HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-2-28, Page 4Ebe trussels post THURSDAY, FPBR1'ARY eS reee CARRY PAPERS Be Prepared to Prove Age if Dominion Police Get You. In view of the activities of the military and stems i'I police in rounding up defaulters it would be advisable for young men who appear to be of military age to arta them- selves with birth certificates in case they do not come within the age limits of the classes that have been called. Birth certificates may only be obtained by writing to the registrar - general at the parliament buildings, Toronto. "I WANT TO HELP THE BRITISH EMPIRE WHILE THERE IS A BRITISH EMPIRE In a recent talk in Washington, writes a correspondent here, Mrs. Nellie McClung thus told of how the eldest of her five sons had awakened to his duty, "The news that we were in war came to us on the day it was pro- claimed in Britain, Aug. 4. 1914. We were at our lakeside cottage at the time, but we knew that the news- paper item constituted a summons to us to he up and doing, so we clos- ed our cottage and left for the capital at once. Before the turn of the sunlit road hid our summer home from view we all turned and looked hack. "Instinctively we felt that we had come t0 the end of a very pleasant chapter in our life as a family; some- thing had come to disturb the peace- ful ground : somewhere a drum was beetle., and tire calling. Not a word was spoken, but nay eldest son sud- desk put what was in our hearts into ,cords when he turned to me and asked. 'Mother when will I be 1S?" "When the first troops marched away 1 wondered how the mothers could let their sons go, and I was glad that my Jack was only 17, It was the Lusitania that brought me to see the whole truth about this war. Then I perceived that we were waging war on the very prince of darkness, and I realized that it would be better a thousand times to be dead than to live under the rule of persons whose hearts were so utterly blaek, and whose reasoning was so brutal, 1 grew to feel that no One could die better than In defending civilization from this ghastly thing which was throwing its dark shadow over her, "It was when the news came of the defeat of the British at the Dar- danelles that my boy showed that lie had become a man by saying, "1 want to help the British Empire while there I is a British Empire." "My boy is still alive, although he ! has had many narrow escapes. He is a private in the Princess Pats, ' and he carries my picture in his hat and reads my letters over again lust before "going in." Then Mrs. McClung told of an Eng- lishwoman who had worked in the training camps of the Allies and who had been at their trenches, said that she had become accustomed to every sight at the front had to offer but one. That one thing which she could not behold unmoved, possibly because she was helpless to assist, was the look on the soldier's face when the mail came in from home and there was no letter for him! USURPATION The Farmer's Sun of Toronto in its editorial columns passed judgment up- on the action of the Ontario Parliament and the Opposition leader as follows: —Mr. Proudfoot makes, and Mr. Hearst most obligingly accepts a proposal to extend the life of the Provincial Parliament until all the soldiers have been brought home, that is, in all probabil- ity, until 1921. Both these statesmen being new democrats shrink from the disgusts of an appeal to the people. So sensitive are they that they will not even permit bye -elections, but will themselves appoint occupants to the seats now vacant, and to those which in due course of human fortune will become vacant. The legislature has full power to do their will, The 92nd section of the British North .American Act enabels it, from time to time, to amend the constitution of the Pro- vince, except as regards the Lieuten- ant -Governor, whose functions, it has often been said, might be faithfully performed by a rubber stamp. The legislature may, in fact, perpetuate itself to the end of time. The bargain suits The Globe, which its own to replace that which it has done its best to destroy. A new party with any substance rising naturally and apart from the influence of The Globe is likely to be a party of re- action against socialism and revolu- tion, and, in that event, The Globe might be obliged to go with Mr. Proud - foot into the party of Mr. Hearst, Mr, Proudfoot declares candidly that he and Me. Hearst do not differ in politi- cal principles. Both, we are led to believe, are socialists, imperialists and protectionists, and both are emulously extravagant in the expendi- ture of the public honeys. But, the identity of the principles of Mr, Hearst and Mrs. Proudfoot does not justify a usurpation of power or the exclusion of the people from govern- ment for the long period of seven years. There must be opinions and interests in the country, which are not represented In the legislature and are, of course, entitled to representa- tion. Nor is usurpation justified by the dillieuity of taking the overseas vote, it would be better to elect by the vote at home a legislature to dis- solve on the return of the soldiers than to exclude all, as now proposed, from particlpation In government till 1921, BOY WANTED. A boy that stands straight, sits straight, acts straight and talks straight, A boy whose fingernails are net in mourning. whose ears are clean, whose shoe: are polished, whose clothes are brushed '/.'hose hair is combed and whose teeth are well cared fur. A boy who listens carefully when he is spoken to, who asks questions when he dyes not understand, and does not ask questions about things that are none of his business. A boy that moves quickly, and ,lakes as little noise about it as poss- ible. A boy who whistles in • the street, but does not whistle where he ought to keep still. A boy who looks cheerful, has a ready smile for everybody and never sulks. A bov who does not smoke cigar- ettes and has no desire to learn how. A boy who never bullies other buys nor allows other boys to bully hint. A boy w'he when he dues not know a thing says: "1 don't know," and when he has made a mistake says. I'm sorry", and when he is asked to do a thing. says, ''I'll try," A hove. who does not want to be "smart" nor in any wise to attract attention. - A boy w•lul would rather lose his job or be expelled from school, than to tell a lie or he a cad. A boy whom other boys like, .4 boy who is at his ease in the company of girls. A ben' who is not sorry for himself and nut forever thinking, and talk- ing about himself. A boy who is friendly with his mo- ther, and more intimate with her than anvone else. �• m Y 51.51 5151 FREE4DS THUUH1T liE WED DIE "FRUIT-A•TIVES" Conquered Dyspt cin and Restored His Health. MR. ROBERT NEWTOS1. Little Bras d'Or, C.B. "1 was a terrible sufferer from Dyspepsia a,, I C nshpa lm, for yeas. 1 had. pain alter eating, belching gas, constant hr;ulach(w, au5I'.1 i(1 not sleep well at night. I lost so ranch weight — truing from 155 pelotas to 146 p5 ,.,,ds—that I became alarmed and. saw several doctors who, however, did 110 n0 good, 1•'inally, a friend told ate to try'I+'rnit-a-lizi's', In t1.. 11'eek, there 51'as improvement. The constipation was corrected ; and soon 1 was free of pain, headaches and that miserable feeling that accompanies Dyspepsia. I continued to take this splendid fruit medicine and now I am well, strong and vigorous". ROBERT NEWTON. 50o. a box, 6 for $9,50, trial size 25c. At all dealers or scut postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit -a -fives Limited, Ottawa. A boy who makes you feel good when he is around A boy who is not a goody-goody, a prig, ur a little Pharisee. but just healthy, happy, full of life, This buy is wanted everywhere, Acti the f:tnnly wants hint, the schools want hint. the office wants hint, the boys want hien, the girls want him, all creati,nl w:utts him. Servce Abrocul ABSED by the censor, and ap- proved ter circulation abroad, these pictures have been for- ssarded to this country by \ir. George AlcLaren i3rawn, European manager of the Canadian Paciflo Railway, The 1::-t illustrates life -boat drill on a 1, eepehip, the second a naval quick- I; 1':•i is gtul and ono of its operators, 11:.4 the third the retrains of a Ger- n.a5 howitzer gun that had been etreek by a Britilli shell. The three pictures are a suggestion for reliedion on three different Oases of the war. The transpol•ta- tioe of troops from the overseas do- minium to the ntotlanrland and from the Motherland to the different spheres of military activity with which the nlotherleed Is r'uneerned, has been a huge prublclnt that has been solved with very little loss of life, despite the watch which the enemy subma•ines have k pt out • for thong. The piellro ni lite -haat drill oet the tr'tnpnhtp eeller:, that trosps crossing the sea., ere et -Tared for emergeur'(,.•e. Several of the Cana- dian Paei0r liners lane been engaged in conveying t.rnnils from Canada to England. They have also been occu• pied on stunt taisslons in the same transportation task, and so far there have been no casualties. The view of the qu_clt-ti1'isg gen and lis ma.nip. ulator gives us some conception of the equipment of the navy. These guns are wonderful eempnns of de. ,trunnion when lights are befog fought At a close range. The Jack 'Pars In charge of them are skilled marksmen, and should the German fleet ever take' the open sea for a Straight combat, they are sure to dia. play the saner grit as was shown by their anee'tors who made the British rulers of the waves, how Me of the fiercest of destroyers may be destroy ed Is illustrated for us by the third picture. roman Ingenuity is not proof agulnst the ingenuity of Great Bpibein and her allies, and the great. est of German guns are rant to pieces by the forret of a little itrlt.lih shell, The Canadians who have gone over• seas piny no small part in the big gun fighting that Is done nil the Western bnttie•front, ilea5y and light artillery batteries have been raised and put through a course of """"----"'^° "P" training in many part:( of the len zol 0 their good markmanship often minion told sent to Pn.'lnnrl, where paved the ground for the advance of they completed training before pro- the British Infantry, and the pave• a were e Gas w e strewed Y the front,Ire the Orin I moats that oesdtltg to e 1(1 —levelled German trenches, nlnaghed barbed wire entangletnents, ehatterec enemy guns and corpses of to Zaleer's soidiere, Notice to Oreafitors 111 t! e matter 5.1 the estate of Agnes li own, late of ,h,• 'Fol\ush,p of (15.4', in the county of Huron. eIci'w N ,1:. - h '•ht my•11.1:11,nnnt to '•'511 vi•5, ill, .,•f nu,, rut • that all cy eil,tnt'a and • '!!.• /1..V10,•101111, •1gh1111 1 11 5.01111• et wl.n tiled on °! •.61111 111•- 1 n • 41 ,gldh 01) 18n5*-lol.1 0 It IBIS, tut•r,14,111.-1 „111 t th t l IL dn1 ,! 1 I hlu5, it ul by tow ,1clout or oohs.. to 5 'Mum nihil i, ono f 1.1Io Itx,l'- i l' el ,1 11.1 .". t' 01111 I',•aI, n ,111 11 ,tall RI, • ,. 1.;,.,s• Ih n 1'61,(1x0 a, d ,•11,. nuts .ol.I r, -1.s nn•1 d'•+1•rlpt cm, or, 111',:.1.1 1 - J,1..Idm•, the sl xl0aue'It a ihr1141111 1,1 tll•sonar- it kis dr, )f h. It by Ihrnl A m' Ott. 01 -, 5111'• notion that after shell lost iliae It's, enters will '0'', ed to d t•1 u,1. c,.i5, 1. r .5 • deceased a, onest the p•a•li s, 51i11141 (1,51,1, 155.51! r11ulu'd on' ' Iv to I5,- 0,0 0 of w I1rh then 111"11 (bee have not,',,1 n 11 aid Irxt utor,l ,:101 u 1 10 h,• . 5 l t1 0 ,sets tir any mu, 'toorc, sot •,e presto's ,r )vhnee bo,+ nnrce hail no hen,. (s11 11/.sired by the 0, 5t Ila' stud! or mach. distribution, lin led 111 , rxuhrook this 18t11 day of Fairy. ory, A.1) 111.8 3711(+ T1101.1(fAlt EIlON,{Exlentnrs, W11.11011 (5001EL'ON )I T _ Notice to Creditors In the newer 01 11 (elate of John Mooney, Iate el the Township o1 Mortis, 1,l the Cowry of Huton, farmer, deceased Notice, is hereby elven pursuant to "Tho Rio elsed statutes of Ontario," that nil creditors end °there l,ovtlg claims ngalust the estate o1' th„ Ravi .5, 1 ,, \loony, who died on or shunt • the 11. mete nils day of Dee oullor A It 1017. are required on or before the rexta,5(6 (my of March A D. 1!118, to send by post prepaid or de- liver to W. R a, Moonay, ono of the Executors of last \\'Ill and Testament or .ate deccneod, 1.t lirnisel, P. O„ their Christian and snrnamas, 110010+se.: and desnriptlons, clic Poll lartioulars of their claims, the stntr111001 05 their itecon ,ts and the nature of Iho securitize (if any) held by them. And further take nutlet, that after sneh 1st mentioned date th, said Executors will pros coed to 0.1 tribute the assets of the deceased among the parts on titled thereto, haring re. Ora only to the 05(0,,s of which they shall then have entire. and the said Executors will not 1,r MOM. tar the said ascots or ane Dart there. u1. (o any p11s011 ,r persu,s of ,(hose e1111,n (51111.1,,6111 1, 4 113110 Leen rerl•ivad by thein 1t the time of such d1.Irlb51ion oi 1t Morris this 1801 tiny of February, A, A 1015. JANE A. MOONEY,.1 JSse'ntot's. W. It S. JItiONEY, S) Auction Sales UUTiON SALE 'OF FARM STOUTS T.IipLT8111NTS &o.—F. S. Scott., Audience(', has been inetsneted by the nnd„tsigned to sell by Public Amnion at Lot. 22, (inn. 9, Copy Twp., 00 Wednesday, Ahrch Oth, at 1 o'clock, slur is the following valuable proper- ty :--1 !tare rising 5 years, 1 mate 7 years old supposed in foal, 1 Pel rher- nn ho' as rising 1 tea's, 1 horse 8 years 001, 1 grnmo It purpose horse, 1 mere swopnsed in foal, 1 mare 0 yea's old, 1 filly rising 1 yea', 8 rows supposed 1.0 calve in \IIu•r'h, 3 fresh cow,., 1 heifd riii,;r 3 y'etu's milking, 2 rotes slippc!,etl 1.. r 111•.' i). April, 6 yearlings, 4 rapers, 2 young calves, 8 pigs 3 na5,lhs old. S young pigs, I Yorkshire sow, 1 pie 125 1hs, nl'•ut 25 111'118, 1 dgrlt, 1 h'r(ot & \Void binder 7 ('t. „alnearly new, 1 101014( & \\road 11111W. el' 1 kora:: rake, 1 stilt' tooth (mitten - new, 1 T(„mp manure ,prude(, 1 Peter Hamilton 14 line soofl tit ill, 1 Rel 4 section (Hammitt 61111154,, 1 hat rew cart, 1 milk earl, 1 wagon, 1 lop bug- gy ne.n'ly 110)5', 1 nutter, 1 walking plow, 1 wa.goII box and seo,1( rad., 1 fanning mill, 1 set sleighs nearly new, 1 gravel lux, 1 set doublo harness, 1 s08i plow harness, I set single harness, 1 haeltei. rack, 1 hay rack, 1 ladder, 1 sl one boat, 10 tans hay, Weed; 100 imelt els feed (ary, 1:10 buihel1 0. A. 0. No. 72 nat., 150 Imehels mixed grain, 1 1 urnip puller nearly new, 1 w heel. barrnw and mime nrlieles ton numer- ous to mention. Sale unreserved its prnpriet.nr has rented his fount, '1'e1.111s.—AII sums of $5 and melee cash i over. that amount 10 menthe eredit given on furnishing approved joint notes. 4 per rent oft' for cash. on credit amounts, WM, Mc1NNL'S. Proprietor. U0'rION SALi, OF FA RM ('roti(, letehi.1rNeers, &e —F. S. Scott, Anctioneer, has received insttemelorts fto,11 the nedeeeigned to sell by Public A1rlion at. Lor 11, Cer. . 1, ('Trey, on Friday, Melee) Sth, at 1 ,'cluck, the following valuable Outlier- ty :-1 mare rising 4 year, 1 driving mare (1 vearc, I. gelding riling 2 pee ti old by Held fink well broken, 1 geld- ing rising 2 years old by 111 t'id 1114 well broken, 1 filly rising 1 year old Doll Litdt, 1 draft horse (3 years old weigh- ing about 1(1 cwt., 8 cows in calf all conning in early, 1 fate ow now, 1 fat cote, (1 stools rising 2 years old, 2 iteiT- ers 1'i4illg 2 years old, 16 last year's cal, es, 2Rows due the later pone. of Meech, 1 brood sow to fere ow in May, 0 pigs about 10011),, 1 alassev- ITattia hay leaflet. nearly new, 1 Seafoeth land pollee, 1 Usti WI) nowt; plate, 1 disc drill neatly new, 1 walking piney, seg ' heavy h.u'ness, 700 hoihols ,ala, 100 bushels seed barley, 8 bags seed ports, R Louts 01' hay, Salo withunl, reserve as farm has been sold. Terms—$5 and under sash ; over that amount 8 nlurltil8 01'1011t given on l'R,niohieg ap- proved ,joint; notes. 8 per (met, oer for (lash on credit tusiollllta, (3111410+, Proprietor. .” ,'w0,r... :'., . ....... Aljl 1^ioN 4,A1, (11'1''Allal:1'I'(1t'l '1.I. t1 lute heel, ill- b'.H.lttll AI h 81- reel ted by the uu(11.1 signed t5 eel) by 1'Ilhlic Aueelun at Let ;i, (len. 7, (isey, an 'I'nrsdtt), \lwrh 5t1), of l (i elut'k, the ILllnw'b,g valuable sleek ' , --1 n<nv Wit 11 /.sail a1 foot, 2 (n \1 5Vi II ft,,ht'u 1101*(11 • dal ' ''l' Rn,', 5) 'eu 1.l w rows, 1 '+I„'•1' '15i1141 ; ye•n'e in good eemlitlon, 1 6,•11''•1 1 leiee ;i 5e1141,udy to Rlli)I, ..1 54 111.11, I icing 2 } 111 r., .1 ( 10 ruin): 2 years. 1 51:1 1, ('('.11141 Ii iog 1 trio', I utll(2 !penile, 01,1, l 1.0.1f 1 111..51 1) old 1 1'erehel,.n mare 3 yea',: ,0.51, I Petehetea gelding 2 yl'a : old, 1 ag,•d mno, I Ih if int( 111.1 ti y,•:,114 till, 1 lietk•hire .015 111 rt11111 I) .1 (.''11: iR April, 1lieart'r evil d, is 111 neo, 1 set platy hal nrss, '1'14 Hui- Mil :Ls 111 $10 a,0. ruder /.6011 ; .Tel that 7lntittet 111 111(11111. es (lit give). ou n)1pruved j„int Role„ 4 per relit t IT far Nash oil reedit aluntiete. 11', J, ('Al1Ul17b", Plop,iel,(, UU ION s.\,1,10, or ii,Altm 410('1(, 1S11'1.1i111GN7:4, &C,-1 41. Meld t, Auctioneer, has received ilnilr'lle111118 retell 109 melte Right d peopeielne to sell by Public Aucliuu et Lot 28, Coo, 12, Grey, on '1'hireedlty, 111,0.,111 716, at. 1 O'clock sharp, the following valuable property —1 span draft. mates, 1 genel'tl purpose mare, 1 driving mare, 1 gelling rising 1 year sired he KiuN,)ne, 8 eon's supposed 1l) calf (5 it to in 11611 ell), 1 hell et: eioiug 3 yea -0 allllpoe-ed 111 t•r11f, i) ',teems I'iefilg 2 yea's, 4 heifers visite; 2 years, 1 heif- er 1 yrlu' old, 7 chives rising 1 year, 1 blood Row clue to fret I ow A poll 1s1, 12 store pigs 4 months old, 20 filtered Rind( Innes, 50 pallets, 3 cockerel,. 1 Scour, Collie slug, 1 !'ruse & \V('41 ,inlet li 11. cul (t it h Ono; 111a13y nett, 1 1111,01')• Ilittria num t'1., 114t•,e1. & \V mei hay luadel., 1 Prost & \fmai side take, 1 I rrsl & \Fuad hay kat 1 sulky /.11110, 1 Prost & \Vood 111 diel' seed d' ill, 1 tarot laud toiler, 1 dist btua'ow, 1 4-sert1511 disrlat»tl ,lu'rom, 1 84ec1i(111 (1iannOul unruly, lei s, I Peter 1i:uniiCon c•nitit';Ltnr, 1 OOekshull gaol plow, ( h'Ietlry wall- ing plow, I !Cen'p nuulln•e spur -slid(', 1 wagon with double lux and Siin41 Stitt, 1 (vttguu truelt, 1 10(0er lire bog- gy nemly new, 1 snarl lite buggy, 1 'n l¢1. nearly new, 1 pair aleigs with books, 1 vinegar but col, 2 oak harms, 1 30•gal, 'milk ran, 1 Mill( /.mise, 1 gritalstone, 1 siokle-grinder, 1 gravel lux, 1 buggy Pale. 1.32•It. lull,/., 1 straw 115111ng box, 1 fan Meg mill will, bagger, 1 set. 2000 15. pl,ttfortn settles, 1 tet slings, 1 rout pulper, 1 hay 1111•!., 1 wheelbarrow, 1 lawn tiloW0s, 1/.ind- ent Raw, 1 logging elude, 1 pipe wrench, 500 feet, le in, clear pine lute- ber, (11/.1111117111' at her In0'F,er, 111110 3- inr.11 life, Ilna5lily,,I wuu,1, 61,1"rhes lit C. 'I\ ehingl,s, monher Penes (1 -I •, 1 set double stent'.+s, 1 +el 1111',4 II;r•- ness, 2 4e)a oiogle hat' II• R i I mooly new), 2 goat robes, 2 bora, level t 2 11° groin hag;, 1)10 bu4 O \ 1' i',i. ley, 13(10 bus• mixed grain, 11.0111+, O A, 0 No, 72 eats, 30 bus. w heat, ., lout hay„ 411 bus potatoes, 4110 I110. of sail, forks, clod's, take,, shovels, fit,, 1 bed 1omit suite 5vilh '-p, ion., 2 bed- s)viols with sw1111(,, 1111rO:•s, 1 early new, 1 child's mil) will, It at l r„ss, '1 sideboard, 1 ('1511(;1' (11(•51 t 1•,pd..!,.ve, 1 Daisy elm n Nu. 3, I N .'.v Center), e, !felting 1111.5.1011e, 1 lonl't,•, 1 isi,rie 11 table, 1 Toilet set e1. ,Veit,, 1 Melt (hair, 11nole0M, at 11111111.1 1 t' 1'1111 r1 arks, ole. 4.111 w'ol 1 . (111)1 1,1 tee 841110 as the plopt ie1, r has sold his l'a•Rh. 'rel ins,—All 0110(0 of SID 110 teal voider sash ; (1051' that, amount 12 ttlou)hs el edit given en l'ln'niehing approved ,joint uo1es. 4 per cent off fon cash on credit, arnruni'1 \V1)1. \V131)'PIL01), Prop, A, i1. RIAci)o\.1T.0, (let It, vas for Sale 1 n 14111,...10111.! 1151 1. 11',')'. 11.1115 1,ot 14. ('011. 1 411 d11 1 'n IN, i tlu•'1'u+vr hip„f .114 lll ill Il+lul R is nronlhq'luhlo hr 11111 1111 40, 14.1,11 1,11/.11 1,111 1V1111`1"11 011111 )v1 1. Itilll •„,d»14.1 Illi ,,P,•'rill( tl ps 1,oI llld I I,•Il lode pot v. 1., 14 ale 1111milt A 1.t cfaatiiiais it.. udl s ,,'Il I „1 , 1rl VCR..11(1'1(1 r11t 11 11111,11! 1111 11. e,. (4.0 . I orrl', (.011 1:1 fir, 5 1 . 1,1llp i', 1J 1 1' , to 11.1. 11,1.1;11': 1 mato ,,, 4;, los Farm fo rSalo 10.1. 1 • 1.''.-,•1.,.17,1 "m IL N., _t' lo,, 171 t Id. di t 1 1 1iolc college 8111. „ t , e ,sI 1.-e 1, ”, 5 5,,!0 11.' 1 1151 .0x1:5 ! , 1'; -3/.14,111 .1,11 ;, 1I5 l,,1 15''5 elf( •r; a 1' S11‘..' 1..1 , 1111111 mit,• r0111 11t'10111: 111111, 01411 ,, .I I, 11. 111,1'11.11 t c. 11141':11111 �n W, • 101•., (111,- p, anis/.", or 11. 11. Is For Sae - Good Value 1.l lc ,0..1 1'11 sill 'ani 1,011(0 • 111,11.•6.111./...1 1/10 111 1111 ul ;,01,vt II: g, . e ilttl ,111 w , -h,'1'al. 0hourlong buil'• l0c N About 1 monde.' 45(1111 u,,1. puslullle,. The above prop. ( cit 1 5 ,111111115 on dams. sl Itrin.sebi 1'0,1/.1115' + nutty he hail on 011gmry Pewit ,11, owing' on the pteld•rs, sI11nN GRAM'. Farm for Sale ('untnbtine 151. (1015,, 1,,•111;; 1,0) ,, Don 11, aril part of 1,10,711'11( e, 1',at 1:', ((1 'y town- ship wolf wears ei, roa,',1 !tett' f, ante 11,0,0, 1111111 barn with 040110 ,.11111h• 1,11 x 711 ('rat 1 1(11111 drive 11110(1, 11011 tun*a, p(1. eon acid ',nom bon -1,1.1111;1. orchard anti about a orre' bush, Rural 10/111 mad 1,.1, .6010. ?§ 1,510 trout school and S u,ilrs 5,',,,, film<.r L•: lour further par - Menhirs apply to hilt, 1: UI' 1(yrN, it 1t. No 3, Untwists Stock for Sale • 011n•e,e.,telf-lunl It oro Iltl1. Alee „ hulls 8 months old. 1111, 0 -11 rd I,)' (;11111 -Pard hhu'- yni:+, grand ril,mp(11 6111 oP ( 'nprdn 1 and a »utnhu• 110 d 1 1,10111411 No 10,01:, whose grand sire t4 (Miro-ford 'Na, qtr+ Lot 804 (40n. If, Mortis (V.; (10l + North 1t 111 11-,.1100 on gravel road.) '1-'11 is 01R41' It, }'Lona 1.''0 (11,1 sols 0. D. CObil•'URTAIif 14.1,,,4.E .0:511 '505Mu ' 11 10 1,1 w,.1. nn' 1.i.00101, fruit 11',1ts, @e Ab'r'f1rurporntinn with large 5151110 and ,n „I' d oo Mor !!tether pnr„nn- ht4, is to pi lee, 1, /.11/.:51 \e., tleply to TR): PuR'r, liens"ors. Fal -m for Sale Cuntninl11g 3 11 51('01'', 5115 , ,! Lot 10, (tun ;i, At a-, i tuwn:•ldt anti LMS 1, Con, r,, Grey town• 1hl well watered, emu'rtxbi ohms, band Lain ,w(1 ro•nm„ 1),),151 dlnviog h et lis wind mill, orchard, fie. '11(, tulles North 0P brussels Mn grnfel r, all, liar,,( 110111 1160 rural 'phone, t_ 10111. b, .01001. wn1 Neil rain•' or 1,0111 1(,',,5'1,11,1 b, f.e',• Ortnbe,• let will 1,0 1...01.,.,1 1,'•n• further p,a tU•nh,ly n1,10y to A I.54S. 11'tl4y 1'11, Propri'•lor, I:res-,q5, or le. k. silt ITT, le 11s•r1i. 0 1 For Sale 0cra0 or Llan hu,d, hl t1,,' Township of Morris,adjoining the vas's- 15 tftttssels, in ono held, Tlt."'r is a gaud rrnvri pit, it 0.0011- 1,1 up, from 111' txv„•-. ,r 1,n,. brim tasted 1.d ,1011/.6 1.r gravel the, le supply the town an 51,011111 ' for t6a next quarter of a contort", n buldm,; !11(11 „n 'I'u 0011001.y strut ; 1, lel 1,on (irel•c••,!•,' 1 ,a' th'• Iain -0y ,)(1111 1 110 m.1' t ,ver,• , r•., u•. 511 on 1 he ritoor hulk, corner of Ri!1!asill,' od .0!'•'rt street.. FOP farthereartte10,»... eart,rulw•+ 5101(,1, 111 the nndrroign•d 1.t his redid d. 1,10' IE. Ih o+-' t'. 14111 .larch, 1817. r pp�,f t Hates For 1918 RullSsving are the (jl 11 lYhpllg 11111 Pe'1'IIR. Nu1'1 is malting rot next year to Canadian Posit ITirre ;— AUCTION SAIhi OF FA II a1 8!1'0(•1(, I3TYLhmiInSN'i't3, &t.: —John Purvis, Auutioneee, lute received I instructions 11101 the 1115101 signed peoprietur to sell by Public .5111,181110 Lot. 20, Con. A, llowick, Sat today, March 0111, at 1 o'clock, ,harp, the 1 following valuable propel (y (-1 I,r4 oil more 1)) years old in foal to ,\lase"(, horse rising 6 sired by Allow/4, 1 1311) rising 4. sited by Al ascot, 1 filly rising • .'sited by. alasetee I colt rising 1 sired by Mo.:rot, 8 fresh calved cows, 4. rows 111 01)11, 'L In'110u 2 years rid in call, 1i hei!'ers rising 2 yell 15, 6 heifers rising 1 year, 40)5,81s rising 1. year, 1 3)!'', bred Out Man bull 2 years old 1(8 young naives, 1 brand saw due 0, fin-,', March 25, 1 breed sow to rat yew April 8, 2 young sows, 12 bn)T Leghorn hens, qutt5111y gond timothy hay, 1(11) ons, oats, gentility of eyed oats, 1 elassey- Harrii binder nearly new 7 fes ('111, 1 F, 041. & \Vorul n)nwer nearly new ctn., 1 Massey Harris mower 5 11. mit, , 1 10•)'t, hay rake, 1 Massey-liar:is cultivator, 1 seed (rill, 1 land roller, I cut tang box, 1 buret. power, 1 set 5 section harrow's, I sot 3'otrlian harrows, '2 walking plows, 1 2 furrow plow, 1. wagon, 1 sot hob•slelghs, 1 hay rook, 1 Mock riu'S, 1 buggy, 1 mutter, 1 democrat, 2 seta double harness, 1 51)41141' 5(4(151, l gtiudstorle, 1 gasoline engine 21..2 h. p„ 1 sato, 1 art 12(11) Ib, scales, 1 fanning mill, 2 leggfug 0111111M and other articles Inn numerous (11 Mehl 1011. Bale will be writ 11,1511 , 115(1 01' 1111 proprietor hes sold his Yarn(, Terme.—All 1ums of $5 and under cash ; over that aiurntu( 10 mond', ct•ediI,given on ftn•uisiting approved joint notes. 5 per rent nlT fm' '11116 11n credit, amounts, O. 14) t'5'tv 11511 ProlnielOr, c? 4t) 000000.00000q004100.0 0 90.0.04)•0004.4,4$440e6e4vb•06 eDr. Anna M. Shaw says : "Tlits women who have not • o• been trained in Stenography and Typewriting ao should immediately undergo instruction In exactly othe samespirit that moved there to attend classes ein first•11id nursing,"e 'JIMNIl,hll) muS')'I,NOORAPHHRH IS URGENT, 9 P181: WOlil1 IS PLEASANT AND THE, PAY AMPLE. o WHY Si10001)YOU NOT PREPARE, FORTHISSIIA(VICI3 0 • TILE 13148')' PLA 0111 TO (11+11' YOUH'I'ltAINING IS AT aThe Central Business College, Stratford, Ont. : The Mount Forest Business College, Mt, Forest. o 4 or The Central Business College, Winghan, I: • 4••0•`•••41•••••4®414•.4••4•44•ii4E'+•••04`•••41®041414141••41 E) A 0 6 6 e 4, a m 4 0 41 S1 Q 4 e '.I'11t: Pun'/. Intl Dui Ir Olobr... ,... SI 5 on Slai1-hlclpi,1. -. ,. it 110 '1 Tot onto \Voted.... 5 (01 Termite 44!, ,...,.. 4 25 'rotunlo No .... •1 243 London Adverlieer 4 25 0.4151011 levee Prebs 4 25 l"unity lim'shl.. , 2 75 SVeel: Ir Wit . 2 80 lone. Advnente ,... 3 110 Nor, ?lesiengt•r.,, 2 01) \Vnrid \Vide... . 3 20 T'rss)ytmean . 2 75 l•'.Itut and pail y... '2 80 l51,(t 111r1•'s Sun ,. - . 2 20 14 if p;4prrs 1.111sok 10 the Unit_ ed Suave addiHc111a1 postage is iteces- (4(41'0. 041411 1111)51, iwbot11 at;y all rulers its the city pttpet•e giv.• 00 etedie. Send money by ibxpeees Orde1, Pest - al 'Nee u1. 114051 11e11 1..01 ter, Bank Clwgne4 1111151 have e11tnu1iadinn ((tided. Address \V. 11. I�l;itit, 'PITH Pos'r Mussels, Ont. MONTHLY HORSE FAIRS tw .r .. _ •ems.. BRUSSELS ltegnlar Monthly florae Pairs will be held 1010 seagull as follows THURSDAY, PI,H. 28111 APL(. 4th Leading Load Ind Outside Buyers Present Hy 01144. of council. 151, 8. 8(10`1"I', Clerk. Steady Work and Good Wages --FOR--- til Apply at Excelsior Knitting lV�lills - Brussels Call Phones 20x (1r 85. „11.;111(