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The Brussels Post, 1918-2-21, Page 8
eeeli•-1'e•144•♦•Pertestee.46t6•ro444.40+44 b4044•1♦•i•♦+4.4•a4•♦•ba•l•aa•♦-1-esese M 1'i * u l �a SMITH °" ik 7he Store 4. 4 • .5 •a k t it Strt the ! dens Laying New when Eggs are scarce and lend high everyone would like to +6have their hens laying. Don't be 3 behind vote neighbors but have •i the bens laying. Careful atteu- t lion to them and a liberal use of • t ss Poultry • Panacea • d• 6i will bring about the desired re- • suit, Panacea is a guaranteed egg producer, will keep a flock of ,T, fowl healthy, make them strong • and hearty, and start the pullets + laving. It is fed with other foods • and enables the system to take + egg -making materials from the l• stuff fed. Price 350 pkge. + There is also a larger pkge, cons • taining three tinges as much -85c, 4. Hess' Instant louse Killer ? Kt else Hens healthy and clean - 4 m"st effectual for destroying lice ,y on Poultry. Price 350 pkge. a. k Hess' Dip and Disinfectant 4. • Put rhes the Mr, cures Parasitic + Skits Disorders. 500 tin 61' Stsogood for Cattle and other 6 4.4.• ♦ b 4. a The • Rex Mier • 0 • * ♦ rl feels Goodoothe Back ♦ • • ♦ d• • As a first-aid for a bad pain try a Rex Porous Plaster --a Plaster composed of Benetton. na with Capsicum They draw out the iud+mtnation and in many cases bring a quick relief. We sell a lot of them and can recommend them for Weak Beck. Over-worked Muscles, Lumbago, Colds, &c. Price a5c USEFUL PKGS. ADHESIVE PLASTER In pocket size tins, 10 & 15c COURT PLASTER Se Pkge, ABSORBENT COTTON STERILIZED GAUZE, Etc, F. H. SMITH Store Druggist and Stationer t • t ♦ t 4. 4. 4. 4 t ♦1• ♦ 4•+4.+4+•4.♦4.♦t♦t .1-04444+44 t0t♦+♦t♦t0+04.404.♦+94♦•r♦t♦t♦ Oca1 eb. 4tents LA GRIPPE• COAL is still shy. PLENTY of soft water now. RoADs are anything but good. WEDDING Invitations at TER POST. Get busy. ZERO department of the thermometer is being over-worked. Hoes and eggs keep at high prices, the former at $17,75 per cwt. and eggs at 5oc per dozen. A portion of the horse shed at the Central Hotel collapsed Monday from the weight of snow and ice. MANY a tumble was on the program duting the past week owing to the slippy side being uppermost, TRAINS from the East are nearly al- ways late and makes it trying on the travellers and those interested. THE Mulheron Concert takes place in Brussels Town Hall, Tuesday evening of next week. Reserved seat plan at Fox's drug store. • WINGHAM boys came to town Tues. day to play Hockey. Result was 5-5. z local boys made up the shortage on the visitor's team. Ate opportunity to secure thoro bred stock will be afforded at the big clearing Auction Sale of Wm. Doig, Tucker - smith township, on March 1st, Read the list on page 4 of this issue. ENGAGEMENT,— Robert and Mrs, Henderson announce the engagement of their daogjt ter, Isabelle Buchanan, to J. Harold Speir, eldest son of las. and Mrs. Speir, marriage to take place Tuesday noon of next week. THE reserved seat plea of the P. R. Mulberon Concert in the Town Hall, Tuesday evening 26th inst., opened at Fox's Drug store Saturday of last week. In addition to a chorus of 5o voices, Misses Grace Walker, Isabel Strachan and Ruth Sinclair and F, H. Gilroy will contribute vocal solos ; Miss Tones and Mr. Mulberon, piano solos and duets ; H. L, Jackson violin solos and Mr. Hannah, London's favorite, will please the audience with elocutionary numbers, The program will be spec(slly good. SHOWER,—Owing to to the anticipated removal from town of Fred, and Mrs, Oster and sons, to their recently pur- chased farm near Walton, the members of the young ladies Bible Class hi the Methodist Sabbath School, taught by Mrs, Oster visited the home last Mon- day evening and presented the hostess with a handkerchief shower, accompani- ed by poetic and prose compositions original and otherwise, Mrs. Oster ex- pressed ber thanks for the kindness of the young people. A pleasant evening was spent and after lunch was served the guests separated for their respective homes regretting the removal of Mrs. Oster but wishing the family the best of everything In their new home, church and community, RED CROSS CIRCLE,—The regular meeting of the Red Cross Circle was bold at the Home of Mrs, 13, S. Scott, Tuesday afternoon. Owing to the un- favorable Weather, attendance was small. Meeting Wes opened with sing- ing of the War hymn followed by a short prayer by Mrs, A. J. Lowry. No special hesinese was discussed, Mrs. W. H. Kerr reported that 67 parcels, containing one pair of socks and oboeo- late, gum, oxo, etc., that had been so kindly donated through the baskets In the business places of the town, had been parcelled ua for our soldier boys and would go forward at once, The Committee is requested to meet at the home of Mrs. W. H, Herr Friday after - 00011 of this week at 2 3o o'clock, for the purpose of sewing labels Ob socks and the regular meeting of the Circle will be held at the home of Mrs, R, Leatherdale Tuesday, 36th inst. MONTHLY Horse Fair in Brussels Tbursday of next week, 2Sih inst. THE thunder and lightning of last week presages coapt weather some of the proguosticators affirm. D. C. Ross was re-elected chairman of the School Board f.,r 1918 He's been on the Board for many a year, A goodly number of the Western visitors are turning their faces home ward, to get ready for the Spring rush in seeding. —o— LosT —A brown velvet baud bag, containing money and crochet Finder will greatly ob- lige by leaving it at THE Poem, Fos SALE,—A good Yorkshire brand sow. to farrow Dlareh 10. Apply to J. Nrariv Houvsit, Lot 4, Con. 11, Grey. Phone 2514. 100 PULLETS for sale, R. Tno seoN, Brussels. QrtANToTr of Mar�quis Seed Spring Wheat for sale. AEXERT WHITFtELD, Phone 400. LIMITED quantity Banner Seed Oats for sale. WM. PER art, Phone 2613. ALL kinds of ponitry wanted. Also empty sacks for which highest prices will be paid. Phone 62x. SAM. WElvseele. Hrtax=T rash price paid for butter and eggs. R. TeoM60N. HOME AND Los FOR SALII.—Good frame hours, 2'0sareofland, fruit trees, well, &O., in Brussels. For further particulars apply at THE POST, months old Por salle. JAS. SPEiii from 20, 12 6, Morris. Phone 100. DR. PARSER, Osteopathic Physician, visits Brussels Monday and Thursday afternoons of esoh week. Chronic and nervous diseases successfully treated, Visits residenoe5. Con• saltation at Queen's Hotel. `0 THE snow banks have heap retreating since the attack of the heavy rainfall. 1t may he all the better for occasional reductions. • ATTENTION is directed to the an- nouncement of the Spring Stock Show to be held at Wingham Thursday of next week Good pr'ze list, Secretary is A G. Smith, who will he glad to sup- ply further particulars. BARRISTER S. 13. LAMONT son of Hugh and Mrs. Lamont, Brussels, who is now practising law at Avonlea, Sasic Sask., in renewing his subscription to THE POST, writes 1—DRAB MR. KERR.— "Weather bare has beeu lcvely, although we have had about two months of severe Winter, but fortunately there has been no shortage of fuel in either tete cities or small towns, I regret to note that old Ontario has been up against a seri ous fuel shortage but I hope that the worst is oyer. I have been carrying on here for nearly a year and like the work fine. I wish you continued success in your work." GROW SPRING WHEAT —The Ontario Department of Agriculture has for some years past made special grants to local agricultural Societies conducting Stand• ing Field Crop onnlpetitious and the Provincial grant for each competition has been $5o, This year as announced at the Convention of the Fairs and Ex- hibitions Association, Toronto, the Pro. vincial grant for each competition in Spring wheat is to be increased to $75. As some moo Societies will conduct Standing Field Crop competitions of some kind this extra grant should lead to a material increase in the area in Spring wheat. The action taken by the Government in this particular is a most commendable one. The acreage in Fall wheat in all America ie smaller than hoped for and Ole et•op has suffered severely from adverse weather condi- tions. An increase in wheat production is urgently called for as a means of averting something approaching famine. The only way in which the situation ran be met is by lite Most extensive possible seeding of Spring wheat The call issued from the Fairs and llxllihiticns Association should meet with a hearty response, es r * * * * * * * * * * * * ADVERTISING AN INVESTMENT! Advtrtthin.i; is an invest Ment—not an expense— and xpenstand should bo treated as such. Because it tuts been the habit of some mer- chants to look upon 1t as expense, a V4'roug view has been gained. Perhaps the misconception arose from the fact that in book-keep- ing it his been the habit to charge advertising to ex- pense. Advertising pro- duces new business — it swells the volume of bus- iness and profit—therefore it is an investment. Only the man who looks upon advertising as an expense, who is afraid of it, •preju- diced against it, loses money in advertising. The man who treats advertis- ing as an investment and gives it the attention an investment requires — knows that every dollar rightly invested in this dir- ection yields compound interest—and more. * 1,F * * * * * * Rusioe. has it that one train each ivay will be taken off the W. G. & B. after March 3rd. Gee ready for a bigger campaign of backyard gardening then ever for ice8 Now is the time to plan TiiE Continuation school eujoyed a skate et the rink Thursday Dight of last week. It is an event much enjoyed. PARCELS containing x, candy, gum, &c., are to be forwarded to the soldier boys overseas this week by the Red Cross Circle. DuN',T• Do I'r.—Complaint is made against the speeding stunts put on Sun day evenings after church by reckless drivers. With the quantity of snot" and ice on the roads it is dangerous in the extreme to hit up a•mile n-miuute gait and compel pedestrians to jump for their lives. Fear of danger often causes pen. ple to do tbiugs they would not if they had time to think twice The authori- ties will have to be asked to interfere if it is not stopped. Reckless driviug should he "cut out" on the Mehl street at any time as it is a menace to the pub- lic, especial'y children who are often on the highway. A fall ou the ice, caused by fear of being run over, may often be of serious couscgpence. and any expense shored be chargeable to Jebu's who for get about the rights of others. Weston or CHEER, --A subscriber at Ernfold, Sask., in remitting for THE POST writes: —"We look forward to getting THE POST more every year. It is the first paper read in the home as it keeps us posted in the news round the old honte."—Another writing from Alberni, B C„ says : — 'I see by those 2 leaves of '1'He Pose (which though small is always very welcome) that you have plenty of snot" and little fuel. Why not move over to Vancouver Island and where we have wood for the cutting and no snow 1 Everything green and fl sewers peeping up. Only 10 inches of snow on•Feb. iet and it all disappeeied in one eight. Very little on the moue tains, so we are o k. We certainly could spare you some raiu." From Victoria, B. C. au old subscriber pens the following I—"You will find enclosed sub. to Tag POST for 1918. We are do• ing without a great many tbiugs these days to help win the war but I feel I can't do without the dear old home pap- er."—Sendirg renewal from Calgary a termer old resident of Brussels locality says :—"We have had a fine Winter, only some very cold days. Nn use for me to tell you anything as THE Pose appears to know everything that is go- ing ou," SKATING PARTY.—The annual skating party, ander the auspices of Melville church Endeavor, was held Monday evening at Brussels rink and was nut only equal to auy of Its predecessors but new features were added that we hope to see continued. After a program of reces and fancy skatiug, a large circle was formed by the skaters, presumably to play "Jacob and Rachel, ' Harold Speir and Miss Belle Henderson being temporarily asked to represent these well known Bibical characters, Thos C, McCall stepped forward and read the following address, which is self-explana tory, Miss Grace Stewart presented Miss Henderson with an elegant hand painted china fern pot, while Jim Armstrong performed a like office to Harold hand• ing over a solid oak centre table :— Miss BELLE HsoneasON AND HAROLD SPEIR,—DEAR FRIENDS AND FELLOW WORKERS,—There has come to us the news that you are soon to become one, by the much loved 'and very acceptable process of marriage. May the bond soon to be consummated, be abundantly blessed to Guth of you. You have beeu active workers in d'ffereut organize. thins of Melville church, As in ninon there is strength, thus we look for great- er zeal in the activities of the church. You have both been a great help to the cause of Christ and we pray that your lives may tell more for the church's work !u years to come. We take this opportunity to present to you these tokens of our appreciation of your faith. fel services in the work. Every time you look upon theta, may they remind yon of your friends and co-workers who wish you God speed, Signed on behalf of the memhers of Christian Endeavor Society and teachers of Melville Sab- bath School, G. S'CEwART, Rev A j. MANN After lustily singing "Phey are jolly good fellows Mr, Speir made a brief but very appropriate reply in behalf of Miss Henderson and himself, heartily thanking the Endeavor and Teachers of the Sabbath School for the sppreciativs wordy and choice gifts. An eojoyable evening was speut by all and the cote- pany separated with the expression of many good wishes for "Harold' and "Belle." '1' H R STAAl BA OF CANADA MEAD OFFICE - TORONTO Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- EST'D tela est at current rate. 236 BRUSSELS BRANCH, G. H. SAMIIS, I Manager. OS— 1-7--"EI."IniaMEMBIEtelliese 14 • •eople We Task about tJ� A Rirachan cumb'ned 1'usinese and plec,n'5l0 a visit lu'1oluuto tins Week M.; leucite, al Grenfell, Emile , is ':Ilin EMI] the 'Petrel' Li n1, Mss• K Lwl and t e rt F mils it, tom' Miss Sad e L =nut is enjoying a han- dily visit with ,elatives and friends at List otvel and Walkerton, k Ament 1rippe.l one day last week and to the fa I cracked a couple of ribs, We hope Ile will soon be o k Wyman Spatting who has been a 51011 clerk for sem- ti toe was haul' for the Werk end Fie Ilan entered the Military eeivite and will train at Niagara Fells, Russel Moore, Listowel, who enlists d with the R. F. C, in 'Toronto has been moved to Mohawk Camp, Deseronto. He is a son of M. H. and Mrs, Moore, formerly of Brussels. Harry E and Mrs McIntyre, of Por• Cage la Prairie, Man , were welcome visitors at the home of Hugh and Mrs, Lamout, Queeu street, Brussel'. Mrs ivlclu'yre is a cousin of Mrs, Lamont, This was a wedding tour for the visitors. Mrs. Emily McIntosh, Toronto, is sPending a week or so in town owing to the Mutes of her mother, Mrs. 'rhuell, sr„. Alexander street, who lime had au attack of pneumonia We are pleased to report improvement end hope the patient will soon be convalescent. Will, Burgess got a severe squeeze at the Ament factory, by the upsetting of a steamily of butter print moulds that were being gotten reedy for shipment, A anuple of ribs were broken and other iujsrbes hill ted but we hope he will soon be as well as ever. Monday Rev. W E Stafford went to Drayton to attend the 25th anniversary Banquet of the Methodist church of which] his late hither, Rev C. E Staf. form, was the esteemed pastor. Mrs. Stafford was also invited to visit her former boabut was unable to ecc.rm• pany her husband Rev. Mr, Stafford event on to Elora and visited his mother and sister for a tew days. G A Deadman writing THE POST from Hamilton, Bermuda, on Feb, gth says —Arrived here this a m It is balmy and nice here, like a June day in Brussels, when the wind ie in the South. It seems hard to believe, you have snow and cold yet. The native populatiou is as dark as you will find tbem. but are a smiling lot, some 20,000 strong. Bermuda is some place. Church Chimes S T. Maine, 13, A will preach Educa- tioual sermons next Lord's Day in the Methodist church at n a. m. and 7 p m Rev. D Wren, M A., has received n hearty iuvitalion from the Mount For- est Official Board of the Methodist church, to continue his pas!orate for the coming Conference year. He accepted. Thursday evening of this week at 8 o'clock, a union evangelistic service will he held in the school room of the Methodist cllurOh It will be addressed by Rev Mr Russel, evangelist, who has been here on a (comer Occasion and is v ell worth hearing, The public will be welcome, Sunday morning last Col. Race, who came to I3russels to canvass for the Gravenhurst Sanitarium, gave a most interesting and instructive address in the Methodist church, at the request of the pa.tor who was an o'cl friend of the visitor. A number who were present thought it a pity that Col, Race •should not be prevailed upon to speak in the evening, Upon a hasty consultation with the pg• -tors of. Melville and St. John's churches it was arranged Mat a mass meeting be held ib the Methodist church at 8,15 o'clock. At this Hour a large audience asi mbled and for an hour Col. Race spoke on the "Causes of the great European war,” with many n sidelight and personal experience in his visits to many lands especially LIMBS lined np in the great conflict. Mr. Race is 0 fine speaker, with good com- mand of language and keeps his eyes and ears open as he goes through the world. He has travelled round the Globe and met With many of the cele. brites hence his experiences have been educative and most pleasant. Brussels folk will be glad to have an op- portunity of hearing Col, Race again, His home is at Mitchell where ile was Editor and proprietor of the Recorder for many years. AUCTION SALES FRIDAY, FED, 22 —Farm Stook, Implements, at Lot 25 Choi. 14, lvtsllillop township. Salo unreeer•vod at 1 p, ni, Wm, Robb, Prop.; P. S. Scott, Ane. TOaan Av, FEn, 20t;L—Farm Stook, Inipie. moots, &a., at Lot 24, Con. 14, Grey township, Selo, unreserved, st 1 p. in. nomad Mond', Prop. ; F. S, Boott, Auo, WEDNESDAY,VEIL 27111rand..—Household rand.turn, Hark*, igs, &5., nt Lot 10, Con 10, Grey townahip, Salo unreserved at 1 o'eloek. Jno, Brown, Prop.; F. S. Scott, Ano. TUESDAY, MAROH 6th.—Perin Stook, at Tot 8, Can. 7, Grey township. Sale at I p, in, W. J. Card Iff, Pron. ; F. S. Scott, Aua, WE1Na0DAY, 1341,011 fl'i'rt,—Lob- 22 Con, 0, Grey townahlp, Sale unreserved at 1 p, n1,. Wm. Manilas, Prop. F S Scott, Ano, TnnaRam MARCH 7th,—Farm Stork, lin. elements, &c., et Lot 28, (1011,12, Grey town- ship. Sale unreserved at1 o'nlock, William Whitfield, Prop.; F. S, Scott, Aua, FnmAy, Iv/Alton 8th.—Farm Mack, ImT,la- ments, &e , at Lot 11. (ton 1, Grey 1ownslt fp, Nola unreserved at 1 o'clock S, Burke, Prop.; F, S. Scott, Aue, SATURDAY, 1Astn Oth.—Yarm Stook, Triode. manta, &o., RU T.et 20, (/on. A Reverie township, eels unreserved ab 1 o'alo*k, b, Mo'Snvlslt, Prep.IsSOhn Purvis, Atte, Tile Pos'r would like to see- 11velybudy keep a pig. Abatrulent of cold a:ld 5tn111, REQ Crose!tomti! night et the rink. Business SSsulne normal conditions. A Municipal woodyard, with good :tepee Wao.1 gr..ded amending to quantity and quality 5uonumbers added to East Huron Ae riculturol Society. Auction Sales UOTION SALE 013' FARM s'roesr, I:1rPLL•'AIENTs, &e,—F, 5. scat, Auctioneer, tins -received instructions from the undersigned proprietor to sell by Public Anul1011 at Lot 28, Con, 12, Grey, on Thursday Marais 71h, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following valuable property :-1 span draft urates, 1 general purpose mare, 1 delving mare, 1 gelding rising 1 year sired by K!usgne, 8 cows supposed 111 calf (5 rine in March)1 heifer rising 3 years supposed in calf, 5 steers tieing 2 years, 4 heifers rising 2 year's, 111011. VP 1 year old, '7 calves rising 1 year, 1 blood sow dire to furrow April 1st, 12 store pigs 4' months old, 25 Barred Rock liens, 61) pullets, 3 cockerels, 1 Scotch Collie dog, 1 Frost se:. Wood binder 1111. c•ul with track nearly Harv, 1 Massey -Harris mower, 1 Frost & Wood 1 tty loader, 1 Frost & Wood side rake, 1 Frost & Wood hay teddet', 1 sulky rake, 1 Frost & Wood 10 disc seed drill, 1 steel lantl roller, 1 iliac harrow, 14 -section diamond harrow, 3, 3 -section diamond harrow, 2 scuff - lets, 1 Peter Hanhiltoih cultivator, 1 Oockshutt gang plow, 1 Fleury walk- ing plow, 1 Kemp manure spreader, 1 wagon with double box and spring seat, 1 wagon truck, 1 enhber Ore bug- gy nearly new, 1 steel Lire buggy, 1 cutter nearly new, 1 pair sleighs with bunks, 1 vinegar barrel, 2 oak barrels, 1 30.gal. milk can, 1 Milk cooler, 1 grindstone, 1 sickle grinder, 1 gravel box, 1 buggy pole, 1 32.11. ladder, 1 straw cutting box, 1 fanning md11 with bagger, 1 set 20001b. platform scales, 1 set slings, 1 rout pul pee 1 hay rack, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 lawn mower, 1 cross- cut saw, 1 logging drain, 1 pipe wrench, 500 feet; le in. clear pine lum- ber ber, quantity of other lumber, 1000 8- inch tile, quantity -of wood, 5 bunches B, 0. 4S shingles, ntunbee fence slats, 1 set double harness, 1 set plow hate nese, 2 sets single heelless (1 nearly new), 2 goat robes, 2 horse. blankets, 2 dos grain bags, 100 bus. 0. A. 0. bar- ley, 800 bus, mixed grain, 150 bus. 0. A. 0. No. 72 oats, 30 bus. wheat, 25 tons hay, 40 bus. potatoes, 400 lbs. of salt, fonts, chains, 1talees, shovels, &e., 1 bed room suite with springs, 2 bed - Wade with springs, 1 mattress nearly new, 1 child's 0>111 with mattress, 1 sideboat'd, 1 range (new), 1 rook stove, 1 Daisy churn Nn. 3, 1 New Century washing machine, 1 lounge, 1 kitchen table, 1 toilet set of dishes, 1 high chair, linoleum, a number of fruit jars, crooks, etc. Sale will be without re- serve as Hie proprietor has sold his farm. Tetras,—All sums of $10.00 and under cash ; aver that amount 12 months credit given nn furnishing approved joint notes, 4 per tient off for cash on credit n.mnutes. AVM. WHI'I'I!IELD, Prop.. A. H. NACDONALD, Clerk. Notice to Creditors Iu the matter of the estate of Agues Brown, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased Notice la hereby given pursuant to "The Re.- viaed Statutes of Ontario " that all creditors 0151 others leaving 554,5,, egat,at the estate Of the said Agnes Brawn, who died on or about the Twenty-eighth day November, A. D 1917, are required on or before the Ninth day of Marsh, A. D. 1518, to mewl by post prepaid or deliver to William Cameron, ono of the Ex, a- utors of the last Will and Testament of said dceca..ed, nb Cra,brook P. 0., their Christian and Surnames, addresses and deserip thane, the full partiottlars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the t aour- ities (If any) held by then. And further tette notice that after such last mentioned date rho Executor's will proceed to distribute 1+1,5 assets of the desenoed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard on- ly to the claims of tvbiclt they shall then have notice, end the mid Exenntors will not be lia- ble for the said assets nr any part thereof to any perseli or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by them at the time of snob d)strlbntinn, Dated itt Ornabrook M1(018111 day of Febru- ary, A. D. 1018 DI148. THOS. CAMERON, •.uxeoutors. WILLIAM GAMMON, Notice to Creditors In the muter of the est ale of John &looney, late of the Township of Mo:'tis, in the County of Huron, fa mer, deceased Notine is hereby given pursuant to "0`ha Be. viand Stntotes et Ontario," that all a'editors and other„ having claims against the estate et the said 401111 Mooney, who died on or about the it'em'teenth day of Dream her' A.D. 1017, aro rerinired ml 1'r hrfw•a 111" 815(snubh day of hl nrnh A. 0,1510,1),, •mu, bynm E p' r n 1,l or de• liver to W. 05. S. *nowise 0„0 of the Nxenutore of Inst veil1 and Teat anent ofanirl Chemisr5, et 13rnssels P. 0., their Christian e1d 8u cosines, addresses aid dneerip1,l ns, the fill tportionlars of their Melina, the atilt moat o1 their nremnrla end the nature of the minorities (If any) held by En m, And further take notice that after mush Inst mentioned (late the Hold Executors will pro. need to 111 -tribute the moots of the (Bram ied among rho mullet oulitled thereto, having roe liand only to the menials of wltirli they shall thele nea natter, and the sold IAxreators Will not inn tinbio for Gin said nstets or any part there- of to any person or peraoliI. of whom) Maim natio() shall 001 imve been received by them at the time of such distribution. A, Dated Morrie this 18th Clay of b'obrnnry, JANE A. MOCN1Aif,2 Executore. W. R. S, MOONEY, f cid'UEiikSllCatobeiliaata6faae•OSSf/OlosrpOott>ICrga•abseaserd't000•060110 a a 4) 05 In 0 ,'„ t H 1,k { K 'b5kh, a H w. ..v ), t s.rl,fY ,,:.tytwr,.71 4^: f� ,+,* f. Y a x4R� V a • a a a 0 c Facts of Interest about se E. the Greatest Success in el go o History of Medicine 0 1) © a 0) et et 1101116 than Niue Million bottles 0010 ill three yours, 0 25 0VEIt IEighty'Thousand 13utLiee Suld by Jttenb's Prete lacy Company 3 at retail through thou' eleven Al 11111111 stores, ED 0 e a) DEMAND fur Preparation has beolcetl all world's:records for the sale ire G of it proprietary medicine in Lite 5151111' length of time, and is con- 0 esstanlly inet•eaaing. 0A S LARGE, and Model Laboratories at Dltylnn,, 0liio, occupy (10,000 0 (0 square feet of trent' speer.. Otepaei1>' of plant: recently doubled to a 1,2 tante care of rapidly !nceessing business. Pee,seut capacity 30,000 ♦ e bottles daily. a o SBRANCH Plata recently established at \Vindsor, Oallada, with a capris - 0 ttcity"i f 8.000 bottles daily to supply 11'eme)tlous demand in the m 0 Dominion of Canada. m a P11 1LI0LY Indorsed through the Daily Press by 1111111 of penrnincuce. es el 0 thrnttghnnt lbs United States and (tamale, including Supreme 06 0 Court. Judges, Mayors of 1511111111; mules, d u Lawyers, 1)ortors, Bau.tk- 01 ers, State and Government Officials, Prominent Eeators and 1,3 m, Ministers nl' the gospel. a aFAME of 'Medicine has spread aver entire Amel!cau Clnntinen1 and it o is 11100' 1,t household word fluid OOILHL to 0011,54, front the Gulf of 4ii e Mexico to the great Lakes tllrough,ut Lite United States snit p 0 a Cauadu. a oTANLAC is Pttt•ely Vegetable and is minimised of the most benighted e pools and herbs known to science Finitude ouluplies wil.h nil Nat- 0 glunar and State Pure Food and Health Lome of the United States 43 a and Canada. Y a ABSOLUTE: MERIT responsible fol' phenomenal and unprecedented m a success, the greatest moor of which is the fact that dealers who 10 bought 'Pantile three years ago when it was tint place(] on the s d market are still buying It 111 ear.I0a(1 lots. a 0 rnris 'l' all other great successes, has its Imitatol'H, and although d there are now 01, the market over (1111) 111111d red preparations Oahu- 0 0 dug similar Otteapeulir. value, ninny of whim) axe copying the or - 0 y a igiital'rai dee advertising, life populalily of this preparation con- t'.inues to grow and it is now uury11eeti0nably the most widely- O tensed -of medicine. in lie world (.o•dtty, el S 0 •0 H o For salt, only at '0 0 0(N D;,s- m l d A O 4 Qa l5 a STORE DRUGSTORE p 9 a 8 00000500G5'0000500500eisa aowo,o055(Ots0.i0t0ktaeseaeo•siaseas9ieiema6 BRUSSELS MARKET Wheat E2 116 Oats Peas 8 80 8 80 Barley 1 45 1 45 Butter 30 88 Eggs 01) 50 Hogs 17 75 17 75 Har 10 00 14 00 Potatoes per beg 1 50 1 50 BORN #2 1'7 CAmnsns.—In Boudoir, on Feb. 16th. 1010, to Mr. nod IS rd. Chas. Outliers, a daughter. 85 MARRIED HAstuiSNn—$peTIuAN—At the methodist Par. menage, Ethel, m, February iltth, 1018, by Rev. J. W. Johnson, Dir. Stanley .1. A.Hnut- mond , of Maitland, Blatt tolvn'ddp, to Miss Laura Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr George Spe1ran, Grey township, DIED BASES, --In Grey township, on Febrnnry lith, 1918, William Baker, aged 77 years and 0 months. BEswt'sHEtlhcir.—Suddenly in Corrie, on Feb. 17th, 1018, Janes N. Beewitheriolr, aged 52 year's. SaeeemN. Near Reston, Man., on February 1591,1018, Annie Gilchrist, beloved wife of John Skelton. For Sale - Good Value About two orree of land withcomfortable fl eine 11¢ntae, stable and hen Nonce; good wall; trece . About 4 miood cellar and nutes woodshed from bearingpol11oei. The above property la situated on James at., Brussels Particulars may be had on enquiry from the owner on the premises. i GRANT. For Sale Horse and lobe, containing 0,7,1 acres In the Village of Oronbrook, the property of the Into • airs. A. goes Brown, is offered for sale. Frame hem., barn, fruit trees, &e, Possession could be LI en at 01100, Far further inuitioulars up - ply -to ply en or,, Tate. f the late it Ar. (es Ilr wn, Exonatoo estate of the late Dire. Agnea Brown, eranbrook. 80•4 Abstract —OF VILLA OF FOR THE f Accounts T11L— F USSELS YEAR 3917 15160B/PTs Cash mtluuld - $$11708 11 County anon ,t levied .,... , 1487 00 Caneolidntad lona fouled 802 74 School orris $t levied . 2871 80 Twp, Morrie $21 211; Gov. grant,. 128,60 ; c Twp. 11 levtsd00 170 711 ohool to Tvvn, im'ro eme; mop. Grey 0 07 Loctd improvement levied 1700 01 Bhnki+eg l llo .. 1172 61 Brussel", Morris & 6roq 'Tel. System114117837°672866(1 1476 OU Brussels rats 6ont11'1'nrnberry St. pavemont ..... 2$I 04 ltesident Taxes 2409 41 Dog'1'oxee Rents Licenses Files .. Miscellaneous 68 00 050 15 107 84 $40102 87 EX-PENDITIIRB County Treasurer $ 1008 70 Consolidated loan 802 74 School account 8006 00 Schnnl ton, 0882 10 Imola Improvement ' 002 40 Dominion Per. Lofts Co. (i,oanl 46no 00 Garskle &James By-law No. 8, 1000 828 75 Brn55ol1, Morris & Grey Tal. Syetem12014 00 Bnnth'1'tunnborry Pavement 120 40 Beath Tnrnhet•ry Rand . 685 Of) North Tnrnbarry Street Pavement 174 10 Corporation Eleetrlo l,ightli g 1812 84 Salaries and Allowauoes 846208884 98 els Prtuting 54 00 Intoresh - 821 80 Road" and bridges. 108 88 Charity 1711 Fire p'o1ss81on - 10 00 Street i.i66•hting 142 (l4 Town Hall aid weigh scales 50 75 PttblioLlhrary Dlleeallala0uo dlcbursehnenta : 807282 0700 Cash on hand 00 $40t020805 87 County account Consolidated loan Bohool 550allllt Solwolloan SinkingFund ... .... ........ 1 10rusea, Morris & Grey Tel. System... $'22680 84 BALANCE Si1EBT $ 15 10 R Street D Flshlai h 1,r et D lain $ 870 10 888 00 South Turnberry St, pavement 8250 80 17 21 North 0072 71 807 50 Cash oration Street Lighbing 1012 84 6062 8A 7.00al account 0010:88107105 087 8.1 0140 08 Cash on hand 0806 08 *110806 0.4 ASSETS r`oah on hand ...... ........... o C 0805 06 Unanlleoted taxes ..., 8000 00 6 per cent nddod 16 UO Hell rents Twp Morris, school .neoottnt 411 04 Fishlei h 81. Drain .. , . - 275 10 Bruesals, Morris 15 Grey Tel. System,, 211886 08 Local Industry 2080 04 O'arl,berry South Pavement 8250 HO Turnberry North 0072 71 Corporation Street Lighting 1812 84 Dominlon Permanent t,oan 4000 00 Mortgages 011 real estate . 5421 24 Menielpal Debentures 8540 07 Fnundry 10011 00 ))'own Hall 2056 00 Fire Department., 4000 00 Pahl)¢ Snhool 0000 0n Twit Bell ..,..... .... 000 00 Weigh Settles and Band Iitgtrumenta,,, 400 00 $70081 10 IAA T3ILI'rmis Cmnonlirla tern T,oan $22200 00 Public Sehoo .. 7500 00 1,0001 Inrorovement 4000 40 rinrslda & Janos ........,.r ................ 002 00 13rnaeels, Morris & Grey Tel, System,28010 68 13nia1o0 12765 00 570081 10 We, the AtiAltora of the Mime 11rn"sats Con•pm'ntion fop the year 1017, haying. nxainlin ft all the mows and en¢onelo of the Troaam'O•, haw, to 1,005E Ilia sane souse , np 1>er fore• goingreports, and lied in the Standard and Bank of Nova Seotin, 0aah an bald $0805.00, T014NFERGUSON, 2Atlditor9, Brtte801a, Jan, g4111, me, 47CBLTA 'GBR1500, S