HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-4-4, Page 8F
• Plain Stripes and Chintzes
b For Bedrooms -there are many new patterns and colorings.
♦ Ready Out Borders
In great variety to match Stripes and Plain Effects.
Sate, eie.
• t„'' a : -,•d•ate -• t } F-; #o`;.±; •�•,1w • .^„t+,''....} 'rar34'u"S
Ceilings •
Large variety of White Moire and Pattern Ceilings, as well as Creams
aad small patterned Tans, Browns, &c,
ear Wall Powers
Aro Rem y
The Spring em•oe le on, nut we
are well prep ned ter it, es our
large stock of Rall Paper has
been chosen with much care anti
contains the uewest and best pat-
terns to be had,
You will also be agreeably sur-
prised to learn that, whereas the
cost of most mateiials have ea-
vanctel greatly, Wall Paper has
not clone so in the same propor-
tion, and we still have many pat-
terns, in perfect taste, which are
to be had at a very moderate price.
In our Stock are
Plain Effects and Tapestries
For Living Rooms, Dining Rooms and Halle. You will find many
new things this season which will provide handsome decoration.
In Tan, Browns, Grey and Green, with new Borders and Trimmets to
w match.
4 `tarnished Tiles and Oiled Papers
Very serviceable for Kitchens, Pantries and Bath Rooms,
Buy Early in the Season and Get the Best Choice
e',4e.Cafti Store
Druggist and Stationer
Pad X alias iteires
SPRING moving is on the program.
MARCH retired like Mary's little lamb,
COUNTY Court was in session this
week a G
t ode
Sr,00 gets THE Pose for balance of
eg18. Don't borrow it any longer.
$ao,00 per cwt. Was paid for live hogs
at Brussels G. T. R. yard last week.
AUCTION Sale of Household Furniture,
&c., at the home of the late Mrs, Wm.
Newsom, Queen street, Saturday after-
noon of this week at 2 o'clock.
TUESDAY afternoon of next week the
regular meeting of the Red Cross Circle
will be held at the home of Mrs, W. H.
Kerr, James street at 3 o'clock.
AT a caucus of the Liberal members
of the Provincial Legislature, Barrister
Proudfoot M. P. P. for Centre Huron,
was reelected as leader of the Opposi-
CHAUTAUQUA. Festival, Brussels, April
ee, 29 and 3o, one of the coming music-
al and literary treats Read about it
and get a Course ticket early for the 6
gatherings, a each day in the Town Hall,
Tete Pose regrets to hear of the seri-
ous illness of Miss Margaret Stewart,
Queen street. She is now at Fergus
hospital. She will have the united
sympathy and good wishes of a wide
ctrcle of old- friends for early improve-
A NEPHEW of Rev, and MTs, Mann,
Flight Lieut, Harry Norman Van Dusen
whose Moine was at Grimsby, Ont., was
fatally injared in England while per-
formiug a flight as an aviator. He was
an -only son, was 22 years of age and
a very fine young man.
No mails or express were carried on
the additional trains that were put on
morning and evening during Easter, It
it is said the old service may be restored
on April 28t11. If not it cannot be
counted a square deal to the public nor
fair to the municipalities that granted
the railway the large bonuses.
MRs imo. CatteLev will hold an Auc-
tion Sale of household effects, at her
hotne, (immediately South of Brussels
Butter lectere), Strettou street, Saler-
(ley, Apr. r3eh at 2 o'clock, as she pur-
proses removing from Brussels. Mrs,
Cousley is au old and worthy resident of
town whose family has gone to the i
West and she will do likewise,
THE 'Tom Marks Company attracted a
large attendance last Saturday evening
in the Town Hall when they presenter)
the drama "Peggie me clarlint." They
are popular with the public. The elim-
ination of some verses of their so-called
funny songs would shed a bealthier
moral atmosphere. Announcement
was made that the Company would be
back next Fall with a new play,
evening a umber of the lady Meade of
Miss Sadie Lamont assembled at her
home, Queen street, and surprised her
with a miscellaneous shower of valuable
gifts. A very enj arable time was spent
in song and• social chat. Many good
Wishes were expressed for the future of
the bride-to-be, to which the recipient
replied in a brief but appreciative MALI.
evening of next week Rev. George W.
Tebbs, Hamilton, will Address a public
meeting in the Public Library Atelienoe
Room, Brussels, under the auspices of
the Horticultural Society, on "The Veg-
eletble Garden and how to make the most
out of it " He has a set of slides illus.
trating the work and will use them with
hie address. In the afternoon he will
speak to the pupils at the school house.
Meeting at 8 o'clock, Be sure and at-
tend and invite another to accompany
WILL any persons baying vacant
property that they would allots people
to crop or cultivate please send word to
THE POsT at once,
HARRY and Mrs Keys tied family
moved to their newly purchased farm at
Cranbrook'this week, We wish them
the best of suocess in their new home.
ler and
Mrs. THIS week M .. Benson W
children moved from the farm, 3rd Can„
Grey township, to Brussels South,
where she has leased the White property
and will make her home in the mean-
BAR Pin found, also a tatting shuttle, Own•
era may have them at THE PosY.
Pon SAT.E.-Driver, 4 years old, not afraid of
autos. Also buggy and harness
L. erc ltme.r er, Cranbrook.
Hooey for sale. Milcado style. Apply to
W. J. RYAN, Walton.
"SIVE hand bag lost hast week on Morris Cen•
ter sideroad. Will finder kindly leave it at
600 bushels of O. A.. C. No. 72 Peed Oats for
sale. Alen 150 bushels of O. A. C. Seed Barley
No. 21. Expent a car of Gunn's well known
Fertilizer, Apply to G. B. PPETRAN, Lot 24,
Con. 12, Grey two. Brussels P. O. Phone 6611.
House and Lot for sale on John Street. A
food frame house, stable, well, cistern, small
ruits, &o, For further particulars apply on
the premises. Tnos. ENNIS.
SEED OATS. O. A, C. No. 72, for sale, Also a
quantity of Davis Warrior and Extra Early
Eureka Seed POIRIOes, ED. FULTON,
Phone 286.
Phone 2511.
Lot 14, Con, 19, Grey. Phone 4318.
SEED GRAIN Fon SAM -Quantity of seed
oats, 0.A. C No. 72 and also mall qualtity of
Marquis seed Spring wheat. Both clean.
Phone 4916. GEO. WHITFIELD,
Phone 2814, Grey Twp
BELL Organ and n Washing Machine for Sale
at a bargain, Apply at THE POST.
COMFORTABLE house with stable and le acre
of land for sale, Hard and soft water, fruit
trees and small fruits. Would give possession
at once. For further particulars as to price,
terms, &c., apply to MISS GAYNOR, BI1122e15.
FOR BALE.-0horse•power and barrel cement
mixer. Will sell two for $19. Also number of
cedar posts for Rale.
S, S. CoLR, Ethel. Phone 864,
IF You have an organ needing cleaningor
repairs call up phone 87, Brussels,
BBEO Oats for sale, O.A,C. No. 72. •MArerni
MONAra, Lot 17, Con. 16, Grey, Pliocene),
QOANTrmr oY Two•rowed Barley, suitable Por
Rood, fm• ae]e. JoaN BHORTaHED, Lot 24, Con.
0, Morrie, Phone 180,
COMFORTABLE dwelling for Rale or to rent,
with M acre land, fruit trees hard and soft
water, stable, &o, I. C. !RIORA RON
Honda for sale, Apply to Miss B, HOLMas.
ALL kindsoPppoult le wanted. Also empt
sacks far whicri h[ghest pricae will be pnii
Phone 112x. SAM, WHIN/WEIN.
THREE Short Horn Bulls from 10 to 12
months old for halo, JAS. Sonia, Lot 29, Con,
0, Morris, Phoma 180.
DR. PARRBIL Osteopathia Physician, visits
Brnesels Monday afternoon of each weelc.
Chronic and nervous diseases successfully
treated. Visits tresidences. Consultation At
Queen's Hotel
WEnn1NG.-A very quiet wedding was
solemnized on 'Tuesday, Fe )veer,/ lath,
at St Ntebnlas Parish Church, Sutton,
Surrey, England, by Rev, H. W. Turn-
er, Rector, when Miss Dorothy Saxon,
eldest daughter of Leslie Stewart Snell,
District Superintendent of the Pruden•
tial Assurance Co., became the wife of
Pte. Harry, youngest son of Gordou and
Mrs. Mooney, of Deloraine, Manitoba,
formerly of Brussels. Pte Mooney left
here some years ego for the West and
enlisted with the ao3rd Winnipeg R fies,
from which he was tansferted to the
4401 Batt. of Winnipeg on going over to
Preece, Ile look part in the battle of
Vimy Ridge, but got a gun shot wound
in the head 1111(1 was sent to l,)nglend as
a result of cite wound. He Wats merked
unfit for further active service Ana WAS
transferred to the C A. M. C., rend is
now on the staff of the Canadian Milr
tory Iloepital at lapsom, Surrey. Old
friends here wish Pte, and Mrs, Mooney
malty happy years,
beetifi Or Sa
Govetelmene Standard Timothy
and Clover Seed at low privies,
Abut Garden and. Field Seethe
Car of flour and Pccd
C.tl arrive ehnrtly.
Air' Have added BREAD to my ttroc-
ery bushiest', Firee-claw Make,
n tY a •t 1 +
tt !MAI. Fr.l to vn a e lc i ht feu-
S . h 3) t U
nal of the late 'Phos. R. 'Thomsen, at
Seal Orth last Fridny afternen-
THURsD,Y of this week Dentdd Irlc•
Donald and Miss Sadie babel, dnnehter
of Hugh mad alts. Lamont, Queen
street, were united in tnarriege by Rev
A J Mann, B A.
IN the list of casualties published in
Tuesday's daily papers the t times of Pte
A C. Pope, Bruesels, and W. D. Mc-
Naught, Mouctieft appear in the list rat
%sounded. We hope the wt ends will
not prove serious.
Om Tuesday, April 16:11, Dorenwend's
of Toronto (Canada's Greatest Hair
Goods Stores) invite you to see their dis-
play of fine Hair Goods at the American
Hotel. Switches, Pompadotvs, Trees -
formations, Self Dressing Waves, eta ,
for Ladies and Toupees and Wigs for
Gentlemen who are held. There Ms'no
charge for demoustration.
MRs. D. B. MOORE has disposed of
her home on William street, to Mrs.
'Phos. Strachan, who sold her farm, 6th
Con. of Grey township, lest rear, 'The
purchaser will move to Brussels shortly
Mrs. Moore intends going on an extend-
ed visit to members of her family and
other relatives. Site will hold an auc-
tion sale of furniture, &a, on Saturday.
20th lust., AI 13o p, lu
THANas -The following item speaks
for itself and WAS received from tate Tor-
onto office of the Canadian Red Cross
Society, addressed to Secretary B S.
Scott, of Brussels Branch :-DEAR SIR,
-I be to acknowledge, with many
thanks receipt of the report of your
Branch for the pear year and have pleas-
ure in thanking you, on behalf of our
Executive Committee, for the excellent
work doue by your Breech. Particulars
will appear in the Annual Report which
is in course of prenaration.
Yours very truly,
B. S Mc1NNEs,
Recordi u g-Secretnr y.
A DECIDED SI/Ccsss.-Friday evening
a large audience assembled in the Town
Hall nt the Metes Meeting held under the
auspices of the local W. C. T. U. Pro-
gram was well rendered and was as fol-
lows; -Opening charm.; prayer by Rev.
Mr. Mann ; chorus by school pupils led
by Miss K Wilton ; recitation, Vaudus
Blake ; solo, Miss Isabel Strachan ;
piano solo, Mias Ruth Sinclair; address,
Rev. H. Smith ; solo, Rev. J. L Mc-
aCulloch ; piano duet, Misses Tones an l
Fox ; address, B, S. Scott ; solo, Miss
Hingston ; address, Lieut. Jones Bate-
man, a returned soldier from Goderich ;
recitation, Muriel Hoover ; chorus by
pupils 1 address, Rev. Mr, Stafford ;
solo, Rev. Mr, Menu ; National Anthem.
Everybody did well and the audience
was appreciative. Lieut. Jones -Bate•
man recounted scenes from the battle
field, scored the clackers, urged the
writing of letters and sending gifts to
the boys overseas, He belonged to the
Laud Black Watch Highlanders and sae•
some hot fighting. Pte Johnstou also
spoke a few words. Auctioneer Scott
sold a dozen Eger, basket of vegetables,
pair of tubber shoes, parlor lamp and a
silk Balite gifts by interested friends.
Total proceeds $F.8 5r. 'Mete was n
great display of silverware on the plat•
form, contributed for lbe 'Thimble and
Trinket campaign carried on by the W
C. T. U. 'There were watches, j •vel
lery, pickle !cruets, butter dishe , &e„
some of them heirtoiens anti r- present
ing a high ape'eaatien of the p . j •et by
the donors $42 oo had been yr,- v onsly
forwarded to the Cocoa Fund by the
Missionary department of firus-,4s
Branch of the W. C.'T U. Mrs A
McGuire expressed the thanks of tee
Union for the gifts and to all who hnd
contributed to the prom.= W. 11
Kerr was caairman. Misses Boons,
Tones and Fox were the accnmpenists
for the evening The local of genizatiou
IS to be congratulated on the success of
the campaign acid the entertainment
II People We Talk About 1Jt
tt tl:
Chas„ Richards, 'Toronto, was home
for Easter.
Mrs. Alex Roe and Miss Mary were
visiting friends at Galt.
Walter Breckenridge who has been at
Wiugham is hack to town,
Lewis Whitfield ryes at Toronto fot•
part of the Easter holidays
Bobs Campbell is home from Land( n
Normnl Sc enol for the holiday
Miss Jardine is holidaying at Milton
and Miss Grace Walker at Clinton
Miss Ada Fulton is enj •yhie! a vise%
home from Stratford Normal School.
Co.Seeretaly Elliote of the Children's
Aid Society, wee ill town Wednesdgy.
A. G McDermott, Standard Batik,
'Toronto, was an Beater viaitor in Brut-
W, B. Strachan, 13. A„ made a short
visit at the parental home front the
Queen city
Fred. Eunis left this week for - the
West where he expects to spend the
coming Summer,
Mrs. A, Lamont visited with her
daughter, Mrs S. Bell, Teeswater, over
the Basler holiday,
G W. Colvin and Miss Ethel Omer -
on, Toronto, were larefer visitors at the
home of George and Mrs, Colvin.
Miss Helena Pryne• 'Toronto, is spend-
ing the Easter week with her grand-
parents, R, and Mrs. Leetherdelo
G H Barrington, Montreal, was here
for an Easter visit with F. H, and Mrs,
Gilroy. The latter is a sister to the
De Wit! Holmes, of Wingham, waS iu
town last Priday. He came to attend
the funeral of his old friend, James
....,.,.try.- :.. . .. . _-... . , . tett., ......,..
v+*.blti•,WeSr+et111,q iL•!OYtm' niy'C�,A•MYti+'.I+nvtbR11'1Ra.�V.�..•.o-frau
i„�,.•.st.a b p,I: t si.:. p., ,,k, R. A ,A. .4. ger 4`difliti..,.r ,t.~ .,
Notes in Circulation $ 5,484,383.00
Deposits 58,080,703.90
Due to Banks 2,181,893.73
Dividend, Payable 1st Fehruary, 1018 112,094,17
Acceptances Under Letters of Credit 70,030,80
Capital, Reserve Fund and P. & L. Account 8,081,705,82
Cash ou Hand
Gold Reserves and Govt. Deposits for Circulation•,,,,
Iue by Banke
`Dominion Govt„ British Govt. and older Bonds, eta-
Call Loans and Current Discounts
Bank Premises
Letters of Credit Per Contra
Other Assets
1I s Y Arent is visiting relatives
a+:d frit Ills at London.
Miss Fattenee Buchanan was viaelutg
m•forum o Ampul, the VASO week,
!I se ll etec_ Barris ie home for the
l;,stenholiday front iter school at Port
w edit
St's Dena of Wiughou, was a vi,4•i
}t with her aster, Mrs. Dennison,
lit t t etc
Ca, d ff B. t and 1.• y Stewart are
tame teem Stratford Cultegiate for the
Miss Beetle Williameon, of Walton,
wee visiting with her cousins in this
QC .1.1y
Ewan spent the week ead
st the parental hems in town returning
to LmdeO (temp Me,ndsv..
Lloyd lack al is visiting his parents,
over the hd i3ay Ile is amending the
Faculty al Timm'
A. and Mrs Lamont, of Walkerton,
are guests at the home of Ilugh and Mrs.
Lamont, Out -en sheet.
Miss, thio I Lowy, wrto is teaching
the %eerie idea at Welland. is home for
the week's Bawer vacation.
Miss Min+ Elliett is holidaying with
1. P. and Mr, McKay, Princess street.
The visitor is teaching in Toronto
We ate pl et rel to see that Mrs, Mars-
den Smith is aide to get about once
more after a long tie-up in her hotne.
Mrs, Gre"nvides and airs ;1/fortis-on
,ltd tats Hrnur.nd, of Atwood, were
visitors with S. and the Misses Wilton.
Miss Lydia Moore, Listowel, was a
visitor with betsister-in-law,rs
i•' e' Ni
(Cspt )Meese in Bru cels for few days.
Miss Mho McRae and Miss McPher-
son, both re Kincardine, were calling on
relatives and old friends on Good
Misses ServeBryans, Jean Arms.roag,
Hattie Doe nine and rarrie McCracken,
who are teaciettig to 'Toronto are here
for Easley.
Stuart Grant, Stratford, is enieying
part of his Rester holiday with 'Lloyd
Jackson in Brussels, They were old
Mrs (Rev,) A. J. Mann tvent to Grims-
by to sympathise with her sister, hers
Van Dusen iu the demise of her brave
laddie overseas
Druggist Garfield Baeker end Miss
Forbes both formerer residents
esidents of
Brussels, were married in Winnipeg on
Wednesday of this week, Congratula-
Mies Vera Hoover, of the Bank of
N ova Scotin staff, ettended the wedding
of her eoasin. Miss Emma Campbell, of
Westfield, to Roy Stonebouse, Belgraye,
Tuesday of this week,
Sergi. Gel don Ross, Kincardine who
recently arrived home from France, was
a welcome visitor with Brussels relatives
.for a fete days. He was enthusiastically
welcomed at his (tome town and deserv-
ed it all.
Miss McFadden. who is taking a
course at Moulton Ladies College, Tor-
onto, is visi 1144 her uncle and aunt,
Councillor and MIN, Walker. Site is a
clsugeter of Barrister Uriah McFadden,
of the •n. i•nineriv of this locality,
P. R Mnllterou, who resigued his
poet es Iteeeeet end conductor of the
choir in '.: . `ole church. left town this
eve:-ek lit , i•rief holiday he assumes
tits+'k• rieia tr•tn in the Methodist
chart -h. S i nu, Oat. We wish him
success M 4s Mi-,erva Jones presided
a: the m•guu in .:Melville church last Sun-
Church Chimes
-"V etoty and Peace" w^.s Rev. Mr.
Mann's theme last Sunday morning and
in the evening it was ' Juetif)ealiou bt
Monthly Missionary pr"gram next
Suuday afterno u ie the Methodist Salt
bath School. PI retrain will consist of
vocal and ineiremelted select Ione of
music, readings and recitations and short
addresses An offering of $28 oo is
coked for to round up the $75.09 prom-
ecl by the Scheel at Missions, Session
Opens n' 2 30 &Ch( Lt.
Last Sunday morning, le -v elr Stel-
late' p,ached an intelesting Easter
Batton and in tate eveuiog his subject
was "The ministry of music," - The
choir gave a fine program snit et the
eveuiug service Bee male quartette ren-
dered a good nut» ber and Miss II hip -
ton sane; a choice sn!o as well. The of-
fering for the Choir Fund was $18 66,
with perhaps more to follow,
(Intended for last Weak)
fps. T, G, Iletnphill has returned
from it week's visit an New York.
Dyne/1114e Was euncesefully used to
breulc up the ice above the clam.
Mee, &Attention, Toronto, is Irbe
guest, of her sister, Mere, I). McTavish,
Robert Rae hots ret tamed from Tor•
tanto whet a he has been employed for
several months.
Pte. 'Tony Me than, who went nye),
setts with the lelst Bette arrived at
his home neem' here ;Thutaday, lee
went to Frnuce with that iirsb draft
from the Balt. end :pent leveret
months in the tt mudies, being wound-
ed twice, the last tuna Severely, lle
expeots to receive his disehutege shorl-
The Funeral DF the. late !I!hnrnas
Appleby (a form •i• highly eete:emecl
resident of the vilinge) tonic place 'hn
WrnxeIPr 00111F Tntrelay after-
noon, Service wale conducted by ,Rev,
Mr, Stride, Deceased wile was in his
90th year, tweed nwav et the hone
of his sort, Thos., of Glenfterrow, with
Whom he hacl made hie home foe some
years, Be is survived by one son, A.
daughter predeceasedhim some years
ago and his Wife within the past; year,
Auction Sale
Household fornituro, atcr
Al. the hotne of Gen. Thomson,
William St., Btussels,
SATURDAY, APR. 20th, at 3 p.m.
Consisting of ;-
" Parlor Suites,
1 Oak Bedroom Sotto,
1 Cherry Bedroom Suite,
Btdsteads Umbrella Stand,
Tables, Chairs, Pictures and numerous
other articles.
Sale unreserved as owner has disposed of his
Proprietor. Auctioneer,
Wesley Palmer is at present engag-
ed in pulling down Lite old tannery
building he recently purchased front
Wm. Leckie. Ile will use the materi-
al ill erecting t1. residence this Sum-
mer on the lot formerly occupied by
planing mill,
H010aAFT.-In W roxoter on Moroi). 22nd, no,
to aur. and Mrs. Thom. PlOperS10, a Hon.
Manor. -Ar Morrie township, on Mareh 27th,
1918. to her. and Mrn. J. A. Nichol, a sou -
Wilfrid Alexander.
eloomay-s reLr„ - In 1st• Nicholas Parish
Church, Sutton, SurraY, England.land, on Feb-
ruary 12th, 301s, by Rev. H. W Turner,
Pte, Harry Mooney, youngest son of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Mooney, Debi -nine, hian.,
to hHRR Dorothy Saxon eldest daughter of
Mr Leslie Stewart Snell.
7nionott-Lneron.-At the Lome of tho bride,
on hiarch 88th, 1818, by Rev, .7, L. McOal-
loeh, Mr. Wm. J Ziegler, of (+soy town..
Hide, to Miss Annie Myra, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Alex. Leitch, 0, anbroolc, Ont.
1110DONALTt-LA\toroe.-At the home of the
bride, on April 4th, 1018. by Rev. A. J mann,
B A., Mr, Donald Msimnald, Morris town•
shin, to MisR Sadie Isabel, daughter of ?dr.
and Mrs. Hugh Lamont, Queen street,
Sonic Interesting facto Cdnccrroing the No, 9
0 2 times 0 New le 18 awl (hie 1 olio 8 equals 9
fat •3 litter, 0 Nu tl, 'i antl 111. , Hi 1 t , {1,1111.1 0
0 4: I in„'s 9 equate; :iii 0151 Cllr, 3 0l w. li ,•,only h
A 511111"•+9yg11.11a.15"1e1.111es 1 W 5,115:,1.+9
0 II limy., S1.44101.. 111 11111 tIlk n plate 1 , bash: 9
0 7 tinu•s 0 equate (13 and tide H eine e equals 9
rS 8times SI equal ;72'Cid Ito H.,'.,,111,414SI
0 Sl 1 into, ,b lot.,' `;I i t tit •.':1 ! . o„ d.: 0
0 1 l,)u Nil ,.111 •, ilio 1- 11
0 12 limos 0 p` . .1 .,,u:11. Ill
O 123 tlmeat 9 pin 1, gmtl" 111.1
1231 limo, 0 pine , i weds 11111
M 1'2.315 timet 9 tills: 6 equals 111.111
a 123160 Limo. 0 pin., 7 , cost, 1111111
0 1231507 thee, 9 plus 8 , q't tale; 11111111
ri 12315078limes (1plo,0,goal +1111!1111
The One Interesting MAO, Concerning Our
P1111islar Toulon Cw.
Liyar Extract
you can Ilse, The 1v;.!R'f•'r tide late of Ceti Liver Oil in its .net oral
state is entirely rliwiuni,'el in the manufacture of this ptepuratinn
without detracting from its nr"ell, ell value, We wthesitttlingly re-
commend it, 2 sizes -.11011 and pill uwnlre.
MC+flNC• u .
*04.41 c•tEn '
APPLI91y.-At el, ors,,,,w, on Mach 21th,
1918, Tilmllas'rh m1p,l'nl Appleby, sued hal
Snarl mad 5111011th... -
ALICTION SALES In Ike• nl'tt!e•t'
NEDNr•.snLT, APRIL MM. -IAMB stuek,&e„ 1 I's'i'-isle • 1,4
4cott, Atm.
at T•or 1J, Cern. 9, G, ey Towrshlp. Huh, uore• 1 , „% . !u the L
N ,,,,,,,,1„..,...1,y r:•i veil pursuant to "The Re•
t 11 creditors
and i others beat claims ngnbwt thr. estate Ill'
))RUC- CTC.}R15
to Creditors
of the: ^s'a'e of Conrad
ti e 01 the Township of
Rec .!,u at. 1 'ouu y of Huron,
p. m. John Dark, Prop. : F. S.
Wheat +2 , 5
Oats :
Peas 2 as
Barley I GS
Butter ac
Eggs as
Hogs •to en 'eu 25
'Hap - 10 of 10 18
POtALOee p01' lrsg
1 iii 1 to
the .•ala ron,,,tl en:eta-who cued on or about
!n the 1'Fv l,t,Y'rtllath a... of March, A. 11.1917, aro
ll eo reot.irc,i eon or h, lore the Thirteenth day of
108 pros A. I), 1'.118, t, "end by post prepaid or de•
liver to the Esso `t to of the ink N9li s"d
yx Testamsnt of said 'receasecl, their Christian
Notice to Cootracters
The Municipal Com cel of theTnwndtip of
Morris aro a•lcing for tendors Cur the c•onntrue-
don of the Hone Drnhr. Connell a ill furnish
the tile Pians and Hpechleattoes may :nt seen
at the Clerk's residence. 'the tenders will to
opened at the Township Hall, Monday, April
8th, 1818, at 8 o'clock p. in.
A M.heEWBN, Clerk.
Blnevale, March 25tH, 1018
O 0000.4.**000.000•6fo000e0 00O.0•000o-e•a®ooi'..yYys•.a;,.•:
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Aad fnrrhor take skid Execs, tors Will Pro.
n,ratto diel date the. staid Exeq,;,• ilia deoeased
anio to of tCHll,tfl the a1Ral•1R therole, hoping ra•
:nA-I o;; the thecl ems of which
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mad the ,recd or WV, to with not
bo noble tbl' M1P nAl!1 P.•rrel'9 01' a„IV Pm•N thar••-
cYto Any person. oe• petwntln nit�,whoae aha Ili
n++tic,+�hal7 nos lava leen reemvet'i wb.�y`Lhmn nt
[he li,ae of a•ehdi-Lributicm'
Inrtedthist:8rdday of Mnn•h,A,D,_�.�lw
W. bI• SINCLAIli, t
Solicitor for A nide \I. Engel and J. T
Corlloch, the Executor's of tho said eaL.L.
.. 4 -‘0.a0,..1,00 -O000,900000.9.006-004,..
Shattere ady=t
Fl 'e�
amt ` 9i
Gar en
Women's Spring Coats 5.95
10.00 Wornen's talk. Poplin Coate, ShaNd Price... 0,96
000 Women's Fancy Check Coats, " 096
12.50 Women's Navy & Bllt. Serge Coats ... 9 90
Women's Suits 8.95
16 00 Women's Tweed and Serge. Suits
Shutleted Price
8 95
Women's Shirts 2.95
3 50 Womeres 131k. Po din Shit LR, Shal'd Price... 2 05
0 00 Melee's Bik, itr Navy Sot ge Skirts ... 4 39
3 50 Women's Blk. Taffela Underskirts 2.09
@3yaxmeirn's a°ioa,As1, Dresses 1.59
1.76 Women's Print House Drosses, Shad Price 7 30
2 50 Woolen's Gingham " " 1,89
Women's Silk Waists 1.95
250 Warden's Silk \Vitiate, White, Shatel Price 1 00
360 Winnen's Silk Wnisls, Navy 0r White 2013
200 Women's Whits Voile Waisl8 1 Hit
269 WOINVICH White VOile. Waists 1,80
Women's Raincoats 4.95
7.90 Women's Tweed Raincoats, Shat'd Price„.
0.00 \Vomcu's Tweed Riti tamale, "
1200 Woluen'S'Tweed Raincoats, "
it 05
0 Dei
8 05
Children's Dresses 95c
iv, Girls' Gingham Dresses, Shattered Price...
.75 Git Is' Gingham Deesses, "
1.50 Girls' Gingham Dresses, "
1 00 Gills' Middy Dresses,
1 29
Wornen's Boots 5.95
5.00 Wnnlen's $niton nr Lane Boots,
Shattered Pu ice ,tate
3 05
Men's Suits 19.09
2500 Metes 'Tweed and Seeley Suite, Si:.it'd Price
2.9 OO:11 en's Tweed tend ohe „re kna9, u
1000 Young Mon's'Pureed sIlI, N, "
23.00 Yining Men's Serge. Suits, „
18 05
Boys' Suets 5.95
r ..
7.60 Boys' 't',Yeed Suits, 26 to 32, Sherd P, ice.., 5 oft Z,
moo 130)s"i'weed Snits, 28 to 31, " 810
1,60 Boys' Tweed P tilts, 28 ter :33, " I.lt1 A
1.25 Boys' Tweed Peelle, 21 to 27, "
2,110 aMen'eTweed Nitta, Shattered Price.......... 1.05 0
1.76 Menai Bib Ovel•
1,80 i
,60 Boys' Soling Weiphl, (haps, Shattered Price ,30 p
Men's Tweed Pants 1.95
Men's Felt malts 1.59
2 00 Meds Fur Felt Hata, :Shattered Pelee...
2 50 Men's bane Fe1L (lots,
Mean's Spring Caps 69c
100 \ten's Spring Weight Caps, Shattered Price .60
1.2.1 ,Metes Spring Wei0t1 Ceps, .05
1,60 :Men's Sprint~ Weight, Cape, " 1,10
oys' Spring, Caps 59c
.75 Boys )Spring Weigh) Chips,
den's Raincoats 6.95
1000 Men's Cravenette ItsiucnalS, Shat'd Price 0,96
1000Mon'sParnnrtiltuItlineonts, tt 005
1500 Mena Parimilittt ltain90ab•., " 10,05
l;"r`ien's Boots 4.95
0 00 Mee'. 13 rota in the taunt sl ) los
hntu•tyd Pelee
500 pairs W.otnen's Sill. Roots Hose, 13, lack
'• or White, sires 32 to TO. Shattered nice... -t
Iti•t4vy ..
kM1r X11
21lnz, a Bora ' 2U0 airs Metes B
Iihb ti li et• Lisle Sox. Reg,,
. alto 8 o 10 prial
• 50e. Special
The Store that Saves You Ii011oine 3 Palos for KIM
3 Paio1; for $1t0U Y $ o�
0 000000.0•••••.000♦000••4.00D•••••••••••0000•••••.00000.000000000••••0.00••O•!*%