at the loch -cid he had succeeded in; '1 (,79 428 hog,. in Canada last. car, stood waiting upon the little slate -I obtaining employment. in Gla:tgow, '+ g y stone pier beside the old ferry-house,I and thither he was hastening without so that out of every five or six hogs,I round whose black tongue every boat, the. loss of a single day, thankful to only one would be able to got a full; in the place had been gathered, there'shake the dust of ungrateful Ardloch three -pound ration of shorts per day' were full-grown men who could not .from his feet, What work remained or, if the shorts wee( divided equally• , remember such a snowfall as this. As' for him here? As little as at the among all the hot s, less than two-;