HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-3-14, Page 8Awa•�.�:+,.�Yc•a,.a=•w�+,..,,,-,.,.,.--•...,.,..,•-.,n-...,.,o.�-...e..,..w,e« ...•..•�.•,..,....,�� �,n,o.s...�„o.•,,,> .4.449+444+.+4,4.4.44+•+4+•+0+04.4.1401,44.44+9+ 40+0+0+0+0+4+ b + 0 + i 4+4+4+4+.44+4+4+4++a i-6 r+s4 4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+ s[ F R. SMITH Store Colorite Colors Citi and New Straw Fiats The magic liquid that makes last year's Straw Hat look just like new, If your Hat is old or soiled don't thiove it away. Make it like new and ' any color you want with colorite. Many women save money and have new appearipg Hats by using Color- ite. It is sold in a bottle with a brush for applying. Waterproof end durable, it dries in thirty minutes. Here are the colors— Victory Blue Gray Jet Black Dull Black Cardinal Red Brown Navy Blue Cerise Sage Green Buret Straw Direetions on every pkg. for mixing to get most auy desired sbade. This is the time Colorite is needed. Price 25c bottle Diamond Dyes Dyoia, etc. We note have the full list of cot- e., in these — the Blues and Meeks, ks, which were bard to get for a time, are now in stock. Prices the same as always, i0c package Brines' Us Your Kodak films To Develop and Print Your Kodak and our Finishing Department are a combination that make for results. We will get the hest from every exposure made, and try to assist you, if necessary, to still better future re- sults. FLTLL S'TOCIi OF FILMS, PRINTING PAPERS and other Photographic Supplies. F. R. SMITH ?"tae ig�./Sf,cazi Stare ., Druggist and Stationer <►+3t+4.+++.+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0.1.0 +0+0+0+0+0+04.01.0+9+0+0+0+9 gnat bet% Items ST. PATRICK'S Day next Sunday. RURAr. Telephone Directors met Mon- day. THE slush stirred up a lively trade in rubbers. AUCTION Sales still boom and the end is not yet. Hoes sold this week on Brussels mark- et at $19.00. LAST Saturday night's storm was a genuine howler. AvcrroxEER F. S. Scott has done a lively business in Auction Sales this season, A CAR of live stock and settlers' ef- fects was shipped by James Betz and Percy Mitchell on Wednesday of this week, destined for Kelfield, Sask, THE Ament saw mill commenced on the season's stock of logs a short time ago and the staff will have a busy time. M, Buchanan is the veteran head saw- yer. REIT Cross Circle met at Mrs. Alex. Anderson's last Tuesday afternoon. About a score were in attendance, eg pair of socks were brought in. Next meeting will be held at Mrs. J. W. Sanders, Turnberry street, :vioNn ee evening, March 18th, a St. Patrick's social will be given by the Epworth League in the Methodist church school room. Good musical and literary program and lunch. Admission 15 and ro cents. Honor St. Patrick by spending an evening in Ould Ireland, lelAn, train from the East runs about an hour behind its schedule and con- sequently is about the seine length of time in the rear on the return trip from Kincardine. It's a great service the public is getting but it may liven up the automobile trade and livery business as soon as the suow gets away. THE house on Turnberry street owned by las. Fulton, has been sold to Walter Sharpe, the price being $r000. It will be the domicile of lir, and Mrs. Sharpe end Miss Rebecca Sburrie, who will move to it shortly to make room for L. mad Mrs. Williamson, of Walton, on the farm recently purchased. CARD OP THANas.—We wish to thank Mrs. Newsom•s many kind friends for the kindness shown at this time in our great loss ; Rev. Mr. Stafford for his services and the vocalists for the ap- propriate hymns. We are gratefully yours, MRs. NEWSOM'S FAMILY. A nuemeetrs Play Is in course of pre- paration by the young ladies of Brussels and vicinity, to be presented in the near future for the benefit of Red Cross fund, Another feature will be the ladies' Ministrels who will demonstrate real KKeepnew songs and quaint sayings, eep both optics open watching for the date. Goon CONCERT. — The Concert last Friday evening to the Towa Hall drew a good Image, Program was practically a repeat of the Mtetheron Concert of the week previous and people who attended both thought the talent did better the second night, Every selection went well and was thoroughly appreciated and many encores. Miss Mabel MCDOn• ald, Wingham, wee the elocutionist and never did better, She is no stranger here and the audience took to her most itindly. Miss Helen Seeker anti Bar- rington Gilroy gave a humorous recite - tion that pleased the crowd. Auctioneer Scott sold a fine crochet centrepiece, donated by Mrs, Jahn Cardiff, and a fauey floor mat, a gift from Mrs Seel. The highest bidders were Mr. Mathers and Mrs, B. S. Scott, A vote of thanks was passed to nil who helped the Con- cert, Reserved seats were only gee but over $5o,00 was cleared for the Red G`TOSS, 6 oR 7 loads of coal were to trued from Wroxeter to Brussels Monday and Tues• day of this week. MEETING of the Dominion Permanent Loan Co will be held in 'Toronto next week to discuss financial affairs. FORD CAR PRICES —The prices of Ford cars have gone up, The new prices are :—Touring car, �5g5 • Ruu- about, $575 ; Cbessis, $585. Prices of Sedan Coupe and one ton truck remain unchanged. —o Mregey Gobbler for sale. Mae. ALEX 21rntiny, Walton. PAIR of gray duck hoose blankets lost be- tween ;meat's Fartory and Jas Ballantyne's llrorery. Will finder kindly leave at THE POST. SEED.Oats for sale. G.A,tl. NO. 72. MARTIN MONAIR, Lot 17, Con. 15, Corey, Phone 2816, SECoNn-RANn steel land roller for sale• Ap- ply to JNo. OLIYER, Brussels. QUANTITY of Two -rowed Barley, suitable for seed, for sale. JOHN SHORTREED, Lot 24, Con. 9, Morris. Phone 188. FOR RALE.—Comfortable house and about acres of land on Albert street, Brussels. On the premises is a good stable, drive shed and hen house. For fnther particnlaas apply to Mas. HENRY Woons, Brussels. A 207203AR of young sows for sale, will far• row in the Spring. W. A. MarnTCHEos, Phone 104. Lot 25, Con. 6, Morris. Goon driving mare fit to hook up double for sale, S. CARTER. Brussels. ComyoRTA7tLE dwelling for sale or to rent, with ay acre land, fruit trees, hard and soft water, stable, &a. I. C. RumARDs. Goon young Shorthorn Bull for sale, OLIPER TURNBULL. Phone MA Lot 10, Con, 15, Grey. Two POWS for sale, clue to calve in March. Phone 8515 HARVEY Demos, lethal, Horsle for cele. Apply to Miss R, DOLMAS. GENERAL purpose mare for sale, W. ALDERSON. Cranbrook. CoNFORTARLE house for sale. Apply tonal( PosT. ALL kinds of poultry wanted. Alen empty musks for which highest prices will be paid. Phone 02x. RAMI. WEIN8TE7N. HIGHEST rash price paid for butter and eggs. R. TH oms02. THREE Short Dorn Buns from 16 to 12 months old for sale. JAS. SVeak, Lot 29, Con, 8, Morris. Phone 186. DR. PARKER. Osteopathia Physician, visits Brussels Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervone diseases successfully treated. Visitslresidennes. Consultation at Queen's Hotel, BRUSSELS milliners will not hold the usual display Openings but cordially in- vite the ladiee to tail end inspect the litany fine millinery creations any time they see flt, only soon, while the new stocks are complete. P. R. MULHERON, organist and choir leader in Melville Church, Brussels, has tendered his resignation and will be re- moving from town in 2 months to ac- cept another position in a larger place. He has rendered excellent service here. A NOTE from L. W. Ruttsn, Bluevale, recently of Brussels, seys, he has bought property near the Methodist church anti will have a flue place for his bees, in which he takes great interest, Mr. Ruttan has arranged for an orchestra in the Metbodiet Sabbath School. Ile is a great lover of music and waa missed from the orchestra here. BRUSSELS Women's Inetitute will bold its regular monthly meeting et the home of Mrs, Alex, Strachen, Friday, March 15th, al 3 p. m. F. 1'3, Gilroy, of the Bank of Nova Scotia, will give Rn ad- dress on the snhject "What women should know about banking," As this is a stthject in which every woman is In- tereieed a large attendence of iadies is requested. BOUODY ANOT1iEe MAIL RoU•1%—• Dau, Denman, who has been the Cour• ier on No. 5 [nail route out of Brussels, has bought out George Morris, who looked after No. 4 Mr, Denman has taken charge of the latter and at the present Robt Ellis is doing the King's business on No, 5, Mr, Morris is work- ing for Philip Arnent, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SPRING + + + + OPENING + + + Friday and Saturday March 22 and 23 George M, Mitchell's LTH E L + + s, + .lY. k MISS WALTON wishes to k invite the Ladies of Ethel $ and locality to inspect het. + Spring showing cif the latest + and moat up-to-date styles 1 of Ready-to-wear, Tailored and Fancy Trimmed Hats, �+, Ouetom Work a Specialty, 9I Geo. iV1. Mitchell w Phone 2215 ETHEL ++++++++•h++++•Fri•+++++-t•+++++ 'Puts week a celr of ashes was shipped to Leamiugton, Essex County for fertil- izing purposes, No need of comment on the Leamingtouians. Dieu IN CmcAoo.—After a brief but severe illness of 3 days from pneumonia Mrs. Wm. Newsom, of Brussels, entered Into rest at the home of her sou-iu-law, Ino, Cooper, Chicago, Monday afternoon of last week, at the advanced age of 81 years and 3 months. Deceased was born in Englaud and came to Canada when a child, her maiden name being, Susan E Fuller, She was married to her late husband 63 years ago in Ful- lerton township, Perth Co. After along residence in Grey township Mr, and Mrs. Newsom sold their farm and bought a comfortable home in Brussels Mr. Newsom died 15 years ago, Mrs, Newsom is survived by 6 danghters, (Mrs T. McGregor, Brussels ; Mrs. Frank Fishleigh, Mrs. Chas. Fishleigh. Mrs. August Schulte and Mrs. Joico Cooper, Chicago ; and Mrs. Alfred Stewart, of Pawssou, Parry Sound) and a son, (john, of British Columbia ) Thele are 19 grand children and r3 great grand children A short funeral service washelcl at Chiceeo and 6 grand- sons bore the casket, sons of web of the Fishleigh families. The remains were brought to Brussels for interment, and funeral took place Saturday afternoon from the home of the deceased, Qteen street. Rev. Mr. Stafford conducted an appropriate service and the pallbearers were N. F. Gerry, Jno. Steiss, Wm. Armstrong, Ino. Simmons, A. T Cur- rie and T. Alcock and the body was laid to rest alongside her life partner in the family plot, Mesdames Cooper and F, Fishleigh and Mrs. Stewart were here for the last sad rites in addition to Mrs. McGregor. Many beautiful floral trib- utes were placed upon the casket. The life of the subject of this notice was gentle but courageous. She was much loved by her family and the Grand clinch en and great grandchildren. Mrs. Newson went to Chicago on Nov. r4 to spend the Winter with her relatives ieteuding to retnrnd to Brussels in the Spring to her home. A preoious one from us Is gone, A voice we loved is stilled; Apiece's vacant in our home Which never can be filled, God in His wisdom has recalled The boon His love had given • And thouRhthe body slumbers here Her soul is safe in heaven, I Peo le We Talk About $t tt p tt Mrs. Robinson has been visiting at the home of her son near MoncritIT Pte. Wyman Snarliag was home for a short visit from Niegara Falls this weed: M. Yolleck end son, Joe, Tort -into, were in town for a feta days calling on olcl friends. W. H. Merklinger, Hanover, was a visitor at the home of N, F. and Mrs. Gerry, over the week end. Miss Grace Currie, who has spent the past 5 months at the home of A. T. and Mrs, Currie, lett Saturday for her home at Edrans, Man. ex -Reeve Leckie has not been up to concert pitch during the past week but we hope the coming of Spring will grove beneficial to him, Miss A. E, Stewart, of Perth town, has come to assist Miss Mary E Ross in ber Millinery business, We hope she will eujoy her stay in Brussels. D A, Lowry, of Uxbridge, ',a former well known Brusselite, was in town for a few days visiting at the homes of rela- tives and old friends, He is engaged in farming now, W. and Mrs Telfer said goodbye to their Brussels friends this week and have gone West to Provost, Seek , with their son-in-law and daughter, W. and Mrs, Farquharson, who returned to their Western home, leaving Walton, Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. Telfer are a fine old couple and carry with them the good wishes of a large circle of friends. Lag Friday James and Mrs, McArter highly esteemed residents, celebrated the 46th anniversary of their marriage end received hearty congratulations, Of their family of 9 children, 8 are alive and all married and comfortably settled TILE POST hopes the 5oth anniversary will find Mr. and Mrs. McArter hearty with a home coming of the member's of the old home circle jas, McDougall, who spent the past few months visiting in this locality, left for his home in Dakota lest 'Tuesday He has had quite a run of office holding sinee he went to the West and is a wide awake man of good judgment, If we'd hump him over anything it is that he persists in his bachelor ways, We im• agined be would not go home single but he disappointed us. While there's life there's hopes, hence we still think be will soon see the truthfuluess of the statement that it is not good for titan to be alone. EST'D 1079 STA 'r a OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in all parts of the world. 234 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIS, 15 Manager, talellga9MEW. - vt is '.- ,c. 'er,`er<w, . y F,:�:'d .w ..'ht i':, .; -fro..,..•";�1-1 La -t Fraley Sirs. Wire Oakley, ce.le- hrated her 8°11 In: Islay, in the enjoy- ment of a live degree ut health. Sir, Oak!, y will be 7g Years old next Jnne bill harming his lameness from au injur- ed bnihs wears his age well and is at wo l: • very clay, Cavanagh, of 'Toronto Mediae' College, spent the week -end with hie mother and sister and other relatives in Brussels Ne celebrated his cast birth- day oh SVEPISV. 1 L. arrived back from overseas last duly, carrying with him n disabled left turn as a remiuder of the red hot- Somme leittle, He was a driver in connection wiih a 'Toronto Battery (elthcugb he enlisted with a Gue p.t battery) and spent some nloumbs in Me:pitole; in England benne he was returned to Canaida. Under the electric- al and other treatment still in operation improvement is slowly being shown in his arm, the blood poisoning doing its most serious work from the elbow dowu. Mr. Cavanagh is putting in his first Year in Medicine. Many juteresiing inci- dents are recounted of soldier lite in Belgium and France, in response to questioning, as lie is reticent to talk much 0611111 lit. experiences, but there was not much that was untcwurtbv That he dill not take uote of. Ile will always have a warm place in his heart for the English hospitals and the nurses, who so faithfully, Ird.ieuth' and with emir] cheer pel formed their arelnoue tasks in caring for injured so'd'er lads. The Maple Leaf emblem is n passport to Elle best that's going overseas, Church Chimes Dr, Hanley, the Evangelist, has heeu called to Washington to take command of one of the Overseas Battalious. METHODIST INSURANCE.— Rev. Dr. Chown, General Superintendent of the Methodist church, gave out something about a proposal to have a $3o,000.000 fire insurance compauy established in connection with the church to care ex- clusively For church risks. The matter will go before the General Conference at Hamilton next October, The value of the property of the Methodist church, as reported to the last General Confer- ence, waS $4.1,9nS,244 Deducting land values, this means insurable property worth $31,24r,584. Upon this iS being carried insurance to the extent of $15,729.517, or abqut 5o per cent of its estimated value, The manager of many an insurance company would be happy if he could step into a business of such dimensions, Wroxeter G. E. and Mrs. Jaeklin left for their hone at Abbey, Seale, Tuesday. Mrs, 'I. McLennan has returned from a two mouth's visit with her son at Tornnto. Jas. Wylie, who hits been a resident of the village fm the hast `L years, has moved to his tarn in Tnrnberry, Rev, Mr. Beatty, Winnipeg, who has been visiting his aunt, Mrs. Win, Douglas, °templed the pulpit in the Presbyterian rbirrrh Sunday morning. Death came seddenly Friday even- ing to Jame Harriwk Somerville, relict of the late john Leckie, at the home of her son, Geo. S, Leckie, with whom she had spent the last 4 months. The deceaeed was in her 79th year and had been in declining health for some time, but seemed its well as usual until noon, when she gradually weakened till she passed away as stated, Mrs. Leckie WAS a life long member of the 'Methodist church and a kind and faithful mother. She is survived by 4 sons ,—Wm., London ; Geo., Wroxe- ter ; Wallace, Mich, and Crosby, Aylmer ; and one daughter, Mrs, Alex. Campbell, Landolt, all of Wh0711 were present at the l'wnerd, which took place to the Wroxeter cemetery, Monday afternoon. All the children were here with the exception of Crosby; who was stormstayed ab Orangeville. Funeral service was condueled by Rev. Stride, McCracken Gets 15 Years in Penitentiary. James McCracken, the young Morris Township farmer, who shot his wil'e :d. their home on Sunday, July 92nd, 1917, pleaded guilty to Manslaughter at Gnderich, Monday afternoon at the opening of the Spring Assizes, and was eentellced by Jtletiee Masten to 15 years in Kingston Penitentiary. Mc- Cenciten toole the sentence calmly, and at once left the courtroom in charge of Constable titulary, The pMOverlien case was waled at 4.15 Monday afternoon, coin tenon' be- ing packed to capacity, as the keenest interest has been taken in the case throughout, T. O. Robinette, IC. O., Toronto, who teas defending McCrack- en, explained that at the fleet trial there had been a plea of not guilty to rt Oita en of neat der. He. stated that if the Mown was willing to accept it he would make a plea of guilty to manslaughter, T, O. Ferguson, the Prosecuting At- torney, etated that, knowing the evi- dence of the Former trials as he did, he was trilling to accept the plea. Mr. Robinette then addressed the court on behalf or the prisoner, de- claring that he dict not want to stye any young man 30 years of age taken to the gallows. Knowing the case as Ire did he considered McCracken did not in any sense belong to the critnin- al class as a murderer. McCracken, he said, was a farmer, and the shoot- ing WAS merely an unfortunate ac- cident. There was no evidence at all to show that McOraclten and his wile had not been getting along well. lie urged the Court to cleat leniently With the young man, lie also made a strong plea for the prisoner on behalf of his little 5 -year- old hey, and the parents of McCeack- en, who, lie pointed out, were most highly respected throughout, the com- munity. He urged that the sentence be tattle light in order that McCraclt- en might be able to come back and help false. his little son. After T. C. Ferguson moved for the sentence of the Court, his Lordship said he would litre to take a little time to consider the case, and Court ad- journed until 6 o'clock, When the session resumed, Justice Masten addvessitig the prisoner in a kindly manner, pointed out that while ehanging hie plea freed him of mur- der, it rendered him liable to life im- prisonment. Tie had gone carefully into the case, and had conferred with Justice Sutherland, who presided at the first trial. The sentence of the Court was that MnOrarken be sent to Kingston Penitentiary for 15 years. BORN .7E119170.—At Wrightsville, Bask , to Mr, and .51rs. J. T. Jermyn, formerly of B1nSSOTe, s son, DIED CLEna—In Morris township, an march 11th, 3018, Sarah J, Parker, widow of the late Joseph Clegg to her 78th year. ' JAcasns,—At Tisdale, Sask., on March 8hh, 1018. Florence Evelyn Ma1nprize, beloved wife of Norman ,Jackson, aged 25 years and 4 months LAcioto—In Wroxeter, on Mar. 8th, 10)8, Joie Harriett Somerville, relict or the Into John Leckie, afoul 70 years, BRUSSELS MARKET a Wheat $2 07 Oats 85 Pens 8 CO 8 fig Barley 1AO 1110 BuButter >uggs 40 49 10 0 00 JO 80 10 00 1. 50 1 50 $2 110 Hogs DRY Potatoes per bag ++++++++++++I•++++•it+++++++•i++ •i+++•++++++++++ + + Sµ :rim C' f8 e UR New Stock is now in place incl we 11 extend a cordial invitation to all Ladies interested to call and inspect our new Models. The Shapes are at the very Smartest, as are the colors which include Grey, Flame, Khaki, Sand, Brown and Navy, the material being Milan, Tagel, Lisere and Straw Braids, adorned with cleverly placed Wings, Quills, Flowers, Fruit and Ribbons. For Misses and Children we have the Mushroom, Pope, Chin and Sailor Shapes, prettily trimmed, simplicity being the principal feature, + + 0• .t. + •i, ++44+,1444+44 +++A + P ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ evomooe9eose>tiotA000no()cG1GSC18?n674fbCiteClnoro61Q'loci+RlttleoOW+•r/fStltcoo* : l2 is a 8 S7 !s tt 0 Sl a yr b O a u 3 O • a a it +a w A They Had It ! Tllhl fussy oltl grnllrrnau enlrrPll the ('h:•mivl's Nho)llbr sone lime rvPry :tl'Irruuun trod ihvvl elf n;arinlc ill' yuesljnnv irgiirdiuft 1Ge II'l tlllelll. ,al' Vic iull4 illllle•I11 1111 rel 1,'1 Ill,. eh'.laltllll 1„..1 duuPhjSluevllo:wwn'Ct Ib++ tld r;oull-urui, r1nPlir. ht• rtltvny+ 111'1 without buying anything. AtMeiII -e Lam. tont tired et' t.ivlr•r advice free and waited al ripper luuily Irl eloke the old chap nil'. At last It ratite. \ly hair IcoopS falling nu1," snid the old 1:1;111 one clay, "Den yen give nue anything to keep ii. in P' rtaluly," sitid the assistant, sculling, "1 oral give you tt belrtli- ful callltltitlyd box.," We Have it � Not a beautiful eardhn,ud hex Int. The Well Known Nosier Hair Tonic To may afflicted n the old gentlemen referred to We can very con- fidently recommend the Pensiaf Iiuir Tunic. Money refunded if it does not prove satisfactory. Put up in $1.00 and 50e. sizes. STORE 99 e i a a ,a tY A • t@ m C 0 t2 a • (A Gi e O c3 O 0 m O s It ` 4+& , DRUG STORE ut ®01-rteb00,is0090cZBlfir€2*(.leta'atliedte Gatvpogocteete,,oecooC906n€i00009041' , AUCTION SALES FR1PAY. MA/4011 15.111 --Fclrm stock, Mode' nwnts, Household Net niter°, .o., at Nh„ Lot 26, Con. 6, Morris towinin .. gale unre..erved at 1 o'clock sharp. Mrs..l°lin Mooney rind W. R. S. Mooney, Executors John 5loottey estate ; le. S. Scott, Ano. FRIDAY, [Unsnarl 15To —Farm Stoolc, Towle. plemente, &<n., at Lot 12, Con. A, Remick town- ship. Salo unreserved as farm has I've]] sold, at 1pI. m ThosJaciclin, Prof. SATURDA Y. M1AR011 1STS Horses, Ititcs, Ine nionteats, Hardware, Vurnitare, &c. , at Whet. Kreuter Bros, and J. Retinae'', Props. ; V. S, Scott, Ane. SfaNDAY, SJ.ute❑ IBt•11—Fsrn,, lrlm•m Slack, lmple Um Sine nts, Ere , nt Lot 15, Gen. 12, i r Satid t -hip. ° at I p. to. 'Victor swirling and 51nry Snarling,i raps,; 1' S, Sva1t, Arc. Imple- ments, &c.,' nt Lot 18, Conrst,l Grey tow n: hip, Sale, unreserved, nt 1 p- m. Cleo. 15. Mocall, Prop.; V. S, Scott, Au°. Mos oAY, MAnon 25.m.—FarnL Farm Stock, Implements, Co., at Imt d, Got, %Casey town. ship. Sale unresorvea nt 1 1. m ,1r•s. Henson Whoeletr and Lawrence Wheeler, Props. ; F. S. Scott, Anc. - TmesoAv, MARCH 261171.—F¢rm Stork Im- plements, furniture, AM., at N55 Lot 26, Ron, it. Morris township, Soh+ unreserved at 1 p. m. Rebecca Shtirrle and Walter Sharpe, Props. ; 1'. S Scott, Ano. WEDNESDAY. MARCO 27T11 —Farlll stock, implements, &m., at Lot 20, Con. 1.1, MelCillop. Sale unreserved nt 1 p. m, Angus HleCunig, Prop.: F. S. Scott, Ana. TIIDRSDAY, MA11011 28Th.—Farm Sleek, Hit• . elements, &o., at Nee fat 2o, (inn. la Grey township. Bale unreserved at 1 p. m. Thus. Brown, Prop. ; N. S. Scott, Au° Auction Sales UOTiON HALE OF 110ItSLS, aloe, ien`mceneeeTTS, &se --F, M. Scott, Auctioneer, has been in- etrncted by the undersigned proprie- tors to sell by Public Anil ion in Mind on Saturday, March ]limb, 1018, the following valuable property l—I 3 yetis old sired by Pere Gold, 1 general pur- pose horse, 1 eow milking sine., De- eeMbee, 1 tubber tired buggy almost new, 1 steel tired buggy, 1 Portland cutter, 1 jumper cutler, l 1 -horse wag- on, 11 -horse sleigh, 1 Pi ost C Wood binder 7 ft., cut Wood carrier told al'`. Intake, 1 Frost mower 5 ft, cut, 1 disc harrow, 8 still tooth cull.i- vato', 110 -hoe Deering drill, 1 No, 18 Fleury plow new, 1 NO. 21 Oeckshute plow new, 1 No. 21 Fleury plow, 1 Oliver plow, 18 ft. Brantford weeder, 1 steel stone boat, 1 set iron haerowe new, 1 Fleury cutting box, 2 wheel barrows new, 12000 lb. scales new, 1 aet single driving harness new, 1. dreadnaught cast a ange nearly new, 1 Ideal range, 1 Alerta range, 1 Excel -all washing machine, 1 Cyclone wahhblg machine, 1 seeohll-hand washing machine, 1 bagger, 1 post•hole digger, 1 gasoline tank, 1 organ, 1 couch; 1 lounge, a number of clhals, 1 Morrie chair, 2 bedroom smites, 1 dresser, 2 patio'. tables, 1 kitchen table, 1 rock- ing chide, I high chair, 1 cradle, rt number of framed pictures, 1 parlor lamp, 1 iron sugar kettle, 1 onkinola board. a number of cementing planite, a quantity of hardware, an., and Mier articles too nntnerime to nlen- Lion. A brink house, frame stable, lot, etc., in Ethel, will also be offered for sale, terms of Which will be made known on day of Serle„ 'Tereus : —All seine of $5,00 and under rush, over that amount 6 months credit given by frumisliing a)l il:mewl joint, notes. 4% off for cash on credit amounts, MESSRS, KRAUTERS .E Proprietors, I IT FARM 1 MALE OF l,, MITI ll(N i �♦ \16 SP. ti.O('K IAIIIL•IL 1.°A.11:11 I -_1,+, ;v. Scutt, Aur„ ha, teeeit•erl instructions from undersigned to sell by Public AnPlien at Lot -I, Cut, a, Otey, nu Muuday, Match birth, at 1 li clerk, the following minable proper- ty :-1 Mitre 7 years old, 1'gcneral pur- pose puree 5 years old, 2 fresh omit, 1 glade cote clue to calve time of sale, 1 Hereford enw due to enter time of sale, 1 grade cow tine to calve April 1st, 1 Holstein tow due le calve April 211111, G yowling .steel s, 1 yearling heifer, 1 eelt, 3 pigs '3 months old, 1 tlumvi.bred 'tarred heck cockerel, 80 young Bar- lett BOCk. hens. 1 lop buggy nearly new, I open buggy, 1 cutler, 1 siring Swisv hell, 1 wagon with hex, 1 set of sleighs, 1. laud roller, 1 set iron lila•. VOWS, 1 set single harness, 1 goat robe, 1 dueler, 1 rtie, 1 barred, bundle chick• 1111 WIPP, 1 gleam erh111Rt1°I'. I. Leader churn, 1 bolter bowl, milk pails, 1 M- rubtrer, 2 tables, 1 sideboard, 3 hit - Chen Chairs, 1 rnrker, l 1E11110171. quan- tity of p+ettdees, edged 300'hns, oats, sprinkling can, garden rake and olhPr trL1011,E, 'Isle 100 acre 1'111'111 wiil RASO he offered f.il• vale. Hale unreserved owing to the dealt Or Mr. \V11011101. Teruls--Surae of $10 raid under eash over that aulonot S months credit given on approved joint notes. ri per rent nal.' for cash on eredit amennls. Pot :It nee curl oats to he (ael. Terms for farm Will be matte lenown tha day of sale or on application to the undersigned. I,,e \\'1?I3NC13 WHEELER, j props, el US. 13ENSO` WHEELER) lT(I'1RON SALI+I OF FAItiNi. STOCK. IMP.I,N5IRN7'S, RC'.—F. S. Scott, Auctioneer, has received instruetiens trout the Undersigned In sell by Public Attie ion at. Lot 29, Ooh. 11, McKillop, oil Wtdihesday, Mare 27, at 1 o'cleelc, the fnli°wiug property 1 Mal e Snppnsed to bit ill fool, 1 gener- al purpose mare 10 years old, 1 driving mare 5 years old, 1 cote freshened iht February, 1 cote clue the last of April, 1 cote due in May, 1 farrow cow, 2 steers rising' 1. years, 2 heifers rising 3 years, 3 steers and 1 heifer rising .l year, I young calf, Labout 00 hens, 1 liiteeey-Tiarris binder (i 1st. ent with tenck and sheaf carrier, 1 Maesey-le anis mower 0foot eta, 1las rt. steel hay rake, 1 disc, 1 12 -hoe Moen', 61,1•11 drill, 1 s.4 diamond har- rows, 1 Oliver r°rn cullivatnr, 1 Oliver 21 walking plow, 2 buggies nue %vitt 1.116110r Lire. ] Partlatld cutter, 1 Clin- ton fetulhtg mill, 1 Wheelbarrow, 2 barrels, ] Bain farm wagon wilt' box Abd stock melt, 13 benches 4 x cedar shingles, 2 salt barrels, 1 13nlfalo robe, 1 set double harness, 1 set single har- ness. 1 Magnet (11011.111 separator, 7. churn, 10 octeve 13e11 organ, 1 heat- ing stove, 1 extension table, 1 tilt scoop,• 1 ditching spittle, 50 buehele O• A. 0, nate, 150 buehels 13anner nate, 25 bushels burley, 7 toms hay, 1 set or hob -sleighs, 1 bedroom suite, a limn - her °f chairs, etc. Sale unreserved as Proprietor has sold the faruL Perms.—All stuns of $10 and under cash ; over that amount 0 months eredit• given on furnishing approved joint notes, ,L per cent off for cash on credit anoints, ANGUS MGCUAIG, Propleto', --- _ 0+0+0+0+0+0+0+0+04.0+809.0+0r]+ 0+044+0+0+0+0+A,0+0+0+0+0+0+ • P+ 1+ & 1' � ;ti ` ` �1 111 .i°• "4 O IELINE s � HE custom of the past year will be followed viz., not to hold a Millinery Opening on any set slate. Our flew title stock of Millinery is now on dis- play and the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity are invited to call any day and inspect the sante. Our goods are choice, in the latest and most fashionable styles and sure to please. Have engaged the services of Miss A. E. Stewart, of Perth, who comes splendidly recom- mended, to assist in the work. Ma least Ft ss Richards Block a 0 •+ 4' + �E• 0 + • tA4+440+04'0+04.04.04,0+4Y1'++1.0+e+4,,0+44,04,4e1.04,04..04.4444.