HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-2-28, Page 5JAW. SUTHERLAND t& SONS M g [ y ✓n f 74 LIMIT -ED i(a f X11: C,pm 111, •i TS1110 WM.SPE•NOE' CONV1+.YANtjI&ti AND 1881I 14111 Of" NAltillA(IE oleo in Ire test ewe, b;lttrt. ::5-4 AIIUTIUNEIM 1{ 1 B. bUOT'T AS AN AUOTION• uun, will null for and l i of t, Wateto !Ams mew, a lass tame and Ines ontoto !Ams uuy other Aootiouoerin East 11 onto of v+' 4,'(ouargo auyl l,i„r, Uatoa and x 4. rra own ul:.ay* bo ammo, i xt Chic 00400 or 1,) o. rs,.43a1 applloatlon, AND PONVEYAN'CINS. kl. li1.N (M A UI Y' a lisrlakt>r, 4olietror Uw>veynueer, %, '54, Nnte.ry rube ulna 0-8 tewart's 1 •1"Or Nur th of Central Ito toI Solicitor fur the Metropolitan Bank. Business Cards JAS. ANDERSON. VETERINARY SURGEON, 4nunusser to M. H. Moore. Oman at Atnlur- Hun Bros, t,, ropy entitle, ik•useele. Telephone No, 20, T. T. M' RAE M, S„ M. C. P., S, O. M. O. lf., V)Ilege of Bruseela. Pltystelan, surgeon, Areoucheur 1)11511,, at resulonee, opposato 10e1v111e (')milt, William street. DR. F. T. BRYANS Bachelor of 1 ehrruu, Unice//By of Toronto ; bic,/oilau, of (.ollego or Phyeiolaas and sur- t,r',, (int/trio ; 11x-Krninr Homo. _1410m, of Western llusoltrrl. Toronto Olnro, of late Dr. A. !Believer, Smyth 411,,'k, HtltaHoh. liural phone 45, _:•-.1 ,,,. ...,.�,.;+. -r;.:err t�NEta'ra.+3v. „gygge,. lit Ot MARS 'SA'OM[N STRONG Positive—Convincing Proof We publish the formula of Vinol to prove convincingly that it has the power to create strength, Cod ✓` and Lver aneeepPCes, on Ammonium Citrate, Llmo and Soda Gly0erophosphstes, Casoaria. Any woman who buys a bottle of Vivol for a weak, run-down, nervous condition and finds after giving it a fair trial it did not help her, will have her money returned. You see, there is no guess work about Vinol. Its formula proves there is nothing like it for all weak, run-down, overworked, nervous men and women and for feeble old people and delicate children. Try it onco and be convinced. 4 3hi • 1+. 1t. H.111'PI-1, Druggist, IIruloaeis. Ain() et the bent IJi'liggiot$ in till 5)Il- itwiO totwns. tsrz'ava . 7i l�'r�' .t,r' aIL Ist7 _ BRUSSELS (Rana i;otern Gems Notre • t5xpr ess 7:11 a nt I Moil ,....11:82,,, m l(xpresv ,,8:8', p m P',xprenas 4107 a 111 f(°iC.•'i'onhe 4' Pa WPM WALTON To Toronto To Goderinh 16•xpre4H.,,.,... 7:22 a in I Itxprena 11:4014741 HYttreas,,.•.•,. 2:11 pin Express 0.04 poi W ROX'E rarf (.ping Irma - 7.1I a. tn. and 8:81 p. O uv Wont - 12:433 and 0744 p, 01, A11 traiue going Moat c nnn•at with C. P. 11. at Orangeville for Owen Monad, }Nora arta T G. S. otntionu, (44111, ALLAN, Lewd Agent, MAUDE O. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST oofsrtam. oUs tons Personal-radouto Department of htl al 111., nH prepared to test eyes anti tit glasses at til her onr over miss ],*man's millinery store, (Juke days -Wednesday. %Intraday, friday and 14.4tardny of ovary week. Onloe how a-10 1014 a. m. ,.1 to 8p. m, ltveillage by appoint - mem, Phone 1210, mologv, MoOormick Medi1) i cal College, a,'ulonso, -. OR. WAROLAW Honer graduate of the Ontario Veterinary. College, Day and night 'alis. O1')i6e ol•p01410 Floor 111111, Ethel. JAMES TAYLOR Licensed Asctiaeeer for Huron Co. Nntisfnution weaved ; (timrges moderate. Write er Telephone if not emirenient to rail, Moth brussels owl No"lIt Huron Phones. Ti1CLG12AV14 P. O. P. R. MULHERON 'rrnaher of PIANO, ORGAN, V(i1'AL organist and Choir Monter, M*,v>lle flaunt, Drussele Pitons preenrm[ for IurantnUol- lega of 11,111eio Itxntnlrtat,oue Phan,, lax PHDUOFOOT, HIL[OHAN & COOKE Barristers, Soncltors, Notaries Public, Sec, Mace on Chu Bgnnro, and door from Hemill on :+E reit, 113 OD1(111011, 011T.Private funds to hail) et later -t• rat0.4. 1Y, Puupopnrrr, K. O. .1. L. Kt 'Amami I v^1eeorierg.ree 17.1 /L 1* 5?i /7\r/to, TV't5'ic) You Can Succeed 0! } „froty) bE$ SAL z' .,..e7,7,1 „,, 4 STRATFORD., ONT.'w U t� Ontario's Lending ('emluerninl Mhnnl J 'N4', malias annress ea. 7.. Wrhavelhrind,- ,rt nod Telegraphy. - (`nu,m ee.gi, l+liofits ,nt ti and TelegroPlrv. We giro iud,vaival �4 lustr•nntiene a lid •/ud,+tit., t,ni Ma,' lit +i (4 any time, tt,udunt1H are ,taxed 5e 11 4 l)°'.i ti {sin i• This is Your opportunity as ? g coil v ion u. for ra•uinrd T' help. Wr4n at once fur pn ,newt,,),,,, 5 , W. a. larrlorlr, D. A. 1t!n1.Aon"AN, { A'esidruG Prtnoipnl ,, 4,,,,,,,,,ki,rA 357(/44✓,53i'tv.:pt;I,.'Itur?;alY.. re UVERPOQL-GLASGOW LONDON•- HAVRE Fine, modern steam - ere — equipped with every comfort and luxury. For infor- mation apply agents, or er 951Clet, StWiTteroute W. H KERR Agent Allan rine, Brueeels, rff THE Bess Brains 111 pnn14da have psrtiaipated 111 no jn'e- parlitlo6arode mpin11d1d T3mno Sandy Cam'Hesin (talking, ammonites, Higher Aonamnting, (lomweroll>I Ari Show01u'd Writing, Photography,,iowraini• tam, Short, Story Writing, OIiorthnna and Bookkeeping, Meted the work whioh moat intoraotn you and write 140 for particulars. Addra,H THE SHAW COSSESPONOEHCE SCHOOL 391.7 Yongo St., Yorontc The Russian flag flies over 0ne- sixtih of the earth's land surface, t0 protect 182,000,000 struts,represent- 25 'ng 64. racial and tribal ivisions and is Uniting more than 150 to,gues, of Rev. Wrighton Retires 'Fite Rey, W. 11, Wrighton, for the past twenty-one months pastor of the Park Baptist church, and formerly of the Baptist Church, Goderieh, has at his own request been relieved of the pastorate on the grounds of III -health. Government Saved $2,000,000. By deferring the Provincial ele titer until one year after the war th 1>nttr4o Government saved 82,000 4)140, according to the estimate of 1 Government official, Election Will Cost At Least $3,500,000 From reliable sources it is estimat- ed that the recent general election in Canada will, have cost the Dominion 53,5o0,0un, This as compared with r•A,k.Z7 .inle A 1� +e'' tir'.rs'''rraltrt ire •: .'A ( aND r LEFT CEM Dorm RUNNING j„ABrNletir Spend Your Money At Home ft takes Brussels money to buy food, clothing etc„ and every dollar spent in Clinton is a dollar kept here, On the other hand, every dollar sent away to aI Mall -Order House or an outside (louse Is just that much taken from the weaftih of the town, May Send Newspapers Appa arisen 10 nCanadanregardingatthet sehdd- ing of newspapers to England, Lady Drunl4nond is informed by the British Post -Office that newspapers not ex- ceeding seven pounds in weight may still be sent. The misunderstanding has caused the supply of newspapers for the Red Cross to become serious- ly depleted. Honor Stripes Retired officers, ex- officers, dis- charged soldiers and others who while servng were entitled to wear the gold braid wound distinction on the uniform are permitted to con- tinue to hear the braid, if they wish to do so, on plain clothes after leav- ing the service: In future the num- ber of stripes of gold braid to which a loan is entitled is to be noted on his discharge certificate, $20,107,861 For Missions Of total Missionary contributions of $20,407,861 from Canada and the United States, 'Canada has contribut- ed 51,240,9907. Among the denomi- nations the Presbyterians lead in the offerings with $479,370, Metho- dists gave s407.5 16, Baptists 5118,- 588, Anglicans 5413,242, Congrega- tional 827,989 and other bodies $95,- c- 222. a •trout 5700,000 for previous electro in the Dominion, Co-operate The Post is always pleased to receive news items from the public. If you have a visitor, or if you are go- ing away on a visit, let us know :about it. We do not know verything that goes on, and the co-operation of the readers of he paper is a valuable acid in getting the. news, New Offices For McConnell and Fergusson The well-known advertising aiencv of McConnell and Fergusson have removed their -Toronto offices to new and commodious quarters at 1108 'temple Building. 1 his first has shade rapid progress ever since entering the advertising business, and now operate offices in the four important centres of London, 'Toronto, Winni- peg and Montreal. Tap Every Maple Tree Urges The Food Controller 11 The. fund controller is urging that the greatest possible production of maple sugar and maple syrup be undertaken by farmers and all of those who are in close proximity to available sugar maple bush, The sugar shortage will mean that there will be absolutely an unlimited mar- ket for 1918 for cane and beet sugar substitutes of any and every kind, Bc Careful With Coal - 1f a big thaw does not cone soon and reduce the big drifts of snow be- side the railway tracks transporta- tion of freight will be very much hampered, for little storms under present conditions will tie up the railways. Even under the most ad- vanlagcous cacti instances coal will be hard to get and here is bound to be a scarcity in the future. 1t be- hooves everybody, therefore, to use coal sparingly, sift ashes and do your bit to tidy the town and country over 00111 the warm weather. Village Sues Constable The case of Teeswater vs, Trench which will come up for trial at the County Coni next Monday at 11 a. 111, is an actino brought by the Village of Teeswater to recover moneys held, it is claimed illegally, by Constable Robt. Tench, Trench ) wht is the well known lightning rod contractor and race horse owner, took the job of Con- stable tinder local option in 1915, the Agreement being that he was to retain half the fines as his fees. He secured conviction of two parties who paid 51250. After paying out the legal and other expenses and retaining 5625 as MS own fee, he paid in the sum of 5510.75 to the village, He claims that he made an agreement with the corporation's solicitor that this a mount would be accepted 15 payment 111 fill, The village is now suing him for the difference between 5625 and the amount paid (5519.75) or 51o5, - plus interest to date, ---'M1', Trench well known here being tlhe,.oWI64 the skating rink here, CLINTON gains time to create a new party of Mrs, Robert Bell slipped on the ice on Tuesday of this week and broke her arm. Mr. R. 13. Higgins, of Brucefield, has purchased Mr. James Hamilton's house on High Street and will take possession shortly. The late Joshua Thompson St, Marys, and father of Mayor Thompson of town, left 51,500 to•the Mission Fund of the Methodist church, The Y L. P. A., had signed up for the big `filet play "'Intolerance” to be shown here on March 1st, but was cancelled until sonetime in Ap- ril owing to the bad weather, About 1,30 on Monday afternoon fire was discovered in the frame part of Wilson Elliott's carriage works and before the tire was out the building was badly wrecked and much lumber, etc„ was destroyed. Mr, Elliott places his loss at 54,100; fully' covered by insurance. At tine test at 6 o'clock supper was served by the Y, L. P, A, in the Sal- vation Arany Barracks on Thursday last 540 was realized, The proceeds together with a donation from the Young Ladies of 510 to bring the full amount up to the $50 mark was hand- ed over to the Salvation Army Red Cross fund, On December 7 e )bee 911,. a military wed- ding of interest to the groom's old friends in Clinton, took place in St. Stephen's church, Leewisham, London Eng., of Hugh B. Grigg, Canadian Highlanders, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Grigg, of town, to Emntie Bertha Keefe, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keefe, 30 Brookbatnk Road, Leewishain, ••••••••040.1•••••,0.96.4••••••• dam Weinstein • Successor to • a SM. Yolleck 3 iIs prepared to pay the Z • highest price for • ® • O S Scrap Iron, ♦ i Rags, • • S Rubbers, •• • &c. • ♦ ♦• • 4I Furs �an{ d • e 1� A11 kinds of Raw Puts want- • i ed. Highest prices aid, Call e a on the undersigned before yon : sell, Also buy Hiles, 81407P. 4 • skirls and Poultry, g 4 4 m • Write or Phone 02x• • • I SAM WEINSTEIN•• • t, -Mitt ;l'1.'191414`1P R.13.USSdiILS w • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' iSEJRGI-NR3,EARTttQUA111(1 '' e '. OR FROST? } Save NO MATTER (." of al 12c.PERam + ,.Ion Your IT ia, , 1 poise of the pr..plr Si, tar as th. 1)ew..i aper.; are eon. 4' 7-- 'uvd tiler are 1 p*l he nect,sity :1451 dneNtite ,n ,i p:llI4 ,fitt roll a4nc,•; 111 1111h1 he nu't )lavled Ir ul 141- '414.014Cha people. )vert 111. !heir 11s4 Is Si, 11)1,11 'ad- ,(Iti 11 1, 0) Ills Int 1)11, it is 00 flterntore an interference with the ! . al nq r 4 u l)i. t ry )4144 iu 1111.41') to the 41.4'?"l'.patent *4 ilia 1 - mtrs and to its c,,.nunerti,d and 3Wf e•Ui tl life And since when d111 it ti,i the l+u'•inass of the 44, e ru111e1>t t lir. rt greed and lu'.'1a.. "ply and t1, pr ,41171 the o',nstuner, 1)r•s('nt i,ru r at (.ur 's: 4. Moat Market :414.1 0,1,11 ('11• '1' 4' 3') 11Ov' 4'74 till ii :Ir:14 ) i.,U-.lf ilii r','' ••,1','1 �� Last Friday afternoon by the R, V. 3 lh1•ir :1(1 IA 1 1,; 1,, , 11,1 i' •,. A. Robinson, hector of St. P10114 r church, Mr. Patrick'i'honts O'Connell, 1'11 will Ire t h.'r , 1i ' 3 r; ,. of 'Toronto, and a former resi'rnt of :. a 1)"I111rl 14744 t•-, it 1,:11' 10w1), was milted in Marriage to hiss '- Edith Maud, daughter of Mr, anti Mrs. Jago, of town, From the Military [Orders Good duct badges have been won by the fol- lowing 1615t Clinton boy, recent(), in England:—Pte. Bert, Furniss; Pte, C. Lockwood; PIs, -1'` Scott; Pte, A. S. Bolton and Pte. C.Lovett, Mr. Thomas Morgan, fornrly a resi- dent of Hallett, and who joined the 33rd Battalion, and afterwards trans• ferrd to another company, is now Ser- geant-Major, and received the D.C.M. Before Mr. Wilbur Ford left (owe for Peterboro, the staff of the W, Brown store presented him with a wardrobe trunk as a token of esteem, On Sunday evening the choir of St. Paul's church presented him with a Prayer and Hymn hook, Mr. I•'ord carries the best wishes with him. C.T.A, FINES IN HENSALL While County Field Secretary A, T. Cooper was in Hensall last Sunday, tak- ing charge of the services in the Pres- byterian church in the absence of the Minister, he "ran into" a couple of "drunks" who will have reason to re- member his visit. On Monday Mr, Cooper reported the cases to Inspector Torrance who went down in the afternoon and laid the charges and Magistrates Petty and Beavers imposed fines, which with Costs amounted to about 540,00 As the men were required to tell where they got their liquor one of tiensli's prominent men was implicat- ed and on Wednesday the Inspector made another visit to Hensall to allow the gentleman to plead guilty to a viola- tion of the 'Canada Temperance Act and a fine of 550.00 was imposed by Mag- istrates Petty and Hemphill. "RUSSEL" PUBLICATION BANNED FROM CANADA Those little pamphlets of the 111- ternational Bible Students, Associa- tion, occasionally ueddied from door to door in Brussels, need not be look- ed for any longer, for the publication has been forbidden circulation in Canada, because the tone of its con- tents gave rise to a strong suspicion that an attempt was being made to carry on in the Dominion, under the guise of religious teaching, a propa- ganda similar to that carried on by Germans in other allied countries. Some time ago articles in the Bible Students, Monthly, published by the international Bible Students' Associ- ation in Brooklyn, attracted the at- tention of Col. Clambers, chief press censor of Canada, by their decidedly Anti -war flavor. The periodical was watched and Shortly was found to be printing articles condemning the war, attacking the churches as being in the pity of the capitalistic class and supporting the war, violently assail- ing existing systems of government and showing a nirtlreable lack of dis- crimination in placing blame for the outbreak of the world conflict where it belonged. The late Pastor Russell 0721 the originator of the international Bible Students' Association, ADVERTISING AN INVESTMENT! Advertising is an invest- ment—not an expense— and should be treated as such. Because it has been the habit of some mer- chants to look upon it as expense, a wrong view has been gained. Perhaps the misconception arose from the fact that in book-keep- ing it has been the habit to charge advertising to ex- pense. Advertising pro- duces new business — it swells the volume of bus- iness and profit—therefore it is an investment. Only the man who looks upon adver isin expense, t g as an e x use, Win) is afraid of it, preju- diced against it, loses money in. advertising. The titan who treats advertis- ing as an investment and gives it the itttenti'otl an investment, „cialir.es• * knows that every dollar 4 rightly invested in this du'- * ection yields compound * interest—and more. >5 :a 4: 'N21 • , * * * * * * * * * * :• •t• ['113 , R) st,'n1 i.rw;, r-1i,')I 1t11 1, 1918 Baeker arc i;L''I'CIIERS -. • The Paper -Making Mopolists (London Free Press) The Toronto Saturday Night says the Government has no more right to in - teriere with the price of newsprint th:1n' 4 with the price of newspapers, it is e.4- - v 3 strange to (hid a public journal that ,l' poses as a tearless exponent „f inlustic4 e f ; +r + t "s s taking the side of the paper ntanul,te- h Curers, who have already helped to drive hundreds of newspapers in >:,01- ++r oda and the United States out of busi- + Bess, and who but for (lovernntent in- k terterence would have accomplished .p vet more in this direction 111 Canada. 4• 1n many parts of the country there '` exists a positive need for newspapers -1; which cannot under present condi- 4 tions be supplied. Meanwhile the ' a+',. dividends of the paper -making rerun- • 921)150 mount higher :and higher. + 4. Probably no ,cher industry bears ,. the relationship 1,1 the public that a 1 4. pulp :and paper industry occupiess. ' The pulp wood is taken from the I• virgin forest in the public domain. 4 The paper -makers in some cases have not paid a dollar for these pulp wood .1. concessions, Goverments have gen- + erously contributed this public pro- , perty in return for the establishment '8 of paper mills. All that the country has gained in return has been the em- T ploynhent afforded to a relatively few e - melt, is it unjust to ask and to de- F4 nand that the people as a whole should share in this disposition of a 4• partof their national birthright as re- Aa Js. Heim presented in the public forests in o Canada? Is it defensible that huge , b monopolies, having obtained these ; � CRANBROOK pulp wood privileges, sltould use them , ,1. to enrich themselves unduly at the see4-1•g.4..,,.,.;.,t,.p•..;-,,,•,,4,4-,,,,I,.1•ir4.•1.44• SHAREHOLDERS OF DOMINION PERMANENT MAY (GET 80 1''ER CENT. 1111,• tin,,11 hal P',.t has .the' 1 11.. t•. i!1 i , , ,• ., 1.01.)1 with lite Doimn:nl, i'.rnl,n•nt 1...,to ,.4'.: "11 1111 ;14'1.144c ,ted tiri143.1.1 (;olnet hist R;ui•,:,, in 1,1141111 the !nonino'*1 1'ermanenl 17,14, .''n 471 l'. is inter - ..,,ted to the eetent ' t more than $1,- 0ou u044 pnn'r, to b is Valuable an asset a, 13, T ;7arkst n, the rlhpany's Iigntd1t, r. 11 I debenture holders and d •r.eit.'1 • of tile e"ntpa,ly w-ifi reahyi ,t (110 idend 01 114 per cent. ({ranted that the '21.1111 of S1, 50(0)00 can l+e "bt.tined ter the railway, such a dielrihuti„n can be made, :out there i, reason to think, in view of deal, w111011 narrowly e‘teed beim', 0')lrstunnuttrd Ili tile past that such ,Bi ex9'4'(2tie,n is warranted." •b+++++.1-:-+++ +++++++++++++++ Wishes to thank his i C Ist<)mers for their patronage during his business Career in Cranbrook. As -he is about to re- tire from business and leave Cranbrook he will clear out the balance of the • stock at BARGAIN PRICES during the next three weeks. Conte and avail your- sels of the opportun- ity. .5'.i>.7111,14 has placed it dllalg*- of u,u'r pat night 1.11 its tuwu-hail for travelline 7tis will at least t ue a little Mono., in t'404, eVen 4 dead, In .w 1',tl 11( d 1t1r, for t1.,,u11119 hr. lttd 111 la eu .41179 nd- .[ 1411 the end of the war. Is there r a': a city like treatment should not he applied la 'anuta? 1 t ' .411}it ir,V Service Act las so lar pit 1 7,0014 turn in khaki. iLt• e p at a'r'•', it is 4,'11v a few to that nen 4pY4u:t flat, ten m'o'ths of w°;u' haw c",1 111 i nt,'it lite, ab' ut ;57,11+U,O4JUMUU 6 Let every urban 1'esideut with a 11147* prepare 1., 11) his 1t iu ' ,,1 1 r"dacti"Il this Spring and tier as uu,711 market garden land .4 i ..:4117 4 OWNERSHIP Ti» tatr.ea2 iotrruai Comments ua Co:t Canada It ha.. i 1 '1• 1 111.• (oxpayers n Y ' :', , ,,.ell's have h 1,186 r ,:. of re ' 1 Inter - r' ,l '1 ••xd Island I) E 441 a _1.111) for taxes ttat.,.t1Ll. t , priVat:.ly o _) 1, Tn to 1"st t of r1.r. r , •, ,•irty-t'ro- L le ;','.:! s 1.4.4; 1104.113 them, i rt) , ' ) i` :"' meed f'44 2,- 0')8 n•".., o "tif:;,: , , :,17,1 of all net tarnit .,. .. ,(,,tial since 1867. l -: o.r:,.tat t 4 ut 40,1 .,. of Slte• . eru111)1,. 1 - ... ri, ih craving for by a 1 1 - 18 1:,:1144. ( 1"4)..; , ::1 411,/,'1""11 .�.] a to :.rj. V"ie 114._;, ,,. •,1 rot on .,f 111+) I.4.0),14:1_,;.; e 1,1 ,4 tt t 1( I.LI t It,11';1U- 01141 114 11:1 tt'intiltor l: a .a. '1'1•e re. butts of i1 5.14t. wir,•• Idly lr,v'3 hcr•mfml to i e to (axil y..r }: - shown a 1 ,.tn :a 1 -i.t •.11 - elating euntrej 1,.):.';Ifc t _h, t.;lx• payers. go; 0111)nab 74111,:.•'1 Ulul,lal, t11e wluebe, 1.14 .4 1 a'ra v ill '.,.•1 rota:iag 211,141 tiu.Tscu 14.9 , 0 Osada tu,, a 1,1;:1,lye :4)41'. ,' ..,11utve and reepo:1sii,i2 form •a' (5,,''ruu,''41t, at 114st 415 an':wWb'+' ':n ar.1•, !:y p1:.,11c 011inl01:11 110 ell (rIV 11.3 (.; . 1 , 1)11(• railway o d i , 1.1 ;.1 : it) 4 ,: OE api)mrrnt ^ r, t, , ,.,t ,• , (,y 4 11,11:in of the art;::0:''1,1;:11,:, tome *ta- t , der which gu . "k 1 i . a$ o[1,arge 1 421 , ,,i ,,. 1:,,e over nater t11.1,<.. 1:.,i. 1<eilna4•ia. ' TS ere in One .1n,a1 r.t both r; ,0, 1710,, 0 *'olttl at ";.''l':':,'01,17441 of g. any tavrt oY bne11,o '1 or Moan;,' is n1L('h eaoi,'r to ,_S. 1.:27 to Cosul ln. �rhen !t _Knape!. 1,-,s..., it, neither a parllan'.:111 . r s .4 can al.un 3 to 111011ntt7 41+1. If tt4rr po;.o:o et^11.4: t i; rho 4Llyatio .s, no matter hot•: t,i,',1 and tlinin,,111 :a of the (110verr.nte4l; f+)1' the tune befl(g, )&44l1 8ueet noun:rat. a;— pl tae Service . Uwners E OURTEOUS attention to your needs wherever you may cs� travel is something you appreciate, and being a Ford owner you can get it. You are always "among friends". There are more than 700 Ford Dealer Service Stations through- out Canada, These are always within easy reach of Ford owners —for gasoline, oil, 'tires, repairs, accessories, expert advice or motor adjustments. The cost of Ford Service is as remarkably low as the cost of the car itself. Nineteen of the. most called for parts cost only $5.40. Just compare this with the cost of spare parts for other cars and you will realize the advantage of owning a Ford. TILE UNIVERSAL CAR F. 0. D. FORD, ONT. Sr CARTER, Dealer Bru sell