HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-3-7, Page 1VOL, .0 NO, 36 Oktrict arms $1.5() Per A ;mum in Advance • - BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, TH A'S1).1 , .11A Isr I 7. 1918 W. H. KERR, Proprietor • - telolenworth Mimi Annie Rolielieson i4 11,4110a ION/ 9.01411dillg HeVel11,11110111119 III the Queen city. Miss Ivali flpetran, 12th (Jon, (Ivey, visited lest. Netitilt at, the home of (leo. and Mee. Melee:IMO and ably aseiseed the Forestville young people with their Centime on tepidity night.. lenine TM/I.-Friday evening, Fele 22rel, it grand Column was given in 17. S. S. No. 16, Ilinvick and (levy, by the young people of bee estville. Pro- ginin coliebeett or opening chortle, "E know jnet, when) Pui going" ; chairman's 114111'09S ; hwoitation, Mabel Itebert ; violin (islet, "el 0138113 Fnik- era; dialogue, "Till' !deep walker" ; tiller, elisses Speiran and ADM ; reci- tation, Bliss Dean ; dialogue, "Mr. Hunter's mistake" ; duet, A111110 11.11d Elva Brown violin selection, 'Masers. Fencers ; /Net, Mews Allen and Speiran ;dialogue, "Mail ying a poet- ." ; .solo, 11eifi.e Campbell ; dialogue, -Mee ing eell 411, 1" A1111111 11.1111 1111V1t 1f1,1W1/ 1 1 (11.ilt,1100, 11119F Deftll legite, "1(111110n/1 woe! jug',;11,1111 HellWli101 ; 1510c1101. Paili1411 I chorus, do we go front here" ; God care the King. A vote of thanks 1V11,9 teethe tel to all who NO ably aseielPIli0 Ole whieh was well worth hearing and WWI hettially appreeiated by everybody. T. le, Bennett, Wing - bean eerfeented the duties of 0139,11, 1111t11 in 109 11:1141 efTlielli style, Pro. ceetle $20 lel and later expenses will be (teed for Red (hetes porter/4es. Cranbrook Mrs.. John Relcixior, id' O'Brien, Al. bean, Wit9 visiting at the home of 1411,1. Menzies, hat stieteiein-law, • el I H. eV, J. Jetni.ie returned to Lon- don attet spending a couple cif weeks with her patients, A, and MUIL, Leitch, Hertel t and Mee, Mitchell, who were visiting relatives and friends in this locality, remelt to their Western home at Relfield, Sask. Mts. Richd. THESta rd ank OF Canada t ip The 43rd Annual Meeting of the ahareholders of the Standard Bank of Canada was held at the Heed Office of the Bank, 18 King Street West, Toronto, on Wednesday, the 27th February, 1918, at 12 o'clock noon. A largo number of shareholders were present. The chair was occupied by the President, Mr. W. F. Cowan, and Mr. E. A. Bog, Chief Inspector, acted as Secretary for the meeting and read the follow- ing roporti: The Directors beg to present to the shareholders the 43rd Annual Report and litatenteut of the affairs of the Bank for the year ending the 31st of January, 1918. The Not Profits, after melting provision for bad and.doubtful debts, rebate of interest on unmatured bills under dieconnt, exchange, cost of management, etc., amount to $649,546.44, This amount, together with the balance forward from last year and. $120,047.86 for premium on new stock issued, makes tho stun of $94187.93, Thie has been appropriated as follows: - Pour quarterly dividends at the rate of 13e/e per annum $442,782.77 Contributed to Officers' Pension Fund 20,000.00 Contributed to Patriotic Funds 81,250.00 War Tax on Bank Note Cireulatiou to 31st of December'1017.- 88,891.48 Transferred to Reserve Fund from Premium on New Stock 120,047.86 Reserved for estimated depreciation in securities 100,000.00 Balauee of Profit and Loss Account earried forward 175,215.82 it Your Directors deeply regret to record the sudden death, in alaech last, of our late general manager, Mr. George P. Sehelfieltl, who entered the service of the Bank as a junior clerk in 1888; becoming general manager in 1905, and a direetor in 1012, under whose management the leruik made marked progress. Your Directors appointed as his successor, Mr. Charles lel. Easson, formerly of the Bank of Nova Seethe We also regret baying to reeord the death of Mr. T. H. McMillan, who became a director of this Bank in 1009, when the Western Bank of Cs -nadir, of which he had been general manager, WHS amalgamated with this Bank. The vacancies in the Board have been filled by the appointment of Mr, T. B. Greening and .1fr. Tames Hardy, PC.A, During the year, Branches and Sub-Beanebes of the Bank have been opened at Lethbridge, Alta.; Orion, Alta.; Richlea, Sask. (sub. to Estou); and Westerham, Sask. (sub. to Eetuary). The Sub•Braach at Cherry Valley and the Branch at Schumacher, Ontario, were closed. The usual inspection of the Head Offiee and Bra»chee hes been made, and the duties of the staff have been faithfully and efficiently discharged. The regular audit of the Bank's affairs has also been made by afr. G. T. Clarkson, F.C.A., whose report is appended herewith. Mr. Clarkson's name will be again submitted at the Animal Meeting for reappointment as Auditor for the ensuing year, W, P. COWAN, President. GENERAL STATEMENT LIABILITIES. Notes of the Bank in circulation Deposits bearing interest (including interest accreted $ 5,484,388.00 to date) $40,801,888.95 Deposita not bearing interest 17,770,014,95 58,080,708.90 Dividend No.109, payable 1st February, 1918 112,094.17 Balanees due to other Banks in Canada 1,160,942.68 Balances due to Banks and Banking Correspondents elsewhere than le Canada 1,000,951.10 Acceptances under Letters of Credit 70,290.00 036.80 Capital paid up 8,458, Bemire Fund 4,45:1,290.00 Balanee of Profit and Loss Aecoutt carried forward 175,216.82 ASSETS, Current coin held by the Bank $ 1,557,838,80 Dominion Notes hold 10,065,781.00 Deposit in the Central Gold Reserves2,500,000.00 Notes of other Banks 265,096.00 Ohecinee on other Banks 2,822,442,85 Balances due by Benito and Banking Correspondents elsefrhere than in Canada 1,051,210.57 Dominion and Provincial Government Securities not exceeding market value 8,968,591.00 Canadian Municipal Seetuities and British, foreign and colonial public aecurittes other than Can- adian 7,192,930,65 Railway and other bonds, debentures and stocks not exceeding market ,value 892,848.09 Pall and Short (not exceeding thirty clays) Loans in Cauada on betide, debentures and gooks 2,087,585.70 $78,P90,007.42 $14,123,114.80 18,225,660.52 $32,848,775.32 Other Current Lone and Diecounts in Canada (less rebate of interest 89,853,677.77 Liabilities of Customers under Letters of Credit as per eontra.., 70,086.80 Beal Eetate other thstu Bank Premises 16,000.00 - Overdue debts, estimated loss provided for 111,067.11 Bank Premises, at not more than rest, less mullets written off1,824,298.44 Deposit with the Minister for the purposes of the Circulation Feud 176,000.00 Other Aseets not included in the foeogoing 02,051.98 $78,090,907.42 Ti, COWAN, CAL EASSON President. General Manager. AUDITOR'S REPORT 20 TITII1 SHAREHOLDERS, • office of The tandard Dank of Cailada, and the oert fled returns received from its branches kayo erarea the ;wove REPORT sheet wit% the soots and accounts at the chief and after deo lag the clash Mid verifying the securities at the chief office and certain oi the principal beam:thee on January Sig, mg, oertify that in me opinion well Balance Sheet exhibits true and oofreet view of the state of the Baelc's eiYairs according to the best of my Information, the explahations given to me, and aa shown by the books of the Bank, In addition to the examination mentioned the earth and securities at the chief office and certain of the _principal branches were +eked and verified by me at another time during the year, and found to be in accord w th the books of the Bank. All informdtion and explanations required have been given to me, mid all transactions of the Bank which have come under my notice have, In in opinion, been within the powers of the Bank, G. T., CLABRSON, P.C,A., Tottotrro, February 18th, 1918, of CLA9980N, G091/ON ik Diewoent, Toronto, Canada, The President refereed to the satiefactory progress made during the year, and the Vico-Preeident, 11/Er. Wellington Francis, H2O., and the General Man- ager, Mr. 0, H, Beeson, also addeeseed the meetieg, The mend motions' were passed and the following Direetors were sleeted for the emitting yeari-Ve, P. Cowen, W. Pranefe, LC,IL Lan lois W. F. L'. W. Cowan, T. H. Wood, T. :13. Greeniug and &untie Hardy, Ata subsequent meeting of tho Direetors, W. F, Cowan Wart chested Preeident and W. Proheite K,0,, VieVePreeident, (,l, 9, EAMON, General Meenlegeee. Mitchell, the formee's mother, rieemu. paniee the traveller)/ es elle 111,0 re- sidee hl the West,. An Auctem Hale of faint, r/11111 sleek, Impleinents, tee., will be held by Viet/wand Mai, Piety Smirlitig, Oventwook, Monday, INIateth 18th. If farm is not sold it will be rented, Vic - Lor talks of going West, Wroxetor Allms Jean Audeeson, Mt, Forest, was home over ;Sunday, Miss J. Black, Haerieton, spent the week•etel at 111.1'110111e hem Wall. Finlay and little daugh- ter have returned from a 4 momeite viei L with relatives in Alberta. Don't forget D. Molex/Wes Auction Sale Sathedity aft etiocin of this week. The Young ladies' Remitting League will give their play, "il,'IkelDea- con's Second Wife," in the Town Hell, Wroxeter, Friday evening, March 16, aL 8 &clerk, Beeerved Besre plau at. Drug fertile. Weoxieren, RED °ROI:M.-Supplies shipped Lo Toronto at•e as follows 84 suits pyjamas, 12grey I:Leonel shirts, 30 pillow citeee and 222 pairs socks. Financial mammary from Jam hit to Feb 25th, 1918 B Wane, Jan, lsb ...... $ 163 39 Personal contributions 158 50 Seidel (A. Casein/Ire) 20 50 Prayer set vice, Jan. 6 (Pi es.) 4 50 " (Meth.), 11 00 Bele nce front Union mid -week Player ineeLi toes 7 08 CounLy gratirt-per Wroxeter 36 35 pee Tiumberry 50 00 —$ 440-97 lefitteeiale purchased since January ist ........... 40:3 00 Jamestown Auction Sale at Stun. Burke's Fri- day afternoon of this week, Sale is unreserved. leirs. P. 8, McEwen, of 131nevale locality, was visiting at fee hone of her mother, 111re. Jas. Strachan, and sister, Res. Andrew Lamont, Grey township, A number l'tom this locality attend- ed the funeral of the late Adam Reid at Brussels last week. Deceased is well remembered as Mrs. Reid was at daughter of the late B. letelick who lived in this counniinity. On February 16th Fraser McDonald, fottnerly of this locality, wile uniLed in marriage to Miss Lena Atkinson. Both lived at Paswegin, Seek., and commence untie led lire with the good wishes of numerous old friends here. The gronzu is a brother. of Dunce» and Wm. McDonald. of Jamestown, and Mrs. 'rhos, Strachan and Mee. Joe 81111.W. took place on Tuesday, Feb. 26th at 4 p. tn, at thte home of the bride's parents, Jas. and Mrs. Kernaghati, the marriage of their eldeet daughter, Ida M., to Galleon E. Joe:kiln, of Abbey, Seek., SOO et Will. and Mrs. Jacklin, (+11e31 town- ship, Rev. A. J. alarm, B. A., Brus- sele, pm -fanned the ceremony in the presence of immediate relatives and friends. Bride entered the parlor on the arm of lieu father, while the Wed- ding Much wee played by Miss Ruby, dieter of the bride. The good looking young bride looked charming in a. dainty white dress of Japan taffetta, hand embroidered. After. congentula. Lions the company sat down to suppet and the evening was spent ir, games,. social chat, claiming, Ste, The numerous and costly preeents teetified to the esteem in which the young temple is livid, Groom's Oft to the livide was it neck Inee set with pearle and to the pia nice a Ifrooell set with amethysts. Mr, and Mts. Jacklin in- tend leaving shortly foi• their home in the West:and a host. of good it isles will follow them to Linde new home. Ethel Goetge AleGall's Auction Sale takes place 011 Tueedity, Mar eh 10th. Auction Sale at Realtor Broa, Ethel, Saturday of next week at 1 p. in. Waite) tint for hills. A Patiihnie Tee will be held in G. el, Mitchell's Milliemy parlore, Satur- day, M arch 0th. Itiverybraly welcome. Saturday efteention, while the chopping mill wits in operation, the flee vy drive -haft of the (Moppet, broke ; co, Mr. Seeders had to make a to it) 'efironi e to get, it, welded. Epworth League in Methodist ohm 011 minor service will be conducted entirely by, thembere of Beide/Lvov, Presbyterian dowel), next; Sunday evenitig, Union government appeal% le be doing great things now, polleical- ty, spiritually and matrimonially, iNo word has been received since November Oth from Pte. Laidlaw Sir/when and the report; of him miss, mid no news, poines rho peobae lefty that he died for the Empire he France. His brother Howseed, was in !lie same beetle brit In advance of the battalion to which Laidlaw belonged. A number of comrades of the latter were itijneed by a German shell and the feat is that the Ethel laddie was caught by the sante terrible exploe- ive. The Matte Was full of shell holes so it would be no difficult 'natter to be buried in each a conflict. The Epworth Leagne and Sunday School Insbitute of the Win had District was held in Ethel Methodist church, Wedneeday afternoon and evenhig of last week. Attendance wee not as large ns was expected, but delegates ettended from Binevale, Brussels and Porde/tot) circuit. Solon - did addresses were given in the after- noon by 11. I. Watson, London, on "Mission WOrk in China." Mr. lefic• l'avish spoke on "Prayer" ; Mv, Lange fetid on Sunday School week ; Rev, Mr. Uren on Evangelistic work. In the evening en illustrated leethre on Newfoundland was given by Rev. Mr. Duryea, 11190 an address on Canadian Standard Effieiency test illustrated by Chart, The Oonee, l givet, in the Titseueliiii line, last Fr i i iy high, the x11 ,• Itie194 flr the ;eel eelendel ewe, ee Weather. nod the 1.1011119 Were f/11,11111,11111 and the flail wee filled, f ee1I1H IL111011111,191 10 $51.50, 111 11111 Ilt91 enteien, ee„lly Joe's Lady t1111N1 Vein" the entitle 41 (talkies let, fly many local bite widen were greatly enjoyed by All, This WItH followed by a stump speech after which "The colored Four Hunched" crone on the Seel/e, a jolly inl»ell ciC elarkles. The drill " \Valk of the Allias",1148 well Rivet, by I gills, Fietween Parts 1 nod 2 mune ee the dark lee; gave a very mintieing dance which was sitcom'. pi li wee well begun by the pfayet "The Now Maid." 'Life's Whet side" were very impressive and gave the molten/el 901110 idea of eoltlier 1110 from the time the soldier says, "Good-bye" till he is "home again." Play, "Her Uncle's boots" was well giveti and showed the romantic side of school life. National Anthem and (loci 'lave our splendid men, brought the pro- gram to a close. Grey Council will meet next Monday. Get your entry to Secretary Week for the Standing Field Orem ()mope Robert Pearson is visiting daughter, Mrs. Wesley Beacom, tInl- let township. Material is nearly all ready for a proposed new lnnrnf> to be erected in 1918 by WIlbue Tnrubull, 1511) Con. Miss; Laura Wheeler arrived home from Toronto Jan Saturday. Her bi- ;hired anklets ehowhig illiplOVP1131111. Joseph Frain, who seas home for the past 2 months left Tnesday for his home at, Cable', Sask., where he has a farm, Wu) H. Jacklin, of Shackleton, Seel arrived home last week to or. tend his beother's wedding. His many old friends are glad to see him balCt Mamie, eldest daughter of Jas. and Mrs. Denman, 12th Con , fell at home and broke her left arm at, the wrist. Her many friends hope she will some be as; well as ever. Posreeneem SALO.- On aecornit, of the death of Mee, le S. Seat, wife of Auctioneer Smite, the Auction Sale at W. J. Cardiff's Lot 8, Con. 7, wits postponed until Saturday afternoon of this week, The 50 acre farm of John Beier, be- ing Ne Lot 26, ()on. 10, has been pur- chased by Isaac Lake, who lives ad- joining, the price being $2000. This giVOA Mr. Lake 125 acres new and will enable him to pursue a wider range of farming. Mr. Baler goes to a fat on the lath Con. of Elora township. SOLI) TEIU OLD HOMESTEML-This week A vehie Mishit> sold the old His- lop homestead, Lot 2, Con 10, Grey, containing 100 acres to Waliev F3roadfnot, 5th line Metris, for the snug stun of $4000, It is a splendid farm, among Lhe best in the toritiship, with extra good barn, fair holm and 2,2 actes of hardwood Meth. It lute been in the Hislop family for over 60 peers. Me. Brnatifont will do Well nu it as lie is a progressive young man, Mr. Hislop who lives now on the 14111 Con.. is still owner 40800 acres. With the shortage of help lie had more than he could etlend to with comfort, hence decided to reduce. PRESENTATION, -11 number. of the neighbors and friends of J. P. and Mrs. leleKity met at the home Monday (welling to enjoy once more their hnspit.oility befni e I Pinny n g Nein the farm home to eiriteeele, where they will reside rot the present. Owing to the evening Lriog sit dleameeithle many were net. able to tie present. When ail ednttived mid teinie into 11,0 petite, whelp the Inlet and linstess were trying to !mike all ciente," bible, the tables turned and they were eked to be Heilleti. WITI. A. 1.101,1111 9100. ped foment ci and reed thr r. addl.(nn and WIC). Hall, •ei•; by NOP1011.11 1',100111 10 ci Mee. I, zzie pre- sented a Seel'el ;Ivy and an ettk ; -Ain. AND MRS. J. P, eieleeeie -Wti, you, le-km(1e te .1 have assembled hie e, tw tide 110e ere of your tillereal t1ou, mu melet Now the farm on ii hieh you, . McKay, were been end have he, d nit you life and where Mrs. MeRsy hos resided /wee since yeti). netfaiage, , vie 20 piers ego. We cannot lei f hi meet ion pass without expreesit.g it, if some titegible Nvay, oni time , elation of you, for we have found you bosh kind &tic] obliging neighbors, time friends and good citizens, Witheut wearying you with words we esk you to accept this Secretary and oak rock- ing chair, as it motif of the est sem in which which we have held yon and the goodwill borne towards yore We hope you may be long spared to enjoy the competency yon flees acquired and the relaxation erom the et' einteme labors of the faxen and that hyo and bye when home and home -making ate finished on the shores of time, we may all meet; bleep Father's House of many ma,nsioneeeafe at home in the sweet bye and bye, Signed in behalf of youte neighbors end friencle. Win, A, Lamont, • Wm. Hall, Mr, MCICav mode 0, very suitable to - ply in behalf of ales. McKay and him- self, heartily thanking all for the good wishes and reuth applied/teed gifts. Hoped all would enjoy themselves that evening in their home and also that they would all meet ageln at some future time. An enjoyable even- ingWas 'metre in game% music and sncial.chat, followed- by hutch, which of 0001.'S(4 was enenyed by ail. All hhd a good time till the wee aura' hours, hen the company joined lemile and tv after heartily singing "Anlil Lang Syne" and "1.`bey are jolly trend fel- lows" departed through the blinding stormfor their different homes, wishing Mr, and Mrs. McKay fame hapleillebe in their new home, It, hl 0:11T Wilat 11.1,11)1,11 1.19/113,11: 11 h:e41111)1191"t1, Bola. Cart, see, ,••.hie week. It hate been eel,' 1. rune,. 'Iva was:1,010,1111 A11141011 Sal 11',1.1111 1•1,1111. 1 11 ale. 111e019, r 1.1 iho rto io or VN leitee, Leti. 12, coe. 6, 1,1.t may in, tend in Illis i•me, Mr, I/me awl family expert ti, movo I lo• Wesi. A O. and Mrs, ilieteoli and eon, Beeimentd, teuebee, ata it , Len. .,re 9,r: lake eletitee or h:, t•To acre Gunn, 5th Con, 1.eie•te ly p11.,1110,1.41 11.011 .1111a. NV, 110111,01., 1,1111, of 1I01,,1,01• P 19 A.,itt,i.:11,1 111. 11,019oat ILI file 10110 .nisi r, 1,4 pri lid slimily with his wife, eVi. lee thee, widieenie see AND Fere/. Act !DENT, 1/4y evening about 5 11.(dindf as 13qn:011 and (-NIS. NYheeler 'horning in the fit; fner's bit .1t, a falling buil, sti lark 110104111i on the 'Reel, in Itie ektill and 1110111 wide(' he died early W. diweiley m 1 wing, lit VFW having regained consciousness. Strachan 131114 , who W1.11t, kilag itt the neighboring bush wet,. eelleil ,11,(1 the tithe, man was taken to his home. 4)(41019 1111089191 lift. Wtoi1111 1101,111.1v was no hope. A is ire, eite' ells, \\high', .4 Jane etee and IWO Children Sill vire. illht•r- al tfl,ke9 place 'Friday afternoon 19 Brussels cemetery. De0119.,(1 WW1 the eldest son of Lawrence Wheeler, and wire 38 year% and 7 months old and was born in .11turis township. II. Was it fine stalwart fallow Wh/‘ Most, highly esteemed by the cow - tomtit y who were sadly etartled over the sect tepid/int. Deep sympathy is tendered to the bereaved in their no. looked rt:1- .i0I'lesst. Rev. W. le SI al fotd, deceased's pastor, will entuluet the service, Smoot. Revolve -Following is the report. of H. S. No, 10, Grey, Jan. and Feb., based ou weekly exameeit- tines, i•egulitr attendance and gement tweilelenee Jr. IV.- (Bettye eVilit • field 79, Bello Inglis 78, lerie Whitfield 77, Margaret Stevenson 78, (J1+,1ore Patterson 73, Venality Inglis 56, Le - lie Baer 54 Sr. Patterson 70, Edger Whitfield 70, 60111011 au 5th, Douglas Greet 40 Jr. III- Gladye Neabel 80, Aveline lettered i 7.1., Flora 'McDonald 72, eVilda elpei rate 72, Myrtle Ilollenbeek 02, Unn./., Men,,11- aid 61, Mabel Cox 01, Arthur Whit- tled/154, Roes Speiran 51, Welter Wai d 40. Sr. II -Eldon Whitfield 82, Lama Patterson 68, Esvitt•t Whitfield 07, Melvin Carnochan G0, Myrtle Ward 06, Berrie Neabel 50, Jr. II -Annie Inglis 77, Belittle S. ',elven 06, Kate Steverieten BR, Linton) eVhittlehl Victor Baker 00, Leslie Patterson 50, Nelsen Whitfield 43. Claes I -Doris Neabel, Elmer Ell/meta Pe -Clifford Speiran, Greta Baker, Russell Whit- field, Clarence Mince(t, Pearl Carlin- elutre No. en/mitre] 41; average at- tendance 33. FERN A., PATThlitsoN, Teirehie, Morris Council meeting will be held Mon- day or next eveek. Robt, elelefueray and Bert Watson nee attending Grand Lodge, L. O. L. at Chatham this week. McKenzie Situate will go to Toron- to Friday of this week foe additional treatment at the hospital. Thos. Pierce, win) ie fermi ng 2e tulles North of thiussele, is away to the West with It car of well bred cattle. The date of the Mooney Auction Sale, 5th line, will IIP Ft•Iday, loth inst. List, of sale on page 4.. It will be a clearing t,ain ar; rinin had been 909,11 The 109 acre farm of the late Alfred Button, 7th line, has been lea ed to Win, leleMicheel, Brantford, by the extent tors. A pasture form belongi»g to the same tietate is offered for tentel in Tun POST. Un the 141.11 of February George Pierce, 7th line, passed his 62nd Ithitle. day. He possesses wilielerted vigor rev it man of his years and looka alter his fiti•in as of old. We hope this old resident of the township may be spared for a good testily yea'," yet. Wednesday of last week the marl - 'medal knot was tied at Hillsburg, Out., by Rev. J. D. Stephens, pastor of the Chelstian church, between Thos, L, Biolby, of Kelfleld, Sask., fomnerly of the 8111 film elorrie, and Miss Verley Kathleen Boyle, Old feiende in this locality extend con- paint/Ohms to Mr, and Mrs, Bielby and wish them 111/111), happy prosper- ous years ii) their lereette n home, Smoot. Brenner -Following i. the report, for 8, S, No. 3, "Monis, tor the month of Felemary, limo» e 75 Pees 60. IV. -le. Millet. 8.1.. Bl, Mc. Neil 74, J. Drumm 04, E. Nlehol 00, *V. Clark 58, Ile -A. Smile 78, A. Clark 77. M. MoArter 70, Ile. --11. Miller 85, *8, alitelts 01, le. Walborn 42, *H. Clark 35. I. -NI. Conic 87, ell, Meeks 64. Primer,-ele. Cook 08, L, Waglimil 86, Best spellers for the mon th-lef. McNeil, el. Me At ter, .A. Miller, M. Coon, Those inalked have missed one lar I110113 It A, Nouree, Teacher, GONE; TO ltrIsT.-Another of nur old pioneers 111 the person of Joeeph Me, reiroy, 8th line or mppi is a.s.,ett to me tong home nnSatintlay, lade ;1[11, in his 81st year, after a ehei t Deceased WIt9 1.101.1, '11 Ceilety Devitt, Ireland and eite 0 to Onf:Ilda will his parente, in 1838 Ile lie:1 ei !lees, the lithe john, Men 3 testers?, the late, Mee, Gerret Maxwell, of Morris, the lett MPH. Jus. Senet and Mrs, Evane, bell) of Myth. Lhe letter being the mile, eneviving one of the family and who is at pres- ent living with heti ditughtee in Smith Dakota. lele. McElroy was it man of splendid ahem/gene hived by n,11 who knew Min and will bo very nevelt missed by his friends end eepeeially his old neighbors, Ile leaves it widow an invalid in London Sat/Barlett' and an only daughter living in Hamilton to Metten hie logs. The frineral toek CAR OF Creatrn of the West FL 01..V1.110114111. Sli01110,1411 Is tteeniCled any day by Brtissole; aide. Sap Ciel Pt leve Cale Apply tit W. R. BROADFOOT Photo, rthi sl,.:CINt:TA }CV place on Monday Feb. Ilth, from his nephew's, 1,4111 ?den:troy, to Myth eemetery 111 d WaS largely attended. Itev. Mr. Met'm tniek, of Blyth Met lee diet, cluivele centime the servieee, Walton Rae Mr. Creek ie at, Chatham tenclime the Oz•antre Oland Lodge, in the Bed Came, Conteet the West side woo by a good »mixt'', lte port mixt. week. Stetiooe Keitt.--The annual meeting of tip.so in the School Fs.h. was held in Walton 8 Lout, Pett. 201b, Minutes of the hou mutual ineetinee met the Ti(94911rt'V'Sle111,0 Were real!. F0110WillW011.11.elH 910.10 then AppOnii- ,11 ;-Prosith•nt, (403,3,10 leie/ePreeldelat, y Bolger ; Seeve. tat y, bike el. F. Yuill ; Treasurer, W. CL Neal. Eitel' le/teller iti the emu - peeing sections le to appoint a commit- tee of three pupils. Directors are all the Listeners of the adjoining schi.ols with the following ttll'ilVeti:-Walton, T. Bolger; Nth 2 Grey, Jas. eleFaci- watt ;tin, Ll Mot I is, Duncan Laidlaw ; No, 7, eleKillep, (Le/tabu/le Fred. Scarlet 1 ; Nu. 9, Male -Mop, J. Leen'. ; No, 12, Grey-, W. Duncanson ; Repi eeentative Director's from the Women's Institute, Mrs. Lundy, Mrs. I, Maccinnald ; Representative from Farmers Club, J. J. MeGavie, J. livid, 0, Turnbull, Committee con- sisting of bits, Lnudy, Mre. McDon- ald and ;Wine tI. Yaill was appointed to look after the seeds, Other Com- tecies wez•e appointed ;-(1) to secure - special prizes, Mrs. O. Turnbull for Brussels ; Gitbet t McCallum, Walter' ; and ells, Fred. Scarlett, South of Walton. 12) To prepare the Prize List, elr, Turnbull, Miss Roe, Miss Dickson and Miss Forbes. (8) Smote Committee, W. Neal (convener), Jas.. MatiDoneld, J. Leenting, Jim. McDon- ald and Jas. Harris, It wait decided lieu the admission fee be $10,00 for eehoele !teeing Bt 011 11101.e pupils and $5.(e) schools having less than ten pupils and that this privilege be granted to schools wishing to cow - nide. It was also decided to bola the School Fair on Friday, SepLembeti 13. The Coneet t on that evening le to be in charge of the pupile of all the wdlools connected with the Fair. A :dude Commit! Se e0119idt lug of vies. Lundy, liaise Ferguson and Miss I. Harris was appointed when' is to be assisted by a Committee of three per- sons from each of the eeetions which are to be appointed by the teachers in those schools. Btuevaie Homy and Mrs. Owens left For their home in Welwyn, Sask.• visiting at Toronto and Detroit on their way. The Banner Year of the Standard Bank of Canada Forty-five Years Of Growth in Financia Strength and Public Confidence. The Annual Statement of the Stand- ited Batik of Canada, whit) was sub• milted to the slim ellolders on the 27th of February last, at the annual meet - Mg held in Toronto, particulars of which will be found in another col - own, shows renuu.kable geowth in all depaltheints, One Of Ole outstanding feaeures of the statementis aha very substantial increase in the Bank's assets, which now amount to $73,990,000, exceeding ilienee or last year by ever $14,000,000. Of this increase the deposits, whieh new 401011111 IT/ $58,080,703 aeeonnt fur $11,700,000 and the clienlation, now standing at $5,484,000 shows an in- crease of close to $1,000,000, The strength of the Bank is cons*. nously shown under the heading of CashAesets width ere •over $14,100,000 and which added to other readily availehle nesets 110100111 10 the lenge :•111111 of $32,818,775, This is mina] to ()vet. 50 per vent of the total liability or tho Bank to the penile, The ht. crease in the deposits is an evidence of the public confidence enjoyed by the Bank, and at the same time is un- mietakehle proof of the prosperity %Odell (human, is now realizing. Deming the year the capital stork of the Bank Wilkl inetensed by $120,04 and now stands at 1,18,458,200 and the Reserve Arend at $4,453,200, The stock- holders interests have not been ever - /reeked, FlH in addition to paying the listed Dividends the Bank out of its earnings/ lute made provleion for post. elide depreciation in its tieellVitieS of $100,000. It has else contributed SU,- einn to the Oftleerie' Pension Fond and $31e250 to Petriotic Minds, and paid the Government Wee Tax nn its note cirenlittinn of $88,801, corryleg fore ward to the /Tette, of Profit and Loas Aim/null, $175,215. Comparing the above figuree with merlons statements as far heck as 1873 w11011 the 80,111Z WIt9 established, this may he termed a harmer year, as ne stieh progreee has been recorded in ,•,- .rt- -• • 1 any year during that rieried, 11101140S fiallk 19 10 be t..11,gat,,Iffialcil ,,I, chi, 10,111111, 11190 ti.prat if ying re. - sell)/ should he pleasing to the share- holders, as well tie 11,1149111ibg to klie gotuu al public., mid nil 031380 who ttre int,r,,,tm.1 it, Ow 8twrn,f,f4 of OM hank- irlg institution, East Wawanosh Council Colleen tufo inr Feb. Istle an ad. jrnnitnn`td. il.lenthers all present. M hint es of Iasi meeting wet i• read and pa eed nn 11101j011 tar 001111.'ill0IN 0111. 1111111 M1'1;.1W1111. T1'Illiut, for the ndiutuy l'oivitship minting Were )e- tHliVeti 1.110111 the 1Vingleato and AdvameN offieee mid the Bien it Steed. evil. The teethe of the Time.' at $45.75, being the lowest, was fterel ed. 111e89194, BOW' 11.11e1 t presented /heir riTtn't 11/4 Aurlilnrs ‘,Y nevolints fur 1117, the abet* AM slat 1 show- ed a inhume On hand at ad, (gni Of the year of $4413.03. The repute, was 9,e - 00p1491 On InntiOn of Cinuicillers Currie and On 11.101i0Y1 f.: and Madliewett, Owe, 00111,11e/I WaS re- aliperitlleci ()Olivet i.l• irn the present year at a Hillary of $70 oil The following &emit, is were paid ;- The Municipal \Vol Id Assessment notice::, $1.42 ; F. Anderson, salary us Treasurer, 8111100 ; postage and war tax, $15 00 ; C. cenipte.11, lailtinee sal- ary as Collector', $15.00 ; The \ \Ting - ham Adonite.o bultibee priming con- tract. $3350 ; Cerperation of Morris, tented paytneut ea, lite Welsh denim $0 70 ; .1. W. Bone and J. S. seoi I, Auditors, $ei.00 each ; A. Pm Lis field, fees ilk Dili. Reg, in 1017. Iii8•00. For Red Cross work ; -A uteri n. 805.00 ; NV b t eeburele ($05(1(1; el erinwitnee $07,60 Belgrave, $80.00 1 Westfield, $1011.. On motion of Councillor McGowan and Buelianati the Cuuneii adjourned to meet again on Monday, March 18. A. PORTERFIELD, Clerk. Hole/10k Council Council met in Cook's Hotel, Ford- Wich, pursuant to adjournment. All members present, Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last regulate meeting and Court of Revision %vele road and ap- proved on U101i1/11 Of Lynn and Ann - Strong. A deputation eonsistiug or Rev. Mr. Walden, and Mesdames Goggin and Collins waited on Council asking file a grant for the Public Library, Ford- wich, Moved by Armstrong -WI!. liainscm, the Council give a grant of $25, and same amount to Public LI - Wavy, Gerrie. Carried. Moved by Williamson -Lyon, that Commit give a grant of 8200 to com- plete paying off debt, 011 Fordwich Public shed. Moved in amendment, by Spot ton-Anneetiong, that Council give $175, Reeve voted with motion and declared it carried. Tenders fox 'Township printing were opened, Mewed by Armstrong- Wit - Damson, that tender of Fortheich Record be accepted, he to do ail t he Work and famish all material for the regular printing for the sum of $125. Carried, Moved by Spotton-Lynn, that the maim) carried at the last regular meeting, regulating the rent, for the Township Hall, be rescinded. Oar - Moved by Williamson -Armstrong, that the following accounts he paid ;- Wing Rogers, balance on contract, Salter/tit denim $0; D. Strong, shovel- ling gravel, $1.00 ; Thom. J. Nichols, wood for Township Hall, $19,77 ; Fordwiell Record, balance of printing mint/net 1017, $50.75 ; G. W. Walker, express, 45e ; J, Williamson, gravel, $2,70 ; Albert, Cooper, payee $2.40 ; A. A. Graham, salary as Auditor, $15.00 '• ens. Johnston, di awing water, $4.00 ; Ford wich Record printing Day Drain by-law, $75 ; J. H. Rogers, grant to Fordwich Public shed, $200 ; C. E, Walker, fees on Dray Municipal drain, $30. Moved by Spotto»- that Council do adjonen to meet in Township Hall, Tuesday, March 100, when pathrunsters, poundkeepers and fenceviewers will be appointed, Car- ried, The second sitting of the Conte of Revision on the T. W. Day Munielpal Drain Bylaw to give its final reading, Moved by Spottem-Lynn, that; By- law No. 2, for the year 1018, known as the T. W. Deg aluninipiel Drain By. law be now read a third time and finally passed, Otte led Moved by Atimstrong-Willianisim, that this Court do now close. -Car- ried, O. E. WALKER, Olerk, Church Chimes -- Lenten services each We eeday even - lug at 8 e'elifek in St. John's church, Rev Mr. McArthur pastor of Knox church, Kincardine, has accepted a call to Bramptott (annuli. Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr, Mann gave an acconnt to his congregs. tion of the Dont niou Ailiance Conven• lion lield last week in Toronto. 'rho pastor preached 1111 leteresting sermon Sundey eveniug in the Metho. •lmt elite on the character or soloinott. Topic was "A brilliant failure." Rector Stsitill' le preeehing a ecturse of sermons on The Load's Prayer Sue - day moruing's Lim irg Lent. The 4111 of the eerie., "Thy will be clone," will be takeu next Bentley, At the monthly Missionary service in the Methodist Sebbath School the pro- gram supplied by Miss Ida IlflileY'R 01999 wee as follows :-Chores ; reading, Vivian Hark ; duet by Gertrude Me. Kenzie end Irene Will/inset' ; and pion° solo by Dorothea Steffen! Meet Isabel. Dark sang the solo, "it was few roe " Offering was $4.49, which leaves 8e8 o8 to he provided on the next Missionary contribution, on Sunday. April 7th, to complete the Amount promised for the neat') $75,0o,