HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-3-14, Page 5*w• ,....+• _._ROSINESS CARDS, LINO. SUTHERLAND t6 SOUS AFT LIMITED WM. SF'ENOE CONVEYA.NOKR AND ISSUER I OF MARI:11AM; LICENSES Ma GAVE IifR V1NOL IllAu In the Post Ilfllr.H, Wl.hel. 8 °-9 And She Soon Got Back AUCTIONEERS. J41 B, BOO'it'J' AS AN AUCTION• . • men, win sell for better prime, to hatter men In loss time and less °barges than any other Auctioneer In Last llarou or he won't °barge anything. Hates unci orders eau always he arranged at thie endue or by p orsoual application, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. VV • M 81NOLAlIt— V Barrister, Huliel(or (leu vayat•nce, Notary 1'nblli, &e, olliou--ntewarEa Pinsk 1 aoor Nu. H, of Central Hotel holielLar for the Metropolitan Gnus. . Business Cards JAS. A.NOERSON. vet ERlNARY SURGEON. Snenoxsor to M. H, Moors Optus at Allarr• soil nuns. senble, Itrassrli* Tro,phuuo IQ • 29, T. T. M' HAE M. s., M• C. P., .E S, O. m b, IL, \riling, Ht Brasiels. L'llynivinu, Surgeon, Arcot -Amur °dire nt residence, moot -tilt* Mol Ville 1!hllrOh, OR F T. BRYANS linehelor of Medicine, University of Toronto ;• 1,1-raaixtN of College. of Physimium and bur• genu., Ontario ; ex -Senior Helms safgeon of Wosteru Hospital, Toronto. Mikes of late Dr, A. ;1 Redly. tomtit bloat", liruesels. Burnt phone 45, MAUDE" O. BRYANS OPHTHALMDLOGI ST Personal graduate Department of Oplwthal- nv.,legy 11ellorrinok Medical College, Chicago, Ill ,net prepared to test eyes and tit glacees at her dice over Miss L roan s millinery Mare, (Wino thlys—Wednesday, a'liursday, Friday mid Saturday of every week. Ofiico hours -10 to le a. in. ; l to lip. in. Rvenitign by appoint- ment, Phone 12IU DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary tJrllege. Dns and night Hills. °Mee onpoalte Flour Mill, Ethel. JAMES TAYLOR licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co, Satiifa Hi -fust iistu'tld ; 011arges il.edrrnttl. Write or Tnlephonu it not coevenient to call. Built Orunsel4 and Nortel lluron. Phones. nR1.ORAVE P, O. P, R. MULHERON Teticll•r of PIANO, ORGAN, VOCAI, Organist Anti Uhnir Milting*, Melville Church, limas,ds Pupils prepared for Toronto Col- lege of Music Examination, Phone 10x• POOODFOOT, KiLLORAN St COOKE Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, ac, Oflir° nn tin Sq Imre, liml door frown Hamilton �b•ce t, CI{)TrICI3U'F1, ONT. Private futile to loan at lmveit rates. NV Piton uFou•r (t. C. J. T,. NI/AA/RAN J. I). eflOaa 4 eitt$ r.'acA VFz'01is Wit;FavgaVi Vita r You Can Succeed 13 ' g r�� ,' I t�r'/1c.GLC ir; 1..�% co sTEI.ATFosa. OMT N., -.-'r ?'i }�Onto fo'a',nettling t'mu ntrvelnl ',igloo! ?f ' nndn•+.timeas en .iv. We have throe de- i; ,e l'il tapnpe - Uounn.a•cfal, Ilii I:Itnd 4 mrd 't`.•lrgrnphy, wr glue iHdividmal ttitstrnrtlons and sl•ndents logy linter nt any II no, (,olrLuatas tiro pinned hl g; n"..Ill rats. Tills is your tiro of ninny as Wt tang, is H Rima coli upon u, r"r trained W, help Wrtie St ones for par tit'ahl r., 0, W I. Erddoerc, D. A.'Moi.ACIMAN, ±� '�r,.� p,..iiirnt Prinnipnl ,,, �nt;�rt LLOANI 1,ENE lleN rra=s,N'LC, y LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON-HAVRE Fine, modern steam- ers—equipped with every oomlort and luxury. For infor- mation opply soots, Or " 9511jgg StWToroatu ineigriA W. H. KERR. Age it Allan Line, Brussels. THE Best Br ins MEMEGITAIEMIZEraa" In.Onnaila have partiaipahad in the pre. Weldon of our aphntdid 19nma Hhady (1Curses in Ranking, Maintain his, Higher Amounting, Commercial Art, 41101v (lard Writing, PhOtogqraptly, Jnll11111* "r Inns, Short Story Warning, Shorthand and linntritaepllig. Halvah the work .;' whiah most Intervals you and write us for wnrt au1Raa. Marone Hx e ' THE SHAW CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Yong.) 8t., Toronto Heir Strength New Castle, Ind.='The measles left me run down, no appetite, could not rest at night, and I took a severe cold which settled on my lungs, so I was unable to peep about my house- work. )Ply doctor advised me to take Vinol, and six bottles restored my health so I do all my housework, in- cluding washing. Vinol is the best medicine I ever used,"—Alice Record, 437 So, xxth St., New Castle, Ind, we guarantee this wonderful cod liver and iron tonic, Vinol, for all weak, run-down, nervous conditions, le, It. SI.kIITII, I/rungist, Brussels. Also at the best Druggists in all On- tario towns. r:'`m.fd.>VX..11 `�`!SfdFlr'YIR BillA ar sHusskLs cietan seterll GOINo NORTH Exorese 8:02o m I Express 11;17 p m &�ir0a?Naitta?x raVIPIC W ALT oaf To Toronto To Ooderteh Express......- 7:19 n in I Express ...... 12;10 pm Rserrse....... 2 so p m Expresx anus p n. WROXETER Going Fist - 7:11 n. in. and Gall p. in. Hoing went - 12:90 Raul 0:26 p, m. All trains gni ng East convert with C P. R, at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora and T B. R. Asthma, OEO. ALGA N, Local Aeons. Irons tri etas Items Appointed to Committee. Mr, tames Snell, Itullett's well known sheep breeder, has been appoint ed to the sheep committee of the Western Fair of London. The Com- mittee meets at London on March 21st to adjust the 1915 prize list. More Soldiers Back. Among the soldiers that returned from overseas at Landon on Tuesday night were the following Huron Co. Boys — Pte. F. Berry, Goderich Pte. T, McGrath, Goderich Pte. A. Harness, Exeter. Tax Victory Loan Although incomes from the recent Victory Loan are not taxable by the Dominion Government, it is tunnounc• ed that they are assessable by the municipalities. Only incomes of $600 are subject to assessment, however, and the small investors of the loan will, therefore, not be affected, Get Out Your Sap Buckets Farmers and others who have maple sugar outfits, even if they have not been in use for ,years, should put them to work this year. There is a sugar shortage, and 'Canadian maple trees should be made to produce to the maximum. So even if you havn't the most up-to-date equipment, tap all the trees you can and make the most of the facilities you have on hand. 'There'll be a good market for -all the maple sugar and syrup produced, For North Huron Riding. In addition to the name of Dr. Case, of Dungapnon, who has been suggested as a successor to Mr eAusgrove as North Huron's local member, and who would make a good man, several other gentle- men are named as aspirants for the vacancy, among them ivir. Matthew Lockhart, of Auburn, Mr, George Spot. ton, of Wingham; Dr, Redmond, and P. W, Scott, of Belgrave. Advance In ,Soap The serious falling off in the ex- portable supplies of glycerine in the United States, combined ,with the urgent demand from the Allied coun- tries for the oils essential to the manufacture of explosives indicates, in the opinion of welt -informed au- thorities that the price of all soaps and other fat products are likely to be increased within the next fele days. A meeting of manufacturers is to be held in Toronto to consider the most effective methods for the conservation of fats, and it is pre- dicted that the proposals to restrict domestic consumption Will nesessi- t ata, the reduction of soap manu- factories, and consequently force up the price at least one cent per pound, MAxnt HUIWN "14oNnt Dsv the case agents: Wm Meson, the honel- keeperat Blyth. was being argued in Clinton last w ell boll. Crown Atto•nty Seager ro 1 Barrister n ister j M Best, Sea - forth, made Fpecial reference to the way the Temperance Laws Were be. ing enlorced throughout Httrmn County and congratulated the officers and the Ccunly Tempereece orgmnzatien which has been actively assisliag since the C, T. A came into force. "It has been demonstrated very clearly," said Mr, Seeger "that the Proh Whorl Law can be enforced aurl that Huron County w'II be "hone dry" In the very bear future and :het this very desirable p•ns{- t,ou WM being reached Without using harsh methods," While most of the former license holders have Leen observ- ing the lew there have been a few who yell] persist in "defying' public opinion and have no right to expect leniency from tho officers who are pledged to en• force the law. Nor are the former license holdersthe only violaters es a5 demoustreted last week in Heusall Whets a prominent citizen undertook to f treat his friends so generously that they were finally rounded up as "drunks." • i'hayer For if/Oldier• ! The Protestant 1 oder• tiOn of France has addressed 1 letter to the Protestant churches 1n Canada and In shorts allied countries, requesting thein to juin It a day of prayer for the soldiers �ran On March t7. The letter, which is couched In appealing terms, says in i part: "'fire future of the world is be - in decided on the field of battle, and there the hertdsm of the allied sold- ' less Is equal to their task. But to maintain that heroism and lead it to victory it is necessary that God should be a living, acting force among our peoples as he is our unchanging hope. While Joshua fought in the plains Moses prayed on the mount." Carr of REV, THOMAS WILSON RESIGNS AT WALKERTON Former Auburn Presbyterian Minister Purposes Taking Rest for a Time. Walkerton, Marcia 5.—Rev. Thos. Wilson, of Knox church, Walkerton, who has completed -a very successful pastorale of 15 years, told his congre- gation to placel yesterday in thle I ands of Bruce Presbytery on 'Tuesday, with the request that it be dealt with at the next regular meeting of the Presbytery on May 30. Before going to Walkerton Mr. Wil- son was pastor at London and Auburn.. Ills eldest daughter, Jessie, has for nearly three years been a nursing sister in France, and his son Lieut. Melville Wilson, has been nearly two years In the trenches, having gone overseas with the 71st Battalion. Mr. Wilson will rest for a while before tak- ing another chage. SEND HIM "SEEDS" A practical and very excellent idea is being circulated its Horticultural circles—that of sending in parcels and letters to France a packet or two of vegetable seeds. in several of the 'Canadian news- papers mention has been made of IA; gardens planted and tended last year by the soldiers back of tate trenches, The "Canadian I• lorticulturalist' for January gave an illustrated descript- ion of a garden at one of the Canad- ian ilosptials in prance, where the staff and convelescents raised over 3,000 pounds of vegetables, beets, peas potatoes, cabbages, and beans. Prizes to the amount of 200 francs was do- nated by friends In Canada, and were awarded by Lt. -Col, McKendrick, of "Toronto for the best plot in his garden. This is the right time to send on a few packets of seeds. if you have a boy in France send a packet of his favorite vegetable^ and pass Ion the idea to your friends. It will furnish wholesome food and useful employ- ment to the boys on leave and help to make Prance a garden again. HELP CONSERVE THE NATION'S RESOURCES. TRADE AT HOME! Relieve the Railroads and the Post Office of the burdens of delivering small parcels to you. Help conserve manpower, coal and transportation facilities. And at the same time help your- self: SAVE TIME, by getting what you want when you want it. SAVE TROUBLE, by being able to exchange any purchase more easily. Be a "Home Town Booster," TRADE AT HOME! •NEWSPAPER CENTRALIZATION Tine yeas of 1917 was a year of great mortality among newspapers. The 1915 edition of the American News- paper Annual and Directory lists I o Y 24,552 newspapers, a decrease of. 616 (about 254 percent.) from last year's list. Only twice before in its history has the Annual recorded a decrease, and the two together did not amount to as much as one-third of the 1917 loss. Altogether forty new dailies were horn, the total number of dailies was sixty-two less than last year, indicat- ing that over a hundred daily papers gave up the struggle. The chief de- crease, however, was among the coun- try weeklies, They muster this year 5.69 less than last -year, a decrease of 3 1-3 per cent. Semi-weeklies were 635 m Silm Weinstein A• successor to M. Yolleck • o • Is prepared to pay the * loighest price for • • •Scraps Iron, * Rags,• •Rubbers, • •8Lc. • * s 4 Furs Wanted • All kinds of Raw Furs want- ad, Highes6 prices odd. Oitll • • on the undersigned Broin) you • 3 sell, A.iso buy Bides, Sheep - 8 skins and Poultry. • • • Write or Phone 02x • NAM WEINSTEIN a • MILL S'rIORT BRUSSELS 2 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Royal Household Flour (WHITE) JUST A121.'1VED AT McCracken s strong in 1917, This year the ranks are thinned to 575, nearly 10 per cent. less. These did not all die, however. A great many of then: have changed to weekly. This seems to indicate a centralize. Hon of newspaper activities in the country districts, Which is supported by the fact that consolidations of two or more papers numbered somewhere around GOO. 'lire total number of puh- licatIons eliminated through this and other causes was 1,659. Over a thous- and just stopped. The sane causes which led to the suspension of so many publications militated, of course, against the starting of new ones. CALL TO IMPORTANT POST Rev. E• W. Halpenny Invited To Join International Sunday School Association. Rev. E. W. Halpenny, li, D., general secretary of the Ontario Sunda‘ School Association has received a call to the field department of the Inter- national Sunday School Association as educational promotion superinten- dent. For about twenty years nth•. Hal - penny has been engaged as secretary of State or Provincial Sunday School Associations, beginning in the Pro- vince of Ontario, where, after live years' service, he was called to the Indiana State Association in 1.903. The call to Ontario was extended in 1909, and Mr. Halpenny has been en- gaged in his present position ever since. This is the first time in 20 years that such a position has been offered to any State or Provincial Association secretary, It is also the first time that a Canadian has been thus hou- ored. if Mr. Halpenny accepts the in- vitation his work will take hint alj over the continent in an endeavor to raise the educational .standards of the Sunday Schools. GOOD, HEARTY LAUGHTER Hygienic experts can say what they like, but they will never compose a diet or discover a better health pro- moter than good, hearty laughter, Laughter carries eveything be- fore it. It sweeps away the "blues," shakes up the old bones and stirs new life into every corner of the brain. it fills the lungs with good, pure, new air and drives out all the bad, impure breath. It is the world's friend and one of the few human characteristics which are universal, Promote real laughter, the genu- ine result of humorous incidents, not gigies, sickly smiles or sardonic and sarcastic grins, but honest, open, whole hearted laughter. That's the only royal road to health. A STOUT HEART (Christian Guardian) There is a French proverb which says, "One can go a long way after one is weary." The gallant French nation is itself pathetically proving the truthfulness of the saying. And so are the English-speaking peoples; and they will prove it more :and more as the months and the years come and go. And if, for the time being, they haven't a :tetter one; that is indeed a very good motto to go by, if one cannot go along the road with a lilt and a song; if some- how the joy and the spring have gone out of things, at least one can keep going on, and can find a very real sat- isfaction'in the fact that he can do so, and that a hard and a rough way has not been able to discourage him or turn him aside. Of course a smile on a man's face is good to see, but the man who cannot always keep one there these days, and who finds the admoni- tion to "cheer up" just a little beyond him, may comfort himself with the fact that he can, even with a set stern face, keep helplufly and hopefully go- ing on. THE WASTE BASKET Itc all tur cnt tII :IN t those whit seek free publicity I. r lhenis(Ives un I r isle cause the% : ,represent. all the parish pump t !Lstt.l. of certain would-be politicians s i all the itousaltd inid one attempt, t„ i e,tnirch the reputation or injure the business of a rviir,w-citizen. - WHY WATCHES LOSE TIME The reason for variations in the time keeping dualities in a well -regulated watch have been the subject of hives-. • Ligation by .scientists recently. The • popular theories that animal mag- netism and bodily temperatures are causes are dolled by investigators Rather, different rhythms •nt move- ment as well as the angle at which a watch hangs are given as real capes for irregularities. (Kingston Whig) The waste paper basket in a news- paper office is an unsightly and unin- teresting thing. Size is its most neces- sary qualification. Yet that same waste paper basket, humble and hate- ful as it appears, serves a great pur- pose. If is an unassuming medium fought with marvelous possibilities for good. No other agency, except perchance the fear of the law and the hereafter, does so much to keep peace in the family, in the City, and in the nation. into the capacious thaw of this news- paper waste paper basket go all or newly all—for ole occasionally slips by the editor on it busy day—the mean and miserable attacks upon this man's charaeter, that woinan's honor, all the petty spite someone seeks to spew out. upon a candidate for political prefer- ment, all the sordid gossip of a neigh- borhoocl as retailed over the, forged signature of some respectable citizen althe criticisms of men and move- ments penned by writers whose aim is always destructive and never construct - WHAT HE WFJsff FOR , Clergyman who had failed to gain the confidence and esteem of his flock was giving his farewell sermon. lie started: "My dear iriends. --.It is clear trod does not love you, for l have not buried any of you. It ts equally clear you du not love one :unuthar, fur I have not married any of volt. It is pain- fully clear you do not love -me• for you have not paid me my last quarter's sal- ary. I shall, however, be independent of yup in future, as 1 to. to take the position of chaplain at a convict prison Ile then calmly gave out his text: "I go to prepare a place for you." k t; s x r at tt at an e w st n FASHION NOTES " Lace blouses are returning for usage under coat suits. The revival of silk poplin appeals to many women, especially for the new coat suits of black, beige, brown and blue. Twelfth century tunics like coats of mail are appearing in Pari.:, and silver trimmings and lace are being revived for the evening. Coats are short when they belong to suits and both short aviators' capes and army capes, that ripple Clown the fi a when warmth is needed, are sewn Paris. CLINTON The Easter boxes for the buys in France were sent off hast week number ing about 50. Mr. William Coats, who has seen service in France, and who now has los discharge, is going to go into the dr•aying business in town. The tread Camp of the Canadian Woodmen hold $11,573.09 in Clinton debentures. Most of these are for the sidewalks. Pte Wilson McSherry who lett Clin- ton with the setst Huron's was calling on old friends In town Last week. Wilson saw six months service in France with it construction Battalion, mr. Onslow Crich received a letter on Saturday night, written on the 13th of February, stating that his two boys, James 0, Crich and Wilfrid V. Crich of the tesst Battl, had joined a draft and was going to France to get into the fight with the 1Sth Battl, The Town Treasurer and Chairman Wiltse have disposed of the $12000.00 worth of debentures advertised in our columns during the past two weeks. The Thimble a�tl Trinket fund Our Boys are Thirsty They Need Thirst -Quenchers That Will Not Hurt Therm The ()at/win W G. T. U• is eudettvoring to ralee a fund of $25,000 for free ' Tea, (Imam, Oo11'ee and Lemonade. The National Y. 81, O. A., svhottl the Ontario W. O. T. H. is aiding, will 'teed $50,000 to wry a (heir free drinka this, The \V. (1. T. IT h:ts already sent to Reance, mainly for thle- put pose, about $0000 --but the ut•ellgrows uu1rPinsistent, G.:ut+litiol to rhe fres driukublee, ale Ontario PV, i). 7', IT, has become responsible to the )', Al. U, A. for the cost of pouting a weekly leaflet of cher' and .pu'itaud help, which is heiug sent through the mails to all the soldiers in the forward 4reurites, whet express a desire to teeeive it.. The appreciation of the men I"). this hat of emuft.rt ran be judged by the fart that, in one divisido alt/11r, and within oar utnul.11 nl'lel• Ile issue hegn.ul 1.5,0110 soldiers asked that their• mnwu.•s lie rnlered nu I l,t• “Pay Bonk Leaflet Lint —the leaflet being so mooed 11 out Ih.• I'arl that they are ilesigurd to Bt int. the vohlim's pay boort, To aid in tvtiritig the ue,•c„sary food the. '1V. 0. T. IT, of this town will shot hold a Silver Thimble and Trinket Day ‘N' bre Ihry v ill ask every citizen to tool: through their possessions for bniken, asides., ouwanlell bits of gull thud silver Iriukets ; discarded jewelry or ster- ling table silver. - Any of Ilse !tit lowing to Iieles will let tlatilsfully rsceived and the proeeede of their sale a -rd for the above pttepi,ees. Old gold or silver thimbles. Brooches. Chains or links of chains. Scarf Pins. Gold or Silver tops of Canes or Umbrellas. Bracelets. Rings and earwigs. Silver Match Boxes. Old Gold or Silver Watches. Odd Cuff Links. Studs, Watch Charms. Broken Spoons, Forks or Toilet Articles in Sterling Silver. Coins in Gold or Silver, which have been monogrammed or punched. All these articles will he )Welted down and the prrmeeds used to flood the r•incVelld 11'1l11L:II1•a Wil{I 1.111. hal utlrssdr1nits our hays so need. At Hetes that would bring more looney it sold, than as "scrap," will be sold. (lollectma will call on the public in the Wear future. Fot further wrath:Mats apply Lo IVIRS. A. MoULTIRE or MRS, L. SKELTON They were all taken up by residents of Clinton and adjacent townships Some holders of the Doherty Loan debentures, to meet which these were ftered for sale, are exchanging those debentures for the new ones. En- quiries were received from different parts of the County, showing in what good esteem the Clinton debentures are held. There is no place in West- ern Ontario that has a better financial reputation than our town. Promp. payment of all liabilities and the know- ledge that our sinking funds are kept up punctually and well invested has put the town in the first class. 00004040.60604)♦♦•••••♦•••0e••040•••••••••••♦••••••••• • • N one week last month we were asked to place ten ® Stenographers at from $9oo to $95o per annum e • and two Bookkeepers at q$i115 to $15o a month, These are the positions our training will &t you to hold. Students admitted any time. For information write Stratford, Ont. and Wingham, Ont. —O The Mount Forest Business College, Mt. Forest. • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • •O • • • • • 41, ♦ ..... ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••♦• A Truck for the Farmer ARM equipment which will effect a r time and labo Fsavingl and therefore a money -saving, must be care fully considered by every good farmer now -a -days. The farm wagon, which for years was the most useful of all farm equipment, is now being replaced on the best farms by a sturdy, dependable motor truck. The truck will haul any farm product—fruit, grain, vegetables, stock, fertilizer, or wood—around the farm, or to the town or city many miles distant, in half the time, and at a.much lower cost. The Ford One -Ton truck is a rapid, economical and very serviceable means of transport. One of these on your farm will save you weeks of ,time in a single season and will enable ,you to pass through a crisis of labor short- age with less difficulty. The Ford truck is supplied as a chassis only. This per- nits you to select any of the many body styles especially designed for the Ford truck and already on the market. Thus you can mount the one which suits your individual requirements. Price $750 f.o.b. Ford, Ont. Dealer Brussels `` 6 S. CARTER,