HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1918-2-21, Page 4e trouts Vast
THURSDAY 1r1:1112('ARV at. rg13
Sidelight on Life of Alien Enemies
Interned at Kapuskasing Camp
In Northern Ontario -- How
Guards and Prisoners Live
Aninteresting letter from a
Canadian internment camp, the
censorship of which is veru strict,
has been received locally, and
throws sidelights on the lite of in-
terned Germans and Austrians
who are within our boundaries,
and the trouble the government
goes to in keeping these alien en-
emies so placed and -provided for.
It will be noticed that the Hague
convention k lived up to in Can-
ada, when it comes to the Euro-
pean distinction between en an officer
and a gentleman and. the tui I (-
strapper. In the internment camp
written of, there are otlicers and
gentlemen, according to the.point
of view, and all have their ser-
vants. The- officers do not work,
but the men do, and the latter get
paid for it, strictly according to
Hague rules.
At the outbreak of the war
there were several internfnent
camps in Canada, but the number
has been reduced, until now thene
are only- four—Morrissey, B. ('..
Vernon. B. C., Amherst, N. c
and kapnekasing. in Northern
C)ntrair:. Most of the prisoners
have e either been released alto-
gether or transferred from the
lust bow far they can go without
being pulled up with a ir'it. The
first class and second class quart-
ers are divided and very little in-
tercourse is held between the two.
The second class prisoners are
housed in bunk houses, with bunks
which are identical with the hunks
used b\' our own boys. Your know
the breed which generally keeps
company with them all winter.
These men run from fairly intel-
camps. abandoned. The follow-
ing gives a general idea of the
operations in one 1'f the camps:
The prisoners are divided into
two classes, the first class prison-
ers are the men who \Mild be of-
ficers in their own country, officers
in the reserve, you know. The
second class are the men who
would not he officers, but in a
number of cases are lust as intel-
lectual as any of the first class men
and more S so than some. The first
class men have orderlies picked by
them from the second class, ani
they themselves are never asked
to do any work of an\' kind. I am
pretty sure it would be utterly
useless to do so, as they have a
very high idea of their import-
ance. They put the British fair
play up to one at every turn. Of
course, I must admit they are not
at all troublesome, but the main
reason for that is that the,: know
lectuaI men down to the common
type of know-nothing Hunkie.
The second class men do their
own fatigue work and for this
they, of course, get no pay. P,e-
sides the fatigue work these (nen
are given jobs shovelling snow
around the camp, cutting wood,
using a circular saw, and the var-
ious odd jobs which are inevitable
around a camp such as this. For
this work (unless it is for their
immediate benefit) the men re-
ceive a working pay of 25 cents
per day (this being the sante rate
as is allowed the troops for special
work). A gang of from 1.5x1 to
200 men are engaged each in fell-
ing trees, reclaiming land for the
experimental farm, which is run
in connection with the camp, and
upon which some of the prisoners
work in the summer time. These
men receive So cents a day for this
work, An escort, of course, is
always in attendance upon any of
these gangs, and there is a stand-
ing order that three prisoners call
for one man as escort. This how-
ever, cannot be carried out, as
there are certainly far ton few
troops to carry out that scheme.
The working hours are very long
(? ) and I presume mluly, of the
men in Clinton, engaged upon
bobs the equivalent of these would
e rather glad to trade hours with
these men.- From 8 to 12, and
forth 1 to 4 are the rather ardu-
ous limits placed upon their en-
deavors. The troops have hours
which put these to shame, as they
average at least 1.3 to 14 hours a
day, and seven days a week, too,
while therisoners of war do not
work Saturday afternoons or Sun-
days, except in extreme cases.
These•working parties are count-
ed going out and corning in and
each escort is made responsible
for his own quota. With the
larger gangs a roll is also called
upon the ground upon which they
GEN. LESSARD, Inspector -Gen-
eral for Eastern Canada, nada, is be-
ing sent to take charge of mili-
tar, tCrair's at Halifax :ts Sup-
ery 1,;or of '1rainims, Col.
I ling, Of Toronto Military Dis-
trict, is going with hill( as Gen-
eral State Officer.
have been working, making it
very difficult for anyone to make
a get -away, without being quickly
found out.
There are, of courses sentries
pasted all around the space in
which these prisoners live. A
double wire fence runs all round
the outside 1')f this space and
sentries patrol the outside of this
at all hours, a guard of 30 men
mounting each day, and these men
being used for escort duty while
not on guard. The compound is
about three; ;a')d city blocks each
way :tad is irregular in shape, but
square rather than any other
There are many ways in which
the prisoners pass -their time.
Some of them paint in their spare
time and some of their work is
really more than merely credit-
able. Other.; are interested in •
11'10,,c and a mixed string and brass
orchestra is at present doing bus-
iness under the leadership of ane
of the prisoners. This orchestra
renders concerts every week or so,
and believe ale some of the gond
orchestras ( I won't say the est)
f th, country could learn a Mink'
Int from this I -me. A bookkeeping
and commercial class is run and
man of the prisoners attend.
This is, of course run by a prison-
er of v a1..
It is with a feeling of relief that
the decision of the Ontario Legis-
lature, not to hold a general elect-
ion till after the war, will be read
by the people of the province.
The thought of introducing the
disturbing elements of party- strife
at such a time as this, when the
minds of all are absorbed with
lofty ideas of patriotism extend-
ing far 1 _+.'and the confines of
their own immediate borders, was
not to be endured. At the pre-
sent time -we are all "thinking
imperially," and it is irksome to
be drawn away from such con-
t. "•+A•ev,&1x 1Nl '.•'Yv 'A 'Y "N.. •1^1.-A iY': J,.'A:KA:`#N r�T�-eR�+. rYt{e5". ,�'[G4R!0. Ra4AY'. "'14: Y4'•Y r M.L.F'Ft, -. 'S- i. -..� ..
A11`!'ll't(,11i.I11 I''Alt11Mll('1'•. 101111\ ?1 f \1 1
1 St 1.11 A11.,1+, 91,.7 _.1�. ., ,not!, 10111111,'1 50914 1,17 14140
.11101 11111'(0ilar, 10011 10,44 11011'11 11y 1110
41( 141''11 by I'uldi,' .\ 0011011
„i 1' I 53, 1''1,.,. 11, 11''11)11 p. n,
1"y, Vet, _".'el, .11 I rl,(h, 111„ 1'01.
(.1111100 pr p l ly 1 g, e , .I
1'11• . , u' n, 41y1.111.1,1 0111, 1 1.11101114
I11,11' :1 yr 11.4 ,411, Invl(eal, 1411.1 by
1.1151 w.,ek. Vii Da; id Camelot], ex-
,'.trd,•n ,t 11110(11 Co, recei ed word
!r„ill .A 1141( 1' 1leadqualh•rs, London.
11111 a 1111 44Irq medal was (herr ;lvai14ng
his order.
1•h medal was won by his son, Pte.
D. A, 4:antel•111 on the battle field last
April but did nut !IVO ling enough to
have it presented t4 trim,
The late D. A. Cantelun on the 0th
1.5f April. with his platoon captured :t
German trench. but became caught in
Their awn shell tire The sergeant io
charge of the platoon called for a -vol-
unteer to go back n, headquarters to
report (111 the state of affairs. D. A.
at once volunteered ;1(,d by so doing
saved a .real many lives.
411 Maw mrd the young soldier vas
killed in action.
cents unless upon the most urgent
necessity, and such necessity has
not arisen in the present case.
It is a tribute to the good sense
of our "government leaders that,
irrespective of party affiliations,
they are able to merge their own
individual interests for the com-
mon good of their country as a
whole. In the extension of the
life of the legislature in Ontario
till after the war, by unanimous
a`eement of both sides' of the
house, is seen another pleasing in.
dieation of the spirit of unity
which permeates the land. It is
an earnest of a strong, united leg-
i'slath e effort which is the best
guarantee of tangible results.
Returning soldiers are being
discharged in some cases at least,
before they have had a sufficient
opportunity to find a place in civil
lite. A small sum of inonev is
given them at their discharge
and they must then shift for
themselves. The severe mental
and physical strain through which
they have passed often snakes it
impossible for them to quickly 'it
themselves into the positions np-
ening for them. Again, the ser-
vice who find it impossible to se-
cure employment to which they
are adapted. This is a condition
which ought not to exist. The
medical boards should definitely
assure themselves that returned
)nen are really in condition to
resume their place in civil life be -
"Prisoners Personal I Poredif Scheme
The British War Office has sanctioned an arrangement whereby
one parcel which does nut contain other than specified articels may
be sent each three months by private individuals in Canada direct to
prisoners of war other than officers interned abroad. The parcel must
he packed and despatched through the postoflice by the relative or
friend of the prisoner and must hear a coupon, •
The nextof kin -h s first 1, 1 has tlr t 1 1440( to the coupon and can designate
to whom ,t may be given if they do not wish to use it. Persons wish-
ing to send parcels under this'scheme should apply for the necessary
coupons, if they have not already done -so, as early as }possible.
Coupons for parcels intended for prisoners belonging to the Canadian
Forces are supplied by the Prisoners of War Department, Canadian
Red Cross Society, 14 Cockspur Street, London, S. W. 1, and in the
case of prisoners belonging to the imperial Farces, Allied Forces or
Civilian prisoners of war, by the Central Prisoners of War Committee
4 Thurloe Place, London, S.W. 7,. The list of goods which may be
forwarded is as follows:—
'i'ooth Powder
Cap badge and badges of rank
Shaving brush
Safety razor
Bootlaces (mohair)
Candies (8 ounces)
Medal ribbons
Brass polish
Mittens (one Pair a .quarter)
Muller (one each year)
13111'1' 111111 belts (pr'odided they, Chess
are made of webbing and in- Checkers
elide no rubber or leather) Dominoes
Persons are warned that the parcels are subject to censorship,
and the inclusion in the parcel of any article not mentioned in the
above list may entail confiscation of the parcel. The maximum
weight of the parcel is eleven pounds, and it is advised that they
should not weigh less than three poflnds, so as to minimize the risk
of loss in the post.
Handkerchiefs (one a quarter •
1 Hair brushes
Tooth brushes
Cloth brushes
Cloth (rushes
Pipe ights
Hob nails
Shaving soap (one stick a quarter
Health salts
Insecticide powder
Poeitive--Convincing Proof
Many so-called remedies for anae-
mia are only so in name. Their mak-
ers are afraid to prove their claims by
telling what their medicines contain.
The only way to be honest with the
people is to let them know what they
are paying for, Here is the Vinol
formula. When the doctor knows
what a medicine contains, it ceases
to be a "patent" medicine.
T.! Cod Liver and AeefPeptones,Ironnnd
1' Magga,;,•+,: Peptenates, Iron andArn-
ntonium C,trnte, Lime nod Soda 4lyc,ro-
phosphutut, Cascarin.
Any doctor will tell you that the in-
gredients of Vinol, as named above,
will enrich the blood and banish anae-
mia and create strength. When the
blood is pure and rich and red, the
body is strong and robust.
You can prove this at our expense
because your money will be returned
if Vinol does not improve your health.
fore recommending their diS-
ehare pond the military authorities
should ,, further and retain all
such men at least for a reasonable
period until employment can be
found for then(.
The sale of oleomargarine in
Canada promises to be short-lived
if rumors, which have been cur-
rent in Toronto for the past week
are true. 11 is said that the United
States Food Controller's depart-
mCIlt has placed an embargo on
the shipment of margarine into
Canada. Canadians arc just be-
ginning to develop a taste for this •
butter substitute and to appre-
ciate its use as a step towards
,.'cunotnv, but unless the United
States Government decides to is-
sue special export licenses to U.S.
margarine manufacturers, Canada
will be forced to rely upon its own
production. If cottonseed oil, one •
of the principal ingredients of
margarine, is included in the etn-
manufacture of margarine will he
seriously handicapped, as we have
been relying on the United States
to supply this oil
SIN yak') 1 ('44.1911 Isar, $111'!'0 row.
whit 0.1110), al. r.nl, 1 eow dun 4' r(t)Wo
11.111.11, 211,14„1•v rising 2 19'0.1
u'ifr's 1',log 1 }'ear, 1. ynunl• ealw,s4, 1
Jq•'t •1:'110'11111('•"497(1',•11'1.•''
1{00'9 Id Inool b, aid, 123 O. A 1'. tired -
1. -)ay \111( 1,0t...10.1 it hen'., 11) -(.ting
010(1 r, 1 11 110)' slow et, 1 hill. • rake,
I mail)9111',. 1,11Iiv'11111, 1glii4,10111',
:,3 roll.11,1( p?its, 1 .1.4 •1 drill, 1 n+'nn,
1;;r',4el I, s, 1.1'1 4 b-Hla•ighs, 11n+y
rurl„ 1 :.el II ,m l,ru((w's, ('1..l light
1, 'h -'neighs, I ham] ('1(( 114,:9 I"'x. 1 1'tul-
I,11,;; mill, 1 glair curdle, 1 bay luck
(941111111,1, ('.14)1'5 411111 hllllew 1 .'t of
slings, 1 rain indoor, 1 5114(.'111,0 rut', 1
top 0114;,;4', 1 1'114(4 cru ), 1 culler, 1
(.t un'6oat(, 1 '.ruin'(, 1 sugar kr tl le, 1
sed double harl,'.S, 1 -lel ('10111 11•'1'0-,
1 Daisy e111.113l, 1 110141114; 0(1150, 1 PX.
1emsioil 1(1b10, y1( oltitty or hay, (quan-
tity of oats, quantity or (nixed gl aiu,
ytnulthy 1(l' turnips told unt,gnlds, 1
National t91 van) ep:ti•tttot', 3 5val1.1'
bat rel., nnn(b,•r c t' ;pair' hag's, f, 1.k•.,
vvth's, 01,11011 tun, unuler0ln; 0411,1
(01(,4'4. Snlr nrlt•as'119 11 111 pr1prirl-
4a is 44iVIu44 up 15004(4;. Quantity or
1'0111 ill .4 0014, (inlultity or Novel heed,
'Peru's --$,i and under rash ; over that
5l11'(1 l) 111111'111t11s 4'1'0'(111' given 1111 /I 41-
P1 -0v0(1 Jolla, notes. 4 per cent off rut•
o-ush on credit aluulult94.
\\'1I. 1(O1313, Proprietor,
AU("PION 1443r11d11 1)1' l•'Alti4l
S'1.(4('14. IsPLJCMICN'rN, CC. ---John
Purvis, Au'tiou"1, bus 1ereive(4
instruction, fr,nu the um), 1sigma'
propri',5a- to sell by Publ11 Auction at
Lot 20, ('o1(. A, hlowlek, 54,urllny,
Nlat•rh 0 1,, al 1 ,''clod(, sharp, the
1ollowinn vnluntdr.plrpet 1y:-1 brood
fume 11 \01'041,111 in fool 0o \ll.rut, 1
inn,(. 11,(11; 15 sir d by 11x.1101, 1 lily
rising -I sited by .11as'nl, 1 filly rising
3' sit ed by \bt.enl, 1 roll rising 1 sired
by 11,t.r01, S fresh e1dv/'d'1 n', 411)5•H
i1( eltlf,'2l,eir'Is 2 years old do )air, 41
heifers rising 9. y-111 In,. 5 heifers rising 1
14(4 , 4steel s )Isin44 1 year. 1 Ih110'-
hr•4d 1 04 loon bull 2 y,'urs old, 4 young
naives, 1 1,1,','11 sow dile to farrow
\larch 25, I brood vow t0 farrow April
8, 2 y'4, g sow(., -12 Lull' legh'.io 1,01144,
00:1111((\ good timothy illy, 5111! lits,
(pi '1,1 y' of seed oars, 1 Massey-
. 11111'1' n0tu'ly' 4180' 7 4't. rue, 1
F, os, \1 and 11104%10 wally 01,11' 014.
0111, 1 Massey I1(4441 is mower 5 0. cur,
1 10.1't. bay talc', 1 \la'sev-1108 is
rnitivalnr, 1 sand brill, 1 141,1
1 set 5 section hal rows, 1 set 3-rethe,
harrows, 2 walking plows, 1 2 fu, row
plow, 1 wagon, 1 8944 115h•sleighs, 1 11)15'
1,0.)4, 1 slunk 04(•44, 1 buggy, 1 cut 104, 1
denuu''lt, 2 sets double harness, 1
sugar Ice(Ile, 1 gi indstone, 1 gasoline
engine 2 1 2 10. p, 1 saw, 1 set 12(10 lb,
scales, 1.l''anniug mill, 2 logging chains
and 0111(71' 54'tb9-,4 400 1111111er0U. 10
1114011011. Sale bill be without. l(.1'(v'
404 prupr(etnr has s01l furul,
Under the regulations laid down 'fbrn,s.—All 85(411 of his 411(1 under
by the U. S. Food Control Depart- east, ; aver 11(1(1 10110/1141 10 months
Malt, it is necessary for an 1'X- (•4e414144iven nn I'urui.hing approved
porter to secure a spacial license j"'"I' nut's. 5 per rent '41 cash 1(u
rnr credit i)
amounts. , 11c'I'A'Is1(,
for each shipment sent out of the P150i lel 0r.
country It is understood that
about ten days ago the U. S.
officials suddenly refused to grant
any more licenses for exportation
to Canada.
Auction Sales
—F. S. Neett, Aur.., has been 1)1-
1411 1119)1',! by the undel signed t0 sell by
1'Id)I4,' Anet('nl at Lilt :3, Chub 7,
(47, ('4, on 'Tuesday, 1144400 510, al. 1
rl'cloelc, the following valuable Stork
—1cow44i:ilr,l4alfoot, '2rows will
freshen 110i, )4'Ie of .al(', 8 farrow
cows, 111"'r I 1(44 .3 years 4n good
eonrl(linn, 1 111'1,', Leine 3 years really
La .hill, 1 -tet( s rising 2 years, 5hei1-
ers rising 2 t, ars, 3 steers rising 1 yr.,.
1 h'(r'r 1.Ling 1 year, 1 Pall tuunr'ls
old, 1 ('.all' 1 004(110 old, 1 Pet'ollerou
111111 i yea s 1161, 1 Pe) ('heron gelding
2 years old, 1 aged Mayo,01 dr(viug
rum ,• 8 years ill, 1 Berk*b(re sow to
Farrow lits) week in April, 113caver
seed drill 10 hoe, 1 set, plow 111110(18.
'l'01 11($. _5ln111s of 111)1 abd under cash ;
over that amount Ill months credit
given on approved joint notes, 4 pee
pent all fire rash on credit, amounts,
W. J. 0A1t1)IF11',
Au`I'J'ION 'ALP 01 11OUS1S-
Il(' -1'', 8. Scut), Ancti,Irer,
Iles i'erl'1Ve11 i1101 10101 111111-1r1(.110, nn-
detsi44ned profit ("tor 10 sell by Public
A.urlfun at Lot 11), (on. 10, Grey,
1Vrd)9r.day, Veio only 271 h, al 1
O','l,'1 k, „hat p, the following valuable
)repel Iy 1 1 (I''vil g horse, 1 11 living
horse rising 4 broken single of double,
1 buggy, 1euttel, 2set sHtnglehal uen4,
1 Derk(r separator in good running ,
orae), ] pate or 1('irks, 1 Fleury straw 1
cutter with (00191(94, 1 hay car and
ropes in gout( order, 2 tons of clover
bay, 1 ladder 2111't. long for 411cic!144 1
apples, 1 scamp shovel, mammy folic, .
grain fork, manure serail shovel, 110-
gatl, coal oil ran, 1 5 gall, coal nil ran, 1
wringer, 1 New Ideal 414,411941•, 1 churn,
1 bedroom suite, 3 hedslr,ds, 13 mut,-
trasses, 4 feather beds, 2Iatirs feather
pillows, 1 Introit), 1 writing desk, 8
ilohm: chairs, 3'ining room chairs, 1
arm chair, 3staunis, 1 parlor ladle, 1
extension table, 1 4ttll•leaf laud(', 21c4t-
chen 11101,'', 1 cupboard, 1.1,lboOlil, 1
talking eallnet, 1 coal healer Art
'Creas)n'e No, 400, 1 Queen wood 1(94(44,-
(.1', 8 se)s 1)e(1 apt ((1gs, 111111161'1' or Stove
pipe's, quantity of Ii((n1,(n1, 1 hand
spray pumin, 1 kiLrher) range, 1 coal
oil heater, (plant ily 20 44411 dry
vnor 1 4411 '11 lounge,1 1.o est new,
1meal 01 41, 1 11•.19 hail 1.1, 1 carpet
sw14411,. 5 cons of paint, hand saw,
draw 44(010', poll, pals, pails and num.
ovum] other articles. Salo will he
without r'nsr('V(. as proprietor is going
West, Terms, 4 All stuns of $5 and
under 'a 9919 ; 011'4• that llmna,nl 3)
moral' 4 (000111 1'1('11 on 1(0'111-(iug
I1111prnved 3(111(1 ('1(•s. 1 per cent 1111'
for *1(941) On nerd)) amounts.
.101119 131t)\VN, Propt 1('t0r,
U0'1'ION SA L1' OP FA 11.1.1
STOCK 1MPT,14511CN7i, 4C( M. 54.
8,4,01, Auctioneer, has 104411'11
1((st1'0(1(1un94 frons the und„slgne(1
)1loprletnrto sell bl' Public Auction at
Lot 21,, Urn, 14, (Irey, on Tus.dny,
February 20th, at 1 0'00(914 slimy, the
following valuable property :-1 horst'
11 yenta old, 1 mare rising 7 years, 1
111)1 s' 4 years old, 1 filly rising 2 year(,
1 filling rising 1 year, 1 aged (mare, 1
driving 111411 a rising 11 years, (3 (111l4•s
supposed du eaif, 11'resit cow 584111 1'411'
•1t root, 1 l'arrnw cow, 5 heifers rising
1 year, 1 brood 81(44' I:n farrow March
10, 5 steers 1 (sing 1 year, 3 steers 1.i -
isg 2 yea's, 2 heifers rising '2 years,
150 bens, 1 rout. !miner, 1 .:11441,414-
1441.1('(:reale separator, 7 cream cans (41111 '7
intik pails, 1 wheel bail ow, 1 sugar
kettle, 2 grain baskets, '2 sets double
harness and 4 coital', 2 sets single
harness, 2sets , 1' bells, 1 wagon box
and seat, 1 hay and pig rack, 1 stn aw
cutting box, 1 Cole :Fanning mill, 1
atonebnttl,1. set 1200 10. srale5, 1 hay
111014, rope and 0900'. 1 sleigh, g'r'avel
box and log bunks, 1 Dom big bidder
7 ft, cut, 11301 y (1114', 1 111'w11'). 5 1't.
rut, 1 mower 6 ft. eta 110111 ly new, 1
1\140nrruick (lay rack nettle new, 1
Massey -Harris 1(1an11(94 (p,lea14 1, 1
Massey -Harris mt11(va1,019,' 1 1loOa19-
mick hay loader with. truck, 1 N1cOnr-
mirk disc harrow new, 1 seed dill), 1
steel land roller, 1 set diamond hat• -
1.04v4 4 sections, 2 F1=441 y -walking
plows No. 21, 1 ;Massey-II(u9is 2 fur-
row plow, 1 gang plow. 1 lop buggy, 1
gt'(1)ds'I101*', 1 Pros. 11111saw, 1 pea
hal V0,1 40, 1 root seeder, 1. grail ('(84)419,
1 oond 1 (Lek, 2 sets 15 hila, 11101s, ((1410) \'
500 00.0'1 of oats, nearly 50 bushels
barley, gnw11Lity I11401pm nod 111111140,14,
quantity of straw, (womb 3' of 4(41,
uhtnher of grain hags, 2 hay 111111'1, '1
hand saw, 4 peekyek.•94, 2 Ing,>iug
r11141I4a. 19•0wb(Lt., IullIH, chitins, (likes,
shovels, Mc. Sale will be wit hunt re.
(('119(9 a•1 411 (1)1141') (5' has rented 4,4s
Tartu. T•'11ns.—All 8(1(11,4 or ono no and
made' cash ; over that, amount 10
(months credit, given on furnishing
approved ,(•'int, notes. 4 per cent off
fm cash on reedit amounts.
1)uNA1,1* i715N1'/ir., Prop,
11 It,1)('lll•4. Thomas 11,0(411
has le en instinct' 1.11, -ell by I'ubbr.
AI„•( oil, al, 1,.1 -r (',•o II. Al,
111,4' (1(l,• '1 ,,,)1 ''1 Welton, us '1','''1-
1 l} 1'1•0 50, 1)111, dl "1, ,.'1,11,1.14 ' 11 , I
Ih. fdl' 11100: 1In1('y i( 601 ((1111, 1
y(•1us 1,1,1, 1 d ,,,),,i,1 111'011 dl' (1144•
114110 11 )')a''• ' Ill, 1 drn(og 0001• ti
y',1. (.141, 1 1.0w' dill. 10 1.1115, 11610(
1100• 11' WI(", :'. raw: with 1.111,,•; 0l
1014, 1 r•: v ,I1„ 1,, 1,1 If 411 111+9 i
101.101'11111' 1 ti O''1VI, 111 .\lay, 1 411)9491 s
(•a'a o11!,Yen1': , 111,
1yra4'Il, 1(410'1., li )onn5' ) 41V1'', 1
blood s, dru• to 111 lel 194.4il 1111). 1)
1 1;1 1:,11 pounds (.1101, 111
(.64(411 • , L 111 111) 40011111s (•a1.11, :30
'''hilt' 41:8l'dl1• 11111[•{9,, 'rail 1al1ell
, Pk I'' ''i', 5 l,ll'rrtl rork rnoltrtel,+, l
54111119 q')und,ltlr rnr'Ler,l, about 1100
bindle'. O ;\. (1, No 72 oats, 1010111 1)1)
1111*b1 I 1 , 1' Intl 11,y, 1101.01 1 hush, is
1110r114V send, n gnanlil v of hay, also
itd'z,•( };Iain br14'., ,\ lit,. y 11•1.l18 7
1'I. out [mute, alli, lrurk, siss..ry-
1141('ri1 hay lander MI fore 0ttl•11,
11,w4ey-11,1(44 (4!191', MCI1(1114 641, ,
('1(t n,0+ve1, 1)','!1(44 4111l1,411)', Merl
roller, 3 I liaiu 45:mon 11i14 011x, (('0044
',wagon, 2 lop bngg(rs, 21 pen buggde., .
\1n4,,y-11311issiti0;1alive1V 11,14'Wit l•)
1011,11'0, 11,1y 1 4(1•Ic will rpt, 1 2I'nrrow i
riding pint', single riding plow, 1 i
wallti(g• 4,14,1(, 9 101(11'' gang plow,
down hake, ('Imll0. 8 fanning 10111
with bagger, plat I'1(,114 3040 l0, seai, 5,
b1(5(1 earl, bog (10014, Bet 5section,I
di',in,'wl ha(m)s, pi;; pelvic, liapl'•
hart' 44411111'0, 10 in. plates, Watson
(3441 lent box, quantity 1(r 11 inch bolt- 1
ing, 17 h, p, itamilul'u (1000(01,. engine, i
Slant lord d'rk'r separator,,}Irk, set
1)„h eleichs, (1Inlfoin for SI 1411'., 2;
Po: 0.919)1 rtllte45, powert li(•pi, q( 1
1001110v, 2 sets bear y 11.41 111.s,, ;i -.'I'(
1444440 1)31 o'ss, 1001'0'1 3.1 in('b ;aping,
ro1,4 fndp91, blank 411,1 1(1114' rile
5(1445( 14411,', :3 14(144 budding,
('balloon ineuh:,l0, ' 10811 0,110'1',
(1(('11141 • 4194',, 544*katrh0w(ut mil',
un51Lr'• I.4' 411 1s" r'•rlilu•n, lawn ((101.94!',
2 '-94501 '((4, 44 -dol io ('194,1(1 1i'parah''
(:100 I ,', rnlrll'ilc), uh'0161u1111', '2
buk4;t' 11.2.1,.•;,..,,,..• 1(1(1,•4 puss•, \ll ('1(1(0iC k
;104411' I1,, 1•.•1(1(11: 04",•0(11,,
bLlrh.nlil0 11-1', 44 1 11111..,55,11.1,,11,41;04,1
4 11110, 2111,41
at, s4 *,'.'', 44;1061.11 etipia,,,, 1, ):i101en
table, 11nisy elounl, 1,1,11,01, Mini's, 1
ronrh, :3 inulgiug 1)0(1415, 3 1brdsn•uds
(11 d a gnantIly of ('11141'(. 'I''ruls,
All 1111111 0f 1441(100 (1W1 under rash,
nl'PI' 10111 nnl'yuu ]0 tnrn,(l(.' r•re(1i1 on
arpro(•M( joint nnles. 1\ di.(•onnt or
4 4'nrs nn tlu• 1111)011' nfr for Pas , 1:11
('4(1111. mmom'I's. '4 )115 1jio>W i, ;1111.
\V. J. & Cito. 1)1l•Ks,s, Prue,11'101 v.
• 0I1 ('51(14 town ItlgiIHTl'at(:11
u11n(i('11O14N l'-1'0011, 811E101,
44w 151:, IIuaS(*4 ASI, 19,11431 1:910.lq-
31ICNT:1.-._'1'101 uu.l1Isigned nw1.g 10
Luabilily to serule,.uirl[1' f'.tin help,
1)as derided to •sive 1111 lit, ming nod
will .11.91 for safe by Public Aurti'1(
,t! his ('aim un ho, 1.1, (', ueenslnn'2, L.
R. S, 'Pocket 81114111, a 141!4' and a
(pouter 141,51. of Kipp'. 9,1,1 hall' m(le
8.111 11, ((11 N( (day, \l:1(, [ I.', 101(( at 1
p, 114., the following;drs,.)4,, 4 ;. ,song(
property to wit. --41 (•449,1'1,'11 (':ydl's-
dale 11.1.0 6 yeeu•s of . a', 1411(1v (k -
with] 13130320 1 gelding 41 5.4.118 o4 age
siredl 0
)y L I tel (I'sham, 1 gelding
4 1 1 0 ' ,.
t s 1114.1 sn•ed b• L Id .\tnista ,mg,
1 swim i r roan 0111 , IS 110”11110811 1'
111590)14 tutu,1b. old, I Lull (1111 11
(11 0 11 1 11 8 ,.111, 1115825), I 11111 ra4l' 11)1441;1'
Holden I15820) L /1/00004 old, 1 roan
cam f.:uly \\'aler)o5 2n41 (081100) this is
411, extra line Mow• and is Ile dent of
5ch0ulmastel, 11'('11 rOW lady 1)14114
esti (101111) 6 yea( s of age, 1 red raw• 4i
y(nrs 0f age Latta Duchess .1)41 (124-
082), 1 red raw 5 peals of age Pio
Urns)- 2nd (104104) this cow has a hull
call' at her rem. 1 red row (4011'11
Mat eh 1040 101.4 Janet ;11,:iatr •n
(1)18339), Ibis cote 11119 11 hr(144w (vtlf et
1),•r foot, 1 roan heifer Lydia ,I ,
(I 131481 valved 'March 411, 1015, 1 dark
red heifer ItoseIra (1280114) caved
August 146t 1.015. 1 red h'iter 31114 y
Grey calved July 1015, :111 of 411e
above females have been bred ,1(,d ;IN,
supposed to be in calf to Shorthorn
balls possessing the merits elula'acf 94448,
tie of this noted breed and all of 1110
cows are good milkers and have all
been milked by hand. Also 1 roan
leiter 1114411141,11 Mary 4121(181), valved
August 20'h 1016, 1 reit heifer 1"10114 4
1ia'lnnald (1227061 calved October 16) h
1016, 1 heifer nal)' Mary Queen 1 f I
Soot t.s eadvec1 1641 1017, •1 1,-111.1 ('1444',
\ Int((' Lawrie (1327)19), calved Nnt''tn-
bee 21s1 1917. All of the above rattle
at 14 recorded in the Dominion Shnrl
11 +en 4ierd Book. 1 Iwo y4;tl old
L•lceete' ram (171377) and x1511 a 111111).
1101. 1(t' 1111(9 0,4'44 Leicester and Shrnp.
shite ewes and also a number of cross
01'01) rive14, 1 puce bred registered bone(151110), I purr bled regi.tw't'd Sow
ICip u n
Belle (do1481 1 11as,9ylhu'1 is
V 11 1•111", 1 I7r (V nhlSsey-
.110u'01s'dile d'livety rake, 1 new ('11111
s(IIIJn"r 011,111,11:91:1(4,,11 151(1'eslet, 1 4411401, 1
Bot of iron harrows, 1 wagon, 1 set,,('
SIt•144hs, (1(411, railer, 44,115941
611X, sot of 11001110 11nrne.14, 1118)', 01180,
11111/ 01119+1 ,('111911'') 1 no nmuerfns 10
0100111111. TPt 1111-- 111 Stuns of $'I0 60
and 1111411 cash ; over I1) 11' amount (3
mon Chs' mast't. on furnishing approved
bankable joint 11011''.;. A discount, at
the rate or 6 per rent. p'•I' annum Mfr
for cash on (sell)). a m/mitts. C. \V,
Jiohiusnn, Ann. W. 11, Dour, I„ 1,, B.,
Plop„ Kippon, 11 R. 2
G"m ,r1ff1ll•.'M •+ar ale srlq'L'F
(n , nlniuwr 1 , oei es 1,10441.ot 11, Con,
1-I, -,d R+ 1,114 cola Ia I 1•11,.111,,w0,11118 of
11111111 It, i-.. 14 n eulrialnhlr 011494
.,1 1„01, 110u0i 1. n' 1,01. u, skirl I', \('11.11•
1,01 1,1 1 ,' 1 ll( dl t, 'L 11,11 01
1 1• , .1.l 1i, 1.141-1.,duh 1,1r
n' (111,, 1011111 1111114• k 11004 4!, u,,lrx
I1 , h .
A 1-0 0 faro, eoutnlllil a 1011 Hers,
11001}.lit l 1'011 11 1.1 1,
For 11(111 her goat -nolo, •nl,94 \' to
W51„ 10(11111F, l rlw 101100. Dot.
Fa.ritr,1 for Salo
Itn0a•'re+0011 a 1'111, roil 15 (trey nnln.11ip,
un (hrweans,-1(-1 ( 1 ' .1 rl In 1, 1, )'1((1944141
14:1,,11(1' t X el 1...11
1•44.14 0'1411 feet ,1t-1 ellen
9:4,01'4, dinner 0011 , ,"ill I(( 111 n toil I'1
l n ,.r; 11:41 w1( c,1.'1 ; Loll .t, ,• 1.0.11 .11 001
enrol 111,111 0011 1.1.1001 Or "01' i'tu'thel' Pnr1 0•
11.10/,, 111,1,1v 10 w..1 ''' 1100., 011 illy p '.(U1'1'8,
or 14. 11 Ni, ., Hrm8,,1
Property for Sale
" 10• o0d, rhigr 44 , 4)''•ry far I . hie 0)(9I),111
prap„rty nn t1)•• ri4• 4' Wwk, "1.1!'17:!11,1':-/%71
iLoad Lunt -o
rnhle)usl 1(W nrr,•st Irma ; (d well, *nald
4( 111(4 fir. 1444)) h, sold ltm•o181,14 nnprop 00-
toris1,1.vwu1own icor 1'1'4 l her (11111 l8rx
nnnty to \v ill. '4 4(•1x1411, no the prenlisas, or
nrn(P,•+,, 1(ru'.o (' )'• 0 __._-...-
Farm for Sale
r"llhlh 1, u 171 1('I, . h' 1(g 1.'11 s, 0011 11,
nod 1110( r I'1ls i e1(n1 s, 1.''u I!. (1194y toss
ship well wnie)( I , f , 1111111' rrnln0 hou54',
hank Lal n wins sloe. 0161, 'a its feet ; good
drive 4hed, heli 1101110, Or ((m 51011 ((011,94
hr 11.10
1,111.140,rohavi 1111(1 nhant a nrr's bash,
140,'u( mn4( nod tel,' 'h' u'-. 1 : mil„ from school
8nd 3 11111'H front 11ra.•r(, •)nor 411)1(1941 1,),1,1,;,11),1,,,11,1,1-•H
nuul.l,pplY to 411418 111 0111i4(1N,
12. 11. No 3, 13rns8818.
Sthci't for Sale
I'tu•' "Yvrteh Shunt flora 11011 Also o bulls
s min1111,, old, ern(d611:••,1 by (innl'rord Mar.
0111.. 440111(11 rhnw ill. n)-hll 4.0' do ; nod tt
nwnLel 11 d b1. A t t'c"1(t 111 111'1(12, (rhoso
gam l . 1 lla)nsf (d militi is Lot SD, ('un,
4), 31 ) 0181 !' ml'es North it le u.s'i.. nn 44011%01
road I t ( 4114. 111.110 1:,
('hon,- :•1':U 140,4-s,1s P.0,
0311 OIt7.A1 _EC I OI"•(7 ANI( 6Q'1' Iron
•a 1 r t o11.l w n 111111 , (*i rrtl, Fruit trors,
dr. AI 1 ): ',w I1( 1,Il r,i(o11 with 1,0'4411
'_0•I I. 1 n 1 tri11,11 4 ,.l (1(r fu'th'r partiru
'n r- n. 10'1104•, 1-1 110, ,1)c , apply to Tll 11 P's1',
Farm for Sale
Co/Ifni/110g 91101(0',• v,•1.., ,•I, tat 1101, ('on 3,
'10001-. 1000,1104 104 1,01 I, (`lit, 3, 1411')' Inwu•
-h q, \1••,11 Iva O'm,L emu rurlable 0o0.+-, hm111
1,011 nod uuunlr�'1 .,I. 4(10 , 44 101'1.0, wind
1111', 01'1111..1,1, \' '1}. 10110. North or lirnsseis
11.1 gra( .I 011'.., 0a11 and rtu•01'4hone,
dui1,•l1( srhnnl, wi11 s.•11 dither or hotlt
if rot ...Id 1,41' 0•,• Oetobur 149 will 1,8
A•1(h d, F,.1. nuttier 111n'neldsly aunts to
1.4ix. PO!15YT11, Pl•,l,netnr, hru'n'h,, 1(r
1'.4 (Tori', *4,((('(•11, D•1
For Sale
'SS;§ acres or 0uv01uln1H in 1110 Tn«•1r•h4p
of-,1lorris,1(d 4),4,g the -W(11820 of Iraoc,•14, in
one field, `1104.0 i.' 11 good urn 1141 'it, if unyn-
ednp, from 21„,14'',',-,. It 1,, been toiled.
(001 (0101101 ,.1 a)av'•1 1her,• I0.111111' the town
1,1111 virimty for lit,. a';'t 1110010r ora 00ntnry;
44 bnildine 11,01 on '1'u00,ei 1.y (109.(; 1 tut 011
lieora994 h c• 1. 1'110 the 11011(x9 station ; alo
w4• (nein, iv -1 ..'(': a nn f In• river Wok, e"rner
of \Ville:1p and 14.0001 streets. For farther
parll"nAvH apply' to the (wder,tnaed 51 hie
1'111'1 (.ilex, .1, (.14514114.
Hrns•el 150h 4l,,relh 1917.
Clubbing Hates
For 1918
Following are the Clubbing ltales'FITE
1'0 T !1 making foe next year to
Oan(td!'ul POsl(•1ne414 :—
'1')ir: PUNT and 11,(111 G1 11'.,.......,`11" 1.1 00
Mail-lim pi l 0 ....... 5 (11)
9'111 01111) World.... 5 00
1aronlo Star... 4 25
'pm(111(0 News .... 4 25
London Advertiser 4 25
Loudon Free Press 4 25
Faintly Herald... 2 75
1\'rekly \'Vii ness . 2 80
Par. A1114,04110..,., 3 00
Nor, \I,'s.rng'r... 2 00
World \Vide... . 9 20
Presbyterian 2 75
',arta and Daily... 2 30
Fat nu'n's Sun .. • . `2 20
If pa peva 11((' to be sept to the Unit*
ed Hlates additional postage is neces-
(lash must accompany all orders as
Om city papers give 0 ) ('('1411)1,
S, nd'money by Express Order, Post-
al Note 1(t' It'•giste,('1 Letler. Ball lc
CM quos wast have emu mission added,
11', 11. KISTIR,
'10(12 POST Brussels, On l',
VI' ue41rl - 11.
s8me®aeo®od•.,ea'tt•c>•wrs0v•4oa a'0e,i,e•e$aeeaweee,e••c.e 4 4.
tDr. Anna M. Shaw says : ' The women Who have not e
♦ been trai)('d in Stenography and Typewriting
should iinanr(lilltely undc:ri,;o instruction In exactly
the same spirit that moved them to attend classes
*2 in first-ai I miming.”v
G e
0 'P11E N1:IS1) FOIL SI4NO(4IIAP1I141154 1SUiUi17N'P, c
o TIM \VOI31C 1-4 PL.14.\SANT AND 9'1118 PAY AlTPi')4. 43
6 WHY w11OUll) YOU NOT I'lihlPARld FOIt'1'1118 541111V10174 w
'1'1117 111.54'1' )'LAe14'10 (')17'1' YO'UR'['41AMIM(I 18 AT s
4' r' (, 1 0
Thti Contral 13osiness College, Stlatf ic, Ont, r,,
The Mount' Forest Business Collep,e, Mt. Forest. n
v o or The Central Business College, Wul (tun.
• •i•if•••••••N••i•A•iNi00 ••07•••0006•®60+104®Nc1Gv*60t1
we -
Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be
held this season t48 follows :
THURSDAY, 11191713. 28140
APR, 41,0
Leading Local and Outside Buyers Present
13y order of Conuril.
it', 5, SCOTT, Olork.
Steady Lurk and Gaud Wages
Apply al,
Excelsior Knitting;
66�lills Brussels
can Phones 20x or 85,