HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-3-28, Page 4gbe ikusstis THURSDAY, MARCH aa, mut letter from Pte. Jack Pedgrift Following letter was received by the 1UiHiaull;ilkhwon family, 4th line, Mortis township, the writes having seeemel f,.e theta DRAB FRIENDS. .lair a few lines to let you knew that 1 r"eeived the pat- ine Al1r0 also hnpieg 1 hey find you all in the best of health as it Ieaves me at present, Well I see by the address you pueon the parcel that you did not get the other letters I sent you. My address is Pte, H. J. Pedgrift, 127221, 21st Battalion Uanadiau G. B. I. Lab- or Pool, France. I waa pleased to hear from you and thanks very much for the paver!, I licl not get it until two days ago so I hope that you will get this letter, I will be pleased to hear from you. 1 often wish I was back there again its I am about fed up with it out here. I have been wound- ed onee, about :i months ago. Was hit :u the arm and leg, but I am all right now. Weli Irene I think title is about all I can write now. 1 will try :and write again before long AM will new close, hoping to be back there before long. With kind regards from JACK Pottoneeste Pte, George Ring Writes from Witley Camp, England The following letter came to alts. Rent. Ward, from her brother :— Mr DEAR •'•'•l»TRR --I take the pleas- ure of wriling yeti a few lilies in ans. wer to pen ever welcome letter which T tesseived e few clay: ago. T was glad to hea f ,4,o Fon and to know von w•.re •,ll ;•ell, Its this leave; the entjoy. nes se set health neer- here, 1'hu+ wee,; bore tt ee pretty cold and Gime lute teem a til t Ie -mow but it don't last very holt;. Ground is all frozen hard at present, I guess there will be lots of snow in Canada. Hnw slid your Entertainment come off ? Hope yon had a gond time, Well Annie I have had another trip to Scotland since I wrote you before, I was up there for New Years and had a swell time. I went to the same place I was at the first time. We had a big goose for New Fear's dinner and believe me I got my share of it. I was almost ashamed to tackle it but nevem heleee I got on the outside of it. When I mime heels to Loudon I met Rny Holler. He was nn leave from France. We had a big day. Roy has been over there S mouths but is look- ing fine and ,just as fat as ever. I never got the box you said Annie sent yet, but it will likely be along some of these days. Well I think I have given you all the news so will close hoping to hear from you soon. With love to all I am as ever, your loving brother, Goemot I1'ING, C1. Cn, 180th Batt, 0, E. F, No, 657486, Army P, 0, London, England. * * * * * * * * * * :k * x THE SOLDIER VOTE " * * * * * * * * * * * * The Windsor Reeord prints an ex- tract from an officer's tetter, which is rather a serious indictment of the met- hod followed in taking the vote at the Front. He says: "During December an officer ar- rived at our camp to take tite votes of the Canadians in this area. There were only eight or nine Canucks. and we were all in the room together. Particulars were sworn. A boilot was Shoved down with the words from the offi- cer; "Going to vote for or against the Government?" "Several fellows voted against conscription and the officer snapp- ed at them. "What are you, Boche or Ausrtian?" and remarks of the same order. This coming from an nfl]eer of the Umpty Limp battalion to a chap of a fighting unit and on doing what he can to carry on seems lust a bit thick, doesn't it?" A man at the Front had lust as much right to a secret ballot as the man at home, and if there was intimidation practiced at the front it should be dealt with by the sante machinery that at home, VOTE IS AGAINST CHANGE OF TERM. Results So Far in the Methodist Church of Canada. Methodists in Clinton and Wester t OM trio are following closely the vote now beim; taken on the itinerary question in the church. There are 2,074 circuits in the Methodist Church in Canada and New- foundland. Of these 726, up to Marsh 5, had reported tide result of the vote, and on these 726 circuits there were 15,611 official members. Of that number 8,152 were present at the quarterly board meeting, and of the 8,162, five thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight voted to retain the present time limit to the pastoral term. There were 2,438 voted for a change, Numerous suggestions have hum made for changes. Some prefer a three-year term, but there are those who desire 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 end even 12 - year terms. Others again would eliminate the time limit entirely and have the pastor remain as long as his presence was aggreeable to the con- greation and to himself. Some also made suggestions as how to meet the situation when one portion of the Congregation desired a change, and the other faction wished to cling to the old minister, What the result will ultimately be may not even be guessed at as yet for less than SO per cent„ of the Circuits have reported the pleasure of their board. Gall far Soldiers of the Soil HIS EXCELLENCY, THE DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE Ottawa, March 15.—His excellency, the Duke of Devonshire, governor-general of Canada, is warmly in s} mpathy with the Soldiers of the Soil movement to enroll an army of boys to help in the production of food in Canada during the coming summer and aut- umn. lie has issued an appeal directed to all boys in Canada, He says. "TO THE BOYS OF CANADA" ••Thousands of the best and bravest of our young men are now fighting on the battlefields of France and Flanders, and thousands more would willingly be a- longside them if they were old enough enough to join the army. "But if they cannot go overseas, they have plenty of opportunity here at home. Food is badly wanted. Providence has been generous to us. We have vast tracts of land crying out for cultivation. Here is the opportunity for every healthy, active lad to do some. thing. Much good work was accomplished last year. This year the demand is greater than ever. "[ confidently appeal to the boys of Canada to make the best use of their brains and muscles and to do their part in bringing victory to our cause, DEVONSHIRE, "Governor-General." "Government House, Ottawa, March, 1915. Enrollment of the boys in the Soldiers of the Soil will take place next week at High Schools, Y.M.C.A-'s and other centres. What such an army can do in actual work and in saving the time of able-bodied men will amount to an increase equal to upwards of four million bushels of wheat. And it may be the last million bushels of wheat that will win the war. Every boy in 'Canada will be proud to respond to the governor-general's appeal and to help to produce the food that now counts for so much in the fight against the Huns. • ��.1�rlvT _"4 and Production Mr. Grant Hall Compares Prices of Farm Produce and Cost of Carriage. "will an increase in railway freight on dressed beef between Calgary and rates discourage greater prudurtt"n Edmonton and Vancouver. What do of food stuffs in Cacada?" was the you think would be' a fair rate for question put to Mr, Grant Hall, Vice` that haul I asked him. Ile thought President and General 1lahagei of three rents per pound would be about the Canadian Pacitie Railway, In re. right. If that man ran get a rate of ply he said: :three tents on beef from Edmonton to "Why should ht? With present Vancouver this company will haul all prices prevailing all one bas to do is the beef he can offer, give him back to compare the present and the past two teras per pound and then get prices for farm produce and the Lest'rnore than it does Outs, of carriage in the past and at presene l "I sometimes wonder if the people "In 1914 the average pri• e rot' No ,who make the biggest notse whenever 1 northern wheat at Fort William a mem ilatienai question appears, teas 90.2 cents. For the price of one would make lest as much If they were bushel we carried 16.3 bushel, iron sure their nc ee waned root appear in Brandon to Fort Pinhole a Ili ewe c the Imblic press. You kr-ow it says of 552 miles. In 1917 the price of sone niece in the Bible tbat when a same bushel of wheat at the sone man preys be sl.ould go to the inns" market was $221. In le17 we earri.'eranater. That advice must have ed 28.2 bushels from Brandon to Fort b+rn it mi(ed, for a close study of hu - William for the prise of one hrs`:el man nature will soon telt one that if "In 1914 hors were selling for !nobody et present except the man and $7:66 per hundred. For the mire of lis (Lod he won't say a thing only one hundred pounds of ho€e We err ,,:hat Le thinks; he won't try to put Pled 4,640 pounds frem Blinteelesa to ever any bunk because he hopes it Winnipeg, a distance of 13:) uelse. trill be read the next day; he In 1917 hogs sold for eller, per hon .1:y to deceive himself. It is when a deed and we carried the s4,: a die ':I an pays in public and he knows tante 9,370 pounds for the !Tire ut a.eoplcm!olee listening that he generally one hundred pounds. erayn t1a loudest. "In 1914 cattle mold at $6.1O8 pe "Wllal I would like is to have the hundred, For $6.3S we sidled 2,931 !people or the west make somewhat of pounds from Souris to Winntere 14` 'r study of the eronomi •s of the ques- miles. In 1917 cattle wild fee retie !Oen, 1.Nd you ever stop to consider per hundred, and for that amonet n'1 how very little the cost of trannsporte- carried 5,820 pounds from Souris to eon lea:ly enters Into the cost of the Winnipeg. ('treelY existence of the average "In 1914' butter see;l fur Sete cents !Ole 1.9 ilo you know that it cos's per pound. For 261, ; to wn certled I .e re to send a letter from Montr eee 120 pounds of butt, el Cartier y to t,.•,inireethanes hal the it des todistance `e, to Winnipeg 106 meet. In 1017 1 1 e• bY ter sold for 3Fls rr •1 •1 e ee I h•eleht? Dll Son ever stop to era• tied 14$ pounds for the I • S, e , elm r. t r dolt the pith. of slices you etre prund, re, and whieh has doubled 'n "in order too matte r'; •! -A lee, wry recently. was loaded into a clear it can be stated tie I if rnr end bani ed 1,400 miles for ore• mer sold one bushel of tel '. le Kith of whit the barber charges for a le Brandon to pay free rules. y • shave? age he could ship nearly t• + e ` "In view of some of the facts that I amount for the peter of one L 1 in i ale given do you wonder that bur - 1917 than he dad in li l{. li nod b; :screaaed wages; increased "You know the story of the Finns;reef re' -metal and Incurs s of from fernier who complained to the de ler' 100% to 500'70 in the cost 'of fuel, oil, about the rise in the pre a of .1 hl sive. I Platt te..i and supplies, that fie rail" Yes, it was true the prier of beegietit"ay' rte seeking relief through the had advanced loll ee, daft tees he:merit\In or fifteen per cent raise tet bought a ]marry le tic] for I! r:ith freigl l faire. ono lend of grain, ';.),v for the one ; ' 1 ( t es lust-eore-ete what such an load he got a bug, nail l he hamper deer ere would n e an, on a stilt of 1n cash, or in lien of to Ai he would Cotbre., a hat or a peer of shoes from throw in a hitch,' rens e' makin `'Mille 41 • r nt. vg: 30 dozen eggsutensile, and to make tic ee uur -wee, from i e lel t, s, vcn pounds of be world give him a pair of oterelle live nor time ralgary, the total fir and a pair of gloves, tvc r p:z rent increase le equivalent ' "kiee,ently a man In Veneouver was to nee red street car ticket in {yJinnh talkiag to ode about the high freight pcg -,three cents." • BEDRI5DEN WITH RIERIATIS': Felt That He Would Never Walk Again "FRUIT-A-TIYES" Brought Relief. MR. LORENZO Let= S Ottawa St., Hull, P.Q. "fruit-a-tives" is eertainlyawonder. For a year, I suffered with Rheums. users; beiug forced to stay in bed for five months. I tried all kinds of medicine but without getting better; and thought I would never be able to walk again. "One clay while lying in bed, I read about 'Fruit -a -Hen' the great fruit medieine ; and it seemed just what I needed, so I decided to try it. The fine box helped me, and Itook the tablets regularly until every trace of the Rheumatism loft rue. I have every confidence in'Frnit-a- tives' and strongly recommend them to every sutrercrfrom Rheumatism". LORENZO LEDUC. 50c. a box, 8 for $;2.00, trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. HOW THE CIVILIAN Can SERVE c i Cp ®l, utill, nrrhard, Sn :4,'a IlInoq NnrNx of liensanle on gravol road. Rural mail and t and Idiotic, ray mile to school, will sill olthor or both harms. If not sold before (lotebar 1st will be rented. Ivor fav titer particulars apply to AILS, FORAY1'll,. Proprietor, Brussels, or F. y. SCOTT, lirnssols, 4,••t ILIEBY custom of the past year will be followed viz., not to hold a Milliner). Opening on ane SCL date, Our -new line stock of Millinery is now all dis- play and the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity are invited to call any day and inspect the same, Qur goods are choice, in the latest and most fashionable styles and sure to please. Have engaged the: services of Miss A, E. Stewart, of Perth, who comes splendidly recom- mended, to assist in the work. mn Lia Ross Richards Block + Farts for Sala: A erne,,�1 l!, ten. i%ine rWIWI/liny Ianir noe[. a .• 1 e Irur : rpq t„ 14 M. 1'I;1CH11 , rronhro ,k. (hit, Farm for Sale lull ftert•s lieu g 1.1.1 7, Coo 1 i. (trey townnitlp. uu the prcu)Is„+ SN n gond ': alum hetet cottage •R !Iue;1: t„ol ; annd Imnk Lnrn i,6xe1111•el Ilrr•brL,"x �,.,, I, I ,) t I d . rono•ub biro nud Ng I , , •) 11 a •I i - � hall' tint,• Y„ nl .Cool , nt i� i tl nnit I IlLnr 14n ln�lhtt Ialt e-. uh I I 1 I , \1 I. wOUlv., w, Ib, pt rniisrs,. 7 " For Sale - food Value Aoout two ae.res of kind With nnntfarnlble frailty holt•,•, attune end hen keine; good well; good cellar About dto nutest'� walklfiomttpostollleo. The above properly is situat ed on dams st , lirassets Patients's+nay be had on engntry Iron' the owns on the in eiel•+ss. yldoN C8I(ANT. "0 6ostirottrA In lemotree ANN 1 O't lent y NA m -H nt iv Il and rt t tin, tt oik Ir, i pr, A Ise L n, rt:+ m rm•I nratSun wfrh luetrgwa e. stable and drilled well. For 11tt•thor parting O 'ars as to price, tains, 420., apply to Tit if Pow)., + Brussels. 0 a Farrel for Sale 4• voidninhtg 200:aere+, ver , •`'';' Lot lie, ('Ott 3, ® NI orris township, and hot (, Vol 6. Grey town• • hap. WO watee. roiltfor to 4,l• Rodeo, hank bilin and Anion'••shed, (hiving liaise, wird I+4+0.90+0+990+ +..fs 1••+.4.•+•+9+.•+• h0+4,4. ••h0 deny myself luxuries so that I may contribute large sums to the various necessary war piiilanthropies. 7. I will help to stabilize pub opinion by showing the reasonable- ness and necessity of the govere- Plents demands and the baselessness of the unfounded rumors relating to the war, 8. I will be a friend and coin furter to the families of soldiers an i minister to their needs. e, I will try to tweet all the varied events of the sear with patience, calmness and optimism. 1o. I will work harder and more earnestly so that 1 may contribute my part to make up the loss due co the withdrawals from industry of large numbers of men for the arme. 006e4,9e04,.4,4,4,04,4,90,0•0444,000. 4,44444,4,0000000440,0404,•••••••••o e • • 9 9 0 9 e 0 e • •• a 0 0 e s • 1. i will keep myself so well in- I • formed on the causes and progress of the world war that I may be a source of information and influence. 2 1 appreciate so thoroughly the a danger of internal enemies that I Will le' report to the proper authorities the 6 name and location of every native 3 or alien citizen whose conduct or tit- O altera oes.nces • indicate enmity to our coun- • try or lack of sympathy with our • 3, I will da all in my power to encourage increased production of food materials, 4. I will cheerfully change my habits of eating, so as to conserve wheat, meat, fats and sugar. 5. I will assist in every possible • to make all Government Loans A 0 DUMMER ig nnicipa9 ads Yielding 5;� to 0: per cent Victory Doan at Pair less 5', iscount Bards are the Best Securities In flee Norld Why not make your Money earn 61 per cent instead of 3 per cent ? Neeis Limited Temple Building - - Toronto R. J. R. Shor#ill, A. H. Macdonald, e District Rep. Ethel, Ont. a For Sale distil ares of farm lnn4s in the ilbwnsliip- or :ameroe leleJestee the Pillage of Brussels, in ono held, There is n good gr n vel pit, If oven• tel up, Prom 2 to a nares. Lt has been tested end enough or grovel there to supply the town and viii nit for Lht• noxi quarter or century; e building lots on Tornberry street, • l lot on (x,•orgo ai'1•H,•ti, near the Iailwny station • also my private residency on t he river bank, uorn er of willltnn and Albert streets. For further particulars apply to the undersigned at his rend once, J. hooxIle, Brussels, 155th hlarch, 1917. ®b4,•,4,40 ®4,9••0000.94,0••••• eb dam einatein o e 6 • e o 0 • • • 0 • 0 O 0 0 • 0 9 • 0 e o O 0 • 0 9 O 0 • 6 6 e 0 6 0 • 9 o way 0 0 0 a success. 6. 1 wil practice eeocomy add OA0A0d000060•osi0000•e•4,•ooa•, ••• rs. 0**0.••••• 6.0 *.•04040 • • Income Tax Forms Are now available Returns must be filed on or before 31st March HE Dominion Income War Tax Act requires you to fill in one or more of the five special Forms provided before 31st March, 1918. In order to assist the public to understand just what is required of them, information on each Form is given below. Read carefully, then get three copies of the form that fits your ease and fill them in. Answer all questions fully and accurately. For making false statements, a penalty of $10,000 or six months' imprisonment, or both, is provided.. Individuals.—All persons unmarried, and all widows or widowers without dependent children; whose income is $1500 a year or more; must fill in Form Tl. All other persons whose income is $3000 or more, use the same Form. Where any income is derived from dividends, list amounts received from Canadian and Foreign securlties separately, Fill in pages 1, 2 and 3 only. Do not mark on page 4. Partnerships, as melt need not file returns, but the individuals forming the part- nerships must. Corporations and Joint Stock Companies, no matter how created or organized, shall pay the normal tax on income exceeding $3000, Use Form. T2 --giving particulars of income. Also attach a financial statement. tinder Deductions, show in detail amounts paid to Patriotle Fund and Canadian Red Cross or other approved War Funds, Trustees, Executors, Administrators of Estates and Assignees use Form T3. Full particulars of the distribution of income from all estates handled must be shown as well as details of amounts distributed. A separate Form must be filled in for each estate, Employers must use Form T4 to give names and amounts of salaries; bonuses; eommisslona and other remuneration paid to all employees during 1917 where such remuneration amounted in the aggregate to $1000 or over. Corporation (Lists of Shareholders. -04, Form TS corporations shall give a statement of all bonuses, and dividends paid to Shareholders residing in Canada during 1917 stating to whom paid; and the amounts. Figures in every case are to cover 1917 income—all Forms must be filed by 91st March. For neglect, a fine of $1.00 for oath day of default may be imposed. 1n the case of Forms T1 and T2, keep one copy of the filled in Form and file the other two with the Inspector of Taxation for your District. In the case of T3, T4 and T$, keep one copy end file the other two, with the Commissioner of Taxation, Dept. of Finance, Ottawa. Forms may be obtained from the District Inspectors of Taxation and from the Poet• holsters at all loading centres. Postage must be aid on all letters and documentserwarded by uaa6l to Inspector of taxation. Department tment of Finance; Ottawa, Canada Inspector of Taxation, George hi Tambling, London, ant. Successor to IVI. Yolieck 0 O 0 • Is prepared to pay the • • • 0 0 e 0 0 4 • 0 0 Furs Wanted All kind, of Raw burs want- ed. Bighted- rives paid. Call p on the undersigned before you • sell. Alsn buy hides, Sheep- e sitins and Pmnttry. •• • • 6 e • • • 0 allt-L STREIT!" BRUSSELS� 0 highest price for Scrap iron, Rags,b Rubbers, ® ,DLC. �Vrile of Phone 02x ® • SAM WEINSTEIN 0 iv* 0•6•0 . 4.4.4,004,4,440444,4404, 4440 MONTHLY HORSE F AIF?S. BRUSH ELS Regular Monthly iloise Faits will be held this season its follows : I'IICTRSI)AY, FE,13 28th " APIt. •Ith leading Lod and Outside Buyers Present By melee er Connell. F, S, 8007i', Clerk, ��fCittbinga$eS For 191$ Following are the Clubbing Rates pnii Po»T in' Making for next year to Oneutdiall Nostofllees ;— Tim Poser and Daily Globe... $ 5 00 141411-Lunphe 5 00 " Tot on to 1Vm]d,,,. 5 00 " Toronto. Star . 4 25 Mit News ,.,. 4. 25 Loudon Advertiser 4 25 T,nndon b Pee Prose 4 25 h'amily Herald,.. 2 70 Weelclt rViiness 2 80 Far, Advocate 8 01) Nor. Messenger,2 00 Meld Wide.... 3 20 1'reshytrPinn • 2 75 Perm and Dal Iy,.. 2 30 he rinee's Hun ..... L 20 „ If papers ale 11) be sent In the Unit. ed States additional postage is neces- sary, Oashmust accompany all (lidera as lobe city impels give no coedit, ;ferrel Motley by Rs penes Order, 1*nst" al Note (Ir' Hoe gieteveel Letter. lie) It Cheque» must have commission added, Acid roes W. H. 1 I'v1111, Thr, Pow)! llrussels, Ont,