HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-3-21, Page 5:n•.vwG'Mai *t+'+ ': Jv icr�.+A•'
w ,..-.... ,,.-...,;,v..-.,, .�^-.•,.-.,. ,•rn..Lci.-t,b•.,S.�:•.-lsPor:nl':tMt�r6",•= *,o=ntAATitA,K.ear^
7yy y/,+Yy,,t 111 L?LIMTEq HOUSEWIFE
Ines In 11141 Pont 011ie 0, Ethel, aU•d
• nun, will fell for hotter prices, to
better men, in less tone and leas abargee
than any other Anctiuneer In Nast Huron or
0 won't *barge anything . O a
u g Oates andrlers
man always lie arranged at this onto, Or
or by
nul appmcatton,
�V• Barrister, houetror. Conveyancer,
Notary Public, ke. eine a -S tewari's Mook
1 door North o1 (Central Hotel.
Relialtor for the Metropolitan Rank.
Business Cards
Suanossor n> \I. H. Hoorn Oillce al Anti.r.
sou erns. Livery viable, eras+el• Tomptiune
N.,. _9,
T. T. M' RAE
M. B., M, O. P„ & S, O.
M. O. li., Village of lienssels.
Phpsteiti a, Surgeon, -A enuchonr
Olaco et residence, opposite Melville -Church,
Wil)hun trcet.
Bachelor of Mvdlcene., University of TOPord.n ;
Ine.ult+:rte mP college of Physicians and Mr-
geons, unocrtn ; es -Semler House Surgeon of
We,,torn i l„spitnl, Toronto. Onleae of lute Dr.
A. hl.•lie•vi v, Smith (nock, Rrnssels,
poral phone 45,
Personal ,rradante Departmout of Ophthal-
mology, Metlormle)c Medical College, Chicago,
DI., Iv prepared to test eyes and tit glosses nt
her aline over piss Dmnnn's millinery sten a
Ofges days--Wednentlay, Tharsdny, Priday
and satarday or every. week, °thee hours --10
to 12 a, 411.: 1 to 8 p. m. Evenings by appoint -
ant, Phone 121D.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Ciolleer. Day snit night enns, (Men oppm.of.
Pinny Mill, Ethel.
Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co.
Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderato.
Write ar Telepbono it not convenient to e•nll.
Huth Hrusaela and North Duren Phones.
Teacher of
Organist and Chole Master, Melville Church,
Brussels Pupils prepnred for Toronto Coi-
leee of•3iasio Examinations, .Phone ltlx
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Oaten on the square, 211.1 door from Enmlltmt
Private Moja to loan at lowest raters.
W. Pitouopoom, Ci. ('. J. L. If 1 t.t.oRAN
H. J, D. Comte
Pit,VetN'imVelaVecx./V. et,W AYtt'vi'/S.\ rriti,s/,�
til Spring Term from April 2nd
Commercial life offers the grunt, op.
� pertunittes BE.0011t lady grad;Otte,' of
ii 1.1114 SOMI ore earn tug IN high 1.v SI DUO 1,9
put annum. The lastappWmtion we re-
crivod from an office man with fettle
4 nxpmdenro effort d Initial Fulnry of 216DU •`4%
rr��l�gqqi per 0111111111, himdents may enter our p
ohesat sen 11113' Limo. drntlttates pinaml
111 n,•i l ions Commerelal, shorthand
,. elle l'ulegi,raphy doda 'linen tN. Cunt onr
t free Ontnlugne,
C W i• ll A. Ml
Pesalmlt Principal
Fine, modern steom-
eco - equipped with
every oomtort and
luxury. For infer -
modem apply agents,
"95. Kt : StlITbrantii
mer E25.T. .giftq
Afoot Allan Dine, Brussels.
�� *4 rap s
in (lenndn town partici pal lead in Lbu prn-
pnrnLion of our splendid Pomo Study
toueav intnndg,
Naoe fes 11.1 1,1.1'
(lonrnhll how
Gard Writing,
, Photography, Journal.
inn, iheStsots Wriee, Ohneta
and Iteekkent1hat. stt l the work
Winch most harvest vyon mrd Write ns
for enrstentnrs. Address
801.7 Ventre St., Toronto
Now She is Strong and Well
Berkeley, Cal, -"I was nervous,
irritable, no appetite, could not sleep,
and was always tired, so my house-
work was a great effort, After many
other medicines had failed Vinol
built me up and made me strong. I
have a good appetite and sleep well.
Every nervous, weals, ailing woman
should try it." -Mrs, N. Edmunds,
aro? Dwight Way, Berkeley, Cal.
We ask every nervous, weak, run-
down, ailing woman in this town to
try this cod liver and iron tonic on
qur guetantee to return their money
of it fails to help them.
b'. R. HSl1'L'II, Druggiet, 131.11seels.
Also at the beet Druggists in all On-
tario to W tie,
0.6,1X0 .regt!''.IJi 'ii.t war
Express BIN u m [Express 11:82 p m
To Toronto To Gotlerleh
E¢press lin n m' Express 12:13 pm
E:tprFas 2.60 p m- Express 9:09 p m
Going Emit - 7:11 n, ns. and 11:61 p. nt.
Going Welk - 12:111 and 9:65p, in.
All trains going Hest eminent with O, P. R. at
Orangeville nor Owon ,Sound, Mora and T
G. B. stations
GEO. ALLAN', Loma) Agent.
noxa tans terns
Papers Going Up
The London Advertiser and the
Free Press each advance :1.00 on the
first of April. It is reported that the
Toronto Dailies are also going to
raise, owing to the advance in paper.
The Municipality Wins
Judge Dixon has given judgement in
favor of the plaintiff in the case of the:
Village of Teesw'ater vs. 'french. The
suit was to recover $105.25 plus in-
terest, judgenlnt was for $95,75.
Gone into Business
Mr. A': F. Johns, for a couple of
year's a resident of Toronto, but for•
merly a popular tacker in Huron, has
given up the latter profession and
gone into business in the city, he be-
ing one of the principals In the Ford
Cantly Co., a concern that mantle
factures and retails its own candy.
Already a profitable business has been
Enrolment, Begins March 17.
Actual enrolment of the "Soldiers of
the Soil" will begin on March 17th, the
following week being devoted to en•
rolhnent throughout Canada. In towns
of less than 10,000 population, High
school teachers and bank managers Will
act as enrollment officers, while in larg-
er centres high school teachrs, Y. A'1.
C, A., secretaries and officers of the
Buy Scouts and other boy organize•
Bons, will enroll the recruits, Mr.
Taylor Statten is appointed Superin-
tendent of the "S. O. S," Arrange
stents have been Horde by the Depart-
ment of Education in the several Pro-
vinces, so that boys who enlist for
this work will not lose their school.
standing. Every boy who gives three
months of satisfactory service on the
farm will be given a bronze national
honor badge, In addition he will be
paid regular wages, based upon the a-
mount of work which he Is capable
Of doing.
Wiry Not Here ?
The late shoppers who leave their
buying until the last thing on
Saturday nights and then complain
that the goods were not delivered
until some time in the early hours of
Sunday morning may in all probability
receive a jolt that will set them
wondering. There surely is a time
coming when the delivery man will
have his innings. The signs point
that 'way, Up in Owen Sound for
example The Sun tells us that "the
efforts of the delivery men and
merchants to eliminate the delivery of
goods on Saturday night has met with
success that the innovation deserves.
Every grocer and butcher in Owen
Sound's business district have signet)
an agreement not to deliver goods that
were not on order -at 5:30 o'clock on
that day. The new order came into
effect on Saturday, Feb. 16tH."
The change, it is expected, will be
so greet that the only surprising thing
will be that. it was not adopted many
years ago.
Striking Hard-
13atons' eataingues were distribut-
ed throughout this township last
week, The Eaton company are mak-
ing a big run in this community, and
to judge by the number of huge box-
es and parcels arriving here, they
have many customers, We ask the
nubile. to read the ads, in this paper,
and give the merchants who are loyal
to tits community, a share of their
patronage. There _ns no necessity to
send to Toronto for your dray goods or
groceries, when merchants are re-
maining true to the community.
While it is true every citizen is at
1 n
Picot to spend his mane where ho
Y 1 s Y
pleases, yet the merchants who
stands up for the community and Sup-
ports the community, deserves your
patronage, Eaton appears to know
where to strike, and the only way the
local merchants, can holditis hnsineSS
is through the advertising of the local
1 cheer Upl thrid ate Slew: 01 41ltuia,
the %telt tat;dosits.art :uniting.
"A prophet is without honor," etc.
In Canada the rule seems to be,
"honor the profits,,
It is a puzzler to the Toronto people
to -day to find mil which is the more
popular man George Bailey, of the A.
Al, C., or William Jennings Bryan.
'I'!ta railways, it is reported,nlud will
give no special excursion rates this
year. Movement of freights will
have first place in the attention of
the railwaymen,
Canada's national debt stood at $1,-
010,780,00 on February 28, an in-
crease during February of $13,251,-
263. The total gross debt of the Dom-
intun on February 28 was 31,996,393-
359 'total assets were $985,612,889
The three R's at present largely en-
gaging intention in Canada are the
C. P. R., the G. '1', R., and the C. N. R.
Will Have To Get a License
Grocers wilt be compelled to pay a
license alter May isl.
Called To Egmondville
Rev. S. MacLean, of St ,Mary's has
received a call to Egmontiville Pres-
byterian Church,
Hydro Reduction?
A press report states that [Ion
Adam Beck, when speaking to a de-
putation in regards to rates, said
that a general reduction of rates was
under contemplation.
Mail Was Lost
For the information of those who
have not received expected mail
from overseas it may be said that
the London Times announees, on
the authority of the Postmaster -
General, that among the mail matter
lost on the sinking of the Andante
was the letter mail for 'Canada "con-
taining correspondence posted approx-
imately between January 23 and 25".
No doubt included in it would be let-
ters posted al the front in France a
few days earlier than that.
Black Knot
The spring is opening upon us
in its own peculiar way. It will soon
be time fur you to harvest your crop
of Black Knot, not so abundant and
so easily seen. You might get con-
siderable fuel front your . plum and
cheery trees. Of course you might
save it by leaving icon the trees for
next winter. It is doubtful economy.
You may be laboring under the false
impression that you can secure a good
crop of plums and a good crop of
black knot from the same tree. This
has been repeatedly tried in Brussels
and proved a lamentable failure. Get•
busyl harvest your black knot now!
Car o
ray, Shirts
Royal Household dour
( 5V I 1 1'14':1
cOrac ke Hi'S
Itinerancy Upheld
The result of the referendum of the
Methodist Church on the proposal
pastorales has been that the people,
by an overwhelming number, have
declared for itinerancy to continue.
The, majority vote, of the 15,611 ot-
ficial members of the 726 circuits, is
in favor of continued itinerancy by
The Coupon Feature
A charge was laid against the Wood-
stock Sentinel -Review for "the draw-
ing of the coupons" feature in connec-
tion with the Dollar Day schema in
that town. The charge is laid as a
violation of the criminal code. It was
sent up by, the Magistrate to be tried
by a higher Court.
Daylight Saving
Daylight saving on a provincial
scale in order to slake it workable
for everybody will be introduced to-
day in the Ontario Legislature by
Major Hartt, recently returned from
France and England, where the sys-
tem in sunnier months is a complete
success, The success of the scheme
would be considerably enhanced If
it were continental wide, and the
United States government has al-
ready started to initiate the plan.
Gas Eneine Fumes Cause
Death Of Four Pigs
An unfortunate affair that might
have been attended with tnore ser-
ious results happened on the farm
of Mr. John Hamilton of near Crom-
arty. Mr, Hamilton started the gaso-
line engine running allowing the ex-
haust to escape in the barn. After
some time he was overtaken with a
sick and dizzy spell and started for
the house. He also noticed that some
of the cattle were down. Neighbors
were immediately telephoned for and
when they arrived at the farm ...Mr.
Hamilton was in an unconscious con-
dition as were also soline of the cattle.
Brussels Horticultural Society
Premium List for 1913
°HOWE 1 -One Apple Tree of any of the following varieties :-Spy,
Palouse, Baldwin, Golden Pippin, Mefutosh, Ontario,
Wealthy, Astrachan.
Oe one Pear Tree - Bartlett, Iteiffer, Flemish Beauty,
Duchess D' Anjou.
CH0101i/ 2 -One Plum, or Oue Cherry, or One Peach of Use follow' rig :-
Plums -Bradshaw, Lombard, Monarch, Heine Omuta,
Yellow Egg.
Cherry-LaelyRichmond, Blackileavt, Large Montuloten-
oy, Black Tartarlau.
Peaches -Fitzgerald, Siberia, Yellow St, John, Early
Orawford, Late Crawford.
CHOICE 3 -One Rose selected from the following list :-
Hybrid Perpetuals-Ulrich Brunner, Mme. Gabriel Luizet,
Hugh Dickson, George Arenas, Alfred Colon)h, Baron
tle Honstettin, General Jackquemittob, Frau Karl Drusch-
ki, Paul Neyrou, Mrs. John Laing.
Olimbing-Baltimore Belle, Dorothy Perkins, Lxeelsa,
Tausendschon, White Dorothy, American Beauty.
CHOICE 4 -One Rose selected from the following list :-
Hybrid Tett-Mme. Ravel y, G. U. R'umde, Betty, J. 13,
Clark, Caroline Testoul, Sunburst, Gross an Teplitz, Gen-
eral 151e.Atthur, Eaiserine Augusta Victoria, Geo, Dick-
son, Aline. Jules Grol.ez, La France, Lady llilfingnnu,
Mamma) Orochet, Mme. Leon Dain, i.yon, Raymnd'Or,
Mrs. G. Shawyer.
CHOICE' 6-HydlangeaPanicalata orAristnlochia.
CHOICE 6-1)utollntan's Pipe (At istolochia )
01301013 7-Ampelepsis Veitchei (Boston Ivy.)
CHOICE S -One Peony.
CHOWS 0 -Six Unnamed Dahlias, lA-Spirea Van Boatel (White Flowering Shrub )
OHOIOH 11-Weigelia Rosea or Weigelia ()mantle.
OH0ICH 12 -Deaf z i a Orenata or Deulzia Pride of Micheal ee.
CI1010E 18-Uynod!aa Japonica (Japan Quince )
01101010 14 -Forsythia•
0110101+3 16-L atieera, Tartarica (Japanese Bosh I IoneYsneklr )
011.0101e 1.0-Pitiladelphns Crouarius (Syringia.)
014010E 17-S,ynyahoticoupes Racemosus (Snmvherny) or
Synyshorioarpoe Valgat•is (Snow berry.)
0110i0E 1S -Ten Gladioli,
CHOICE' 10 -One Norway Spruce,
01101013 20 -Canadian I orticultueist.
Further information may be obtained from the Secretary.
13, S, SUOTT, Brussels,
eixf Ns
Address .a postcard to us now and
receive by return mail a copy of our
new illustrated 80 -page catalogue of
Garden, Flower and Field Sends,
Root Seeds, Grains, Bulbs, Small
Fruits, Garden Tools, )rte.
SPECIAL --We well also send ,gam
free a package (value 15c) of ourcluies
Butterfiy Flower
This is one of the airiest and daunt• �b
fest flowers imaginable, especially
adapted to bordering bells of taller Cis'
flowers awl those of a heavier growth, �u
Tha seeds germinate quickly ami
come into bloom in a few weekii
from sowing. The florescence is
such as to completely obscure the
folk*, making the plant a veritable
pyramid of the most delicate and
charming bloom. The Butterfly
Plower mak lair
o admirable at plants for ii t t
no house in late '
D water and t
P a
spring,For this purpose sow in the autumn.
Send fee Catalogue and learn of other valuable premiums t.
1yAlIfTJTA1J QRRIIC LIMITED, I.OND,ON. anal& Mt/Trait Permed c..271tTan (3.5
The :wool. t ,.rc h ud + tom' th
Piro irna the frsi e..1 ur hrtt ihrr and
Trinicet Fund
dl ds reI
the lova n til hal tin: l it•
lllllt �nce•unnhed hr th, inn le .
Judgement For Corporation
In the action of Aid ennan r:, Ihr
(own of Seatnrlh, in v9lich the plait:01f.
sought lout ar.e<. on areeo nt ea all
train :t'
11 t 1Llten 1 to has 1 � ni f ui •r
I l ,
ltletson Iter, }•'yen Ind nt trf ler tics
delendetl. the hitt carol earl
costs if the -delemlanf Irkstor them,
but Ills llonor suggests to his nide
menl that this is a case in which then
corporation Wright very well lore•
Class 'B" Badges
Some nl' the heroes ed Mon, 'echo
•try hack to Canada are not e•rann•red
that the service lade^s i;sucd i.,
them in limtrlaud to show that they
have served in I ranee arc the e:u,te
as those ismied t., r'.:utadisol ln•ope
who have Int!! el made tlu tip
l ala:utd anti terve. i,•en 101,a1trtl to
Canada. 'Thr telr,till S NOl,• e t1..
ask for an immediate change in
badges, the present "cart wheels"
being only representative of Class C:
service in Canada.
'there is one thing of which Canada
should out lee' proud. Its tire lo,s
Per capital is the largest in the world.
Morley will buy no fond for a hun-
gry heart.
Eight thousand men died of typhus.
in the South African war -more than
were killed .by the enemy. 'There is.
no typhus in the British army today.
Sir William Hearst introduced a hill
in the Legislature to compel municipal-
ities to impose a minimum tax of $d
on little Milt $.1 on female canines.
Municipalities may increase this tax,
which- is alined at the protection of
the sheep industry.
It is planned to draft 100,000
monthly in the United States.
A stag party would be much more
enjoyable if a few dears were invited.
The miners of Nova Soda have
promised to increase their output
by 'tt least 12,1)00 tuns of coal }ser
The Newspaper Bureau, which
succeeds the olcl Newsprint Manu-
facturers' Association, in Its report
for November, 1917, shows the. out-
put of the United States mills to be
at the lowest point for the year,
while Canadian production was
satisfactorily, maintained. The pro-
duction ofCanadian mills for the
t1 months in 1917 totalled more
than for the entire year 1016.
O a r t 4 oys are Thirsty
They Bleed Thirst -Quenchers
That Will Not Hurt Them
The Onttoln 1V. C '1'. 17. is endeavoring to raise a fond Of $25,000 for free
Uel [ a, (44fer• and Lemonade.
The 'latioual 1'. AI. U. A., whom the Ontario W, O. T. U. is aiding, will
need $50,000 to eever their free. tlriuknhiPe,
The 5V. 0,'I' [', has nleendy sent to I•'rtimee, plainly for this purpose,
about $0,000-bn1 the need grows thorn• insistent.
In addition to the free dr'ultahles, the Ontario 1V. O. T, IT. has become
respot,viblet.o the 1'. A1. 0. A. for the cost of pltoting n weekly leaflet of cheer
nut spiritual help, which in tieing scut through the nails to all the soldiers in
alt. forward tr•enehes, who ex.ine,s it desire to receive iL. Tilt. ItpJa•eciltiiou Of
1111. 111.11 fat- Phis hit ul' nennfurt r,ua-be pinged by the feet that, in one division
:,141111., a,leel W 111111 UWP Ill Ufatll :Ifl1.'1 the issue howl 1:0101 S,dcHets asked that
i hen miners in. tottered Oil file "Pity HoOk Lealle•I" fecal the leaflet being so
mooed front the fact. tbrit they are alesignell to lit into the sol$ier's pay book.
To aid in raising the necessary foods the W. O, T. U, of this town will
stoutly hold a
Salver Thimble and Trinket Day
When they will :ask every e•il izen to look through their possessions for Woken,
useless, no wanted bits of gold and silver trinket,' ; discarded ,jewelry or eter-
ling table silver.
Any of the following articles will he thankfully rreel%ed and the proceeds
of their sale used for the above purposes.
Old gold or silver thimbles.
Chains or links of chains.
Scarf Pins.
Gold or Silver tops of Canes or
Rings and Earings.
Silver Match Boxes.
Old Gold or Silver Watches.
Odd Cuff Links. Studs.
Watch Charms.
Broken Spoons, Forks or Toilet Articles in Sterling Silver.
Coins in Gold or Silver, which have been monogrammed or
All these articles will be melted down and the proceeds need to flood the
forwnui trenches with the hat unless drinks our boys so need.
At Bele; that would bring inure money it' sold, than UN "scrap," will he
sold. Oullertms will call on the public in the hear natio.
Fan further particulars apply to
And now the Guelph Mercury de-
mands that we have a couple of slush -
less days,
Ascus McDonald, a lad of seventeen
employed by Wm. Young, of Colborne
township, was before Pitlice Magis-
trate Kelly, of Goderich, and pleaded
guilty to stealing sty. He came to
town and b aught a sweater coat and .
some other articles and when picked
up by the police still had 514 lett. 1
As he pr tensed never to repeat the
offence r r as his employer gave hint
a hood character he was released net
suspended sentence.
A sad death took place in Tucker -
smith last week, when Mr. Reid, of
Detroit, passed :sway at the twine of
his sister, Airs, A. Broadfwot. He was
• sitting in a chair, when he passed a-
way without any yearning. He came
to visit his 'nigher, Mrs. Reid, who
was it1. His wife came front Detroit,
the body was taken there for burial.
Necessary sura
ORE and more the Ford car is looked
upon by progressive farmers as neces-
sary farm equipment, the same as the
plow, the hay -rake, the drill, the mower, the
harrow and other labor and time -saving
A ,farmer with a Ford car can dispense with
one or two of his horses and make the trips to
town, railway station, creamery, or to the neigh-
bours in one-third the time. In fact there is no
farm machine made that will save the busy
farmer and his busy wife so Much valuable time
as a Ford. And it's so easy to take care of -far
easier than a horse. No bed to make, or hay and
oats to get, no harnessing and unharnessing, and
no stables to clean. The Ford practically takes
care of itself.
Ask any farmer who owns a Ford if he would
ever again try to get along without it. His
answer will hasten your decision to own one.
Touring - $595 Sedan - - - $970
Runabout - $575 Chassis - - $535
Coupe - - $770 (ane -ton Truck $1750
Dealer 13russels