The Brussels Post, 1918-3-28, Page 3THE WEATHER SIGNS, Many Prefer to Trust the Almanac Rather Than the Government. Canada's weather foreanstere are the most unpopular of prophets. Whenever one of their predictions fails of fulfillment folks indulge in derisive comment, In rural districts the almanac is preferred. The almanac rarely, if ever, makes a mistake, its long-range predictions are couched in such general and indefinite teems that they earl hardly err. Indeed, the "country almanac." is an inmertant medium for the publieation of weather propheciee emitted by fore- casters who operate at rivalry with those employed by the Government. 'Pheies is a business of considerable eczema, and salt rhenm, pimples and Fired Canadian Matt. DISEASE COMES THROUGH THE BLOOD iA a )a(i+•nf ,•rentnte. It L.; his on; virtue, He lit well content to wait au' feed. Ile is never In a Itnrry for iti letmh. lie seleere his oyster and Net Iles on it, firmly even affectionate! To (.:are Common Ailments the - ' urliiig partly i ")uutt it n 118 t grail) the two eidee of the shell. Blood Mast be Made RichThen 14. It Si rase of a long pull an n strong Ini11. the oyster is 114101,0•, and Tied. He can resist at aithien pull, he ten r( Nearly all the common diseasee that sfst a pull whiele llsty half un hon afflict mankind are caused by had say, but he enu't resist a three host• blood- weak, watery blood poisoned by steady wrench. lie thrutva np th hnperilies. lead blood is the cause of sponge, the .,hell opens, and the oyste headaches and bneltaehee, lumbago iv quietly devoured. and rheumatism, debility and lndlgee• y Hon, neuralgia, snlallctt and outer Ali 1'11 A:`ti (t'N C•,l LMAGK. nerve troubles. It is bad blood that r y i Y 11 d 1. Sure tiorns, bead Wills. Silt eultla or ttay mad or a cern, eon harinteeely bo a' They Cored Mr. West's Lumbago and lifted right out wilt the linger:, if you Made MPS. WOO. Feel Like a New apply upou the temu a few dilate of Person. They Are the Seel Tonic, freeaoaa. Aa.YA claatturati Speak Of Then Zn 1( ANY CORN LIFTS OUT, DOESN'T HURT A WTI The Highest Turns c' ° No foolishneesl Lift your corns and calluses off with fingers Why Mr, luau! Mrs. !�'esi !recon! --It's like maalel mend Dodd':s Kidney ,Fills. � .o -e -.o --q- q ,,__°_ o- :ire ilalag ,1p to their grata reputalir,n o x.,,,. alles w m f every our, >r callus wlthutsr. pal,. Icjn the 55 e •t is twice prayed by ' • j Title simple drug dries the moment and airs. D. West, well kuown and 31is apPlled and does noi. r.te s highly respected resitlente, of title , o :tato the surrounding ',kin while ap- Ic plate i Mrs. ]Vest tell the ,,erery great Canadian kidney pl)dng 11 car afterwards.n remedy ltas dime for her husbatid and Till''anuoune""111 will Interest 1 herself. many of out readers. if your drug. "MY husband suffrnwd from :uturl;a kiet hasn't any freezone tell Mtn to of lumbago," silo states, "and the doe- •surety get a small bottle for you from causes disfiguring skin aiseased Like I w•o Exploits of Capt. Campbell o importance, and in its interest at least oruplions Tito severity oY lila truuirte one periodical is maintained in St, Louis, ILS,A, Indicates haw impure the blood is, and a or sheer pluck and instamerieou It goes always from bad to worse uta- yogi, e„seeetint tthe annionun Magazfun,inese, says Mr. t tw • Everybody remembers Wiggins. He lees steps are promptly taken to ett- l exploits of t'upt. e • ei t•trk Wlla was, in his day, a very eminent wen- Hell and purify the blood, There !s no : ae, bell, v.('.., ur Ute 1,1 t Cana fiat use trying a diffet•ent medicine far > Ther prophet --better known, in fact, Bat tenon, are almost unngnailed. than any Government forecaster. The P7CihFdlseaae+ for t.11ov all ("MI ihrozgh I The first incident oceurred during oiggest newspapers all over the coun- try were glad to print his predictions any of ,these troubles you must -get Campbell lyse ill charge nr a maelline and even to pay for them. tight down to the root of the trouble gen sectiah He took two machine However it might be with cit folke, in the blood. That is ,lust, what Ur. . L Y r Williams ]'lair Pills do. They tnahe guns over a parapet and reached the the average farmer and his wife had' tlrst German line with one of them; new iidt real vt blood. The' to tl Y lY 'moll h ran e t loth at Wiggins than [u: therm, in spite of a furious fll•e, he Purify n dl a l Gl 1 , a G• • tiyp.t.l n. Nearly t y a enrich a t to ool �� !ha the Weather t !lures u. Th Pub" e latter u maintained t F P t.diseuse dlsaPnettrs. That Is why tat o t o �i a •ly all n Malted daily guesses, but Wiggins, he. Willi i iris mru were killed or wounded, His knew! Higgins, alas! Is no more; but of, had failed, here Is )roof of the and when he turned to the machine 1 0, ams Peo after have medicines ecine- supply of bombe became exhausted, san<ix of case, after other medicines the school lie represented there are to power of Dr. Williams Pink Ville t gem !le fount! that the tripod had die- aught be called the priesthood of a near -1110: town of Nupanee, says; "I from a falling man, he saw that the meteorological cult, whose believers cannot praise Dr, Williams' pink Pill: only enwounded man was young Vir- are numbered by millions. Ever soy too highly. I was very much ran; tue, who had the ammunition. ninny rural newspapers in the Staten dowri in health, suffered from. fre-' , (Capt, Campbell and his eurporal print their predictions regularly,! quota spells of hrdigostlan, hBlious- found themselvesin the rear of the while. paying no attention to those is- ness, and siert headache I had an al -;retreating line and directly in the path day dozens of survivors. The hatter Gore. alts, iYI. swis, ttho nod los , appeared. As he seized the gun part sued by the Government, most coustaet pain in my head and uty of the German advance. The situa- TI for did him no good, but I can truth- fully ,ray that sieve using Dndd's Kirl• coy plat he le entirely free from . lembago, "I myself took eix boxes of DOdd'S leidn.e Pit and au ]s Y n JiPq like a new person. I have 6aled ], lbs since feeding horses and nubs (hue re- : , using them and my fliemis compli- ment nee otl flow well [ boli. "I 1 v to a recommended tnodtl'a liid- nry Pills to some of my lady friends who were eomplaining of pert feeling 1[1s towleeide drug house. !Minaret's Liniment Durres Dandruff, -_-. + Beep well trained rat dogs 1 farms, Tructots; will some Clay -do away. Sir H'alter's Parritch fast. in the museum at Abbotsford there was for many years a small Roman Patera, or goblet. that Sir Walter Scott once purchased at the auction of a pobleman's property for the enorm- ous sum of twenty-five guineas. He would have got it for twenty penee if au antiquary who knew its value had not been there and opposed hint. Sir Walter was Want to SKY, however, that he was almost eonsoled for the high price it (lost by the amusement be de- rived from an old eoantry woman who had evidently come to purchase some trifling kiteheet articles • and who had no taste for the antique. At every successive guinea that was bid'for the paters this goad old lady's mouth opened wider and wider with unsophisticated, astonishment, until at last Sir Walter heard her mutter to herself in a tone that he never forgot: "Five and twenty guineas! If the parritch pan gangs at that, what will the (tale pan gang for?" When we farmers try to run too Many jobs at, once we are sure to burn f the griddle-e:altee. with the necessity for raising millions t ' •o )r ,liar, worth o 'r d •t t ) 11 f 'Iiuu and h• r 15 a for S leasing ten enormous acreage far the support of human beings. �ftd Granulated Eyelids, well, and they, lilts tnytrrlf, ;meals��rY t ? Sore Eyes, Eyebinnflmed by .,, ewe.! srdnd Wind ltipgdDlrnentt,w iEksqty;ce.Ca-qMo^ umFoeircrfiksonbtcrFy relieved by Murine. Ttyit o IThat is why I.)odd's Kidney ucCured kidneys n[ko purest blood. hlrium BelmedY aYuDodd's CldtuY Pills corn Pthlels IVbeeouFr¢toCeydreeisiangicinSaby'sEyesyt., ealt Marilee Ere Vense7o.. Chtcea o a highly of them." tele unofficial Fnrecastere do not housework was a souroee,of dread, In, tion was dangerous in the extreme, bother with areas of high and low fact I felt so miserable that life held and all the odds seemed against the barometer, c c1 o lc disturbances and but little euloyment. I was advised iw•o mea, when ('apt. Campbell, fali- all that :met of stuff. They go back! to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, which ' fag on all fours, made himself into a tint time nt! 1 ' a s, relying upon the .I did, and the result wtts ehmply nun•.: human gun carriage, ordered Virtue to ft n l plusses of the moon, conjunctione of venous, and can best be summed up !to strap the gun out his haek, and then, .lever work the soil in the spring when it is 'wet and lneavv is this i injurious. . Ag J soon n the ground will work up finely all the garden may he ploughed, spaded or trenched, both for vegetables and fl ihowers. e planets:, sun spots and the equ!n-, by Saying that they trade me feel litre ; facing the foe, had the i•orpolal fire ones• la new- woman, and fully restored my ' a thousand rounds. The brave captain Meet influential of all the planets: health. I would advise every woman , carried the gun until the heated beta Muni weather is supposed to be Vul-, and girl who has poor blend, or is run 'rel binmed through his uniform and can, which circles the sun in exactly a down in health to give these wonder- shirt to his tleeh, But he had turned week. 'Chis circumstance hue intim- fol pills a trial. I am never without the tido-and raved the Canadian bat- ately to do .with the fact (well known them in the house." (talion. to every student of the almanac) that At tile first sign that the blood Is : Afterwards he fell unconscious from weather is mostly arranged on. a sev- out of order tante Dr, Williams' Pink :the pain of the burn along his back. en -clay schedule. If it rains on the tills, and note the speedy improve- .Tie recovered, however, only to per - first Sunday in a month it may be ex- I meat they make In the appetite, health form the same feat a few clays later, Pcc•ted to he rainy on every Sunday in and spirits. You can get these pills when solne of the Canadian forces that month• through auy medicine dealer or by'tt•ere in a tight fix at Givenchy. This No astronomer can be found who will mail at 50 teats a box or six boxes for : time a trench had been blown up by admit that such a planet as Vulcan ' •Gil from 7'Ite llr• Williams' Medicine , a mine and was in such a meas that C - - 1Iinarda Liniment Co., Limited. Hare used .WARD'S LINIMENT for Croup: found nothing equal to it; sure vitro. CHAS. F.. SHARP. exists. But never mind about that. Why further to quarrel with the astro- nomers, who even declare that the so- _ ailed "tttbh,a of Iiersohell" (ttssociat- Inhabitants of the Ocean That ;fro helped to save a dangerous situation, ing moon phases with weather, and .but not before he had received a ]printed' 7 Fond uF the Bivalve vat. „there was no place in which to set the GLUTTON FOR OYSTERS. tripod. Again ( apt. Campbell ear- ; the aeun on itis buck, again he commonly m almanacs) are a ( , wowul from w•Git•it he died 1'001 days lithe and a forgery, made up after) The human gourmand is not the later in a hoepitai. After his death Herschell' d 'Che Weather Bureau asserts that sten supper. The fact is that the sue-' �}q� p ry 1 g (�� the planets have no influence whatever culent bivalve whose "native heath" Gl)lYS.rII !D G11i,iyEtl� upon weather, nor the moon any that is Whitstable has more enemies than Hawkebaw, N,J3„ Sept. 1st, 1005. It le better not to attempt clean- ing house from attic to cellar while it is still too cold to leave the warm rooms tivithout shivering;. 'Kinard's Liniment for sale everywhere. s eath, j only creature which is fond of an oy.. he were awarded the Victoria Cross. - Grain eaten and wasted by rats and mice on many farms would pay all the farmer 't taxes. Doctors 'Recommend Bunn-Opto for the Eyes Physicians and eye specialists pre - „scribe Son-Opto as a safe home remedy in the treatment of eye troubles and to strengthen eyesight. Bold under money refund &uarantr by all drugglsts. The Causz of Heart Trouble Faulty digosticet cause& the generation of gazes in the atomaeh which inflateand preaa flown oQu the heart and interfere with its regales- action,using faintness and pain. la to 30 drops of Mother Selgel' Curetire v Syyta p after meals seta digestion rtght,which allows the heart to beat full and regular, 9 i oil. When buying n 4101 y Piano a no Insist on having all et, OTTO HEGEL" E � ANO ACTION FOR s6L19 WEFIKLY NEWSPAPT+.R Ix wrsT- ern ()marl°. Doing a Rood tang. nese. . Den th of owner places on the ka market. A great chance for a man with ea h. n >1Y it°x x2o alson IuG!lshlnsCaI.In1tn4. Toronto. Vir ELL Bt./1711'PM) ::h:Wt1I'AI'ER and J°G ptintlnR pTanL sn Lffatarfi Gntxrio. Insurance earried st.BUo, tivila ga :ELL on gltek sale. }sox 60, — ]'Eliseo Fu!ltshln): r'' ,-Ltd_ Toronto, THICK) py pp�v •; �. ' Mrsonnzak rnotta "" CK) SWOLLE ELANDS riaNClin, TUlduliii, LUMPS. ETC., that make a }tome Wheeze. @l internal and external. cured with - Roar, have "I hick W[nd nut pain by our home treatment Write us before too late, Dr. Bethnan Medical or Choke -down, can be r. c re. Lrrotted. roltfnvwnnrt. net. reduced with ciao other Brat.• 103 or Sweitings. No blister, ! no hair gone, and horse kept at work. Bee- nominal —, ,n. a few drops it d required rd arae } P 4 rea, ap- plication. $63 per bottle delivered. Beak 9 ti fres, A8SORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment for I mankind, reduces Cysts, Wens, Fateful, Swollen Veins and Ulcers. $1 and $2 a bottle 41 dealers or delivered. Book "Evidence" free. IV. F. YOUNG, P. O F., 516 Lymans Bldg., Montreal, Gan, N,aorblat and Abscrblea Ir.. ate wide la ands,: EAGLE ricad ,f 'Write tce.c5s • Cor our nig FPLES ices`A.TALOGit7E showing our full lines of Bicycles Mr Dien and women, Boys and Girls, MOTOR CYCLES MOTOR ATTACHMENTS Tires, Coaster Brakes. wheels, truer Tubes, Laaups. Belle, Cyclometer,, Saddles,Boisip- mem and Parts of Bicycles. You can Guy your supplies front us at wholeeate price., T. W. BOYD & SON, 27 Notre Dorno Street Weet, Mentred. THE M N A is appreciable. All the weathe% we any other shellfish, .tambably for the —..0g— have (it enysi, no matter what the reson that it is ;o tootlamme and so' Nothing will o milekly remove kind, i, made by the stun. "Nonsense," ea ily digested. ; childhood vo,stipatlou as 0.111 Baby's ramie the opposition prophets, I The whelk, so dear to the East -end- - Otte ]'ankle, They are a mild but It is interesting, when onethinks of er, is one of these. Ile Sits down on thorough laxative; are pleasant to it, to voneider that: r, c tth n• is a terns th' shall. anti, by means of an armor-: take; do not gripe and necet• fail to relating merely to emulittons and pl tttel tongue, rasps a way through regulate the stn,utell and bowels. , eoneernhtg them Mrs. Adolphe Neel, Petite Lnntegne, QM‘,„ ay,: "Iiahy's . ownT1lt l movements of the atmospheric sea in tall he comee to the oyster. When he Whieh we live. On the moon there is has opened the "tin," so to epealt, he no weather at all. l devours the contents slowly but sure- --•-•' ---- ` ! ly Needless to say, the whelk is not tall INI/NAI, CARELESSNESS. on:oureged in the or • ter -beds, Another enmity of the oyster, impose haat} Losses in Life and Property• the r I antic especially, is the limpet From Fire Continue, —the little creature te'lueh sticks like Canada is ,.ueless, criminally cafe- ' glue when once he gets hold. The na- 'tee, is the matter of lire waste.. The • tite I tdish limpet is not much good Monetary Tianei reports the fare losses' at oyster -fishing, but his Transatlantic. its $2,688,5aa, an increase over Janu•, brother is great at it, Strange to say, ary of last year of $777,800. Twenty- some of those oyster -eating limpets eight lives were also sacrificed, have arrived in home waters, and It might have been expected that there is much anxiety as to the result. D DANGER CUTIC1kF El.ALS ITCHY PIMPLES On Face, Badly Disfigured. Used 2 Boxes Ointment and 3 Cakes Soap, "I had a bad itchy Int of pimples on my fare which made it badly disfigured. They were inflamed and came to a head, and I could tear my skin as soon as a little heat came near them. I could hardly sleep. 1'4 -hen I saw Cuticura Soap and Oisument advertised I sent for a free sample which did so much good that I bought more, and I used two boxes of t;utscura Ointment and three cakes of Cuticura Soap when I was healed.” iSigned) Miss Bertha Nilsson, Stock- holm, Sask. if you have a good complexion keep it so by using Cuticura Soap daily and Cuticura Ointment occasitepali , For Thee Sample Dt'eh by Mail ad- dress post -card: "Cutieura, (Dept. A, Boston, U. S. A.” S.dd everywhere. a l e s are i !e bat remedy for constipution 1 know of and 1 would errengly r, commend them to all Caatar mother* of utile to The Tablets I art: hold by meultut dealers or by mull at ii cents a box front the Dr: 1t illiauts tletilcine Cu., Meet:vine, one ----IF YOU SUFFER FROM— rh, Catarrhal leen ss, beat! laloiseg, Ltt,.arrh of th a S`.'tsnl ach, {1,vhicl S Often mistaken for Indigestion), Catarrh of $.�➢� �'atil clS, A $ism a. Bronchitis, Loss of Smell, Phlegm dropp:n ' in the leach: part of the Yhroat, or if 3otl h;;;ve as Cough YOU SHOULD NOT FAIL TO READ EVERY WORD O F THiS ARTICLE -- - - CI 1' erne rem se :support. The clergy er all denominations in Canada are promising to do every- thing in their power to promote the with the rush of tear work, the larger . Bet oe all the oyster'., enemies, the work utfund eoneervat ini and produe- portiun of this loss would have b,•o11 must dctertninc nt factories. .Chas was not the.case, the starfish. the sight or a starfish bie , I3 • t. fat• the nearly sends nn eysier merchant into s to p, are it et;; nut pastoral loP y greater portion was in 'apartment hooses and business blocks, fit. The tots e to their clergy, Archbishop aloe a sltu•tish is the hobgoblin, the 1latheson primate �• holds, and Sn residences. It is plain, nightmare, the Old Man of the. Sea to x i u ate of support t hats therefore, that carelessness was the , the poor long-suffering oyster, whose. Canadian hie e erful,t At nupptrt't to the main Gauss What this ca relessnee stain fluty is to Feed 1 Bc at d. grow large and fat: means nilly be illustrated by the con- atm the dining -table Mivara's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. ditions found by a fire inspector in � Everybody i;nows !low diffimult it i+ d and destrueti e 1, thee In a number of cases the tls one C emu an city, He found 68 de- to amench open a determined oyster, 7110 Troy sn Prance, fective furnaces or palma too close to But the starfish can do the. trick. He. When the merlin' lamps are lighted, And we all nit rearm and close, While father rends Itis paper 'woodwork, 1517 stoves not protected front wnodwork, 1$0 eases where cbm- bustible material should be removed 122 clangorous and defective chimneys dui ash piles too close to partitions, 12 electric wires in contact with nails, 3 defective.boiler rooms and 010 case where gasolene was improperly stored In addition to the above, condition Such as endangered life were: 13 obstructed fire e scap es 8 87 alarm gongs, mid 18$ red exit lights out of order, 00 fire escapes without direction pointers indicating' where they were situated and 17 defective operating rooms in theatres. All of the fire hazards above -men - e boned are contrary to law and it is. timo that the responsibility of mate,- taining such dangerous conditions should be brought home to those who are guilty of maintaining them, Sec- tion 247 of the Criminal Code of Can- ada makes it a criminal offence to omit taking; reasonable precautions and using reasonable care to avoid clanger to life, The necessary legisla- tion is provided; it only requires en- forcement, In altogether too many caSOS fire destroys the evidence pointing to its canoe.; otherwise, inany coroners' in- quests would show more effective re- sults than at present, As it is, these lnquests are very 'meagre recompense ler the many lives which are sarrfficed through lack of care. . Save tho bntame, taps, 'etas, of garments diel. nee lie longer useful. ° , And mother mends the hone, F(o��'11•tt re children gather round 51=� n 1 to - 11 fire 7' And watch the flames that dace; 0 lure don't say much far tve'rc. iii ki ' • •s t� �. n n Conserves �tT�+,�+ Of the fc J�+l Wki3 t y that's gone to 1''t;tnce. There's the books he used to study, g l i The !et Ggni7ea value of And his old cap's hangiu' there. That's the place he used to sit in, Crapc-Nuts Father sighs and wipes his glasses, Chtvu •e text, to mother's glance, And nemAnd the very self same (hair.) For you sen tlt;it we're all !engin' For the buy 'way off in France. as a r'S•a,Vin,g" food 'for these serious times, rests upon real merit. Unlike the ordinary cereal Grape-.NutS re-• quires no sugar, little milk or cream, and re- quires no cooking or o t he a•_ preparation in serving. A trial is well worth w1111'e for those . who sin erely desire to gave. ""fhe Cas a Reasolt" ----Bolt! by Grocers. 1 I E NVti.a,t '�au'taaiaaf, �flt� :'orallttal e..11 La =la flit!!°liaudhle I ifas Dolle ft)t• tutees, it Will Do Year You CATARRH, A LOATHSOME AND 'reel neat; eatery). is a unuscatleg lr die „t rt ef,r,,e'd 1 I,.• •; um , INSIDIOUS DISEASE r, :uta• n . l,r, , : aho ear had t, mt r'u,': to cm. • ,t,l.:u,t;tr . I tm. rhea, er trth. taco to fact:• with n i 'r- twat i•L�.•,' th. i.us[a,•iu.ut ''anu•th is n. •.eft eonlnn'n tr,tne„ forsm rceltin„tc tih purulent catarrh. Il.t -r., 'I'np. lieu• rr n�•n :. s.d urltatlru h a eery c°uutu,u dlstatse so r.unmou that !'r+u ,•tar had t" rntlut•e tt ei t:ehiiu n. -, ,du. a n•'r .,nil 0411.0 1041..,,. 11 atui„ tru+st Penplr de runt re.hlx, bun• !"'%"'..!,11i ruts the boor bJ n+t x011 gagKtr• .n .11 d"ata"uA and dis•usttl• e Ir. reatierrh talies. or Lad tt, mit cin:,e t •that "'etele ,-:,n ..n t. ^'* ^1"""t" -"t•-""`'" `-.>�„*`^^ i, F•o !.. i.:mn thr,•u„h v. lull . r . t .1 t 1 .r•rY , t ell 1.11,1"1:1'1'1:•:., ,•ac h. ickg. 11,",'''t t a di f h 1 t 1n- in t t 5 ut'r v s d t n ° 1 'aft st- "h,. a_ •... a• 6, t t )„ gu 1 7•Ltl lent. fist ..+ 1 to ,. _-�i•;'�»t th col I+hl Mo es:1 of m t°g. ppetltt•-luattg, tnul 411!„1. u'birn y --u h>w 1'. anti, wli'az 211:. retf am cut;o- „ tlu•ottt, 1. 411 1•r«,.,ti,, dnlhiess al' mind, bud t�' 1 t"'t t•sninln, vnd did 0411 1.nu+t !.hit, It 4111,•«1 r. t:il !s,in«o--a tu.,y r�••-,tt t. Slnan'a pricnc not irCre.,^,Fr,i ._5C 50C t hltntntu• -(Itis t4 the war it 'to ts, hat maw: le to , •, snit it and thus in t -etnas tt t r i �t-',,I <� rrti wthe h - - and v 1�. m t dt «.., it •rad' Pr,�,p n -talc In are ttt rel ern plc, who Ira... et 41011 d, n t n6:r in the tru 1 aG. ,tar, it oft of bout• �ne fl Y ,',tl,nri, rl the Slom;n•h, t'ttt,urh oi' Uu,'know Et. that t,,,Ich,); _tMluis are irt••.rut ttillch ^`^ I Rutcel:+. L'rnnchltlx, and •.lien s1iF i,t cut' —_ ._... <11Ntte•n:, and ronrume OP patiynt, Tiu•Ne • t1: t.,utl dcatli...' result.. CATARRH OF THE STOMACH nr;, rine to the f.t•t that tit:. nti,,un a 1m u'u lits, th uie,=t mart and l t k or tl.„, HOW CATARRH STARTS (Often mistaken fur Dyspepsia or In• t1u•,alt i if,g the 1 ,l, t' the ap�p 1'' ll vi, toren usually 6.,„nt, with at cold in digastlon ray.tL fd,in I'ubev :Mil 11 aur«ting el' G t ^� 'ia,bh1•s r the rocyara nt -•r muni- � � ��. E1 the in'kld• 'Many <'ilaee of i,dlgt.o-ton surf dv+re,. roue u the s;uni 71'111' r,•ate t•... th,• i f lhehahm h ni navtiils"ii.;;i,', !.Mier]! nPgott •ta. eu'«, :shady the result of ruin r•ettt of :re'rl:!int; nrrttt"tttc i�l ,ih' c}ie.mut tf`tl,nr It ttyy Relieved �g ,r the hdiunu•t[ 0011 1 11 •a t.• nun n1s ru••lti- the throat agrl etouiurh. A1: n1g17[ as clearer 41011 tin• h.aii,), 1 otter for o After Being Relieved of Or. ilighethat !1!41.11: th,. n,�., Hid tlrrnitt• ri,u 110 Asl,e,, fhe mucus dt•°pA d,rtvn rine. Lntrf on nt'1'” ca.Pl tloae maL 1•r - tlthy llr. - foam tin Ih he 0111 head 11 1 Is 11.1.1- ,•tackling sounds w'hw, sctetlua•hu,, gat%aI0 Trouble )'Lydia E. T11,,at„Liunn. rtoh.v lotted Intl the atmnnrh. Lt t}ul acro - sea when the!• ledge upon MI i1, iI;<1. 1 .Ink' y°v w k feeling w•hlctt c•untn ft nn It., erred. of '1stll- surface 1t means h tithe,. sad nen„ ,hs ttn�r.• 1+ n bad tnwlc 1� your man their caned inns. le to o1,•.n the tuGes whtali i i Compound. l fi.�ti1 t uiati Th ae a the Spat Sioan'e Liniment goes right to it. nee • . ' :re tic ache or a dull tui e r neuralgic pain?'You r ti' ' t 4 r' i in.C.l n r z > Tho.a.an Ie of har n ,, 1::. , ta.s s: n.cr Lar2y for all a era i rains s irt:auure ikre and u,t uuaiaL ta.apeaYanS:i.»c�tre;ief- So arta er.• r to a-•;ty, too. No rub - 1 as 19 the eaa wt k J:f tea r - eats If yea Unca tat tie= ,a,a.at,ycuw.l Avec be with. o:t Gaeta sue e;.,etl iw ites, at oil thllgeats, n n ° lee n your and eased u,ntlltl n .I the monAnnnrs. I h y lit• }°e1 ylehl with a Jerk. this prudu,n t,rth,r Intlnnnnatnr) tehi .ern iii,,,,,, Gad huntonf; Lott hander Nlutr •Phe ah,,t7 explanation of A. must tom.. xllt you. 4•a, baro yu l:tt•t•h; Latarrh of tattoo, soul In (hoc even niceradost 'rhe the stomach. and your whole .system Is matt rouse f ei ,„ , ,, s1un111, moire ft sightever' from m:nc ng rrh r�ullp rtenl1 atuiufferg • noNsnttail Anti IA reeking with Iho dis- iemiitrtt'.�Lutin <uotue volt .ieah ';e1,toeat. a e. Your stomach has heeunso eme.ged to y ,tr tbe from en i ndatu•anate the awe dd, three and the dial,:•Ate membrane le coated dmit...Tt llr ice\isZerslai+dsih.init(7ts'rrt. h. with t th a Ur ll•hy -411 tau<•n. The catarrh that ndud bey. tines dull when the nh mhr:tneA mucus refuses to t digested and only 1'armint 1. not ra ear t ubira other or the tinf sal entities are in a lhrha3ging AARON. 0111.. ,r (h stomach with Arent . trop Itr Iyer ut„ai ., ,y yeatirh*tt ierterlorlsee ' If is th, para 14141! dreny Ink Unitise na,•a- diffienit� Little by little, the tnm.as,,itAetsr Apart from catarrh, or if 1:1110,4 rig front these sexes than ra.nses Ills 01- 1 viedwItiaha rxtnt•rh germs which It has car- by un t,lury, 1'art0lnt is not fou• ,Ycnr roadye breath so ,ommon to sictlms n4 rind settles him, ii,,,,,y on mn.the tnuroum and }°n shnttld consult >'aur utvn tum - rata rrh. You nucy not nutter, It yottr I nietient;ttdyspepsiati and t indigestion are ., ih- ""i0kui r.6,ardtua. "ur ruse. And then, when it is bedtime, self• S'on ptabalzly 4n net. nut t.mr t,,t3sed hr ,: lath of dlRoatltc Ile tris, ; Mother puts her work away,of ilia tir�illfiiktito trellitme so °i tareful'fiut bare we hate a rnndlllon wh«-rr tin DON'T NEGLECT •A COUGH Ptnaml,,rnne. is nDta and ready to du its tr >ou hate, A roll ;rnu t1. has left yea And faller. fold8 1tfA paper slid rays, NASAL CATARRH hark. 1)111 It Is prevented by foreign mitt- with a cough, n" nlaltel how :tight-- Children, let Us tea . ter which has dropped down from the von el lit. not t•r P -1 O• lt. pray." L'bis form or t'u Uu'rh Is, 1, N:us' tits' toad and rotted it, flow" then, can the ,t cough is getleeanr• nn Iudirtttlun So we tuned around the table, ]earl stfor mo ens di l iA,.,no Gesidos esti l 5ttconi ent int• tldig•estion he of . that there is 3rinatntna Hen in a danger- Mighty glad to have the chtlnee, bethx' moat 11/100010 fwd highly danger, arch la tlhn •ansa of the ens place, and Proper treatment mhnuad rale• 'lin rhunge,A of tvcnther t•euder aha irtnibls, it to the ratarr t tlhit mus( be bn snouted a.t once,. ltcittving. traattltent For you jltet bet we're prayill' dulir:l(e 7tnn•eam mem brdnea !n the itnA@ IS•enlyd. if cAn hit t'e rn to l'3h nF •til• H1A.y ninon tial' tltP PulEgh nal' NeEtic. and incest coir s ivialittbie to Inn,,, ""A-'mt0luarh tee bel tete that tf token frith-. dovelnp and stay. Hien the slightest Por the boy 'way off in Fratice' ,> Ilan, :rad thus rneamngo the mom trill n»d rany for a reasonable IenR'th of thus eottgh mdteatee a danger t,nd should r•- i'tmlu es 14l'l},"ht 'full net Parmint wlil bring yon an stmouht d' ceive t n rnw•Ih or ealrterhilI gerass. !relief' that. wilt fully he abet. me excret 1"leen yen• .... ---� The nose noel throat are what infant ,•,,,,,,e sato ,'rat e°ugfi has hec°tno axtrrmr.IL dare seated e ratted thn Melt wav or life, nor file coral 41011 tih,r exlonleel.• no ktas Lung unto you far a long luau. The throat tteelf is divided Into tw•o; - 'Me believe that you will fled n aulrlt nate Passages' m,,, CAUSE OF DEAFNESS relief. fratu your trouble by the use of .Pinkha m's Vegetable Just tie soon as the teem start's ail u G vacation, lei's sow nm' oasts- about r three bushels per acre, put in two inches deep. 'Ilse hest nuts we shall harvest: this year will he those that get an early startlate-solved oats rttrely fail to Its tight in the berry, and the straw is no; NO good, either, An teat Olen; breakrart roue lets wholly or limit, vereal and milk. Xtnardrte 7hinlutent claret Vstrne. ±lues the oesophagus, or gellef, going to the stomach, the other: A rause which •s responsible far a. • rarniha, the respf•atery tract, or rrochex going groat malty rases of dearness Is catarrh, i WHAT IS FSARfJi1N7T to lin brmtchlnl tabus nod lungs. The whole trouble generally begins in • Through Ihn lungs the blood passpit with A marl le cold in the head, YhIt2nF; 81101' Permint is an tengllsh formula put on every heart heal and there cones 1n A cold almost every person espoinnees the 'market In England about Ie years contact with the air rr fhe, all. breathed that reeling of alon'hles8 wliteh tells of ago. It is a combination of Ingredients to is Imre, anri if nose, threat inns Maga Inflammation extending into the Trost-, having talues In the treatment of ert- en, smutd, the clerk blood ie at onee tuftal space where the openings of the tarrhal eondltions, bronchial rttreellons. puelfled and P06400 A11t of the 'lungs hi Nustarbia.n'rubes are located, and whioh' etc., compounded from the best grade a Bright, red etreent carrying lite and is eeeentpenied by eaterrhel eecretlons,;of material it is possible to obtain. Par - strength to all the 1•0dm:. It, however, collected in the eeet-neet spaxe, where mint to out up tt one-onnee bottles in am sir breaflted in Is 1 a 1, or it• the ares it is cuttienit in blow it out of the nose concentrated form which aro labeled threat or !dugs aro, liketIreel In any way. or hawk it ea when ei em eenditione . "Parrniter- ;Double Strength.' These °ne- aen the blood, ,instead of being purtnee have become chronic. AS Its eata• '.ill, the mince bottles Nut he obtained at a small by Ila t passage tha tigh lir intia;sl is. nn, danger !s grate, ,.°st And the one ounce Ir vlliifaient to OM can tear?, Still farther poisoned nod The mucus, oxrrFtug 1110 krr1TI ,ntnke a1.1111 1011,-74Wnl Pet taint ready Naafi on HS way.y.a.rreiag the dir.t:n.sc to drops into the throat. The glvn•i,l:e ie tithe when mimed as dIr..oied in Melt , 411 Paige of the system. . nauseating m8ka stickle for 2 fine to naritit2c, Oregon, I11.-" I took Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound for an on• .,genie trouble which pulled me down un- til T could not putmy foot to thg floor and could acailely do my work, and as T live On a small farm and raise six hundred chickens every year it made it very bard for me. "I Saw the Com- pound ^ arpa eand tried it. It has restored n y health so T 'an do all my work and I am so grateful that T ata recommend- AL ER9 to R. Rnut f riA, Ore on 11. I3. Ai. i Onlywomen whohave sutferedthe tor- , turns of snob troubles and have dragged along from day to day can realize h relief which thus famous root p I _ and herb !remedy, Lydia E. Pinkhem'e Vegetable ' Compound, brought to Mtn. Altera. i Women everywhere in Mrs. Altars' condition should profit by her recom- mendation, and if theta art any coin. ulhations write Lydia E. Plnkiiane's Medicine (To., Lynn, Maes. for adv! o l'he result of their 40 years exparlene a Is at your serried, - rssun No, 12-•-'18, t 1