The Brussels Post, 1918-2-21, Page 2�lir, 11 � t� 7.�f� sena;. of the. w'c,rei; they simply se\v �� ND
" t R3 e,ttt +'PS i1 'some
together a garment that has been cut �,di �{,Jrt''
3 •t at
\Vo are lied! No, the ah pito, 1 c e pe Rom, v
on. The cngiue is riming., I have tl ii(l l ,r �. IES
out t l •('where, But longoat ue the intuition that WO are Goin to e1'
T i R the lob enaltle:; them tdo it ver } e, 'rhea •I eoilca t rnvscll'. 1 sharp (t
W S U-BOATS ,luickly, That iH another advantage0ft THE 8111 L• D gene to 1110 )right, itnother to the left, 'EDS RECOVERY
the erman system of intensive con- _._., but without avail. The shut. which cut _ _
struction. i2veryone employed under, off my foot also broke the left rudder
EXi'F11'I' DISCUSSES MI'1TIIODS IN it, whatever his part may be, acquires A R1;1'IARIt A.13LIi PERSONAL EX- bar. POPULATION ()1 MILITARY ILOS•
such deftness `tram doing the same' ee , y I try the ailerons... They foil to re- PIT ALS NOW 12.000.
• 'thing over and over again that he ac- 1
spinal. We are diving downward, £nll-
I)eath in the Garage. daeh cold water on the, chest. curry ---- ' romplislles it in the minimum number 1 --- ing, This false move saves us. I let ----
the patient into the open air and, if ' of minutes, or hours, as the ease may the machine dive, The Bodies, seeing , „,.
,• •+ morning practice artificial livery ticrve is Bvhtg 81rzluod try• fold by Second 1ieotenaul F, de luau- I,aelt to Nature Treatment is Better
Every r now and then an g he, allowed for the work; and all these us fall, stop Tiring.
3other measures fail P
news a er te11H of same ono wh,, was •. it.n. 1101 black colree may be Runs to Intensify the Production»s inc carefully timed. In fact,' inter of the French {ply}ng Ai'lt•r falling two lnutdred metres Phan "Dose or White Lights"
p P rcapit.tL I I suddenly right the machine aan11
fottnd dead in a aranll, privet ` t:; °•r'ge .•iven ,;s a stimulant, buC alro}lul is timing so that there shall be no haste c Corps.
very recently two \cell»known persons, of Submarines. I of minutes •is one of the essential matte off. The terrible cannonade
For ('onvalesceute.
r .other an educe -
luau- be.=t avoided, or given, if at all, in very
one an actor an I the ell amounts, In severe cases a (ti)uite recently Mr, Lloyd George features of the system, - l Dunkirk, April, 1015,-• Magnificent breaks out anew and follows us with in -
Since January, 1017, the military
for, were killed b • poisonous 1anee re- e1n` y
J p v ions 6lecdislg followed at earn b told us the heartening news that our I The submarines turned out. by theseedavl sky, clear; wand, west, The ferocity. hospital population of Canada has }> working cf their auto- c p b •
nail in order to re -
destroyed five German sub- methods are not, perhaps, so perfect bomb dropping group, G. B. 10.1, leas Finally, after about. twelve }tile- • crensetl approximately six -fold. At
leased y i11 1 n� s gar- trimsfusiun of 1fleet ha
ol,' e „n •ineH in a small, closed g "'caned red corpuscles by m rines in one da says a naval ex as they would be if Ordinary ways of set up its hangars and offices on the metres of flight, it is over. The Bathes the beginning of 1917 there were
m it .. place the n ie n J. J
age, In very cold weather it is nee- es sometimes has saved life- pert. We know that, although this construction were adopted for produce -beach, and since January every 'line no longer reach us, We forget the sea ,alightly over 2,100 men on the
healthy o» phe o strength of the Military hospitals
essarJ• to let them engine run for a few accidents' mentioned a'. the begin- success Wtl, exceptional, it was by no ing them, They ar'i1 roughly finished clay, we fly over the enemy to destroy p ssible breakdown. The can -
01)11 hleH «a i;11 to Warm it Up before • The of this nrticl0 Can be Prevented means the only One that the 13)itish in so far as tile hull goes, Inside, they 111.; fighting 1(141(H, J IrOnaldP. 15 0\•Cl', My observer le stand.. (lUm011511en Command, the unit to
the ear is l:r:ulght out into'the open e a;;tomohile, owner Will remetn- Navy has scored in its tight against may be compared to a new house with On 1.110 0th all hands, pilots and ob- mg talking to me, which all wounded and Maul
irlod sal.
if th
air, and because the weather is so cold he 0xha.ust gale. Of inter- {ire U-boats, One does not exaggerate ! unplastered walls. But the periscopes,' servers, were lounging ,about the of- The wind rushing through the air- iters destined for treatment in Canada
bey that t
there is a temptation Co keep the gar- l,ustinn engines are puisonons When saying that in the past three' compasses, and the various other in- fires, some playing bridge, otters en- Pl _ie covers me with blood, wh n are Automatically transferred upon
nal -coo
age door closed the while. But among. careful never to start the engine years a larger number of these ruth-' struments required for working them gaffed in lively discussions, still drips everywhere. The airplane is their disembarkation from hospital
g and is c.
s that the engine produces is e door is closed unless 1 Ra craft than German possessed are carefully made, Ho that rawness in others studying their maps or, with caverecl with it, tau, and on its white chip at Halifax or Quebec, 7.'o-ilay
the lyssa P when the gala}, e Y
one that is a deadly poison. That he has first attached a rubber or metal when she started the War have been the mere shell of the craft does not the aid of their mechanicians, putting • wings their is something tragic short there are nearly 12,000 patients at -
gas is eau•boa monoxide, and it PL 1110 to the exhaust pipe and passed sent to the bottom, Row, then, does matter. There is nothing shoddy in their airplanescin readiness. this blood, Cached to military Convalescent hos-
amounts to about seven per cent, of : it out through a hole in the door. In she manage to continue her submarine., the more important parts of her equip -1 Ten o'clock. -The commander calls I A Beautiful Landing. pitons,
the exhaust gases. that case the tube should fit closely
campaign against our shipping1 meat. uH all together. An Dreier has come Maillefert asps if I am all right,: Provision of accommodation for
It has been shown that so little as over the end of the exhaust pipe I Result of Concentration. Training as Pirates. 'from headquarters to bombard the Forward!. To pilot, also, he does not these men has entailed a vast amount
one per cent.. of carbon monoxide in; that none of the deadly gas can leak I From the enemy's point of view the I submarine station at Ostend, where know how, and the airplane is so bad- Of work and the exercise of much '
the air that• is breathed in can be { ( In the answer to this question lies •• system has been a great success, ae it! two submersibles are resting, Each }y damaged that in his hands it could judgment in the selection of hospital
fatal and it is easy to see that the gzvOR loin num ,eta enc Twenty-one institutions •'
atmosphere in a email, closed garage,
while the engine is working, must soon
become dangerous. It is carbon
monoxide that kills when anyone J m resources upon breathes the fumes from a charcoal tus," say°• an exp "'I r econom g
stove in a small room, Or inhales illu- especially on hardened. or slippery'iI-boats m quantities. !us
minoring gas. Death results from roads, can be governed by braking!
She soon KM that it Would be hope-' Numbers is not the only advantage fl f blood take f
less to compete against us in the con-, conditions. A dark mass b the vt-'
the poisonous action of the gas on the efficiency, I which Germany reaps from her meth- in at bunch at two o'clock, spread out, y proved most sditable of the existing
blood; the carbonmonoxide combines ",Bake sure both brakes take hold j struction of surface ships. Although I ods of standardizing submarine out- arrive at Ostend from the sea and re- brations, 10 approaching the opening buildings which could be taken over -
with the haemoglobin -the oxygen -I \\pith equal effectiveness, keep your her building facilities were consider- nut, By them she sins time in train- and is in danger of falling into the
able, the did not equal -our own, So 1 gturn any way you can.' because so many of them are situates}
carrying substatiZ a in the red corpus -1 brake linings clean and dry, and use y Ing-
and is thus able to send As soon as finished every one etas- propeller, I gather it up and pass it on spacious grounds well out in the
encs -and makes it incapable of ab- moderation in applying your brakes, she concentrated upon submarines, her U-boats straight from the build- tens, The pilots and mechanicians run to Maillefert. 'It ' f t that I
sorbing the Oxygen from the air in the Never apply them so suddenly that For this purpose the whole of her I }lig yard into blue water.
thirty -odd shipyards, hundreds of en Elbe1 1 es to their airplanes, fasten the bombs in p The ignition connection is btolu n
ou . matter for serious reflection for us at
l • 1 that is the one, inaccordance with the instruc- only be the fall and death.I have the sites. wen y -ono ave
Test Brakes Before Trip, the moment. Germany manages to object he most desires to attain, So'tions of the commander, marks upon conviction that I can save us, I refuse been erected and equipped from the'
Safet convenience, economy, all continue her under -water offensive longas he can }seep up an output of his map the designated point on the his aid. 'ground up in that time, while 45 build
y, vigorously because has coneentrat-' Ile sits down and writes a farewell ings, principally schools and vol-
are dependent more or less upon the vi all her sett use she and netrat-three or four new submarines per, canal, between the outer and inner
efficiency o£ a car's braking appara- i , po the and engineer-
' production i,f week, so long will his U-boat cam- harbor, where are located the hangars to his mother, lieges, have been remodelled for the
erg. 'lirepaign remain a very grave menace to
which protect the submarines.
Lined Up For the Start.
`Instructions are as follows: "Start
}. collect my senses, bind up my left' same purpose.
leg (with the foot cut oft') to lessen Rural Sites Are Best.
the own and a e accounto' Schools and college buildings have
]s my no m ' country. The selection of sites for
ass him without knowing it! new hospitals has in the main follow• -
lungs. I your wheels become locked, causing eri s py At Kiel and in the ste has
} slide over the road rrineering shops, and the ship -rot- tahlished submarine training schools, place, fill the gasoline tanks, see that . ed the same as1)1principle. So long as
But carbon monoxide' can do great the car to actually everyEh}ng is read and perfectly ad The throttle almost, so that, with }t 'transportation facilities, light, boat
when it is not resent in 'strutting power of Austria as well,
where, budding hates" serve their y clear down, the engine still runs at
harm even \ e P by its own momentum. were mobilized to keep the campaign P justed. Each observer lays out hisand power were available the incigor-
sufficient quant, les to kill. The' "I have seen tires with a section, apprenticeship in the navigation of route and determines his land marks 540 revolutions a minute, with no way at}ng conditions of rural lifslily
symptoms of this sort of gas poison- the}ze of a man's hand gouged out of Piracy going. She first designed U-boats, and are taught the other ele- to sto it farther, The front \wheels
certain standardized types, and then „ „for firing, P felt to be more conducive to speedy
bre are headache, dizziness, nausea,: the tread when uneven brake ten-• meats of the skull and cross -bones After a good breakfast, partaken of tf sto airplane swing before my eyes,Irecovery than were the more congest -
bronchial irritation and sometimes Sion caused one wheel to lock and slide, organized the production of them on {rade, As the boats are all alike, with subdued gayety, every Dna is on the axle broken. I must land, which
an extensive Ulan.ed surroundings of a big city, with its
convulsions. The irritation to the air' while the other rolled. Let the crews trained in one can be put aboard the field, The commander squeezes 105001 acrash-and fire. noisy traffic, smoke bisance, ane} the
passages may cause a severe iron-' Wheels keep turning, but uncles the The Ocean -Going Tyne, another, and handle it competently Thirty-seven minutes after the blood : many temptations #n exciting and
pressure of the brake, and I r the hand of each one and the machines began to flow, the cold is taking hall
chitin or even prepare the way for! slacking thender this she turns out U-boats in without needing a long period of ex -
aye lined up for the start, often unhealthy amusements.
pneumonia. your can will be brought to a stand- same wholesale way that Ameri- 10 their
in her before they get pea
Now comes my turn. Maillefert, of me and I fool very weak. Then, i Best, Not "White )rights:'
poisoning by carbon still more quickly, in greater safetyi can factories do cheap motor -cars. So to their Lraining vessel. sergeant observer, my passenger. Be near Fumes d' an airdrome-I''rench,{ "But the soldiers -twofer the city,
In treating p g
try to stimulate respiration,' and without detriment to tires," far as can be ascertained, her output Of the crews thus sidlicked into shape, climbs on board,takes his seat, in -
to land, Guiding •with a single don't they?" an official was asked.
monoxide I of Chese craft averages three or four the best that can he said is that theyfoot. I arrive oven the airdrome and
speets his sight and bombs and fas-"A child prefers candy to asked.
-. am about .to land when I perceive flat
FISH WASTED IN WAR TIME. I Sequent need for artificial and such,
per ween:. They are not all super- match the boats. IIy means of a of tens his map in place. I stake a final doesn't it ." was the reply,
Pinspection of my engine, of the whole i we are not facing the \wind. Although Another medical man put it this
tion of the oyster and lobster and such, submarines, One class is used for Germany achieves her purpose of
Several Excellent — Varieties Thrown fish as the whitefish, shad and sal-
, minelaying,
most importantliopera- the Peeping a submarine campaign going. machine (the condition of success), completely exhausted, I make a last way:
mon. By using more varieties of fis ,tA Formidable Foe, Then, at a signal from the command- turn, before the astounded eyes oi' my "If you, a civilian, have been ill for
Away. g p g having more space in them, the la d below, wind,
Ugh war is coo- the strain on the older fisheries would ocean- hundred
tape, dis lacin about lif• t_
Paradoxically enough, , be relieved and, at the same time,: teen hundred tons, ter type of U-boats provide better ae-
pelting economy. If the conflict con-; great quantities of excellent food, at: The latter craft are about three commodation for their crews than the
times, it will be difficult to avoid' present neglected and wasted, would hundred feet in length, carry some earlier ones did. Apparently, as much
world hunger. Food conservation is : be turned to good account at a time of sixty men, and leave port equipped for • d f this 'bl but wen } confidence. I look t 4I observer stand
especially essential. This impliesnational and international need. I a voyage of three months. They have
greater production, the prevention
er, I start and climb swiftly into the
sky. There I observe to see if all is
well. I listen to the purring of my
engine, whose ' regular rhymth
comrades a ow, and,face to the some months and still have a while to
accomplish the most beautiful and 012- spend convalescing before you return
f;cult loading of my life. I to your work what does the doctor
Cross of the Legion of Ilonm'• recommend? A nice quiet rest in the
s up and hisses country or at the ,seashore, doesn't
is made e ins as passible, u e strengthens my coni ante. oo a r y ve n
me. He is not hurt. A piece from the he? These soldiers have been in hos-
hie) of
time of it at the best. Although this last glance, and we exchange a coag- bursting shall had pierced his helmet piton for months in En ]and. When
waste in every form and the substitu-. JAPANESE LIKE FAT MEN. Ithem practically anywhere about may not concern the kaiser and his dent smile, and lodged in his hair, while the air- they name to Canada in ate vast ora-
tion of hitherto unused products for � S Atlantic or the Mediterranean. Grand Admirals greatly, the crews I Over the Enemy Lines. plane itself was riddled. 1Vlaillefert jority of cases they have reached 11100
those that were formerly staples. ; Weight and Girth Help to Make ; It is up fli this sort, of undersea boat whom they hustle to sea in raw -edged' Off NOyer rt, ate height of 2,100 tells 1n0 that he saw the shell strike, convalescent stage. Back to nature
In the fishing industry there is 1 Oriental Wrestlers Champions. (that Germany applies most of her con- submarines feel the discomforts of metres, we cross the lines. The guns We are satisfied, My enthusiastic is the prescription for them; not a
TOM far considerable substitution. when a •man of strnettve energy. Possibly she maY their incompletely finished craft prat-! of the enemy now begin to sow the air comrades lift me from the airplane liberal dose of "white lights.''
In this country have built "diving cruisers." Of large ty acutely. Iand carry me to the hospital, where) Sometimes the most eflielent meth -
are notvarieties of excellent food fink: average height takes on girth until displacement. but, if Ho, she has not with puffs of white and black. Thosep
are only not fished for, but, if his weight runs up to 100 pounds or p As fighting machines these new U- are the explosions of the shells, my chief, in bringing ma his felicita- ods of restoring the soldiers to health
away with other Prof.are thiroate; vet risked them at sea. boats are formidable. They are fitted1 tions, announces that I have 10011 the would fail to prove popular. But in
so,bhis friends have grave doubm , An Efficient System, with a sharp bow,which enables them ape are almost the last and already
edaway and wasted. PoPrince state about his rendition and advise himour foremost comrades have reached Cross of the Legion of 'Honor, the long run it is predicted that the
ve recently before the commission in in order to bring back a slim This is how her system of building to cut through such obstructions as Ostend, for the cannonade, which has Although very low, the surgeons discharged soldiers would look hack
vesti sting the salmon fisheries of toel diet succeed in savingnue and seven with gratitude to the feet that his 1120
gbe InJapantl con I7 b08tR rapidly 15 1y01`kerl The vari- ,nets, They carry four -inch guns, increased in intensity, is MOW sowing
mul-i,l, Columbia that "there must thousands f Puffs t all months later I returned in a fighting in hospital was made as short as pose
so the "pirates" have but a rough Maillefert, who likewise gives ane a
Isuffirient radius of action to carry
u' the
elegance of figure, to
trary is true. If a man can eagry ons parts required are divided out placed on a disappearing mounting, the sky with t Dusan s o a
tl the hood of which forms a protecting plane to 000 21115 excellent man. Bible, even at the temporary sacrifice
he is o of a certain amount of pleasure,
be but, of t' f tl hull. another firm t panic is lifted for action, and their orp ' ad -
of 2,400 et s The defensive bur- Well Equipped Hoap}tats,
rho. 1 h�h at I t of the engines, vet another does hold a charge o a fire whish covers the city is ran won up o Equipment for all kinds of treat- °
the outside limits, only eight or nine Catch, and becomes a wrestler, he is has one of the instruments required d�eanse that oanything�eXt leyv hitw will justed to our altitude. It is impossible uient methods can be installed in any
are utilized .and five Or six of g g almost certainly be destroyed. They to pass, I veer off, climb a little i gen Individual incidents of bravery at iospital whether it is in the city or
theHe belong to the salmon family." m the running for the championship, en nevi atin allotted to it, Sirfee- n
Wrestling is to the Japaurse what ever part. may be allocated to a far er, then, after having exchangedthe front are so numerous that only country. In England, for instance,
Many "flat" fishes, as well as vari- boxing is to us, and more. The popu- tory, that factory does nothing else }tut can move very rapidly on the surface, last glance with my observer, 1 dive in the
eties of the cod Earning, base not been t es craze over it. and the mag- manufacture. Tts want may he mere- and are double -hulled, so as the better I straight for Ostend. thnasnewspapers mentionional 1]4Ians de of tgallant intals 02 whereeveryactivetreatmenthos-
utilized at all, and, as they abound in lace g
,e turn -
of the big game Ilaldle great ly a piece of plating with Ro many to resist attach. w re at the barrage The moment Tommy of poiln has risked his life of medical e
our Pacific v:avers, they could 1 in the Way of gate receipts, holes punched in it, or it may be a
ed to excellent account in relieving the
forty or fifty varieties of edible fish . 300 pounds of flesh with any agility amongst factories all over the Cen tt , altitudes.
in British Columbia waters that could' f the material from which Empires. One firm makes a given sec- shield over the crew w11011 the weapont-We are now off Ostend, at a height
put on the market 11 ' heroes are manufact fired, and if he ion o ie u ,
• ' r - or fifty excellent '° ,or •tee ound tier Pang h 11 h f -bout four huts- rare 111 te..
e to tJ k t 400 P1' 11
bar -
My passenger has received the army
medal and became pilot.
One of Maty Heroes.
Tokio Wrestling Association con -part 0f a periscope -fitting requiring
food ellortage. In ; e. man
i • ble kind
I h
ells are bursting
fis critical. S
service 15 performed are
Where ;05tnches Waltz. t and to the 011`1 very like lost a log or ant, only situated in remote places far from
ser, the The o do sten below us, to the rtgh al to find that, while he has clal•ned a ally centre of civil population.
like els the flower of Japan's heavy-, the most skilled workmanship, What- One of the oddest sights on the left. Threugh the noise of the engine medal, few persons know of his here- It has been mentioned above that
hero -
herring fisher; is capable of great ex- w v and at 114 head is a 350- ever' it be, every bit of time goes to sandy stretches of plain in Southern
the sounds. of three or four explosions ism. Recently eight A1Lert modals the soldiers for the most part woolen
i g height.,
pension. pound veteran, T. Dewanoumi, the the furnin,n, out of that a tide us 'Africa is a panty of waltzing reach our ears. Pretty
close shots,
fi ll�•,']e of the At- for eleven gtlir+key asp 3 ible• triches. A writer thus describes their ,those! Not more than 100 or 150 me- were granted by the King of England p10201 to be #11 rho city. It should not
l'nncerr.i t the holder of the ehampionshlp Ito men whose deeds of valor stood out be imagined, however, that they are
antic ,'na5t, Pnf. Prime e ha: drawn sucee-;.tett--a rertord feat. , Asa result of this :;pceializiug, the queer antics: ryes away,
1. Jeara 111
of such eh as _ workmen employed upon the single job ' "When there area number of them At last we are hast. Quickly 11lbove the others. Serer -alt Healy, in unhappy at the outlying •institutions.
attention to the waste
, •rel, a tieb Pipe become rely expert at it, and their they will start off, and running a few bring into my sight the ling of the 1 ranee during bomb practice, grabbed Recognition of the unci for recreation
the tuna or 110.U,?-111ac] c To Cut Stove
markets, nut int rearbee the maximum in gvan- hunih•cd yards, will stop, and,
with canal and head to the wind, With en- alive bomb which threatened to ex- has been given fron'thO outset at all
hrev.tlh prized en the I reach marl. ti w;1; nee0„'y fol us to cut a. p ,'l',i and kill s0veral men, and rat the military hospitals, particularly
•n eeel• thrown atv: ev by r, ewer . thy, coupled with acceraey in finis}], raised wings, whirl rapidly round till 1 f of
but which # „i Pie” of etut, view, and as w e t i eta efied or perhaps break with ]t w a point where the explosion Canadian fi bel ma r for lark of t 1 t J the job done and } } } before home .1 non a 1\ trust r They kneel an en ankles,'
been enc an`•eree wore saved. - The run
•ed. Equipment rooms
ar a kinde,
gine at low speed 1 await the 311111' those. removed from the cities. Re-
As s thew are rein leted, the different they are P m observer, It. is done. Ile slaps . , containing concert
.a;itaa tan
in a hurry a have , 1 , ,
eat to one c f the shipyards e1H a leg. The males Pose a o e bshoulder, and cries "Let us could injure only himself, Be evils creation I wilding' c 6 li••eri
} market, and the failure to rulti- ilio tinsmith. we turd ,Pau is are . PJ ih !c}0s,' me 011 the open
n g "el Wilhelmshaven, Dantzig, or lighting, T n- killed All the others whose liven had halls, he wling alleys, etc., have t : i n o,1 •. One 1,1101)1_; of flit.^ ---e ----- - , nt Kiel, ga ' I open the throttle and start off, cai;e,t.m e to d•rti,e t mean., whereby n ,,ening their wings, and balancing 1 1 1 1 built.
Billiard rnonis lrlve been in
s Item umn Ant 60 +01,10 extent with Trircte and there bolted together. I opening but
in the United Suttee. The wolf -fish
cut the pipe mire,
Ice,, evenly.. \A t t f 1 d
. a l+i, �.O of ;r'h} c. (.11,„.111a 11111' was
eeil-rat is another ti:e11 of file .'atlantic nuerlt�'0 tshr•,'•, ILO ratting was 10 be -
t. in large tutntbersr and „earn gently drieen . and 1a sabntar»x comes out a1. the , while the nec•lr is ett•etclted on a level Ilii by a Hun Bullet.
that. le cnt.i 1) 11unr,, then a can rl. h
away .1H usele»s. The British i ,e directly ou tke liar, By otrna•, By this practice , f +ndardie- with the back and the head striates the
market, wr x talo the P t ,
.. , seleidious nue, tins r a i art ; tttg outpu#- is rat: ern t •the tunximuat, ides, ,tory en the right, vow nn thct Suddenly I feel the airphutc lifter .
iid.thi,l, deal ding ce (Mee.
and e'arc a Loaf tams '•as'cltided•' can 1 :left - Zile the feathers are bristling There is an 000l•meus bele itn front, a
etad a dematd to. t.b_, e fish fora nutty ideal job wee done.
b t v ora
he barrage fire 100 511ses in inter -
(1 ',peaking, a truckload of themselves alternately 0110910 11» s have ,fol our medal was presented to his relatives, stall f 11 i' 1 of
a mauler t 1 g, sity and the Baehr h t g
n i» at our end of a shophacl.w:ud, m to one side or the other, and on it are mentioned other rlredH otlb•donr sports in which oven some of
a;eciirtt ,. c ,rang•t
el' O� , e -••-•..__ — --_ turret' alit all near
t market has' e with greet fetal -ion of the time that would be re- (absorbed in its occupation as to forget; Parts of the airplane,] is 1c'ompass,
In brief, the (..t ,e 11 er Nurture your iniad. heroic!A f, },Mild one from the keel up: it that ' g n around him and' have fallen My blooc flowing.- confined Itself to 0 few of the well thoughts. '1 believe in the lninr (mired to
known varieties-- nut ahvlvs the best makes heroes, ---Disraeli, 3'ractiee Makes Perfect,
1 male utters a cry which sounds much' I am so stupefied. Six shots frotn.>Uc .
r the weeder tnunbee have been. Reading that does not create and in the yards with the mouth battery, adjusted 11}10 the first, burst
0') I �.,t 1, •e ttel. The result has'• a g Really, the mechanic'slike an effort to speak it f
ne€,•E Lc•. ,r roster a taste far good literately: is of do not build at all in the accepted 'like
tight,' I within fifty metres. i
Iv for sea; in a me
1;, ; I
re ton the bird appears at this time so deafening noise, blood. We are hi1:.
a n 10 gem o
000 be approached and caught. The j foot hag been cut off, Ido not move I
been a strut: ,t eb 1'11 and the con- doubtful value.
$Ay ,heenni, feltAT'$ THIS BUNK CERTAIN4,y
' 0u'R0 1I•24I1,lG Ter Pu7 oVER. ' 1
1 WITH OLlviii 011. AND CHAttorTE
RUSSET - p0 `lou gePacT MF_
y 1
1 Al lfg4t4 POOL WAS TNa. NAMt OFA
WAS Stele' At11) 01DNeT
`lot) USE IT As Ael
SXCUSe To sal" oUT?
aDo t
oF'F z - I 11AS P IER`I
just•as gallant which he die} for the the badly crippled men contrive n
welfare of others. ale was 11 hardy . take part h:ts been acquired, and in
Irishman, Home cases directors of recreation
Ihave been appointed as members of
Chicken fast is often wasted. The the institutional staff,
French housewife thinks it is the
finest shortening for cakes.
Nearly 20,000 British South A•l'ric•an
natives Ihave been recruited for ser-
vice ltihincl the linee in France and
1W11a5 GORDON ? WM. , His 1-A$°
1„-, .7,- -'- •� 11ANtE IS Gl' l61t4 M1S`
w. 1I'
1 AIIIY P•1:541147OF'FICtiRR, IM
.Everybody Happy.
Nobody 1v110 has. visited Whitby,
Guelph, Balfour, Qualicum, Besthraven,
or any of the outlying hospitals all
across Canada can have failed to ob-
serve the splendid feeling w,lhiele ex-
ists between staff. and patients and
the e'a00nt happiness of nil concern-
The little publications issued by the.
patientset Whitby and other hoopitals
reflect this spirit admitably. "Soft
Diet,” the "Blue 3," "Frankness from
Frank," .end others tell the story as
no outsider could. They are full of
aallt:miens to the "pleasant tithes that
were had" and never has as word ap-
peared in any of them suggesting that
cnnd}t}ons were disagreeable 60 11101'-
1i0 11010)150 of the isolation from the
1 :1 i
Bleaching White Attire.
Gino white garments wltioli have
hocalne Yellow may bo bieached by
walling them in the uttua1 manner
and then plunging them into a thin,
bollin:g loot retard), which 11a5 130011
slightly blued. Allow them i:o remain
en the eta.rch until coign, then wring
them otlt, and hang them to flay in
taro bright snndlght, - The results will
pleast pg.