HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-2-28, Page 8w,Hteet'e " glee r=u) ♦ ., R. e MIl f I 7b 9 tl • • Store• • •)• tl • • •fi z • • • • •F • • e {0 • • O • ••i• •A • • • • • • • • r •F Winter is When m Gets out of Fix • 4• Yet healthy, thrifty auimals mean I. • more to you right now than at any • other season of the year. o Ness Stock Tonic • + Is a Conditioner and Worm Ex - ,1, • peller, It contains tonics to make • the appetite good, drives out the o worms and makes them get the g. best out of every pound of grain • fed, 25 Ib. Pails are $2 5o . 'There are also sevdral smaller o sizes of packages. Other Hess Preparations are 4. 9 9 Time to Take a a iprhi Toinc Something to tone up the System Herearennutn ber of well known reliable' 11edtmiues- R.•xall Bamboo Brier Bond Ste ld- er -- to restore the are w of health. $talo bottles Rexall Beef, Wine and Iron - The pleasant Spring Tonic. $1 oo bottle -s Rexall Celery aill Iron 'Tonic - For greater strength and bet- ter appetite. $1,00 bottles Rexall Kldney Pills - Fur all forms of Kidney Troubles. 500 boxes Rexall Orderlies- !' ESS' DIP AND DISINFECTANT The Pleasant Laxative. gum Tins and 3ee Bottles 150 and 250 HESS' HEAVE POWDERRexall Sarsaparilla Tonic - am: pkgs. 1`11 cleanse and purify the bleed. $r.00 bottles HESS' HEALING POWDER VINOL- 250 Tins The Great 'Tonic - Creates "'Fee' INSTANT LOUSE KILL- strength_ $100 bottles ER -350 pkgs. We can also fill your own special 11 Feta' POULTRY PANACEA Recipe or Prescription for a Spring Medicine frotn our 35u and 550 pkgs, stock of Pure Drugs, Herbs, &m, Early Showing of Easter Cards and Easter Post Cards for sending abroad. ilii @ S , ` t y The AI.Snore tl Druggist and Stationer '9.0+•4-04•+,+•+0+•+41,+0&0•i'•+0 4.404.0+0÷0+0÷04.0+04-0+04.0.6 46+4, Total^�� iOx account of the icy roads last week v4 � the blacksmiths did a rushing business in horse sboeing. THURSDAY is the last day of February. DAYS are stretching very percepti- bly. Y erce blr, CouxcIL meeting next Monday even. ing. THUNDER and Lightning last Monday evening. THE lower schools will re -open Mon day of next week, after the holiday on ncconnt of fuel shortage. THE advertisement of Carswell Bros, will be found profitable reading both for mind and mousy. See list of bargains offered this week' DON'T let a mild, sunshiny day beguile you into the idea that Winter is past. Old Probs. has some cold jolts up his sleeve yet, Tuesday forenoon of this week as an example, Tux Maitland river assumed freshet proportions this week owing to the thaw and the rain. Very noticeable reductions were made in the snow piles and the long sleighing received a bunt. FROM AN OLD FRIEND -B. Gerry, of Fort William, formerly a wet! known Brusselite, in remitting for subscription to THE POST says: -"I enclose $r.so renewal for THE POST. It gives the home news so is a very welcome Ines. senger on Monday morning. There is lots of work and big pay here, Plenty of money an," no shortage of coal or wood. We hone for Peace in x918. "God save the King." Mr. Gerry cele- brated his 84th birthday last month and we extend hearty congratulations. THE cosy property 0t Wm. Telfer,-' Church at., has been purchased by Mrs. W. Ziegler, Con, 13, Grey, who purposes moving to it before long. Mr, aol Mrs. Telfer will go to Saskatchewan where they will make their home with their daughters, as increasing years make it imperative that they have some one to care for them. The auld folk have been I keeping house ou their own laccount for the past a years in Brussels, bLtlt failing vigor has been the deckling lector in selling the comfortable home where they have lived since they sold their no acres on the 16th Con. of Grey township. Many old friends will be sorry to see them remove from towu. SPEta-HENDERSON,-An interesting event took place onTttesday, February, 26th at the home of Robert and Mrs, Henderson, Mechanic street, Brussels, when their only daughter, Isabelle Buchanan, was united in marriage to Harold Speir, son of Jae, and Mrs. Speir, 6th COR, Morris, At high noon as the Wedding March was played by Miss Ferne Eckmler, the bride :leaning on the arm of her father, entered the parlor and took her place beside the groom under an arob of evergreens and white carnations. Ceremony was per- formed by Rev. A, j, Mann, Bride was dressed in her travelling suit, with cor- sage boquet of cream and pink sweet peas, During the signing of the regio. ter Miss Gertrude Deadman sang "The sunshine of your smile" very sweetly. The guests being the immediate rela- tives of bride and groom and a few in- timate friends, then adjourned to the dining room where a sumptuous dinner was served, Dining room was decorat- ed prettily with pink and white carna- tions, the table being set under a large floral bell suspended by pink anal white ribbons, After the bride had out the Cake toasts were proposed to the happy couple end responded to by the groom. Later amid a shower of confetti and good wishes the young couple left on tbe afternoon train for Toronto, The wedding presents were numerous and costly, testifying to the popularity of the bride and groom. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Speir will live on the groom's tlue farm, lath Con. of Grey, SEVP.R,L loads of con' were hauled from Wroxeter during the past week fur residentsa el of Brussels. s. SPRING halve bunting is having its innings, If you have 002 to rent Tem PosT might help you if you'd try a small advt, 0--. 00010E for sale. Apply to bliss Il, Rotates, BINDER in goad repair. For Phone 508. PONT. BARER. GENBRAT, purpnsa mare for sale - W. AT,ntnafia, Cranbronk. AIM GLENN esolrso.-Mico Wenn, nT,Olenn- t'harlev, Toronto, Canada's Hair Fa+-hion atone, will be in Brussels, Saturday, March Leh at the American Hotel, with a full Line of ladies and gentleman's Bair good. Tf you are not satisfied with the appearance of your hair, consult alio; Glenn who lo an authority on hair goods and individwtl hair styles. Free demonetratiou, CoAINORTAE4s house for sale. Apply to Ten POST. PIANe TtuNtau. .7. C. Blackstone, Plano Tuner, will be in town. Leave orders et S. Car ,'.'•r's. Fee SALE. -A good. Yorkshire brood now, to farrow March 10. Apply to J. HENRY Hoovie, Lot 4, Con. 11, Grey, Phone 2514. LIMITED quantity Banner Seed Oats for sale. WAt, Patine, Phone 2518, ALL kind. of poultry wanted. Alan empt sacks for which highest prices 'will be paid. Phone 52x, 54,01. WETNeTEIN• RIMIEST cash price paid for butter and eggs R. THOAMSON. HOUSE AND Loa roe SALE, -Good frame house, 215 acre of land. fruit trees, well, &o., in Brasaels. For further particulars apply at THE P1,.T. THREE Short Horn Belle Irem 10 to 12 months old for este. .7Aa. Spare, Lot 29, Con. 8, Morris. Phone 106. De. Notate, Oetenpethle Physician, visite Brussels Monday and Thursday afternoons of each week. Chronic andnervous disenaee eucceeofailytreated, Vteltsreeidenoe1. Con- sultation at Queen's Hotel, -o WILT. REPEAT CONCERT NOR RED Ceoss.-The Executive of Brussels Red Cross got busy Wednesday end asked choirmaster Mulheron to repeat Tuesday evening's Concert program in the Town Hall, Friday evening of next week, Consent was freely given and the entire proceeds will go: to treasury of the Red Cross, Tickets will cost only 25 cents and at this figure seats may be reserved at Fox's drug store by all who buy in advance, Children 15 cents. It is ex- pected outside talent will take the place of Mr, Manua. invite year friends and pack the Hail, Program will be well worth hearing, FINE EN•rttaTATNMEN't',-The second annual Concert tinder the conductorship of P, R. Mulheron, wait held Tuesday evening in the 'l'owu Hall, Brussels, when a splenclld program was presented that wee varied, well rendered and liber ally applauded, Soloists were Miss Isabel Strachan, Miss Grace Walker, Fred, Wood and F. H. Gilroy who per- formed their parts excellently, The piano duet by Miss Joues and Mr. Mul• beton, piano solo by the latter and the violin uumbers by H. L. laeksou were played almost faultlessly. The full choruses of over 40 voices showed care- ful training and also the talent possessed by the large number of ladies ancl gentle- men assembled Miss Walker sang iu the place of Mirs Rntb Sinclair, who was in 'Toronto, R. Hannah, London, supplied the elocntiouery inimbel's and was heartily received anal was generous in his responses. Archie Ritehiespreng asurpriae on the audience by singing one of Harry Lauder's songs, "jean McNeil," • n tip-top style that brought down the house and demanded a recall. Miss Tortes added to lir good name as aecotnpenlat. Mr. Mulheron is to bo eonlplitneutect and congratulated 011 the Success of the Concert. Platform Was Very tastefully arranged. '''here was not a poor number on the program, ran gh Royal Household flour (t\'HFele) JUST ARRIVED AT McOracken's I r]],,' not ask for jewels rare, Nor gold would 1 euutrot ; I ouly ask th.1 I may own A simple ton of coal, Ow'1N.; to the stem. forenoon last Tuesday the Rrd Cross Circle was can- celled It will meet Di-x'Tuesday after noon at Mrs, Leatherdele's, EDITH, daughter of Harry and Mrs. K:3's, brussels, fell last '1`nesday enol broke one of her legs. She has been most unfortunate with her limbs as this is the 6th break. Brittle hones is the trouble We hope she will soon he able to get about, EARLY last 'Tuesday morning Phomas Gaynor, died at his hotne at the ad- vanced age of 88 years. Fuueral took place this ('Thursday) morning, service being conducted in St Ambrose R. C. church at 9 o'clock, Interment was made in the R. C. cemetery, Brussels, The agency of the Cheverolet car in this locality has been taken over by Messrs. Trench & Ormiston, Teeswater, weuuderstand, A large business has been done by Messrs, Ament & Mc- Donald during the past year. ADAM REID ANSWERED THE CALL -At the home of Druggist and Mrs, McCall, Cbatham, Sunday of this week, a former well known and highly esteemed rest - dent of Brussels passed oft this scene of action, in the person of Adam Reid, in his Both year. He had been with his daughter for the past 4 years, his health being poorsome for n '1't re- mains me, The e mains Were brought to Brussels Monday night and funeral took place from the home of jute and Mrs. Hewitt, Wednes- day afternoon, Rev. W. E. Stafford, klethodist minister conducting an ap propriate service in the absence of Rev, A J Mann, who was in Toronto. Pall- bearers were A. Strachan, P. Scott, A Stewart, S. Wilton, S. T. Plum end Fox Mr. Reid was born at Glasgow. Scotland and came to Canada with his parents when 9 years of age, Io his young manhood he clerked in the gen• era) store of the late Juo. Kay, Brus- sels, later going to the Livingstone store and spent I years atter that eI a .meet tvi'h A Strachan of town, He was al- ways active, obliging and friendly, requisites in a good salesman, whish he proved himself to be, He married Miss Elizabeth Frslick, of this locality and sons (Wm., of Wingham ; Ben. in North West ; Ino , in the Southern Staten and Lewis, Detroit) and 3 daughters (Mrs. W j Longman, Biggar, Sask. ; Mrs. Shelliveer ; and Mrs. A. I. McCall, Chatham) •.urvive. Mrs Chas, Arm - 2110"g, Manse jaw, is deceased. There are 25 children. children. Mrs Reid died 28 years ago The subject of this untice was married to Mrs. John Cormick in r896 and shortly after they removecl to Langdon, North Dakota, where the latter passed away 5 years later. Mr. Reid spent r6 years in the Registrar's office at Langdon, the' best evidence of faithful service On retiring he went to make his home at Chatham 2 years agn he enjoyed a visit among old friends in Brussels and locality and last Sum- mer he took a trip to the West, De- ceased was a member of the Canadian Order of Foresters and the Sons of Scotland to town, Among relatives at- tending the funeral were A. I and Mrs McCall and son, Edwin, Wn1, and Lewis Reid and Mrs W. B. Dickson, of Dickenson, North Dakots, all Fn -mer residents of Brussels and locally. Few people would have guessed Mr Reid's age as he was particular about his ap• pares, smart in getting about, alert to past and present events and always glad to meet old friends of whom iie bad many Iu church relationships he was a Preshyteriau, 1 # People We Talk About t# #i# Miss Gertrude Shaw enjoyed a short visit with with Guelph friends, Miss Luella Ross was a visitor in the Queen city during the past week, Misses Maude and Marjorie Slime, Toronto, attended the Speir-Hender- son wedding on Tuesday. Mrs, Jessie Kerr was visiting in Bons- sels for a few days. She Was a guest at the Speir-Henderson wedding, Mrs Chris, Rogerson, 8th line Morris, and baby, Doris, is sponging a week with her parents, J. and Mrs, Jermyn, Brussels, Fred' Hunter and Eimer Ewan went to London this week in obedience to tbe Empire's call and they will train there iu the ;meantime, Alex, Fox was at Woodstock last week playing Junior Hockey with Sea - forth, The Weodatoekers rather slam. elect the visitors, Evangelist and Mrs, Russell were guests at the home of J, e,`, and Mrs. Wood, Albert street, for a few drays last week. They are old friends. Rev. A, J and Mrs, Mann, Mrs. P. Stewart, J, .'. Wood and others were among Bruseelites who went to Toronto this Week to the 'Temperance Conven- tion, Tut POST is eased to hear that Mrs, (Rev) Hind, espeler, is improving nicely after her operation. Mrs, Hind was formerly Miss Mao Deadman, of Brussels. John Sangster, Wingham, was ill town Wednesday. He has bought theb,ack- �. smithin buatne-a in Ford ich 1,d'. g tv a will Move there next week. Mr, Sanestr is a good tradesmen, a fine fellow and along with his wife and sob will make most desirable residents. Brussels Menu wish them suoeess and heartily commend atom to the people of Ford- wfch ancl locality, ¢BT'D 1ATA R G. H. SA 'S,, STI Tait. OF CANADA HEAP OFFICE • TORONTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made a special feature by this Bank. 23s USSELS BRANCH, [I E1 in Manager. an. CAR OF Cream of the West FL ((ioaerunlen1 Standard) Is expected any day by Brussels Farmers' Club, Special Prices tiff Car, Apply to W. R. BROADFCOT Phone 510 SEC ItJTA1tY Miss Gertrude Deadman, mho was visiting Mrs, T. Hind, Hespeler, came home to attend the Speir-Henderson wedding. Miss Gerllude has accepted the position of teacher in a school near Monktou. Gharoh Chimes Several from Brussels attended the Young People,' Conventleu in E het Methodist church Inst t5'eduexday .anel repot t a good Lute lel r. Mane, 13 A, of V:etolla 'Univer- sity, was a •e s u m ebur of We ser- Y.k 'res i th Methodist • a vt u e MethoLst church, Bt•uxsei., lest Sunday, in the inte,esIs of the Edu- cational Society His morning text tree, "'T,le 'Truth all ill make you free, and in tee evening the discourse was batted ou "The Magnetic Christ." Mr. Maine's discourses created a very favorable im- pression and forecasts more Than DrcdiL- ary alili'y in the pulpit. The pastor was on the Ethel eircui'. A'hurstiey evening of last week Rev, Walter Russell, B A., a well known evangcliot, conducted a union service in the Methodist church, Brussels. Hie subject was "Fishers of Men," and was a verpractical exposition of It oft Y I 1p a quoted Scrip' u, e. 1'tie questionofan evangelistic campaign hero next May was discussed aid referred to the pas- tors to be laid before their respective congregations. Report indicates the probability of a series of union services lead by the local pastors. Plans have, not been formulated yet as to anything very defiuile. Morris Council Minutes of Council uteeLing held in the Township Hall, Mortis, Moticlay, February 1Llh. Members of Council were preemie, .Reeve ot'esiding. Minutes of lest meeting read and ap- proved. It catty decided to fix the price of incline roadwork et 91.50 per clay foe 1918, Auditors' report wee received, examined and adopted. Beeline el Procter was appointed Tax ,Onlleclot• alt a salary of $125.00, R. New entstbe WAR appnitlted Sanitary Ilispeclo,' 111 plltee of David Laidlaw, resigned. Yellowing accounts OSI'a paid :-\V. 11. Keep, printing, 97.50 ; Blyth Town Ilitll rent., $7.50 ; R. Van - stone, account, 42111 ; 13ert Jackson, {;rave), 45,80 ; \V. Wilkinson, gravel, 45 00; 1,,o, Mason, broken cutter, 42.50 ; David Laidlaw, Inspector and one house fumigated, x10,50 ; Wm. Abram, Itieptolor, 915 00 ; Sam' Paul, batallne aceouilt, 110c • Thos, Ellis, re- fund remitvrn•lc, $8 00 ; Gluts, Fraser, tile, 4.41 ; S. S. No. 5, use of school, 44.00 ; S. S. No. 9, $4.00 ; S S. No. 7, 44.00 ; S. S. No. 10, 9400 ; S. S. No, 1, 94.00 ; R. Procter, Collector and pos- tage, $80 ; R. Johnston, Auditor, 410 ; Peter McNabb, Auditor, $10 00, Next, tueeting Monday March 11th. A. MACEWEN, Clerk, MARRIED Srnra-Risuwoneoe At the hmne of the bride's parenbe, on February 2051, 1918, by Roy. A, J, Maun, B, A., Mr. f, Herold Spate, of Grey township,' to MISR Isabelle Bunhamn, only claoghter or Mr. end Mee, Hobert Headsmen, of B,'nsselo, MORIAotieltN-MINAnsy,-At the hone the bride's parents, on February 19th, 101'$, by Rev. J. T„ MoOulrooh, Cranbroolc, Mr, Wesley 0. MaBnohern, Pilot Mound, Mani- toba, to Mies Minnie, youngest dnuglltee of Mr. nod Dlrt. Robert Monarey, Gray town- ship, AUCTION SALES FRIDAY, MAaOer 1sT, -Farm Stook Ilnpla- ments and Household Furniture, et 1'eort 80 & 40, 13 Line, Turnberry township, Sale untie. ved ser110 t2 o'clock. Robb, Leathern, Prop. ; J. Purvis, Ano, POSTPONED AUCTION SAT,., -The At -lotion Sale of Farm Stools im ptenlenh0, Sac., at Walter Bell's, Let 8, don, 112 lama township, was posllwned last Teenday owing to stege and will be held Hnturdny of this week 011 p, m. TIESDAY, MARCH 6th. -Farm Stnntr, at Lot 8, Oat. 7 Grey 10wn51115) Sale at I p. et, W. J. Cardiff, Prop.: 11` S 4nott, Ano, W cruise/MY,11A,ton 0671,, -Lot 22 Con, 0, Grey township, Halo mu'o8erved al 1 p, 1,t, Wm, McInnes, Prop. F, S grott, Ano, TnnaeDAY, Merlon 71h, -Form Stock, Tin - pimento, &l., at Lob 28, Oen. 12, Grey' town - 8111p. Sale unreserved 511 o'clock, William Whitfield, Prop.; F, S. Scott, Ano' IrnrnAY, Malian 8L1. -Farm Stook, Imeie• menta, &c., at Let 11, Con. 1, Grey township. Male uumeeerved at 1 e'olock. S. Barite, Prop„ F, S. Scott, Aga SATUnuAY, MAIOH Obh,-Fntvn Mtcclf, Imr17fo- mente, &e., n6 Lot 20, Con. A Howiok toWoalll , Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock. D. Moiavislt, Prop, ,.JohMoyle, Aum. WCDMoyle,NmtDAY, DMAUUCH 18Tn.-Feral Stock, ImplementN, &n„ at Lob 111, Cori, 5, Grey town - hip. Sale at 1 p, re, Wm, Lowe, Prop.; F, M, Scott, "Alt'?.- . WEONseny n. 0'rn U"s rm Stook Ins- plements, Ar., at�l.dr 1Q{{•.len; l+4 -,elf elnee tlWlteht 1,t,)r n„reeersf.cl at l o'oloolt, N linea lel Prom; '91102. Bowe, Aim. Fanny, MAnun 15'rn4-10111•tn Mtof+k, /mete. numbs, Household Mhn'nitto°, &e,, at N%0,01 20, Con, (1Marla to nshi Male unreserved 0L 1 o'nloak sharp, Mea„ Icahn Mammy aid W. R, Si Mooney, fixaculsrs John Mooney °•tato ; F. S. 9oett, Auo, BORN ENOm.11-N Grey township, on January 20011, 1010, to Mr, and Mrs. 1,m110 Engler, n daughter. DIED IiOAllnunN,-Ln Eost W1awanoeh, on ifebroar 221,11, 11118, Allred nrndanrn, in his 57611 yeel'. GAY110,t -In I.lrirssele, on February 20811, 1915, Thulium 1911pnor, aged 98 yenta. JOHNSON. -In Morrie town,htp on Februaryy, 28rd, 1518, ala'geret E. Gollry, aged 5511 year', ID 100,101,2 and 15 dnyo, 10510 -In Chatham, nn February24611, 1518, Achim Raid. ago 1 79 ynnrs and 4 n1,nt•h.. 5114t1.4aoN,-At Denlb4d, Ont., on February 22Od1, 1018, Doagttld Mattoon, aged 52 yours. BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat 22 O5 Oats s5 Pest 8 511 Barley 146 Butter -10 Eggs 60 Hoge Hay Potatoes peeing 18 ::5 10 0 02 07 85 81 95 90 18 °5 ' In the matter of 111e estate of Weller(' 10 00 ll Italietl, late of Keifield, in the 1 60 When the War VIIH End Altman! o 1:uualotlyt•, 1 hare mete, lite.. my uunl'n waslteseeeuo'u'., eivlel',. aun 1I''al'd a ptIliel•nlnu Ian hi' /teal Say to 10 1.1.1)1/111141. ..11 IiI,. !+1I:'et l`h+d he luitl IL 11.; CAI' 111.11 I,t'.1 tve,•lt 'Phar WAS 'Writ 1''1, lit 111„ 014r t llnrol tlr.'e'It r1 nlll n (Imueae Candle in I utl nil",,, 11' lin said the Nt t{> 11.,pe ( 11 , I new Or at Cel 01 vd 1111011 01 a1 Tea aa tea,'' \\'ho R 111 AI t'rigt,I Train ,1 brie rh,wn Taal, Ini411 in the Id lnmlike host d Ilia nay,. Fawn a hunch 1,1' Hutdh A lienee n Jews About Km/tithed y 101 1101113.0 \Vhe heasel a unto who claimed to know Of swell 01115113' feuulle \Vhuse nmt.lt,.r-i11-law W111 mala 11,'ke 1105',' lhttl- her 2, 0, 1.11, h+t,h„ad''.,'wive 1Las stated its a printed piece libel she hits a4 Ann who 1111.0 et friend W110 cerlattuly Itnows when 1110 \Vac will end. • i Have You Tried Our Blood Root Cough Cure Nn nneet•tainty about this- failed het. ''110.0 hist year. 25e per bottle at, ( 4 aesouseenteamesomeesterestate STORE it 9 rCI` OI -?JG STORE aeagemaeogaeasaabooneeemeeetaa 58:eteaa1CRf{meeee8ki{7Peeef. aeasg•tt Notice to Creditors Farm for Sale Tne undersigned ulfere len 56 Retie fern, be- ing N; Lot 20, Con. l0, Grey townehlp, for sale. On the pl'[gllleee to a cmulorhtble bowie, book barn and straw abed. orchard, &e. 1 mile front Baiel Station tied l ,Hues from Brnsodis. Rul'- nl mail and telephone., Itenoonfor selling prior health. Posses.vat given st once. For farther partirnl,u's opal, on the premises to 954 THOS, I3IOOWN, Proprietor, For Sale House and tote, em,tniuing eye sores, In the Village of Cranbrook, the property of ;Ills late .lira Agnes Brown, is offered for sale. Frame hoose, barn, fruit trees, &o, Possession could be given et once. For further pparticnlors s'p- ply to Mits. THOS. CAMERON or VV Al. CIA NMON, Executors estate of the late Mre. Agnea [tyOwn, Cranbroolc, .4 le evince of Saeka'.Chewau, lamer, deceased. Notice is hereby elven put'enmtt to "The 11e' vi"eSi Stalates of Oatnrio ” that all e,-aIit,,r,, and. other, lowing oinipt, ','nest the rei,lte 1,1 the sold Mahar() al ttaa •1), who filial at Elora, Ontario, On er about Nev.-either atlt, A. T) 115,. are required en or before the tiara day of Mowll, A. I) 1018, to amid 1,r anat. prepaid or deliver to t'. S. Soott, one of the t x went.rs 1,t the la,t '.1,11 nnI Te'talneot ,I • 1.1141 .1e,• Ad, at Brnssola P. 0 , their Cb radian, and bur. name.,edd,'eaaee and fiencripttimo, the Phil par, tlanlnrs or their chains, the otnt,nl,mt of their mammas and the nature of the tweurltiei, Cif 1019) y held b thea. 1,d farther t eeriee that after anrh last A take mentioned date aha R f the dwell pro ani to ale parties the itaed t thereto, the having 1,1 linin.,„ rho the eland entitled then th having Com d.nn ly tor, a d the of w hhrh they shall th,•n hurt• berme, and the fluid Exe' any part will not. ha ble for the said aceL'ta m' t111y the,•„e1,r to any person or paramecia whs.,e•lain nonce shall not have been received by then, at the time or such distrlhutio,l. Doted at Brussels tlla 2011, day of February, A.D. 1918. 86.11 IROS r)Av F. 9, a bentn"ow, S tt Bxeent,n•a, Notice to Creditors Ill the anger 1,I 1hr . -one of Hirrlett M. eV:, leis, lace of th.• Township of eliey, 111 ,he County of Huron, mar- ried w"(n:t'l, '11-eenee'l. Natiro,i 11.1'0h:710V”. :.nr.+nnnt 30 "The It.'- vieedstatute. ol' nnru•io," 1111,1 all ,v'eilit.'rt and uthorr h: vine• r1aLn ar,,Ia.t the a -int,' of the anal Harriett 1,1. Wntarr., who 115,.! on "r ed,•,nt'ht 11.1,., ,f Nnwon her, A. U 19117, err rr. gnirrd •1,t or before the :lad any of Ai aril). -1, I,. 11110 to vend by 1'•• t, ileaver tO the, undcr.ieurl) Adu,i,,> Metter OI' the .mlltl r, th it alio- tut mad Durance„w, add,•ea,,a dos.•riptLnw, rho run palirnlnra 1,l' 11, 1r &Mei., rhe .,tot,nsent of firth. ne.m1 eta and tha Mann' ,,lily' :.',' a•it'r.,11 anyhell by them And Further Inge notice that aft,-, auch tai -,t mentioned date the Itlae n r ntnr willpro- moat I r . e drea,,,e,i among g the diatribe the I1, 111 of th careens the,. arum. ,,it,,,l,•l',,tn,'li5, ell ll1. I,r nand nal,• to Iha radio, of wheal In. shall 1.h.•n Intro motire, anti th,. et,i't 1 d,ol,itoratur will ma be bold,. For 0.111' rued n0,ens Of any 310 then*u to nor .0or perantls of wl1I -0 maim nn)i','.;1:n1.011 1 not h„t•,' been rtaelvt'd lw hnu a' the time of ewe, dist teen ti.,n. Peres 81 Welton titin 29111 day of 1)'ehrtmry, 3, D. 1.,18 JOHN .1. 31111,0 VIN, A,L,dni.,trntar, 111.3 E. lt. No 2, Walton. •ayo•0+30•0•9.A000.004QOQ9,• •0•Q,d0A04,04,5vview:,oa.aa4a•,,at-C-AD`3049@t04•0p0,AA1A0 AV030e+0 0 -,T 1�' V ��n Cia-rtore k• fi. C . e alremett.,.,,r..,,nteette ar osse',' _ ^e,^^..° deme eeeeL..::' :1.•r „',T 2922, -, _ epee .e,: y cs"a','i= aserE'i. limen P q 00 OR the fo,lloafing Two Weeks we are offering Extra. I Special Values all over our Store. Come hi and see our Special Price Tickets with Prices that will Sura prise You. A Few of Our pkd P k $, ([,� E1 ftr � � �.a�oE t"1��j�tVksgGGe s Rex 2 40c, gash Goods 1Sc a yard 2000 yards Wash Goods, comprising G ughanls, Prints, Ohambreys, Poplins, Repps, Os epee, Mils - ling, Sailings, etc., in plaid, stripe, clieolt and . Iloral designs, also plain colors, displacing every wanted shads. Correct for ladles' dresses, waists and snits ; meso children's wear, Regular up to 40e yard, and at elle price offered they will he bought up quickly, so the making of an early sel- ection is advisable, While they last 19c yd 15c Bargain Table 1200 yards of Alnyli112, Prints, Orepee, (lashutcr- ettee, Hinghitmn, Wsti'pevettes, Or-n1ou. Flannel, Art then tnnps, Oname 11111.1ins, eha Bargain ?rice while they (vast 15c yd 50c Taffeta Cloth 39c 800 yards Taffeta Ololh, the r,u'rer.t, material for Underskirts, Oolurs--Tau, (',•rise, Paddy eleven, Grey, Navy, Reseda, Pink, Nigger Iirown and Bh4cic ell gnln•altt.eed fast. dyes. 88 in. wide. Price for this week and next 39c yd Extras g 50 pairs Lace Curtains, 5 dif. ferent designs, reg. 2.50. Scale 9 Cottons 15c yd 1000 yards 8O in, Bleached incl Grey Cottons ; fine, even weave ; ' free fronts iressing. A1i11 price to- lay 101., One Special l'nr this week and next- >•5c a yard Cottonades 39c 200 yards Oottonade e,nd Black .Denim ; heaviest weight, manilla for Men's Pante, Ovlan'alla & Smocks, Mill price to.day45c, Spec- tel selling for this week and nrekt-- 39C a yard Silk Bargains 100 }reeds of Silk Poplin, 80 in, wide, Colors -Navy, Black, Cepeu Green, Mee and ileums. Regular $1.75 Extra Special- a 3'51.4 $5.39 150 yards of '.I'affela Silk 80 in, wide ; Blaoic and Navy only, Regular. $260 $ T.89 a yard 300 yards Fallen. Sills, 30 in, wide; full range of colors, Reg Man $2.50- 5.89 aaad y Melt's 1.25 Shirts 69c 45 Men's White Laundered Shit La ; linen front, 'ileo and neckband ; mads of hest quality white cotton 1 sizes 14 to 18, Extra Spec. lal Bargain el- 69c each $,2,00 Corsets $4,69 lA pair's Corsets, best gnat- ity Contii ; 1nedim(t and low boats ; long et Ig l)at'1al'our hose su sale at t I:i plat $ $1,69 pair 500 Hose for 42c Women's Black °mini s,- etre Hose, made with Limit -made eh?, soles end thee twill higit Helloed Heels ; guaranteed. fast dyes, Sale Special 42a 50 pairs Women's Black Hose, with; natured foot, tdonble toes and heels - Extra Special 42c Boys' Suits 1.89 0 only Boys' 2 -piece Suits ; front best quality all wee t eeeas, NeeeeleseeleIli. Sizes `23, 24 and 25, Reg. $3,50. Out they go aL--- i.$9 a SLI(C Boys Pullovers 69c 25 Boys' Al) Wool Pull. 5411(1 UVei'H, (1t11f1i'a'-NitvY7.3"; Cardfna1 Siris 5 Lo 7 yrtt, ROgttlur $1.,00, Spenial-- fisc $1,50 00 pairs Corsets, good pial- ley 0011111 ; medium and low Mists ; Irnlg IiUitlg models ; four boys sup. poets, ljceg, 41.,50' Special $1.19 pail' Girls' aa 10 only Girls' Reefers, best quality Beaver Cloth ; in Paw 1,a rLtnCl NaVys ; alli)^ ablo fnracho( girls. lte;;, 43 50. Special - Special - $ 1.89 a yard 35c Hose for 29C , \vanmen a .d3laclt Cotton Seamless Hose, lisle finish, tensible heels laid toes, Sale ma au 20o or 3 pairs fol. 85c. 81 B 4. • 1 0 • i • A • 9 • • • t Q. e, 97 6 Pay t You LESS here. We sell for o CASH only, • 44•40A•••••••'ii••i•i••Ad•ii044•4,4•K9••••••0•+414A4• d•+o•A•O•.•••9•dri11iFO11•i ii•11 O. Special Bargains in Boots, Shoes 5114 Nahhe 1 1 � � � I s for th We have what wery,Advertise.. 1..01131 era r1y..and get your supply' CarsweU :tel•-ra. gtore that Saves You Money Week and Next II -