HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-2-28, Page 1VOL„ 46 NO, 35 i;li.,trict .l:ctuz ,°l,sr.l Per 11 MOH in Advance IRUSSELS. ONTARIO. 711UIi'`;D.-1 Y FEB R'U,Jk'Y 28 *1918 Molesworth A l mek. Lrle1, '4Smlokee v9. 1000x10," twill be held in the A'lethndist church here nn Friday, elareh 15111, (loud Bowden) pecan/101 81140. The pro( tante will go to the dyed C111/814 1111111N, 14001011 to hand by your preeenre, Wroxeter Allan Ifnnze left. Ili the Weld. on 'Phu edey leer., Mile; Pearl leauke, Shelton n1', spent Sunday at het Jaime, Al Ise Della 1lo itetford, 'Toronto, spell ( a few (hey'( at her house heri+. Sergi, Lawrence, lnmdon (temp, spent the tveek end at his hemp hate. Mrs, E. Cardiff and Phildreu, el eerie to witeltip, reLurOetl to their• home on Sunday. Mrs, R, J. RItwi is upending a week with her mother, Mee. Hastings, near Wiogham, John (e :nil] hag disposed of hie dray bneinese to the former, proprie- tor, Peter Milligan, Rev. Sidney Davidson, Bolgrave, preached on Ed motional work or the Mel:ho(liet chimed) Sunday eveniug. Next Tuesday the regular monthly mupel:iug of Howick 1\futual Fire In- surance Dit'ectm's will be held in their 011iee here, Saturday, March 11111, Is the ,late of D, Itifc'Cavi9h's clearing Auction Sale of Earle etock, implements, See. Read the list on page d. Mies Hazel Van \releor 19419 tender - Pd 0 surprise party by a nuinher of her yonug frieuls hl lualor of bee birthday at her home Snl.urday even- ing, ,Lev, elle Robot t1), Mitchell, former - 1y of leeenxeter, has been very ill and was unable to take his work last 000- (lay. 001 friends wish hint it speedy t ec1vet•y, •••o•o•••••o••••a•®••••o•• e 0 • 9 9 9 a 9 W. H. KERR, Proprietor. Severn! (hang,in 10111 eel ate bite helm math. tre0nlly• \V. C. 1i8'le magi sa.t aihl'r property Y t)w mammy( by W. Patine' 11' S, 0ntln'is. 1), t\lc y0.11, 11toviek, 11014 put HUMP() '1.91o1.1 110)111 oft , 1(41(1•,,('1', 11uwick street, Bmf 1.00 !Meet. bought, 11erboiil IYet1- uing'e piupeety, 8 Lizzie 13nkee, 111100 of the Hide. teeeemany conk JdarP melee 1111 ever- t g 1( D. About 25 giteele sett down to 1 h elegant u'ed,ltlg break- ' feet, Rev. Mr. McCulloch pin))OOed a 0.1111)1 to the bride to a meet epeeeh, Mpiiy beout.itol and useful gifte were veeei veil by the bible, Au enjoyable reception twee hold in the evening. Olnniee selections were rendered 00 a phonograph' Mr, And Mee. Mc- leacheanl left for their Western Moore na•rying the best %visiles of the num 810(1') frfe11de for L1010 prosperity and happiness. They visited at Toronto and iVfnuipeg en route. The briek bowie and la acres of hand owned by Jacob Long and tenanted by A. J. 111. 1lrhn, has been pueohttsed. by W. P. Bray, 91Ii Com, Grey, price being $1450. 1t is a desirable proper- ty and will Make a very ' onrn- fnrtable home fol Mr, and Mrs. Bray. They are handing over the faun to the Inanagernenl, or the moll but Me. and Ai VS. Bray lusty not move fur moue 111011111) yet, The late Alex. IIICNait' built. the house and the nm' chaser got a hnrgain. Cranbrook Wedding belle may ring here before Junta. \V01. Ottnlernn was re-elected on 0111 '1'tdepilarle Beard of the Brussels, (lrey se, Morris Company. Friday ever niog last 1111. Ludiea' Aid of Knox 1'reebyLeliau 0110101, Ol'an- ht•nulr, gave 0, Compel.. PI'oceede which wet, $27.110 woe forwarded t0 ft. A, Cameeen, Totem Lo, 'TteaholPt or 11e .4ru1('uit( fond, Jae, Knight 0un)a'i1)111od HOveral8010eliors by Lhe wnu(1etl'tll ledieou Aeolian \which were gre•attIy appreciated, The floe 14 1(11 property containing. 150 acres, 111 Win. Perrie, located ad- joining this einem', has been 101d to J111/108 Dlelce011, 11 L1 0011, Grey, who gels immediate possession. He paid 812,000 and takes the tams stock, hu- plewelLs, &c, i\Jr. Pence and fatally may go 0, the \Vest as that climate. appellee to agree better with Lhe eldest son's health that 011ttaelo, The peo- ple of tide community will be sorry to seri them remove as they have proven a worthy tardily, . One sort is overseas doing duty for the Empire. 1\L\'irti JtteXte re— A. very pretty wedding tonic pule at Lhe home of 111,0ett !.end (Mrs. Menarey, 000 Con„ G11'y, Tuesday evening or last week, when thele young -wit (laughter, Al WES A1 111111e, 11/,0/000 the bride of \Vestry C. D1rEeuhcln, or Pilot. Moe ud, Alin, Rev. J. L M0011110011 oflieiat."d, The Wide who was given in matriagl. by her brother, William, wore at lovely gown tilwhit' (011 pupliu tvitlt white eat in trimmings and (tarried a beauti- ful baguet of pink roses and ferns, Wedding iiela'ch was played by bliss dem98•4®0400•••••••••••••• • • • - • • 0 0 0 1 • 9 9 • 0 0 i Goveiw'i ©yA MilniCiPal Bonds • e ••a• a •• e •Yielding' g?to 6 per cent • • Victory, Loan at Par less 5`' Discount • 0 6 , 0 , r e are Q d 5t Securities ori a tl � � I e i the World 9 • Why not make your Money earn 9 • 61 per cent instead of g per cent ? 0 eeiys Limited e Temple Building - - Tot -onto 0 • • 0 • •• • • O • 0 0 00 to 7. a R. J. R., Shortill, A. H. Macdonald, ; 9 • District Rep. Ethel, Ont.• • • 09•••oo••••••••••09••••••• as.*e r 011g9T14+a,.,,aeb,ere•aw•••4 Th ffii 'r � rbiket Fun Our Boys are Thirsty They Need Thirst -Quenchers That Will Not Hurt Them The On Levin W. 0, T. U, is endeavot'ing Lo raise a lewd of $25,000 for ftee '.Cee, Oo0o1, Coffee and Lenoma(le, The National Y. 141. 0. A., whore the 0001)io W. C. T. U. is aidin will need 9550,1100 en cover, their free drinkable'), b' The W. C. T. U. has ah(8ady sent to Fiance, mainly for this purpose, about $0,000—but the need grows more insistent, In addition to 'the free drlikables, the Ontario W. 0. T. 11 has beentne responsible 110 the Y. M. 0. A, for the cost of printing re weekly leaflet or cheer and epiritoal help, w11101) 18 being SO`llti through the Mails to 11.11 the • t i 1.1 the forwent trenches, who express a desire. to receive it, 'p c ft era of the men for this bit of 0ornf011 can be judged bythe r Woo, cul' preei division of J 0 foci: m nae ed then alone, and lvtthin One mouth after 4he i$sue began, 15,000 solYlfers asked (hitt their Hanes be entered on the "Pay Book betake" List—the: leaflet Nein 80 named from the fat.( that' they are designed Cn 111, inter 1 hie soldier's )a g Tn mid in raising tine neceasaey funds the \'V, C,'1'. Tl. of th i y b 1,ill shorty hold a is town will Silver Thimble >«; �: �� . Trinket Day When they will ask every citizen to look through Omit. ss 1 )oesecans r useless, 11)19anted biLs of gold and sliver teinkets di • Pbroken, y ling table silver, ')corded jewelry or ster- ling of the followingarticles will . thankfully received and the proceeds of their sale used for Lhpurposes.e above Old gold or silver thimbles. Brooches. Chains or rinks of chains. Scarf Pins. Cold or Silver tops of manes or Umbrellas. Bracelets. Rings and Ea 'rings. Silver Match Boxes. Old Geld or Silver Watches. Odd Cuff Links. Studs. Watch Charms, Broken Spoons, Forks or Toilet Articles in SterlingSilver,-. Coins in Gold or Silver, which have been monogrammed punched.'.or All these articles wi11 he melted down aid the eoce0 forward t.renehes With the hat mlese drinks 1 ee used: to flood the s 1 los Dar boys 80 ,reed. Art.inles that 90111(1 bring 111018 Krone if sold,than "sweep," 8(101, Collectore will call en th01 a t as 1)u) tap,; Will be For further )articnlars Apply Public the neat futtne0, 1ic MRS. A,' MoG'illltle o' MI41J, I,. SKKEL'1't7N Henfryn Edward Collis se., was called to Viet nolo, B. C„ hast month owing to 1101111,889 of hie mother, w110 is con- siderably improved we are pleased to state. A'fr, Collis (vee detained for 3 days at Ohfcagn, owing to the snow blockade. He weite8 that the potato m'a'te is floutishfng where he is and pests are 3 inches high, ample evidence that chi Probs. is pulli rig on a most, desirable weather program 18 com- puted with ram A,'etie experience with snow and ice. Alr. Collis expects to be back in the course of a few weeks. Ethel Arts. John McIntosh, Toronto, gave Ethel friends a call last week. Rev. J. \V. Johnson preached 011 the Ashfield circuit last Sunday. W. E. Sanders got a car of oil last week, 75 barrels, enough for 8 months, Don't forget Patrinlie concert Ft 1. day of this week. We expect the treat of the season. David Milne was under the doctor's care for a few days last week. Glad to see he is able to be around .again. Preliminary arrangements me being set: in motion for the School Pair to be held here next Autam. It should be a good one. The interior work in the new office for' Township Oleek Macdonald is be- ing pushed along and the building W111 soon be ready for occupation, A special meeting of L. 0. L. No. 031, will be held. next Monday even- ing. A large attendance requested as bn8iness of importance is on the pro- gram. Wm. McInnis has rented 1118 farm M. Krauter fur a year Will. par - poses goingWest soon hat will leave wife and family in Ontario for the present•. R. Dilworth has been almost confin- ed to the house all Winter. We hope the Spring air may prove beneficial to him and he will soon be able to be ohne( a8 1)snal, Joseph 'Chonenn, of St. Louis. 19 visiting his sister, Mts. James Pear- son 9r.• He is engn.ged as policeman at the Nohel munition works at pres- ent neat' Parry Sound, Tuesday of t11i8 week Earl and Mrs. Eckmier and kiddie, who were here for a vi91t left Ent, their home at Blaie- more, Alta,, followed by the good wishes of a wide circle. Lest Sunday evening . Rev, Mr. Stafford, of Brussels, preached to an interested cotlgregation•in the Metho- dist church. The Edtroatinnal inter- ests of Me1ho dl.9 ut we1e presented. Concert, i Towne hip the Inman i Fri- day top Hal] Pei da evening of this week Y g under the di1eeton of Ethel Girls Patriotic Club. Program promises to be enter- taining, Help a gond cause by at- tending, 3no. and Mrs. McDonald went to Termite on Monday combining hnsi- !ORS and pleasure. 'L'hey will no d nubt attend the big.. Alliance meet - ng and hear the noted orator, 'vVrn. Iennings Bryan. ileo. 1)1. McCall hna sold his 100 acre arra, It niflP West of Ethel, to Louis AVhll:field, the price being $7300. Ile els pne8ession on April 1st. Mr. 1IeCall 1148 not decided where he will create but as he has the local agency or the Gould, Shaply .lv Mnir, tn0l(1l)eey, Brantford, he will con- in tie to (lo bueiness 111 this commonl- y. He (twos a 50 acre glass farm (111 he 71.11 Con. Mr, anti Mrs. McCalll ave lived on theft, homestead for 20 ears. He will hold an Auction Sale 11 Tuesday, Match 191.0. 's. M�John Eekroier, Alberta, 18 visit- lg Ontario friends this Winter, he to her sot, Roy, have been in monks for some time, he having en - siva in R, 1`, 0. Mrs, Balmier is in own at present visiting Mrs. Hansuld nd Mee, C. Ecltmiee. IL is about 10 ears 810100 her fleet visit. Capt. "Bob," Pearson, M. P. P, ,ought a collection of souvenir's from le battlefields of France, including a Orman rifle, pistol, bombe, swords, (diode, spears, pipes, monocles and her entail things the numerous ,to entiot. They may be seen its Me- onald's store window. Stanley Speiran had a lively time et Friday. When turning out from o chopping mill his sleigh siew,ed' id struck the grass, tipping sleigh 1'r far enough to chimp hien and his ung brother out: ..Stanley ,dragged the fines until he came in contact th seine rigs at Pollard's shop when was forced to let go. The teen rtned West for Brussels and only era 8101.1) distance \viten they over-„ nit Geo, Bateman. J'hey,,.tei•.-reit, in and themselvert opel a -dawn and ter a sit010ti•�111 �trianrageti to got 11)4111 feel; once more and turned t0 Mrs, Sanders' yard where' they r1, captured, Not much harm Was ( g t f h y n it C' S lc t a y b tl G h of in D Is th ar nv yo on wi he tit go to 111 of pn eeet we 4'4•d'•I 11"1"1•'1•✓ '++,teietee++.y..;,,N•7•,h.h,l! 2 , Trams r Hi a � Cam Off TARI'IN(i w•xt. Monday the eZe m(11'01e0 at„1t a 1111(lg trains will he eaneelled 0)) 010 1',', (1, & 13, 0011 1'tu thee notice. 'l'hc' ether trains are expected to 01111 1,11 preheoLSchedulr', viz., Termite. train so ill arrive at 1132 it. 111, (when it le riot all hour lase) and afternoon Lraio, going 1111.t, at 332. 13y this Bolt+u(lid au•angemeul. people 041 go to Ethel and back 1(12days by twain. eVe 03101111.1' who (tams Ulla 0(1111)1ay, the people o1' the tall sways. ++++++++.14+++++++++++ +++++ done with the exception of a crate of eggs getting pt'etty well set molded. As Dear as you could guess about 3/3 of the people in town wee in pursuit. Morris bliss bfary King, Bleevale, was a visitor 0» the 4th line teat week. Mrs. Elston Caldiff and children were visiting relatives at Wrnxete,, The mine for undone Statute i,atlne for 1018 is placed at $1,50 per day by the Township Council. We ate sorry to hear of 100 serious illness of 14Irs. Russel 010.01e, 4th line, but wish her a speedy recovery, Richard Procter was re-appnin(erl Tax Collector for 1918 at a salary of $125 00. Ice's en old hand at the *1,191- 11895, Owing to the resignation of Daviel Laidlaw, as Sanitary Inspeetnr, 13, Newcombe was appointed AS his suc- cessor. A clearing Auction Sale will be held at at the home of the late Jno. A'loouey, 5th line nn teriday March 15th. bliss Annie Spence, Wiugllao, VMS is visitor 191111 bliss Mary Spelt., 4th line. The Spence family have mewed to the Dobie farrn, Wingha t road, The Forel touring car of the late Albert Howlett was pm•Phased by Tom. Miller, 811 line, let the Auction Sale Thursday of last week. He got quite a bargain. If itis a standard bearer to latrcee(1 A. H. Musgrove in North Huron, what's the matter with passing the honors o s over to Richard Prorker, a well known resident of Morris? Are you going to make a try for one of the 7 prizes offered by East Ilnron Agricultural Society for Lhe Standing Field Crop Competition ? 61.00 gives you the opportunity if not now a member nr the Society. It's a ,lead cinch and there should be 25 entries fu Morris township before May 1st, The d 1 eamlLlle homestead property of the late John 141noney, 5)0 line, containing 100 (001015 abouta mile ferm i Brussels corpo•atinn, was sold this week to Charles Rintnul, of Wing - ham, for the sura or $7,400. PurP.hn- et gets early pos1essiol. W, R. blonney and his mother will ,mews to Toronto it is said, Mee. Monne)' and her late husband lived on 11ii1 101110 for own. 50 years and she is one of the very few of the grand old guard left on Lhe line. Mr, Rintoul has se. cured a fine property and will he welcome to the locality. He recently sold his farm and has been living in Wiughern. There was a large attendance at the Ai,etion Sale al; the home of the late Albert Howlett, Thursday [thernnnn. Prices ranged high. F, S. Scotia was the Auctioneer, lefts, Howlett, will mak her e lel hounP totl ,e meantime with hr e 4•.10.1 c t n Hn11P p tt1114 S 1 t II hI) She1 carries n a wlti her ren the 11,114 wl hPs ofa wield cheat,' of friends L. and Mrs Hollinger and fondly of Beneeels, have Moved to the farm whirl) Mr. 1011ingel' bought. We wish there the best of 011005/8 Oil their floe prnper•ty. Sale totalled over $7,000 The l;:x- ecutore, Wm. Taylor awl FT, 0ender' son, looked after their duties in good sherie told in a hnsiness-like manner, SUDDEN DEMISE --- ,.111)1 Sat nrdayy night ni 10 o'clock Ala'geret E. Col- ley, beloved wife of Llenty Johnson, 5th tine, passed away to the Great Beyond, wil.gont 11,01 vgle, She had not been very rot 1st. for ')encs time, fighting at)a.Pnlin, but 00118 1.1111' rn be about. Her si8)0,', Mrs. i, .1. Wil - 111010s, 131y11., had visited her Saturday afternoon and net early ten woe got before she lel'( foe 1914'. home, Mrs. Johnson going 10 the 011Lter 11) see. her off, Deceased retired to bed at an early hour followed later by her hue - band, He was roused by a gurgle in his wife's throat at; 10 o'clock and be- fore anything couid be done she pass- ed away 1n the arms of her partner in life. The funeral took place, Tuesday afternoon to Trinity church cemetery, Blyth, 110 service being conducted by her pastor, Rev. Mr. 13awkins, 1)e. ceasedwas the 2nd daughter of the late Joseph and Mrs. Qnfley, of the 2nd line, Morris. Here she was born and from the old horde went 20 years ago to be queen of the household of her now bereft companion. She was in her 57th year, This makes Ole 3rd death fel the home circle in 2e years, Annie M, entering into rest in Oct. 1015 and Charlotte Mabel following in May 1010, the (daughters now being joined by the mother, 10 addition to Mr, Johnson, one inn (Wil. Mui'ray) and 8 daughters (Mester L , Jottephine J., and 14Jyrle E.) snrvfve M hold in loving memo] y, the life of one of the best of 01011ters, 2 eisl Pl a (140s,• 1131(}. limns referee ,eq,1i*1111;, T. Coulter, Win h in r'and 3 bratilers, JlaB, on tura' or.estead and Joseph in the \Neat are living, The 1idele01 of title notice wa8 an attire evneker in Trinity church, Belgrave and employed her talents in the Sabbath School, Guild, and other activities In connection with the church and neighborhood, • Iles' home Was 11e1' Wnga'.»I, however and flatw sire will be mos) - 'Hw , 1 1 1 f f 1 n I., .1.1nwe who tit 01y live in the happy proepeet (1f 1lnvlug 11111 brolum Miele re -pulled 1111 he 11)1';1 ci bye 'i'h'• un - 1001001111,1 h1.te,tlraoln1 11'ti .' I11.11 „111 the deep ,c'nl e01l.0 „I 11. eemieunity in the suddel, deport...c1' , f un a %vide. ly resp•i'lyd 111,11 (;really It'lnve(1, AUK, t) NV/t1.011, a 1..In. I resident of! nushilte, 11n,ris lu(vuelup, outwit rttvey0,1ileeh11i.0ill hi: JtOil' n, 1111: 11,1'(' 111 1Ciuc'llydlw'tt'tt e -111p, „n 4tn1- 1 1)' I Ill'ninp, 1''1.11. 17th. 1)r,-, I.,, 11 111111 1,1,1.1, in 111', 11,11.,) leettele until the time of Isis .».Iden 11„) h, wlo,'11 111011.' '40.011 t” la. itnlily. 1.10 to 1(1(1111/ 111„ 111 t. 0/ 11 14,1,l 41111 1,0111g 1111.1111.1111 ,cud 1,11 hr•t, 1i., It 111"n', 101 111001y 111111) 11,1111 81101 111/411, of this Inealtty and 2'3)111'), Phos. 1)11,1 Rnbl., ilis°2(4i141ers, 3(135, %Vtrl. Getedes and Mrs. Nelson 'rho.111",6 both of Bine- V1(11)11.., i ne- 01(Rr., of , ah., "1,17.1480 .Ic W011,1e,, of oh11edcbfll'e,31111101Alta.\S; tWli(1 Ji.ohn, of 3110(11 i1vp, art' the 8uevfvi(1g 1,011104• 1fr. \\reteon Wm a life hung lnelnl,nr of the, ele(hndier eliere1 and oleo of the 1. 0 0. 1+, Pnu''r„1 took pi.tt':- 'l'ne'rlll7 10 111001100 11, 1{)(Iger•, dine, eonduc,ted by hie paster, Rev, Alt'. ro 111T(il'li1tn. 0v M173INATIIY.—T11e fol- lowing Ietlee received by .111)1 Law- men, 411 line, refee5 to the delni.H of hie mon ie Mance :—Duan. 1111.. LAW. HON, -1 de8tre 10 express to you my very 5ineere sympathy in the retteu1 (lec'eltse nF No, 054077 Ptivate John Rohl. Lawer.11, C. E. F. who to sacri- ficing hie life at the front in action with the eleny, has rendered the highest setWiees of 14 worthy citizen, 'l'1.e heavy loss whish you and the nation have 8I'Lained would indeed be depeeeeing were it not redeemed by the knowledge thnt the heave” comrade 1'o' whom we mourn Per. forlued his duties featlesoly and well as becione a gond soldier and gave his life for the great Nurse of human liberty and the defence or the Empire. Again extending to you in you in y1ut' bereavement my condolence incl heartfelt sympathy. I Ism, Yours faithfully, A. MEwBURN. Minister of Militia and defence fox Oanada. Walton 0, P. R. berm Terms.—Following is the 'elate Table of Lhe 0. P. R. as it: 1e- lates to Walton ;—To Toronto, 7 32 a, m. and 2 50 p, rn. To Godericl, 12.18 and 0. 04 p. m. Afternoon train East 30 minutes later and the noon train a half 110110 later, Despite the clisagi'Table weather, which interfered with the. 41011(1000e SAKI 811 111 off part of the program, the debate anuouneed came off Tuesday evening of last week on the subject "Resolved that a Manicipal Hospital would be a desirable Institution." With President J. J.MeGevin in the chair and It set of Judges composed of Rev. Mr, Oraik, Miss Bessie McDonald and Mr. Laiellluw, the coast was clear for the excellent addresses delivered, The Women's Inl1titute was Well rep- resented by Mee, (Ices,) Lundy, Mrs. J, J. elpGavin and Mrs. Jn1111 McDon- ald, who piled up arguments for the aflleruettive, while James McLaughlin, Will, 1itlrray and W, Farquharson handled the negative in good 81ape. Decision went to the ladies, Another debate is to be put on dealing will the live question of Oonsnlidaied Schools. Belgrave The Patriotic Society shipped to Hyman Hall, London, on Feb, 5th e military 1)111(5, 2 suits pyjamas and 48 pairs of souks ; on Feb. 21, 42 Pities of socks. The Society <t will 1001 next Tuesday at the home a of Airs. Da.vld S • c0 LL A Ll 1LLY) BR triim ay SUMMONED.— Friday morning of last week Alfred Bradburn, of East \V1Lwauosh, de- parted this life in his 0711i year, Ile had been in failing health for the past 5 years from hardening of the arteries ttndhis demise (vas not unexpected. Deceased wits born in Durham (,0110 ty and moved from Cartwright township to the Richard Corley from, which he purchased 8 years ago. He is surviv- ed by his wife, and 2 sons (Bertram and Melville) and a slaughter, (Mrs. 0, G. McOrea, all of this locality. Funeral took place last Sunday after- noon and after service in '1'riltity church, by ltev. Mr. Hawkins, burial was made 111 Trinity church cemetery, Blyth, 1)1,', Beadbu('ll was a fine man who enjoyed the esteem of the (Iona- mnnfty. 'l'he 1annual Winter Concert was given andel, the auspices of the Pat- riotic Society fn the Foresters' 111011 011 the evening of St. Valentine's Day. 011 account of the inclemency of the weather, which peevelted so tetany Peon) being present, it was successful- ly repeated Friday evening, Fob. 22nd, In honor of Ste Valentine gay pink and white hear Is, tiny swinging Cupids and many colored tissue balls floated ente'tainingly to and fro, One Own mucic loved "0 I Canada" was contrib. ute0 by the Glee Olnb a1' an opening Monne and received (veil merited ap- plause. Raymond l edmnod, 1110 is always popular %visit a llelgeavo aud- ience, generously eonli'fbuLed several violin 8(11511(1(18. Bev. end Mrs..Dav- idson delighted the nadfenre with duets entitled "teem '1'11113 (1011(.1,m 1. ship" and "lielelnlodnl ",.e l'. 111'. Davidson (11.11 8 tug, in good vnirP,YLhe (eardeti nl'My Heel t" %%bile Mrs. D80415011 contributed 11 110110lg entit- led "Over the hills to the Pornetotse." Ernest. Geddes gave two splendid vio- lin Selections which were view notch alpeecieted, The dialogue, "'Che ltish IA 1101 Pedlar," given by mum hers 0f the Dramatic Club Was a splendid variation to the program, each one. doing t)teir pa's well, "Slue and are would like (nine td hear it (Iglu 110)111' toi(oe." T'lvsl'yeno was delighled to eee Mrs, G. W, Procter once more on the platform 115 Bel Il oncert TOWNSHIP 1I A L L ETHEL f friday u March i st 9� Cuda r anaspiltee o1' The Girls' Patriotic Club Programme Part 1. 1 Jolly Joe's Lady Aliustrels 2 Stump Speech 3 The Coloured Four Hundred 4 The Walk of the Allies A BIT OF VAUDEVILLE Part 11, 1 The New Maid 2 Life's Other Side (in Throe Aet8) 3 PLAY—"Her Uncle's Boots" GOD SAVI, THE KING (tering of "Somewhere in France" brought prolonged applauee which con eitmed until she reappeared, giving 1.19 1011 encore "On the road to Home Sweet Herne," Piano duets by Misses Geede's and Artnstrnng pleased the audience immensely. The pantomime "Crown Him Lord of All," by 12 girls, assisted on the piano by Ml's. Ernest Gedtles and in voice by Mrs. Davidson, was executed with much grace and charm. Rev. A. M. Boyle cnntribut- ad a splendid reading entitled "The First Settler's Home," 'Tor Canada and 0101 England," sung by the Glee Club, brought the program to a close. The accompanists of Ole evening were Mrs. Ernest Geddes, Miss Eugene Geddes and bliss Edna Scandtett Proceeds 8110,00. Grey Next Council meeting will be held in the Township Hall, Monday, Alarch 11th, Airs. Donald MoQuarrie, Brussels, is a visitor with ler daughter, 3(11)1. Thos. Brown, 10111 Con, Win. Lowe will hold an Auction Sale of ,arm slick, implements, etc., Wednesday, March 13th at 1 p, m, Miss Bet the Blair, of Densmore, Sask., is visiting at Jno. and Mrs, Kirkaonuell's and with other old friends in the vicinity. On the evening of Thursday parch 701, a Red Cross tea, will be held at the borne of Alex. Dunbar, 4th Con. You are cordially invited. Lunch and gond program. EN(IAcniMENT,— Daniel and Mrs. Machan announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Rebecca, to Porter A. Dennis, the marriage to take place in March. During the past week Jno. MoQuar- ria. of Montreal, has been making a holiday visit with relatives and old friends 01 this lnoality. 11e is a son of the late Daniel McQuarrie, of Brus- sels, Auc i u t o sales era on the program A g next weal: at W. 7,1• ' Ou diff'') 7th Cott, on Tuesday lues da Wm Mc s' Y , Inn, , 911 Cnn,, Wednesday ; Wen. Wllit0eid's, 1211 Con„ Thursday ; S. Burke's 1st Con., Friday. The 50 acre farm of Thos. Brown, 10th Con., is offered for sale, owing to attacks of asthma that bother Mr. Brown, He thinks he would have better health if he went West, hence his proposal to sell, AUCTION SALE POSTPONED, --Owing to rite inclemency of the weather haat Tuesday Donald McNeil's Auction Sale of Farm stock, implements, 8ca„ at Lot 24, Con, 14, (Ircy, was post- poned until Monday afternoon of next week, March 4th at 1 o'WWeek, Tlte'farm of \Vm, Alelnnes, North of Ethel, has been leased to M. Kreu- ter, of the same line, An Auction Sale of Farm stock, implements, tt&e., is announced by Ma Mclnness for Wednesday Mewls 010. He may take a trip to the West where he was sever- al years ago. List of Sale may. be read in this issue, A FouerPBRESIDENT P,•\95ES AWAY. —The Oryslal Cil)', (Mao,) Courier, of February '2111:, gives the following pa111100iers of the demise of Aheehaw George Welsh, a former well known and highly respeeLed resident of Gt'ey township :—The 1 the death of Abraham George Welsh metered on Sunday evening l elmet:t•y 1001, 1915, Deceas. ed 1)149 born of Irieh parentage, in Western Ontario, 82 ye11I'9 ago. Ile made his hone in 1•Iueon 00011)y be- ing one of the filet to settle in Grey township, wf1e1•e he resided until 0 years ago, when he came with Mrs, eVelsh io Manitoba to make their nano n'ith their daughter, Mrs. R. J. harpe of this town, Of the family, tie clatlghlt81' died 25 years ago. His tel) -son, John A, Maxwell, fortnerly esndentof this distilee now lives in \Viunipeg, 'Tovo sons, G. II, and J. I. ncl one daughter, 1)1i' AV'. A. v1' .Lt Oids,gAlln. The youngestBson, hos, 17„ was a, student missionary 01 u atriawhen the wnr broke out ire 14 and he is of necessity a reeident 1 that country for the duration of >e tsar. Grandma Welsh also sur - yes her aged longhand, residing Witl or danghtor, 1lrs, It, J. Sharpe, of ystal City. Grand a 'Welsh was h S 0 s iL 13 A 10 tl vi h Or grave, 1',l' rel• almoat, a life long mem bel. of the lenge i' e Ish lure r 0 1, but 1 levant . t 1( r �•, ti 1'1111 VI t I- t chi p re( 1 t (• 1 11 the thumb PI u 1'• l I kl r , , (.odea by t he family, 110 was g1)1111ly beloved by hie faintly and 1•tmed. All of whom will misty his i'atrxillar 1»e,ruce Hutt 11 the t lmise,lH, CA14m 111"'l'21Ah1lle,-130 wish to ex - 131.T58 0110 Hint'('re$l lha.kI to our ntigl11ots and frieuile 111' their deetls 01' help011l kinloe'a 111111 w111,) 1.1 t-y11i- patlly 111 the 10 year,. "I' sic lows, and nlsu in the death of hoeha,ll and father in lite person of 1'4'al, Baker, Hr. They were It 111,11 help in our hour oftrial and will 14''n tntlh a g1't°'7rt1t) 1.1t1,1- 7n, Mite. W. 11,5.141014 AND FAMILY! \Vedmedaay of One '):eek .tae, Buil Mlw. i-Jnggrt(1 anti daughters left 1'.,t' Weir bmm' at Raymore, ;cask.• 1111e11d- iug Lo call on ('('1111!8Ps at Winnipeg; en route, They had been here for the past'2 months, Alrm, 1loggtud is the eldest, daughter of W. and Mrs. Rands 12111 Con. Mies Ida Rands aeentupant- ed he, sister on the Western ,journey, We wish them a pleasant trip and a safe arrival to their loneetead, The Auction Sale of J, P, 1efoKay, 8111 Con„ was a good one, 101(1100)0 $4,100. Bidding was lively and fair prices realized. A Pall' I0 uonthe mid sold for $80.00 and the White and Brown Leghorn 1)01)111ybrought 81.23 apiece. Mr. met Ales. Moray will move 111 Ierus41011 hearing the esteem and re'epeel of limey old friends in this township. Milton Parr, \who bough the farm will take poteiresion at nice. Richard Cardiff and 110011y, of Brussels, will move bark to their farm on the (ills Con., vaoated by Mr. Parr who had it rented, Mr. and All s, McKay will complete the circle by moving to the house Mr. Cardiff leaves, Queen street, Brussels. Ouiou, RY.—On Sunday, February 17th, there passed away front our midst, in the person of IVm. linker, an old resident of the township of Grey. He had been in failing health for the past S years. Deep/teed cane to Grey about 4() years ago with his cousin, J. IL Baker. In religion he was a faithful member of the Angli- can church and in polities a Ooneet•va- tive, I(1 his declining years he was watched over and nursed by his lov- ing wife and son. Such devotion 1e1 very seldom realized. '1'ht ongh all his sickness he wee never Meted to com- plain and waited patiently for the call front his Lord. He was conscious to the end and was ready when the Mes- ter called hila. home. The subject of this notice was born in Devansltit•e England, in the year 1840, came to Canada when about 28 years of age and Look up the occupation of fart,. ing of which he made a 500ceee. Mr. Baker purchased Lot 33, (',on. 10, Grey, a number of years ago and hewed nut for l,itnself and family a comfortable home. About 37 years ago he took for his partner Jn life, Hiss Ann Young, of Grey and from this union were borer to them two sons, (Wm, 14„ of Grey, and Robt, J. at howe) and two daughters, Mrs. Harry Luddiugtorr, and Mrs. John Ellicott, tenth of Dime) Funeral ser- vice leas eonlucted by the Anglican minister, Rev. Mr, Dunha; Lietowel. Pall bearers were, J. le, Baker, enneft of the deceased, John Long, Brussels, Edmund Campbell, Atwood ; Henry Fogad, Grey t and itis two sone -in-law, Harry Cuddington and John Ellicott. Deceased teas laid to rest in Monet Pleasant cemetery, Ethel, He had 3 brothers and 8 sisters, (one in Eng- land ; John, Desel'onto, who prede- ceased him about 2 years ; and Rev. Robert, who passed away after a very useful life, about 30 years ago. 4 sisters have passed over the river ; one lives in Toronto and 3 are in England. The cup was bitter, 1 sting t le 1severe, To r. ' part with one jewel loved. ear, The trial was hard, we'll not complain But trust to meet in Heaven again. Jamestown 3110. and Mrs. Blair, Goderieh town- ship, were visitors with S, and itIrs. Burke for tate week -end. They are (100061115. The 50 acre farm of S. Burke, 1st con. Grey, :has been leased by John McEsve11, of the same line. Mr, Burke's auction sale takes place Fri- day afternoon, March 8th. List may be read on page 4 of '1Y310 POST. Tuesday evening of last week A'tiss Ida, eldest daughter of Jas. and Alrs. Kernaglan, MLA invited to the house of Pte, Jno. and Mts. Miller where she was treated to a generous miscellan- eous "shower" by the young people of Lite community, expressive of good wishes on her approaching marriage to Garrison Jackliu, of Abbey, Sask. He is a son of Wtn. and Mrs, ,iaclrlin, of Gley, township. A fine social time 13.05 enjoyed a11d many good wishes expressed as the company separated, thanking Mr, and Mrs, Miller for the pleasure afforded, Dt>L7(OALD SIMPSON DECEASED.—We were very sorry to heat that Dongald, 2nd son of Andrew and the late Mrs, Simpson, of Jamestown, died very suddenly of het') failufe last Friday, ab his home, Denfield, Ont„ aged 52 years. Ito was out attending to the chores wren the call came, Atr. Simpson had not been in good health for some time. He vitas born here and do attaining manhood lived at E,1- grave and least Wiewlenosh before go- ing to Denfield. 22 years ago deceae. ed married Miss Jennie McGee, of Wawanosh, and she 2 eons, (Calvin and John) and 4 daughters (Della, Jean, Isabel and Olive) 9111•vlve, The funeral took place Monday afternoon, interment being Made at Carlisle cemetery, Andrew Shnpeon and his son, Thomas, of Afoleswo'tb, and Mrs. 1+rank Smith, of Brussels lnrlality. Mister to deceased, attended the fnn'r- ai. Mr. Sim )son was a fine spirited elan thntl 1 f 11 industrious r �tL. t and g kindly, He was a faithful member of Ole Presbyterian clnlrch. The be- reaved will share largely in the 5ytn- patbies of a wide circle of flieuls,