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VOL. 46 NO, 34 $1.3o Per Aii,nim in A dvance BRUSSEtS, ONTA RIO. THURSDAY. FJ/9J UA A Y 21 1 1
New Advertisements
A netlen unle -Jolla Brown
Auction Sole --Wm 1Vanm14.
Auction Salo -1) 5La1oVi,•11
Auction Sale -VT, J. (iardin:
Notice to Oreditot,o-Agtiu. Spawn estate.
',Twine to Gredltero-John mummy estate,
iir000010 Atldltorte Invert.
Helmet Board Andltorte Ronort,
Oonoort-12tho1Patr1otto Uhtb.
Stook Show -A G. Smith, Wingbani•
rot. Rolo-Virm. Cameron.
Per sale -J, Usury HooVor,
H11131. 1)11$ 1019t -T-110
Ziztrict ileo
In Duff's church pelmet Chas, Deep -
el' should ha credited With a saber:rip-
tion of $5 00. 111 the liet it is credited
o Oles, Drager,
(e0. Jackson, of \Viwa Hill, Sask.,
IR here on a visit with relatives tend
old friends. }Je says there WWI Very
little snow when he tele.
The splendid sum uf $500 00 was
contributed foe Missions by the differ-
ent neganizations in connection with
Dnire elnych here, For Ordinary
Fund, $1812.47 ; Laid lee' Aid, $618.88
Sabbath Sehool, $112 42; Adult Bible
elass, $42.30 ; Guild of Christian En-
deavor, $40 62; W. Al. S., $103.21 ;
Mission Baud, $75.54.
A. J
Wishes to thank his 4$.
Customers for their 4.
patronage during his
business career in $
As he is about to re4.
tire from business :1;
and leave Cranbrook
he will dear out the
balance of the stock
at BARGAIN 44.
PRICES during +
the next three weeks.
Come and avail your- .1;
sels of the opportun-
ity. 4.
e M. Helm
A111.1 10/1 42111.8 No 111 sh,ck, im Pie.
meet., ree , ern 1113 held al \\,' tri,
Bohn's, South ! f I he villege, 'alley
an orttoon tve.elc and Tnonany of
next week, I/Ickeit 141013 , will hold
their Mem mg Salo, feed, may be read
in this
It is said eVen. Krieelltel has 00111 his
Hue farm, nn Oon, 14, tis Jorteph
well, of this locality. We underetend
181 Kneehtel will teen Lel in HeitfOrtli,
1-1113 rentovid remit Meleillop will be a
cause of merry peg) ete.
At 2.30 p. ni. 'text Sunday S. T.
Maine 13. A., will concluet the Edam-
tioindAtini emery 1 the Methodist
church here.
Mr. ICeanter, of leitchetter, has
bought the property of the tato 1).
Mequaerie, or Bremeels. Several
acres of land are included.
The exertutor s or the late Mrs. Agnes
Brown, offer the property for sale.
There are (If acres of land attached.
Advertisement appears in this issne.
An ilemeertainment will be held in
Knox Church, Orteribrook, on Friday
evening or this week. Proceeds in
aid of Aim:mien Fund. Good pro-
gram, Admission 25 teed 15 emits.
Mrs, F. Davey and daughter, Nebel,
are visiting relatives at Gutted Valley.
Bel t. Hat ris spent a few days at his
home here before leaVing for overseae.
Reeve Donglee is attendin • a Ile rd.
wave Coevention al Ilarrill ton this
We regret to learn or the serious
illness of Mee kerne Douglas but hope
for Neely improvement,
Rev. Sidney Davidente 13elgrteve,
ooffl ooeupy Hie pulpit in the Metho-
dist church Sunday evening,
Tindal and errs. Ritchie, Winghatn,
%vete guests of the Premier's mother,
Mrs. Jag, Ritchie, on Friday,
Peter Petrick, St. Thomas, a Penner
resident of this loe.ality, was a recent
visitor with his sister, Mee. W. Doig.
Jas, N. Beswitherick, aged 62, who
for many years has conducted 13, nier-
chant tailoring business at Gerrie,
died suddenly at Ids home there on
Sunday Afternoon shortly after re-
suming from chnreb,
Miss M. Wyman, Principal of the
Corteilltlath)11 801)001, sustained a frac.
(3010 0(3 her left Melt Monday evening.
She pluckily attempted to continue
her work on Tuesday but unfortunate-
ly slipped again on the ice while on
her way. to school, and, with assist-
ance, 'OAS obliged to retUril to her
boarding house.
Dan. McTavish, has sold his fine
farm, Lot 20, Con. A.., Howiek
township, to James Harris, for the
sum of $6,800. He gets possession on
March 15. Mr. McTavish has an-
nounced a elenringSale of Faun stock,
implements, &c., frit Saturday, March
Musical Festival
Tuesday veg., February 26
P. R. 1VIULHERON, Conductor
PR OG Rd? .W I ill E
I Chorus 'The Marsetliniao" DoLiolo
Taa F1/1.1.0110/108
2 Plano Mott mi`s.yajtgts; Smith
P. R. antmuntoN
3 Ur. Ilannali, 01 1.011(1011, will Rotertain
4 Note (e2v"zigtraittzel.ott Slalom
(b) °Gott Send Von Sack (30 1(15'' Adams
Miss lanuaa, SritActiA8
6 Chorus "Halleluiah" Hamlet
won 21,5,5, 0110111/2
0 Mr. 1Tiinnall, 01London, will Entertain
7 Contralto 8E110 "My While" Troshotakny
1,1(00 111.1111 81NCLA11t
8 Vocal "Lullaby of Life" Leslie
Stineema. mettles
PART 11.
1 Piano Solo Selected
51,00 three StNetAnt
2 Mr. Hannah, of London, will lentertsla
3 Vocal °la the Sweet Long Ago"
8,00 011A(114 W1.K103.
Tits 20u. Cfromus
4 Nolo anti (Thorne "Recessional" Meting
10. ,T. Wean
Tun FULL C1101140
Violin Sole Selected
rita. IL L. .Ltcitens
11 Itarltono Solo Selected
Mu, 10, 11, Gilmer
7 Ur, Ilannah, of London, will ttntertatil
8 Vocal "1.0antamin on Stma" ilea.11011
Tlia 9111,1, Comma
91111 KING 11
Statement of Receipts and Disbursements
Brussels Continuation and Public Scliculs
Balance from 1910
Peelle 1e68
00001.1010136 Exam. for
Governinent grant
I( .‘ seeped.
County grant
leery on Village
. A.7.(P.ONDrruttE
9 705 49 Tenehere,Worlog 02000 00
173 50 Caretaker's salary ieh 00
38 00 8,,,,rethry.Troantror's salary15 (10
010 80 3bo1,ninettott OX1.1011909 018(3
67 76 Duel
40 00
1001 78 Repairs 13331 81191)11105 68 15
000 00 Nkomo on hand 8033935
90160 41
111109 41
. Rele11011Ve .
Balaneo from 1010 (3125142
Peril's fees
Levy on Village 2700 00
Legislative Omit 02 50
Amt. relitinetl"fron- iVevet1 S.A. haul 42 gO
Tonere tertiaries ''' 68
Caretaker's Salary 186 00
Ploorehary.Troasuree's Salary 36 00
final ........ 8448
negates 09 07
Supply Salaries gm on
03111115,0 011 lanal 1758 00
04000 72
We, thomiaoreigned A tiattere,erwIne examined tho torments of the seereterse9roe.41,.1' •10''1g be eee1e0'e0 ze ' (leglee
for 1110 year 1917, se pot. above, and 033(1N1110100 011 linna OW0 74, bog to report the mono 001» a. lettst of hid old time vigor. des
,10111010101tGL NON mother anti Air, 11 Tinton went 00
13russole, J101,2151, 10131, 1801511,1101113513,t }Auditors, London On Theereclay to eee hint,
Spring Stock and bursting it soon mit tot end t
bred sow foe le, paid $72 lel 1
NdWn1 Ninliol, rith leet et.
leer, At, the mine hogs are now
means quite a lose to the iviter,
Pure Breds and Grades
Al' '11111
Farmers' Home Sheds
Thursday, February 28th
Excellent Prize List
Sale Fee—i per cent with a
minimum of $r.00
Pur (3111') her inhumation write the
Sectretat y -
Box 473 Wingharn
9911. List may be -read in another
column, Be prirposeit ('0300 ring to
Wroxeter. We hope his health will
improve as it; leas not been extra good
for some time.
Wedding bells are expected to ring
shortly 111 thio locality,
Next, Sunday morning Rev, Mr.
Stafford, Beowels, is expected to
preach at Roe's church.
S. Burke ammuncee 012 auction sale
of farm etock, &c., fot Friday, Meech
8111, 11(3 (10 farm West of Jatuestown.
He has sold hie farm to his son,
The Concert given in the Poresters'
111511 last Thursday night will be re-
peated 011 leritirey night of this week,
Feb. 22,111, Admission 25 (Tete.
Seats will be reserved for those hold-
ing reserved seat tickets. Doors npen
11(3 7. Prevent to commence 01(3 8.
Te Patriotic Society acknowledges
with thanks the following donations
-Al or Hs Tp. Council, $75 ; least
Warviettesh Onunell, $80 ; pan:cycle of
concert from S. S. No, 11, E Watvatt-
osh, $35 ; Chas. Campbell, 11, Wawatt-
ash, $5 ; Mrs. \V, .1. Geddes, $2 ; Mrs.
bleineoe, $1 ; John Johnston (Wan/a-
bash, $1,00,
Among the eick in our village is Mrs.
8(433)100 01111 Mes. Gen. Mitchell.
blw. James 10 01 Torontothis week
attending the Millinery Openings.
Next Sunday everting Rev. Me, Star.fod, Beussels, will preach in the
blethoclist church.
Al the Official &end of the Metho-
dist church the vote was imiteihnous
for leaving the pastorate the same as
it is at present, 4 years being the !knit.
Cbas. Cleaver and family have mov-
ed to Ethel and are living opposite the
school house. Mr. Cleaver snld his
farm to Alonzo Heath item has moved
The floe 10 hogs that 71000111 of the
cholera itilected bunch appear to be
doing all Agile 11011 may pull through.
We hope so and Gruel; this will end the
Read the annonticement of the Girls'
Pati MU° Club and be 01110 30)11 abtertd
the Entertainment, The girls deserve
the very heartiest support of the en-
tire neighborhood for the'', zeal and
enterprise. Back 1110111 up.
A 3 lionghten1 and generous act was
pet reveled when the Nlethodise (Mittel]
red k presented their industrious pastor
Rev„1, NV. Johitentr, with a piney of
e70.00 In appreciation or the splendid
"(wive. I)1, had rendered with hie head
ect hands in the vertent chureh 111)111.
7,,- Meleee and 8, 8. Cole pre-
. ted the girt. without, any fitinvish or
eremite atel this method suited the
110 exactly. The fine gift was
highly appeeciatecl.
Councillor Abe Procter has Neches -
ed an Overland touting cue
11130, Stettely, Lucknow, visited her
daughter, M's, Harold Jewitt last
Mes. Nelson Thom ton is at Kincar-
dine Ole week attending the funeral
(1(3 1151' brother,
Alex. McEwen received and deliver-
ed a car of feed lest week and expects
another along ehnetly.
Neil Robb was home for a couple of
dayeelast week. Hetbas a 9)051(3330, 110
(8 015100 with G. T. R. al; Seratforde
Arthur McCall, Sib line, perchased
2 registered Hereford heifers from 11.
T. Perdne, Wavvanosh, for which he
paid 14 tidy enua. 131e, bleCall favors
this well known breed and expects lo
build up a good heed. We wish him
91100000 in bettering the cattle condi-
Ie is said Pte, Roy Tnuen, eldest son
of Wne. end Mee, Thuell, 01,11 line, has
reached London oii hire home-condog
trip and it is hoped will 00011 be able
to complete the journey. Ile was
vevy eeverely wounded in doing hie
dray in France bill trust With the good
care, medical attention and the lapse
eft rime that the heroic soldier boy will
," 0, C, Boss ro-flectod Lhairinan,...3.,,,,...,,„,,,..2„...,,,,..",,,,,,..++++
7. of 1111156016 School Board. 1. Patriotic
* it
it +
Wm, eleMichael se was borne ore
the week end,
Morrie Bosinten hag purchreeed the
Eliza Mt:lent estate,
Mist/ Agnes Alleede4011 has berm ort
the sick list but itt improving.
A. and Mrs. Elliott, Axl'ord,
are visiti»g at Wm. Gaieties'.
Geo. Haney is at peeeent visiting
relatives at. Toronto and Pickering,
Alex, McGee 10 1111 the sick lin at
P7100111, We hope he will soon be o,
John Stewert purpnees moving his
family to Shellbroolc, Stesk„ early next
mon tle
Wm. and Ales. Timenton have re -
termed home after. spending past few
weeks at (4orrie.
Mrs. Geo. Burgess returned to Tor-
onto on Tuesday after emending the
meet. few weeks here,
Rev, i1,1 r. Armstrong, IVing-hatn,
will preach in the Methodist church
next Sunday evening.
Wm. and Mrs. Garnise are at Kii .
arcline title week attending the finite -
al of Mrs. Garniss' benther,
Rev, [Ur. TI101110011 1110 been suffer»
ng from an rite/Lek of appendicitis
ita improving we are glad 10 Hey,
A very sueeeeseril Red Oros,: meeting
was hold in the Orange Hell here on
Thursday afternoon of last week. The
following (10111141000 Were !Lek now.
lodged with thanks : - T111431)14 ry
(Intone! $125,00 ; Morris Connell $100
2 piths pinnies and slipe ott4 tee
134reethe Roe and a pith: from Miss 1(31,'.
19,), (32 pairs of stocks were shipped 10
nue boys overseree, Splendid papers
were given by Mts. Robe Bleck nii
"What 1017 has taught, us," arid by
Mee, P, Riirg on "One Oanadian Woot-
en." Secretary read letters «(3 11)1111190
front the soldier's for boxes and socks
revolved. Bluevale Red Cross Society
is doing a good work and n pprecitetes
the constancy of its remit bers and
Tide leen kerne. reeeteet ef 11
eele (311 51 mew the light of ll .11 114r-
otirhey, joimon, Soo Al y
t. 1,1,, 18114, 11/1,1 1, eon,' 110,4 ly
Mr. Sanderson was a visitor on the
14111 Oon., at the Innate of James tend
John MeNteie. They are old time
The Auction Stele of Farm Stock,
imeletnents, &e. Donalcl hloNeil's,
14th Con„ will be held Tuesday after-
noon of next week.
eV. J. Cardiff, Lot 3, Don. 7, is hand -
ing over the enemestend to his enn,
Will., rend 00111 1101(1 an auction stele OH
V1131111C121.,y, March 5i1,
Richat (1 Jacklin, 8th Con , had the
misfortune to break 1110 right leg a
few weeks ago but is improving eioely
we are glad to state. It, is hard Medi-
cine for him to take to keep still,
blaster Roy Houston, who has been
having quite 0 siege 0(3 11111309)35 is now
fully recovered. He is the only one
in the nighbothood so far who has
taken them. Roy is the oldest son of
Robert tend Mrs. Houston.
A letter from Stanley Hemingway,
of Velem], Alberta,. foemerly 10th
Oon., Grey toWnship, says 1 -We are
enjoying a line Whiter, lots of sun-
shine and tiot much snow, We like
the country fine and are always glad
to get Tele POST.
MPS, Duncan Menthe who had the
misfortune to dislocate her shoulder
some tiny ago, has regained the use or
her 11.1.111 50 that vlie e11.11 nse it to knit
arra elm is bney dning her pert For
King and 01)11311 37, Mn muty of the
aged ladies ere faithfully doing their
part .
Auction Sales will be held as fol-
lows in Glee, teem:Milt 1e -truest -lay at
Donald reloNell'e, Lot. 2e. Cori 14 ;
Wednesday at Jiro. 131•11W11's. 10.1. 19,
0011, 10 ; 1%1 f3.1 611), Sale of
stock 21..1 Oardiff's, Let 3, (11 W. 7 ;
and at Win. Whitfieldee ea 28. Core
12, Thrustlay, Alnrch 711i, 11331ing
Batitst Seedily William !taker, an old
resident 1• r 1 110 lownshin, emend away
aftee a long illness. Ile was in his
78111 year. Tbe remold took place
from Lini 83, Con. 111, 'l'321-(1 1(7 after.
11000, ititernientheing notch. at Moron,
Pleasant (tempter 7, mho'. .4. more
oXlielldiold 1101 ivo 0013) 303)1131(3,' le 1 me
The 150 act ram of \V31, T. Whit-
field, Lot 28, Cone12, hes Lech sold to
11aetwell 8peir an, or the slime locality,
for the stun or $7,000. Pie gets pos.
session this 8pei ng. Mr. Whittield's
father took up this farm and W. le
was bet» 011 it, A clearing auction
eale of farm stock, impleinente, house.
hold furniture, &c.,, wilrbe held Times.
day, March 711). Mr, and Mrs, Whit-
field and eon expecte to move to Go,'.
rice They will be nilich missed heee
as they were active workers in many
O good cause.
MATneetONIAL,-.A. quiet marriage
took place on Wednesday, 181,11 lose,
ae the Methodist pareonage, Ethel,
where Rev, John NV, Johnson united
193 the bonds of sacred wedlock, bliss
Laura Elizabeth, only and very high-
ly respected datightee Geoege
Sixteen, of Grey toWnship, to
Stanley James Alexander 2nd young-
est 5011 Thoe, E. Hammond, of
bIaitland, Elute township. The beide
looked charming in her trevelling suit
of navy blue serge and white mita
de ehene blouse tvith white hat of
corded silk, trimmed with
silver beteicl
and plunge and also wore n beautiful
see of Week Persian lamb fare, The
geoom's gift to the beide was 8. Nem.
tiful gold ennbuest or pearls. The
happy couple 5011 reside on ehe
groont's ferm on the 14th Oott„ and
will be very comfortably sittneted and
Will he at home to theie Mends after
the 10th of Meech 1018, They enjoy
the beet wished or a large circle nr
wedded life of heppiness and prosper).
friends and accomititanoes for a long
04/ 1 ), PAT Ile. ,•.
femily or 8 eltildere rit I et,
tles 1 111,, 11r 11 1..ir,.,? his
in -.I lett leery 1,31 .he i, .1011e
11.11e .1101 11.11 1 3. 1
1807 the 1.1noly 1,,tod
lit te,,...ek and with of
Ili,' family 1/ C. al let.ai. lb,.
Mill 35!), /111 iqo popil
110 luoli ilp wing 1
hie fettle'. awl later 'e'er. 1. Nese Neel:
t 'eget the nerves! 11,'1111,•!ti '111 ,11 Mg,
11/ Ling, years
to his father's business. A fterwalds
he teemed a co -partnership with hie
brother, J. T. Roes, turd 3 10 0 veers
later was associated With (4co, H 1111.
day, now of Regina, lat ter being site-
ceeded by 0)100. 1)othls, of Vancouver,
B. 0. In 1905 Mr. Roes and .111e. Fele
gneou combined their dry gereds,
roadyinade clothing cull gem.' one -
fitting stocks end nerved to the Gar-
field House whet* thoy leteintets
201,5 years, after which Ale. 10..1 guson
retired owing Lo ill health. Mr. Itoss
still carries on a large Dade in the
510(1133 stand.
NVIdle /velvety teeeiged irr 11101 PIM-
ille 1111.011hjet't 01 this 013,1,9,11 has
001; per/flitted IL 1 11110,1111 all hi. 111/0
1111d 101,0 11(1333 enieved On his 21e3 ycat.
011 ST41880151 Scheel Board /11131 has
been °Weimar, (301 11 nuruher of years.
In church relationship liolth; itileg-
ianee to the Presbyterian 111.111' and is
both an Bider and Merrager, being
Chairman of the Managing Board last
78!".11)%. 0." as he is; Familiarly called, its
11 boim epoet (ree aro Ilia 3 L1r0111erN) aml
bile roll the gam:11;1ot Wil 11 Inn1 ked
soccess in beet, ball, meek et, lacrosse,
tennis, howl i curling, gunning,
&,0., and in the passing yours
has aCcutti elated a wide tango "or se-
em ware, cut gla,e,, furnitute, &e., Ito
13.11 eviderice of his 111.0W008 in the VW,
10118 C011teStS, his younger days he
WaS fOnd or athletics
Or late yeare in addition to looking
artee a good vegetable garden he has
taken a live interest in the culttn 0. or
roses and a visit to his lawn In the
Su muter will attest the sucrose at edit-
ed. Air. Roes is a. director of the liteal
011,00estsicsuLteltertayl. Society anti the Ited
$1 yetees :ego Mr. 11 (04 entered into a
matomonial alliance with ells. Marie
A.cass, of this localit y, former termit-
e r in Brussels echool, Mid has
Moven a helpmeet 1 2 sons and
4 daughters constit e their hutue cir-
cle, al thongh 4 in embet 8 111 1' aft/lent at
the preSent, tho sons (0apt. George
and Lieut. Vernon, who are (1emist:4)
having donned the lii»g's colors, and
Misses Gertrude and Dotes/Ire at Pot t
Willieen, the former te tereeher and the
lateee 31511)1133,31 at the Collegiate,
Me. Ross is always ready to lend a
hand to enything that, will proinots
the peogeess of 137109010.
BruSsels School Board
The Statutory meeting of Brussels
School Board was held February 15113,
Members present, D. (.1, Ross, Jas. Fox,
11, Leatherclale, J. Ceenninghain and hi,
Black. Juo, Logan is the other mem-
Minutes of last regular and special
meeting reed and conenned.
The Treasurer preseuted the Financial
Statement for 1917, showing a balauce
00 band of $2,916.74, On motion or
Messrs. Pox and Cunuingitain, state
ment was adopted,
0, C. Ross was reelected Chairmen
tor the ensuing year on motion of
Messrs. Pox nod Leatherdele.
Moved by kleasrs, Cutmilmbilm and
Pox, that Rev, W. Fe:effete), 14 A ,
be re-elected 13 member of the Pottle,.
Library 130ard for the current term ot 3
years, 0£111.1031.
The other members of tee Public
Library Board appointed by the School
Board in rotation are A C. Dames and
13. S. Scott,
Following accounts were ordered to
be paid 1-
D1..616. jR0otisee5,, 133(4111711 to ............... 35 020s
G. A. tient gA cords WoOcL ...... 4$ 5o
0_00: Keene, 2 cords ..... 00
G. 011 num, 2j1 (1)11111 WOOd TO fTO
Tas, Pox, stamps.... ....... ..... 2 00
Leatberdale, repairs At school. 4 70
Board then adjourned,
e' TOWNS' 11 l' I I A I. I,
friday gv'g Mari 1St
re 'rho cni.be
Under ntlapices
POI 114 it. (7,1111)
4. 1'11.0(111 A Niel
"Jolly Joe's Lady Minstrels"
Ploy "lier Uncle's Boots"
? ,..xe.ih.nr.
t. A dm .tott -01tildrett 15e,
* BArVo'gici an t 13. McireE:2.Tr4.
W. 11, KERR, PrIn5r tr.tor
Howich Mutual fire Insurance Co,
WidelY 'UMW. /1 111,11 ji 011
(13 1(1 Gonolatity hold i 11 atan11T/grai
11071.111439 at. rie, 1,1! law,. aft ernoon
ol 111.61 Wel W11 P1 1,1tht1,1 401131
J0.140.1,10, 1,1 iti 11," chair,
„1„, Seeretary-Tereestii ei NV. S. elelf el ober
read the 31i11101,.... or 131,' 1,o,t annual
!fleeting,which o.t.qe adopted and
then ort...a.tfled 111.. report of the 1.)11'1'0.,
11,113, 51.111111 11, 11111iwt s
P110 1111111111'V ni polities le -nen 'beteg
the tete). year Wit, 0149 and OW 111101-
1' 111 f1/1.111, 1113. ol:11 t,f lhjo yvar,
turrount. of ittsintence 001 113,',,
woe 8;1.744,855.00, 3)30 ettertert ex piled
1(11(1iter.arrft.trt:r(rTrItit."(ilt.1 t'''fr:Irt(lii"e8;r1117211311ief r1:1Tnevti•Iti,gr 11:::
year. 819,351,545 00 ill.; on :increase
for the year of $735,40c; oir in the
anneutt at tisk.
The !Trent 111011 n1,3,-, held by the
Oommmy ammorted 1.. $1;37.4,77.2:1 awl
The Arnow, t ",.id premien&
noie$ is 111551(1(19 501
0.111,01n1 p".1.1 fee int Wild-
ing+, mei their , eeue,..e lie
lighttlil,g was $4 ell les : el Mr bor.
111 11. lamp 11101 *1,719 ;
tiov., $2,1 15,e5 1 friet 1..1
engine ..11.t1', pinky, :-?1;7:4 ; her
see ;glen 21i : it1,1011.15 it
es ilsys
40.2i1V"Ik111:!!1:111 taa1I11 lig11
t ileperi, with
R111111 lk', :1(10111,11.
(.11111111VIlt t'XIllit11111.1 ,.1 t val ions
items, W21.4 the lie)(.1 1.0si to, 4
011.1 W.9.4 11.14,pluti 301311 fill:,
si011. D. U. 8:111111.1 '4'1, 15:0 eeted 0,
the ellitir anti the 01.1 tons Inne.-c3,(1
The retiring Ifieeetele, elite
Bryan, and A. F.. (initialler, wt./ 31 re-
eleeted and the sante Audi tor,,, A. A.
Giallatri and T. 11. 1 N.1:11,13 had
thole their we) k sat r-lortol ay lIIy
Were atptill 3111, '0111 for 10118
The 131/011111110^e 1101 11,011
large as tram) owing 1a1394'l7 3,.
faet tbat the mettle %1'"l.- itild 111111 the
(1(17' ('1,121. 1d.
Nthe Company 11101 emelt. !wary
losses (1111 11934 the past 73141, ore
$7000 of 11 113311139 for sr oek Wed Or in-
jui. el in the fields, thee have A 1
financial baCking. 131:22.31101 being the
cash vedue of bonde and debeetin tee
Total amoun1 at risk is 1112,851,517
and the reesets, $586,706 They hey, -
a cosy office building 01 Wr13X011'1.
where the inntithly 'rhythms are Mill
on the let Tuesday and whets, the
conetectue Secretury-Treasurer is al-
ways to be found ready to transreet
Al a tueeting Direeture at the
conclusion of the animal meeting;
the officers were '13' '11)70 :Ls follows :
,htekson, 1 Hugh NV,
Edgar, Vi et3 President and A. Me.
liercher, Jas, Kirtnie 3. A, Bryans
am -1 A. E. Gallaher,
W. 8, McKercher MLR granted a
stnall increase in salary, whiell will be
9)113111312111171e3'1;eertas'a', 1(1.11.1itit'tlfeew 1111
114.'41.1)e 11" 34)
The liowirk elntuel ie one of the
best I101111.1)54' 00111101,011,8 in :Its Pro-
vince and is 111a1laget1 with pruileties,
economy and three essentials
for which it has long been noted.
Dominion Permanent May Pay
BB Per Cent.
The Pouf nvial 111,03 Ilan the
1139111 connection 10)1 3, the 001111111011
untlIent Loan Com parry :-
"If the Spokane and 13111141 04,111)0.
1,113, Railway in wide]] the Dominion
I'm-in:meet Loom Company le int (vest -
e,1 to the extent ef more than $4,000,.
000 proves to be as valuable an flASet
as G. T. Claticeore the cerapany's
liquidator, hopes, debetiture holders
and drone:dime of the company will
realize a dividend of 818 per. rent,
Granted that the 00111 of $1,500,000
ean be obteined for the railway, such
a distribut bin can be made and there
le waxen] to think, in view of deals
which narrowly escaped being con -
sentineled in the past, that stroll an
expectation is warranted." The 133-
11 of this, in the neat future
would he gond news to a large 11110)-
111013 13.0011011 Bruise's,
Telephone Annual Meeting
postponed annual meeting' of
the 1371148019, Grey &Morris Telephone
company was held last 8atueclay
afternoon in Brussels Town Hall,
President F. S. Scott in the chair,
Minutes of last meeting were read
1)7 Seeretary Black and adopted,
The President then presented the
none& report which 32115 discuseed
and deeired explanations given. On
motion of IL Johnston, seconded by
A. C. Darnes, repcne, was adopted.
Ittlehard Peoeter Was re-elected Dile
peen! for Moerie 011 motion of D.
Johnston and It, elcelureay.
The 1 e-notninat ion ,if Wm. Cameron
as Di, ergot. tot Grey 1.0Wrighip 52110
made by \')7, Hall and J, Buchanan
and carried,
On motion ni' A. C. Dames and Jas.
Fulton, Jno. Ferguson, Bruesels, was
eteappointed Auditor for the Tele-
phone Company.
A. resolution was read and carried
by the meeting referring to the future
managemenI, of the Compalty. Some
11(3 (10 clauses, in Meer are as follows :
-A1 the expitreteon of the stated
Ler111 0W1lel 0 tufty terminate the agree-
ment and esase owning his telephone
hy giving written notice to the Secre-
tary helmet Nov. 1st in any year.,
rement subscribers who become 0000'
3310 of real property ate to notify The
Company after Dec. 81st of such
11et1111011 charge to each ownee
will emir Mutt to be $12,00 as hereto-
fore Mem' the expiration of 1918, thee
being the date of expiry of the origin-
al ettbscribers at above rate,
Persons askiug for inetallation of a
Teleplimie ne owner teeter July 201h itr
any year must. pay $1,00 pee month
up to 1st .in.nnary following, a pan
(1(3 11 month countin39 1(5 01 tunnth. 10
9)11) 1130111. of ammal fee shall be used for
tnainleinitif; system and making im-
provements and balance to meet;
operating charges anti expeneee.
Any balance (w)n irettee at end Of
yeal, is to be credited to maintenance
800velevy 01,3311 supply Bitussels
Municipal Clerk with the list of (155'l).
(''0 by Jelly 90 etteth year, for use in
making out roll roe Colleetor of taxes.
Antimel ehterge may Me changed by
8i11e.01 (1)31113 at anneal Meeting lett
i vet ot will have 'power. 10 1110I9e
inewases meet. 1111foraeon expend).
lure in ally yette.
At a meeting of the Direntors, Ie, 8.
Sem 1 'IVILN 1 ('-elected 150 (fitab man of
3)11' Centime 7 for the eniming yerw,
The Company le in good heart anti
1 the evlude etreelleuteervice is being
von on the large and busy circuit,
J. Ronne to Peru
lion. W. J. Hanna, formerly Need
Coetrolier, lett on his Mission to
Peru. Ile is expected to arrange
betweeit the companies operathig 111
Peru and the Peruvian authorities,
which will increase the production Of
crude oil from the Peruvian wells,
411,V1^.. SI 1. V111111 S 1,1.4 PI
Brussels School BepOrt
Examinatiens for Jammu y etel
February. Form 11, Gentile!' y,
Science, Lathe Gram., French A tith.
McLeod 70, 1. Hunter 74
onnit Fee 11 Stewart 70, el.
1111,0133100, 0. Armstrong 08, H. Currie
08 trkel.I.L"renlel?; 5(7%, 08.'111eeit'ser 57, 131018
likehent 56, H. MeQuarrie 56, M. Al-
derson 50 (Lae Fr.), I, Kreuter 51, A.
Fox 00 leer.).
Subjects in brackets omitted,
Poem II-Ektunitted in (133039,,
Sei„ Art., Hiet,-S, Veil! 71, A.
Thuell 70, C. Bateman 70, el. Alen -
strong 66, L Bake). 64 3(3o31. 1, A. Joiner.
ton 64, D. Stafford 1i9 (Neiehee Art),
131. 13111L3111('l,llll 62, 18. Gall 61, 11.
57,8PaNtel:."Agi c8i0t I( 8t )5;7 15:)' 1 \ 71 k3
wick 58, It, 1111111('9 58, J. At nettrong
49111101.), '.l. Ryan 48 (Geoge, V.
1-1)111 45, K. 1113137 42, le 13aker 49, H.
Cardiff 42, el. Dunford 38, A. 10)137 34,
Poem I. -Examined
Hist. Latin. -71. Wiiirm 82. NI, Mr.-
Nab]; 77, E. McCall 76, G. Thompeon
76, el, Maunders 71, Harris (311
(La)',), M. Hoover 04, FL Martin (13
((leog.), A. 'Nettled! 50 ($ee), .A.
Stewart 57 0.0.1..), 8iiiners 1111 (C1ii0141,
M. Kerney 50 381:1. lett.), 13, Cole 131, le,
Burgess 55 (Liet.e (4. Bakker e4, 8.
1891311337 45 ; 1. eleNie)1o) '14 (Lat.), 11,
MeQuarrie 38 ; V. Blake 28. J. Nolan
missed exams. 8.13M, 8e.N:(1.1:y2r1r),(1-11.1.,)
A, itorme
Room Beene in At hie, Spell.,
and History,
Giseepn,c.,v,R:etl.,...Writ.. me/meet week
Burgess, 78 T110015011 05
P St etvnt .......... 75 le I 1 ellinger ..., Of
Walker ...... IV Mefetwell 58
.7 Lowry ..........7! 18 Oliver
L Fulton ..„. ...... 70 eel Mamiders.. 32
K etaren 70
Iv. TV.-
tiataifr ..... ,79 .7 Weikel" .57
2) 01090)' ... (18 11 Keys .... I
le Dennison , 68 ei Me(benileen.48
le Fraser 60 *M Wood 47
Olivine,- --GS A. liallenteme 43
Sr, ITT, -
131 Wilson ..... ....74 (3 81
.......... 70
Thnell 68 L11,3.111 ........ 510
eleSennerville 1311141 *13 8101112' ..... .311
Abeenlees are marked te