HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-3-21, Page 4russtf erst
H I C3
Lieut Howard Chuff Moved to
Another Hospital
Wednesday's Stratford Herald re•
ports of a well-known young man,
A further °Meld message has been
received by Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Cluff
regarding thier sun. Lieut, Howe
Clint who was .reported wounded a Lew'
days ago. The message states that ha
was admitted to the tst British Red
Uross Hospital, 1 etreporp, on March
Nil with multiple gunshot wounds.
Lieut. Cluff improved
A cablegram was Ieceived Saturday
by Rev. and hers, W. T. Chili, from
their son, Lieut. Howard Cluff, in
Prance, stating, "Feelir•g Fine. Have
written." it was thought on Wednes-
day that Lieut. Chia was dangerouel;
wounded, but the cable dispel s
Rev. LeGear and Household nocsrly
Asphyxiated -Flue Clogged with
lieu, .1. T. LeGe e.r, paetor of the
First. Methodist dint ell, Mansfield, O.,
stud formerly of Ethel, and entire
household, p obably owe their lives to
the fart that Arthur Fraser failed to
respond %then his alarm clock which
had been set for 4.30 hatutday morn-
ing; sang All the members of the
hon.,•h '.i neve nearly asphyxiated
troy., tto. fluor; but are all recovering.
The 1t, note wits caused by debris
1.11,ggi op the flue.
:Urs. LeGear, Miss Helen LeGear,
Mts, Eunice Jacobs, the housekeeper:,
and Arthur Fraser were all ill Mon-
day, the three ladies fainting. They
suspected ptomaine poisoning and at-
tributed it to the meat they ate Sun-
day tor the reason that Rev. Mr. Le -
Gear was the only one w ho had not
eaten of the tneat and he was the only
nue who was not ill. All got better
except Mrs. LeGear and Mrs. Lewis,
of Bast Second street was called in
to nurse her.
Friday evening the fumes of gets
were detected in the house and a call
sent to the gas company. Two men
came and adjusted the dampers but
failed to final the real cause of the
trouble, the clogged fine. Saturday
morning when Mr. Fraser, who is em-
ployed at the Aultman & Taylor com-
pany failed to get up when the alarm
sounded, Rev. Mr. LeGear went to his
roots to arouse him, but was unable to
do so. He noticed that the young
man had neglected to raise 111s W111•
dotvs when he retired. The windows
were opened at mune and efforts made
to awaken the sleeper. Dr. Ohms. ll,
Brown was called to attend hint but
the victim did not regain conscious-
ness until late in the day, and then
only for short intervals when he ;e-
lapsed into unconsciousness. Tile
nurse had alsn become ill through in -
hailing the fumes and another nurse
was secured, Miss Malone to take care
of Mr. Fraser.
Mrs. LeGear had grown worse and
Saturday she yeas taken to the Inane
of Herbett and Mrs. Stone, who live
next door to the Netllodist parsonage
on West Second street. She was able
to be brought home Monday after-
noon, Rev. LeGear, himself, was also
affected by the fumes, but was able to
be out Snntlay afternoon, but not
able to preach at the mnrning service.
Saturday the cause of the trouble
was located in a clogged Sue which
allowed the burned fumes of the fur-
nace to circulate through the house.
The entire household were afflicted
with headaches and felt dizzy tinting
the entire week, The victims will all
receiver, although it may be some time
before Mrs. LeGear and Mr. Fraser
are able to be out. Thee latter came
here from Ontario, Canada anti has
made his home with the LeGeats.
1),,n,,a.•*a.ww. azs-r,-xvx,rtannNv a+rrar.+s.. n°^;',r+„;w':o,,,•.>,,.+u
'44m)0)"*. +it"+a+•'%>'^',,�»'�'� ,•a.nrrmtwnr.,m'arr!r,r+nw.H' r'cFitnwaixss7+.' .w^. -Mr +-t:xv , , .
erg;,.:,'.; i"":'....•e"',�':�x,tra+mnt°r-w'�*•»mRr�..��'r,n`' '�C�.�.�,"Y�,v�" �r � a, •..ar=•„•,,..a.,.n•smm•nmvte ..
Prevented by "Frult-e-tives11
The Wonderful Fruit Medicine
ft:'3 AlAl:o Nia,. Pai., Ili 11, err 1:.
"la opuliun, no other uv,1n•inc
is so goo.! as 'Fruit -a -live,' for
Indigestion and Constipation.
Per 'ear,, I suffered with these
dreaded. diseases, trying all kinds of
treatments until I was toll I was
t iu Ivy a friend toll -me to try
Trutt -a -lives'. To my surprise, I
folunl this me•lic•ine gave immedltate
reeled, and in :t short time I was all
right again".
Me, a box, 0 fur..{':.',0, trial size 25e,
At all dlealere or from Fruit•e-Lives
Limited!, ottatwu.
»,•.. .,r,., i x llikilb L,(1TION ,:t11,1';tr
se avc44eA�4Ae0. 4•�C•tspAAOo®sriec�vu,��4A,�AP"�'�4�s^ +tlwii. ,t,l'J .lir• t71.11i d�
i Intl 1n 111% being file only son f \ itell ,Ilett hoe Leen iii.1l weed by Ili, rh i Irl , I i,,,1 1. Coo ", (Ivey !echo
♦ a•®a e
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1 l t xi ;,eel l
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• '9did,nal td14'd+. a !t n , lNtl.l•Nh.\is, \,
+ t•
• 'Ito late Gondol) 'tntlersttu, :tied lett timirls1511e•ll It st 11 b} t'nblie Aweless Inn til Iu11f11,s, +irb buut,llw•�11 foite1d.
r 1 (, en %
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II boy 11 -U (len, 1
I 411bt n L . 1 11
•'e "Ile r L L
hal viten 1
s it"tea tar (Jet
_ Y , e . l f" . O
x Bons are the Best Securities to the World
4 •
+• 0
Government N
a.u li 0
Yielding ,5J; to WI per e' , t •
t Par less 5!, a Discount
Victory Loan a �
" d
IVeelyS Limited
Why not maks' your IMont')' t•aru
0s per Lent iltstead „I. 3 per cent'
e Temple: Building - Toronto •
• R. J. R. Shortill, A. H. Macdonald,
= District Rep, Ethel, Ont, o
up vigorously with the respective cite•
and municipal governments and as-
sist in determining the need of the
loeal situation in each case and how
best ts, meet them. A beginning in
this direction has already been made
in Quebec. and it is reported that Ont-
ari,• is uttering wooed in Algonquin
Park tree tie municipalities and is co-
„perating with them in organizing
p roductit,it.
Experience has shown it is quite
feasible to materially relieve the coal
shortage by more extensive use of
wood in the following directions.
t. By farmers and rural communit-
ies generailly, within eaev reach of
wood supplies, making as general use
r'd this fuel as possible to relieve the
demand for coal and freight cars a-
2. The general substitution of wood
for coal in furnaces and stoves during;
ear;v autumn and late spring, as well
as during the mild weather,
3. The heating by wood of church-
es, lodge rooms, hails eta, where
warmth for only a limited period of
time nlav be necessary.
4. The eking out of limited stores
of coal by burning wood m the day
time, reserving; coal for holding the
fire over night.
5. Running furnaces logy to keep
the house in general only warm
enough tt, prevent water pipes from
freezing and supplementing this by
wood in stoves or Crates to keep the
living room and dining room cohtfort-
6. Using wood much more general-
ly than at present as a substitute for
coni in cooking.
7. By making windows and doors
tight and by insulating furnaces,
boilers and piping. Slabs and mill
waste, instead of being burned in in-
cinerators, should be reserved fry
domestic heating.
From Conservation.
The fuel situation in Eastern Can
ada will be fully as bad if net worse
next winter, and it is imperative that
steps be taken at once to provide sub-
• Mutes for coal. With an increas-
ing labor shortage in the United Stat-
es, increased demands upon the rail-
ways, increased requirements for
American coal for domestic and ex-
port purposes and the placing of Can-
drie rill 'war rations" by the United
states Fuel Controller, it will be for-
tunate if Canada secures as large sup-
plies of coal as she has this season.
We must fall back upon forests.
Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick
c(ettain vast quantities of hardwood,
which has little present value except
for fuel purposes, A cord of season-
ed hardwood, such as hard maple,
beech or birch is approximately equal
in heating value to a ton of anthrac-
ite. Under normal conditions coal
has been eheaper, but at present pric-
es tite difference in cost is not very
great. What is needed now is im-
mediate action on the part of munic-
ipal authorities to lay in an emerg-
ency stock of wood fuel, both on ac-
count of the shortage of labor for
cutting and hauling, and the neces-
sity for having the wood cut to dry
:luring the summer.
To supplement tile efforts of city
and municipal governments, co-oper-
ation of the Provincial Government
is, in many cases, essential. Where
timber on Croton lands is sufficiently
accessible, a spade! organization is
needed to facilitate the completion of
arrangements including the organiz-
ation of labor for cutting on a large
scale. The Provincial Forester, or
some one working under hls direc-
tions, shouid take the whole matter
one week last month we were asked to place ten a
• g - rel a+ o0 t0 ti O ler annum B
Stenographers m
orale .9
Sten �, S i
o and two Bookkeepers at x,115 to til So a month. a
• These are the positions our training will fit you to hold. o
A Students admitted any time, For information write 0
(New York Life)
France was thought to be a station
of decadents.
Wrist watches were ceeeldered ef-
The only thing against the Germans
was their rotten manners.
A person who saved money was a
Only one woman in seven hundred
and seventy-five knew how to knit.
A regular army of one hundred and
fifty thousand was held to be too
Nine people out of teat didn't know
where Belgium was.
Small -navy advocates ddetclared that
the United States was cerCtin never to
have another war,
Germany was making us believe
that she was the only nation that
could make chemicals, drugs, and
To be a pacifist was nothing to be
ashamed of.
• a at ca a al • • at • * M
Stratford, Ont.
ty t � ion'•
y A.0,e,,
and Wingham, Ont.
The Mount Forest Business College, Mt. Forest.
Rev, A. H Going, of Lindsay, for 1- I
erly of Exeter, has accepted a cap to
Air Alf. Errington is moving frnm .
the West Wawanosh side of the bound-
ary to the Ashfield side, having pu•-
, lased Mr, James Mallough's Farb.
We understand the purchase price
was ;5,700. The farm contains tiro
aeres and is a fine property, havl.,g
alnaye been kept in good condition b •
Mr, hlallough. The latter will live
with his daughter, Mrs. Errington,
ror thepj
Harvey L, McCann, of Shepperdton,
left for Toronto to begin training,
having enlisted in the R. F, C. Ile
has been for some time in the West,
but tar the past few weeks has been '
talking special work at the Collegiate
Institute at Goderich to fit hint for
his work in the Flying Corps. The
Nile 3lethodist Church, of which he
was a member, presented him with a
wrist watch previous to his departure.
lie is a brother of Mrs.E. Girvin, of
Goderich, and a cousin of Flight
Lieut. R. W. Ryan, who has seen ser-
vice icy France and Italy,
A public meeting to aid in the
greater production movement was
held in the 'Town Hall at Gtuterich, on
Monday evening under the auspices of
the Farmers' Clubs of Goderich and
Colborne townships, and tate Town of
Goderich, S. B. McCready, assist-
ant Secretary of the organizatign of
resources committee of Ontario, ad-
dressed the meeting.
Rev. J. W. Hedley, pastor of the
Nile Methodist circuit, has made appli-
cation to go overseas as Chaplain.
;fir. Medley has had considerable
experience in working among men and
would stake an excellent chaplain,
Ile spent some years in pastoral work
in British Columbia, coming to Nile
about three years ago, Ile is very
popular with his people.
Mrs, J. R McNabb, of Dung:onto 1,
received word that her cousin, Cor-
poral Gordon Anderson, had arrived
safely iu 1:rance, Gordon enlisted
with the 31st Aliehigan National
Guards, mostly from Detroit and vie•
]ratty, and when they were sent to
Waco; Texas, and the division was
split up he went with the Wisconsin
A pretty wedding was coleniniy 1 Mul:h 28111, at 1 li ell shnlp, the
at the Presbyterial Manse Thames iulluuini; vnllrl hl p1 1p:,l} 1 uie
uoall on Thursday, n when lay. Or. l rtstug fl yens,,1 inure t king 3 ), I ,
I'letchor married Miss Margaret {.il- ,upposed w lout, I draft Idly tisinl: :'
li.uu, ,sly daughter ui Mr, and Mrs,
ltaldel Cunard, nt Usborne, to Mr.
,i FortBenton, M
1.113. lhty left for their home in
Tort Benton after the ceremony, the
bride travelling in a navy blue suit
it , mac r
with init 1, .t 1.
4r. fan. (:,,,rtes, of Usborne, had
a successful auction sale of his farm
steel and implements last week when
good prices were realized. The stock
which was In. splendid condition
bronehl fancy prices. Choice grade
cows sold for $inn, $170 and the high-
est price was SiS2. One yearling sold
for Slut, others front $75 0o up, NH
calves realized from $40 to $80. The
horses and also the chattels brought
good {,flees, in ail $5700 being read-
ieed. Ar, Coates reserved eleven Gut
cattle which he intends taking to
Toronto to the ] aster market.
Imported Shorthorn
Bull for Sale
• 'laving disposed of my hent of
Shorthorns I am offering foe sale the
herd bull '•Royal Baron" (71110,1101814.
De is a beautiful roan, rising 3 years
old and a gond individual,
tVrite for pavticulars,
R, R. No. 4 Winnham, Ont.
Auction Sales
b'ARM tT01.'1:, iMPLI.CNIEN•A8, iced
—P. S. Semit, Aum., has teeeived
instruetinns reotn undersigned to sell
by Plaine Anation u1) Lot•l, Oen. 3,
(grey, nn hlnttday, Mauch lit), al 1
o'clock, the following valuable proper-
ty :-1 WAIT i years old, 1 general pur-
pose hol;ve 5 years old, 2 Nosh cotes, 1
gttole row due to calve time of sale, 1
Hereford cow due to calve time of sale,
1 grade cow tine to calve April lst, 1
Holstein cow elite to calve April 20th,
5 yearling steers, 1 yearling heifer, 1
etilf, S pigs 8months old, 1 thorn' -hied
Barred Rock cockerel, SO young Bar -
cel Ruck hens, 1 top boggy uetu•ly
new, 1 opera httggy, 1 voider, 1 string
Swiss hells, 1 wagon with box, I set. of
sleigh*, 1 land roller, 1 set frau har-
et:We; 1 set single harness, 1 gnat robe,
1 duster, 1 rug, 1 barrel, 1/undle chiek
en wire, 1 etWilli separator, 1 Leader
churn, 1 butter hotel, milk pails, 1 in-
cubator, 2 tables, 1 sideboard, 31tit-
chen eliatrs, 1 rocker, 1 lantern, quan-
tity of potatoes, about 800 bus, oats,
sprinkling can, garden rake and of her
tu•ticles, The 100 acre farts will also
he offered for shit:. bole unreserved
ot%htgat the Heath of Ale. Wheeler.
Terms—Sins of $10 and under cash ;
over that amount 8 months credit
given on appr0vecl joint note.. 5 pnv
rent off For cash on credit amounts,
P(11at11e: alld litLt9 t0 be Cash.
Terms for farm witl be made known
the day of sale or on application to the
• ,t . ai ,t .a as tt * as
The Dashwood Bowling 'club held
its Annual Meeting. The following
officers were electedi—President—
E. Tiernan; Vice-president—P. Fes -
sold; Secretary-Treasurer—E, Gabel;
Dr, 'Taylor, Wes. Wolfe and J, Kraft
were the imprinted committee to
arrange for outside games,
A quiet marriage was solemnized at
St, Paul's Church, Blair Street East,
Toronto, on Wednesday, February
20th, 1918, when Ruth Clara, daugh-
ter of Mr. W. D. VanEgmond, Sea -
forth, Ont., was married to William
Eerie Bell, son of Air. and Mrs, Rob-
ert Bell, Goderich, Street, East, Sea- 1
forth. The ceremony was conducted'
by Archdeacon Cody. The bride wore
a smart gown of taupe veivet with
a little French hat of blue and gold,
and fisher furs. The happy couple ,
left on Thursday on an extended trip
to New York and on their return will
reside in Seaforth.
Old friends are ereegratulating Mr.
Amos Doupe, of Usborne, the genial
Seerdtry-treasurer of the Kirkton
Agricultural Society on his election as
district director of the Fairs and Ex-
hibitions in district No, x, comprising
the counties of Middlesex, Elgin,
Huron and Perth, Mr, Doupe was
elected by acclamation at the big
Meeting in Toronto last week. He is
an able lean and will do full credit to
the position.
Frank Fitzgerald, a farmer a few
milts east of Hensel), evidently knows
well how to fatten pigs and set them
in good shape for the market, as was
evidenced a few days ago by the fact
tirat he sold a sow to Samuel Horton,
buyer, of this village, which tipped
the scales at ✓ /0 pounds and netted
the neat sum of $458.
Income a ax Forms
Are now available
Returns must be filed on or before 31st March
HE Dominion Income War Tax Act requires you to fill in one or more of
the five special Forms provided before 31st March, 1918. In order to
assist the public to understand just what is required of them, information
on each Form is given below. Read carefully, then get three copies of the
form that fits your case and fill them in. Answer all questions fully and
accurately. For making false statements, a penalty of $10,000 or silt months'
imprisonment, or both, Is provided.
Individuals.—Ali persons unmarried, and all widows or widowers without dependent children;
whose income is $1500 a year or more, must fill in Form Tl. All other persons whose income is
$3000 or more, use the same Form. Where any income is derived from dividends, list amounts
received from Canadian and Foreign securities separarely. Fill in pages 1, 2 and 3 only, Do not
mark on page 4. Partnerships, as such need nat file returns, but the individuals forming the part-
nerships must. • .
Corporations and Joint Stock Companies, no matter how created or organized; shall pay the
normal tax on income exceeding $3000. Use Form T2, --giving particulars of income. Also
attach a financial statement. Under Deductions, show in detail amounts paid ,to Patriotic Fund
and Canadian Red Cross or other approved War Funds.
Trustees, Executors, Administrators of Estates and Assignees use Form T3. Full particulars
of the distribution of income from all estates handled must be shown as well as details of amounts
distributed. A separate Form must be filled in for each estate.
Employers must use Form T4 to give names and amounts of salaries; bonuses, commission and
other remuneration paid to all employees duriag 1917 where such remuneration amounted in the
aggregate to $1000 or dyer. .
Corporation Lists of Shareholders.—On Form T5 corporations shall give a statement of ell
bonuses, and dividends paid to Shareholders residing in Canada dllrind1917 stating to whom paidi
and the amounts. '
Figures in every case are to cover 1917 income—ail Forma must be flied by 31st 1Vlarcht. For
neglect, a fine of 3100 for each day of default may be imposed.
In the case of Forme T1 and„T2, keep one copy of the filled in Form and file the other two with
the�Jnspector of Taxation for your District, Sn the case of T3, T4 and TB, keep one copy and file
the'Sther two,'with the Commissioner of '!taxation, Dept. of Finance, Ottawa,
Forms maty bo obtained from tho District inspectors of Taxation and from the Post.,,,
masters at all healing centres. ,
Postage must be girl on all letters
and documents orwarded by mail
to brepector of sxation.
Doparimoot, of Finance,
Maws, Canada
hispector of Taxation, George Ga rambling, Loddon, Ont,
1 fresh wood 1 e„a 4ne• 1,1 valve Alun
l,ti', 1 euw due 1111 e1t01,+ IFty,. 1 coo
110114111g sine'. 11 flee, 1 loll oW eew,
13 year old Imll I, I :'. } •ul• old e l ver.
3 heifers 1 1 1111." 2 yen' , : -1 , I , I I 11+1•
2'penes, few calves, 1 heifer enir, 1
eau' 111711N 119 otd, 13 :I•u bail.•, l vow
wit it b pig, 3 week: old, 30 1 ark hens '
all yoneg, iia white Irghul ns, 3 O.A.
runic roost' ks, 1 guinest rooster, 1 ,A1c,
O,u uilcl. hiudvr l3 I't. elm, 1 ,Akum•no,k
mow. 5 It. cut, 13 horse dive, 1 to 1t.
lie(ko•uliek hay rake, L
cullivatur, 1 Kemp manure mire Hier,
1 steel hold roller, 1 ('neksbutt corn
eultivator, I serf! drill, I .441itrow Ito -
leg plow, 1 w ,citing ph,w, 1 gang
Mow, 1 tel, hug y I s,nillt •e•, I raider.
1 set nr hob Kien;!,, and hunks,
1 ranuiin; mill, 1 h,nal ,.Muting ln,c, I j
wagon, 1 wagon hex dart :,pring seal,
1 4-seetinn diamond ha tows, 1 hay
rack, 1 flat reek, 1 vel of brevetting
inttneas, 1 set of single Intrimee, 1 slot
nif plow httulless, 3 horse yellers, 1
moss eat Sit" 2 logging chains, 1
wheelbarrow, I steel stone boat, 1
\vide!, tank, 1 turnip nuttier, 1 set 2000
lb. settles; 1 sugar kettle, 2 lath bat -
Vele, 1 Milli sial, ] 1)1•1,av,11 cretin
sepal odor, 15 rods aetrdett freer•, 1
gt•avel box, 1 rouge stove :teal ly new•,
1 conk stove, 1 wend heater, 1 roil
heater, 1 kitchen table, 1 hedrontst
suite,I sideboard, 1 sewn !Mutter, 1
mintistotte, abort 800 of ,hurls, 2 oral,,
or whimmV1-es, 1 3 hoists+, venee, 1 post
'+ a 1,o
hole IMP nod spoon, 70 l n hs 1 tt l tl
Mid hnwley aiixcd, hill bushels h,u•Ivy
a111 nate ulixe(I, UID hnshels of seed
gals, 0. A. C. No. 73, 511 hnshels of
seed barley O. A, 0. No. 21, 45 peuuds
teed einem, seed, quantity of mixed
hay, 211 pounds binding twine, 2 lad-
ders 1 extension, 1 Daisy trhurn
I milk lank, barrels, ,hovele, forks,
Re, ,Ce, sale will le- without
serve, ttsthe pe opt ieter lute sold hi-.
farm. Tel Ms. --A II sit In, cl' 8101,0 and
noel(]• cash ; oval• Mutt nnt,•anl In
months' credit given on furnishine
nve(1 jotntnelts.s , ,1 per teed
fill mash on ceptlit ametinte.
ru(P4, Hitmv , Pl np,
UO'PWN SA1,1+1 or 6,A it
wroce., 1Sti'1.@1SII:S'l•,e, ll' -jr, v
Snell, Auetioneey, bus rers•ivui
instwuclionsTtum the uu(lrrsienrd to
sell by Public Auction ill Lot 29, Cm,
14, Mcltillop, on Wednesday, .\Let 27,
tri 1 o'clock, the following propel 1 y :
1 male Nn!posed le he in fatal, 1 w nes.
al pitipose Metre 10 yea1.4old, ]driving
care 5 years old, 1 cow Fos -lists d itt
Pebruw•y, 1 row date the I ed of .Ipril,
7 cow due in May, 1 fat too vow, 2
steers Heim; 2 yea ve, 2 heifer. t isiug 3
yedrra, 8 steers and 1 heilot rising 1
year, 1 young calf, 2 cltmd.s, about Oil
hens, 1 Artssey-flans hinder 0- fr.
out. with truck rind sheaf taw i,a, 1
Massepliarris mower tt 1'r11l eel, 1 In.
mkt:, i;.r ue
steel hay Ilk 1 1 ] l.,h
t i
Noxnn seed drill, 1 set diatio n l burr.
rows, 1 Oliver corn rnlllent or, 1 Oliver
21 walking plow, 2 1/ iegies 111,1. with
1111/111.1. tire, 1 Po1'1/W111 rtiuer, 1 (11{11 -
ton fanning mill, 1 w hrelb„rrew, 2
barrels, 1 linin faun wagon with hex
and stock rack, 13 blonde, 4 x Pedal'
shingles, 3 salt httwrels, ] HuRaln robe,
1 set double harness, 1 set Ningli, her
IleSS, 1 Magnet cranio $epnitlinr, 1
C11111'11, 1 0 oetave 13e11 organ, 1 heat•
ing stove, 1 extension tatbie, 1 tilt
scoop, 1 ditching spade, i3O hnshels
O. A. O. nate, 150 bushels Balmer cats,
25 bushels barley, 7 11111/1 buy, 1 set of
holt-sleighs, 7 bedroom suite, a num-
ber of .".hairs, etc. 'Sale unreserved as
Proprietnt has sold the linen.
1`ewms.—All slims of $10 mid under
cash ; over that atunnut 0 months
credit given on furnishing unproved
juitit Ilotea. 4 per cent sift for cavil ort
credit amounts,
ANGUS iAlc0UAIG, Proprietor.
et 1 ! AI -
7 11111!11114 N, „ t fele II 1
ti 1
i t'1'(ihlN
( A
I 1'0114,1, A : 11' 1 1 ,
idol ,td••t
li.wo, u, ;.
':'-'arm for Sale
A"T10N SALT: Ole ]s't1R,D1
TURA .Cc,—F, S. Scott., Auc-
tioneer, has received instructions front
Che uMleteignecl to sell by Ynblie.
Auction at NI Lob '30, Com 0, Mot I le,
Tuesday, Alaruh 20th, at i n'eloter,
sharp, the following properly I
driving horse vising 0, 1 span of kraft
Mares rising 5, 1 cow due to cider. in
September, 1 cow rising 4 Blue In valve
in April, 1 heifer rising :3 to calve be-
fore sale, 2 steers rising 3 yeas, 1 heif-
er rising 3 years, 1 yearling steer, 1
calf 0 months old, 1 calf 4 months aid,
1 Registered YorkNhlte sow to I'nmow
berme the sale, 1 brood sow with pig,
S pigs 7 weeks old, 1 Yorkshire sow 4
months old can be registmed, about
50 liarred Hoek liens anti 2 eoekerels,
about 15 White Leghmit pellets rasa
2 cockerels, 1 klaseey-irt•rls hinder
o.A. cut with tenclt nearly new, 1
Aittssey-lia Cels mower 0.11, cut, 1 hay
rake, 1 John lleeee I nulure spread0r
new, l Maseey-llttevis 11.11oed seed
(11111 dearly new, 1 Massey -Illi 1 is disc
1111,'row nearly new, 1 2 fuerow plow
almost new, 1 single plow a mind. new,
1 eel dill tumid 11 treows Wilms.' new, 1
Massey -Hauls Huls harrow cart. new, 1
snuiil'w, 1 Noxon !miner almost new,
1 wagon \rill double !lox and styling
seal, 11.11110:6 mew, ] sal 1•I'eleigrhs with
platform, 1 ]lay rash, 1 grated box, e3
top baggies, 4 falters, I wagonette, 1
2•seated cab, ] cat•iole and a wilt wag-
on coulhined, 1 2•Nerled pleasttre
sleigh, 1. set breeching harness 111,411 ly
new, 4 sole eingie 11111nc'ss, I yet double
dt'I ving, l arneee, 3 cutler robes nearly
nr.ty, 4 strings bcllN, 1 running loin, 1
wheelbarrow, l grindstone, 1 pig+wale,
;Omit 2 doz gvain hags, 3 fewee blain-
kers, 2eets hnese note, 1 lath of hedge
elippese, 1 baggete 1 hu+1101 nleasln(4,
1 gallon measure, zine Anile, ehovels,
?melts, hoes, cttn., about 0 or '10 tons of
mixed hay, 450 bud, oats, 20 has. Alan
iwha oats.: 175bust Ixi d feedrVyI
clover freed, 40 ims, seed baley,
Daisy /loon, 1 wash nib, 1 Raymond
Nrwmg macilineti I manures, quant fly
of linoleum, parlor suite, I:hi:hen
(shales, a nnlmbel• of die11as and milk
pans, Bale will he witty:iv reserve
as Posies has been solrl: '',1911,,, $10
ILnd nu(ler cash , over 11101• nmnlntl 0
1110111114 eredil }divan nn furntshinty un-
proved joint notes, 1 per cunt oil' fair
cash on credit ninomile,
11,1aF11]00A SIRTItitl19,, lyrt„s,
WALTItilt• Sllell$PI"ur j'")1'8'
A •end r 14 lei ,inlalpiele irl: MINN,
In, th' 1 1",Ill, erne' •pl'11' 111
N"i, I'1+'I: I:1 h4 e'rnubruuh. on6.
Farm for Sale
bell!a r++be,irg 1),11 S, l'u,1 17. (J fry toN•n.hip.
1,11 11,,, pItisms.1, it good .t ort brio] refloan
411sL! rear tit,,, II bsull ne , Axial fenD
t firsrlans
bubiln,r; Irw,mt sheod :n 1•enualt hien and piK
roro 1.; w• ll rt•nl olds! : halfhmtui•lemolter
rhrr rent,,..L
11111tH ltpple u w I. \'d(11111C, on 11,H p1'rinl•1 N,
or 1 1. Nn y, 1411.,,,, 1,
For ;gale a Good Value
Ateed hyo nen- er !fend with r„mferlahle
troll. tee, , .,tuaa,• nee In n }IOU.; 14014 w111;
11.11rel! , .trid Nool,,.ht tl I 111,,) Imnro,g I., tilt
fere. About .1 coil Iron, 7 nNtnllire.
'rhe nbuv,•pruprrt y ,1llurtt14i ,n ,Ta1111,,Nt.,
Iirussrin: P„rtienlen s may be I n t on eulluiry
front the owner h❑ the pr tui t •,,
rLuoN (i RANI'.
4Fari'TB for Sale
eentnininu 174 11e1.1•N, 1)."11114 Lot N, (fin ll,
nod earl „f 1.9t, 7 and N, Coll 12, (91+•y tow n•
hie 1yr11 wah•red, eoutrurtuble I. nnle hoose,
bank Imre with atone stable aG x 711 fent t gond
rive .heel, hon UuasH, pis ern and pump
how." t'trio• oreltnrd roil aloud 5 11111.04 1111s41,
ltunll vutrinntl 100010110. 1; 1/1111•Cr 111.1.rbu111
and a 1,111'14 Prom Itrreowir L'nr further par•
tienuirs apply to SIRS. Is; D ii.,403,1.
li. R. No. 3, Wiese's
e tsN (t
n s l -, h O
t l i .:s r 1 pia
1 .1 N F
t. N itJ
SAO: it v ,llnad t n red, it
-.t , 11 +a„ allurpauttot, With !onto
-GNbleatutdrnbAlwo. 1v'm nuthdn nlfete
tars as t„'ofee, terms, kc., apply to Tit it P(ir'P,
Farm for Sale
l e t u n K :1111 wv, a-, t r ,, I t :Ili, Putt 3,
111 111 t w , h1p; fain 1)01 I iso,. u t4rey town.
-b 7 t II v ut..,,•d, mull o, I lath. Louse, banit
1 1,•- lu•d rlrIrlog hoard wind
barn 111111neo w
."lull. orrhnrd, kt• .':nolo North ul'111,1mms
1111 t. rand. 1:111:11 ' .nail and ar411 'phone,
r.: mile Ln Nrhnnl, n4't0 11,•11 vtlher or bath
ritruen. IP nal rub! Idlers n,•tah,•r 1st 5vii1 he
rooted, For itiriber pnrlieulara apply to
A Lh7X.
1,011s\"1'li, Proprniter, nrnssels,' o
V, �. soierr, to rise». ttt
For Sale
1a,•r.r oP N11111810. in th1• TOW11,111p
r1., tto j,tinitq; 1b.• Vilinge or erns.eis, in
(i••1,1, '31,14. t-u,,•adlnn
r4m uP, iron 2 t il:,,.•„: n. }Inn been trslvd
and eu•eu'it ut Krevrl thd•rr It, Nnhtdr Ilio toren
and vo•ir,,ty for ale• 1 ,•xl (113,1••1. tan century;
.1 hnild,as lot., on Torah, top t.rd,•! ; 1 loo ‘Itt
cirur;;r rte, .•t none thl I'n'nF 4lneinn n1Nn
1nY 11,oynle rc-lienee nn 1 l rn•w• nnn}t, rarurr
of wlalnul and Allr)t street-, l+nr I'arlh r
pnrtirnitu•r 411,1,1y to the llntlersi KiU•d st 1114
rrnidenoo, J. 1.13t1K1I:.
Brussels, 15th 1111rnh,11117.
6 Scra.p Iron,
Successor to
Ni. Yolleck
Ts prtlpared to pay
highest pt ice for
o ekc. o
,v o
A Furs
nano 413.1 �s tl4 3 w r�1J 4
the a
1/ ."111 Ella!: 11f Ri1.w• 0'111'11 want- o
e (d. Ili;;he,t. prices paid, Call •
tion the undersigned benne you •
0 sell. Also buy hides, Sheep- 4
9 skins and Poultry. ♦
e 41.•
, 111.1, tiTHENT 81W8819L,S ,
• •
\Vella or Phone 02x
Regulate Monthly Horse Faits will be
held this season as follows :
TIIUR.9DAY, F10,13. hath
APR, doth
tootling local and Outside Buyers Present
Hy order of Connell
F. 5, HOOT"f, ()lark,
Steady Welt esti- Cood gages
kis andt
n, t,.
Appiv •u.
Excelsior Knitting
Mills b. Brussels
Call lyhonns 20x or 85,