HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-3-7, Page 4. ste.smesseomssex Ams- Kbe 3t1russets • ost '20 Years Principal of €P4rv.*NAK/o.i)8,,i0. i) • • TI-IURSOAY, MARCH 7, miS Brussels Public School Thinks Direct Tax the Only Way Out for Canada. $800,000,000 Must be Provided This Year Still Bigger Shipping Program Promised Montreal. Feb. 13.—lion. Frank B. Carvell, minister of public works, ad- dressing the members of the Montreal Canadian Club to -day, said that during the coming fiscal year the country had to raise something like $300,01.10,300. and while he was not an flouncing any policy, he declared that it ther could not raise the mope,/ by way of tariffs there was only one source of re- venue, and that was by asking the men who had the money to contribute a portion of It by way of income ax. "W e have to face the sit• nation," he de- clared; "we must steel our- selves to face conditions, and must realize that this mon- ey must be forthcoming. Every dol - has been taken out of the people bs tear of customs taxation that can be —it as hint as an :body can wish to see it—and there is no way of getting the ne.ce,sary money except by a tem f direct taxation, and 1 want to :ire that home on the people of canaJc.- BE37.7"'W.S MORE ECONOMIC STUDY Mr. iiThrvell expressed a wish that the people of Canada would give a little more artentinn to the great eCt 472'1111C and trade questions which were before the Dominion, If they did he had no fear for the future of the D. mil ni, .n. with all its natural wealth and resources. Mr. Carvell said there was hardly a man in Canada whn was not in a better financial position individually since the war started than he was before. But the government of Canada had been getting poorer and poorer, and to -day it was faced with a condition such as no governtnent had ever faced before In ranada. Before the war the revenues of the country were about St 75.(ion.000. practically ail obtained from customs and excise duties, and that sum had 'been expend- ed, wisely perhaps, or unwisely, but it came so easy that it did not make much difference. WHAT CANADA HAS TO RAISE. FAITH IN ANOTHER LOAN, Mr. Carvell referred to the recent Victory loan, and said he had suffi- cient faith in the people of Canada that if next August or September there was a call for another $400.- on0,000 the government would get it. "We may lust as well realize," he declared, 'ghat the time has cnme when we must be self-supporting. We must buy our products and send them ae.ross the ocean, and must During the present year they had to raise $250.000,00o to carry on the ordinary affairs of the country. Sixty million dollars had to be provided for interest charges, and at learst ten mil- lions nr more for soldiers' pensions, and that might go as high as twenty millions, In addition to that $400.000, non had to be provided to pay for the goods which were being sold by Canada to Great Britain and the allies, and which they could not pay for at the moment. During the present fiscal year Canada would send to Great Britain prbably more than S900,000,- raM worth of goods, including multi - Hotta but unfortunately she imported only about $0(1,000,000 worth, and that left an adverse balance of trade against Great Britain of 8:300,000,000, which must be taken care of in some way, The railway problem would take up probably $35.000.00o nr $40,- 000,non, cheesepare, the best way they could, The government had to pro- vide at least St )5,[[00,000 to pay its debts and carry on the army in Canada, in addition to s200,00:1.000 for the army across the seas although this later sum would not be actually paid out. furnish the necessary money, and the ony way to do it is for the people of 'Canada to dig down into their pockets, and 1 believe they will do it." The minister referred to the bal- ance of trade against Canada in the United States, and said that there was at least 535(m:00,00o to he pro- vided for this and some scheme must be devised for this. THE SEVERAL RAILROADS CHAR- ACTERIZED. Discussing the railway problem he described the C.P.R. as a splen- didtv-managed, dividend -paving con- cern; the Grand Trunk as well man- aged, but unable to meat the interest liabilities of seven millions loaded on It by the Grand Trunk Pacific: the Canadian Northern as a white elephant; the National Transcontinental as a splendid railway, but no revenue -get- ter, and the Intercolonial, which had always been up to the present a poli- tical machine, as, therefore, very badly managed, He declared that up to date no government in Canada had ever suc- ceeded in operating a railway properly, hut maybe the present government possessed more ability than its pre• clecessor, and possibly might he able to do what others had failed to dnv but it was a lamentable fact that gov- ernment operation of railways had been one of the most tragic farces the coml. try had ever seen. STILL BIGGER SHIPPING PROGRAM. Alluding to the government Ship- building program, Mr. Carvell said the 'Nen.F.B Carvell. Mr. John Shaw Celebrates Birth- day by Discussing Topics of the Day. 'The Toronto Dail,j„star Hi Monday of this week, Publisslicd the following about our former "I do Dot NelieVe ?lie foundations of etittcatiJ /II are being laid as ft./rough now As in ea): re- MAtLeti SsIt. btu :A.m, retired teach- er of Huron County, who is celebrating Itis Soth birthday at the home of his dau- ghter, Air., W. J. Muir. i Keewatin avenue. John Shaw. there is too much working. with nothing but the examination in view." deelares the veteran educator, win, keeps himself posted on passing events. Mr. Shaw is a native of Scotland. and speaks the Gaelic as fluently as EnglishHe came to America at the age of nine, the family settling in North Carolina, where the!, engageci in farming. At sixteen Air, Shaw pre- sented himself before a board of ex- aminers consisting of doctors, clergy- men. and business men for an ordl test to qualify as a teacher,. Most of his pmfessional life was spent in the County of Huron. He ivas for twenty rears principal of the Public school at Brussels. "dr, Shay: has been resting from his labors for several years. He is still hale and hearty. and ever ready for a chat with a:1%one familiar with the events of Huron :aunty 4.4f generation ago. government feh it its paramount duty to make a start with $35.00moOtt or $40,900,ono, and he hoped next year it would be still greater, because, al- thoneh the cost per ton might be greater, still the country must have ship, 11,, believed shipbuildine might he a great industry in Canada, and hor,...a the steel manufacturers v.-ould hay.: sufficient ability, energy and busi- ness acumen to so arrange things that the plates would he rolled in Canada In future, and not imported from foreign countries. Silver Thimbles in War. English women sacoe their jewels and much money to the war fund, says the Ladies' Home Journal, but there were thousands of milers who wished to give and were unable to do so. That is, they were until a wise women suggested that little trinkets, such as silver thimbles, be collected and melted down for the sit, ver they contained. Here is what the I silver thimbles purchased in one Year: ; Seven motor ambulances. Five motor hospital boats. One thousand one hundred and ten dollars for hospital suprlies. Ten thousand dollars for disabled sailors' agency. Eleven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars for star and garter fund. Fifty thousand dollars for soldiers and sailors. Ani can women who think they poimennwompimemor M111.•••••••• ammere...47-maa3,1vmo- * erl0 r) T -- " • , •ki, Addy, sm•• is•ar-1 us ror, r, v mail a+:f 1.1 . fowl3 s :, • t ;. .J 4, II. ,t•••,1 , • 1,ruits. sr 'I I -t, SPECielf. „!., „ , , :)1, free a package it :slue. BULlt 7.k t; A" • .1',/ LT/ • It' (", , MOCrael' k e n's E I' • • •4,` 1 • • (est itster, ) ; .1 lo, 4, I'. •Si adal red cat k • • t t ,) float su .0• . s 1....0 •I•rov.tis The • I 'Y. isvf: "4. * • Oar of ran rts Royal Housifauld flour JUST ARRIVED V1. cpm;/ into;1'.! from shat t are t 07.1. Stich as to ...airs; wir til:. foliage, insd .t,i; t. s piasst a v. cz; pyramid of tins must ata ur. ,cusi charming bloom. rlig ki,;(t, )11, Flower make admirable pot plants for tl...butiae 1 1 late winter ats1 spring. • l'or this purpose•suw is the anolon. s . , Send for Catalogue and learn o?4,•••cr valuable premiums c gy., LONDON i4"24 DOMINION SEEDS LFormerly IMITzv, CANADA. DAM'S & MINTER sop CO,IANDTER 0:;.1 @®S'N's s's0(%)® eeaeee®eopecilzOD cannot afford to give anything to the Notice to Creditors various war funds might find these ' facts interesting, CLINTON in March iiith a Scarlet meeting . . They expect a number of candidates. Mr. Chas. F. Libby, Manager of the clinton Knitting Co, has purchased the residence of Mrs. James Twit- chell on Rattenbury Street and will take possession in a few months, Air. Libby has secured a very desirable home, Mr and Mrs Bert Langford an- nounce the engagement of their only lyy Larene to Mr . Herbert R. Jenkins, still of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- land Jenkins, of Goderich Township, the marriage to take place in March. Air. John Wiseman received word to- day (Thursday) that his brother, Mr. Robt. Wiseman. of Chicago, had died 'ednesday night. Deceased was a ormer resident of this town many years ago. Air. Wiseman left on the afternoon train to attend the funeral. Notice to Creditors In !be matter of Ute stste of Richard Mitchell, late of Kelfielci, is that Province of Saskaidiewan, farmer, tleeessed Netitte is hereby Oven pursuant to "The Re - vi -rd Statutes ot (Intern)," that 1111 creditors and others hem): eisimx against the estate of the said Rielnird 3litchell, who died at Einra Ontario, on or about November 0th, A. D 1217: are required on or before the 28rd day of itiareh. A. D lath, to sand Itv astaLt Prepaid or to F. S. Scott, one of the Executors or the ;a t WIll and Testament orsaid deceased, at Brussels P. 0 their Christina and Sum names, addresses and descriptions, the full par. Peelers of their claims, the statement of their omounts and the nature of the securities (if pity) held by them. And further take motile that after such last mentioned date the Executors, will proceed to distribute the LO:814to of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard on- ly to the elalts» of which they shall then have nod .44,, and the said Executors will not be Day lee for the olid ass; is or any part thereof to .44 or pf,r,t pts of whose claim notice shall nut have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Brussels this 25th day of February, A. D.1218. F. S. SCOTT, THOS. DAVIDSON, }Executors. 85)8 t r 111{Ireot the 4- tale or Harriett • s ',1'a yet s, bibs f Towtship of 33-er, In Ih0 Cowry of Huron, mar• tied woman decensed. Nutters i4 hereby given tuttmEint to "The Re- vised Statutes of (Mown)," that all ereditors and One'. havin cleMts against the estate of the enid Ptirmett NI %Natters, who d el. 011 or aleatt t:tt h Mir of November. A. D 11117, are res quired on or before the •sard day of INIsteli. .D, lints to sena by pest, to 4•011111, glt 111•12Vor to tl7iiiitoliosivooll.M11111,114trittor or th• estate, their Chrisotin mai Surnames sddremms mid descriptions, the full pertieslars ;if their clainrs, the statement ef their account. ) tin natal, of the seenri ties fir tiny) held &est Awl further take notice that saner sort) last mentioned ante the Alleanistretor e tit et 44• need to distribute the assrits of the 41 ceased among the parties entitled thereto, hnsing ; gaol only tthe elainis of which he shell then Into. noireo, end the said odminiterrtnr will cot be liable for tine said a -sets or any part Iher, or parse,. ef whose claim notice sling net Imre 14,11 r; poised by him at the tittle or ...awn rings:button tinted et Walton this 28th day of February, A, D 1218 .11111N McGAVIN, Administrator, 85.8 R. R No. 2, \Valium Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of John Moonev, late of the Townsitip of Morris, in the County of Huton, fat filer, deceased Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Re. viand statutes of Ontario," tlint all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said John Mooney, who died on or about the Fourteenth day of December, A D- 1017. are required Mn or befora. the Sixteenth dny of &larch A D.1212. to send by post preprint or des liver to NV. R S. Mooney, one of the Executers of last Will and Testament of said deceased, at Brussels P. O., their Christian and Surnames, addresses and descriptions, the fnll particulars of their elnlms, the ata turnout of their necounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them. And further take notice that after sueh last mentioned date the said Executors wilt pro- ceed to di- tribute the assets of the devensed among the pn rt s entitled thereto, having re) Bard only to the claima of whielithey shall then Neve notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for the said Boots or any part there) of to any ;person or persons of whose claim notice shall nut have 1/0091 received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Norris this 18th day of February, A, D. 1018, JANE A. MOONEY, tt ID..,,,utt„.„ W. R 8 NOONEY, tr.-°14435:4SEE0190" . 4,11 Nirrodr'' )43Y . • a x rte "Made in Canada" A Tr ck for the rmer 'CAM equipment which will effect a time and labor- saving, and therefore a money -saving,- must be care- fully considered by every good farmer now -a -days. The farm wagon, which for years was the most useful of all farm equipment, is now being replaced on the best farms by ,a sturdy, dependable motor truck. The truck will haul any farm product fruit, grain, vegetables, stock, fertilizer, or wood—around the farm, or to the town or city many miles distant, in half the time, and at a much lower cost. The Ford One -Ton truck is a rapid, economical and very serviceable means of transport, One of these on your farm will save you weeks of time in a single season and will enable you to pass 'through a crisis of labor short- age with less difficulty. The Ford truck is supplied as a chassis only. This per- rnits you to select any of the many body styles especially designed for the Ford truck and already on the market. Thus you can mount the one which suits your individual requirements. Price $750 f.o.b. Ford, Ont. S., OA RTE R, Dealer Brussels Notice to Creditors fu the ntfnkq' ,•( tee estate of Agne late of ,ha Township of 3;taos, in the comity of Huron, w 'dote, deceased Notes; 1, hereby, given pnesunnt to "The Re• vised statutes of (Mt Min " that all co /incr. anti otket 8111111118the eeuno of the soul Agee) Beau, who died on or alma the Twonymiglith day November. A 1217, tli,f.ert,•,1414,(r121:41 TnI),,cif,Ti•4411114,0,ili tit:it:441z towf deliver to William Cameron, os. Ili, ex,. owes 01 ;he test Will and Testament of said deeeasol, at craniwook P. 0 their Chrktinn and Snrito In 0o, address). Mill partioulnrs of their MOM the stntoment or their nroonuts and ths !name of the scents ties (if nest held by them. And flustaar (eke settee that after such last Mentioned dere the Executors will 'mooed to dist rt Lutz the assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard en. ly to the Maims ..r which bhey mbnll thou hayt• notleo, and the said Exeetitors will not be lia• ble for the snid assets ur any part thereof to env person or !mesons of whose elide) nutlet+ shall not its os be; n received by them at the t or -,,eit men ibutien, Dated at t imnbrook this 18th dey of Febru• 'try, A. D Nis 5004. THOM CA DIMON, 7 Exteutors, WILLIA 51 OA SIERON, Auction sales AITTION 8.11,R OP FARM : Stitt/41Z., 1:111'1,1,13114NT14, S, Stull, Auctioneer, has le/solved instroetions from imam signed to sell hy .Publie A tietion at Lot 12, Con. 0, Hi ex, on Wednesday, 'Match 13th, al I teelffisk, 111/- following VarinAble [molter ty : -1 11111.1.0 rising 5 yetis old ill Anti, 1 mate rising 4 years old in foal, 1 general 1)111 pose mare 6 years, 1 driv Mg male 7 years old, 1 filly rising 2 years, 1 blood rising 2 years, 1 gelding rising 2 years, 4 'lows supposed in calf, 3 heifers 1 icing 3 years, 5 heifers rising 2 years old, 5 steers lisit.g 2 yetus old 5 stems rising 2 years, JO calves rising 1 year, 2 sows in pig, I brood sow clue to farrow end of March, 15 pigs 3 months old, 8 ewes, 75 young hens, 1 Massey -Harris binder, 1 Deering mower, 1 lassey-flotinsis side rake, 1 MnssPY-[herbs discs, 1 Cocksbutt steel roller, 2 sets hart utas, 2 walk' ng plows, 1 2 -farrow plow, 1 2 -furrow riding plow, 1 Massey -Harris hay loader, 1 wagon Ili Et long, 1 steel Winteled wagon, I wagon lox, 1 Set bub -sleighs, 1 Wafter, 1 riillittit• tired buggy, 1 Clin- ton fanning, mill, 1 tot nip politer, 1 hay fin lc, car, ropes and pnlleys, wheelbarrow, 1 1/eering cultivator, 1 milk ettn, I Hamilton itivithatms, 1 Home Comfort steel range, 15 In In - lock plank, 20 rods 9 -strand retire wile, 300 lbs, coil wire, 150 bushels of oats, 1 sugar kettle, 1 sap pan 8g(1 ft., 260 sap buckets and spites and mime) otos other at tittles. Sale without reserve as proprietor is going 1Vasl. rittlillg•—tilltIlS of $5 and under cash ; over that anion...Lit 10 months credit given on approv•Mt joint notes. 5 per rent off for cash on credit amounts. 1VI11. T.0 11' P), AUCTION EIALlil op PAIL'111 wrocx. ThIPLE5tIONTS, FURNITURE, 4SIC — Hy the Executors of the Estate of the late John Mooney. P. 8. Seat., Auctioneer, has been Matt noted by the undersigned to sell by Publie Auction at IC); Lot 2(3, Con. (3, Morris Twp., on many, Abu ch trith, at r o'clock, shat p, the following valuable proper- ty :--1 brood mare 10 years old in foal. 1 brood mare -I vents old it) foal, 1 horse 5 years old, 1 colt, rising 1 year, 4 Cotes 14111)11ORKI in Calf, 2 heifers rising years in calf, 1 farrow' cow, 4 Steers rising 2 mates, I heifer 2 years old, 4 calves rising 1 yen, 2 bt nod antes 1 lit ittriSise .1 tine 4101, 16 pigs 3 m nobs about. 73 hens, 1 hay take, 1 mowtst, 1 serol drill, 1 set harrows, 1 2 footle plow, 1 wallcing plow, I searfilms, 1 ;tw- ilit) polpeti, 1. wagon, 1 sot hob•mleighs, 1 hoggy, 1 culler, 1 hay rack, 1 gravel box, I set dmible harness, 1 set, single hat 1108S, 'string of hells, 1 piths blank- ets, robes, 1 fanning will and bagger, 1 Soperim cream self:natty, 2 sugar kettles,' chains, number of grain bags, quantity of Hulot hy seed, otuto tit y of oat-, quantity of barley, goat' tit v of buy, 3 bedroom sidles, springs and mat (metes, chaos, sera, pint tables, glass cupboard, %vastlyr and wringer, 1 Jewel isalige, 1 large Jewel beam, 3 Ifni:ging lamps, seVertil hand lamps tool other art tales ton numerous In mention. Sale tiftresei ved as Ebteoutot a have sold the farm. 'Lerma,—A11 stuns of $5 and miller cash ; over that. minima 0 months email!. given on furnishing approved Joint notes, 4 per cent oar for Vaal) 011 eredii\talittsto;Oit:INstiooNity,1 io 8, 131(M)NEYJ 'Keel eye' Al TTItti•s,' la 11,1, t is• a sl -to; mi. . 1'. instructions from lb, outlet dginal to sell by Piddle Auction ..t Los 11, Cots. 1, (It•ey, oh 1,ritlay„ Ilstosh 801, at 1 ceeltask, the folios, big valoalass pconer ty 3-1 mare 'Isl. s I year, 1 (Iris Jog Wars 11 gelding t ;sing 2 yeat old by ()old Liolc wt.!! la/ten, 1 gold Mg rising 2 yea! .old Fy lucid/art well broken, I filly 1 king 1 year old Cold Link, 1 . horst. 11 years old w, ieb- log Maud Ill rel., 8 VOWS in Will' all eonlittg in r113r, I OW roti, I tat row, fl stem ri,i cur 2 yenta old, 2 Ism risiotrt yetirs old, 13 hest yea' 's ealvem, 2 • sbs doe the latter pai t 1 f 11to eh, I M. otl mow to fart a w in \lay, 11 pigs 111)••111 1f11111m , 1 Ala-sey•Ilto its 11 ty loader !wady now, 1 Soartolli html roller I 1.11 own gang plow, 1 disc /trill neatly new, 1 walking plow, set heavy It lltillthO, 7011 laisheis lol I R, IUD Ill1.11118 1.0(111. barley, Slogs semi 3 isms of hay. Salo wilhonl rest„,„ as I'm ul lens lapti sold. Terms- $5 Mill under rash t over that W11011111 8 months eredit given MI f urt: ish lig ap- pi tired joint notes. 3 per vent ,,ir for cash on eredit amounts, 8. 131.71(lib:. Proprietor. ALICT1()N 8.11 ,I(3 ()I, 1,A HAI 'TUCK, 1151 el. l'INTESTS, AZt. Jt11u1 FIII•V Is, Ant” ioneer, has 1V/0.1111d illS(1011S 11111 I Ill. Wide) signed ins0p4.1.1,44 14,.4.11 by Public A instion at. Lot 20, Con. A, Rout sic, Saturday, March 31.11, al 1 o'elocsk, sharp, the follow big valuable propel ty :--1 brood mare It1 years old in foal to I 1111144111.1.11111 5 she il by 111t rut, I 11•15` rising -1 sit Esi by Alasrol, I ffity i•ing 3' ;Med by 1 limpid , 1 roil risluta I sit cd by Ninseot, S ?Nish valets' Cows, 1 1444e,. in Pali, 2 Imifins 2 year); old in otir, 5 heifers 2 yea: s, 5 heifers visit g year, -t sleets risi 11(5 I year. 1 Om) t.'„ bred Din ham buil 2 years old ES young calves, I brood sow doe to fat row Abtrell 23, 1 brood sow to fat row April 8, 2 young sow s, 12 huff leghorti conintity good titi1.41,y hay, 560 bits. oats, quantity <f seed 0111R, 1 Harris hinder nearly new 7 epi, 1 14",(1121 & 1VOI1O1 1001%141 nearly new 1 ft. rut, 1 Massey Hats is 1110WOO 5 ft. out, 1 10 -ft. bay lake, "Slasstsy-IIatils eultivator, 1 smal drill, 1 land 1,33,1, 1 rutting 1.1): 1 1101•Sti 1 SOL 5 section 11/LI POWS, 11401 3•sertiun Intern ws, 2 walking plows, 1 2.1'm tow plow, 1 wagon, 1 set bob -sleighs, 1 hay rack, 1 stock riot, 1 boggy, 1 c'uite1, I democrat, 2 sets double 11/1111,4S, 1 sugar kettle, 1 grindstone, I as-a/lints engine 2 1 211, p., 1 saw, I set 1200 lh sealea, 1 fanning mill, 2 logging chains ttnd Other articles 111(1 1111111ON JO 1111.11i1011, SlliO Will bit Nei I hollt lesvtve as petipcie t or Ilea sold his Fat tun Perms.—All sums of $0 mid imam cash ; over that- anion, lit ins Id its credit given on forioshing approves! joint notes. 5 )lm• cent cif r,,, stilt lql credit amounts, 1). 11(1'1/4v:se' Prom he it are Si% IV. , •,; 11' IL ro11141411111,t I.11; 1.1,, I ;.t ',AI I • stim 1•.,,, tmitt,,, mons //tars n).plr 111 11 111 1"0.1:115. i'Dothisiek, not • FPrrre for Salo 4, em, I,,,t 7,14411, Ir. "'"4" Ili., ; w•11,tn11•110 ; 111111 trt ; teen iva5l 8,,41 14N,, futile! rat,,. 40. . 44,414 4., W .1 '. oil 11Cie wend.; 4, or It ir . _ r -"or Sale - Clood Value 11 '1 t1'Y 7 t1;111 1,5.111,111kte ". h,;11“..; ;to it ‘‘,•11; • 41 dr tool o ••••:. - ; .11.0 1,11.11,8 not 1. ‘0 I tilltOilt••'%ii•Ilt ft 41114 PO,',11111.0. T11..141•1 V.. DIOS" 1 .-1,11,terl 1111 .1811,t;.• rit„ 1.1,;.• luny 1,1.110 011 to ;wiry from le, ewe. r 11.. is me.. ) I "7; 1 (11LA NT, Farm for Sale Conitonte r 171 art.-, bong hilt LnII 11, and I, t r • r 1,114 7 and s, 'en 1,1, tint 44 A 11. ; /111, .41111rOtillIOI• rt 311,4011; Ikallk with 4010, x it 44: goo driVe 41•11 boll-, 1.1g uon and 011.,11 11011, Had oltont t, tare, 1411-11, 'tura! mail not te!...4b4,444. 444,1efros).014,4,1 fuel 2 miles from 11:11-)40. Trot fin they p.m Heelers apply h, Nits lit IZ 'IL. :1, ISnimst•Iti , Stock for Sale Pure scotch Sins t than Pull. Also 2 1414,14 s mentbe ,,,41. grand r.11.41 by Dainsfrod Alar. vjy. 111111 or ; HIlli 11 1111011, t•il orl I, A mteetet No Itt• MS'whose Lot HO, Con, • Nlerris Ili 411 fit t,s.:14 on gr 1sy el cond 1 t i;t Homo ;:nO1 It; O. . ett,051,F,DIITA ..ANI) LOT volt tool well Poe In tiller particu- lars as 11) price, terms. Co ,neply to Pomo, Brussels. Farm for Sale ra.t Ha, eon 33, sturris tuar-lon. ht..] 1,..t 1, (sou, a ores own - ship Wel I WIlt erwl rout fortehle 11011.1., 11111111 1x1111110 Manor. shod, firi Wing Imase, ivied mitt, oreherd, Se miles North of Brussels 4,41 gril1.41 1,101 fi tl al Itittll tool 1111111 '1/1101114, :.1r to to .1'11001. Will .t•Il other or both farms 14 not odd Its fere DePtimr 1st will be rotted. I, or further particulars ripply to firusseV.,4 or For Sale .21); sores or. fstin 1.1 the TRW11.101) of gin., 11,j..1,11rIg in am H•Olt, IP otien- lal 1111, froth 2 to cave, It Ins been (.4.4.40,1 end enough or gravel there to supply the town tint MOM r rer the ',est eueroir ors venture ti building lots on Turnberry street ; 1 tot ea (ieorge ore., near the tailwny station •, elm ) myprivate residents) on the river bank, owner of Wittiest and Albert streets Per further psettemars imply to the ololor.jon.,1 at him IrAtillott•o. LECKIE. Brussels, 15th March, 1217. - Angtiotteer, has been ins• 1 ticl tal by the AGOTRYST SALE or IPA RN! 8TOCK imp LEM ENTS, ;SW -- •F4 S. Stint t, Clubbiri Ha ES ,„„th.,„,...„,„1 to sell by Polak! Amnion at Lot 18, Com 8, tirey, oil 141444.(1 Ey, Altte,th 10th, at 1 o`t•lot•It slim 1), the For 191 8 following valuable pis pet ty :--1 Intoe P years old, 1 mai e (1 years old, 1 horse (I years old, 2 colts t 'sing 2 yt ais, 9 Following cm e the Clubbing Hates Tns . , cow fattening, 1 heiferfat both g, 1 fartsow COW, 1 SilOrl Ito) n bull "1/1.110 of Moyninguni" 03720, 5 heifers rising, 2 years, 2 steers rising 2 years, 8 valvt rising I year, 2 young rale' s 33; loos and 3 weeks old, 1 brood sow due to farrow Apt it 15, 7 pigs 131- months old, 50 hens, 3 geese, 1 Al assey der 6 ft, (sot, 1 Massey -Harris mower 5 ft. mit, 1 Nlassey-Harvis hay loader, 1 Massey -Harris manure spreader, 1 M- imed seed drill with grass seeder and cultivating teeth blassey-Harris, 110. ft. hay rake, 1 Hassey -liar t is 3-dttou to rt, steel land roller, 1 Peter ton cultivator, 1 Maxon disc, 1 set 4 section diamond harrows will) 2 dolt- bletrees, 1 Oliver viding plow now with 3•11orse whifflettseem, 2 walking plows, 1 2•Iitirrow plow, 1 wagon, 1 wagon box with spring seat, 1. scufflet, 1 I ut tiip sower, 2 wheelbat 'sows, 1 angel km - t le, 1 set 2000 lb, platform smiles tai beam anti sliding poise, 1 fannilig could with bagger, 1 hay fork with ropes and pulleys, 1 set slings, 1 milk etit t, 1 j milk cat:, 2 cooltsis, 1 churn, 1 Ideal (3 h. p. gasoline engine, I Maple Leaf gilder 10 in. plates, 1 Bell No, 50 MD• it tf box and 10 -ft, circlets, 1 set holt- sb 1 caber, 1 gravel box, 1 hay tarp, 1 grain cradle, 1 1641.. holder, 2 vinegar barrels, 2 sets whifflett yes, 2 neck ynkes, sills for hay ratilt, 1 set or team htu'neas, 1 Set IllOte harness, mower with pea harvester at Inched, I Massey -Maedis root put per, 1 emery sickle grirebsts, I wagon jack, I VI'0811. col 01.1.01111 SO1/111',41.1.11. 050 lbs. caPlteiLY. about 300 hue, oats, aboll ii0 barley, abOti I. 15 tons tiny, ;prim duty of potatoecc, mp Ides, shovels, forks and oilier to tide,: numerous to mention. Sale will be without ee• servo as Ito pi optietor has ;told his farm. Tel tos:—A II st111111 of $10,00 and under rash ; over Cott arnotint, 10 months credit give!) on furnishing approved unt notes. 4 per cent off fot cash on credit amounts. 0-1410, 13; AIN:ALL, Prop. Purrs' la malting lots lIOX to 1?(1.1.1 I— T111.,, POST 11,111.1 ..... $ 5 00 111601-Enspit c, „. 5 00 Tin 110 NV nridgq 5 00 Toronto Star...-. 4 25 To; moo News .... 4 25 1,0titlon Advertiser 4 25 London levee Press 4 25 Family I1 et altl.. . 75 Weekly Witness . 2 80 1,a•, Advtuatit...,. 3 00 Nev. essetigets... 2 00 1V/11 Id . 3 20 Presbyterian 2 75 Patin .and Dail y... 2 30 teat itou's tion 2 20 11, 41 If 111 11 1. 11 11 if fr papers ate In be Rent to the ed States additional postage is maws- sary. Cash must arcompany all in tiers as the rile papers give no credit. Sella Pinney by 111xpress Order, Post, al Note to Registered Letter, Hank I a 'mist have tainimission added. Address W. 11. IC Tor: I'oPT ilt tursels, ()tit. ^ yr...snow .r.,.....varelatomone. 4004,00000004 04,494490.8000 000 .00044400 44 40000.0004.010440 0 0 a. Dr. Anna M Shaw says : "The women who have not • • • been trained in Stenography and Typewriting 41 should immediately undergo instruction in i xactly a. • the same SHrit that Moved them to attend classes : • in first-aid hut:sing." o o 'rum Nroo,r) volt isThlisIODRAPIIvam is into iiINT, e • THE WORK 18 PDKA8ANT AND THIrPAY AMPLY.: . O WHY SHOULD YOU NOT PH !WARD FOR TH Pi SIE12 V RHO 0 4 Ti11+1 10 (31++,8'1' P1',A CII, TO GMT )(OUR TRAINING 18 AT * t : The Central Business College, Stratford, Ont, The Mount Forest Business College, Mt. Forest, • or The Central Business College, Wingharn. MONTHLY HORSE r AIRS BRUSSELS Regatta]. Monthly Horse Pairs will be held this SollgOtt as followa : THURSDAY, FMB/ 28011 APR. sttli Leading Lanai and Outside Buyers Present lly oteliir of ilonnell. le. 8. 800'61', Clerk, Steady Work and Good Wages _ N WINS WOMEll e I • I 4 FOo • Apply an Excelsior Knitting - Brussels 040••••••••••••••640444,00.00 ••••40.040•40.00.40600•0••••0 Call Phones 20x or 85, IV