The Brussels Post, 1918-3-28, Page 1.•1 4 , 5() Per Annum in Advance Lik:USSE I.S. ONTARIO. 771 DA Y. .1IAkCII is W. H. KERR, Proprietor New AcNs:tett:temente aced oats sins. Per•ile. Seed oats • Ftt on ol hivo <nl .; tio•olt+-W ..1. irscao, Wnll Payer le. It nulla Organ for sale -Tiin Marc Nava wheat -S. sl otters, sc,,a whit deli]. 01;0;111 (%111111.011. Property for saltt•-•Tlitni Minds. Seed barley -Andrew Lamont. 'J'n Onntrantors--Slorris C•ountiii. Moll rot. sale-Oorclon McDonald. Shattered prices -Po ~well Bros Piainio Me Dariint Tele Marks on. Notion to th'ellittag -( !MIMI 1ilnit,1 oil Nf n, ,1i trot ,itcti)5 Moncrieff Jen), NIeNetlotir tissue -Monition lost, a epi mild eitizen in the passing, Nionday, March 18th, or Jilt, Nle - Naught, in his 08th year, following a short. illness rrotti Mem isy. Ile was born neat. Fergus ioul when about 5 years of age, moved with his grand- parents to Logan township, where he lived until about, 0 years ago, when be moved I.o Monkton, lie was held hi the highest esteem hy the people 4,f this community, being the MO Presi- dent of the (lotireihnat ion Park lizard Anti 11.1.. 1110 Hine or his th.ittli was Superintendent or IC,,,,2 stoma), S Moot, President or Pnblie y li,ated and a menden. or Alonittot, Ex- emption 'Mutat. lie was also tt menden. of Monk Ian lodge A. 10. & A. 111. I/event:Hi wits mauled about 42 years ago to Nliss Mien Spry, Platts- ville, who with a family of 4 boys and 5 gluts are left to mourn the loss of kind anti loving husband and father. 'Ishey are Itityinotid crud I.,awrence, Redville, Mask, ; \Vim, 4.11 the home- stead ; Norman, Itirkfleld ; Mrs. J. Melville, LO(.1:11.11 ; Mrs. John McLean, Monkton ; Mee, John Murray, Belle - Spring Wheat Seed For Ontario. THE wot id demand for wheat in 1018 justifies the grey est pos- sible effort towards teeteaseil ptoduction. The small acreages of Fall wheat put in last Vali will mean Mete/used acreage in Ontario available for Sitting Wheat. The Ontario Go v- erntnent is co-operating with the farm- ers in order to provide seed, It has purchased 50,000 bushels of No. 1 Mar- tinis Seeing Wheat Seed through the Seed Bennett of the Federal Benet t - numb of Agriculture, More will be purchased if necessary to fill needs. I) IST13,1 B UTION Seed is sold only in 2 -bushel bags. Carloads will be planed at certain points in the Province where less than carload orders cam be filled, Where Farmers' Clubs or other organisations bring in carload lots, tIn• pt ice at limit. local stations will be the same as at distributing points. WI [ERE 'PO I3ITY Purchases may be inade either in the warehouse at the distributing points, or alders may be placed with the nearest Dist 1.ict Representative of the Novi twist Deportment of Agricul- ture or they nifty be emit: direct by mail to the Markets Branch, Depat•t- meta or Agriculture, Parlituneqt Buildings, Toronto. PAY.MENT IN CASH Price is $2 74 pet' bushel at all local stations. In all cases, without ex- ception, cash must accompany or- der. Send I mufti:mac by marked (Mecum, postal note, postofflee Or eX•• press looney order, made payable to Chattel° Department, of Agtieulture, Alarkets Bettnell. EARTX In the event of the requirements of the Province being underestimated, there may not be enough seed to go around. It is advisable in melee to in- sure having their orders fllled, that pit raluteers should place orders as soon as possible, All orders are subject to (iota elation and will be filled in the (MIN' revolved. As seed le delivered in 2 bushel bags, melee should be for even numbers of bushels, and no order for less than 2 bushels can he aceepted. NAMES OE DISTRII3I7'r0R.S are as follows :- Chatham The Canada Flom. Mills Company, Limited Louden Hunt Bros., Limited IVootistnek Jamt4S 01111011 1Gunilt0u Wood hi Ming 00'y Toronto West Campbell Flour Mills Oshawa Hogg & Lytle Poet Perry 11(1gg & Lytle Port Hope Scullion pe Peteeboeo' Campbell Mein, Niills Lindsay Small & Killen B vele Brown & Oo in pan y °Lillie le 0, Thompson Newmarket W. IL Eves Listowel Hay Bros, Orangeville E. 0, Clark Durham Rob 'Roy Cereal MillsOo. Sintette Not folk Co. Operative Association Welland Maple Lear Milling Co. Emnpville Keen pville Milling Co, St. Marys St, Marys NI illing Co, Brantford Dominion Flout. Mills Alliston L. Coffee & 0o. SI:Duffel 11 e SH vee Bros. Woodinidge W. D. Matthewd & 0o. Bolton A. A, Mclean Guelph Jibs, Goldie & Oo. Ltd. St.(latliarines Maple Leaf Eliding Co. ONTN1110 ot,' A nitumurtntlit, Markets 13taneh, Partin ment Bids., Toronto. fe, B. Srcovrions, Agricultural Representative, Clinton, Ont, ,•111.• • Mira. ‘111111t.“ 4ilq•1111,101, '4...1. !. "cc, Geoers1 ,.1,4.41 T.,,,,, , • Ida, 1,,„1;„ Colo o I VP 1, 'pm,. Unrid NteNotight, ,ind y. 11 ; .141111.8 11.11 J•t%11,11. (*,t1Vii 1V ; How V, L to; (Him.) .1 • met mei MeNengle, • Cell ; Miss S osill N meld, Pneetsil took place ,11,..,,,t111. I i1.`11 arts %MO I 1,111.W11 (•/$1,11“11.11( ;11;,1 4.‘ t'd." 1)“,(•...1 1,.1. Ihm 1(1.1PelV(11. Molesworth Wes. e'eo has purchased Me. Me - C:0111111'8 ferns. has puvehased Mrs, • Adam Hi row, Assessor, 1111Ule his 1.h Pails itrintlIll het e. Miss Mewling is visiting at the homy of het. emisiti, Ratter'. Alensies Clillettel and Mre. Johneton, Feed - %etch, were visiting the lateetee moth- er, Mrs. Mann. The Convert given by the "Carry On (flub" of Molesworth, Meech Ifitle exeeptionelly well n Heeded, the anemia realized being $50. harry and Mee. Smith and family and eliee Gov't() eltnith visited at, the home of theie brother, Frank Smith, who new Byes on 2m1 of ARM°. Albs( 13 Thompson, teacher for S. 8, No. 4, \ Val lace, who formerly hoarded at the home of Ed. Doane, will hoard now at J. lioltnese oil :to - ()mint ef Aft, 1)ottitc• tuoving Ln eloles. worth. Bluevale Mrs. Jae, Aiteltestm visited relatives OA, Guelph last week. hire, Ohm. Mitten and children have been vietting at Marie Smith's. Alex. McGee is on the sick list at present. We hope he will soon be o.k. Stanley lildi hits gone to Guelph to work in Milittuy Convalescent Hos- pital. Eldon 111(Einney had the misfortune to nut the end oft one of his lingers while pulping turnips. Mrs. Coultes has returned home af- ter epencli lig the Winter with her sons at Philadelphia, Pa. East Aitchison was home for a few Jaye last week benne going to Hamil- ton to don the khaki. Mite( Nellie 13urgess rattle ned to Tor- nnto Monday after epending a couple of weeke with her mother. Miss elary Diamond arrived home on Monday. She had been visiting relattivee at Collingwood anti Toronto. Cadet Jas. 51avEtven is home for a few holidays, He has been in hospital and expects to settle': to Toronto shortly. Next Sunday morning Rev. D. D. Thottismt Will preach a special Easter sermon and in the evening will preach in interests of Women's Missionat y Society. Wort' was received by hire. joint W. Iiilig that her 'mullet, had taken a sti eke at the home of her (laughter its Woolsey, Bask:, and is notsexpected to live. Miss Mary received rt telegram that her brother, John, had died sud- denly from heat t, failure. He was em- ployed as O. P. R. agent at Lyleton, Matt. He leaves at wire and young daughter. Alisses Mary and Susie weld. to Einem to ittleild the funeral on Tnesdity. Before going West Me. Collie was CI, T. R. agent here. GranbroOk '1`tur. PosT to the end of 1918 for $1.00 in Club will meet here Thurs- day of mkt week. Deputy peeve McNabb was at Clin- ton last. Tusday attending the special County Council meeting. David Perrie and John Dickson have gone to Saskatchewan where they expect to spend the Simonet,. - Exo sat ENT, -Alex, veld Mrs. Leitch announce the engagement or Limit. daughter, Miss Annie NI., to Win. J, Ziegler, wedding to take place in the near ful ore, Smoot, REF90..r. Sr. Room, Re- lent for the mouths or January and February. Hai...mined in Writ., Spell. Hist„ Grant., Comp., Geng., Average row It is given. Sr, W.- 6141011 Dad: 90, Peed Alderson 83, Pelmet, Spehan 70, Viola Aliteli,41 77, Calvin Oittnerott 77, Lizzie riBerrelts 77, Keight. 76, Lydia Steiss 74, Alex, Sperling 74, Htti.o'd Pennington 40. Jr. IV, -Ralph Noble 83, Nlarie Baker 70, Fred. 8111%11(1(m 74„lis -Myrtle Looking 911, Ef ihlred Sp•it ling 85, Jeanette NI eNabb 84, Bessie Letteb 82, lely Berfel Os 81, Annie McItt Walt 73, Carrie Ditek 614, Hail Pennington 47, Mina Baker 43, .3v. Room for months of January mid February. Examined in Writs, Aritle, Ottimi es' ell 1,, Geng„ Read ,LIG. 111TG-H. Fitietee SI. -141. Solttlidnu, 79, T. Pen- nington 76, Rh Stnalidon 72, Cameron 71, A. Bird 46 Jr. IL -E. Govsalliz SO, L. .h•soltite 79, IL Knight 78, It, NI eNabb 78, C. 13vown 71, J. Car of Kiln Dried FEED CORN TO HAND Will You Sow Spring Wheat ? I will rorwat•d your order for Seed to the Government and the same will be distributed by Cue aftet watel. Now is the Lime to hustle, ALF. BAEKER, BRUSSELS essaeserses*.e=rersossAes...==,•• ••• ALLIE MARKS AS "PEGGIE" In "Peggie Me Daphne" which play will be. presented by the Tom Marks Company, in the Town Hall, Brussels, Saturday night, March 30th, with new Vaudeville. Prices : 60 and 35 cents ; children under 12 years, 25c. Seats on sale at Fox's Drug Store, Noble 70, 1. Leitch 66, P. Berfelte 45, W. Locking 36. I-0, Knight 89, M. Brown 78. Primer. Marked for claily wcalt.-Jaalt Cameron, Jean Cameron, H. McNabb, J. Noble, J. Pennington, G. Knight. J. Locking, G, Hunter. R. ItioNAra, F. 1101:16TON, Teachers. • Grey Wood bees are common, Council meeting April 151.11. What about your entry for the Standing Field Chem Competition ? ex -Deputy Reeve J no. Brown and wife have gone on a visit to Hamilton, Galt, Ayr and other points. Wm, H. Jacklin left last week for his home at Shackleton, Sask., after epending a few weeks here. A number of farmers in Grey will sow Spring wheat this season to aid in the increaeed production program, Robert Jacklin left last Tuesday for the West with a car load of horses from Wroxeter. We wish him a safe journey. Garison E. and Mrs. Jacklin left last Tuesday for their home iu the West. Many good xvisites follow them to there new home, Abbey, Sask. Some of King George's highways were oat of business for a titne last week owing to the freshet; on the Maitland river. Reeve Livingston NVAS at Chilton on '1`tteetlay attending a special meet- ing of Huron Co. Connell to (teal with the question of increased production. We are sorry to state that, Mrs. Donald MeNeil continees quite poorly. If the good wishes of many old friends would aid her recovery she should soon be heftily. Township Council will deal with the question of Maitland elver improve- ment drainage scheme, Engineer Roger's Felton has been received and the par Lies interested are being noti- fied. Richard Cardiff and family are baelt to their old farm on the 0th con. and Milton Parr and family settled on their new plantation recently purchased from J. P. McKay, 8th eon, Both are good cantles. Reeently Oliver Turnbull and son, 15th Coe , bl owlets of Short Horns, sold three young bolls. One went to Win. As insisting, I3elgrave '• another to 0, Sanders, Ethel • and a third was bought by Jim, 'R. Oliver, 16th Con, of Geese 100 acres or Mee, Eliza Dickson's 1.201 Con., has been leased. by Baelter Bros., Brussels, as pasturage. Jas. Dickson has rented the 75 acres across the load. Mrs, and bliss Chris - tints Dickson, continue to occupy the house, The 100 acre farm, upon which the late Benson ancl Airs. Wheeler lived, 3tel Cot' e has been sold to George Warwick, 2rol line of Morris, for the (tutu of $5,500. He gets immediate poesession. It is a good farm and the new moprietor sh(mIcl do well on it. Several train this township attended the funeral of John McNaught: Monkton last Feiday. Pneumonia was the came of death. Mr. Mc- Naught was a fine man, always ready to and any good cause and was most highly respected, lie was a former reeident of this locality. Harry Speiran and family are mov- ing from the 10th Com, to the Will. Whitfield raven that he recently ones chased on the 12th. His 6011, Will, will have hie work cut out on the homestead of 280 acres, We wish father and son success with thole fertile :scree. Last week Jito. Mitchell, of this township, bought the fine farm of Buttrey, 11th Con„ paying $0000, Mr. and Mrs, 13uttrey are old and well known tesidents and will likely locate nearby, perhaps in Monk - tom Alts Mitchell will mere° to 1110 place at onee so all to got rettelY for Spring work. 1111 avk .4,34 e „fi. • A AlitH8 Meel Mg, lillaRl' the RAISNiG”. (.; [7. will he held in the TOWN' HAM, Bitt•SSEI,s, Friday Evening, iViarch 29.th When a choke( program will Le In este, te.i, ine et ! -(11)01104s by Public •-Put iot ie Sole. - Reading"; and Iteeitation --Short Addieeees, bee, Prot:even at 8, so be on time, Ertl ybetly Dill be weleeme, An ()fleeing will be Ittl«ei to defray 1•Xj11.11S1,(4( The CAIIVASS in Connection With the lid Trinket POW] Will he ninth" 'MAI ell 271II :Ind 28 h. The 12th Con, has semi many changes in ite pereonnel eluting peel year and exon tame will not he min or the early settlers left, 0. and Mrs. Michel end Jute and Mrs, Dietglierty are 11,11101114 OW Old Whooping cough has been limber - ng the Westerly end or the frith and Cone, The children have von the gauntlet and among the adults who have taken their then it; JtIttli.S NICFMIZ;NIII and Andrew Turnbull. The latter is 82 years of age. area Iva, eldest (laugh t ee Of O. and Mrd. littrl is, is takiug up the work or millinery at Stewart Bros., Seaforth, and Miss Reta Harris, the youngest daughter, ie taking a (toupee at the Business College, Wingbant. We wish both young ladies every fitleePSA MINN Irene, daughter of J. deny and Ales. Hoover, lllh eon., who has been attending Perils Institute, at I3ig Rapids, Mich., has been offered the position of teacher in Stenography in one of the Business Colleges in Chivas go, duties to commence Jane 1st, She is a clever young lady and we wish her success. Semen. lismowr.-Hollowing is the report of S. S. No. 0, Grey for Jan. and Feb. Sr. 1V.-Leoneed Sinelaie 88, Lyla Ames 81, Cecil Hall 78, Thos. Jacklin 75, Stuart: Smillie 71, Sr. -Sylvester Rayitard 03, Mae Jacklin 75. Jr. III. -Evelyn Hoy 01, John Raynatd 82, Grnelon Lowe 01. Sr. If. Wilfrid Keifer 84, Clara Jacklin 78. ,Tr. !I. -Richert) Elliott 88. Se. jliM Tomblin 92, Carl Amee 00, Cecil Raynard 88, Ross LOWe 88, Charlie Hudson 68. Sr. Ptimer.- Evelyn Stevenson, Orwell Elliott, Viola Jack - lin, Oharlie Keffer. L. SPARLINO., Teacher, Morns Schools close Thursday for Easter. $1.00 In advance gets '1'ms POST to Jan. 1st, 1010. Now's your chance. Mrs. JohnMooney is visiting at the home of Lorenzo and Nes, Frain, Grey township. They Are relatives. The Jiver overflowed some of the Concession lines last week and inter- fered with public travel for a while, Bliss Ida Searle has returned to her home after spending the past two months with J. and Mrs. Martin, Seaforth, Connell will meet Monday, April 8th. Tentlets will be received for the (must motion of the Bono Drain. See advt, in this issue. We are sorry to hear that Mrs, jno. Mustatel, 2nd line, has not been enjoy- ing very good health but we wish her speedy convalescenbe. Reeve Fraser went to Clinton on Tuesday to attend a special meeting of the Co. Council, when addresses were given by public men regarding the question of inereaeed production, An Auction Sale of Eaten stock, im- plements, &c., will be held et Mrs. Thos. Gostnan's, Lot 1, Con, 7, next Tuesday afternoon, Baur will also be offered. James Taylor will be the Auctionetsr. Last Saturday, Ales. C. G. Etithm•y, sister to Mrs. 3 no. Mooney, who spent the past, Whiter with Mrs. Mooney left for Hamilton where she will visit at the home of her son. Mies Embers, is 83 years of age but is as stunt t as the proverbial et leket, Evevyone inteeested in Bible study ie (medially invited to at tend the Sue - clay School at the jeckenn appoint- ment, 81,11 Con., every Sunday at, 2 o'clock. Tv:olives are needed, Come and help along this good week, Mrs, Ray Fear is teaeltee or adult mote Class and Frank Heli Superintendent, Last week Chas. and Mrs. Wetted, daughter and son took post.eesion of their new home on the farm of the late Jen, Mooney, 51:11 line, We wel- come them to the eounnunity and hope they will enjoy life in their DPW surroundinge. They moved frinn Witightun where they had been resid- ing since they disposed of their resin in Morris township. W. R. Mooney and his mother ex- pect to visit with relatives in Ohio and other points before going to Toronto. The 5th line lute not been without a Mooney for many a year:Intl it will be passing strange to note the absence of the bleb representatives in this com- munity. We wish Mrs. Mooney and son good luck wherever they may lo- cate, regretting that they are not go- ing to settle down in Brussels. SCHOOL RDPOST.-Following is the School Report for S. S. No, 8, iflot•I Sr, IV.-Cliatlie Bosnian, 'Events Garniss, Wilmer Iterney. Jr. 1V. - Marjory Grasby, Ethel hlathees, III. -Alfred Johnston, Fred, Brewer, May Warwick. Jr, IIL-Janet 11.1c- Veteie, Walter Sellers, Fraser Mils - teed, Adella Tuvvey, Lillian Genies, Charlie Warn/ink, Bertha Vinla Mistimes. Sr, 11-1(ennetit McVettie, Jim Tovvey, Jr. if ---Gor- don Hamilton, Lloyd Turvey, Lily Gaieties, Pearl Mathere. L -Hirzel Margaret McVettie. Gaieties, Harry Gerniss. (b) Pmiruer- Howard Woodrow, Mat•gaset MIIStavd, Melville Mahon'. (n) Primer-Olifs ford WoOdrow, Bert Mathees, Mb MORGAN, Teaeher. \L IPI ie odlittllil have !!11 rill b.., in Rit-.1 I illx .iti sometime Meld Veep Competil lee thio sees. Steel. son, name to Se Bleek, Sieetetto y, Illus. eel., et nn ell I ly date. set mnit t Ian t Jae. Al.. net es, 511, I, tie, pass, d away' curly Wednesday met ning. lemberal Likes pleees Feeley ;4101111101i at 2 :to ,,',I.,ek tg. 1.1 2 (Sett:etc. Itili;11[Plii in 13titssels cemetery. Pullet melee 11Pia IH911 e. A Flees WosIAN Diseeirrs.-After 1411014, MORNS of 5 (hip; 11.11 Dill and highly esteemed reeident of this town- ship, in the nelson of 111.9. J01111 MC. Veil iP, WAR called to her reward on Sat Insley last, aged 74 years, 4 months and 10 days. Site leol an attstels of pleurisy in January but was apparent- ly getting along well when the fatal pneumonia laid her low, paesing away et the Mime of her Non. Decetersl's maiden II:1111P Wit,: Nancy 1P1 after and ljer birthplace was D1111(11!0. Quebec province, When 16 years of age she cense 'Westward with the family and 56 years ago wns married to her Imo bueband, who pvetleceaeed bee by 5 yeere. Mr. and Ales, hleVett[e lived on the 1st line mitt] 20 years ago when they bought Se Lot 21, Con. 2, and moved there aml which ie now leveed by their son, Afilton. Itt addition to the latter, 2 daughters survive, Mrs. Jas. motratt, Turnbevey township and Mrs. Walter Davidson, of Morrie. 3 brothers of Mrs. McVettie, Aloes, of Mortis and John and Thos. live in Quebec. Deceased is an aunt of Reeve Frasetos. She had been a strong, hearty, ambitious woman, hospitable and kindly and more than ordinarily devoted to her bible and the Presby- terian church. Many are the people who have a good word to say of the departed who consistently did her duty to her home, her neighbors and her God. Funeted took place Monday afternoon, Rev. Mr. Tate, her pastor, conducting an appropriate service, Interment was; made in Bluevale cemetery, The bereaved share in the sympathy of the eommunity in their irreparable loss. Pall hearse s were W. Davidson, Jas. Moffatt, Jelin Fell, Anson Shaw, John Mustard and W. H. Fraser. Lead b u ry J. Balfour had a very successful wood bee. Walter Scott has been honorably discharged after spending h months In a hospital at Cloboorg. The Entertainment given by Lead. bury talent at Winthrop was a good one, the Red Cross or the latter place being the richer by $•47.50. In addi- tion to the Play, Rev. 111r. Oraik gave a short: address. Chair was occupied by Rev. Mis Carswell. It was a kind- ly act for Lea bury folk to help out n. good CRIDNI by the visit. Ethel Chas, Cleaver and Wm, Melinda left for the Prairie Province 'Tuesday, During the past week Miss M. Stevenson has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. R. Barr. Some of the Ines lying roadways were submerged on acenent of the freshets in river and creeks, Help a good MIMI, Those wishing to do Red Cruse sewiug may get articles that are cut out all ready to be made by calling on Mrs, R. Dil- worth or at R, Barr's stove. An interesting session of Ethel Methodist S. S. will be held next Sun- day. There will be music furnished by an evenestta and a special collec- tion till be letkett for Educational Fund. All are invited. Spis Roy Gill, who enlisted in Mary- land, I7, S. is now training in 'roman. Ile WKS ID tntvn for a few (lays (led left Moeda), for Toronto and will go to St, John's Lyne , next Friday, He is son of Geo. Gill and grandson of Mrs. Isaac Gill. A letter to Tars Pose' front George Dobson, general merchant at Tessier, Sask., formerly of Ethel, says :-Just a line to let you know ViV are getting Titu Pose? regelarly and look Mtwara to its weekly visit, Have had a vet y stormy Winter, Last Saturday afternoon Thos. and Mrs. Vodden entertained a neatlyr of ladies and clinch en to a Toffee Pull on the Woods farm. They &nye in a wagon and arrived home sometime 'before midnight. ItIvevybody elaiMg they had a most, enjoyable time. James Dobson, formerly ()I' this lo- cality. new at Mtge, Men., mil es Pon, in remitting. his subscrip- tion :-We have had it very cold Winter and not much snow. Antos have been running since Meech Lots of wind. Always glittl to get Tetst Poses A Social Evening will be held in the Towitehip Hall, Ethel, Apr. 51:11, un- der the auspices of the Girl's Patriotic, Club. Program will nonsist of nmeie, games, vet:Ratio/is, ete. Home-made candy will be sold, Small iultnissitin fee. Proceeds in aid of Silver Thimble and Trinket, Fund. Everybody wel- eetele, lefelee+++++-1-1•+++++++++++++++ 4" 1.2• c„„ + Save ; Pound onYouriVleat IThe present prices at our $ Meat Market are cash(or $ 3o days' credit if arrang- + ed.) Customers allowing * their itCCOlilltS to run long- .$ • er will be charged 2 cents * 4: a pound over cash prices. * 4. • This system took effect * * January Toth, 1918, • Baeker Bros. e -se++++++++++++++++++++++++ BUTCHERS At. close of Methodist church service last Sunday evening an interesting League meeting wise held. It was in (Marge of Adult Bible OIREIS. Presi- dent of the Claes, G. W. Pollard, led the meeting. The teacher, Mrs. Win. Hall, took the topic eThrift and the war." A lengthy dieetission followed in which quite a number took. part. Walton Walton Beef ring, with a full quota of members, will start the season's work 1st Friday of April and patrons will get their meat Friday evening. J. R. Bell will attend to the killing and dividing the meat. He is right at home at the job as he kills for Lead - bury, 8th line Morris, as well as Wal- ton. Heaves are expected to dress as near 450 lbs. as possible and the ex- change will be calculated at 10c a lb. PRETTY WEDDING.- Wednesday of last week, at 1 p, in, wedding bells rang tactilely at the home of Jas. and Arts. Harris, of Walton, when their daughter, Miss Della Agnes, linked heart, and hand with Wm. A. Murcia, Preston. Ceremony was performed by Rev. R. A. Lundy. As Mrs. H. Deem, emit of the bride, played the Wedding March, the principals took their places. Flower girls were Beth Barrie, sister of the bride and Lillian Small, Preston, the groom's niece, who did their part prettily. Bride wove a becoming costume of Ivory Duchess satin, with veil and carried it beautiful baguet of bridal roses, car- nations and maiden hair fern. Dur- ing the signing of the register, Miss Iva Harris sang a flee solo in good voice. Groom's gift to the bride was a gold wrist watch t to the pianist, pearl ear rings ; gold bracelets to the flower girls ; and a gold brooelt set with pearls to the soloist. The wed- ding presents were choice, numerous and useful, including cheques, piano from bride's father, silver tomato server from the B. L T. Club, of Walton and e dozen silver knives and forks horn Duff's church choir, of whieh the bride was a valued member. After homey congratulations supper was served in the dining room which was decorated in pink and white, in the best style of the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Meech left for their home in Preston Friday morning, the bride travelling in a navy blue serge suit and sand colored hat, followed by the good wishes of a wide circle of rela- tives and friends. Guests were pres- ent from Mitchell, Stratford, Sea - forth, Preston, Witighatn and *Al es - sets. Maitland Presbytery Presbytery of Maitland met in St. Andrews Preebyteriatt church, Luck - now, on Feb. 28th, Reports showed that all congregations giving a salary below the newly appointed minimum of $1,200, bad come op to that figure, except two and a grant of $200 will be asked for these congregations from the Aelginentation Fund. Rev. J. L. MeOulloch and W, Cattlet`011 were appointed to serve on the Synoti's Committee on bills and overtures. Mr. McCulloch wits also nominated to serve on the Assembly's Committee on bills and overtures, Dr. A. S. Client was nominated for Moderator or the General Assembly end Rev. J. S. Hardie was nominated for Moderator of the Synod of Hamil- ton and London at, ire coming meeting in London in April, Am overture will be sent to the eSs- steady, asking that the salaries of or- dained missionaries be made equal to the salaeles of ministers in augmented charges and also att overture asking that the election of Moderators of Ass. sembly alternate between city and town or rural chavges. The following members were at)e pointed to represent the Presbytery at the coming meeting of the General Assembly, Heyde. A. J. Mann, W. A. Headley. J. L. McCulloch and R. A. Lundy and representatives of the ses- sion of Arnow, Molesworth, Dungan- non and Belgrave, e The Report on Sabbath Seheole and Young People's work showed a slight: decline in both departments of the work. The budget report showed au advato•e in the giving*. to the schemee ”f the elturrli of $2,042. Knox (Mtn eh Kineardine, wets given preenimeien to Nell the preeent manse• and to erect a IIRW A special meeting of the Preebytery wast held at Ripley, on Mareli 12111, to deal eeith a call from St. Andrew's (Morel' Brampton, 1(1 114.W. rill O1ml McArthur, Of Killeal'd 7'he latter has aecepted the ettll. Rev, D. B. Me - Rite wets natned tie Moderato' of Seri - shin during the vacancy. W. C. T. U. Trinket Day Otte boys are thitsty, They need thiretemenchere that will not Ilea them. The Ontario W. C, T. II, /4 en- ili•avoring, to raise Et MIMI Pt $25,()00 fDr flee tett, etwaft, coffee and lemon- ade, To aid in raising the necessary funds the W. C. T. 17., Brueeels, are holding a Silver Thimble and Trinket Day on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. The citizens Are asked to look through their possessions for broken, uselese, unwanted bits of gold oi• silver. Any of the following articles will be thankfully received and the proceeds of their sale used for the above purpoem- Ohl gold or silver thimbles, brecelete, lumbehes, rings, chain oe Belts of (ditties, silver match boxes, semi pins, etude, gold or eilvev tope of canes; or umbrellas, watch chains, broken spoons or forks and toilet artielee in sterling silver or triple plate also silver tehleware. All these articles will he melted down and the proceeds used to flood the forward trenches with the harm- less drinks our boys so need. Articlee that would bring mole money if sold than ae "scrap" will be sold, I People We Talk About t$ ft. Iesae Tuck keep*: very poorly. Mrs. George Barkley, Toronto, was renewing old friendships in Mussels. Miss Margaret Stewart will go to Ed- monton and other places in the great West. We wish her an eujoyable time. Tint POST, in common with many, is sorry to hear of Mrs (Rev ) Smith's impaired health but hopes she will soon be fully restored. Bert Mowat, of the Bank of Nova Scotia, has been sent to Milton and Miss Vine Bowman has been promoted to the vacancy as Ledger keeper. Chas. Oakley was at London last week and was placed in Class E by the military authorities. He sew the boys from this locality who are in training, J. J. Gilpin is able to get about town now on his crutches. He will shortly be supplied with an artificial foot to take the place of the one amputated months ago. Will. Long, of the Bank of Nova Scotia. Torouto, who has been ill with scarlet fever, was able to leave the hos- pital and has arrived home for a holiday James Bowman is visiting her visMsdaughter,itr.Mrs. Russel Wheeler, South- ampton and will go to Ottawa fora visit telhtieMr. Bowman is attending Parties nerit, Bert. Armstrong, Travelling Secretary of the A 0 U. W., was in town this week. He is an old Brussels boy who has done well. His eldest SOU is in the trenches in France. Miss Lillian Davidson is at Atwood atteudiug the Garbutt -Charter wedding where she does duty as bridesmaid, Nothing like getting acquainted as to how these ceremonies are carried out, Mrs, John Manning arrived home last week trotn au extended visit of 6 months. She enjoyed her stay with relatives and old friends at Kitchener, Burford, Toronto and Paltnerstom Her health has been fine, Our oid friend, Richard Roe, John street, who makes his home with his daughter, Mrs. E. Crich, jogged past his 86th birthday a short time ago. He has been a hearty man and well known in this locality having spent nearly 6o years in Grey township. Mr, Roe has many interesting reminiscences to relate of the pioneer days. Thursday afternoon of last week Miss Belle, daughter of Robert and Mrs. Dark, Queen street, left on a visit to the West. She had her aunt, Mrs. D. J. Shiue, who WEIS returning DOMES, as her travelling companion. Miss Dark will be missed from town and particularly from the Methodist church where she was a valued member of the choir and often aided in other departments. A goodly number of young folk weut to the depot to say goodbye, ADDITIONAL LOCALS GIVE THE POST the names of your visitors. WEDDING invitationsprinted itt neat form at Tug POST Publishing House. Do you think you will be requiriug some ? A NUM= of the neighboring Rural Telephoue Companies have raised their :unmet rate owing to the largely increas- ed expenditure for supplies, help, 8sc, Tug PosT is always pleased to receive news items from the public. If yott have a visitor or if you are going away On A visit let us know about it, We do not know everything that goes tett and the co-operation of the readers of the paper is R enitieble aid in getting the news, Isom° farmers of Ontario received calendars from the Ontario Department of Agriculture. upon every page are score or more of timely suggestions or reminders that Will keep the farmer from forgetting some things that are often overlooked. Every meeting of interest is noted and a separate fell - length sheet gives the farmer data of the most valuable nature in regard to live stock breeding, seed preparation and other important phasee of farm work.