HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-3-7, Page 5• t a .466,04414;444W SJY.MINES4 4JffMFYi4e INN. MAKES r ANO. SUTHERLAND & SONS Llrwl•rsD LIVWCAILINCN WIVI, SPENCE CON VEYANC.ItiU AND IS19UI+R Ds hlAlylllA(jli: i)ICI+lN51ii i Mee to Ott Feat (I)tlee, Ethel. 334 AUCTIONi:,HISt 141 S• t ouTT A8 AN AU(.1'ION- A • men, will sell for hatter Pricer, tg batter mon in lass tone and less ebarget than any other Anot neer In Etat Boron or en won't Odom° anything. Latae roil order, eau always tea arranged at tits Mho° or to perinatal appliaation. LOAL AND CONVEYIiN1310, V M 51NUL,ALR Y Y s Jierrinter, Hollolior ton rsyauoer. Notary retitle, •4io, ulnae -H lewart'a rtJne4 1 *nor North of Central lintel Holloltor for the Metropolitan Bank Business Cards JAS, ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON, Sunoeseer to AI. (i. Mourn. 0111,,e at Ander- son Pros. invery stal,le, Brussel,, Telephone No, le. T. T. M' RAC M. B., M. O. P., & S; O. Al. O. H., Village of Brussels. Physlumn, Surgeon, Accettcheur ()Mee at residence, opposite Melville Church, William street. DR. F. T. BRYANS linehelor of Al°divine, University of Toronto ; Lb"vatiate of Colioge of Physe°lens and Sur. goons, Ontario : ex -Senior Li,n,00 Surgeon of Western Besot tit 1, TorOlitn, t 1111ees of late Dr. A.-Mn$evep, Smith Bleak, Brussels. Rural phone 45. MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Personal graduate Department of Ophthal- mology, Mccormlok stedical college, Chicago, til„ ie prepared to test eyes and Et glasses at her office over Arlan Inmalt's millinery store. Office days --Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of every week. Office hours -1e to 12 n. m : 1 to a p. m. (Evenings by appoint- ment. Phone 1219. DR. WARDLAW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Pay and night mills, °Alpe oppos,tt Flour Mill, Ethel. JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Co, Satisfaction assured ; Charges moderate. Write or Telephone if not convenient to call, Both Brussels and North Huron Phones. BEIGRAPIE P. O. P. R. MULHEROIV Teacher of PIANO, ORGAN, VOCAL Organist and Choir Master, Melville Church, Brussels Pupils prepared for Toronto Col- lege of Mueio Examinations. Phone 16x POOUOFOOT, N INOAN & COONE Barristers, Solicitors, riotarios Public, &c, ()Mee on the Square, :,nd door from Hamilton Street, GODIERICH, ONT. Private funds to loon al lowest rates. W. PamlltROO'I', $• ('. J. i,, 1c.1 nnoitit H..1. D. Contra r�P,rc� rrca'Gyt+t'cmtvzt+� •� 'r4it�gttf^tvctty>�sy�. k You Can Succeed € ENTHAL go • aTRATFQHD.• (:)11!'1' ,�.•'� NIA Ontario's Leading Commented Schaal limens mweess easy. lye have tlmted1 y! partmeuts - Llommteo00 shorthand and Telegraphy. We give individual !?;., ,t5 inatructionaand students anis enter et 71 xi any time, waduaas are pleura in 1, poath,ne. This is your opportunity ns \' there to a great mail upon as for trained S4 p t help. Write at 01100 for rartimdare. W. a. EaLi OPe+, D. A, AI(lf„1 true, President Prbeoipnl f/sD..p..k ,:aYewtpxares% 1. vatareva4.ktu i•wc.cc.cm iY•l A1.rl1 Lam t�fq Pea4 end kat! Pl'if To LIVERPOOL -GLASGOW LONDON-HAVRE Fine, modern steam- ers - equipped with every oomfort and luxury. For infor- mation apply agents, Or "95f'f ng StW roronte W. H. KERR. Agent Allan Line, Brussels. ih THE Best Bear 1.s eassuaaamescsraccazassass=smeass III Ctuuuln have pill+tiaipoted Ill H10111'0. partition or Der splendid Rano Study Comities in Ranking, It'oouondes, Nigher Anampith, g, (.'onmto,wlal Art hhow Card'Writriilps, Photography, Journal - 18111. Short Story Writing, Sbm•thend and Rtinkkooping. Solent the work whieb most interests you and write us for particulars. Address NAW ONO THE S C ESPONOENCE SCHOOL 301-7 Yong.o St., Toronto 002111 CHILDREN STRONG And Invigorates Old People Any doctor will tell you that the ingredients of Vinol as printed below contain the elements needed to im- prove the health of delicate children and restore strength to old people. n, Cod Liver end Beer Peptones, Iron and ManganesePoptonatee, Iron and Ammonium Citrate, Line and Node Glycerophosphates, cascade. Those who have puny, ailing or run-down children or aged parents may prove this at our expense. Besides the good it does children and the aged there is nothing like Vinol to restore strength and vitality to weals, nervous women and over- worked, run-down men. Try it. If you are not entirely sat- isfied, we will return your money without question; that proves our fairness and your protection. Mil- lions of people have been convinced this way. It', It. SAI ITIL Druggist, Brussels, Also at the best. Druggists in all On- tario towns. BRUSSELS Gotsm SOUTH Gem/ NOH'rn 13xprrsa INN n a l Express .....,_.. fl O p m WALTON To Toronto To Goderieh Rxprses..,...... 7s9 It m I Expre•as 12:»1 pm a:apren ...,... 2 Atl pm 'Express Sled pm WROXETER Gang East - 711 a. in, and N:a1 p. nt. lining West - 19:89 and 915 p. 1,t. All Gratin going Bast conneot with c. P. R. at Orangeville for Owen Sound, Elora And T G. B. stations. GEO. A f.LA N, Impel A gent. Earth deli» rItentS No Excursions. Load railway authorities have been notified that there will be no special excursion rales granted this year. In the United States the ban has been placed On excursions of all kinds. May Not Wear Uniform. Attentlln...is again called in camp or- ders to the regulation issued in The Canadian Gazette on January 12, which says: "No employee of the militia de- partment paid and rated as a civilian is permitted to wear uniform. Only offi- cers and other ranks who are called out on military duty and are paid as Such are permitted to wear uniform." Why February is So Short hianv people wonder why February should have only 28 day's. It original- ly hed 30, but when the name of the month of August was changed from S,-.. tatth t August, u tenor 1'Em Emperor s o s u 1,l o r Augustus, it was considered that a month so greatly honored should be given an extra day. At the same time people felt it would be hardly fitting to lengthen this month and not lengthen the month of July, which was maned after the mighty Julias Censer. Therefore it was decided to 1011g then both months, and two days were taken from February to do this, Lots of Sugar Beet Seed. Growers of sugar beets who ware alarmed by reports regarding scarcity of seed, have been advised that they need not worry. The Dominion Sug- ar Company, which controls the fac- tories at Wallaceburg, Chatham and Kitchener, purchaed seed enough iast rear fmm Russia and. Italy to meet the requirements of growers for three years. It is estimated that be - 30 000 re of be- tween 20,000 and 3 acres veer sugar bees will be planted in Essex, Lambton and Kent this year. More Calls 'Sent Out. Deputy Registrar Wismar, of London sent out registered letters to Class A men in thismilitary district, calling on them to report on one of four days, February 25, 26, 27, or 28, fur service in the army. The men will conse- quently come in batches of 200 on each of the above dates. These sten are among those whose exemption claims have.beee refused, Close to /,DUO ex- emption appeals remain to be heard by Justice Duff, the central appeal Judge at Ottawa. As each case is de- i.itiLd the 'appellants will be notified, if 1 ' his claim is disallowed the mal 101I1 be ordered to report without further notice unless a specified tater date has been fixed, Would Your Absence Alarm?- (Iver in Ripley a certain man was such a regular attendant at church that the sight of his seat vacant caused an alarm, and, knowing that he lived alone, the pastor and the sexton hurried to his home aid found him lying on the fluor unconscious from dial gas, Ile was rescued in nick of time, which shows that con- stant attendance at worship does Rave a loan, for had he not belonged to the regulars, the coal gas, would have got hien, How many men in Clinton would have been rescued under similiar circumstances? Not over a thousand, we persume. in the first place half of them wouldn't be suspected of haying coal, so the preachers Wouldn't be alarmed on that score, while of the other half so fete go to church regularly that they wouldn't ring the fire -bell if they failed to report. If there is site man, however, to 'Clinton that the preachers would feel apprehensive over if his pets were empty the would c )1 of his hair that tike to see the a m t s we may notify Ripley that they haven't the only C ristian that couldn't be successfully coal gassed on Sunday, SIR JAMES LOUGHEED, who heads a new department of the Government to take over the work of the Military hospitals Commission, Sir James Lougheed at present chairman of the commission, is mentioned as tit possible head of the new department, Blyth Woman Seeks Divorce Notice is given that at the next session of Parliament the following application will be made for divorce: Margaret Bell Charlesworth, Blyth. Ontario, will apply for divorce from her husband, Leopold Otto Charles- worth, also of 131) tit, Keep at It. Don't stop advertising because of dull times. Advertising is a creative force, and so long as there are people to experience needs, and merchants and manufacturers to cater to these needs, there is a field for the profit- able work of advertising. Number of Licenses Issued, 'Ike Bureau of Licenses of the Food Controller's Office has issued over 45 licenses of breakfast food, 600 licenses to fruit and vegetable dealers, and 750 licenses to wholesale fish dealers, Ap- plications for licenses have been receiv- ed from nearly 60% of the wholesale dealers in fruit and vegetables. Watch What You Handle, Miss Eleanor, daughter of A. E. Sutherland, of Glencoe Transcript, had both her hands severely burned and rendered unconscious. She was press- ing a switch button with one hand bile the other hand n a while was s o water radiator, causing a ground current. Two lingers were burned to the bone. Wood in Coal Furnaces. When wood is to be burned in a furnace intended for coal it will be found desirable to partly cover the grate with iron or fare -bricks, in order to reduce the draft. if this is not done the wood is wasted by being consumed too fast and makes a hot fire which in a furnace may damage the fire box. Letters to Enemy Countries, The Deputy Postmaster -General announces that letters to persons in captivity in enemy countries may be sent through Thomas, Cook and Son, 530 St. 'Catharine street west, Mont- real. Letters must be sent in open envelopes enclosed in another enve- lope addressed to the above company. They must be accompanied by a postal order for 25 cents to cover cost of transportation and reply. Why Coal is .Scarce. Walkerton Telescope: -Shortage of cars is entirely to blame for the coal shortage, according to a letter received by Rev. C, W. Cosens last week from a cousin, who is a mining engineer f0 the anthracite district in Pennsylvania. He States that times are very dull with many of the coalers who have quit taking out coal, simply because they can't get freight cars to haul it, Pay Your Small Bills. The prompt payment of accounts, particularly small drills, which are most likely to be overlooked or ne- glected, is strongly urged, in support of this counsel the Bowmanville Re- view tells of a druggist in a nearby town who recently brought a young married man his bill, which was two years old, in the first part of the bill was a charge for a box of chocolates, and on the other end was a charge for a nursing bottle. iotDO•••0•at4oa4, iehs2+a.0400Ne Sam Weinstein Successor to M. Yolleck • ♦ • • • • • • • •♦ ♦ • 0 O •• c e ♦ • • • 4 • ♦ ♦ • • A t • •• • Write or Phone 62a • m o • ♦ • SAM WEINSTEIN • • A MILL ;S'PI. RIDT I3ltlISSRLS • • 2 •••••••••••••••A•••••••••• • • ♦ • O • ••O • • •• Is prepared tO pay the highest price for Scrap iron, agRubbp�ers, 1176c. Furs Wanted All kinds of 11I1W Vers waui- ed, Ili;hest [B'iees plaid. Call • on the under:eigned berms. you sells Also buy Hides, Sheep - skies anti Poultry, • MI @6i STOP THE HEADICIES Until She Tried "Fruit-a-tilaesll ---Dade From Fruit Juices 112 Coarno ST., ST, Joits, \ B, "I feel I must. tell you of the great benefit I have reeeiYed froth your wonderful m-Ilicilu , 'i ruit•a•t[ve4', 1 have been u slliercr 1'01' many years frau Violent area aches, and could get no permanent relief. A friend advised me to take 'Fruit- a-tives' and I did so with great success; and now I am entirely free of Headaches, thanks to your splendid medicine". MRS. ALEXANDER SIIAW. 600.a box, 6 for $3.50, trial size 25e,. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price, postpaid, by I•'ruit-a-tires Loute,d, Ottawa. Schools for Women. The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture will open 3 schools .next month to teach the young women of the Uni- versities, who have done well on the fruit farms, to milk and drive wagons in the hayfields, but they are not to be permitted to pitch hay. This Depart- ment plans also to provide 2.500 gangs of men to thresh and till silos, so that the farmers may be free to prepare the land for the crop of 1919. Cheap Divorce for Soldiers. Returned soldiers whose wives have proven faithless in their absence are to be facilitated in seeking relief which the haw allows by way of di- vorce. Among the principal items of cost in divorce proceedings is a $200 fee which has to be paid to the clerk of the Senate, in the case of re- turned soldiers it is purposed to re- mit this along with certain other in- cidentals. There is promise of a num- ber of such cases. No Leniency For Officers in future no leniency will be shown toward officers who fail to comply with Military regulations In arses where the conduct of the officer war- rants, he will be placed under arrest under the charge of a guard, picket, patrol, or sentry, acccording to a communication received in London, (int., from headquarters. The of- fences specially mentioned in order are: Failure to comply with dress re- gulations, failure to salute officers of field rank and upwards, neglect of officers to return the salute of junior ranks and cases of unbecoming con- duct. The Intermediate Pastorate. The officials of every Methodist church in Canada are voting this month on the proposal to lengthen the recognized pastoral term. Many Methodists believe that the present four-year limit is too short to enable any minister in charge of a large con- gregation, to do his best work. it takes him two years to get his hear- ings, says the Toronto News, There will always be some members of his flock with whom he will never get acquainted -people whose shy dis- position will prevent them from m.a r- ing advances. Whenever a church membership exceeds 5000, a clergy- man should be allowed to remain at least five years, and possibly six, if his services continue to give satisfac- tion. it is unlikely that the offic- ials will favor the abolition of the Itinerancy. The indeterminaion pastorate has many advantages, it is true, but most Methodists hold that forced change i the pian of ft r d ge g ves the minister a broader experience and the congregation the s timuluS f hearing the Gospel theougll varying media. RETURN OF SOLDIERS' PERSONAL EFFECTS. Ottawa, Feb, 13.-Dtnln , with the system by which personal effects of deceased Canadian soldiers are return- ed to Canada, It militia department memorandum says that these personal articles are collected by the unit in which the nun served and forwarded as quickly as possible to the authorities in England. When received in Eng- land, they are checked and sent to Canada as soon as transport is avail- able. nlvle, h1, Canada theyforwardedare by express to the next of kin, but tive months usually elapse between the time of the soldier's death and the re- ceipt of his personal effects, The memorandum goes on to state that experience goes to show that the overseas authorities cannot take any action towards ds fne[1y disposing g of an estate until some months after an officer or man is officially re- ported to have died. Have the "Extract "Habit Since prohibition cane into force a year and a half ago many young fellows who apparently comic* get along without their 'booze" have developed the extract habit. Flavor- ing extracts contain nearly 75 per cent of alcohol and the sale of these has greatly increased since Septem- ber 16, 1916, and the nanufacturerers have an idea that they are being taken raw by smilers and others, Not wish- ing to have the extracts used as a means of evading the law the manu- facturers took the matter up with the license board and for some time a committee of the nianufacturers has been acting in co-operation with the provincial license board in drafting a new law to put a stop to the practice. They have now completed a draft bill ed to the legisla- ture, lh•cl1 vii e presented I v t 1 t b 1 g ture, It will provide that extracts shall be. put in bottles containing not more than two and a half ounces, that not more than one bottle be sold to a. person at a time and that grocers •••••♦•4.040404•••••♦•••01.4.ry.4.00400.04 6 • • 9 a • 9 0 • •• 0 0 • 0 a • 0 A 6 .0 •9 0 i 9 ; F , 9 e e O • ..w00.1000.OOW00000-00•000.9•04.6003•L0.4C bg Cars H elre %ft/ Store Ott the fc>`:lowing- Two Weeks we are offering Extra ' Special Values ail over our Store. Comte in and see our Special Price Tickets with Prices that will Sur- prise. YOu. 14 Fe of DO Special Prices for Next 2 Weeks ria, dash kith; 13c a yard 20011 )+u d. \Cush Ili wok, /..,11,111 isi 1,J; (iingiat w-•, PI Ink, ('Irunblev, [',q,lu,s, It •ppm, (:Irpen, Aln-. lilts,.Ruiti,•Fs, ole, in p1n4,1, ship,•, ebel9t and 11 nal d •si (m•:, also !,loin e. dors, displaying ev,•ry wattled shod.•. ('.n !eel 0•r folie•+' dresses, wnkl, anti s1, t ; 1,l.., , 11i.ltg•u's 1,,•.u. Itegulu up IU, rI4 :I it 1. I!e• p,iee , lf,oetl they Dill hr I„ne�hl tip quir•kly, .•n the making of an ea.rfy w•1. eetion 1t advtsahl,•. While they last 19c yd 15c Bargain Tabic 1201 yards 01 A1nsi0r• 1 tint,, C,tt i,N>, [ 1.hnle0. HI Ir.., (liugluttfr, Wittman unit ., Califon ]Flannel, Art Crel Lowen, rurtom Alm4iw:, etc•, Bargain Price while they last 150 yd 500 Taffeta Cloth 39c :fun yards Cloth, the 1.111.DOM 111101•1'inl fee 1'nde1•n1tit`t+, 1'01004 -Tall, C ODIS1•. Paddy tireeu, tires', Navy. Itoseda, Pink, Nigger Brawn and 13inrk sill f iuua1,tveil fast defy. 3S in, wide. Price for this week and next 39c yd Lace Curtains Extra Special to pairs cies gess, reg. 2.50. Sale � 1•�� Ct./0011S 1 jC y'll loon yards 36 in. Iilettelied Fu,d (:Tey Cottons; liar•, even weave : free from dressi"q, ,11111 price to- day 1010 but SpeOilai fat thi•: week and next -- 15C a yard $2.00 COrSotS $1.69 40 pairs Onsets, lea qua). it Comil ; medium and lois busts: loot; fitting hips ; haw hoar suppnfls. Regular fit). 110. On sale al 1.69 pair Corsets $1.19 Cottonades 39c Silly Larnains 200 yards Clot tmind, and Lhu•l: Denim : heaviest weight itiiabi I'+n Alen's raids, Overalls & Smnrks 11111 price l:teday l:ie. Spvc- i,al n* -Ilio; ta0 this Week /1.110 a -x1-_ 39c a yard Intl yard •, (•I' silk Poplin, Sif in. wide. C"Imis-N,tvv, Blacl„ C.q,ou Ctr°ei;, Ho tour I;rntvt. ltegular $1..7:, Ext a. Speciai- ti 1.39 a yard ;181110 31110 itn.astvilr f ; I [tiffl,ee0to k Silk Navy Drily. ltegutat $�.i(1 $1.59 a yard Mt:11'S 1.25 Shirts 69C Mtot'- White Laundered Shirts: iinr•ufront, Puffs and ittiel.band a nuOL, of hr•�a quality while ern ton ; wizen 11 to 18. Extta Spey - led Bargain et--- G9r. each i Buys' Suds $ r.89 d ants 13,33, spieoe Suits ; made+ from best quality all Wool tweeds, Norfolk si yle. Sizes 23 21 and 25. Ite•g. Sli.:50. Out they g t al • $1.80 a Suit y�y.. b. m O • 0 0 0 6 9 0 • ♦ 0 0 • • v • • 0 • O • • • e s A • e 6 • 0 0 9 •• a • • • • • • O • • • pa O • • • 0 • • 0 • e • • 0 O • 0 m 0 • e 0 0 4 0 a a 0 0•,.e pO0.0P♦000000410••ee<b0•p00•e•0000.0••4000.00•••000.0♦•0Qd00.00•♦00.44000♦a••O w 50c Hose Cor 42c \Vonten'.s lilaek Cambium - elle 110Se, made tvitludon hie w,l°s Will toes and high spiked heels ; guaranteed fest dyes. Sale Special 42e 50 pairs Wommee Mae). (lose, with natural font, double toes and heels - Extra Special ¢2c 00 pairs Cnrsete, gond offal- ity Om oil ; medium and ; law busts; long fitting; models ; four hose t=op -I I3.eg. $1.50. Special ; $1.19 pair 35C Hose for 29C \Vunteu'n Black Cotton Seamless lime-, lisle tinish, double heels mud toes. Sale price 29e or :3 pairs fur 85e. I 300 yarde ,Pailette Silk, 30 in. wide ; fall t^1,l;e of colors, Regular $2.50-_. 1.'39 a yard • Girls' Reefers $1.89 10 only Girls' Reefers, hest quality Beaver Cloth ; in Fawns and Navys ; suit- able for sehonl girls. Reg. BH 50. Special -- 1.59 a yard I • Boys' Pullovers 69c 25 Boyo' All Wm.I Pull- overs. Calors -Navy and Cardinal. Sizes 6 to 7 yrs. Regular $1,00. Spectul- 69c Special Bargains in Rats, Shoes and Rubbers for this Week ad \ext We have what we Advertise. Conte early and got your supply ar ell;.: h, The Store that Saves You Oney/ You Pay LESS here. We sell for CASH only. and registers keep a record of all ex- ' BOOST HOME GARDENING tracts sold, similar to the record drug- gists are now required to keep "1 poison sales. II ITEMS OF INTEREST ' I The "knitters face" is the newest disease, and one of the first svmptoms are holes in the socks of husband or the victim, What with the wheatless, heatless beefless, porkless, shaveless, workless, boozeless, eggless, waterless, pitiless, sugarless, movieless, washless, mnnui- less, and a few other less days, life is certainly one thing after another. So fa', reports have been rather favorable in regard to the peach crop,• lett the prophets have not got well warmed up yet, Thousands of crippled freight cars in the United States, causing much shortage and congestion, are charged up to the roads in neglecting to make repairs. is It not rather attributable to the government, in not permitting them to advance heir freight and pas- senger rates? None more than they have suffered through the enormous increase in expenses, embracing all classes of labor and material, and it is an undeniable axiom that one cannot squeeze a quart into a pint meausre. Who said the robins and mosquitos were out on Sunday, The Japanese language is now be- ing taught to the University and Iligh schools of New South Wales on the same basis as French and German. Two of the five Ontraio license com- missioners are to be let out -but not into fife cold. Certainly not. The government will kindly supply them with other lucrative work. Tile Ontario license. commission has been reduced from live to three members. When it comes to shortage of coal took at Italy with ,',117o a ton, /\'lore than 3,000,000 persons are 111 on any day in the year, and of these 501,00 are suffering from consump- tion, a preventable disease. This hi an opppr❑ tuna time to make the sidewalks "bone-dry." When the newspapers get hold of a new word they work. it in so hard on Pub- lic the Car fir, i few vee the til- es t d 1,a Ltvt weeks 1 tic are tired of it. That word "cam- ouflage" has already been overdone. The peach crop is ruined again. This Is getting to be an awful habit with the peach crop. A Dominion wide vacant lot and home garden cultivation movement has been inaugurated by the Canada Food Board. Its organization has been placed in the hands of Mr. Fred Abrahan), who was chairman of the Vacant Lots Commission in Montreal. For Sale Hance and lot+• ac ntuinlnl; 1.a; mires, in the Cillo,+,• 11 Cranbrnok, the ee' r rmtlf of the lata 1h•s A[;oes Br*,a•n, is 1117 -red for snhg. b4•nme 11,11,-, Darn, frail tones, 1:.:. Pnsarssion could trot. von at once. Ger furthe,•nartiplarsap- nty to Mus. '1'11(19 liATtMnON or WTI. CADixRON, Exerntors estate of tits late Mrs. Agnes Brown, . Cranhroak. 114•.1 The Thi i and a l� i .1. 'rink �Fund al!. are Thirsty They Meed Thirst -Quenchers That Will Not Hurt Them The Ontario W. C T. TT. is endeavoring to raise a final of $25,000 for free 'Vett, (Immo, Colree and Lemonade. The N,utonal Y. AI. C. A„ whom the Ontario W. Ci, T. LT, is aiding, will need $50,000 to Paver Iheir free drinkttbles. 'he \V. Ur. 1 las already sent to Franee mainly for t.hie , t U. T. 1 t y � [ ua•pose, about $0,000 -but the used ),rows 111(11.0 insistent. In addition to the free drimltahtes, the Ontario \N'. 0. T. U. has become responsible to the Y. Al. C. A. for the enst.of minting a weekly leaflet, of cheer and spiritual help, which is beim; sent through the mails In all the soldiers itt the forward I Tench -s, who expness a desire t1., n eceive it. The appreciation of the men I'm this hit of comfort (.1111 be judged by the fart that, in one division alone, and within one month after the issue began, 16,000 suldiets asked that their names be entered on the "Pay Bonk Leaflet" List.- the le°llet being so named freta the I'nat butt they are iles4;mod t» lit into the snhlim's pay book, 1'o aid in raising the neeessary finals the W. O. a', IT, of this totvn will shortly hold a, Silver Thimble and Trinket Day When they will ask every citizen to look thrnngh their possessions for broken, mseless,'omen ted hits of gold rand silver trinkets; discarded jewelry or ster- ling table silver. Any of the following art teles will be thankfttny neeeived fwd the proeeeds of t heir sale used for the above purposes. Old gold or sliver thimbles. Brooches. Chains or links of chains. Scarf Pins. Gold or silver tops of Canes or Umbrellas. Bracelets, Rings and Earings, Silver lViatch Boxes. Old Gold or Silver Watches. Odd Cuff links. Studs, Watch Charms. Broken Spoons, Forks or Toilet Articles in Sterling Silver. Coins in Gold or Silver, which have been monogrammed or punched.. All these 1u'ttoles will he Melted down and tint prnrweds urged to flood the fortval d tt radios wi l h the hat mless drinks sing boys so need. AI ]teles thatwould being more money if sold, than as "scrap," will be sold. Collectot4 will on.11 on the pnblie in the .near future. It'or furl her oar( iculms apply to MRS, A. Mo IITlftly or MRS, L. SICi;L7'ON