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The Brussels Post, 1918-3-7, Page 7
LOCKING AI"11IE NIGHT SKY. ALMOST HELPLESS Light From Our Nearest Star Reaches FROM RHEUMATISM Us in Four and Half Years. A thenry gaining scientific accept - once is that in the void of interstellar space there is a substance which veils e stars be and a cer- tain limit of distance, Consisting presumably of microscopic and widely scattered particles, it nevertheless makes a barrier to vision when dis- tances are sufficiently great. In other words, if we were far enough away from the sun there would be enough of these particles between ourselves and that luminary to render to us. invisible it Dr, C. G. Abbot, of the Smithsonian Institution, says that the estimated density of this "substance" is one trillionth of that of the air we breathe. Only Able to Move About on •u hes—Dr. 'Williams Pink CI tc Pills Restored Activity. Inflammatory rheumatism, acute rheumatism and rheumatic fever are different names for practically the same thing, It comes on with hardly any warning. The pain is excruciat- ing, and there Is a tendency of the disease to attack the heart, when it may have fatal results, n who iia$ suffered from as Any one v attack of inflammatory rheumatism knows that the usual treatment is highly unsatisfactory. External ap- Pretty thin, one might say. And yeti plications. of hot cloths and liniments a sphere (in Reece) whose. radius was I and Internal doses of salicylates to re - the distance from the earth to the star' Bore the pain are not enough, for they nearest to our solar system would con- I do not drive the poison from the blood, thin a quantity of the substance equal and the sufferer is liable to renewed to 1000 times the mass of the sun! i attacks whenever exposed to cold or It takes eight minutes for a ray of , dampness. light to travel 93,000,000 miles from I To cure rheumatism so that it will the sun to the earth, But the time I stay cured the rheumatic poison in the required for a light ray from the star l blood must be driven out, and the nearest to the solar system (Alpha, blood made rleh and red. When the Centaurs) to reach us is four and aiblood Is pure there can be no rheu- half years. A vast majority of the matism. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills build stars (every one of which is a glowing) uP the blood, make it rich, red and sun) are so far off that it takes thou- ' pure and in this way cure the most sands of years for light from them to obstinate cases of rheumatism. Mr. get here. I George Harbottle, R. R. No. 1, Fever - Doctor Abbot says that at least one sham, Out., is one whose cure through of four of all the stars are double or I the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is "multiple"—meaning• that they are ar- I most striping, His mother gives the ranged in pairs, in triplets or in particulars of his attach and cure as bnnehes that compose systems of suns.' follows:—Sone years ago while nay The Pole star probably consists of sot was working as a blacksmith in a three distinct suns, but it is so far Michigan lumber camp he was attack - away that astronomers are not quits ed with rheumatic fever. He was at certain. once taken to a hospital at Marsenett, Alpha Centauri, our Dearest stellar and was there wider medical treat- neicrhbo•, is unquestionably a "double" ment for four months with but little ;.hat is to say, two stars, each of or no relief. He then decided to go which is about the same size as our to Mount Clemmens, where he tool; sun. But the two are more than the baths for three weeks, but did not find any benefit from them. By this twenty-three times as far apart as the sun and the earth. WHY A CAT'S EYES SHINE. Invisible Rays Striking Retina Said to that he Could not bend it, and most of Undergo Chemical Change. 1 his joints were swollen out of shape. Not satisfied with the old explan-life could neither dress nor undress ation that a cat's eyes glow in the himself and had to be helped like a dark because y catch and concen- trate every little sglimmer of light that pink Pills gand finallyed him to ; hery Dcon r. Williams' to may be about, scientific men have been do so. He had only been taking the recently to make miiltfn ex eriments g P Ili a ret weeks when he could limp I pins v some other explanation for the eye' ni p t h crutch, and his a- glow when there is no light at all. about, greatly improved, o cr up - glow •e 1 im ro 'ed This ave Petite n al t g p g Y P This is true of most nocturnal crea- him new courage and as he continued tures• the use of the pills he showed =- The first man to point to what, stant improvement, and was able to seems to be the true reason was Prof.', stalk about outside. He continued to Bugniou, of Switzerland, who in 1913 use the pills for some Pour months, by suggested that perhaps invisible rays which bate every symptom of the —such as the ultra -violet or infra -reel trouble bad disappeared, and he went —were transformed by some chemical to his work- in Michigan a cured man. action into visible rays at the instant of reflection from the eyes. Now come two Costa Rican profes- sors, G. Michaud and J. F. Tristant, reporting their experiments from the effect of ultra -violet rays on Vie eyes of men and animals. They filtered a ray of sunlight through a special fil- ter composed of a cell of Uviol glass containing a solution of copper eul- phate and a film of nitrosotlimethylan- ilin, thus cutting off all the visible rays and allowing none but the in- visible ultra -violet to enter a perfectly dark room. In the room these rays were allow- ed to fall upon the eyes of a dog or a man who had been in the dark for fif- teen minutes. The pupil immediate- ly became sharply defined in luminous green against the violet black back- ground of the iris. This startling effect, they believe, is l to have a mortal antipathy to ;foxes, caused by the pigmented iris absorb- and every time they see one they lose ing the ultra -violet rays while one of the tissues inside the eyeball, perhaps the purple of the retina, fluoresces when they enter, NEW BRITISH SLOGAN. Win War in the Kitchen—Bones Are Turned Into Munitions. Save that old bone, it may kill a German. This is the thought that flashes through the mind of the English house- wife these days following an appeal made to her to conserve all the old bones from the kitchen that they may be used in the manufacture of gly- cerine and then be incorporated into bombs and shells for the army in France. The movement has the ap- proval of the Ministry of Munitions. The appeal to the housewife says that lemma will produce grease, which yields glycerine for explosives; glue for the malting of aeroplanes and bone meal, a fertilizer which increases food crops and thus aids in the battle against the German submarines. For the bones which were formerly housewife the o thrown a or burned e 1 w away cent a coni from her will receive one P butcher or margarine dealer, who in turn will receive a profit of one cent a pound in turning them over to the general collector, to whom a fair pro- fit also is allowed. Prom the enthusiastic response from the women th England it begins to loop as if the plan to "Win the war in the kitchen" will prove popular. with those unable to go to the front or he otherwise otter their services to t Government. time he reit that his case was hope- less and decided to return home. When he reached home he could only move around by the use of a crutch and a cane. One knee was so stiff Practical Designs Are Popular West FE RTI L i z E RIThe hh Family. Mr, Asquit's 's f family have been • rendering grey g Mrs. W. J. Yale Talks of Dodd's Kidney Pills. She Also Tells How Her Dyspepsia Was Cured By Using Dodd's Dys- pepsia Tablets, t. and dietin wished sere ONTARIO FERTILIZERS, LIMITED vices in the war. His third son, WEST TORONTO CANADA Brigadier General Arthur Asquith, is ;reported to have been seriously A LITTLE FRENCH HEART.. wounded in France, having received a compound fracture of the ankle while "Madame la Presidente:-- reconnoitring a German position, He Permit a little French l.eart to come has Leen wounded on two previous ece and present to you his wishes the Basions, and has a splendid military most sincere. My parents join with record. At an early stage of the war me in sending their best compliments he joined the Royal Naval Division, for the New Year, and in thanking and as a sub -lieutenant in the Anson you for your great kindness. I thank Brigade participated in the defence of Pandora, Alta., Feb. 25th—(Special) you all, dear good ladies, for the nice Antwerp. He won his D.S.U,, to --"We are never without a box of things you have put in with the which he was recently awarded a bar. Dodd'$ Kidney Pills in the house." clothing addressed to my dear Papa. His high military aptitude is betoken - That's what IVIrs. W, J. Vale, a well- Every evening in my prayers I ask ed by his rapid promotion, One of his known and highly respected resident ent God to spread his b ess}ngover You.I brothers Cyril, has also so be en recently tlY Receive again Madame la Presidente wounded. Raymond, the ex-Premier' s of this place has to say of the groat Canadian kidney remedy, "MY "us - band suffers from lumbago, and they and all the ladies, the best wishes of eelest son, fell in action more than a your little protege—Charles Opde- year ago. He had a very promising always help him," is the reason that beck." career at the Bar and in politics, she gives. This little letter has just been re - "I must also tell you," Mrs. Vale ceived in Toronto, by the President of GIRLS! WHITEN SKIN continued, "what Dodd's Dyspepsia the "Friends of France," whet- knows WITH LEMON Tablets did for me. They cured mo what interest it will have for many _ of a very bad attack of dyspepsia, I people in every part of Canada, who Make a beauty lotion for a few cents have also derived great benefit from JUICE Made for work or play are these the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills:' have so generously sent help to the to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. hospitals and refugees. Charles the Your grocer has the lemons and any little overalls 82 the little bey. McCall It t evidence em this that proves : his hospitals a were repatriated from drug store or toilet counter will sup - Your Pattern Dlo. 4 ye Boy's Overalls, in ,that the Dodd's place re -in t es have gained his mother of France not long ago, and p19 you with three ounces oP orchard 6 sizes, 4 to 14 years, Price, 15 cents, a permanent place in the family meal., edl- find themselves with little or nothing white for a few cents. Squeeze the Cine chests of the West. Dodd's Kid- to lire on. During their captivity the; jn}ce of two fresh lemons Into a bottle, nay Pills are particularly popular. e mother was struck by a shell and lost The success with which they havthen put in the orchard white and been used to treat all kinds of kidney a leg, The father is an ambulance-, shake well. This makes a quarter ills from backache to rheumatism and driver for a hospital in Calais, and pint of the very best lemon shin Bright's disease have earned for them this is what he says: Dear and whitener and complexion beautifier the gratitude of thousands of people Good Ladies:—I thank you so much known. Massage this fragrant, creamy on this side of the Great Lakes. , for the parcel that has just come. It lotion daily into the face, neck, arms iconteened 4 pairs of socks, a flannel: and hands and juet see how freckles, His case was well known to the neigh- bors around here and his cure was looked upon as marvelous, for every- one thought that at the best he was doomed to be a rheumatic cripple. It is because they have made such wonderful cures as Mr. Harbotte's that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have a world wide reputation, and are the only medicine used in thousands and thousands of homes. You can get these pills through any medicine deal- er or by mail at 50 cents a '-ox or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockvill , Ont. Crows and Foxes. Although crows build their nests in trees where no fox can climb, and al- though they can escape from any fox by flying, they, for some reason, seem Soididi` Leaves $1,600 to King. Lieut. John Wills, who was killed at the front in Flanders, left a edit die Visaing that $1,500 of his estate of $4,500 be given to King George, "humbly requesting that his Majesty ;apply the same in the reduction of the national debt." no opportunity to harrass According to an experienced hunt- er and naturalist of Bangor, Maine, the best time to observe the malice of the crow against the fox is on a cold day in early winter, when the hounds can follow a trail without touching their noses to the ground. If there are any crows about, they can be re- lied upon to show where the fox is running. On such occasions, says the hunter, I have seen crows watch for mining foxes for hours. As soon as a fox emerged from the thick woods every bird would hover over the running beast and peck at it with every evi- dence of bitter hatred. Several fox hunters that I know mance a practice of following the crows when foxes are roaming the back lots. Minard,s Liniment Cures Colds. Eta At Last. He had been going from church to church trying to find a congenial con- gregation, and finally on Christmas Eve he stepped into a little church bust as the congregation read with the minister: ter: "We have left undone those things which we ought to have clone, and we have done those things which we ought not to have done." Tho man dropped into the nearest pew with a sigh of relief. "Thank gooduese," he said, "I've found my crowd at last." In feeding cattle this winter uee a and a Mini- mum roughage AYlmum m mum of concentrates. In a time like this high finish may not be most profitable. g u7: II „^".. lga, w aur=ig; Irl="`fll=1 i I. i III III— III III_Iii=III= III_S.111=111-III =4,=111=!II =I flireill =III=10= 'l�lllllll Irlll III=,tI III=III=III ill, tl_IIi=III-= t= iiseeo11=1=IU el =11; -III _all= il_ Ili III Ill I I i iI Ili III T." ra III =1I- III=01=. -d17,111- a: Ill=lirc III 111= _- =11:=1 II u = • =Int IiI � III 0 _ I_ I :II 1= 111 II- l I'u I I RIF- E,- 1! see = 111 it III el= I= Int it .1 Ili i� 11 _! III Id _ �l � lu "LINES"—'PO A BEAR. I shirt, chocolate, sugar, soap, cocoa; tan, sallowness, redness and rough- and soup. If you knew haw happy ness disappear and how smooth, soft How the Drawing of Two Simple we are to have these things, for n ' ow and clear the shin becomes. Yes! It Lines Altered the Picture. it is so hard to live that my poor wifeis harmless, and the beautiful results can never get anything nice. She A feat once performed by Bret is so happy to be near me at Calais, Harte, to the warm applause of a but unfortunately the "cochons de brother writer, might, after all, be Bothe" come often to bombard us. d ro- On Monde the threw a dozen bombs considered as the legitimate an p Y y per work of a poet; certainly it gives there was only material damage hap - evidence of a very ready and very felt pity, bet since my wife was struck, firs editor 1'toro f the Overland Monthly,: that the Boches will soon have finish- monna this year. Even at the pre will surprise you. e Store the Ice. By storing all the natural ice that it is possible to harvest, ice companies, farmers, creamery owners and others citous imagination. Ilerte was the she has such a terrible fear. We hope twill help materially in saving am - and the story of the origin of that ed their crimes, and we can be happy sent time there is an absolute short - magazine's famous cover is thus told again in our dear country. God age of ammonia in the United States in Mr. H. C. Merwin's Life of Bret watches over us and will protect us. of 00,000,000 pounds per annum for Harte. I Receive, good ladies, my affection and war and commercial purposes. The cover of the Overland was thanks the most sincere. E adorned with the historic grizzly heart Le Soldat Arthur Opdebeek. MONEY ORDERS that, standing on the ties of the new -1 The `Friends of France" heard of ly laid railway track, with half -turned this family through one of the hospi- body and lowered head, seems prepar- tals that they help near Calais, which ed to dispute the right of way with is visited daily by scores of refugees. the locomotive that might shortly be The nurse in her last Ietter says: expected to come screaming clown the I "Without Canadian and American help track. There was originally no fail t e could not exist. Many hospitalsitals way track in the picture; merely the have had to shut down. The cost of beat. How the deficiency was sup- living is so high and the government pliedMark Twain explains 'm a letter can gave us so little. D anYof our to Thomas Bailey Aldrich: - j wounded are very ill, and need Do you, know the prettiest fancy and nourishing food. One egg costs 13 the neatest that ever shot through cents and butter and meat are $1.00 Harte's brain? It was this: la pound. Just now enormous num- When they were trying to decide' bers of refugees are arriving from the upon a vignette for the cover of the! North of France, in a state of exhaus- Overland a grizzly was chosen, and; tion of which you can truly form no The cover -all apron is a joy to the the peige was printed with him on it.' idea, It is speeielly at the begin - housewife. McCall Pattern No. Asa ear he was a success—he was a ning that these families need help, 6920, Ladies' and Misses' One -Piece good hear. But then, it was objected, i when they are so weakened and de - Apron. In 3 sizes, small, medium he was an objectless bear—a bear that moralized. It is a question of ma - and large. Price, 10 cents, meant nothing in particular—simply,terial help to revive their morale, be - These patterns may be obtained stood there snarling over his shoulder cause :Rm. a time they pick up won - from your local McCall dealer, or at nothing—and was painfully and clerfully, and in a fewmonths gather from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,h manifestly a boorish and ill-natured together a little home less sad. All the Toronto, Dept. W. intruder upon the page. All hands second-hand clothing you send, which said thas—no one was quite satisfied, is so good, -finds owners immedi- I They hated badly to give him up, and ately." 'STORMY WEATHER when the edwas ono real p se him there, The "Friends of France" is an an- oint to tiro., corporated society under the 1Nar Presently Harte took a pencil and Charities Act Its headquarters are ARD ®S l BY i drew two simple lines antler his feet, 1216 Poplar Plains Rd., Toronto, and sv anti behold, he was a magnificent sac- I the President, Mrs. Wells, will gladly cess. The ancient symbol of Califor-, receive and acknowledge gifts in The stormy, blustery weather which :Man savagery snarling at the ap- money or kind, such as clothing, food we have during February and March proaching type of high and progres- I and hospital supplies. is extremely hard on children. Con- sive civilization, the first overland lo- I , ditions snake it necessary for the mot- comotivel I think that was nothing Ndnard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. -her to peep them fu the house. They less than inspiration itself. are often confined to overheated, bad- ly ventilated rooms and catch colds Newton had just diseovcred why which rack their whole system. To the apple fell, "But," cried the anxious guard against this a box of Baby's office -seeker, "why doesn't the plum Own Tablets should be kept iu the fall?" house and an occasional dose given tie baby to keep his stomach and' bowels werking regularly. This will not fail to breath up colds and steep the health of the baby in good condi- tion till the brighter days come along. The Tablets arra sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Get Out Your Sap Buckets. Farmers and otters who have maple sugar outfits, even if they have not been in use for years, should put them to work this year. There is a sugar shortage, and Canadian maple trees should be made to produce to the maximum. So even if you haven't the most up-to-date equipment, tap all the trees you can and matte the most of the facilities you have on hand, There'll be a good market for all the maple sugar and syrup pro- duced. PINS alillamtea Eyelids; FOR vSore E es Eyes Inflamed met b m, eand Wind quickly relieved by Marina, Try It in ®Nil , a c Your Eves and In Baby's Byes. N jtio Smarting, Just Eye Comfort Muritte Eye RemedyAt Ynar innsg stns nr n or Sok V da Etyis Merle° aye encu°. In Tubon 26c, hear Look of the Pune-Fres. leek rilarine Eye Remedy Co., cla ng° a Every shovelful of coal you waste lowers the efficiency e of the man on the firing line, lowers the temperature of the cantonments, reduces the speed of the submarine destroyers, diminishes the force of the projectile and slaeltene the speed of the mull. tion plant. Whether it is a home or merely 1ti house depends upon trio folks who live there. nvFaiH fji " HOURS eee akeci Cereal ,Food Different from the usual run of toasted or steam - cooked cereals,' rape -Nuts is baked in giant ovens --- baked for nearly twenty, flours under accurate con* dations of heat, so that the whole wheat and malted barley flours may develop their full, rich sweetness. You don't screed sugar on Grape -Nuts. "There's a Reason" — Tatklakr, e Pay YOnr out of town accounts by Dominion Express Money Orders. Five dollars costs three cents. A Word For The Peanut. The peanut is a substantial food, a wholesome,m e,PslatBble food declare clare the people who knew, Six ounces of shell- ed Pen _ peanuts eq o 1 nal . 3 ounces of beefsteak, 5 ounces of codfish, 1 ounce rice, 1.2 ounces rye bread, 35 ounces of spinach, 5 ounces of apple, or 0 ounces of bacon. ..... The best tl yeast in the wand. :; A^kE Mees E S perfect \ bread. 4_kW z MADE iWG�1lETiWh110--- 11,0 IN w e.s enc, re • °,,,e CANADA lr_ :� I E .GILLETT COMPANYLIMITED (ia E,W O TRE AL M N . i� TORONTO. NFO. ONT. Kau Wu WIN NIPS c Where crops are rotated, neither fungus nor insects gain headway on the farm. FOR SALE '[7IVENKI.Y NEWSPAPER IN WEST- �C 7 ern Ontario. Doing a -wood busi- ness. heath- or owner places It on the market. A great chance for a man with cash. Apply Box 82, Wilson Publishing Co. Limited. Toronto. {',YELL EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER +/ FF'' and Job printing Plant in Eastern Ontario. Insurance carried $1.600. Will go for $1.200 on quick sale. Box 69. Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd.. Toronto. Zd7.SCELLANEOVB f"IANCER, TUMORS. LUMPS. L1 internal. and external cured with- out pain by -our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Beliman Medical Co.. Limited. Collingwood. Ont. The Soul of a Plano is the Action. Insist on the " ©TT® I G Pi/•>,NO ACTiOM Deei ors Recommend Bon -0 pl o for the Eyes Physicians and eye specialists pre- scribe Aon-Opto as a safe home remedyq strengthen ;eyesight. eye old°under es money refund guaranty by all druggists. rese•"45sES3t sir"- MMEg Mansonville, June 27, '13, Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Yarmouth, N. S. Gentlemen,—It affords me great pleasure and must be gratifying to i you to know that after using 36 ` bottles of your Liniment on a case of paralysis which my father was afflict- ed with, I was able to restore him to normal condition. hoping other suf- ferers may be benefited by the use of i your Liniment, I am, Sincerely yours, I1 GEO, H. IiOLMES. Cause for Suspicion. Whets the train, with a tremendous crash, came to a full stop between stations, a worried -looking man stop- ped a brakeman who was running down the tract: and demanded to know the worst. "What is it? An accident?" "Some one pulled the communication cord," was the reply. "The engineer put of the brakes too quickly, and one of the cars left the rails. It will take us four hours to clear the line." "Four hours!" exclaimed the pas- se':iger, "But I'm to be married to- day!" The brakeman turned on him with instant suspicion. "Loop here," he demanded, "you aren't the man who pulled that cord, are you?" ' Baby of Mine. Just a wee thing with a dainty air, And a shining mop of golden hair, With eyes so soft and wistful, too, That they bruise and hurt the heart of you. Warm little hands that seep and cling And matte you love this baby thing, Dear little Bead against your breast n its nest ire a bird i t here 11. , ud lin t C � g Fragrant lips as cool and sweet As a budding rose in the summer heat— But I open my eyes—and senile --and sigh -- Baby of mine—the dream's gone byl --Elinor Maxwell, The Ship of State, In sp ate of resit and tempests roar, In spite of false lights on the shore, Sail on, nor fear to breast the seal Our hearts, our hopes, are all with thee, Our hearts, our hopes, our players, our tears, Our faith triumphant o'er our fears, Are all with there ----are all with thee! htteeedee ranneaat clime niatemeeze Sap Running Begins Soon. The first run of Canadian maple sap begins down in Essex County, On- tario, generally about March 20. Gra- dually the warm weather works north east and the season ends up in Quebec when the leaves break the buds. =Marrs Liniment Cares Garret In Cows I On the farm the automobile is dis-1 tinctly a business necessity, for a farmer, unlike the city man, can not jump on a trolley when he wants to see a customer or buy a tube of shav- ing cream. He doesn't buy a car merely for the sake of seeing the wheels go 'round—Ise really needs it in his everyday farming life, o—o-•o—o—o—o--o--a—o—c—e o 0 WOMEN! IT IS MAGIC! ° LIFT OUT ANY CORN o__ ° Apply a few drops then lift corns or calluses off with P fin ers—nc aim. tl o—o—o—o--a—o—o—o--o--o—o.-..opo Just think! You can lift off any corn or cal- lus without pain or sore. mass. A Cincinnati mai} dis• covered this ether com- pound and named it freezone. Any drug- gist will sell a tiny bot- tle of freezone, like here shown, for very little cost. . You PlY A nl n few on a drops directly upon tender corn or callus. Instantly the soreness disappears, then short- ly you will find the corn or callus so loose that you can lift it right off. Freezone is wonder- ful. It dries instantly, It doeen't eat away the in but corn or callus, , shrivels it up without even irr eating the eurrounding shin. Hard, soft or eorns between the toes, as well tes painful calluses, lift right off. There Is no pain before or after- wards. If your druggist hasn't freesone, tell bine to order a small bot. tle for you from his wholesale drug house. A Cure for Had Breath "Bad breath is a sign of decayed a: teeth, foul stomach or unclean Q bowel." If your teeth are good, look to your digestive organs at once. Get Seigel's Caralive Syrup at druggists. g i 4s. 15 0 30 drops a g after meels clean up our food passage and atop the: bad breath odor. 1.00 Bottles. and 506 $ Do not buy substitutes. Get the genuine. 5 x Mi&3K3i=f3crZAnt3 Dandruff and Itching . The Cause of Palling Hair Rub spots of dandruff and tching with Cuticura Ointment, next morning sham- poo with Cuticm•a Soap and loot water. Rinsewithtepidwater. Trialfree. These fragrant, super -creamy emollients clear the complexion of pimples, redness and roughness, cleanse the scalp, prevent falling hair and soften the hands. The Soap to cleanse and purify, the Oint- ment to soothe and heal, la to ,apiaha pol TLI'Vo ou0 to W ter"'' R= 114 111. Fs7' d tYir AVOIDED 1411 OPERATION Canton, Ohio.—"I suffered from tti female trouble which caused me mucin, ,,,.—. suffering, and twe doctors decided that I would have to go through a operation before I co°`tuldiygetmotnwell. er,who t had been helped bay Lh+l.lalt VegdiaieCaPinblo Comnom e • pound, advised me to try itbefore sub+ mittingto an opera.; tion. Itrelieved me from Y antroubles so I can do my souse Work without any di flculty. I adv se any woman who ie afflicted with female troubles to give Lydia E. Pinkhann's Vegetable Corn pound a trial and it will do as much for' u , , 421 1n1E HOYii 1 5tl3 them. —Mrs. , St., N. E., Canton, Ohio. Sometimes there are serious condi Cons where a hospital operation is the only alternative, but on the other hand so many women have been cured by thiel famous root and herb remedy, Lydia Ill,' Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound, afte doctors have said that an operation We ne cessar Y —overY womanan wh o want hound Ivo it rations to avoid an opo g fair trial before submitting to such at trying ordeal If complications exist, write to Lydia B. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. for advice, Tho result of manyyoarl experience is at your service. -.x �1SSUE No. 9.--'18,