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The Brussels Post, 1918-3-28, Page 8
"7- 1' .--`•r-..�-,•... ��'.'',•^,Tr'-,^'r+1n•/,�lid 's'Fs'l•Ad+tO'i 44,1^0 +44,**e*041,1 R ' 0+0'i"044+111 d+0 +(f• +1.0.1,4 0.1,0+44. ti i�Ylfor Sale f t , _ • ••. al Clover Government Sititielited 'Timothy and Seed et low pores. :, p Also linrde❑ and Ffrltl Seetls, Car of flour and feed 'The I< ♦ • •p ♦ op • .p • • •• • • • •• • • • • • ••b Y • A .l• • •• •E+ •♦ • ♦ •• .P • • wWallI tisa-Aagairsi m fors Are Ready The Spring season is on. Red we are well prepared tar es as our large stock of Wall Psper has been choeen with Intich care and contains the newest anti best pat- terns to be had. You will also be agreeably sur- prised to learn that, whereas the cost of most materials have ed- vaaced greatly, Wall Psper has not dune so In tiro sono propor- tion, and we still have rnauy pat- terns, in perfect taste, which are to be had at a very moderate price. In our Stock are : Ceilings Large variety of Wkite Moire and Pattern Ceilings, as well as Creams and small patterned Taus, Browns, &c. Plain Stripes and Chintzes For Bedrooms -there are many new patterns and Colorings. Plain Effects and Tapestries For Living Rooms, Dining Rooms and Hall You will find many new things this season which will provide handsome decoratiou. Ready Cut Borders Itl great variety to match Stripes and Plain Effects. Oatmeals In Tan, Browns, Grey and Green, with new Borders and Trimmets to match. Varnished Tiles and Oiled Papers Vet serviceable for Kitchens, Pantries and Bath Rooms. Buy Early Earl in the Season and Get the Best Choice F. R. SMITH �1 • • •• •♦ s • • e • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • - • - •• • • rhe I'm''e� � Store Druggist and Stationer !� • • •-'b0144:•44:44+••••O'P••i•••••1.0•F••I••4444+4S.4,4:e4'4,•i•0.1•••i•0.O W. C. T. U. will meet Friday after- j7xI, Q�C111t noon, at 3 o'clock, at the home of :sirs. D. McKenzie, Mill street. You will be welcome. iven QUITE a demand for houses. NEXT Sunday will be Easter. Goon Friday will be a public holiday. NEXT Monday will be April rillst. Look out. HAVE you called to inspect the new M itlinery ? $1.00 to advance gets THE Poler to Jan. Ist, 1919. DON'T he to a hurry to part with your Winter eiothing. POSTOF•FICE hOMTS on Good Friday A Handkerchief Shower was g Miss Isabel Dark Monday evening of last week by the Methodist church choir, at the home of Mrs. R. F. Doweing, . prior to her going West on asisit Miss Dark, who was a highly esteemed mem- ber, fittingly responded, 0 Goon Durham Bull, 2 (y cid, for sate. Gnxnnx NODnaer.n. Hoose and Lot for sale on John Street, A good frame house, stable, well, cistern, small fruits kc. For further particulars apply on will be 8 to 9 a. m. and 5 to 6 p. m• the Premises. THh. ENNIP. SCHoms close 'Thursday of this week SERI, OATS. O. A. C. No. 72, for sale. Also n for Easter vacation to re -open Monday, Eqiirrti ty of Davie warrior pule Extra Early ureka Seed Potatoes. En. Fm.mnN, April 80. W. T. MICR/me:EN has added bread to his grocery and will be able to supply the wants of the public. See his advt. THE 'porn Starks Company will pre- sent "Peggie me Darliut" in the Town Hall, Saturday eveuiug of this week, They are well known to Brussels and straw goud houses, Ow1NG'o the freshet carrying water into the wheel pit in the engine room of the Knitting Factory there were holidays for a few days. The electric light was off duty for a somewhat similar reason, Phone 285. SEED OATS for sale. JAB, PEaxr E, Phone 2511. GoOSE WHEAT for sale. Rosa. CAAIPIIELL, Lot 19, Con. 13, Grey, Phone 4313, WILL all the parties having St Marys Saturdaey Cly' pJNOBNo use, Oran rook. stud Phone 4811. SERD GRAIN FOR SALE. -Quantity of seed oats, O. A. C No. 72 and also small quantity of Marquis seed Spring wheat. Both clean. Phone 4915. GEO. WHITYnaLD, SHED BARLEY for sale- ANDREW LAMONT, Phone tate, Grey Twp. BELL Orfgan and s Washing Machine for sale at n barge lit. Apply at THE Poem. TUESDAY a special meeting of Huron HARLy Red Clover Seed for sale. J. G. FRABER, Lot 18, Con, 2, Grey. Phone Ma Co. Council was held at Clinton, dealing ContvoxmAnLE house with stable and H ae e with Increased Production. Huron Co. oP land for sate, Hard amt. Poet water, rruit should give the project a big boost, nt es a d mallFor fruits. r her particulars ter a poas ssession ssion Reeve Plum sort W. H. Kerr attended. terms R'o apply to Altos GAYNox, Brussels, DON'T forget the Social evening under For SALE, ,A quantity of large, sound cedar the auspices of the W. C. T. U., in the timber, 22 ft. long. Will make Rood shingles Town Hall, Friday evening of this week. or corner posts for fence. Also about 10D0 feet of used 1 In, hemlock lumber and some anchor posts. Prices easy for quick sale, Apply a. ,I D J HliTtlHINBON R6he1, to al'rive shortly. sits- !lave adder. BREAD to my Woe- ery beehives, First-class make. McCracken1's BRUSSELS DAILY papers have been eiwerly sought this weak for the roar news, Aa the eveuiug p gnat; do not get heir until next clay at Manu (ni the same train as the tuorning papers) their usefulness is practically uil, SOME ON THE PROGRAM - Easter eggs. Automobiles. Setting hens. Maple Syrup. New millinery, Sucker fishing. House cleaning. OLn friends are congratulating Amos Doupe of UabOrne, the genial Secretary - Treasurer of the ILirktou Agricultural Society on his election as District D'r- ector of the Fairs and Exhibitions in District No. 8, comprising the counties of Middlesex, Elgin, Huron and Perth, Mr. Donee was elected by acclamation at the big meeting in Toronto He is an able matt and will do full credit to the position. THE PosT would like to see :- Back garden lively campaign, Business Mens' Association hustle, A Junior Foot Ball team in town, Boad of Health rigidly enforce the law. Increased Production along every line, Horticultural Society boom. Join now. All the sick people restored to health, n good program and everybody welcome. Lieut, Dunbar, Goderich, who is b•eme from the front 4s expected to give an ad• dress, Free admission, ACCIDENTAL death WEIS the verdict Of the coroners jury that investigated the death of Miss Dorothy Mae Stevenson, 29 Classic avenue, Toronto. Miss Stevenson was killed iu ,an automobile accident on Queen strleet, opposite iCoodhfue race track on Saturday even• Mg, March 9th, TRAIN SERVICE; FOR. EASTER, -The former train serviee will be restored on the W. G. 86 B. during Easter period, commencing Thursday 28th inst., and continuing over Monday, April rst, This will he good news to those who contemplate travelling and is the best evidence that the cut-off is not looked upon as adequate to the situation. MATRIMONIAL, -At high noon on Wednesday of last week, at the home of the bride's parents, T. E. and Mrs, Whitfield, corner of Queen and Princess streets, Brussels, Rev. W, E. Stafford, FOR SAnE.-•horae-power and barrel cement mixer. FM sell two for $18. Also number of cedar poste for sale. Tau S. S. Cots, Ethel. Phone 854, IF lisoh u ahonea,B needing , cleaning or MCNAIR a Lot l7,+ Uon. 115'5Grey No. 72. MARTIN8, 9EeoND•HAND steel land roller for sale. Ap- ply to JNo. OLrVEIt, Brussels, QUANTITY of Two•rowed Barley, suitable for seed, for sale. Jona SHORTREnD, Lot 24, Con, 9, Morris, Phone 180. repopP OOMFORTADLE dwelling for sale or to rent, with %note land, fruit trees, bard and soft water, stable, .&o, I. C. BIONARDS. GOOD young Shorthorn Bull for sale. OLI1at Tuamotu, Phone 2814 Lot 10, Con. 15, Grey. TWo Cows for sale, due to calve in March, Phone 3515 HA aver Donaort, Ethel. Horten for sale. Apply to MTBE R. HoLAnts. ALL kinds of poultry wanted. Also empty sacks for whioh highest prices will be paid. Phone 92x, SA NI, WEINsTEtN. THREE Short Morn Ru11s from 10 to 12 months old for sale. JAB. SPEIR, Lot 20, Con. 5, Morris. Phone 100. DR. PARKED, Osteopathic Physician, visits B. A., tied the nuptial bow between Brussels Monday afternoon of each wi@g. and nervous dlsaaeos suocosePult Miss Beatrice and E, O. Walker, a well 0 eared its Ireetdenees. Consultation nye known young Siorrisite, The ceremony Queen's Hotel, was performed under a wedding bell in a pretty white arch of Wild Spring blos- soms, Mrs. Angus Brown, sister to the bride played the Wedding March, The good looking bride wore a navy blue serge travelling suit with hat to match and carried hoquet of white carnations. Groom's gift to the bride was a sunburst of pearls and to the pianist a piece of cut glass. Congratulations over the guests sat down to a sumptuous dinner in the dining room, decorations being pink and white. The wedding gifts bespoke the popularity of the principals, a generous cheque from the bride's par- ents being in the number. Mr. Walker and bride left on the 3 32 p m. train for London, Sarnia, Port Huron and points West, amidst the bestowal of many good wishes, intermixed with targe donations of confetti, The happy young couple will take up residence on the groom's farm, 6th line Morris, amidst the con• gretulatious of a wide eirele of relatives and friends, PTE ' PERCS TRUELL WRITES THE POs'C. DEAR EDITOR. -Well here we are again still iu England at Whi ley camp and don't see ROy signs of getting out of it. I ant satisfied to slay here as long as they keep me. I received 2 copies of Tim Posts yesterday and one to -day as there was a Canadian mail in and you should just see us when the mail call blows. We hardly go out of the but until we see if we get anything and if we don't you shnuld see our faces. The first thing when we open a letter we shake it to see if there is any money iu it. I received a box a few weeks ago from Brussels Red Cross and I thank them very much for it. Of course when You get a box it does not last very long et around and want 11 the boys g 4s a Y some of the good things The sacks were uo sooner out of the box than they were doing rip y Say ! a pair of socks from home is worth two pair of army sou, Seaforth, formerly of Brussels, issues sometimes. I am going cm a pass dropped dead in Union depot, 'Toronto, in a couple of weeks to old London aud on alighting from the train. The salt will tell you what is up there. news came a. it great shock to the peo• Yours sincerely, ple of this m immunity. A wife, son and PTE. PERCY THVELL (dattglite' survlve Muir recently weut WELCOMED HOME. -Wednesday the overseas as a member of a Flying Corps brought t Brt c •els Pie 1't Roh;rt Thnmsun, Bm'seis and Alex of ceased. The aged mother has been spending the Winter with her sisters in Galt, interment will be maple in Sea forth, YOU WANT A FREE LOCAL -'there are some very estimable people who cannot understand why a newspaper spine. Roy is the eldest son of Wm should not give free epee to every en - and Mrs. Thuell, 6th line, Morris, and tertainlnent which is held for patriotic was the first to enlist iu Brussels Com- benevo:eut and religious pu p+ses and pany of the Arst Huron Baltelion and has proven himself a soldier indeed, Leslie Thuell went to Whitby and ac- companied his brother here. A great company of old and young assembled at belief that newel) per epaee costs noth- the depot to welcome the returning ing aur" to n failure to reabze that adver- hero. The Boy Scouts were on haud tisiug is almost the sole source of revers. with Iguns as bodyguard while the tie of lire publisher. Titre 4s no more pupils of the various departments of reason why a publisher shmild give Brussels school sang "When Jack comes away his goods, even for a vemsby cause, back" accompanied by a waving of flags, than a hardware merchant or a grocer Rev. Mr. Smith of St. John's church, His apace shonlrl be dealt with by hits which Roy attended, spoke words of on a bit sows basis nerd he should be left welcome, brief yet appropriate and three royal British cheers were given. Roy's reply was he was delighted to be back, As he inane his way to S. Car- ter's coupe he remarked that of late he had beeu riding in an ambulance instead of a car, The business places were profusely decorated with flags and the town and countryside rejoice In the re- turn of Pte, Thuell, • STA tY.'t''wA'Y'•"�dIYNIkIpr+}'' YHA ib Or CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- BeT'n 1573 est at Current rate. 236 BRUSSELS BRANCH f G. H. SAMIS, M PJ ® Manager. I'L81c m'.rmm��w..'sssw-.c-.sm ...�_.�,aos•MKR, '�e....e,.,.....,,.,,A,'a•te - _ 13""I.IN�. crud 'tenors Clotty shoual I Tailor—Shall 1 put in the usual of e.+n z Iiuw :doe.- "w suh.'ettprrmt 1" Tux Pny't st:uld ? Pk L Juan haS crows' feet about his eves there most ht: gums cats. IS ]I AIt:It •TRONI: has lensed Miss \1194,tret S:ewer t's cetlage, Queen street, his 9(113, James taking charge of the fare) nearby. 1'r is practically assured that Canada's 191S wool clop wiil be taken over by the Government at a fixed price on the basis of last year's net figure to the grower. THE Election expenses of the Cal,di- dal.es in Noah Huron last Dominion Election were as follows :-las. Bow- man, :8206 3: Arch, Erislop, $225 80, EVF.RY vacant lot in town should he adopted by s.,nlebody who understnrds lumber of pockets in the trousers, sir. Customer—Nal Only one. Mr wife is a busy woman with her vial work now, and I don't want to take up too Hutch of her time. Pour Jails have been closed in Man- itoba, SORN BAr,r„-At Restholm, Private Hospital, St. Marys, on Friday, Mar oh. 1st, 1018, to Mr. and Mrs. Luther A. Ball, a son (George Henry.) OnossPmat.n-At the Experimental Farm, Lethbridge, Alberta, on bIarch Vst,1918, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crossfield, a son - that successlul war gardeniug is nue slam ss Arthur. tenth panting and 'nue-tenths outlive- GAHDINEe.-In bleKillop township, on Mareh tion. mit. Ms, to Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Gardiner, twin sons, (one still born.) Ntax't• Monday evening, following the MINNA:BOR.-At Sluevale, on March 25rd, 1918, Ilarlav i to i DO regular session of lite Colt Emil, a report to Pte. Hugh anti. Mrs. Shnramnn, a son, I;mttnr In the matter of the estate of Conrad 40 49 will be given of the special Ca. Commit „••• •"”" .91 MARRIED Engel, late of the 'Township of Eggs ....................... 20 iia . uu meeting regauliug Increased Prnrluc• Giey, in the Colin y of Elmon, .Boles •' ]0 99 1n U0 tion. Everybody intere,ted invited. KING-MOpALL.-At the hone of the bride, on fat tiler, deceased Pan ... per bag 1 Su 1 u0 March 27th, 14.18, by Rev. D U. Thomson, COUNTER. CHECKS -Don't int veur m•. wm,t'. King, of Jamestown, to Mise Nutlne is hereby glvon pnrsnnnt tn'•Tha tl.•- Lillian McCall, Bluevale• vixed 4tnhttvs nP OnNI II r shat alt t r •dikors ^'-�'^""•' Mutton-EAEA ante At the ho qbride's roll others having claims til III estate j . " _ -.- 'nu/�Y4� Jh�O qp@9•,.•M'+++•+�M•�rpypp"•+w�µMu •+.n.•!.Na''Ifn•.xMy+Ke.Ny+n�i�wy.Yq.M®u ypAP,eapwypppM,�t� y,�p .Y wtt1�41t900lgS"+1•tTl# FR(f4Mrb1tYFPSCt8tMMII1I0i1i M mi,fR-' lhv F9. Ii 0010'.RIV 00.10009 IAib1�90004t 0 m m • t0 w e C9 0 u H D Eb f9 e e A • O 0 a eSTORE DRUG STORE g0000oreeR'1tp(spy4etF®eheeseteustS ovorr ese3m©esevzsetesosoae®m e$0,0 q00" BRUSSELS MARKET --.-- f'. e7 $2 117 hu UO Some Interestiog fads Conuurniog the 2 titnee 9 equate 13 antl this 1 plus+ S rituals 41 2 times it equals 27 and this 2 piiih I 'goals fl d linins 9 equals 3(1 awl This 2 plus. 1t (epode 9 a times H etptals Ili and Iilia+ .1 plm+ 5 equals f! IS lite+•" SI etypt G1 and Ilei, it p"tl, 1 +gaol 14t 7 I lua•• 11 isnot:, le: still 1 bis, l plc+ a equal• !1 9 lieu - :meek til anal chi, is pads 1 tq lair, 9 1 dines phis 2 equals I f 12 ! ivies 9 plus 3 cgutth, 111 123 titnee 11 plus 4 t•tlu.th: 1111 1'231 t Innes 0 pills 6 ognals 11111 13.315 times 9 plus 0 ...pods 111111 123150 tithes 9 plus 7 clouds 1111111 123i:dt7 times 0 plus S t•gpais 11111111 1.11"15078 limes 9 plus it , geek 111111111 The One In10r001:totp; lomat Concerning Our renslar Tasteless Cod Liver Extract at fa fn tb 'W 0 !a 0 M i9 b 0 mt et t9 es et Is that St is TILE VERY DES'1' PONIC AND SYSTENI BUILDER. you Can Ilse, The disngrepnblp taste of God Liver Oil in its nal Mal ¢ state is entirely eliminateil in the manufttel ore of this piepaealion N without detraming frust ils medicinal Caine. We uuheshaliugly re• e mimenll it,. 2 sizes - i til• Arai El ou, • h b 9 V In Notice to Creditors Wheat Oat, Peas counter check boils ine too loss. ! IgE PosT is agent for the Applelo,d Counter Cheque Book Cu , of demi:tom the largest cuuueru o' ties kind in Calcola. You can hay as cheap Loo us as hitt eau from lite firth SPLENDID -'PILE P,NT is plc:teed tO notice from the Daily 'filter-km,eat of Gera • t Miss Thema Y, IhA Fort 1V411iant, formerly of Brussels, has won the gold medal in the graduntiou class of to nursts Su MhIZellar Hospital for obtain- ing the highest marks in the 3 years course. Her malty old friends here are delighted and sent. hearty congratula- tions. Meg AnotiT H009. -Dr. T. W, S. Mc- Culloch, Ptoviucial Officer of Health has expressed himself as opposed to the proposal thnt people in cities and towns should keep p ks in their beck Yards as pert of the toed production campaign Dr. McCuroeh pointed out that no municipalitc had the right to pass a By- law permitting it without the consent of authorities and he provincial health . t the roc t p IDtetll lOn O{ allowing in It had no g , 'Poets 'TH(:M,ole DROPS DEAD AT Toa ONTO.-'Puetday evening Thos. 'rnnm- noon [rata o i t `'y Brantford are surviving blethers of du- rhuell, of this community, who was seriously wounded at Paschendale, France, on Oct. zeth last. He has been at Whitby hospital since arrival in 'Canada a few weeks ago Although still on crutches be is improving and the hope will ere long be able to throw the sticks aside His injury was to his -0- THE comfortable and commodious resideuee or George and Mrs Thomeon, William street, has been soul to George B. McCall, Ethel, who will get posses- sion in about a month. Mr, and Mrs, 'Thomson will move to the apartments over their store which will be very con- venient for them in their close attention to business. RED Cross Circle meeting at Mrs. W, H. Kerr's'Tuesday afternoon. Meet- ing opened with War hymn followed by prayer by Mrs, Alex Bryans There Were Is present. blas Stafford read E on of the Knitters" ou of "The song Fehruary War Bulletin. Miss Isabel Strachan saug "A cottage in God's own garden" in good voice. She was eneor• was Miss Minerva ed. Accompanist Jones, It was decided to holcl meetings every secoud week until housecleaning is over. Meetings will be April 9 And 23, 31 pairs of socks were handed in, are tip. to think, even if they do not al- ways say, very mean thiugs when their requests have to be refused This mis- conception is due to a very prevalent MUSKOKA. FRE& HOSPITAL - The Treasurer of the Muskoka Free Hospi- tal for Consumptives desires gratefully to acknowledge the following contribu- tions received from Brussels by the Field Secretary of the National Sanitari- um Association :- A, Strachan 7 F. H. Gilroy Dr. T. T. McRae .... Dr. J A. McNaughton, IRS. Fox Thomson T, C. Baeker Auderson Bros., ... . . Mrs, A. Seeker W, M, Sinclair C Pope Rev. A. J. Manus-, . Carswell Bros Dr. R. S. Hamilton J. Wright ...• .... S. Wilton Iohn Hewitt WT `r. Wood , H. Kerr,..... tri. S. Scott Dr, F. T. Bryans Henry lames. WT Ross , P, Fraser . DC. Ross., GC. Manners,.... F. I2, Smith. ........... P. Scott Rev. W. 1 Stafford Staedard Bank W. I, McCrackeu A, R McKay L. Downing,. Mrs. J, 2 oh 3 oo 2 00 2 00 2 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 5 oo I oo I oo t oo t oo I oo r oo I oo I oo 5 00 3 eo 2 00 2 00 I o 5 1 oc I 00 I 00 T 00 100'; I 00 I co 100 X 00 1 00 100 5O X52 oo free to make his contributions in the form which he prefers and not have others make them for him Church Chimes m of the againstt ,te of . Lomb., 3, March 211th. till B. bf ltnv, R A. the Raid (Intit•Itd Engp1, tvhn dirt) „n or nbnol f Ont.. t B. A., ell W. H. sinter, Pre. eine . the Twenty-ninth day or Mernb, A D 1917 ary (hit to boss Dalin A.daughter of Mt. togttirsd on e• before the Thirteenth a nth oat f hips. Jns Harris DIORA lion, by Rev. liver to the Executors Walton, Uy$' Rev. R.. Lundy, B. al oD Testament of said deceased, thou Christian The Munich's' ton+ c1 Ma rah nodi l M y Sohn Wilson Milroy' and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the Morris are wham. for ler . Bone Drain. to Mi. Mabel iELD Smith, both of Mon• full pnrtionlars of their claims, the statement. f tl.nt er tilt T n s seri erieff" lonnlify of their a000unts and the nature of the aeeari• the tile Plans and 1 WALKa's parents, n: At the ionto of the ties lei any) belts by tlnwu, at the mark's residence ap nerd nil the Township t b (arch 2Utlt 1f 18. -tri ht=t I on+� eats on II y after kt bride's parents, notice .e tint d r take n n it p n [uriltp Rev, w, E. Stafford, 13. A., IIh•. E. O. Walk- mentioned dote the said Exa•rntnI will pr". *til, 171 �, nit 8.i nle•11 p w as tuwushi to blLs Beatrice tl assets uP the deromred A Notice to Contractors Walton. Apt A. D. 1918, to send by post pre, nit or d•• 6 Duff choral', MRIIPN, p b ® tors DP the Inst \V ill old P of the Township of der. for the construe.. Council will furnish !teatimes any be seen. The tenders will he all Monday, April • ,IIS Y, p Al.t olDW EN, clerk. er, of Mort' p oet•d to di-tt)bntc to n daughter of Mr, Rini' Mrs. Teardule E. among the poetics entitled thereto, lutt•unr re. l;he vol.•, 'Unruh ::8th, lids _ Whitfield, (peon street, Brussels. card only to the claims of whh•h they shell then have notice, and the said Executors will not DIED , be liable for the said assets or any part there. I Farms. for Sale DA of to any person or persons of whits,- plain , and 1.5 days. Anter. this 23rd day of Mat eh, A. D. Idts, 1 1'ltoh•.e IDU arras, Lot G, i on 2, prey tott•n. McNeil: lit -In Morris township, on March W. M. NINth,AIIL, hi , Pia,• huildmgs, rink land, Iv all fenced. 23c.i, 1918, Raney Fraser, relict or the late Also to erre., with buildings, NI cleared n••,1 Jim. McVettio, aged 74 years, 4 months and Solloito• for Annie M. Engel end 4, 1,.',h•• ! well feur,.d. A pply to w. re. 11Q1'CHINSON, 10 days, Culloolt, the Exeeutors of the said estate, i Bluevu le, It 12 No. 2. 30.4 1918 -In Morrie township, on ars, l i 27th, notieu sUnh t of hnvn Mean rpeeiv Ri by then mt 1918. Jamas M.11evie, aged 96 years, l mmttlt alto I'dme Of malt disU•IUukiou. •♦60•••••••••••••••••••••O•!,0000.0••• 0 L 409 oo`b re ,D 000000000 00 0 A 090000000e••• 0 0 a 0 O Special Ester sermons and Baster Mdae in the ehurehes next Sabbath. The services in St. John's church next Sunday will express in song and sermon the sentiments of Easter. All are Invited, There will be service on Good Friday morning In St, John's elurch at n o'clock. Subject of sermon "Last words from the Cross " Collection, The congregations of Melville chureh and the Methodist church will resettle the regular services in their tespective auditoriums next Sabbath, They have been worshipping in the Lecture rooms for several months. Annual busitatss meeting of the Vest- ry of St, John's ehurch,eStusstls will he held Monday evening at 8 o'clock. All the members are urged to be present. Before the meeting the Ladies' Guild will serve lunch. Some Guild business will also be considerer.. The result of the referendum of the Methodist church on the proposal re pastoral term has been that the people by an overwhelming number have de- clared for itinerancy to conlinee, 'Phe majority vote of the 15,61t officiel mein - hers of 726 circuits is in favor of con- tinued itinerancy by 5,728. A letter from Rev. R. E. Page, of Courtright, Onts, formerly of Brussels, gays :-I react Tim POST with interest, We are fortunate here having R furnace burning natural get: Our bill for Janu- ary was t3t5.5o• We have no worry over coal Automobiles have been running for weeks here and roedsare gond One of my oltttrchee was rebuilt in 1863, the first church he!ng opined in 1885, The CR.mmunfo' e spt W:ea 1resenieT T V John Ruskin anti still belongs to the church. Methodist minister is Rev, Mr. Stead- mamand Presbyterian, Rev, Dr, Scho1- field, sv33t6q8:888: s%�. Le Lit -r Carswell' rrsa2,roa:r 20PLIE Vs*ron'e "Mrrs0 "'"V' 11ir ^alarr71 T''ma y.*°„'°"^"• ..5i 7, i 'l e'"7're te �whantere ea Vb =wear Hces+ ; . . a per t i � V/omen's Spring Coats 6.95 MOO \Vnma,'s 131k. Poplin Gnats, Shat'd Price... 0.95 0 00 Wotnen's Fancy Cheek Coats, 0.95 12 50 Women's Navy tF 131k, Serge Coots ... 9.05 Women's Suits 8.95 15110 Women's Tweed and Serge Suits Shatteted Priee S 95 Women's Skirts 2.95 �• 3.50 \Vnolen's Rllc, Poplin Shirts, Shat'd Prices, 24 I 0 00 Women's 1311c, nr Navy Serge Skirts 4 20 3,60 Women's Blk. Taffeta Underskirts 2.00 Women's House Dresses 1.39 1.75 Women's Print House Dresses, nava Price 1 30 2 50 Wom nt'e Gingham " 1.50 Women's Silk Waists 1.95 2.60 Women's Sillc Waists, White, Sinai! i! Price 1 95 350 Wninetes Silk Waists, Navy oP White 205 `L 00 Women's While Voile Waists 1.00 250 Women's White Voile Waists 1,59 Women's Raincoats 4.95 7.00 Women's Tweed Raincoats, Shat'd Price.,. 4 95 0.00 Women's Tweed Raincoats, " 0 05 12 00 Women's Tweed Raincoats, " 3.05 Children's Dresses 95c 1.25 (1iels' Gingham Dresses, Shattered Prices. .65 .75 Gil lb' Gingham Dresses, 1.20 1,50 Girls' Gingham Dresses, ,d0 100 Gills' Middy Dresses, " Women's Boots 3.95 5,00 Women's Button or Lace 13o rsil PrfioO 888,8 3 95 iVian's Suits 19.00 25 00 Men's'rweed and Serge Stile, Slimed Price 19 00 8 UO mmr,3 Twpetl anal t tive:,p Suits, 21.00 15 00 Young Men's Twped 811419, 11 96 23.00 Young Mens Serge Suits, " 18 05 eY 8. • • • • E Boys' Sults 5.95 • 7.60 Boys' Tweed quits, 20 to 22, Shat'd Pi ice... 5 96 t• 10 01) Rays"reseed Snits, 23 In :4, .,. S 1.9 p 1.50 Boys' Tweed Pants, '28 to :1;3, " 1.10 •• 1.25 Buys"Pweed Pant', 21 to 27, ,89 Men's "tweed Pants 1.95 2.50 Men's 'Tweed Pattie, Shattered Price,,..,..... 1.95 1.75 lieu's Bib Overalls, " 1,39 Mesa' t'eit Hats 1.39 200 Men's 1?ur Pelt fiats, Shattered Price......,.. 1.39 1 00 Men's Spring Weight2 50 Men's Pur Felt flats, „ 1,89 li/len's Spring �i�ps (59C Oaps, Shtuttot'ed Price ,09 1 25 Men'a Spring Weight papa, .05 1.60-Mtan's Spring Weight Caps, It 1,19 Boys' Spring Caps 390 ,50 Boys' Sluing Weight paps, Shattered Price .30 .75 Hoye' timing Weight Caps, " .59 Den's Raincoats 6.95 10 00 Men's Clovenntte Raincoats, ShaCd Price 10 00 Men's Paraulatta Raincoats, " 15.00 Men's Partunatta Haiucont.S/ " 0.06 0 96 1.0,95 Den's Boots 4.95 0 00 Mon's Boots in the latest styles Shattered Prioe 4.96 Extra Special soo pairs Women's Silk Boots Hose, Black or White, sizes SA to ro. Shattered Price... Special ial 20 dos, paire Boys' Heavy Ribbed lloee. r 10. Special + t( x173 Pairs for SIM •••C••••••••O••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••♦•••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.i Cars5,t.� t, Cl a 'T'he Store that Saves You Money A 6 O • b - 9 - 0 • 8 4 m n • P • • • - O • A 0 0 O • • - 0 • • 0 • • - 0 0 a e� 45c GA Special 2:10 pairs bleu's Bllc Lisle Sox. ram, 50c, Special 3 Pairs for $1,10 ,