HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-4-4, Page 1715
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-0L, 46 N 0, 40 a‘;;1.50 Per nitnne in Advance BRUSSELS.
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ONTARIO. TH UR ).1 . ff Pla t,
graseatteeteteeteatteDeaseater eteerterteerea f ,41.44117,700,000)0006,6.rse09*
reg ON TtJESI >AY, APRIL .161'Ir tr,./i'±
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„.., • isplayofArtistica. Hair Qood8
a f3 tabs should bo amt by
O every Mall nlul Wow.
a an a let would keep
* ata neti vE find
O i ..
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ea ni .1.1.4::(111.11'18alee"alirrlirtiiii'r:At'it:
a slay jeeleiet, to their
O fi it P 0 ale on. II o o And
ce GI' lyarielem JrN wno
a A IRE BALD toe at-
te vitae] 10 he ve a
• .,. -1 talTRATiorg of the
V ?ta M lq 1) If, ‘t ON.
e iytyle Ilea eta nos -
t5 "icer ever their needs.
ea r,
e a
re LADIES :-Sviritches, Se.aids, Transformations, Pompst-
u' ie dour's, lefaves and ertary; other Hair Goods Creations of
the finest treietlity Haifa,
Poo. etel Wige whielt are bele-
ter nee, featherweight n'1.1 are
by (Wei' 11, []1.1 a 1.1, million
eepar A braille to the health
nemem teen THE DATE
,'"Ti.4eSday, April 16
,ef. Head °Mee :-105 YONGE ST., TORONTO
er tea awe. Qaat2taVaieE00690eta9igneastet2Gace06eaaataberefireei
a"-e-aelea. ae-aaaatet"-aeeeeet."eatele.
co* easeet ar,e4,'63eaapeeetteettleeesearevageateieetete9aateaelsatete.999
z .fir
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elIChautou up, liatillii
i MIA Ediatintil imiration, Entertainment
• •
tac'a The Hampton Court Biggers, 5 Artists
al Beautifully costumed in the st yips of the perind of Queen Elizabeth,
*a will sing the music of that day which is so popular.
O The Lyceum Arts Club of S Talented Artists
tg Will sham) music lovers of Orchestral alusie.
Balmer's Wonderful Singing Kaffir Boys, a Company of 7
tained these wonderful boy sin ere
Sr, W. J. Bradley, Natural Orator
A thinker, a man with a thought compelling message.
Samuel Brathwell, who will deliver his great Speech
Queen Victoila and meaty al' the crowned heads of Europe have enter-
"Getting by Your Hoodoo," Thematic and Humorous.
• Festival will occupy 3 days, Afternoon and Evening
Saturday Monday and Tuesday, April 27th; 20th and 30th
ei ' Diet Proceeds to ;;o to Patriotic Purposes
e betteee Ticket for the 0 -Pei I'm timietes-$1.50 ei $2 00 For Ratietwe Fleets
a A limited member et Conree 'rickets will he sold.
al Ottilvaesets will call on you ; arm's fail to seent,e Ono• k
e . t
et. sa2.....ittatneastalatoot8e5?aesaoriotsato rat ottasv.mattsteatazostasteseasaszatac •.a
04.0•PO4. yr 04.0.1.s. 4.0 -V S. 000 r4.,* i'v,•1,*-f..44.4,,,o,. 5
13 NAL
HE custom of the past year will he followed
viz., not to hold a Millinery Opening on any
Set date,
Our new fine stock of Millinery is now on dis-
• play a.nd the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity arc
invited in call any day and inspect the. same. Our
gOOCISart: choice, in the latest and most it shionable
styles and sure, to please,
Have engaged the services of Miss A. E.
• Stewart, of Perth, who comes splendidly recti]]-
• mend ed, (0 assist in the work,
M„ E. Ross
44+6+44.0+4444. •444.644+00 +44,0+.4.414•a•+6+64+144.1061144
1.41Istrtct ,4-Letils
11.11S9 A. Himpsim to home from
Baitni ford, she is teachirig, for
the Palette. env/dam.
A Fora:eau °to Ratuograr
On !hetet!) of February, 1918, James
Melattizean died at Exeter, CaliPoreirt,
aged about; 70 yenta. Ile was a beoth-
pe of Mee. A. lawman' and the late
Thes ikleFtolzeuti, The former, who
nH 81 yeti's of ma., is, the only survivor
of the family 'tow. Alr, aleffiglecari
tattoo Utioada Itt F. raid lived on
the 17th con. Grey lowest, fp, foe some
yettes, removing to California 40 years
ego. Ile wee never warded, The
SlIhjeCt. or Ulla notice wee a that spirit-
ed inane
iErFT Bessie MeQuitreie is home for
the Beater variation front Camper.
clown where elle IS teachi»g, Her
Julies ate evidently agreeing well
with her.
McKay - Sarrra.-A. very pretty
but quiet wedding took place at the
Peesleyteriten manse, Walton, on
Wednesday March 20th, witen Mabel
Mary, eeeteid daughter of Fred. end
Mrs, Smith wits mated in tnarringe to
John IVilsoit alaKey, Ceremony wits
peefenned by Rev. ale, Lundy, Beide
looked rimming In her Medal *leen of
ivory Dueltexe stain awl aleclegette
came and peril ['binning and veil
entight faith mange blossoms After
the ceremony the happy couple left
for a short wedding trip, the beide
travelling in navy silk suit, white
satin hat with silver Weaning.
Groom's girt to the bride WAS a pretty
petite necklace, On their return
Me. and ales. McKay will take up
housekeeping on the groom's Nem at
Strut -
ford Normal for the holiday.
as cash in exchange for choice Mil-
ihOwctiTur,tc,i1 meeting Mnlidaaa
15th tont.
Ws -lames, milliner, will take egge
Miss Edna Garr is home from Strea-
_Mrs, Bernewrath and ehildren,
hIiirhell tale visiting at Mrs. W.
The Giel's ?Meiotic Olub will meet
at the hOltle Of 'MISS Alice Bair next
Mniuley evening.
Denaforget the Social evening Fri-
day of this week in the aaavnehip
Ilan in the interests of Thimbleand
'1', hilt et Pond. Goodprogram.
Next. Sablact evening the Christian
Eeavor will resume theie regular
ineetiegs in the Presbyterian church.
An interesting pregeti In of topics has
been iseued for the year.
Attendruire at, the Methodist Sun-
da) lig heel has been good for some
time past but was espeeially large last
Sunday 126 persons being inattencl-
auce, Oechestra was a pleasing fee,
thee of the service.
G. M. Mitchell went to visit: his par-
enteral. Millbrook. The preeent, in-
tentions are they may become reei-
detas of Ethel as soon as they can
dispose of their property. Hie mother
came back with him.
Thureday evening of next week at
7 80 o'clock, a meeting of School Trus-
tees and teachers of the surrounding
Sections will be held in Ethel school
house to discuss and organize for a
School Fair. District Representative
8, B. Stothers is expected to ale pees-
ent. All interested are asked to at-
The thank referring to people going
West shotild have read Richltrd ()leav-
er instead or Olowles, the foemer's
son. Mr. Cleaver has gone to Youngs-
town, Alta., avian e he has a home-
stead. Although he is 78 years of age
he is completieg his settlement duties
this year. Ile 11/1S been making his
home lime with his son,
Scsoor,REPOita.-FellOWing I% the
Report of Ethel PuUlic School. Porto
V.-Mitreavet Maramald (honnes),
Frani IV Ste -Blake Hewlett, Rhea
MeLellatel, Leonard Knoll...4, Leslie
Poleted, Joe Moe in. loot m TV Jr. -
Myrtle aleKee, Willie Ater -
eye Eck mime Lille MiRuhy
01.,71V(4., Lloyd lettribtoe Lillie Saticiere.
Fel in rir Sr. -Velma - Michel (pass).
Poi iti Tfr Je.-It.1.11111 ROW161111,
Italy! he De tie, A tali ey Beennter,
Welker Mit ellen, Mellor Engler,
Burton Metainatil, Susie Rowlited.
Jiadoe eie II -Jennie ale-
K..e, Eddie Gill, PI.A111') JOIE vS, Ralph
'•IcDnnalrl, Ertl Bowee, HallieY
Eta:Mee, Frank Vleocl, A retie Woods,
jeIr-Itieljnry Thompson, Tart Mc,
laatithi, Myna, Nicht! 3int %late,
Si T -JimFlame many,
sy !via Thotepsola It (tweed McKee,
)azete NVtiotle, .1i, T -Ittitay Rowlaud,
Owen James, Athol mule Hy, ilea old
Vedden, Mott latkutier, Wilbert
Hatted. Se. Pa -Beryl Gill, Janet
Blown. Jr. Pre-' Good -Hatay
aihvhell.latir-Roxy Weeds,
bett Flood, -h, AleLtstretene,
r. 13Aa..a.A.Nryse,
We solicit your early cadet, for
any apituttity of Mettle elyetip,
'Manufactured with inotleen
equipment, Every, gallon up
to Government requirement or
inffluly refunded
Pneeson tappiiention.
Phone 2419 Loi 18, Con. 9, Grey
Brussels R. R. No, 8
- - - -
IMrs, Peeler, Beilington ilea i.lilit?.
Pon 0.1.P attending glister 11,,lia,,.., With
her ElltitP1', illre. A. li, ale 0..teilii.
I ititielaeleatting it4 the omi.s. in' Ole
day. A lady 5VO.s heard telling anol h-
er lady over the 'phone she intended
to paean, herself meat alert title week,
The IVoinerair alleelonary etwiel y
and Ladies' Aid of alethodiel rhea li
will meet at the home of Till, Vim:.
01PavOi., ThtlOSilay LatOrtior.0 , f (hie
week for the pnepoee of eleri a;. offt
OPPS ROO general lateintes. Foil ate
tend ance tailcoat.
Monday evening a few Mende giiiii-
eted at the home of Thee. and ells
Brown and peemenlal them with en
address accompanied by ri, eerie. re.14.
Ramie, front the Won -mita: aliesliartery
Society of Ethel Presbyter inn Mint ch.
Achieves was read by alto. J.IC lirOW11
and W. E. Brown tnade the pt ',Helga -
Lion. Mrs. 131.owit made tin iipprepri-
ate reply, The Berwyn family 'arena
eta this week from their farm ea rryieg
with there the goodwill of the com-
munity. They purpose going West
for a trip. Mr. and Mrs, Ballantyne
have moved to the farm which they
purchased. We welcome them.
Schools resutne next Mourlay.
Spring work is on the pieta am,
Oounril meeting Morality 15111 hist.
Pte. Herold Work was *home feoin
London for the week end.
Many ft gallon or Minh. "yam hes
been manufactured in Grey this spa-
Miss Iva Speienn has gone to Or illia
whet e she will make an extended stny
with her aunt.
Miss Kate McDonald, who ie nt tend-
ing the Normal School at Stratford, is
Mune for the holiday.
Miss 0111.111. MeCallren is vita I ing hely
brother, Zech, and Miss Florence in
the Queen city, who are employed
The priee stated last week, paid for
the farm of the late Benson Wheeler
wag ineortect, the proper figures being
Mies 011s, Armeteneg is home from
Acton for the Easter vacation. She
is nil the teaching staff of the peddle
Miss Laura Wheeler, who was home
for a visit:from Toronto, returned this
week. She is taking np the art; of
TValter Blinco, who has had Mrs,
Wm. Hogg's farm, 4th Com, rented
for the past year., has moved to East-
ern Grey, where he has bought affirm,
The Aaiction side season was p.o.e..
Homily womid up with Thos. •Brown's
sale Thnreday of last week. It was a
good sale with F. S. Sante wielding
the laminae.. Proceeds $3,600.
Sas. Warburton, who was a forrnee
resident of this township but who has
been employed in the Ford works at
Milwaukee and Detenit, has been
drafted and is now training at (lamp
Ouster, We wish him feeetinni from
impairment as he does his ditty.
MATILIALONIA.L.-A quiet batt pretty
Easter wedding took place at the
Methodist parsonage, Aawnod, Wed-
nesday, Ithirell 27th, et 2 p. lu , when
Miss /Ada Charter, Gt ay, was uniard
in marriage to Wesley Garbutt, FM-
leetort. Ceremony was performed by
Rev, H. Pair, Miss Lillian Davidson,
Brussels, was bridesmaid, and Leslie
Davidson, Fullerton, geoomeman.
Bride looked very pretty in a travel
ling suit of navy blue eerge with
white eilk crepe de Olen° biotin with
lace trimming mai wore a white satin
hat, After the nuptial knot had
been tied the party returned to the
Marie of the bride at, W. and Mts.
Ahnett's, where ft dainty wedding sup-
per awaited them, Only the imme-
diate relatives were present. Table
iwas prettily decneated with Easter
lies. Groom's gift to the beide was
a beautiful wrist watchto the Ides -
maid a lovely peal] set' nordalaoe and
to genoinsman a set of cuff links.
After euppee air. and 'Alia Getittitt
left in Heat. auto Maid SilflWel,9 of
confetti for the groote's tine fat tri in
Fullerton, where a floe 'poem ion
awaited them at the gamin's Mane.
Bride wits the recipe>, i Or many
beautiful presents. They have the
goad wishes of their many friends for
a long and happy wedded lift.,
SURPRISE PAN'I'V.-The neighbors
andfriattels of Mr. and Mrs Ialiee
gathered at the home of Me and Mrs.
SteVe.118011, 10111 (len,, 'rote -tiny even..
ing(March 10thA very. ot.joyahlr
eV01111/g W11.8 RpVIII: in V1011,•la and
bagpipe music. else vatinne ramps
and deriving.- One of the main l'ee•
tares of themeeting was a oreeete a -
tine made to Liloguesie, also Leelie
and Noemati before their removal at
their new keine iu allma Ir wnehip
FollatWing address Wee rend by John
Evans and Thee. Stevetteen and Aire,
ignite Lake presented the evokers and
Myrtle Hollenbeek and TCitte Stevie'.
son presented Lhe cuff links mai text
honk :-
DEAN PRIENDS -We have beamed
with regret Mayotte intended rein n eel
NOEL Ont. InielSh and Wkv, your netela
bon mid friends 'have aseetubled thin
Os ailing 10 enjny a social time with
you end express our appronin lion of
the eerviees you have rendered as
neighbor. We will MISS yen from
our imolai circle brit hope yeti may
have many happy and prosperous
years inyour new home. As a small
token of on esteem we tnticyot, to sr.
uebt those rockers and TIP4liA earl
Mermen these cuff Birks end text
boolt and hope you may be long epee-
ecl to enjoy the nee of them As atm
oak may yen nhvityis remember vette
old neighbors in Grey. Signed in be-
half of your neighbors.
Ithe Daley'although taken complete,
ly by surprise, Matte a sheet but snit.
able evilly that the neighboes for
these gifts end expreseiag hie regrets
in leaving the nelghborhood. May
prosperity attend the Baler family,
Isaac Lake lute bought thole farm
A 110.110110US PLAY
Will he given in the
Presbyterian Church, Cranhrook
the rthni.roula Dramatic riot
trader empire; of Red Clq.11% F.41,6fIlY
Friday ev'g April 12th
ACT 1---Imerim of the IVilietvdelta
Postoftlee and Joel haseet'e stray.
on an afternoon September ; the
ACT onion or iho 1311Slit't
1.1411.1.0 ; Lite evening cif the church
seeisble; the followiug week; the
A01' III -Same us Act TT otie mouth
later; the Wedding-.
Oast of Characters
Joel Ptileet Posfanaster ami Store Keeper -
Geo. Dunbar. •
Tom Sko..nitt.-VIO A OCINPd...- ogete GOrilf1111Z.
John St lfroy-An Unscrupulous LowYe,r-
Norman Addy.
Clarrram Dinsmore -The Sohool Teacher -
Clare boas.
Rev. tar. Pros:ter-The Aindsfer-Eartley
LTAls Haeltott-Loader of the Choir and Dn.
pv41110.11 Dt-Tective-Jack Scion:eh,
Simon Pinar' --Who would rather whittle than
work-etuart Noble.
same waste-- s shad or fate -Cella Badman.
Mrs Ihter.ot-.1oel'a Wife, inclined to hare her
etre vay-(11ars Eathwell
nosotts tistes-A bit nighty Lots trio festal
-Madonna fialter,
hltss )away -who imagines ,dings --Jessie
Oleaortor -A gerviint Girl who deems tiro, it
Juke -Lelia Spiritus.
Program at 8 o'clock sharp.
ildmieston 26 and moots.
Nine and help the young folk In their Patrio-
tic Efforts.
Prank \Vocals, 18th eon , tedr1 6
calves, tieing 1 yeat- old, to Ed. Pryce,
itIclaillop, at SOO 00 each. It pays to
raise the right class.
The. fine 100 acre farm of Mrs, Wm.
fIogg, Lot 8, Con. 4, has been purchas-
ed by Louie Patin, S011 of Lospozn and
Mrs. Praha This gives the Frain
family 230 acres to care for but as
they are hustlers to work they will
attend to it all right.
An auction sale of farm stook,grain,
te., is announced
by Jelm Dal k, Lot
14, Con, 0, on Wednesday, Apel 17th.
He has leased the farm to his sou and
Ile and ales. Dark and daughters will
remove to Brussels in the Ilene attune.
A Box Social will be held in 'Union
Methodist church Thursday evening
of this week under the auspices of the
lapworth League. Good program,
Burning or papers of final payment on
church will take place. Everybody
mem bels of Union Methodist church,
township of Grey, sent a beautiful
chiffonier and a handsome parlor table
to MOS. Stanley Hammond, Maitland,
in vettegnition of her services as ogen-
let for many years hi the church, ac-
companied with the following ad-
dress :-Detta Mits. Hastarmera--We,
the members of the tTnion enngvega-
Hon regret very nitwit the loss sus-
tained In your removal from our
midst but we wish to exprese our
getuffeele to you for the excellent seta
vivo; yen have rendered as organist.
Your fait brill attention to yore, ditties
always wort our admiration, IVe
wish you to accept these pieces of
furniture as it token of our apprecia-
lion and friendship. We pray that
you tuay have ItlatlY years of !meta -
nese in your new home. Signed ou
behalf of congregatinn by Rev. John
IV. Johuson, pastor, Mes. Hammond
and her 'instated desire to couvey
throngb the mese to the people of
Union church their heartiest. and
sincerest limits for their exceeding
kindness mill I hntiehr fid consideration
honing the) will he king spared and
often find it. convenient Ln pall npoil
them tts their pleasant visit will be
emelt appreciated at any end all
Monbly eveeing of last. week agoptily
number of the neighbors young and
old gatberea at the home of WM. Arid
etre IVIIIttleld to bid them Good-bye
heleire leaving fee their home in
ahirrie. The time wits event, in music,
readings, t peeclies /it'drut
Oee inteeeeting retain it of the evenieg
wee an address reed by .Mrs lIttgli
Bjelunotai told preeenting of the gifts
therein Mel) tinned by -MPH. tries
Delman and Iv.tne
Whit nth/ made a snielnii.1 isvoly in be -
hot or himself and Mee. IN'itil field.
After paelaking or 0, addoitatht iithath
all pined bonds and soma "Auld 1, lug
8) me' told "Gott save the King." Ad-
d ewe WEIS OA frIlliiW14
DEAR :1111, AND arias. IVtarr.ri Rut -It
is atith feelings or regret that we tem ti
that you are about to leave one com-
munity. We would like tel !MVO you
with us but the you find that it is in
the interest of your \voltaic, to helve,
we couldn't let yeti go Without raved.
ing tete more evetimg with you in
you". home. We hew.ahreys felted
In each of yon n pond ileigh',r,r tial
ronely In twin in times of need. In
anr chetah life we will greatly miss
Y for in all the diffevent enterprises
WEI orEalliziliona you have been pil-
lars strong and depertalable. The
women of our chervil will espeoially
miss Mee. Whitfield in our Missionary
Society, Sm arty School, Ladies' Aid
salla triotic Society for in each of
these 'nee week bas been inestimable,
As atonal) token of our appreciation
WO Iola you, Mrs. Whitfield to accept
this glass vase, sugar bowl and cream
pitcher and inireor Lefty and Mr.
Whitfield this umbrella,. We hope as an
yoll !lien,. 111..,1 aleyr Will bring
plrivant. rpoolireiimix oryour frie
awl Pelt:Weirs at, "Velem" Signe
behalf et the treighbore and ft letals
Da ease, Macelata,
(aorliO is to be congratulated on anemia
ing Hitch line folk that Grey tot Inehip
is lasing. They beve the best wishes
of the community.
The lie it,ieranroa41 the Mit.Ses
HWitner, near hero, has been lettered
again by J. H. Galbraith, Tit liatele.
Mrs. T. 11. Piggott and Rom and
Misees Ante Switzer, of 13rigden, Miss
'areeie Switzer, of Parkhill, and W. A
and Mrs. Faffited, Listowel, 8.10 Baster
1;(:reHa.neire people or Oratibroola are
wertatar d.rgently pergaeitig an in-
Lotetting play entitled " \Villowalale."
A splendid plot runs thecmgh the
story which engager one's curiosity to
the very eater. Play has been pre -
sewed In ether localities with meeker]
success. Date of play Friday, April
12th, to be given ie the Presbyterian
elnirelt Tiekets 25 and 15 cents.
Give the Red Canes a boost by your
pr eeetiefr vel..m.
l'hursclay evening,
Marsh 28th, Mrs, J. Long gave a mis-
cellaneous "shower" in tumor of Miss
Annie Leitch, Linen, Mina, granite -
wit re, et e., were presented, accompani-
ed by good wialles, About 30 guests
sat Omen to a sumptuous and daintily
prepared supper, Miss Leitch thank-
ed all and especially Mr, and Mrs.
Long, who no kindly euteitaiued the
gents of the evening. Before the
company separated all joined hands
and sang for "She's a jolly good girl'
and "Auld Lang Syne,"
WEDDING. -A very pretty wedding
was solemnized at the home of Alex.
and Mrs. Leitch, Saturday, March 30,
when their (laughter, Annie Myra,
was united in marriage to William 3,
Ziegler. At 1230, to the strains of the
Bridal Chortie from Lohengein, play-
ed by Mrs. W. J. Laurie, the bride
entered the parlor leaning on the arm
of her father and look her [stand be -
elite the gamin. Rev. 3, L. McOulloch
performed the ceremony. Bride look -
ea (harming in a gown of white em-
broidered Stviss and carried a bridal
boquet of pink and white sweetheart
roses. Site also wore a pearl pendant,
the grooms gift. After congratula-
tions the immediate relatives sat
down to a dainty wedinner, the
table being centered with the bride's
cake and decorated with pink sweet
peas and sprites of fern. Yellow
daffodils and hyacinths wore used to
decorate the home. The groom's gift
to the pianist was a cut glass syrup
pitcber. The bride received many
handsome and useful gifts. Mr. and
Mrs, Ziegler left on the aftettmon
train for London and Chatham, the
bride Wearing a very becoming suit of
dal k nigger brown wool poplin with a
collar of sand silk and a large sailor
hat of brown and sand straw. On
their return they will reside on the
groom's farm, 14th Concession of
Grey. May their joys be many.
11/, H. KERR, I Pea/1111n,
ttp tier of 14: tiaseele O. Ott vis
tide arid fetidly have i he ta email* of the
rt in community in their het reveteent
coveter thank the many friends for
kindly deeds and sympathetic words
aurlog the illnees anal subsequent de
anise of husband and father. Words
fail to express the balm there was in
Josupli Swill, Who spellL the
past Winter with her daughter, Mee.
(4,.(,t Leant
(lahlbiek, at Cobalt, arrived
Ight week, ocuomPithi041 by
Caldbiek. Tile latter and her husband
(Sheriff Oaldblek) were former real.
dents of Motels, who continue to feel
a deep interest in the community.
The faun of Waiter Broadfoot, 5th
nee, neat. Bruseels, has been Purchas-
ed by Gilbert Spell, eldest son at
Allan alai Mrs. Spear, Morale, for the
sum of $0,600. He puts in the Spring
crop, Nr. 13roaclfoot moving to the
foam he bought from A. Hislop, 15th
Con., Grey township.
The Shuarle-Sharpe Auction Sale
Tuesday of last week totalled about
$3,500, Good pricee were realized and
the safe was well handled. Mr. and
Mrs, Sharpe and Mies Sherrie LEOVO to
the house purchased ou Turnberry
street, Brussels, to make loom for L.
and Mrs. Williamson, 'Nahum who
have bought Ij)e farm.
°AND or TUANES.-I wish to very
heartily thank the people of Brussels
for their kindly welenine accorded me
Wednesday of last week on my return
home. I was not expteting any such
reception and it came as tt great sura
prise, nearly knocking me out, Jai
honoring me you proved true to the
deep interest you feel in the brave
lads who ere doing their bit for Ring
and Empire oveeseae. I hope to
prove worthy of your kincless.
Yours truly,
Pra. ROY Turame
latweship Commit next Monday.
Miss Jennie Robb is home for the
holiday from her school near Harris,
W. A, Pollard, Listowel, was visit-
ing with Newton and Mrs. McCauley,
5th line, this week.
TVrn, Dark left last week for a trip
to the West where he will visit rela-
tives and old friends.
Mrs. W. II. Ferguson and Miss
Gran arrived home from Niagara
Falls clueing the past week.
Mise Coen Speir is under doctor's
care since coming home from Toronto
but we hope she will soon be as active
as ever.
Mrs, ano. Mooney and her son W,
R., left laet Monday for a trip to De-
troit and Ohio to visit relatives before
locatiug in Toronto. We hope they
will have an enjoyable time. They
take with them the good wishes of the
people of this commit nity for years of
roman t and happioess who hope to
frequently see them back here for a
it.m. Davis, a well known resident
Ourr.-As intimated in last issue
of the iith line, answered the roll call
to the elan, Wednesday, Nevelt 27th,
aerel 05 yea e, 1 month mid 15 days.
late funeral took place Friday after-
noon to Bruseels cemetery and was
largely attended. Service was con -
[hated by Rev. II. smith, assisted by
W. .EStafford. Membere of O.
0 Fe Ootret, PrinceesAlexandria, at-
tendeJinni body and At the r scemetery
their viee was in charge of James
BUrgeee And W, H. Kerte Pallbearers
were George Ken, 301111 Shueeie, A.
Speir, \Vin, Pipe, John Black and Earl
Semen, Floral tributes were beanti-
fel. In addition to the ehildreta who
WP/1.4 all here, WS. Davis' two bPOLII-
TIJOS. and Matthew Chapman, Lis-
towel, were else bete for the burial.
Mr. Davis born rat Swindon, Linealn-
slate, England, and rerun to Cal ada
when 18 yeere of age. Aftet. living at
Listowel and aaerforth foe a while he
Canal LO this loettlity abOtIL s2 years
ago where he followed the trade of
shoemaking i» the Downing shop,
Bensseht, net/ also evoked his farm,
Si Lot 24, eon. 5 42years ago he
TV71.8 metaled to Miser Mary Oltaranan,
Listowel , who, with it a011, (George)
and 5 daughters (Mas, S. and Mrs. J.
Multi, and Meta E. F. Smith, Bartle ;
Mts. A, I -In pp, Rochester, N. Y. ; and
MIN H. Williams, Toronto), service.
Mt. Ditvis' brother. George, lives in
the 01(1 Country. 'The sebjeet of title
notice had not been very hearty ail
Winter and ou the 0th of March had
a stroke ofparalysis from which he
never rallied. He Was a Meet.
triose ttlittl and thrifty with his indus-
try. Of a genial temperament he
made many friends and was esteemed
by all who knew him for his honesty
ntegt 'by, Mr, Davis was a mem-
Reuben Garniss made a business
trip to Stratford this week.
Pte. Earl Aitchison spent a few days
this week at his home here.
Dr. and Mrs, fachoales, of Pt. Rural'
visited at John Iiia 's this week.
Wm. and Mrs. Thornton have re-
turned home after spending past
month at Canfield and Ingersoll.
Gordon, son of Robert Hatniltou,
Bluevale, has been under the Dr's
carefoe past two weeks [tom
and ear teouble. He is improving
now and we hope he will 80011 be o, k.
et The regular monthly meeting of the
Woman's Institute will Ise held in the
Orange Hall, Thursday afternoon,
April Ilth at 2.30. Papers will be
given by Mrs. W, H. Fraser, Miss
Holmes and Mrs. Robb. All the ladies
are invited to attend.
Following is a repore of the Bluevale
Women's Institute for the month of
March fee Real those purpnses :-Mrs.
George Yeo, $5 00 ; Mrs. P, Thomas,
$1.00 ; Mrs. R. Leathorn, $5.00:
Morris Council, $100:00; shipped to
Red Cross 72 suits pyjamas, 62 day
shirts. To our own boys uverseae 64
pales socks.
Chautauqua Festival
Three Joyous Days for Brussels
Starts Saturday oftsrotron, Apr» 27th
Some time ago, it will'he remembr-
ed, Miss Elsa, Bradley, of the Domin-
ion Chautauqua Festivals, Canadian
offices of which ate in Toronto, pre -
seated a plan here that greatly inter-
ested a number of our progressive cit-
izens. An association MLA iminediate-
ly fainted among there and a contract
entered into with the Ohautaumia,
Company, for a three day, afternoon
and eveningFirartaisting°f
some of the besretiskaEnertain-
tent and Lecture talent that the pres-
ent day platform affords. W. M. Sin-
clair le Secretary for the local Asso-
ciation, and he informs ne that the
Festival will open Saturday afternoon,
April 27th, and continue foe 3 days,
Those composing the Association
are as follows :-W. M. Sinclair, Jas,
Fox, P. Scot I, Dr. P. T. Bryane, P. H.
Gliletty, Al. Bitola Rev. Henry Smith,
W. H. Kele, Dr. J. A. MeNneighton
IV. MeDeackett, 8, (Javier, B. S.
Scott, G. 11. aim it 1,4 had
ci nn
na S. Scott.These citizens have l
of financial gain for theruseives, In
cadet. to 11.SSIIVO the expense of the un-
dertaking in advalice, as WWI required,
and actuated solely by the desire to
build ep the community by bringing
toil the best constructive entertain-
ment that is available, they have col-
lectively obligated themselves for sev-
eral hundred dollars 3n season tickets.
These tickets are to be sold to the pub-
lic at their cost mice, as fixed by the
Ohattatuistia Company. Any surplus
to the Association is to be donated to
Patriotic purposes.
The season tickete are interchange-
able in the family and are good for
six afternoon and evening sessions.
Melt tiekets will sell for $1,50, or
$2 00 tor reserve seate, and children's
tickets for $1.00 each, Those not hay.
hag seation tickets will be required to
pay fermi 85 to 75 obit for each session.
The Festival is tobe held in the
Town Hall each afternoon and even-
ing, the sessions commencing at 8 and
8 °ActIv°ell'ailseisnlg-)Preatt
ltitvcebt:Peetaining to the
Festival will soon be on display in our
leading store windows, Watch for it.
Descriptive matter pertaining to the
talent will appear in these columna at;
an sally date.
Season trek will be onside, with
each menthe'. of the Festival Asimeia-
tion, Purchases sheuld be made en,r..
In because only the contract number
of tickets will be permitted to bs sold
at the above figures, after whielt an
advance of 50 cents will be charged for
each e