HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-3-28, Page 2Dominion of Canada 534% Gold Bonds PRICE: 98% and Interest Due: lst December, 1922, to Yield 5.77% 1st December, 1927, to Yield 5.65(;70 1st December, 1937, to Yield 5.60% interest payable Ist June and December. Bearer or Registered Bonds. DenoMinatiOn$t $50, $100,.$500 and $1,000 These bonds are free from the Dominion Income Tax, and may be Used as equivalent of cash at 100 and interest in payment for future Dominion of Canada bonds of like maturity. or longer, other than tsars made abroad. More complete information gladly furnished on request. 0.M.N ON_ CIT1ZIT 3d � atm HEAD oRPlce TORONTO 26 KING ST. E MONTREAL aaiAsusKeD tool L_ONOON, ENG. >� 1> The Spring Overhauling—I. tine, go through each one carefully The arst work on the car itself and then pass to the next; Whether should coneist of a good Cleaning to thermo-siphon cooled or pump cooled remove all mutt and dirt from all. brain the system. You might flush it ion, '11h .1 ACID STOMACH 15 DANGEROUS MOST FREQUENT CAUSE Obi CHRONIC DYSPEPSIA You must neutralize the acid in year stomach, says Metier, or give tip eating sweets, meats, potatoes and salads and quit drinking tea, coffee or liquor, Alarming Increase In dyspepsia and statnaoh disorders Is largely due to too wall a soda sohittaut tltttt wl e p much rich food, and the widespread use of so-called dl. estive parts. The body work is not so in). -,little if there is any sediment in the tablets and pills which give only temporary relief at the portant• tight now ani on, moving expense of ruining the stomach later on, parts of the chassis, You will r,tt radiator tanks or the system other- unclernexth find besides ueii g a large wise partly obstructed. If the fan The boot way ie to ooasult a reliable incurable case oR stomach trouble, soapy sponge and much water you belt htna tea mach slack tape it up and etomaoh opeolattot or tale a ultra Therefore be very careful what you may have to scraps some of the, dirt tighten the fan support. Clxnii the oto in r bayeu rc+.11som tcivach n olattty take. The best troy is to consult a off. Use wo,+den sticks for scraping,' hulas in the radiator with n smelt' s6o iutittedietro remove the ouaoo of your i reliable blordinaryc bislireatedstmagnesia cm taketr Work around the steering knuckles, stick, and if you have beep using - nothing else ---to correct the stomach around the universal, etc., which the strong anti -freeze solutions, especial- Put a teaspoonful of liydroehloric'aoidity, and thereby ruinous rho cause garage washer usually overlooks, The 1•v kerosene compounds, examine the acid in your mouth, hoed it there five of your complaint I car perfectly clean, proceed with the rubber hose. connections. The inside Minutes and an the tissues will be ; If you have an said stomach, you 1obstructsthe ae- burned and in anted. Yet •you go ,must confine yourself to a diet. of milli work on the engine. You probably siren such and pas- around with a gl%nit or more of thi ' and eggs, or if you wish to eat such l f the last performance sago. If there is a pump which came powerful acid in your etamac articles a aim toot le a 1 h ' whether it needs carbon removal or leaks at the packing nut remove the and then wonder why your etomaeh : ads, sweets or rioh foods or gravies, or at Toad as meat potatoes sal Ltaking up of bearings. Did it over. nut and ea, knock, pull hard, miss fire'? If Next take the lubrication system,' digest. And when you put toed into an fee, you must take a teaspoonful of it did most likely it needs rubean re- and the time needed for this work will acrd stomach, isle acid sirnply eom- ,bisu.'Led magnesia immediately actor moral, but if the engine is otherwise • depend largely on the type of system. bines with rho sweets, meats and pots• eating to neutralize the acidity, Ste - In an ordinary splash system evil you tons you tat and the tea, coffee and tiatics show that p0 per cent, of lite Ste- al' right and there is no detachable liquors you drink, and tnakoa a lot people who have dyspepsia and indt- cylinder head leave carbon removal have"to do is dr h insert now packing• burns and hurts and your food will not' drink beer, wines, 11 uors, tea or col'. out the old al, flus more acid. gestion have an excess at acidand witterosene h land re-' Next, tine acid may eat into your that this is e reaa thl cuse of , their ' for the garage offering the oxygen the crank case : 1 cylinder head fill with fresh oil In a pressure or stomach walls, praduotng a stomach trouble. -- _ -- -- - -- front draining ou will have to treatment. If the EASTERN SIBERIA cy nt er tea rs y Keep the acid neutralized at ael !detachable and you want to scrape out combination pressure -_and splash, cases of stomcach ulae�• ever get well I ttnres by the free use o1 blsuratad the carbon the work itself merely aside y under Nue most sklllfu treatment; the magnesia se that It no longer inflames I high a reading as 40 under in the means using special tools for scrap-; clean out all oil carrying lines by others, sooner or later, all doe„and the stomach walla, eat slowly and W 1 north of the province, while a chilly me off the incrustations an the pis_ means of air from the tiro pomp, stomach cancer piaoWcally always :masticate your food thoroughly, and spell sends the mercury diving down . ton top and cylinder head. Any sup-; Clean the oil strainer too and tighten means death in a year at most. But I your stomach will soon got well at its b 80 and even 00 degrees Fahrenheit ply store sells the tools. If you do all the oil line connections. i this ash isnot e on iTho Uracid intestines,iyour re-.otliistaccord. d magnesia la:absolutely COLDEST REGION I below zero. ' this work, rind the valves also since'. Then go over the ignition system. Flonths of Darkness. R sats thein and disarranges your livor, harmless, It is generally prescribed I The terror of the arkne winter is ' they probably need it and the work i$ Clean and adjust the spark plug ter -!so that you may soon require aseri- by physicians to be taken in teaspoon• WHERE THE BUIL IS ETERNALLY half done with the valves exposed. urinals, examine the wiring for poor. ons operation whit the surgeon's knife fol doses immediately after eating or W increased by the darkness, especially Each owner knows whether certain insultrtion and taps the bud spots.' for gall stance or appendicitis. ! whenever you have any distress from FROZEN. in the. northern regions, where the :work on the engine proper is needed. Bind up all lease wires. Clean the Generally when people have sour or ' excess acrid; lot it many be used ine winter might continue for months. For example, a car with a silent chain ignition distributer, file the brushes, acrid belching or ernetations heart- much larger quautiliea a.nd rnuNh mare ---- Only in the month of April do the .timing drive may need chain adjust- if titre are any, clean and adjust the burn, or n burning sensation at the frequently with perfect safety. horns of the bull of winter begin to + pit oP the stnmech or atharr symptoms Be s•urs td obtain bisuraled mag- Ynhabitants of the Province of Zakutsk as the Yakuts say. The sun ment, another make may have a tire breaker points, tighten all wires after wirof th indicate stomach ncldlty, they nesSa and not some other form oP break, pump drive that is noisy, a third some the terminals have been cleaned. I take aome advertised digestive pills or magnesia, as other torula are used as Dwell in :lir Chilled to Eighty I rises higher and higher every day. Its 1 other part as this which needs atten-! As to the starting and lighting sys- buy a box of tablets from the nearest laxatives and es mouth waste% but Degrees Belot Zero. rays in the clear air begin to melt the ,tion. Such specific information can; tem Iritic can be said that the average druggist. Such remedies may give. they have not the same Power foo g snow on the roofs of houses, while in tennlwrary relief, but if you go on fill- neutralizing siamach aridity, which earth's coldest region is the Si- the shades the temperature still not be given because of lack of space.' owner is asked to4lo. An inspection in your stomach with a lot of drugs is possessed by bisurated magnesia, The Now start with one of the engine of the yyiring and oiling up is all that ;then gat to the point after a while wliiclt is inexpensive and can efrsily berian Presence of Zakutek, where the' marks 20 degrees Fahrenheit below; systems, either cooling, oiling, igni- I would recommend he do unless he is when no Poad of any kind will stay be obtained also any tellable drug mercury often records Sit degrees be- zero. rase, starting and lighting or cat ore- familiar 1 _- I Here the -oil is eternally frozentransition between low zero! In April terrible stornns prat at .. b f '1' with such apparatus. on your stomach, and you will have au store. It to t t b t winter and EVERGREEN SNOW FENCES. for hundreds- of feet do:t•nward, and .summer is so sudden that one can CONSERVE irUEL: �\1•:lit ORDER fi.lidi$ SHOE iilEN. i the inhabitants dwell in a frigid blight hardly speak of spring and fall. The of chilled air, so Bold ae to ward off :now melts with incredible rapidity, Rural Communities Should Make storms. . and the water, Honing into the valleys, I Plans For Next Winter. This vaet Siberian &sheet, unknown lakes and rivers, lifts the thick ice that, All the anthracite coal used n east - even by name to the average man, is has been riven into fragments by the ern ltheCanada, and much of the bi eazt- as big ae the whole of'Russia in Ea- intense cold. slowly Iern coal, is from mines situated u the. ropy. Situated betweenudgi.1 longitudes lies Inthes which drive it,a a against the United States. Munitions plants ! the height of the tops of women s , on the fine appearance of the beautiful and 1l2 and latitudes ii4 and , d it ties the .termg alone have increased the demand upon boots to seven inches allowed the spruce hedges which line the right -of - northnorth of Mongol:a and well chore only crush ft little by little, In United States coal supplies by 100 manufacturers and retailers to dis- way between Campbellton and Bath - north of the Trans-Siberian Railway the ricers, an the other hand, the tea i million tons a year. Due to labor and pose of their stocks during a limited inst. To the traveller the appeal is zone of semi -civilization. Walled off is broken up and borne toward the s the output d The boot trade which has purely to the esthetic sense and the by the Yabionov Mountain from tha by the powerful spring floods. old be transportation increased to only a ,00 tput ;been . Thelt, eases p dense growth p warm winds blowing from g British Dealers Unable to Sell High Much Admired by Passengers on Our OXYGEN FOR EXPLOSIVES. Curious Experiments Which Demon - Boots. i Government Railway, Orate Value for War Purposes. been, the famous detective aceompan- Alittle "squeeze” for the public has Passengers travelling over the Can- The U.S. War Department has been !led them, wherever they went, And, Exiled just lately, says a London tor- adian Government Railways are fre- making some curious and very navel there is a story that he diecavc•red and respondent. 'The boot order limiting: quently heard commenting favorably experiments with liquid oxygen for circumvented at the last moment an explosives. 'anarchist plot. to kill the kaiser during c • e ba j hie progress through London. If you malts a san.age-snap d g . Naturally such clientele were not of cotton cloth, fill it with charcoal, slaty to show their appreciation. The and then dip it into liquid oxygen, Shah of Persia astonished him by cm - you have a formidable bomb—all that , rally presenting him with one of the is needed to sot it offabeing a Beton- :largest turquoises in existence. Mem- ator of mercury fulminate, bership of the Victorian Order was GUARD OF KINGS DIES IN LONDON :VOTED BRITISH DETECTIVE OF EXCEPTIONAL TALENT. William Melville Long Wes a Terror to the Underground World of Great Metropolis. One of the most famous of British detectives, and a man who probably knew more about the international political underground world of London than any other man of his time, died recently, in the person of William Mel- _ ville, says a cnrresliondent, An Irishman from Berry, he joined the force as an ordinary police con- stable, and in his progrees to the chief superintendentship of the "special" or political branch of the Criminal In- vestigation Department at New Scot- land Yard he had to deal with dyna- mite and fnmrchiet plottere through , very troubled times. A 'type of _ the straight, up-to-date detective, ofiploying modern methods, he was never efraid to adopt any new idea that would help him in the sue - useful carrying out of his work. He 'always recognized the power and use- fulness of the press in criminal in- vestigations, and he was never „given • away" by dny journalist. One of his invariable duties was that of acting as cicerone to travelling royalties. When the ex -Czar of Rus- sia visited Britain, a few weeks befnre his marriage, under the able guidance of Melville, he was -made acquainted with every phase of the criminal lift: of the worst areas of London, both (East incl West. Night after night, be company with his expert guide, the ex. Czar threaded his way in tool out of • the unsavory haunts of the criminal fraternity, particulhrly the political Icriminals of the anarchi:et type, and never once did be suffer any bodily harm. Nips Plot to hill Kaiser. Whenever Queen Victoria and Ed- ward VII. visited the Co/nine:it, de- spite what. their mission mai have transportation shortage, o ou pu �perio � + co ° charging sive rices for and well -kepi appear- o the rent ante of these hedges rest the eye and deserts of Central Asia and exposed LEMONS WHITEN AND tons. Conservation and the use of class of goods, failed to under - to the Arctic storms from the north' BEAUTIFY THE SKIN substitutes must make up the balance.I stand the order, or expected that wo- this territory surrounds the Asiatic ; Present indications are that the `men would rush for their stocks, and pole of cold, with far lower tempera Make this beauty lotion cheaply for coal shortage will be more serious in consequence either raised their tures than the region about the North' your face, neck, arms and hands. next winter than this. !prices or maintained them at the high _ Pair itself, j The extensive use of wood Enol, par- ,figure prevailing. o rh the broad, trackless belt of At the cost of a small jar of ordinary titularly in rural communities, is be -1 Contrary to expectations the women mean more than a decoration, as they Th u> hf cold cream one can prepare a full ing urged, both in the United States I failed to rise to the bait, and a few are utilitarian as well. Here is the the sutheretic forest sweeps throng 1 quarter pint of the most wonderful and Canada, to help relieve the pre-! days before the time limit expired the beautiful combined with the useful in its southern latitudes and mountain and I lemon skiff softener and complexion sent situation and to avert possible majority of the stores advertised con- the highest sense. chains rising to peaks of the a I beautifier, by squeezing the ]nice of disaster next winter, siderable reductions in high topped Primarily these hedges were de - 1 feet are to be found !n the north ., twit) fresh lemons into a battle con• Wood for next winter's u•e should boots, Apparently the dealers thought signed to protect the railways' tracks east, the great bulk of the oblast of I tanning three ounces of orchard white. be cut now, to allow time for season- I the Government would allow an ex- from the drifting snow in winter time; Yakutsk is dreary tundra, impassable Care should be taken to strain the ing. 'tension of time after the fixed date, that they have grown beautiful is due swamp during the,brief summer thaw imee through a flne cloth so no lemon Farmers and rural communities i bttt the order has not been amended to the great care with which they were and a featureless sea of driven :.new pulp gets in, then this lotion wilt keep planted, and tended by the sectionmen for nine months of the year. o fresh fur mouths. Every woman generally can 'render a distinct pat- Ian a will not be. The stocks in yhan ,and to the mellowing influence of the riotic service by reverting to the use mu, not be sold and practical) all Influence of Ever -Frozen Soil knows that lemon juice is used rt) of wood fuel, thus, at the same time, i the existing stocks will be placed in . passing years. Now the railway has The eternally frozen soil begins in: bleach and remove such blemishes as helping to relieve the shortage of coal 'storage. natural snow fences, serviceable, effi- the southern parts of the province, ,freckles, sallowness and tan and is and of freight cars. Substitute team': Already there is a demand for smart ' tient, beautiful, a combination well Around the City of Yalartsk, its chief the ideal skin softener, whitener and ,haul or water transportation for rail low shoes, and the hosiery trade is planned and patiently perfected. town and administrative centre, ex- i beautifier. haul, .as far as practicable. j booming, the fashionable stocking be- To James Patterson, of Campbell - town show the ground is frozen j dust try it, Get three ounces of It may become necessary to restrict ! ing a ribbed all wool one of the type to a depth of many hundred Peet. At orchard white at any drug store and suitable for wear with brogues and dmakeeven more closely than has yet been t captivate the sight m spite of the en- Set off in this way, the charcoal!conferred on him in 1004, and only a chantment of the many natural beau- (which is the thing that burns) tom- month before he died he was created u ties of mountain, bay and forest, with bines with the oxygen (which supporta member of the Order of the British which the region is so generously the burning) and the sausage is in- Empire, while France, Denmark, adorned; but to the railway man they as. tries bestowed decorations on him. Petroleum or any other carbons- I M 1 ll • d • axhnent m tli c scantly transformed into a mass of I Portugal, Italy, Spain and other coun- g ceous material will serve the purpose evi c.', department inti instead of charcoal. But for use in !days dwelt almost exclusively with the field the oxycarbon high explosive rite Irish American political offenders, has yet to prove its usefulness, in- , and subsequently with the anarchists. asmuch as the liquid oxygen must be Itis great proficiency as a linguist, an manufactured on the spot, and, to attainment he had acquired abroad make it, powerful machinery is re- l while "keeping an eye" on the ports, was of the utmost. service to him in quiBreda acct paradox, enormous heat I London when he was called upon to Y q p watch the doings of a horde, of. for - must be employed to obtain the ex - a criminals who arrived tearer he- kreme cold, hundreds of degrees below , ing driven ant of their own countries, zero, necessary to reduce oxygen to' In the course of these duties; lie suf.- ' ]iquul. In that form it is of a beau-' fermi a number of narrow escapes tiful pals blue color, from death or injury at the hands or ton, retired roadmaster, is due in no The chemists have not yet been able small measure the credit as the orig- to recluse oxygen to a solid, but they the deslierate criminals he ryas suc- the height of summer only a yard of ,two lemons from the grocer an stun rr` wear. inator of this improvement. In a re- have frozen atmospherie air to a c ear' cesaful in arresting. Probably ono of r ole a quarter pint of this sweetly fre- done, the allotment and distribution of i Leather eeperts are predicting a cent interview, Mr. Patterson gave to his narrowest shaves" was when he unfrozen soil veneers the admixture cast in eserines where wood fuel is ; glass at• 340 degrees below the z ro captured Menunier, tubo had billed of earth and ice, affording foothold for grant lemon lotion and massage it the writer the following interesting of Fahrenheit. That is to say, the 1 e eional daily into the face, neck, arms and available. Prudence demands provi famine in. boot leathers after the close inf tion t (which is four-fifths of the the gray tundra moss and uses 1 t this contingency, I of the war. They point out that the patches of bilberry, dwarf willow and ; ran A large t this cine of mooed fuel is f 1837 t d 110 000 000 of people the snowfall several people at the Cafe Very in Sian against norma moi gen w uc hands. It is marvelous to smoothen g Central I mimes represent between The winter o. was most se- air) is a solid at that temperature, Paris with a bomb. Melville recognir.- lass rough, red heads. 130 040,000 an were, owiall was vary heavy, the liquid oxygen being hold in it nee- i ed ]dint at Victoria Station and, though g' j the hest safeguard against extortion- and the high winds almost continuous. I unarmed, he al once seized the armed who are pract}tally barefooted and g chanically n na This ever -frozen soil exerts. a great i ate prices, influence on the configuration of the i kites For Air Targets. who, when peace is declared, yvill rush My teen and I spout many days and ]sites and rivers. It prevents the ab- ; Accurate marksmanship with anti- Municipal wood yards will, in many into the market. nights endeavoring to keep the tracks sorbtion of the warier by the earth, I aircraft guns is very difficult. To de- rases• help solve the problem. The They predict a rise in leather to clear of snow, so that the trains might There are no springe and no subtee- velop it requires special practice, for large operations thus involved will gold dust prices, and point out that not be delayed or the cuts blocked u waters. It accounts, too, for ! which, it goes without saying, ground' justify the use of power says, soaof we must conserve the raw material of with the heavy drifts. We dad the best rat can y a ower splitters, and perhaps al the greater number of lakes and targets are unsuitable. p p hauling, the labor the empire, especially in hide products, we could with the snow -lighting aP g ori a the motor trucks lot h u g to su n lv anything like our own re- patatns we had, but our best efforts The absolute zero of outer space ct'mi 1. (where there is no heat at all) is sup-' Shunned Gentlemen Defeats es. posed to be 528 2-5 degrees below theI Fahrenheit zero. It would freeze a Melville had the greatest contempt man solid in leve than a second, for such fantastic creations as Sher- lock *Holmes, and so•called dotociivo If the sun were extinguished bY. authors. "Put a man like that down marshes in northern Siberia. For the ! One phichvan airplane flying.' shortage will in some cases make it quirements in boots and shoes, were but feeble ones, and after some same reason the rivers are very prone height at p desirable to transport the wood to the of the heaviest storms out wooden oxygen, nitrogen and water vapor to rise and overflow their banks after I This is of utmost importance, because 'n log lengths there Since the beginning of. the war. 13ri- would, it is estimated, cover rite whale . a day or two of heavy rain, 1 shrapnel or other shells must be timed muncipal yards1 b fain has supplied to the army and the snow fences were completely buried, earth with it White manila thirty-six The multitudinous streams and to explode as close as possible to tihe to be cut tip and split by the use of I armies of our allies upward of 45,- and the cuts snowed up full," i some cosmic catastrophe, the solidified pools freeze up at the end of August, and before the end of September the region is clad in its mantle of snow. Down, down sinks the mereury daya by day Early in October it is hover- , ing just above zero, Fahrenheit, and during the next few weeks It sinks to 22 under. December, January and of the thfty stoclt. Protect 1e February produce degrees of cold of which, with piano wires for string, ri which dweller, in a more fortunate wound on a big reel, can be sent up young growth. Retain the forest clime can form little conception, half a mile or more. They will stay cover on all lands not suitable, or not A warm P'ebrtiary- day may give as up, too, until fairly riddled with holes ' needed for cultivation. , ee. seee e aircraft aimed at. mac maty : p00 000 pans of boots, Experienced gunners are able to The femme's' wood -lots should be- guess pretty closely by noting the ap- come a large factor in the wood fuel parent size of the airplane. The great- situation. It is, however, of the utmost; Factory Building Warped er the elevation at which it is flying, importance that the wood -lot be not Fnotory 8ufldlna with Railroad Remove For in g, one with navero. acres of around and with boiler and engine inataneu preferred, rilvo dlmanetone, oondttit n oY buildiago, and an inventoryy of rho machinery or equipment *limit aces with the building. State approxtmatn prices. Thle roof mean a new utduatrY for your town. Butlder'a and Contractor's Plapt also wanted. Addeo/go lk a., P.O. Rot SG, Toronto the smaller it looks, of course. ' destroyed by cutting clean, For practical purposes our anti -air- dead, diseased, defective and over-' craft gunners are using huge kites, mature trees, leaving a sufficient stand tl cot 'lei Every Little helps. Every available maple tree should be tapped this spring and every sap bucket ,pael and pan pressed into service, whether it is the most up -to- i slate equipment or the old time sugar making outfit that has not been used for years. Every little helps. Every pound of maple sugar i$ wanted, feet thick. (nulls in the hencoop. i A curious custom of the Newfound- land fishermen is that of keeping sea- gulls of a large species as domestic fowls. They capture the young while they are nestlings, and rear them on fish, confining them in pens. Their ' eggs are eaten, and, for lack of a tur- key or goose for Christmas, the fisher- man is satisfied with a selection from his enop of fattened gulls. r• to a fob,,' he w'as wont to remark- "turd you will find him as useles • as a ch'ld. Those high brow theortes wou't work, at least, not in practice." Gentlemen detectives shared alike in this con- tempt. And he was fond of recount- ing the occasion when Scut eel Yard, as an experiment, decided to appoint educated men direct into the detective force without bating fleet to serve their time as police constable". "There are four of them," he remnrls d, Two wero afterwited sentenced for accept- ing bribes; another was dig -cussed as inefficient, and the fourth dieappear- ed." When Melville retired teem the "Yard" his services to the leSate did not cease—for tome time he was en- gaged on the Tutele mail serV'cc lines, experiencing many exciting adven- tures with Getman seers:: service agents and being instrumcn'al iu the execution of not a 'few. Novel nice for Paper. Paper towels have already come into rather common use Some of them are strong and of a texture. suitable for vigorous rubbing. The stuff they are made of is a sort of blotting paper-- i.e., aper -i.e., an unerzed paper that ie very ab- sorbent of moietme On the other hand, a kind of water- proof paper (known to the trade as "parchment paper.") is finding exten- eive use to the home for such purposes as dishregs, shelf -covers and even as a eubstitute for rubber sheeting in the sickroom. -_ —ifln+l —� P — 16.1111S THE SPORTINE EPITORg 6Ay yo0 151E RUM',YOU'VE GOT MY GOLF Scop 97 IN Voutz PIRTI 01 -ti SH f AND 1T SHOULD lee '79 ^ Do �(W 6�-r Me. 79 - ....1 _ = �glll -:-: •1 p nen -�=_r_________::::,2" �tt --1 11'- n tin n CI. 1 1 ..w.J .. l a �� •j �� f 3ta - Ili 111 l ril 1f t' rt n ` - w i.i ., _ \ � ! sc. �f�I �iCyt-1. ,, Y • r r fl W•.6 ... .-....M . ri+ t \ a! • r' lE ,.... -1• i-� 4,� - ..,- --r. - . �' . a +,tak Or ,• `c ..r.-, i_ -~---�-� ii �f. •I►y� r• to a fob,,' he w'as wont to remark- "turd you will find him as useles • as a ch'ld. Those high brow theortes wou't work, at least, not in practice." Gentlemen detectives shared alike in this con- tempt. And he was fond of recount- ing the occasion when Scut eel Yard, as an experiment, decided to appoint educated men direct into the detective force without bating fleet to serve their time as police constable". "There are four of them," he remnrls d, Two wero afterwited sentenced for accept- ing bribes; another was dig -cussed as inefficient, and the fourth dieappear- ed." When Melville retired teem the "Yard" his services to the leSate did not cease—for tome time he was en- gaged on the Tutele mail serV'cc lines, experiencing many exciting adven- tures with Getman seers:: service agents and being instrumcn'al iu the execution of not a 'few. Novel nice for Paper. Paper towels have already come into rather common use Some of them are strong and of a texture. suitable for vigorous rubbing. The stuff they are made of is a sort of blotting paper-- i.e., aper -i.e., an unerzed paper that ie very ab- sorbent of moietme On the other hand, a kind of water- proof paper (known to the trade as "parchment paper.") is finding exten- eive use to the home for such purposes as dishregs, shelf -covers and even as a eubstitute for rubber sheeting in the sickroom.