HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-2-28, Page 2Ceoosin„ a Cur. Iowner. Ard with Increased know-
ledge you ,viii 1„ better ahte to judge
Cita-rsc• a v";.,t ,b. ib'',';""r gra ":vo,rc�,s ill the future.
you empl,,i' ^ mere\ 1te y,:11 an-.1t,ly a well balanced ear --at ear in
ploy a pe on yea ''''I'"is rneontll vhi,•h equal attention has been given
mendauons fee 1 l.aterncnt .lift tito rt:•tlt .nieel deaendabili':y and good
help to identify him, to be anis' to ',ea.,. let in judging let meehanicat
judge his worth to you. Yoa can ,sir for without . " 6
depend ,.sty rrn first, .--�----^. _ _ ____--_._�.
tinusly ut E tr ;1r ht re -erd, his rc it you ,ill 1,;, h, I sle as. kta qv�ra T r ., IN
putatiun with forma, ,mpluyers, hi: p bcautifral e•xtcriur is sottaething �,t „•
reliability i•, past r:', rmence of - to feel protd of. But it will not help
Ice -en -
duty. Yon arc ,,:utatulal stout his `rot in ct!.e weer ear breaks down on d' it n^ tom" ;t;a is the extraction of all gre se nnrl sue than any hitherto ustl, 7•hc fat•
�;•1•�•'••'"• the rod, It is good Intsmeee sense ��,",,1),LA 31 IRI. A � `nfi in a centrifugal scram heated chest. ler point means, of caur::e, tit' t they S(at's Were the Only Guide to !ce-ctt-
110111 B- ll.n :�.i- 11.'1, it. tuay neer have' to butt a car that is right mechanical-
_ _ All oil, by the rotary uvtion of this hold a greater quantity of high ex-' circled "Endtn•nnce.
another .bane,•. Feu are a,a'a,nt, 4, . Iw a, well as artistically. chest, is expressed from the rags, plosive and have a wider "radluS. of
p Although Sir Ernest nest Sha,;klctau
secure for t l.tarmnt KEROSENE NO •L Vial ,whence 1 f th action. I f 11 ship, the P
hl l
'Phis "Railroad King" watch 1s an absolutely
guaranteed timekeeper, It la stem wind and
stent set, double dustproof back, nickel ease.
llegulee• man's size. Sand us your name and
addh•ose and we will send you 36 Packages of
our lovely embossed Master post cards to sell
at 10 cents a sot (six beautiful cards in each
vet). When enld rind us the money, and we
will send you the watch, all 011arges prepaid.
collected in etude garage and scut -once
pd' OHi"'t1Ill
The „Depth Charge" is Best Remedy Re will g„,1(7(3 (''seine , u t regi
Yet Fouad For the U -Boat
RLt1y' gll'1tt who',win tsellr1 't" r�7 Pars.,1' 3 ;„
uU,' lau4T t•:nha•:n,•d t,t;t• t,a• i ,,. ni d�
Menace. rel lu renin n meatus.
'rhe so-called "depth chargee," w, a u,. e,u•a,=',,7;3,r,',,13: n'1 . . b • , , '1
1 grit uuq"n Rill ++n„ „n, ,1,•
have proved the most efficient rocket „na ,unto. .taus•*-••.
Son.' n>•. „ in• mn t•' clod t:, ,+'Irl -: n,t
weapon against the submarine to HHOItlia::-'v�'AI4i 0 N CO,
date, are now being manufactured in DEPT, 41, TORONTO.
a k tothe central cleaning depot, at numbers by the U.S. Bureau of I
wee re great
The first process through which they Ordnance of the navy, and of larger 2,000 MILES THROUGH 10E.
1t ,r
•F;e:: u*-ut1 bio fr:r vests. to Drive LONGER USED e it mins into banes for a re -
tion." In outer wort s, one o. tese L/adore ace made a oriloth
need. After you have made your pulrhase 1 . ,p claiming process already desml ec, bigger depth -bombs is capable of ese voyage of 2,000 mile, through pack
i ot!r car sh,,u11 t el to with the be car0t'ui how you staff, In lite he.. FOR CI.1:.INSING PURPOSES-
same cera, In the he innin!„ luny- _ _ �Thc rag, are then put into a wasl�ing stroying a U-boat at further dis lee 7n the Weddell Sea, scientific, work
that no single Car gntu:n: read minutely the instruc-
ever, keep in mind k tions fttriti.hed with the carr. They tug machine, Bomb, of this description have tit, ship twee, hell fast, anti then r.
is the only good ettr, No ear is the .are give', you fur the purpose of a0- London General Omnibus Company
cars c.f ticket rn tt g reliabilitymechuu'cal operant. ns, no
machine and later into a rotary try- I tante. i 1 the !never ceueeci. After three days' ale
n c.. rh
The oil gained by the,,, reclaiming shape of a cylinder. They are steeldrifted slowly an the ice to the north -
in the world. There are many qua711711 ; you fulls with the various 1'tilioe Urease Removed From process is not entirely sortable for use cases of size sufficient to hold several ward. Finally she had to be ubati-
I • } .d 7n : Know
every 5001)1 as a lubricator, but as much of hundred pounds of explosive, For set -
make and p111c'r714171 and hence rules, eery definition, every metric- 1lotor \ eludes. g ting them off reliance 7s had upon ley- I clo\\ratio of the s:,ian(1117 109(10111011t.s,
alma -
you should judge a ear by the known it comes from solid grease it is of a •
y tire, have confidence in yourself Cres r r0mnyed in the cleaning of far better quality than cleansed engine drostatie pressure. I said Lieuaenant J. M. Wordie, who had
reliability of its maker. Seel: a cam., lad your sbilily to master the know
a-- awheel:a axles, and other parts of mo- oil. It still has a value as a fuel, a, ,
built by 1 company of re nu1:I1. ed ledge el driyin Learn in the bt and other motor ve- can be gathered from the fact that at How the Bomb Works. I charge of the oee anogt•aphlc work, at
,landau inquire of i1, es- ctions of the motor•, -tor buses, trucks, a the! Royal GeographicalpetebSociety, was
ten. t ginning the rut, hides is now utilized in England by the Norait Road coach factory of the'! Tho depth -charge is sat to go off at the .Royal
l hampered four f, was
tent of its egci meat, of the number dut0h and transmission. Iiuux hot. fifty feet beneath the surface, at 100
and :size of its plants, of its repute- nose,' is delivered •to the rear the London General Omnibus Cont -.two on Creneral Omnibus Company of grasp rime, and the bypositionfour in the
It i ate t„ assume that rorty the i o two RO horse -power Diesel engines aro feet, or further down, if desired. It is hip was tested by the stars,
time a s wheels. parry" rot from the output of the off reclaim- shn 1 dropped overboard. Of course,
successful car can creno*•a 181,1 %tell lever wi}1 do, Before the war kerosene was large- simply PP e4hen the ship was abandoned amid
a .0 Knovw what ing depot, leaving a certain quantity i-, the pack ice, said Lieutenant \Cordis,
and su.1)711 d d8 1111) frim the pub- ly employed fol• the cleansing• of en- fn excess available for sale, the orator pressure (reckoned m
t �tudv the use of each instrument un au I other put, of vdticles, Lit pounds to the square foot) varies die. the crew took to the boats, but it was
I:1IN(i)N(1 Pi -1'o .t 11111111'15
i'1'A'l'F, (>lv 1't'1Tt1r'I.('l'tUN.
inventors Evolve Strange and Won..
dcd'ul Con( ivmusts to Al fain
• 5 t1714r0ea Supremacy.
1 one time ago a (;e"man 1) boat
Was de:.troyed by shc11 lire as, fore
t,:aately, many aro 'leitroyed. L ave
that this vessel ws,s prnvid,al with.
a 1017 ingenious muau1 fur vatting
through ant} -.submarine Lets. The do -
911 0,
••9110, which Wal•, not injured by til:•
111cd1 lir, 1s mow sail to h • in the po'1-
x iuu of the British Admiralty. It
,'01)1111t17 of double sided thin :-1eq
flanges 011774'11 protrude from heti
:rde, of the box The flange., open•
uteri by electrically , ,•,,trolled gears,
are suspended on either ride of the,
huvv to a diem -nee of some tisht.,e••t
feet, which gives them a cuit'!11 sar-
face of thirty -bis feet in all. 'Thee
are controlled by an opereto• within
the boat. They are also provided wild
stn automatic device which keeps lime
in motion the moMeatt the 110,W of she
submarine vowel's into •vont net with any
Problem of Ceutilatian.
Another ingenious device fm muting
ne(a was discovered by the captain of
as merchantman whose ;:hip was tor -
lie, the dashboard. Learn thoroughly the groes
now its enusumptimr is restricted to Has Paid For itself, rectly with the depth, and is Rove-, some months before they could find a weed by a submarine, 'Ch1., cap
Mak,. rap your mind t the That principles of motoring. These will passage through the lee, and it was
t the ideal of the vote iar�t the barest minimum, the net effect be- The cleansing plant of the London yo accurately as to furnish rl maths- • 1 who was of a mechanical taro of npind,
a motor city presents s he found 7ntple, Take •f f ve-s'nth s of the G iteral Omnibus Company has paid matical formula. not until April, 1915, that-, after many observed the t•uttiug :apparatus whit„
manufacturer -and its worth will be lessons when there is little traffic tug the eat nig o t
aotothat idmil. You should in knowledge former consumption, Kerosene, as a for itself in a very short time, because! When the bomb reaches the level at; adventures, they were able to land on
in proportion u and els you increaseElephant Island.
car that has Leen sincerely •ure in bus streets. matter of fact, is now employed only .oil reclaimed may easily be sold for', which it is set to explode the pressure
seek a t and piaeticc• venture Y on certain parts of the mechanism for blending or fuel, A small plant can be actuates a sort of trigger arrangement Lieutenant \;roreiie spoke of two
built --in which there is incorporated Kecp Your oyes in (rout of you. Uo points of land in the Weddell Sea
hilt mechanical standard, There i; •a to speed. Go slowly, the cleaning of which there is no easily put up in any garage, fuel.for and it goes off automatically, Nothing
a g not endeavor p practical substitute, For the clean- the furnace being rubbish and shop . could be more simple, though the de- which had been named by their Ger-
in the public taste. Find lrarg't everything but the car, in tails of the ingenious mechanism are matt discoverers, "T,uit olcl Barrier"
out how the average metier regards nin,• to drive, exercise care. Do sing of ,:heels, axle casings and front too snnga, or if the raw material is p
teat i axles, a weals solution of hot caustic too small in quantity- for economical ; a carefully kept secret. and "Wilhelm Barrier," He thought
the ear you intend buying,. Fou not get uurcaus. That leads to soda is employed, handling an the spot, it can be col A aubmatino does not ordinarily the names ought to be changed to their
should buy a car the Yon wife and coifs;=lull. It is comparatively easy leered and dealt with in larger bulk at English equivalents, "Leopold" and
hon the engines, gear boxes, back venture to descend more than 200 feet
below the surface for fear lest its steel „William" Barriers, but the Admiralty
insisted upon the first names being re-
children wilt be proud of --a car with to go through the motions of start• some neutral collecting p
a good name. You cannot be ton: • axles or other parts are stripped for lant,
mg, steering a nd stopping before you
scrupulous in your choice, when you'' (biro your first mil, -it you comm..overhauling, a very great saving is ef- ! feche t 1 over to t] former practice.
purchase an automobile you mak'- an •
trate. The unit is dismantled and the parts CANADA'S FORESTERS ABROAD,
Important inwe.stmeut • •Hold your feet ready on the clutch are placed in a cradle and damned
Lille Buying a Boren scut brake pedals. This add, conlid into a tank of water into which a Jct A Splendid Record of National Service
I.e us compare buying an auto- once. IIc,ht the steering wheal light-
. of steam is turned so as to bring the By Youngest Profession_
shell be crushed by the pressure. Usu-
ally it travels at a depth of about fifty
feet. But in any ease the revolution
of its propeller makes a sort of wake
that is easily discernible from an air-
plane as o
happens, from a destroyer
Jewels as Medicine.
Certain precious stones are still re -
he was in a small boat followu,g 1h.,
torpedoing of his ship, ami he made a
drawing of the device for the British
Admiralty, A set of steel hawsers
containing motor driven circular
knives were stretched from the bow
of the Il -boat th,•on;h the conning
tower to the stern, As -oro as the
boat struck a net the knfvee would re•
volve on a liexibl.shaft like - l'u,z
saws. These motor driven knives
were about at foot in diam7t,•r and
were placers abeed a foot nietri on the
haw; secs.
The problem of ventilation ii, the
plane or "blimp," of a often
'; • sil •. Start end sto 1 prover or alto] gaoled es talismans, the believers in mn:;t serious one which the theme -neve
m:,bi}e :with buying a house, In buy-; ly, bt.c,.r ea y P wetter to boiling point. Caustic ands
Forestry, the youngest of all the , P destiny and the influence of mascots Of submarine.; have to e, n . 1, r, Wiley
in a h;;use, you would make certain gradually. Practice makes perfect; is added to the water until a solution eft rineering professions in Canada, has boat. s a U_ pinning a good Ileal of faith to them, the boat is sunning shot's vva.ul it i;
of the strength of the foundation.1'ao good 0on'nan sense all the time of about 3 per cent, strength is l b- 6 In the meantime, of course, the
out card du not lose your head. g?wen liberally of its manhood to the But even these pennle would he sur -,driven by Dine) engine: When •.,i
You wotdd inspect it inside andtahred• overseas forces of the Dominion, Nu -',boat has no notion that it has been prised if their family doctor were to merged the cul•tn•lt'in,' 1 „t'`'n by
You •,would go over it. from every. You should see a s0("1 0 man when, Removed byBt1'ing, prescribe amber for a sore throat, or electrical motors which derive their
_ 1 a merically, the ranks of Foresters. or', discovered, and it is anneasyctmatt d
garnet for scarlet. fever or influenza, current. from storage batteries. Tliem
surgeons at the les often rive 17011117 h:'exus
whilst if one.of our t g Latter
Front were to try to stag bleeding gases or fumes sometimes escaiw from
w}til a bloodstone, instead of a tourni- the battery compartment and stele-
You v.1011d 1.:0411 each item.' yea notleo an unusua llol a vi Foresters -in -training have not Yet;
You would consider :he purchase grinding or binding., or 9r1ea your eau All the grease is removed from the reached beyond a few hundred, of it and drop a few depth-bnmlis. To
•nm tits• an= -le of sturdiness its m,•- dues not t.,:un free in running, A -parts in the process of boiling and
PAccording to lists compiled for til .make an actual bit is not necessary
inn of oiie Of
thud of construction and material' ge•od driver is. a good listener, The comes to the top of the water, from! ads e. ".:A .titch in time saves nine," t
ne," fu,•e the contents are removed the Canadian Forestry Journal, and which, inasmuch ae the explos
used. It v oak? he the semi f to g theto This at Lest cannot be free from some' these depth -charges within some hot- quer, he would be regueded as a fair cite the crew', the fume( ale e eu pen, ' -
n artisth Mand nirit, You would'holds especially true here. grease is through
off p omissions •and •fn14 • 111acies, there •are cheds of feet of the submarine will case for Bedlam, trating that they cat into the mark^r
a P
r e harmony, :he iiniah, tilt•'. Little neglects bran;; big trouble.• is ddne through ear overflow pipe of o foresters or forestry services' or either smash it m• else bring it to the 'yet it is not long since these quali- cry of the haat and dextra•, the metal.
consider the ? 1. le into • a.11 f • t fororis, and 11 t
detaii, r.,nifert and beauty, • If a 1 race band needs t,ghtelnug large cllameter '15 1 sac s
-latched to Canadian forest services of sorface, an easy atge
Co',.,, these points in buying stn' dist;'. it dune. Delay might prove
op harm. _ colleges who have donned the ani- probably with its delicate mac111nery
tl-ttamabile. Be lust• and care --fol. dila**rot,:, You may want to stop, The curdle of parts 10 then trans
1• f •1' t bail- forth and genie overseas. Of this Iclera.nged.
ties -of healing were attributed cum- The ,1 bmarine of the fuse:" w1 7) 7
manly to precious stones. The moon- have a storage battery; rat will be pee -
stone, generally regarded as rather polled by the same engine h, ,i, on thr.
uncanny, according 10 this belief surface of the water and nnderne at'h
Be thorough, it pays, for your I suddenly and be unable, £erred to a seem) d tan. number at least 17 already have been the Useful Microphone.
s ,will hada you to gain a Select for your wail: inert who its w star, which finishes the cleansing y it, But since submarine:, are bulb :
thordidea^.- y h net take it to the arts are drawn out quite killed, while ratan others have been: would he invaluableiu our county as
a 111 t,uc, t'1 a trurrion know yin.• car. T i and as P Y Destroyers, in their search for sub -
go ids wounded action, some repeatedly lulu especially if associated with they are, investors are cuustantly try -
And an need til
once an automobile
,rno n c t as _ , • - xoun ec n; ac repeatedly. -
is ':Rowledge. Tar 1 strange places. When your ear is hot they drain perfectly dry and aL marines, are greatly aide nowadays
have it attended to aromptlY• solutel clean. Most of these mon enlisted before the sttpphire, for the first cures epi• 9ng to improve the eentein nl' t•enti e -
venter, ultyays an injured
I y h'ore;'tr Battalions were organized, by an arrangement of microphones le •,v, and the second insanity.
----�-�-•--• Thu result so fur as cleanliness of Y t sensitive listen
'••"•'^^^.-'^-""�'" - _ A few have been transferred so as 'o
Not, long ago William ti. I,,')ll '1
Wilmington, Del„ invented a lavell1 • of
purifying the nit. of sul:m.!rires. Mr.
Bond demonetruted his faith it hie ap-
paratus by remiaining in a t:e.t elem.
ber three ft. by four fi.
seven hours, during wh`.eh time
only air he received wile that. I'!f'',
d - l r•al ly bet
TRAINING the* are enabled to
that constitute a Tilos s Anyone wearing a ruby might veil- A Otte -Man Subtnarine.
ng a aratus, adjusted to the keel: -lute into the most pest s,
WAR \i IDOF\' given, will ir. which the Ministry
lit Hart-; 0. cif eros 1s cans , •- a used, , ettilize. their technical abilities, but it r PP
will t paid l •til 1\Iini-try and ter than if kerosene had Leen t '1 • fact that the greater BY this means
ilettiaa1 liauut
a l of
:I:niatry n Pen inns. the sound, and avers to MOW how at
e eubmarMe is:
'Mesopotamia, others across the sands Thus one can understand why so ,
pelt„„ and chose to take their place as ; - 1 Omnibee Com- of FgYpt and meet Of them in France manY U-boats are being successfully :
the sediment drawn fighting men. Some bave fought in, away „ tourmaline, and tui found a panaceaows of eoldiere atel eatiore can re- ed. but i„ ._ .1 elof ee per week. A. normal period of three months is contemplat- washed out and all '1 I and destroyed The depth- in the turquoise.yet beee found
m)ai„�e,nanre allowance at a maximum cleansing tank, where thorn is a large
training drain cock, v_ ....t. occasionally being
to ,e pati n e s Is a striking ac for it :was a sure disinfectant, whilst
sue rt =11! minute parte of metal, dirt and . students :hear the U-boat's propeller at a long the pain of a burn or scald was stop-
e„ic, 1°h„ Ministry mnv also make a grit go to the bottom n the '' vyrre at the shout early in the cam- distance, to determine f ped by the topaz, of toothache bythe
Scheme Under Preparation by British will not ordinarily exceed 41.R h L tt f tl hist number of Foresters and d t the direction
ceive tr•aini;,g it1 same memprt.ion sionat oecnpat one a longer time will me Lonnon t.
h t l depot fee reclaim and Belgium.bomb s the nearest thing that has
"" to secure a law, broad -spreading
whereby tL,ey,
may become self -sup' be neve«coy, Many a tt ten ra e n Of the relatively small group of i,
• is remedy fo• the snb-
porting. Th �e.1 neeu,,atlo*14 have not -_ ,� Mg oil and washing lags, and to this. graduates the and students l Toronto been is the
to a es thing
- - -- -' t h^ l • 1• a waste oil as they marine migchhef.
certain cilli
well adoptee
riven different local canditione. leant of which is filled to about two of the tree. If the tree is shaded by
g „ 1 n c.,rCOthirst- with water which is brought Toronto school alone, utero went Australians Learn to Skate During
too much growth at. the top the ironer
tfLcr the war rhes will u c rat }:.•••1 i "� v , t The barrels forth 4 captains, J lieutenants, 3 Convalescence in Canada I
t I into the first boiling tank, a little be -
r snot ( barrels r." ma ' u to admit sunlight and air from above,
are obtained from the various garages, University Forest School, under Dean
! Do not remove strong lower limbs if
have made the '
b iven sufficient li 1
ng:: for which women are Agriculture hue seal a circular latter i'eutow, twelve men !they g
1. The scheme will be b 1 and the rags are sent tiler while twelve others
the Ln,_al .Car Pensions the Prowim•e • organ• h dcYaud and At this depot thele is a battery of
officials of all urban municipalities •
ed by his apparatus, The L'0,e1
od purifies the air by chernmel r omen a
between cat•bon dioxide end ce t.lin
SO1nt10115 exposed to th, 7 t tr,;7; her.,
toy can e g -of the chamber. T1s this mei r,. the
from above. Aim to secure hearing
absorbed met •I1•• a•�:•n
A very daring :ubmt,:'!•;, }ua,,b•'en
invented by Jacob II, Wel:•h of Ware
Walla, Wash. It is really a One nut
affair 111)11 depends for succea.s vet t
Dm bravely of the operntor, The to'•-
pedo is an ordinary submalne Lon
f rjwith engine and rudders, that it i= Ili-
rested by mechanical brain., tv h.n
The t
promptly P
� tank
t 1 the torpedo is launched it i; u`•da•:,ir-1
1 t ' CrI{o•r into the ,ecouci to h n the heeler), c,•,+. , 't;t3. p
Baled to them m 1 e t c+a e which i„ real: a !1,
P -,ea c t: by a gyroscope i'•
Wrti.tx'��:�,17.�e . ,r.r..
wheel spinning at seem al i'. ;.unr1
revolutions a minute- 'I'h�• ;,y 1)
loses speed from Oise mnnn<ui til.• tor-
pedo is launched. Although the n, tia'•'-
bead automobile torpedo 10 the deadli-
est weapon. of warfare, 11 be me s in •
aceur117e at distances of 1'r,_em 11,,• 1"
Len miles, which are the distances` „t•
ranges at whi h modern navel battle-.
are fought. lit alliin;; this:Malty,
Air, Wald, has davit 1 It rorpecl')
with+ will be controlled l a pilot,
'euplente sacrifice,
have born either wounded, gassed or ANGACS LIKE WINTE SPORTS. branches throughout the main body carbon is a
Coked undo
Committee and cc:,11 o11 57 00 1 111 be it,the
1 1 eulti',at)n77 three tanks erected over a furoate, victims of shell shod:. From the:
1 dq v" t tl boiling point. ne a 1 and lower twigs will weaken and die
ly he an oversupply ut , tenagrapher
as newly tempi ,l 9 government of
world in their military service, but Free
i al_S t till " u nn N.C,U.'s, and 24 privates. Indeed, the instead of bearin • fruit,
Mt- of oil x; they come• in are drawn off
erre will be 11 longer needed wit
their 1l r1 el ata,;0, and the rat, *will
apply to many pr i ate b t ne ccs Lt
- this ,rot 7nniiar oceupatiene trai leg
would be re t�rt ted to them r wh,t have
po,.• - t d i t raw ltd -e of the work be
fo•e nlrriaet•-aid eoeld regain form•
80 proficiency, Determining factors SISOP0101 x tri,' ,T MINT passes into ca second tank and is given :callings, Many have given til r hues
*e, education, erect• ? r rrtwasxr•,a •I t I not to the whose services were sadly needed by At Cobourg, where a number of .Treeeaf 11 ghnrv;ultito elle' l of :4;1,,gt
YAP alt,o le hos ,,1 a serene. ;nilint;, and til.
i' f tit wenn these men are under treatment in the lady who will self no rets rat lsasn•r
The Australian soldiers, like the g
only men who diel not go were those C inadians have aeon a hit of the
debarred by physical defects.
profession of forestry in the degree
to Which the graduates and students
laced themselves at the
service of their 'country and cheerfully
(be rdd1(144 more oil to the first) lutes accepted a tragic record of casualties
tie,,nne almost fit foruse again, but it surely stands in the forefront of all
ei '
ling added rat a time.
Process of Cleansing.
l is thoroughly boiled, and
edam l 0
according to the men from the south-
ern Commonwealth they have seen i
nothingin the way of sport that ap-
• "
matches they have watched on the 'R'�� Si
Cannellini rinks, I
oue nccuuati na end apparent, ar a?r - t I,• t
fait er a en ••:u , e ,sea t n•. tined tend:, where it gone through it.s'I Canada. Loiter;, .tom - C Ontario Military ,Convaleacert hos- Postcards at 111 cents at sot.
hiliiv and her nrnspecl of sueres- in r,,: r •n:.... ,•Amer of eleansin r, and from the and 'from men in desolate trot
t h•fl r ai A 6 1
t • toe. -1 cnurs of ''.;;, i, ,n ,; t=., ,; Ict„ t^tr r,, ,ah:--, , d rot into neve of the field of war, thoroughly pii;al they have enjoyed the open air soia)ntaih Extension iiatiarmis of tv sod
augmenting h-, encu l t t ' drawn off in ne with the t't
, et;,t•• t"•:,'t, a ws, c. let
an : , t•rink in connectamr a ins'1 tt-
•1 t' • 1 f the bus}Hess of.
training will not he eousyk'l ,. ar:t• y : t u. p.,,o, r,, n. sal• Larruls, hmncsrdc enc net o
e Where there are ehildeen under 1.0' v.;ai s, rad a t,nrw4 ,.r m,. Lionfl, and leat•ned to cut a few em•ves 1
00 :.••ut,e s,. „a„a • 1r,•nts to s 1 1a to Vag:, their price t0•day is fighting, nevertheless refuse to cone- of age, Wiles:, a,lequate prnai- , c ,„ran b, - n a than before the war, plain against conditions or express re -
The fine 'expanses of
year 5 t r, r t nu h they
sion is made fol. Duet. care. ,• , t. a r n, to : ens es tee I y I skating surface in Canada area no-
, e fur til • i-,ainin,. ••'+ i, r-11,1%1,' ,°1 `t ' " u : and who, the ware thrown away after I Bret that they were called to a peri. welly to thein.
lh feE t sm•ut • u erl. •Al present every rag is ois and exhausting' task,
t of m-iistnnance i nee -me in :ro_r_,. u'rtts'a:zr nnt>(. as, nM3ra7x _c
. ,nw� a �,.r• ,r::;�s,� _ .. x =,_. a :tfl�� T�m�•a,oNr
Scud us pour isms ;tad ,we fedi ',eh)
you 14111 cards. \1'hen sold, sena urs the
money and n•,+ x•111 s,q,d you the 11 ,1 0
let. Address:
1 1 the "11f
of cost
1l lJJER. Ito (D •-• I I'1GOWti
' WR_ 'sr4E P1iit 1"'' i V1Whl VI 1II °FFf it:5...3
WE1 I:N--b.rlivr At,4 �it Willi Nov9 . t•
•'4ou SORE' ABarur' 1 I • -..--..,l ..e.
1 W/''11' ici 5Et~ `CHAT NE.bj
F) r1�1 'Jou time TNF15 o--�
OrrelLC} a �orkitiSr �ca_
: lb kit.la
TOL fro Principle= of the Nett 'lo'pedo.
Welt , I'1-1. SA)/
L kr•
MEMOt)AND1M IN 10))R Poc10 T,
er imps NEW RI13DoNS R.. •
YyPE1VRiTE(R,) i+t4
1 C'✓J
The Walch torpedo le 7,o lei 1,••1tele n e_i
that the pilot bearing portion 11 de-
tachable. It is etlaclt's,} 1•. the 11:ri,•
body of the torpedo with le,eve met
controlling device, whish nee :sable
reach of the operator, Tic. tn,pc 1 , i+
provided with an sir cls i al• , 111'}t 1,
communicable with the , ,,1.uhern
through a soda: of t nen tu•nis.
When it is travtlline• ori i t, .rl', c of
Lhe water the rompree 111 nie t.,' l 1,)
the engine is Oleo, ttmo tide
chamber, Wine til: °.,,, •.a, :dl
merged the air sage- n,'' bee.,,' *1 :u d
rho engine draws ifs eite hem a mutt
pressed gas tank, The t n, ;,,.lo 'fake
be submerged to env ,, 1•,71'! depth
at the will of the eperet,:e,
When the 111,, nein :,obntr:.•ro. i-: in
striking 11iat11nc4, of it.: ;.,. the pilot
operates a red witiclt een<uatc,,, ilr,
torpedo body froth the plot section.
As 50011 as the teepcdo len left the.
pilot; the weight of the em1niive, lutvur
portion causes that. section tr, 1•1711
over and the tops, acts as rat ke•:1, 'file
pilot Ran then open the hatchway and
procctd 1,, ,-1, to hi, • ,.:•sxel,