HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-4-4, Page 7In eastern Canada, April and May
are the worst months for fires result-
ing from lightning. In Ontario, light-
ning fires during April and May, DM,
numbered 172, entailing a loss of
$168,921, little over half. of which was
covered by insurance,
Many lightning -trod systems have
been installed during the past few
years, and these are gradually show-
ing results, When properly installed,
they give almost absolute protection,
so much so that inany of the farmers'
mutual insurance companies report no
losses by lightning on rodded build-
ings, while others will net insure a
sk that is not rodded. Nearly all
surance companies charge a lower
•omium on insurance on buildings
uipped with ]ightning-rods..
The repid Increase t
se i
n the use of
!re fences constitutes a serious
ghtning menace to live stock. Many
undreds aro killed by getting close
wire fences during' a thunder storm.
hen lightning strikes the wire
neer if 'there are no ground wires,
if iron acorn hosts are not used,
e animals furnish the path of least
stratum° between the here and the
mind. Wire fences should have a
ound wire Sunk to moist mirth every
w rods, to carry oil' the current.
Lightning -rod installations should
inspeeted dtefore April, in ease any
lilt in the continuity of the cables
s boon caused by the severe winter
ether; the grounding of the cable
sill also be.. nssured,
1Viih the tremendous world short
OF THE LIAR Can Regain Good Health.
, Through I)r. 'WiMama'
ODD HAPPENINGS HERE AND! Pink Pills, amphlet No, 1,5, Centra
'MERE. I Bloodlessness Is the trouble of many Experireer tal Farnr, Deals with s D i th itu-
BOOKS ON GARDENING. age of feed, and the greetdemands
bring made roma Canada to fucrcase
Accurate Knowledge 9fe408 Greaterthe eupply, it is of the utmost import -
Production, ante that the great destruction of
foodstuffs causer: by lightning stelle-
home Vegetable Garden and rt 1141.' M wire fences and destroying barns
riotie Gardening Competition,* by W, and their contents should be -overcome.
T Maroun. P 1
girls who ought to be full of life and ation of the " g ,preparation of Proved Once r
---. good spirits. Instead they are Pala, the soil, planning the garden, and
their lige have no color, they have no gives list of suitable varieties of
Story of Two Brothers --Pagan Spirit appetites, their digestion is poor, and vegetables,
of the Hun—Arc English if they walls Past either in the street k
i size, location, arrangement, soil cul -
I arm Gurclen Bulletin No, G, M'ani-
1 or going up stars they are so tired toba Agrleeiltural College. Discusses
laud out of breath that their
Lieutenant Charles Vernon Crossley, as if to burst. Almost splays tivation, seeds, thinning, transplant-
beata heroic commander of a mine sweep- such girls are titin, flatchested and Inge storing, rind gives notes on the
er, recently met death in a mammal sallow, with nolhing attractive abeut various garden crops and recommend-
whch recalled the LilO
J crk" McCormick, el t� Amerie e of who, will have LI do not get
cough in the winner they
and culturaleCollege, Winnipeg. Agri -
after climbing steeples and chimneys their, not unlikely, consumption, that Production in the School Garden.
all over the world, fall fourteen £oat
most hopeless of all diseases will 'de Rural Education Monthly, published
from the mast of a sailboat and was r0lop, No girl should be 1i1L0 this. by Dept, of Education, Regina,
ellkilled. Lieutenant Crossleyhad cue and should bo plump, alkrosfast and
Vacant Lot Gardening,* Pamphlet;
through a hundred thrilling experi- and Pull of life, able to taut Past Aud No. 6, Dept °£ Agriculture, Ottawa.
' to stand exertion .p
ences and bouts with death, but he
died the most peaceful death imagin^
able. IIe turned over in his sleep and
suffocated quietly while his face was
buried in a soft pillow.
A member of royalty recently fell
in with a genuine English hi Best,
and she is threatening to rewar him,
She was going through a hospital,
when she came to a young man o."•
most happy disposition. IIe was coli
valescent. She chatted with him for
some time. When she went on ewerounds she left a valuable package
with him, saying, as she placed i; be-
side his chair, Will you please•keep
your eye on it?" When she returned
the chair was vacant. The eackage
In Southampton, Ont.
That DOdd'S Kidney Pins Cureln
Harold O, Bertram Had inflammatory
Rheumatism and One Box of Dodd's
Kidney Pills Cleared It Out of His
Southampton, Out„ :!larch 26th--
(Speclal)-- That rheumatism is caused
breathless and palpitating, To be in Gardening for Schools. Ontario by disordered kidneys and that Dodd's
this healthy, happy condition she Dept' of Agriculture, Bulletin No.
must have plenty of good, rich, red 162. Apply Dept. of Agriculture, To -
blood, as it is only through. the blood I lento,
that the body can be healthy. And the the Ontario Dept, of Education, To -
Improvement of School Grounds, by
only medicine that will keep the blood
To -
supply rich and red and pure is Dr, ronto, Ont. Profusely illustrated, Dis-
Williams' Pink Pills. Their effect up- cusses flower borders, perennials,
on the pale, weak girl who gives them vines, nursery stock, shrubs, making
a fair Dial i of lawns and gives plans P 1
s wonderful. They-im- or la in
r^ prove tUe antrnttta backaches rod out school grounds
was where she had left it, arta on it
was a glass eye with a not; saying,
"I did as you requested,"
Thomas A. Maynard Vis' arraigned
in court for bigamy. It developed that
he was married first in 1889 and then
in 1917. I3e was let ge because he
convinced the court that he had en-
tirely forgotten his fiest marriage, lie!
was in the war fro* the start, and:.
contracted his seeehd marriage on be-
ing released froze a hospital. He met
a young wotin:in:and married her at
once. Whee confronted with the in
contestaije evidences of his first.
marriage he broke clown and said he
had completely forgotten it. Itis case
was described as a new form of "shell ,
shock," ,And so sympathetic was the'
court.eitowd that it cheered the ver- I
dicrwhich freed him.
•' A most remarkable story of two
, brothers has been told recently in Eng-
land. The brothers were Walter and
e 'homes Maggs. Here is their record:
Both were educated at the Printers'
/'' Both worked for the same firm, one
as a printer, the other as compositor.
Both had good voices, and they al-
ways sang duets.
Both were married on the same day,
their respective brides being sisters.
Both lived in Brixton, their flats ads
Both joined the London regiments
and they went to the front together.
Both got leave after twenty-one
months fighting, and they came home
together last December,
headaches disappear, the glow
health tinges the cheeps, the ey
sparkle, and the step becomes lig„
and elastic„ Thousands of el
throughout Canada owe their Ilea
and attractive appearance to Dr. W
lianas' Pink Pills and do not hesita
Kidney Pills will cure it is again
Proved by the case of Harold D. Ber-
train, it young man well and favor-
able known here. lie had inflamma-
tory rheumatism for two months.
Dodd's Kidney Pine cured hint.
"The doctor said my trouble started
with the grippe,” Mr. Bertram states,
"My"y hands and feat were badly swol-
len and the doctor did not seem to be
of ! The Gardenette or City Backyard doing me any good, My grandmother,
es Gardening, by Benjamin F. Albaugh, Mrs. G. Grasser, advised me to take
Dodd's Kidney Pills. I tools one box
of them and I haven't been bothered
since. I am clear of the rheumatism."
That Mr. Bertram's trouble came
from his kidneys is shown by his
other symptoms. Ile bad stiffness in
the joints, was tired and nervous, and
there were flashes of light before hie
• eyes, He had a dragging sensation
ONE-MAN PONTOONS. across the loins, was always thirsty
and felt heavy and sleepy after meals,
Rheumatism is caused by urio acid
in the blood. Cured kidneys strain
the uric acid 'out of the blood. Dodd%
Kidney Pills cure the kidneys.
t Discusses vegetable gardeinng and
cls flower gardening, dealing particularly
ith !with city small yard conditions. Price
il• $1.26. Published by Stewart and
to I Kidd Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.
to say so. Miss Jennie Book, Beam
!vine, Ont„ says:—"I suffered for ov
1 two years from anaemia, and gradu
ly grow very in. Previously. I h
been strong and robust, but grew pa
and a mere shadow of my former se
I tried several medicines, and whi
some seemed to give me tempora
relief, I soon grew worse again.
the months went by I began to
spair of getting better, when
mother happened to read an adve
cisement of Dr, Williams' Pink Pil
and suggested that I should try the
By the time the first box was finishe
I knew they were helping me, and
continued the pills for nearly time
months, using is all nine boxes, who
I was restored in every respect to m
al -
old time ,strength. This was several
years ago, and as I have not since ha
any return of the trouble, I casino
speak too highly of Dr. Williams' Pin
Pills as a permanent cure for thl
trouble, and I strongly recommen.
them to all anaemic girls."
You can get these pills through an
medicine dealer or by mail at 60 cent
a box or six boxes for $2.60 from Th
Dr_ Williams' Medicine Co., Brock
"May be obtained from Publications
Branch, Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa.
"Water Wings" for Use of Soldiers in
Crossing Streams Under Fire.
Building bridges under fire, the
greatest ordeal that the army engi-
neers of other campaigns were sub-
jected to, bids fair to go out of
fashion. In future a regiment going
across a stream will, if a recent inven-
tion meets with approval, merely wade
into the stream and drift across,
meantime utilizing both hands to
manipulate his rifle.
The new invention is a sort of glori-
d fled "water wings" arrangement and
t is adapted to the fording of deep
k streams without the necessity of The trawler, according to the sto
9 bridge -building. The encircling buoy told by one of the crew, was in
d is blown up by the soldier. It holds I North Sea in a stiff breeze when
him upright in the water with his skipper saw a periscope crawl throe
y shoulders and arms clear of the sur-
abreaking surface of the sea abo
a hundred yards off. There was no
gun aboard and the trawler's best
speed was less than eight ]mots.
"It was a situation to dismay most
men," said the seaman. "Our skip-
per, however, has a fighting spirit. A
touch of the wheel sent the trawler's
blunt bows pointing at the submarine's
whaleback, and eve wallowed menac-
ingly toward the pirate:
'The U-boat swung round to avoid
the impact and the sides of the
trawler scraped along the sides of the
submarine. The periscope still was
well out of the water but was be-
ginning to slip down as the submarine
"The skipper bawled for a hammer,
a crowbar., anything that would hurt.
One of the crew thrust a coal shovel
into his hand and he scrambled on the
bulwarks and leaned over, two of the
crew hanging to his coat so that h
wouldn't fall overboard. Backwar
and forward he swung the heavy scop
at the fragile periscope, and the third
blow reduced it to fragments.
"The submarine commander, hear-
ing• the noise and wondering what new
and 'horrible device the enemy had in-
vented, crept to his periscope -to have
a look, but all was black. He was
blind, and the trawler got away in
A Slight Mistake.
Trawler's Skipper Smashes Periscope
With Coal Shovel.
When one's vessel is in danger from
enemy submarines anything will do
as a weapon of defence, as is shown
by the story of a captain of a British
trawler who used a coal shovel with
good effect against a German U-boat,
r r "
ONTARIO FER?'1L. Zana, LIMITED + wise Provision Made for Protection of
ilirds and Animals.
Nature provides for her children.
The birds with their wonderfully vari
ed plumage are so colored as to best:
protect and shield them from enemies, '
and in their natural homes their col-
ors so blend with the surroundings
that it requires sharp eyes to detect
them. The coloring of many insects
is wonderful, including the various col-
ored bronzes; snakes ape of many col-
ors, and, setting aside the natural ani-
mosity we have for them, in studying
1 it
t le
ar 1
m kms +'
the will h„
g y Il ,found ;o
be very beautiful, particularly the
smaller and harmless snakes.
Animals are colored to protect and
hide them, With flowers the case is
exactly the opposite. They are colored
to attract attention and scented to
add to their attractiveness that in-
sects may be drawn to hale fertilize
them and that animals may notice
them and help scatter their seeds and
thus aid In prolonging the existence
of the race,
firer returned, he could 11ot. find his
"Hawkins-- Hawkins, where are mY
"What, sir! Those mess boots? Oh, 1
'ere you are, sir! One and sixpence:
That's all I could get on 'ern. I took
'em all around the camp, but the only
roan who'd buy 'em was a corporal,
and he couldn't give more'n one and
six, 'cos pay day wasn't till next Fri-
_ l
Girls! Make thls cheap beauty lotion
to clear and whiten the skin. t
Squeeze the juice of two lemons into
a bottle Containing three ounces of
orchard white, shape well, and you
have a quarter pint of the beet freckle
and tan Iutnrl, and complexion beast!•
fier, at very, very small cost.
Your grocer has the leptons and any
drug store or toilet counter will sup-
ply three ounces of orchard white for
a Pew cents. Message thie sweetly
fragrant lotion Into the face, neck,
arras and bands each day and see how
freckles and blemishes disappear and
how clear, soft and white the skin be-
comes. Fes! It is harmless.
Irish Train Sets New Record.
A record for railroad travelling is
reported from Ireland. A special train'
on the Great Northern Railroad made
the trip from Belfast to Dublin, a dis-
tance of 116 miles, in 107 minutes and o
the return journey was accomplished
in 109 minutes,
One, of the newer electric batteries
for medical purposes is no larger "Pa, does it get colder when the
than a flash light and can be carried thermometer falls?" "Yes ,my soli,"
In a pocket. "Well, ours has fallen." "flow far?"
Copper can easily be cleaned by "About five feet, and when it struck
rubbing with a cut lemon dipped in the floor it broke."
table salt, then rinsing with clear
water and polishing with a soft, dry reanard's
Used for making
hard and soft soap, for '
softening water, for clean-
ing, disinfecting and for over
500 other purposes.
amiss 61ra8TITUTab.
=nerd's Liniment for sate everywhere.
internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment Flute
uo before too lata. err. d, Ont.a Medical
a., Limited, CblllnRwood. Ont.
o -:-o_._
You say to the drug store man, "Give
me a small bottle of freezone. This
will cost very little but will positively
reprove every hard or soft corn or cal-
lus from one's feet.
ry A few drops of this new ether corn-
ed pound applied directly upon a tender,
the aching corn relieves the soreness in-
gh stantly and soon the entire corn or
sit callus, root and all, dries up and can
be lifted off with the fingers.
This new way to rid one's feet of
corns was introduced by a Cincinnati
matt, who says that freezone dries in
a moment, and simply sbrivels up the
corn or callus without irritating the
surr•otmding skin.
Don't let father die of infection or
lockjaw from whittling at his corns,
but clip this out and make bim try lt,
If your druggist hasue. any freezone
tell him to order a small bottle from
his wholesale drug house for you.
e face. In experiments recently con-
e ducted a man made several bull's
_ eyes on a target 300 yards away while
floating across the stream.
Both returned on December 29, and a
on January 19 both were killed by the o
same shell. ,n
And POW their widows are working d
side by sicle. ti
The true pagan spirit of the Hunts d
revealed now and then in editorials in co
newspapers in out of the way places. C
Herr Max Lochner, in the Gouzen- of
heimer Zeitung, shows himself to be an
a true disciple of Von Tirpitz in the pa
following utterance recently found in!ou
his newspaper: Ott
"We shall conclude no peace of any�sh
kind With our Western enemies until; Ve
we have obtained a guarantee that till Th
the costs of this criminal war will belsh
paid by that lousy brood of liars, theao
"To us nothing matters, neither be
death nor leu, s I
n g
, ant,
Revolutionize the Fire Department,
Are we serious in our attempts to
ombat the fire waste? The records
e 1917 hardly prove it. To the most
riperficial observer it is obvious that
w e are directing our energies along
w rong lines. Despite first-class fire
ghting , equipment and firemen
mongst the most expert in the world,
ur losses continue unabated. Our
ost efficient fire brigades are utterly
iscomfited by the raging conflagra-
ons that, with increasing frequency,
estroy buildings, devastate whole
mmunities and wipe out human life.
anadian municipalities spend millions
dollars annually for the mainten-
ce of fire departments and a few
ltry dollars in fire prevention. With -
t deprecating the provision of ade-
ate fire extinguishing facilities the
ort -sighted policy that neglects pre-
ntive measures must be condemned,
e fire departments of the country
ould be revolutionized. For every
alar appropriated by municipalities
or fire protection, fifty cents should
used for fire prevention,
ger o ong ns we know
that our vile enemies of tIre islands of
deceit and hatted will go to their well
merited perdition. We, however, shall
cling fast to the iron mines of Briey,
to Wailonia, to Flanders, to the Gert
man provinces of tho Baltic and to the
area surrounding Warsaw:
"Nor is this all. Rumania, too, we
shall have, and the rest of them. We
are not satiated; our hatred must have
more food to nurture itself on..
Wherever once the German language
has been spoken there we shall fix
our standard, there we shall remain
the maeters for evermore," -
::urian Bridge, C. B•, May 30, '02.
I bave bandied MINARD'S LINT.
;MEET during the past year. It is al-
! the first Liniment asked for
hero, and unquestionably the beat
! seller of all the diffeeent kinds of
Liniment I handle,
No Need To Stretch.
The village concert was in full
swing. The next item ml the pro-
gramme was a- song by Miss Ever -
screech, and the audience braced them-
selves for the ordeal.
e song was too high, and the
pitch of the piano eves even higher.
{the result was that, in spite of weird
and wonderftil contortions, Miss Ever -
screech could not reach the top ,rote,
hang iny harp on a
Willow -tree," she tried to sing, but
eouldu't; and when she'd rnada three
, attempts a voice came from the heels
of the hall:
"Trly'aeging it on a lower branch,
miss l"
It is better to clean meat byvt i -
int; it off with a wet cloth than to
Water Pun over it.
In planning gerdens this year res
member that cabbage, earrotre beets,
turnips, parsnips, potateee and other
toot or winter crops can be stored
and will be available all next: winter
When food bids fair to be very initch
ecarcer than during the surniner,
Fos, iron rust either on white or
colored clothes wet the spot with
lemon juice, then hold over steam of
tea kettle and the spots will disap-
pear like magic. If .the stain is old
it may not come out with the firstI
` ri
��%,�r Ilii Granulated Eyelids; ler
•4 Sore Eyes, Eyes Inflamed by I pr
Sae, guilt d W II:Tyaokly . °q
f0a ,. . 'al, ' , refteyed hY Murine, Tey It In
��•** your i]ycs sed In Saby's Lryes, '
OUR. EEa6ZLttin lnstl; w
ti, ye Comfort
Marina a li<tenied At,i�rur bruAgrpirst's or by ti
are salve, Tula% Sse. Por Rb k eys' IErge a ]t
Ask lYd iene cyo-Atosncay Co., Moog° d to
Baked Fruit; --Mix 3 pints breadife
erumbs with 1 cup ehopped raisins, 1 or
cup currants, 1 cup chopped elates, lith
tali molasses, I pint milk, teaspoon re
each cinnamon and salt, pour in gr
buttered baking dish and sprinkle bite'gr
oa butter over the top, fe
Once a mother has used Baby's Own
Tablets for her little ones she will use
nothing else. Their use teaches her
they are absolutely safe; that they
never fail to give relief and that the
little ones do not dread taking them
as they do castor oil and other harsh
purgatives. Concerning the Tablets
Mrs. John M. Weaver, BlfssHeld, N.B.,
says: --"I have used Baby's Own Tab-
lets for the past ten years and have
found them so good I always keep a
box !n tee house." The Tablets are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
26 cents a box from The Dr, Williams'
Medicine Coe Brookville, Ont.
To grow good parsnips prepare the
soil*deeply, make it rich, deep and
mellow. Three feet is the proper
depth of soil for the very best carrots.
Be careful not to bring the bottom
soil to the surface.
— ,y
nfluard's Liniment (lures Daudrag.
Every Means Should be Taken to Pre-
vent Destruction of Foodstuffs,
Proper food mattes all the differ-
ence in the world to the health of
a family. _
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Eta.
Lord Rhondda's Training.
In a recent address Lord Rhondda,
e j the British Food Controller, explained
d his grasp on the food situation. He
p said that he was taken into his fath-
er s
ather's grocery store when 20 years of
age and learned the business from the
ground up.
"Hawkins," said the officer to his
Cockney servant, "I've left my press
boots out this morning. I want 'em
"Yessirl" said Hawkins.
But later in the day, when the of -
go out of style in
the family that once
drank tea or coffee
but now uses
Inst,, nt
This wholesome bev-
erage of delicious fla-
vor contains n0 drug
elements to upset
heart or nerves and
its cheery goodness is
Just the tiling in the
way of a hot table
"There's a Reason"
Heals like Magic.:_
burns, 'milk, chafing .blisters, pile"ssr abl
Scesses, sunburn, boils, bruises, Ind othei
inflammation.. At dealers, or write. usi
n1aST„RatiSDr,S01.1PANl ,tsiudg”,
Cause cf
Earl 01 �a�r
The celebrated Dr. Miche Koff,
�t an authe.ity on early old age,
9 says that it is"caused by poisons
generated be the intestine."
When your stomach &pests food
properly it is absorber without
forming poisonous matter. Poi-
sons bring on early old age and
premature death. 15 to 3o drops
of "Seigel's Syrup" after meals
mattes your digestion sound. ,o
Liniment no/loves Neuralgia,
The Soul of a Piano is the
Action. Insist on the
"OTTO HIG5 4-1'
Cutieura Stop
Itching At nee
Cleanse With
The world is short of horses.
To get the most out of your
team use
" Use half as mach as any other"
The mica flakes fill the pores
and crevices in the axle and
the grease keeps them there.
Mica Grease means fresher
horses at the end of the
day and longer life for your
harness and wagons,
"Lengthens leather life"
Overcomes leather's worst
enemies—water and dirt. It
makes harness pliable and
waterproof, prevents break-
ing of stitches and imparts
that rich black lustre to all
dark dressed leather.
Sold is standard sized package., by live
dealers everywhere.
Bruises es and Sprains
Have Sloan's bruises and sprainsand Liniment
ming nd
aches. Quick relief follows its
prompt application. No need to
rub, IL quickly penetrates to the
trouble and drives out the pain.
Cleaner than mussy plasters or oint-
ments. Sloan's Linmtem d.,es not
Stain the skin nor clog tate pores.
For rheumatic aches, neuralgia,
stilt mucks. lama beck, lumbago, gout,
strains, and sprains, tt gives yuck Mirk.
Generous sired bottles at all druggists.
Monne prices not increased alio eh $1
olf�ICA G 1111:1Pt mbid�
marmn,. o,�
n hill:::: ll�Il
AW ,
Dry and Heal
For eczemas, rashes, itchings, irri-
tations, pimples, dandruff, sore
hands and baby humors, Cuti-
cura Soap and Ointment are
supremely effective as well as
ideal for toilet purposes.
Samples Each Free by Mail
Address "Cuticure, Dept. N. Boston,
v. S. A." Sold throughout the world.
Mrs. Courtney Tells How She
Was Cured by Lydia E
Pinkhain's Vegetable
Oskaloosa, Iowa.—"For years I was
simply in misery from a weakness and
awful pains --and
nothing seemed to
do me any good. A
friend advised me
to take Lydia E.
Pinkham's V e e -
table Compound. I
did so and got re-
lief right away. I
can eertainly re-
commend this valu-
able medicine to
other women who
suffer, for it has
done such good
work for the and I know it will help
others if they wil give it a fair trial.'
—Mrs. LIZZIE COURTNEY, 108 8th Ave.,
West, Oskaloosa, Iowa.
Why will women drag along from day
to day, year in and year out, suffering
such misery as did Mrs. Courtney, when
such letters as this arecolrtinuany being
published, Every woman who suffers
from displacements, irregularities, in-
flammation, ulceration, backache, ner-
vousness, or who is passing through the
Change of Life should give this famous
root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, a trial. For
special advice write Lydia E. Pinkharn
Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result
of its long experience is at your service.
Dangerous Gas and Acids That
Hurt The Stomach—Sour The Food
Cause Dyspepsia, Indigestion
Recommends a Safe Way to T
:tinny stomach surferers who are
always fun o4 Sgas and whose store-
arhs horn with acid after nearly
RICSUL,t'1eatotrl ndlgeetiori When ilial
reality they are the CAUSE.
It p
Hal dlaleste t n Tt foolish on psln�� etc„
to a etomao fuel of gas aril aotd as
it would be a man wile had stett-
red on tacit tc rub liniment on his
root without removing the tank.
Some stenlache generoustootoo much
n.ch Walla, causing el f ll, bloated stains
Nouns while the acid WI-
tatee and Inflames the linins of the
stomach Naturally the food ferreente
and sours, dir:,wtion is often delayed
and atontnch tnisery 1,: the result,
Artincial dinestents mill cash this
ISSI1., No. 13-=18. «w»=-� .•
reat Stomach Trouble At Rorie
MAY. fermenting mass into the In
testifies and so relieve the stomaon
Pain :rut the acrd still remains in the
stomach to 'renovate more gab and
brmluoe more trouble. at the -tuna
If you aro using digestive aids at -
tor meals Aron them f$or a white and
instead gat a Pety b -grain tablets of
bure bisurated mairnesia from any
druggist and tape two with eaelt
meal. 'Btstlea`ed Magnesia does not
digest food but win neutralise the ex=
eocslve nolo In your steniaah heap
the :good sweat and ivni drive the rias
and bloat right out of you body. ee
usirnesla lb Prepared fh various
forms be sure to get Biuurreted brag"
Ilan.tivnlsndiinhthisoronneed tferrn tv111
hot injure the stomanli in anY was.