HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-3-14, Page 1VOL. 46 NO. 37
.fliztritt .etv$
3''1)1,50 t1er A lin 0/1! in Advance
Mrs, George I,ekt ,ter visited Ethel
friends last week,
Mfrs, Frank Bdllfuur is Shilling
Stratford relatives,
Miss Paul Payne hoe returned to
her 109111011 in Blyth.
Miss Lily King and her brother,
Ped, left for the Weer oo Tu8sday,
Mrs. Norah', McLoud 111111 son,
Burke, spool, the week cud with relu-
Li0e4 here.
Jae, 1(el'llaghall raid family are
moving into the house on Mrs, Glb-
son's farm,
Nuroutn Mlnlligau, who spent the
Winter with friends here, has ream 0 -
ed to the West,
Mfrs, Thos. Straeh8 3 and family
have been visiting at the home of W.
McDonald, Jamestown,
Alvin 13adgley, son of David and
Mrs. Badgley, of this locality, lav
taken a position in Bt antford, We
wish him success.
D:evid 13reekerteidge las been en-
gaged 13' Reeve Fraser foe a year and
the amity purpose ',loving into one
of Mt', FI'asot's louses i1( the ',ear
All 2)311.
8'uoor,REPo2T-I0o11ow'ing is the
repel (1117. S, S. TOM herl'y, for Lits
runnels of haulm y tuud Palmary.
1V. -Alice Ball 80, Myra Buffer
f32. J-'. I V.-Crvilla poplar 83, Alvin
Edgier 0(1. Sr. 11.1.-51argaret Thomp-
son 70, Bessie Wright, 05, Edith M7nf-
Inet 3ti. Jr. ill. -Isabel Thompson 80,
Mary Gibson 77, Edith 1,'ar.'Is 73, Alee
Decide 73, Arnold 13a11 32 Sr. 11,-
1(lle 13ru'nard 833, Mined Dodds, Wil-
frid Dockl'i, ,lr, II. -Helen Dongine
00, Leslie lloeglas 88, Archie Gibson
88, Robert tantalite 80, Merle Dnig 00,
Voruoli 11upfr•, 58, Wesley Duddy,
Sr. 1, -Liza 13ai'llard 80. Jr. I.-
F.velyn H.upfer 7n, Gordon Doig (10,
Number on roil 25. Average- attend-
ance 15, J. l,5, Daui , Teacher.
BRUSSELS. ONTARIO 7'HU1i,5D4Y, ,W.-1R(`LI r.. zgx8 W. FI. KERB Pro fietor
The vegetal, mooing or the Jnines-
I"ni, 1'lre w('1''„ 1,e -elite], ens hall iII
Viet min I ,
\ t lttl It \1'',hr
1 11 I� d, Pelt, 1 c,, 7 1
2 LI,
Boll cull w.,s 10,s131,11t1)-by Jdtvts le
(uuerrl•a(ion nl: 4',11,11 and an exrenellt
Impel, wits give', by Slime Moe, Jelins-
toti oo "Aunt Sain,udl ha 111; meet eel:
amusing." lied Grose 1(','I k la belag
done by the lusll6ule every (Vechles-
Tee 1)9) area retell of Jas 13tdlanC rle
lel Can„ has been onrchased by Ben.
11 'elm?, 1(l' 111(1 11038384 bunndary,
Mr, Ballrutlyne lean Invested in the 56
11Cu' ful•(J) 01'1'loe. (1 0'3131, 10th L'nn,,
(Trey township /old htls eerntSi a line
peoper(y, ML', 13t'own'8 00010 has
not, 1)01'1) gaud and he Ditty take 11 trip
to the \Vest to Improv' i1. 7'he latter
will hold an Attrition Sale : l.'hored,ey,
28th inoL
Sleighing 19 about played out on
parts of smite c011Ce1si0lle,
Shurris-Sharpe Auction Sale on
-Tuesday, 26th lost, See het in this
We are so'ry to report that James
Davis -was taken ill last Saturday
night, in the fn1tit of a stroke. His
many friends wish him a speedy re-
Don't forget the Auction Sale of
Farm stock, implements, etc„ belong-
ing 1,0 the (abate of the late John
Mooney, 5th line. 'Date is Friday of
this week at 1 p. r13, Warne has been
01,111, hence sale will be tmreset'ved,
ScrlIoot ItltroR'r,-Fo1'lotvitig ie Lhe
report of 1-;, S. No. 6, Morris for the
moral's of January and February.
Set (V. -1'3x1118, in Gretna, Onmp„
Aleut., Lit., Arii8. and daily work -
Nol•man Sbuw 08, Mina Wilkinson 64,
Jr. 1V, ilxam, in same, --Cecil Bone
88, Enid Sellers 76. Jet I1L-Li'xao, in
Uornp., Meru., Lit., Aritl, and deity
took. -Prank Sellers 37, Stem. Burr
35 Jr IL lexant, i1( 8n.rne.-Jack
allow 72, George Pierce 70, Harry
Kerr 39, I, Exam, h Lnng„ Mem„
daily work.-Penest Pierce: 80, Willie
Bow nom (15, *Joh))lly Barr, 1'r'11ne1',
-4400d-4(3111 Bene,
O. 1'LJtLG, J.earhe'.
A number of Moi'risltes were at
(dollel'ich this week attendiug the Mc -
()racket' t1'18), 13y pleading guilty of
mauslaugnter no witnesees were calls
(el and the Judge's ))mane) was 15
years in ID))gston peed ten Berta
OALLIm TO LI Sat R8wAl(n,-At 2 p.
m. Monday afte,'unuu the spit it of
Mrs. Joseph Clegg, 5th line, took its
flight. She had been in poo,' health
for the past, year but was only confin-
ed to bed for about, 3 weeks, A' heart
trouble was the chief ailrneut She
was born at Mountain and came
with her parents, the late Charles
and Mrs, Parker Lo Morris township
many year's ago. Him was united in
marriage to her late partner 55 years
ago and they located on the farm on
which both died. Mr. Clegg passing
away in the year 1008 They lived
continuously on (he Fath line, except 9
yews they spent in Brussels, which
included a stay of some time in Oal1-
for'nia, when Mr, Clegg's Health was
very poor, The surviving children
are Jno, of Wingharn ; R, J„ a Bar-
rister in Roseland, B. 0, ; Mrs, J, R,
Hetherington, of Olympia, Washing-
ton, 13, S. ; and Miss Melinda at horse
who gave her mother most faithful
attention during the passing years,
2 daughtel:s, Mary and Margaret are
deceased. Mr's. Olegg'e only sister is
Mrs. Wm, Clegg, 1st line 1\'lorri8. The
subject of this notice was a very faith-
ful member and et generous supporter
of the Methodist chhuech and was a
Most intelligent Christian, knowing
her 13ih1e and endeavoring to practic-
ally live ant its teachings. She wets
in her 78111 year and was the oldest
settler on the line. Funeral took
place Wednesday afternoon from the
old home. Service -wets in charge of
Rev. S. Davison, her pastor mid pall-
bearers were Tae, Russell, .Tas, Clark,
F. Martin, Jae, Grasby, Bert Carter
and Wm. Armstrong, Interment
was made in the Sunshine burying
• •
•'8444040,+400•8400044064,40 0+844.000'411 v:-ova+v..vov�•v♦
trit:t Cash Sale Store
6 me of sur %my -savers dor this Week
Wash Goods
Dress Goods
Curtain Muslin
Boot Laces
Mi a1''s Shirts
5 doz. Ladies' Waiste, fine quality sheer, white material, low Beck
and long sleeves. Regnlut' 81.60. Sale..., .......,. ...... .................
25 pairs Corsets, sizes 1$ and 10 only, made of fine white coutil, low
oe medium busts, long model, Regular to $2.00, Sale
100 pairs Silk Boot Stockings, garter hem, high spliced heels and
toes, Black o1' While. Regular 05c. Sale
5 doz. Sills Lisle Bose, double sole; spliced heels and toes, fast dyes,
Black only. [Regular 75c. Sale
25 doz, Ladies' Black Cotten Hose, seamless, double heel, sole and
toe, fast black. Regular 85c, Sale .
Li dor„ Boys' Heavy Ribbed Hose, inade from best quality yarn, sizes
8i to 10. Regular 500. Sale ,,,
1500 towels Flannelette i1( Light and Doak Stripes, extra quality,
yard wide, Special Sale ,
1000 yards Flannelette, Plain White and Fancy Stripes, goad weight
cloth, Special Sale
Table of Wavh Goode, Piques, Foulards, Crepes, Muslins, Vestings
and Fahey Suitill.gs, Regnlar 50e. Sale
500 yards Check and Stripe Tea Towelling, good drying cloth for
glass or silverware. ltegvlat' 20e. Sale
500 yaids Deese Gamete, calors Blue, Green, Grey, Black and Fancy,
Tweed Effects. Regular 50e. Special ,.
12 pieces Ouetain Milan tis, plain centres, with Fancy Bo clues and 111i -
over Pattterns, Regular 25c, Sale
300 yards Silk Ribbon/, 4 in. wide, all shades, splendid fon' hair rib-
bons. Special, 2 yards for , .. „
1500 pa0 s Boot Laces ; a good staring quality Mohair Lace, 36 inches
long. Extra Special, 0 pairs for
1 doz, Fine, Negligee atilt ts, good gelidity cloth, fast dyes, si.zee 14 to
17. Itagulite $1.25. Sale . ..
• Ladies' Underwear
0 5 dozenLadiee'' Vests and
• Drawers 111)1de of flue even
• peens, a good wearing gat.-
* went. Regular 750, Lest
• Chance Price .,.., ..,.. 69e
p 8 doz. Ladies' 1818800.11ned
se arid heavy Ribbed Vests
• mid Di awees. Extra good
a quality, Reg, $1,00. Limit
o • Chance Price 758
a 3 dos, Ladies' Vests and
a Drawers, nal:teed & white,
• • heavy Ribbed Knit. Reg -
alar $1.25. Last (Atom
Pelee 96o
Cleara. ice of all Winter Goods
This will be your last opportunity to bhly Winter Goods at Sale Prices at Carswell's.
Big advance for next Season. Buy your simply rrow and save money.
••••440••4+'•••e•••o••N•••e•••!4••••1•••••M••♦•O♦♦••N1e•N••••••' •
5 doz, Ladies' Vests and
Drawers, natural lc white,
made Now good strong
yarns, sizes 30 and 38,
Reg. 50c. Last Malmo
Pr10e Oho
to dos. Boys' Heavy Rib•
bed Knit Wool Worsted
Hose, fast dye, 81rnng
wear, sizes 8} to 10, Reg-
ular 860, Last Ohance
Price .1100
5 doz, Ladies' Vine Black
Cashmere Idose, Full frreh-
lnned, seamlese, (111130)14,
heel and toe, Penu1'm
make, fast dye, Reg, 81
Last 01)1tace Price75e
Men's Sox
20 doz. Men's heavy Grey
Wool Sox. Reg, 35c. Last
Olutnce Price,... • 268
10 doz. Men's all pure wool
Grey Sox, made of fine
soft yarn. Reg, 50c. Lomb
Chance Pti8e 39e
Youth's-. Rubbers
80 padre Youths' Rubbers,
Granby bramaex188, heavy
sola, si8es 11, 12, 18. Last
Chance Pri011 - 60c
Gills' Rubbers
20 pairs Child's Rubbers,
sizes 0 to 8, finest quality
Granby Rubber.Last
Chance Pelee ... 490
30 pairs Girls` Rubbers
sizes Si to 10, best quality,
Inst ()htuece Price 550
25 pairs Misses' Granby
Wand Rubbers, sizes 11 to
2. Last Chance Prise 625o
100 lbs. high grade Eng,
Worsted Yarn, made from
best quality long even.
wool, nal') grey, Whole-
sale price to -day $2 Last
01180031 Price .......... 1.75
Men's Underwear
15 dos, Pentnan's Wool
Fleeced Shirts & Drawers,
best quality, fine weave,
34 to 44. Value $1. Last
Ohan0e Price 75c
S doz, Men's Elastic Wool
Ribbed Knit Shirts and
Drs„ Penruan's unshrink-
able, aim 31 to 44. Reg-
ular $1,50, Last Chance
Pelee 1,19
6 doz. Men's heavy Wool
Elastic Ribbed Knit Shirts
and Drs., Perlman's ut1-
eheinkable, sizes 86 to 44.
Reg $2 00, Last Chance
Price ..... 1.62lt
1 cloz, only Men's Red El-
astic Ribbed Knit Shirts
and Drawers, Ponstan
Mend. Reg,. $1.50, Last
chance Plied ' - 1,20
Extra Special
15 only Children's Coats, ages r to 4 yrs. dik
401.90 $3.5o. Last Chace Price... ...
the High. Price
Carswefl Bros.
The Store that Saves You Money
the Low Price
(,ronitl Minima/1e the departed 018)11'
1,1110 of (.118 home 011 e0e. Mrs, (Jh'gg
was a person push seeing 11113113' W0IIO )'
ly treble Of chnenetet' Lid her hemp
was illwaye timed an. 1)8 hospitality.
and the cleverness a1' its ilosless, The
subject of ((1118 notice enjoyed the re+-
sped and eetteeti) of a wide 01101) who
lelxlee sympally to the bereaved,
CARD ON THANKS. -We desire to
(')coed our than4e to many who have
beep gene'ous with helpful words and
kindly acts toward our xleparted
mother, She appreciated them and
son do we a8 they come as a Kahn in
Dur 801Tnw and a pleasant memory i11
our sadness. Thankfully yours,
Tent CLEou rasa LY,
TRH Pose is 80113 to heitt, that Mrs,
Nolmau Jackson died at her homr apt
Tisdale, Sask., on Feiday of last week'
at the early age of 25 year8 and 4
months, Her maiden name was
Florence Evelyn, daughter of Robert
and Mrs, Mainprize, fo'rneely of l3rus-
sets. She and Me. Jackson were mar-
ried about a year ago. The fuueeal
service was conducted in the Presby-
terian church Sunday and interment
made in Tisdale cemetery, The be-
reaved husband is a son of Peter and
Mr's. Jackson, former well known
residents of the 8th line, Morris.
Many old friends in this lucall,Ly
sympathise with Mr. Jackson in Gni
demise of hie young wife.
Mr's, J. K. Beown visited with Log-
an friends last week,
Pte. Alvin Mlellee, who has been at
London Military Oemp, is home to
help with the seeding on his father's
Millinery Opening at Geo, M,
Mltehell's Friday and Siete relay,
March 22 and 23. See the,advt. and
al tend.
Those wishing to an knitting 1'o' the
soldiers may peocnee yarn from Mrs.
Ferguson as she has a good supply 031
Ethel Women's Institute will meet
at the home of Mrs. W, 14, Love,
Thursday of next week at 2,30 o'clock.
Special attendance asked for.
Miss Lizzie Hoover hoe been install-
ed as milliner at Mrs. James le and Miss
WaVaiton has returned to take charge
of Geo, M. Mitchell's millinery depart-
$10.30 were the receipts of the Iced
Gross Tea held last week at Mrs, G.
M. Mitchell's ander the auspices of
tbat busy organization known as the
Grt le Patriotic. Club.
Saturdayof this week the Girl's
Patriotic lub will hold a !L'ea at G.
W. Pollard's for Red Dross purposes,
The girls will be greatly pleased to
have the help of the ladies of the
0101(1ity in providing the necessary
baking. It will be appreciated.
The house on the old Bateman farm
has been moved to the Morley Hetet.
'neon 200 acres now owned by A. L.
McDonald, Geo. Fraser has bought
the hoose on the former Peter McIn-
tosh farm, from Wm, Stephenson,
Last week ()bee. Case attended the
Grand Lodge of the Orange Order at
Chatham and had an enjoyable time,
Saturday night's tram stuck in a
snow bank all night about a mile Past
of Walton. A freight Lrain that came
to help also stuck,
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
church are planuiugfor a fine enter-
tainment on the evening of 'Wednes-
day, 2710 inst. Reserve the date,
EastereEBreasa.-tarries and Mgrs,
Barris. annonooe the engllgenlent, of
their daughter, Della Agnes, to Wit.
13. Murch, 0i' Presto,, the marriage
to take place in the near fiance.
Friday evelimlr of this week "Aunt
Susan's Visit" will he presented 10 the
A. O, T.T. W.Hall Il II here by the W. E.
of Leaabur'y. Entire p100811l8 will go
to Red Cross. PI'ogram at 8 o'clock.
Don't miss the play as it will be en-
Women's Institute will hoid its
regular monthly meeting at the clone
of Mrs. A. 13. Bruce, President, Thurs-
day, March 21st, tit 230 p, rn, Mrs.
Alex, Gardiner will take the meeting,
topic being `Systematic Housekeep-
ing," Everybody 1veleorne,
The 52ace e farm n fA.,Mr
Olnaig, has
been sold to Thns. I3ctekwell, for the
elm of $4,700, who will get mseessi 30
et a nearby date. Mr. McCnaliee will
hold an .Alla ion Sale of Fat et Stock,
implements, &c., Wedl,esday after-
noon 27th inet„ with F. S. Swett,
Brussels, as Anctioneer. We hope
Mac, and family will not, move away.
W. G, and Mrs. Farquharson, ac-
companied by the Tatter's parents,
Wm, and Mrs. Telfer, Brussels, left
Walton Wedneeday morning enroute
to Provost, Sask,, where Nlr. and Mrs.
Farquharsob live. The old folk, who
are well known in this locality, will
make their home with them, We
wisb them a safe journey and much
comfort in their declining years,
George Jackson, who has been in
the West, has bought L. Williamson's
farm adjoining Walton and law also
taken the livery barn, which he pur-
poses moving to the farm for a drive
shed, implement house, &c, Mr,
Williamson moves to Brussels Miele
110 has purchased the fine Slime ie -
Sharpe faun, We wish all concerned
1'he sewing course held render the
auspices of the Women's Institute,
was a great sucoess, The 86 rnernbers
of the class are unanimorls in the a)',
prec)atien of lnetruetre88,7llee McKay
and the last night of the course this
appreciation was well expressed by
(2130e ' tl
Pr el ant of
d the Institute, Mrs,
Bruce and other's and a little lunch
arranged in Mies Mclhnv'8 honor,
Miss Onrrah, in the name of the Claes)
presented Mies 41oICay with a bunch
of caenations. The does Mould hearthe
ly t'eeo(r rend this course to other
,Jon, (lintlt, who eold lamfarm(mown
as tee McPherson property, tun. 14,
Mel<illap, has putwbased (he 1Juck-
well 24131 meets, on the )acne UM', Itis
base propel.)y caul in good whale,
ph !leek well 01 turn bought the
Wm. lfeteo1) el rarity aril will move to
it. A house/creme', win have to be
seemed but, Joe likely has this in
tram]. Phos. Dock wen hoe Ilm'el)1'cc(i
A111018 ale0ualg's fad \Vest of Wcel-
Lun, (3,111)'1nrdom wiJI out do thele.
Among the ninny Omegas in 13)311)
properliei is the salt' of 11'm. .11o.
(lnlIn n'.. 100 AMC htr11, Let I1, L1o),
1.1, McKillop, to Jou, tloita1., of this
neighborhood, who gets a tine ('arm,
Willi good buildings, arc. Price was
$7,300, Mr, Coutts gels pnsseselol at
(3)308 but Mr, McCall 01111 1188 (1831 of
l',uwe until October, if he wishes,
after which 8,100)1. 1,ouselcerpot may
he instilled, Mr. Me('allnm leas a
grass 100 arses yet mete the Ia,111 i1)
11(15 8)11(1, The letter will hold 't (4'au'-
ingSaie of Farm stock, implements,
&e„ early in Cdober,
Fae'Iner9 Club meets Thursday of
(his week,
('. 15 Huuiely had et unreal evening
at the manse Friday night, an auto-
mobile contest being a feature of the
Entertaiment. Clare Long was the
winner with a McLaughlin ear,
An Auction Sate of farm, fat 10
stock, implements, Ra, will be held
by Victor and Mrs, Mary Sperling, at
Cl'avbrok, Monday, Mlarcil 130. If
farm is not sold it will be rented. Vic-
tor talks of going West.
Mrs. J. ,M, Knight who was npel't1t-
e8 011 at (luelph Hospital, in the re.
moved of gen stones and the appendix
is home and is making favoe•able pro-
gress, her many friends will be pleas-
ed to hear. We wish her early con-
The St. Marys Journal says of a
former Oranhronkite :-Wm. HeutlJpl'
the genial and obliging Manager of
the local rink has had rt fairly gond
season so far. There has hewn abun-
dance of ice daring most of the Win-
ter but the temperature lute been so
low as to militate against a good at-
tendance for days at
Knox ch
arab Sunday da School, v , an
brook, sent nut a band of smiling
workers on Saturday, March 2111 to
collect ter the starving Armenian
children. They gathered the goodly
sura of $11255. Over 100 homes were
visited. The team consisted of Misses
Annie Srnallclon, Edith. Dark, Viola
Mitchell, Lydia Steins, Bessie Leiteh
and Allister Bird, Frank (4001(er, I:l-
mel' Knight and Calvin (Deuteron,
Have you sold'out yet ?
Mrs, Wm. Week was visiting rela-
tives and friends in Toronto,
Pte, Harold Work was home frotn
London camp for the week end.
Charlie Lamont, 7th Col,, has been
10 with pneumonia but we trust he
will soon be o. k.
Jacob and Mrs. Hollenbeck, Palmer-
ston, were visitors at the home of R.
Davidson, Mrs. Davidson is a daugh-
Duncan Brewer, lith Cnn., has been
quite ill at the parental horse but is
gaining nicely now and will soon be
o. k. we !tope.
Pte. Whitfield Roe, sol of Pletcher
and 835. Roe, 9th Com, has gone over-
seas with a St. Thomas Battalion and
is now in England,
CARD os T1sANxs,-Our best thanks
are returned to the many who by
wor(1 and deed were so helpful and
tbougiltful in our sudden bereave-
ment in the taking away of husband
and father. We appreciated it we
can assure you. Yours gratefully,
alas. Ii.. B, WHEELER & FAMILY.
31,0. MOD011111d; Bay Oity, Michigan,
a former resident of this township, ie
here on holiday visit with relatives
and old friends. It is 26 years 81110e
he was here. Donald and Alex, R.
McDonald are brothers of his. The
visitor is a millwright by trade. He
is welcome back to the old scenes,
The Auction Sale at Win, Whit -
field's last week went with a good
swing and totalled about $5000,
Prices ranged high, Even hens sold
ab '81.47 each. Mr. Whitfield and
faimi( n e
9 will IOv to Gotai
1 the near
t 1 8
fttu to the re 131 of1
g t the folk of rheic
old 0r'1mm�nity,
7T REPORT l�gll()witag is the
Repot of S. 6. No, 5, Grey, for the
months of January and February.
Examined in Spelling, Art, OobJposi-
Hon, Arithmetic, 141stoy, Gram. and
Geogi appy. Sp, IV, -Marie Living.
8(.008 85, Jas. McTaggart 82, Adria)
l'Ic:l3ntgart 78, Jr. TV -Margaret
Menne 80, Marjory Fulton 70, George
McNair 74, Jr. )TL -Gordan Mc'l.'ag-
Cart '10. Examined in Spell., Art,
omp , Arith., Lang" and Geog. Sr.
IL-Fe'gns l(in'l'a girt 70, Howard
Mitchell 60. Jr. IC.- Stuart McNair
74, Olifford Brown 62, Primer. -
Good -Jack Fulton,
ALLON PO1IREeT, Teacher,
Scuooi, REl'nitT,-The f000wing is
the School Repot of S. S. No, 1 for
the month of February, iV,-llxam-
hied in Arith„ Gram., Art, Spell„
Geng., Comp, and llistnry,--Russel
Gram 1)2, J1108le Nlille' 81), Betram
He111ingwny77, Earnest Onelnatne 68,
Robprt E11glo 60, Willie Prrrie 55,
St•, Ill, Exam. in the 8)1)1)1 snbj"ate
Whit the exceteien of (1r11mmcu,•-
Norpi at Boo vet. 84, Meiji -ay 11110ver
73, Margaret Alcock 65 ,It. III. -
Elva Hemingway 32, Roy Askin 78,
Lena, Muller 46, Orville Whitfield 20,
IL -Exam, in Aritl) , Ceinp,, Art,
Geog , Read, anti Hist.a--1!,lhel David-
son 81, Ida Cochrane 80, Kenneth
Tyren1an68, Johnny Peelle 40. Johnny
Fisehr•r20, I. 35,814line8 in Arith„
Rear!, and daily wo'k.:-George David-
son 81, Clifford Alenek 81, Oat') 11rm-
ingway 08, Elsie Fischer 17, Primer.
Excellent - Sinclair Hemingway,
Good ---Lorraine Blake, Fair-1Villie
0aediff., JEssna MENZIES, Teacher,
Has a quantity of
on the way,
1c'urthe particulars may be obtain)
1 y a
Ed. Fulton
Phone 285 Secretary,
Next week Auction Sales are slated
for Victor Sperling, Oranbrook, for
Monday and Geo, A. McCall Waal'
Ethel on Tuesday,
Mrs, W, J. Cat(1iff, 7th Cone had
the misfortune to fall down stairs at
her home and broke two ribs, She is
doing nicely we are pleased 11, state.
Staulsy Hntehinsou is a visitor with
Alex, and Mrs. Hied before leaving
for his Home in the West, He may
take the "bird." If you doubt my
word ask Sandy,
The funeral of the late 14, Benson
Wheele1 took plate Mee 1''tiday after-
noon to Brussels eeine(ely, Service
was conducted by llev, W. E. Staff-
ord, deceased's pastor. Pallbearers
were six neighbors, Richard Jacklio,
Duncan McDonald, W. Turnbull,
Robe. ()eawfo'd and Dougaid Strach-
an. Russel Wheeler, of Southamp-
ton, brother to deceased, was here for
the funeral, Mr. and Mr's. Wheeler
were married 5} yetlr8. Owing to the
death an Auction Sale of Farm Stock,
implements, 4.0„ will be held on Sion -
day, 25th. inst. The farm will also be
offered the same day, Mrs. Wheeler
and children will probably move to
one of the nearby villages.
A Goon TIsnn.-A most enjoyable
time WAR spent in the school room at
'Onion church on Friday, March 8th,
when an concert 1t vt 1
AaK i3'
en by the
losing side of the League )'116)(16.
Program consisted of a pie contest,
readings, dialogues, solos, stump
speeches by 4 members of the opposite
side, speaking 8 minutes on each sub-
ject which were : Temperance frauk-
ness, keeping boarders and a returned
bllggy • a songg entitled "Now that's
what I think, don't you," also a play,
"Preparing for a moonlight excurs-
ion." Everybody enjoyed a good
hearty laugh. Rev, Mr. Johnson was
chairman. A silver collection was
taken amounting to $6.60.
Moncrie• ('
A wedding or two on the program,
The Ladies' Aid of Knox church
purpose holding au Irish Concert
Monday evening of next week, 18th
Inst„ wheu a good program will be
rendered. Lunch will also be served,
Tickets 26 and 16 cents. Everybody
is invited,
C. R, lattats0N, M. P. for NIPIe-
SING.--W8 are pleased to notice that
Chas. R, Harrison, of Scltieber, form-
erly of this locality and a brothel' to
Make/eel Harrison, is elected for the
constituency of Nipissing as M. P,
His opponent, E. A. Lapierre, had a
majority until the report of the over -
888.8 soldier vote which gave "Oharlie"
44 to the good. Mr, Harrison is a
0. P. R. railway man and a great ex-
ponent of Labor principles, Congra-
tulations are extended for a happy
and useful occupancy of office,
ing recently disposed of his farm,
George Dunlop, alai Miss Anna, pur-
pose removing to Ashley. Pennsylvan-
ia, where the former used to live,
The people of this locality, both
church and neighborhood, wished to
show their appreciation of Mr, and
Miss Dunlop and (1id so in the form of
severalr n i
p ase tat Hoop accompanied
by kindly worded addresses. First by
Miss Dunlop's Sunday School Class,
o1 Sunday, Feb. 17111. Belle Inglis
read the address and Mary Machan
presented a clock, Address was as
follows :-
S Do LUT' -i
W th very
deep regret we have heard that you
are about to leave Os and we, as your
Sabbath School class, could not allow
you to go without showing in some
manner, the high esteem in which we
hold you as nue beloved teacher and
Sabbrth School worker for many
years, We pray that God's blessing
may rest on your work here and
wherever your future home may be.
May God be with you. Please accept
this clock and may it often remind
you of your Class at Moucrietf, We
join in wishing you a successful
jouteley and all pt'espeeity upon your
work. Signed on behalf of the Cuss.
On the afternoon of the Preparatory
service to the communion In Knox
church, 22nd ult., a farewell service
was held, with Rev. air, Lundy in the
chair. After singing "Blest be the tie
that hinds," the 9)25101' spoke introduc-
tory weeds regarding g the going away
of Mr. and Miss Dunlop and called
upon M. Harrison, Clerk of Session
to read. the following address, after
which Wm, Patterson and 14188, D. I(,
Livingston presented Bibles,
DEAR Ftt1ENns.--C'Ve, the members
of Knox chute!) 0ongeo ation, Nfen-
el'ie1f. Have learned With sorrow of
your intended departure, Saving
farewell to those we love is one of the
hard experiences of
lifebut there
no exceptions, the dearest and beet of
Mende must part. Under these cir•
eumstarlces we, the eoogt'egation of
this chnroh, wnnld like to expee88 our
appreeiatiou ofyea as oo,Wgrkers In
the Master's vineyard. When the
work preepere() and we had 8ueeese
you rejoiced with 118 Arad in t111198 Of
8nfrOw and elisen(i/41gen11nit 11' W0'1'8
e0e1.' sur8 of your sympathy and help,
your C
ee1Yule a68, your tack 171 Gi,H
position yeti were placed and above
all your faithfulness to the duties de-
volving upon yon, have been an in-
stillation to us as a congregation and
111e far-reaching results are only
Ituown to Him who taketh note of all
and who certainly will reward you.
As you (lepaet from our midst and
enter Into other 1plt'res of labor, It is
nor sincere wish that 8access and
hen's )1,0 , eeeinmay re
1(1)11)1aveyon.1 3V80e abl,dt youg to (10,18116st
tiles' Bibles as a I'emrllibl lace of your
association with 1(e, and may the Holy
Spirit continue to illuminate the
5803881 pages to each of you, so that et
the end of Itfe's ,journey you may be
able to say 'Thy word has been A
iatnp to my feet teed a light to my
path." Signed on behalf N' Knox
church congregati(rn.
An address from Clroit', of which Miss
Dunlop was ()epeeist, was read by
Mrs, Joseph Mrl(ay and Jno. Mel-
ville heeded a fine gold pendant and
DEAR ANNA. -It teas with feelings
of very deep regret that we have
learnedof your Int.endetl departure
from amoug us, one who has been
associated with us in all our church
work and especially us organist for a
number of years. We feet that your
place will be very laird 10 till and we
will miss y(111 very much as we coupe
up to the service of the Lord. We
asko c 1
y u to ac ei t this pendant and
chain, may each link remind you of
the friends at Moncrieff who will al-
ways be glad to welcome you hack,
As you go from among us to other
fields we will feel sure you will make
many friends, who will love and
honor you as we have during our co -
relationship in the songs of praise.
We wish you every 001015tt and hap-
piness wherever your Jot may be cast.
May aur God in heaven watch over
and protect your every walk, May
God's richest blessing rest upon you
through your life's journey and when
this earthly race is run may we all
meet to sing songs of praise around .
the throne. 1
Signed o 1 behalf of
Miss Dunlop 'rade a befitting reply.
Short, complimentary speeches,
mingled with regrets and good wishes
were given by Wm. Ilarvey for the
Session ; G, McQuarrie for the Sunday
School ; Mies L. Harrison for the
Endeavor ; Mrs.
Patterson for
the W.
M. S. and srs, Joe McKay for Ladies'
Aid. This very interesting gathering
concluded with the hymn, "God be
with you till we meet again," and
prayer. It is not often tbat a young
person leaves a community that was
so ready and competent to do a Iarge
share of work as Miss Dunlop and her
life of service here will no doubt prove
an inspiration to many others.
Goon SEND Oss.-Thursday even.
ing a gathering of neighbors and old
Emends was held at the commodious
home of Donald and Mrs. McTaggart,
16th Oon., George Dunlop and Miss
Anna, who expect to leave next week
for Pennsylvania, were the guests.
Accompanying the following address,
read by Ed. Fulton, was the presenta-
tion of a pipe and umbrella to Mr.
Dunlop and a manicure set to the
daughter, Archie MeLean, Jas. Fulton
and Miss Flora McKay conveying the
gifts :-
DEAR FRIENDS. -Having learned
with sincere regret of your intended
removal front our conmt'tnity, we,
your neighbors have assembled this
evening to enjoy a social hour with
you and to express our appreciation
of the services which yea 11800 render-
ed as a neighbor. We have always
found you ready to give a helping
hand whenever need has arisen and
often to your own disadvantage,
You have rung true in your life and
00nd00(1, standing the test as a neigh-
bor and friend. Anything that stood
for the good of the neighborhood or
the broader sphere hall your ready
help. We will mise you from our
social service, but we hope that you
may have many happy and prosper-
ous years in your new home. As a
small token 1 e 1 o' our esteem and a
minder Of the Townshipof
Grey, we
ask your acceptance of this this pipand
umbrella and manicure set fon' Anna,
and may you long be spared to enjoy
the use of them and may you find
many warm, true friends in your new
hove. You take with you our fondest
and best wishes, Signed on behalf of
your old friends of the 10th Con,
me, Dunlop acknowledged the kind
words expressed and the highly valu-
ed gifts presented to Miss Anna and
himself and reciprocated the good
wishes to their malty old friends in
the community. The evening was
pleasantly spent with games, music,
lunch, Sea and in separating many
gond wishes were exchanged and the
hope expressed that Pennsylvania
would not always hold the Dunlop's.
Mlr, and Mrs, McTaggart made ad'
tearable host and hostess;
The monthly meeting of the Wom-
en's Institute will be held in the
Orange hall Thursday afternoon of
next week, at 2 o'clock. Papers will
be given by MIS. W, 13. Fraser 11nd
Mrs, R. Gavniss, bliss Collie and
Miss. Lockhart will serve lunch. A.11
the ladies are invited.
I.ev Manly Bensou, D. D., of Tilleon-
burg,will retire to fl
ootheMhot et T
ministry in June after se years of active
C a join
A joint meeting, of reptesenlatives
of the Various cougre>ations interested,
it was decided to ge 11440)1(1 with the pros
posed Henley and Fieher evaugoltatio
campaign in (301erie1) i1( Juue or start"
iug the latter part of May,